Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Bought season pass for ps4 tftbl (I know I'm a lunatic, I played ps3 version but I wanted to splurge okay)

  • They have separate twitch channels and they devided playthrough in two parts.Last two episodes are on guy's channel,which is here

    Ah, gotcha. I'm guessing their Twitch is the same as their YouTube username?

  • Only I can. But I posted an edit on the thread for the survey that I'll pst the results themselves after the first 48 (Maybe 78?) hours. Then I'll have to manage how to use Imgur, which I'm able to use pretty well as of now. Some are surprising to me, and some are not surprising. (Mostly cause I was a little dry with ideas to where some were repetitive and some options were tokens.)

    Question: is there a way we can see the results? Or can only you see them?

  • I took it too! Fun questions. :)

    Okay well, I got back to making that Borderlands fan survey. It's just askign overall opinons over topics. Hope you all enjoy, I forgot about this cause I got sick recently. The Survey

  • Don't worry. I don't own any consoles (PC gamer here)... but if I did, I'd probably buy a copy of Tales for each one.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Bought season pass for ps4 tftbl (I know I'm a lunatic, I played ps3 version but I wanted to splurge okay)

  • Done and done, nice survey.

    Okay well, I got back to making that Borderlands fan survey. It's just askign overall opinons over topics. Hope you all enjoy, I forgot about this cause I got sick recently. The Survey

  • Hey, nice survey ;)

    Okay well, I got back to making that Borderlands fan survey. It's just askign overall opinons over topics. Hope you all enjoy, I forgot about this cause I got sick recently. The Survey

  • Gotcha.

    ALSO for fun, you could've put in a question that asked "Please select the face that represented you the most when you got your first legendary." And consequently showed many pictures of people making faces in awe/surprise/happiness and whatnot.

    Only I can. But I posted an edit on the thread for the survey that I'll pst the results themselves after the first 48 (Maybe 78?) hours. The

  • Nice art! I impressed by draw technic. And excellent backround. =)

    Moar hot sauce

  • Not my art! But if you wanna know the artist click the link at the top :)

    CL4PTR4P posted: »

    Nice art! I impressed by draw technic. And excellent backround.

  • I plan on doing game developing courses in college. I'd imagine this kind of thing being at that college. But it's good to see these guys have great taste in games.

    There are people in my college playing Episode 3 of Tales in the library gaming lounge! And they gave Sasha the flower! Here's a screenshot I took of them later (like the creeper I am lol) with Athena.

  • Hold up, Jon Bernthal is in that show? Man, I should've taken my friend's advice sooner to watch that. He was great when Walking Dead was alot better.

    Pipas posted: »

    I'm just on episode 6, but Punisher has been amazing so far. Jon Bernthal is a great actor.

  • Yes, though he first appears in Season 2. But you should watch it regardless, it's an amazing show. :D

    Hold up, Jon Bernthal is in that show? Man, I should've taken my friend's advice sooner to watch that. He was great when Walking Dead was alot better.

  • So it's still slow going for the fic, but I want to just give you guys a sneak peek of what I have right now:

    Janey gripped the steering wheel tighter. “I have. Wouldn’t have gone on my own, though. I was still a little sore about the Vault Hunters nabbing Athena. But Scooter’s garage is up there and after I… oh, I don’t want to say ‘inherited’. His sister Ellie inherited it, but since she’s held up in the Dust, as his business partner I felt I needed to, I dunno, check up on it every once in a while. Make sure it was right up and running like all the Catch-A-Rides. And make sure his mum was doing okay. I think it really brought us closer together. She’s forgiven some of my, um, advances, in the past.”

    “Advances?” Fiona raised an eyebrow.

    “What can I say? Moxxi’s… well, she’s Moxxi.”

    She had never met Moxxi in person, but there were plenty of posters of her voluptuous assets plastered on the sides of bars, run-down buildings, and undoubtedly hoarded in private stashes. She even remembered one in Felix’s caravan, pinned up long before she and Sasha came around.

