This is going to sound weird, but doesn't she look a bit too...white. I mean, Sasha is kind of tan throughout the series, why does she look so white here?
It's actually a seperate model, aside from her head which is just a retexture.
Telltale usually seperates the models into: heads, hands, body etc,.
So you'll have to join them together when importing.
This is going to sound weird, but doesn't she look a bit too...white. I mean, Sasha is kind of tan throughout the series, why does she look so white here?
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
This is going to sound weird, but doesn't she look a bit too...white. I mean, Sasha is kind of tan throughout the series, why does she look so white here?
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
Sounds like a fun friday night!
Btw, never extracted a model before, so I wanna know... are they still rigged when you extract them or do they become static?
It's actually a seperate model, aside from her head which is just a retexture.
Telltale usually seperates the models into: heads, hands, body etc,.
So you'll have to join them together when importing.
Just look at her and tell me that I'm wrong. The present look just confirm that. She just used to spent lot of time out side that's why she was so tanned.
Looks at her that I'm wrong.... What? You asked me to. I was doing you a favour damn it!
In all seriousness, I've seen many people of other races and mixed race that look almost caucasian at a glance, but seem to have a slightly darker hue to their skin. I dunno. Unless Telltale come forward and give us the deets, it'll be impossible to tell her exact racial heritage.
And if spending a lot of time on pandora = being tanned, then how come HJ is way more tanned than Lileth (with Lileth spending a lot of time on pandora and HJ spending a lot of time on Helios and coming briefly to Pandora on missions).
I think telltale don't really have an explanation for how 'tanned' someone might be. Rather it was a stylistic choice made to attribute to the aesthetics of the character and nothing else. In plainer words, they decided to make her tanned cus that was how they designed her in concept.
Regardless, trying to figure out a fictional character's (and an animated one at that) heritage is futile just by going on staring at their 3-D model and textures for a while.
This expression of my opinion was far too long. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Just look at her and tell me that I'm wrong. The present look just confirm that. She just used to spent lot of time out side that's why she was so tanned.
I'm already on the 'going' list. But I would like to reiterate... COUNT ME IN, SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM READY FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
This is going to sound weird, but doesn't she look a bit too...white. I mean, Sasha is kind of tan throughout the series, why does she look so white here?
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
Her hair is all weird and it looks like she's wearing a jacket thats way to big .-.
This is going to sound weird, but doesn't she look a bit too...white. I mean, Sasha is kind of tan throughout the series, why does she look so white here?
I don't see anything wrong with her hair and her jacket fits her perfectly 0_0
But to each their own, I guess.
oh. thx for edumercating me
to me shes fabulousss
I think she looks the same. This picture is really blurry and dark, so we'll just see what she looks like in the finale.
Maybe, I don't know, if it wasn't for the headband and the earrings, I wouldn't even recognize her, maybe it's just the quality.
God I missed that avatar.
Rhys' mind goes a little wonky but Sasha is there to give him a hand.
Credit goes to: wandererlila
Wow I've been gone too long this thread is incredible!
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name.
So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
Maybe she was in a place without much light for some time? Remember that she's caucasian race not african like may artist makes her.
Well I have to agree with you albeit the only image is way too blurry. Also I belive that her hair isn't red but it's some sort of band on them
How's the project going? Will we see it before the Ep 5?
Count me in Pipas!
Sounds like a fun friday night!
Btw, never extracted a model before, so I wanna know... are they still rigged when you extract them or do they become static?
Is her race confirmed? I didn't think it was...
Just look at her and tell me that I'm wrong. The present look just confirm that. She just used to spent lot of time out side that's why she was so tanned.
Looks at her that I'm wrong.... What? You asked me to. I was doing you a favour damn it!
In all seriousness, I've seen many people of other races and mixed race that look almost caucasian at a glance, but seem to have a slightly darker hue to their skin. I dunno. Unless Telltale come forward and give us the deets, it'll be impossible to tell her exact racial heritage.
And if spending a lot of time on pandora = being tanned, then how come HJ is way more tanned than Lileth (with Lileth spending a lot of time on pandora and HJ spending a lot of time on Helios and coming briefly to Pandora on missions).
I think telltale don't really have an explanation for how 'tanned' someone might be. Rather it was a stylistic choice made to attribute to the aesthetics of the character and nothing else. In plainer words, they decided to make her tanned cus that was how they designed her in concept.
Regardless, trying to figure out a fictional character's (and an animated one at that) heritage is futile just by going on staring at their 3-D model and textures for a while.
This expression of my opinion was far too long. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!
I'm already on the 'going' list. But I would like to reiterate... COUNT ME IN, SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM READY FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember to always party before beginning a match. It is great for team moral and to strike fear into our enemies by showing our willingness to dance and have fun rather than ready up and be tense.
Also remember that Grievous is a cyborg alien, not a droid or robot.
Zer0 being badass as fuck
Bye bye Yevette I won't miss you at all! and Look it's Sasha in the third car from right!
When is he not badass as fuck?
They tried so hard to make her look like ariel
I'm in the details phase now. Each day i'm adding some little shiny thing (to hide the numerous mistakes).
It's possible you'll see the result soon
Yeah me too, closer to my inner self.
Ughh just don't use the S-word Grumpy
Yep, the last screen takes place in the present.
Do we know that? Maybe its when Fiona and Sasha get their outfits in the past
When Episode 5 comes out I'll get some better shots of it if its in the episode.
I'm in
Yvette's ass is grass. Also look at Gortys in the first pic, I seriously don't hope we will have to fight her
Aaaand here we have Zer0, being badass as hell.
Eh I dunno, Sasha suddenly getting a new haircut would be weird.
Make me as, "Maybe".
It's possible they find 'new' disguises to fit in to gain clearance to Helios or something