Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • edited April 2015

    Hey, how about, I care? Borderlands has always been an anything goes universe. You can't really say it's harder to believe there's more than one gay couple on Pandora than a man with a mask that moves perfectly with his actual face/land pirates/vaults that have guns from companies that didn't exist when these vaults were sealed/more plot holes and absurdities here?

    Jeesh, how dare Burch add characters that aren't all old hetero white guys. How dare there be characters in Borderlands I can relate to. He, and any game writer/developer, does not have to pander to a single demographic such as you.

    Gay people confirmed

    Burch wrote a few scenes, this in no way states he added characters or changed anything TT had planned. If there is gay people in the next episode, TT probably planned it.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Not really its just pointless when you have them giving their preferance no one really cares and burch WOULD add them for the sake of adding them

  • edited April 2015

    I'll give you a hint i was joking with my original post i know he ain't gonna do much. But i would rather the gay person be a developed character than just be there.Also calm down your acting like i said i hate gay people i don't mind them at all

    Dapnee posted: »

    Hey, how about, I care? Borderlands has always been an anything goes universe. You can't really say it's harder to believe there's more than

  • edited April 2015

    You think they were done right? I saw people saying it was out of place and completely unnecessary. And those who dislike lgbt themes were just raging.

    There's no winning in such things. When it's only briefly mentioned like it usually in BL games people say they missed 90% of the stuff and where are all those even, and when it story-related and can't be missed or avoided the homophobes are raging.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Yes but they were done right. It feels like a lot of the gay people he makes are just gay for the hell of it

  • I just want them to be good characters and not get all up in my face about what gender they prefer cause tbh me and my friend found janey a bit creepy at times if you were playing as athena but if they're good fleshed out characters then i don't mind. Again i am NOT a homophobe i just want to clear that up

    DeityD posted: »

    You think they were done right? I saw people saying it was out of place and completely unnecessary. And those who dislike lgbt themes were j

  • edited April 2015

    I don't know about Janey and Athena, as I never played as her and only heard like 2 or 3 dialogues from them while watching a playthrough but are those actually worse than Nisha and Jack dialogues for instance? I know Janey is kinda... odd, now that you mentioned it and I remembered her lines about Moxxi but honestly - I think she's only odd because we're not used to it? Maybe? Timothy was super weird around Moxxi and no one seemed to care. Come to think of it, Athena and Janey was even to Sasha and August moment. And I, personally, found both a little meh - but I know that only because I don't like seeing people doing stuff like that in public, both in games and real life. Regardless of their sexuality.

    No, I wasn't saying you are or accusing you of anything, I'm just curious what others think about all that. I just had to point out taht unfortunately even such innocent thing like a kiss in the cheeck can provoke a very negative reaction. So it seems it's very hard for the devs to find a balance in that matter.

    zeke10 posted: »

    I just want them to be good characters and not get all up in my face about what gender they prefer cause tbh me and my friend found janey a

  • I honestly like janey much better in tales they seem cute together but the way she acts in TPS at times irks me like for instance she'll be hitting on athena then she'll be trying to get Amelia number.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't know about Janey and Athena, as I never played as her and only heard like 2 or 3 dialogues from them while watching a playthrough bu

  • Hm, interesting. Well, time for another run to see it for myself then.

    zeke10 posted: »

    I honestly like janey much better in tales they seem cute together but the way she acts in TPS at times irks me like for instance she'll be hitting on athena then she'll be trying to get Amelia number.

  • edited April 2015

    The Borderlands Twitter has been doing a pretty fun bracket poll for favorite Borderlands characters. The top four winning characters are going to get a custom console made out of them which will then be given out as prizes. It's in the final round right now if you want to check it out. Link to the poll is in the tweet.

    Unfortunately there were no Tales original characters in the poll, but it'd be cool if they start including them in future ones. :D

    [whispers] do me a solid and vote for Jack

  • without options, I voted :)

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    The Borderlands Twitter has been doing a pretty fun bracket poll for favorite Borderlands characters. The top four winning characters are go

  • it's not been long at all since they released episode 2 but I already find myself here at ttg forum looking for scrubs for episode 3 release dates... lol. I blame ttg for making this TFTB so great. Now the waiting is even harder than before. lol

  • My friend, I feel the same way. :)

    gina-0816 posted: »

    it's not been long at all since they released episode 2 but I already find myself here at ttg forum looking for scrubs for episode 3 release dates... lol. I blame ttg for making this TFTB so great. Now the waiting is even harder than before. lol

  • is it just me or is Lilith really an unlikeable character?

