Kinda seriously looking at both ships (Rhys/Sasha & Rhys/Fiona)

I thought I'd take a look at the two ships. Aaaannndd here we go!


They only interact heavily in the first episode for the most part when the two pairs are separated. Their interactions are very joking and it seems like they are slowly bonding, so it can be interpreted as the beginning of a friendship.

  1. Sasha playfully teases Rhys (about many things: his shoes, his Hyperioness, his tumble with the bandit)
  2. Rhys in turn can tease her (Smacking the computer instead of hacking it)
  3. The two can share a moment where Rhys can open up and lends his stun baton to her.
  4. Pinky Promise!!
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And as we all know, a pinky swear is forever. (Sarah!!!!! NOO!)


They're tied up together in present time, so the questions are endless. Do they really hate each other or are they simply pretending and they really love each other? What happened to Sasha and Vaughn? Who is the stranger? Does Jack officially have control of Rhys and if so to what degree?

Rhys and Fiona's dialogue seems a bit like a rivalry of sorts. Fiona is pretty condescending to Rhys while Sasha seems more spite-filled towards Hyperion in general. My memory is incredibly fuzzy but I think in the beginning Rhys is saying "Fiona, we can work this out." What's "this?" Their relationship?

And there's the whole thing with Rhys's shoe. She keeps the stinky thing until they meet in her magical back pocket all Telltale protagonists seem to have. They fall asleep on each other and he drools on her.

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Which is endgame?

It would be so interesting if we get the choice to choose in the end which way the romances go as this is the first Telltale game of this style where there are multiple possibilities like this. However, I would find it odd if we could make the two playable protagonists go together as that's like falling in love with yourself.

Ep. 1 seemed to expand on Rhys/Sasha

Ep. 2 seemed to expand on Rhys/Fiona

Right now it's a tie by my count. I personally hope it turns out to be Rhys/Sasha in the end. They seem to genuinely connect. But that's just me.



  • Take this from your fellow Korrasami shipper when I say Rhys X Fiona is endgame. I was right about Korrasami and I must be about this one too.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh Green. You're funny. I like funny.

    It's too early for me to tell. But I'll take your word for it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Take this from your fellow Korrasami shipper when I say Rhys X Fiona is endgame. I was right about Korrasami and I must be about this one too.

  • Team Sasha

    Rhysha boyeeeee.

    Also, in episode 2, there is an option as Fiona to tell Rhys that Sasha broke August's heart and 'made an expression on him' (August) to which Rhys replies, something like 'I can see why'. Fiona then says "What do you mean by that?" and Rhys said, stuttering and speaking nervously, "Nothing/"

  • edited March 2015

    If I was forced into choosing between one or the other, definitely Rhys and Sasha. I feel they have better chemistry and it seems more natural. Their scene in the Atlas facility in the first episode is one of my favorites so far from the game, and Rhys and Sasha are my two favorite human characters from the game (Loader Bot being the best of course). Also, if you choose to break August's heart, Rhys imagines it like this:

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    And in the second episode, despite her hatred for Hyperion, which she visibly shows in the first episode, she shows genuine concern and care for Rhys and Vaughn's well being after she and Fiona get back to Hollow Point. Also, in the second Atlas facility, you can tell Rhys how Sasha broke August's heart (I can't remember the full dialogue) and Rhys starts acting all nervous after he says something like, "I can see why," hinting that he has a thing for Sasha.

  • TeamRhyiona

    But still, it looks like the best way for Telltale to handle this is for it to be determinate :P

  • I agree, it should be determinant.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    TeamRhyiona But still, it looks like the best way for Telltale to handle this is for it to be determinate :P

  • Well, looks like Telltale is going to have to take another 4 month break so each fandom can be happy ;3

    Or just have it be a canon Rhys x Sasha. :P I can't believe we as a fandom are this divided XD

  • Or just have it be a canon Rhys x Sasha. :P

    I can't believe we as a fandom are this divided XD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    TeamRhyiona But still, it looks like the best way for Telltale to handle this is for it to be determinate :P

  • Don't forget Rhys x Loader Bot.

    Yes, even Rhys x Yvette must be satisfied.

  • Yes, even Rhys x Yvette must be satisfied.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, looks like Telltale is going to have to take another 4 month break so each fandom can be happy ;3

  • edited March 2015

    Ooh boy...really? We have to wait till freaking August? Pretty good. Btw, i like your avatar.

    Edit: I've heard some things about a Jhys ship (Jack x Rhys) Is that even a thing?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, looks like Telltale is going to have to take another 4 month break so each fandom can be happy ;3

  • Or canon FionaxRhys A.K.A. Master Race


    Or just have it be a canon Rhys x Sasha. :P I can't believe we as a fandom are this divided XD

  • edited March 2015

    Ep. 2 seemed to expand on Rhys/Fiona

    Heavy disagreement here. HEAVY. METRIC TONS OF IT.



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    Piggs posted: »

    Ep. 2 seemed to expand on Rhys/Fiona Heavy disagreement here. HEAVY. METRIC TONS OF IT. EXHIBIT A: EXHIBIT B: CHECKMATE, DUDE. YEP.

  • No series can exist without shipping, it just isn't right to not have ship wars with any series.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Why do people insist on shipping? Borderlands isn't the type of series to have romances. Sure there are some mentioned by other NPCs, but they aren't really serious ones.

  • Why do people insist on shipping? Borderlands isn't the type of series to have romances. Sure there are some mentioned by other NPCs, but they aren't really serious ones.

  • (?) Rhyiona shippers will remember that.

    Piggs posted: »

    Ep. 2 seemed to expand on Rhys/Fiona Heavy disagreement here. HEAVY. METRIC TONS OF IT. EXHIBIT A: EXHIBIT B: CHECKMATE, DUDE. YEP.