  • edited April 2015

    I loved Janey and I found her as a great, nice character. One of my favorite characters in borderlands ever.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't know about Janey and Athena, as I never played as her and only heard like 2 or 3 dialogues from them while watching a playthrough bu

  • She pretty much created Handsome Jack

    is it just me or is Lilith really an unlikeable character?

  • Oh, you're definitely not alone. I've seen quite a bit of Lilith hate these past few months due to what she did at the end of The Pre Sequel.

    I personally don't hate her. Wouldn't say that I love her either, though. But I do like her. She's a badass, can occasionally be pretty funny, and I personally thought that "evil" decision she made at the end of TPS added an interesting aspect to her character.

    is it just me or is Lilith really an unlikeable character?

  • edited April 2015

    I don't really agree with that. Jack still did a ton of awful things before Lilith punched him in the face and before Moxxi tried to kill him. Like killing those nice scientists by shooting them out of an airlock just because one of them might have betrayed him. And then proceeding to say that he enjoyed killing them.

    I think Jack was always on the path to become "Handsome Jack". Although I will say that the betrayal from Moxxi/Lilith/Roland and the Falcon-Punch to the face by Lilith accelerated his transformation. :P

    She pretty much created Handsome Jack

  • I meant that she was the last betrayal, that she removed all of the old Jack that he had. The first betrayal was the Meriff. After the Meriffs betrayal Jack became progresivelly worse. The more people betrayed him the more he didn't trust anyone. He killed those scientists because after all the betrayals he became really paranoid. Thats just my opinion

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I don't really agree with that. Jack still did a ton of awful things before Lilith punched him in the face and before Moxxi tried to kill hi

  • I'm not sure it was Lilith. Like yeah, it became very personal but I think what ultimately changed him was more what he saw through that Vault symbol. And we don't even know what it was, even now. Besides, it wasn't even a betrayal at this point, Lilith and the others already tried to kill him earlier.

    I meant that she was the last betrayal, that she removed all of the old Jack that he had. The first betrayal was the Meriff. After the Merif

  • It's pretty ironic that, by trying to stop Jack from what he could have been, Lilith was the one who actually made it happen..or at least was a huge step in that direction.

    She pretty much created Handsome Jack

  • edited April 2015

    "That's what happens when you try to change things; things change. You can't always control how."

    I still don't understand why she didn't try to kill him there, though. I mean storywise.

    It's pretty ironic that, by trying to stop Jack from what he could have been, Lilith was the one who actually made it happen..or at least was a huge step in that direction.

  • Jack was never a perfect guy since he locked his daughter up when she was like 10ish

    She pretty much created Handsome Jack

  • I've wondered that as well. I'm guessing it's because Jack was surrounded by a bunch of his hired Vault Hunters, so she just wanted to destroy that artifact and get out asap before she had a million bullets pumped into her.

    DeityD posted: »

    "That's what happens when you try to change things; things change. You can't always control how." I still don't understand why she didn't try to kill him there, though. I mean storywise.

  • Yeah I guess it's the only explanation really. Because I also couldn't think of any other. Still, it felt kinda wrong that only Lilith came there trying to do something. Alone. I mean, seriously? What were the others doing, it would've made more sense if we had to fight the original vault hunters and they just failed to beat Jack and his vault hunters. It also would've explained why in BL2 the other team is onto it while the original gang is only kinda "helping" them and everyone's implying that "their time is gone"... but ugh, I guess it's better to let it slide.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I've wondered that as well. I'm guessing it's because Jack was surrounded by a bunch of his hired Vault Hunters, so she just wanted to destroy that artifact and get out asap before she had a million bullets pumped into her.

  • His daughter is a siren. One of the most powerful beings in the universe and there is only 6 of them at any given time. I don't think anyone would know how to deal with someone using all that power. We all know she is a good person deep down, but who knows what a little girl growing up with super powers like that could have been if she could do whatever she wanted. That and people would want her for themselves as well for their own nefarious deeds. I'm not saying Jack did the right thing locking her up, but how the hell would anyone deal with that situation.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Jack was never a perfect guy since he locked his daughter up when she was like 10ish

  • Hmm... You know those weird Eridian creatures that were constantly trying to kill you during the last portion of the game? I remember Lilith saying that those creatures weren't trying to harm her at all and were allowing her to proceed forward. Probably because she's a siren. That's what allowed her to follow Jack undetected, so that could be why she went alone. Maybe if Roland or anyone else tagged along with her, they'd be considered trespassers and would've had to fight their way through like we did?