  • Well, anyway, if I HAD to choose a ship, it would be Rhys X Fiona, simply because I hate Sasha and want her to die. :)

    Green613 posted: »

    No series can exist without shipping, it just isn't right to not have ship wars with any series.

  • edited March 2015

    There needs to be a Ship Wars TV show.

    Green613 posted: »

    No series can exist without shipping, it just isn't right to not have ship wars with any series.

  • Oh yeah?

    "I don't do romance," The Hyperion idiot named Rhys said smoothly from where he was sat near the edge of the bed, dangerooously leaned close and giving her the 'winky dinky' eyes. "My taste are very...singular."

    Fiona felt a chill go up her spine, but that was probably because the window of that random unnamed hotel was open and it was letting in one chilly draft tonight. "Singular, like vault key singular? Cause we're all out of those, or did you knock out some of your brains too and forget that part?"

    "No not vaults...oh come on, Fiona! I'm trying to teach you the skills of a seduction from the master himself; you're killing my groove here!" Rhys whined, breaking character and she relished that, oh yeah!

    Why was annoying him so much fun?

    "IIIII don't think you had much a groove to begin with be giving yourself that high of a title, Rhys" Fiona remarked, flipping through the 'Blindfolds, Bondages, Fancy Hats and You' magazine as she crossed her legs on the bed. "Kinda clutching at straws there, and your socks? Nope, no sweet talking out of those. Besides I don't need your help; I can seduce whoever I want no problem, snippy snap."

    Like a baby that didn't get his bottle, Rhys was up, with a really, really grumpy facey-boo on. "Then why'd the hell you ask then, huh?"

    "Because the TV set's broke and I need entertainment before the next episode! So unless you're going to do another one of your sock puppet shows or keep amusing me with your eyebrows, how about going out and getting me a coffee?" Fiona said, sparing a glance to Sasha curled up asleep like a cat on the couch, and then to the loud snoring Vaughn on the floor, having collapsed from exhaustion after losing his bet to do 400 pushups.


    Fiona shook her head. "And um, maybe get something for the kids? Now chop chop! Don't keep a girl waiting."

    The nickname was like a kick to the Hyperion crotch.


    "I swear, you Pandora women get under my skin!" Rhys muttered on his way out.

    "Not much as you Hyperion scum do to me," Fiona called after him sweetly.

    "Gr, you! You're unbelievable!" Rhys said, shooting her a nasty look before shutting the door impolitely loud, waking up the confused munchkins from their slumber, and confusing them further for what more they were to hear.

    "And remember the tampoooons!"

    "Put a cork in it!"



    Dialogue by: @Lilacsbloom

    Piggs posted: »

    Ep. 2 seemed to expand on Rhys/Fiona Heavy disagreement here. HEAVY. METRIC TONS OF IT. EXHIBIT A: EXHIBIT B: CHECKMATE, DUDE. YEP.

  • Rhys x Fiona x Sock.

    This is the TRUE ship.

    Everyone else go home.

  • edited March 2015

    plus Sock?


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys x Fiona x Sock. This is the TRUE ship. Everyone else go home.

  • *Oh, there's a new 50 Shades.

    And it's coming soon....

    Poogers555 posted: »

    plus Sock? ...damn

  • To anyone who really is into Sasha I suggest you refuse the racing deal from Scooter. Lets just say Telltale added in a little something that you will not be disappointed with. *wink!

  • The sock is the utmost proof of their love. Unfair to leave it out.

    Every Rhyiona shipper loves that sock.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    plus Sock? ...damn

  • More shitty fanfiction on a forum near you...

    bloop posted: »

    *Oh, there's a new 50 Shades. And it's coming soon....

  • Who doesnt love Rhys 100% pure love socks?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The sock is the utmost proof of their love. Unfair to leave it out. Every Rhyiona shipper loves that sock.

  • #ForSock

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Who doesnt love Rhys 100% pure love socks?

  • I NEED to see this. Give me linkssss.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    To anyone who really is into Sasha I suggest you refuse the racing deal from Scooter. Lets just say Telltale added in a little something that you will not be disappointed with. *wink!

  • Surprisingly I can't find anyone that refused Scooter lol, I just played it out myself.

    I NEED to see this. Give me linkssss.

  • Is this where Fiona not accepting it forces Sasha to flirt with Scooter? That was kinda sad, she was uncomfortable.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Surprisingly I can't find anyone that refused Scooter lol, I just played it out myself.

  • lol yeah and she's all glowy purple sparkle like when introduced.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Is this where Fiona not accepting it forces Sasha to flirt with Scooter? That was kinda sad, she was uncomfortable.

  • Dafaq?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    lol yeah and she's all glowy purple sparkle like when introduced.

  • Sounds like something Eddie and Wyatt would do from TWD XD

    DoubleJump posted: »

    True story bro, check it out for yourself.

  • True story bro, check it out for yourself.


  • Yeah, she looked cute, but still made me feel sorry for her, poor girl.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    lol yeah and she's all glowy purple sparkle like when introduced.

  • Screw both!

    Rhyderbot Master race !

  • Team Rhysha

    I can't wait for Episode 3 to get here I guess we wait for 2 months or maybe a 1 month and 1/2 I mean Game Of Thrones episode 3 is release only after 1 month and 1/2 from episode 2 soooo I hope that happens I want more Rhysha moments

    Team Sasha Rhysha boyeeeee. Also, in episode 2, there is an option as Fiona to tell Rhys that Sasha broke August's heart and 'made an

  • I agree.
    Loaderbot: "I uh, missed you."
    Rhys: "Missed you more!"

    Screw both! Rhyderbot Master race !

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