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah I guess it's the only explanation really. Because I also couldn't think of any other. Still, it felt kinda wrong that only Lilith came

  • edited April 2015

    Yep, I remember that. I originally assumed they let her in cause she was trying to stop "us" too. Kinda forgot about the part of it might be because of what she is. Though, it still doesn't explain why she was there alone in the first place. I mean, it might've explain why she got through but it sounds like the others haven't even tried to reach that Vault.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Hmm... You know those weird Eridian creatures that were constantly trying to kill you during the last portion of the game? I remember Lilith

  • Just sitting here, eating a nice good chocolate cake with cream, while waiting for episode 3.

  • That and people would want her for themselves as well for their own nefarious deeds

    Yeah, people like Jack. It's not like he did her or the universe a favor. And yeah, the rarest creature in the universe, and it seems very dangerous to boot - so it's totally safe to pump all the eridium on Pandora into her. What are we even talking about? Totally not dangerous. Everything he did with her he did only to get what he wanted. She turned her into... well, a human AI and forced to do a lot of nasty thigs along the way. So whatever Angel is, it doesn't really excuse his "fatherly" treatment. Because locking away or even killing someone who's a treat and dangerous is one thing, but forcing them into servitude and treating like a tool is another.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    His daughter is a siren. One of the most powerful beings in the universe and there is only 6 of them at any given time. I don't think anyone

  • lol I know what he did was absolutely wrong, but I'm speaking from his point of view. Jack saw an opportunity and took it before anyone else could and I'm pretty sure they would, if he didn't lock her up. It was a win win for Jack. Angel is locked up so she won't cause any chaotic havoc with her powers while growing up and he could use her to gain ultimate power for his goals of "saving" Pandora/universe.

    DeityD posted: »

    That and people would want her for themselves as well for their own nefarious deeds Yeah, people like Jack. It's not like he did her

  • edited April 2015

    Oh, welp, my bad. Can't argue with that, cause there's nothing to argue about. :)

    Though I still think it (the fact that it was all planned and he knew exactly what he was doing) makes him even a bigger asshole than he is. If it's even possible or makes sense.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    lol I know what he did was absolutely wrong, but I'm speaking from his point of view. Jack saw an opportunity and took it before anyone else

  • Amen to that. ;)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I vote for "Loaderbros".

  • Its been 22 days, and I already need more. Still.

  • You're not alone, I don't like her either.

    is it just me or is Lilith really an unlikeable character?

  • Really, everything stems right back to jack. Think about it. Angel was the guardian angel. Jack propelled the four original vault hunters into the events of borderlands by using angel to guide them. Jack was then able to take credit for the discovery of eridium by using the original vault hunters as puppets. Which was a really dirty move on his part. So, by trying to fuel his downfall (and accidentally fueling his uprising) lilith really avenged herself and the other vault hunters without knowing it. Jack started everything if you think about it.

    DeityD posted: »

    I'm not sure it was Lilith. Like yeah, it became very personal but I think what ultimately changed him was more what he saw through that Vau

  • Lol. Did you miss the lilith thread on the old gearbox forums? Might want to go read it. You have no idea what you are getting in to.

    is it just me or is Lilith really an unlikeable character?

  • LOL!!

    SpaceGoat posted: »

    The money I would pay to be a fly on the wall during the recording sessions.

  • CAN YOU LINK IT? and why? is there that much hate xD

    Lol. Did you miss the lilith thread on the old gearbox forums? Might want to go read it. You have no idea what you are getting in to.

  • Holy crap. You have no idea.

    Mercyva posted: »

    CAN YOU LINK IT? and why? is there that much hate xD

  • Read at your own risk. It is interesting though how some people hoped to use psychology to explain jack:


    Mercyva posted: »

    CAN YOU LINK IT? and why? is there that much hate xD

  • edited April 2015

    Holy shit... Just got the game and this little shit made me hit my head on the wall.......... Twice! I think Telltale's original IP should be a horror series O_o

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