    Also working on a Rhysha fan art, let's hope I actually finish this time. Here's a sneak peek of that too:

    enter image description here

  • cool

    Pipas posted: »

    DJ Sasha Source

  • Can you add me to the map? I live in Durham, NC, USA.

  • N.C. homiiiiieeeee.
    Siler here~

    Can you add me to the map? I live in Durham, NC, USA.

  • demands moar


    LoseMyHome posted: »

    So it's still slow going for the fic, but I want to just give you guys a sneak peek of what I have right now: Janey gripped the steeri

  • You smart.

    Pipas posted: »

    DJ Sasha Source

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Yo zap, how's your feed? Because I thought I pmed you earlier.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You smart.

  • Canon.


    Pipas posted: »

    DJ Sasha Source

  • TFW when someone doesn't ship Rhysha

    enter image description here

    By janisart

  • Yoo, since we have the 2nd episode of Michonne coming out on Tuesday, how about we kill some zombies before then? Sounds good?

    Soo yeah. This Saturday, at 9 PM CET/8 PM GMT/3 PM EST/12 AM PST, Left 4 Dead 2.

    enter image description here


  • Gotcha. Might do it tonight, I've been neglecting the map for too long.

    Can you add me to the map? I live in Durham, NC, USA.

  • edited March 2016

    So the results for the Fan Survey are in! Thank you to all those who participated!

    The Results!

    EDIT: Wow, just realzied the pictures are out of order for some strange reason... Like I said, I need to learn Imgur. Even though that was relatively easy.

  • edited March 2016

    Well, I accidentally posted this on the wrong thread. Runs

    So the results for the Fan Survey are in! Thank you to all those who participated! The Results! EDIT: Wow, just realzied the pictures

  • edited March 2016

    Looking at the results, it seems to me that the answers are generally favored for anything Tales related. People selecting the characters with ANY affiliation in Tales.

    I could definitely be wrong, and people could have just picked those because they were the best in their opinion. However, I'd be curious to see what the results would be like if you posted the same survey in the Gearbox forums. That way, there would be a better chance at waivering any biased participants.

    So the results for the Fan Survey are in! Thank you to all those who participated! The Results! EDIT: Wow, just realzied the pictures

  • edited March 2016

    Yeah, being a Fan since original release it was easy for me to pick, but if you're unfamilar it will tend to be Tales choices. Such as 'Who you want to bring back' It'll either be Jack or Scooter. And 'Favourite Raid Boss'.

    I know most people here want Tales Season 2 but it's an easy choice for me to pick Borderlands 3. As i've waited alot longer to a follow on from Borderlands 2. (I'm not counting TPS as it's a prequel. I did love it tho. I'm looking for a 2K/Gearbox moving forward canon game (I know tales is canon but I mean playable fps))

    Looking at the results, it seems to me that the answers are generally favored for anything Tales related. People selecting the characters w

  • Exactly! The Gearbox forums would yield much more valid results.

    Yeah, being a Fan since original release it was easy for me to pick, but if you're unfamilar it will tend to be Tales choices. Such as 'Who

  • I still chose Scooter anyway... Still get's me :(

    Still, nice work @shadowMaster862 I like seeing the communities views/choices etc!

    Exactly! The Gearbox forums would yield much more valid results.

  • Thanks. :) I chose Scooter aswell. But I was leaning mroe towards Angel; she honestly deserves another chance at a normal life, and it'd be great to see her character go more in depth.

    I still chose Scooter anyway... Still get's me Still, nice work @shadowMaster862 I like seeing the communities views/choices etc!

  • I was annoyed with Angel at the end of BL1. But discovering who she was in BL2 was crazy, but then you realise how sad it is. Her living like that, at the hand of her father...

    I would like to give her another chance

    Thanks. I chose Scooter aswell. But I was leaning mroe towards Angel; she honestly deserves another chance at a normal life, and it'd be great to see her character go more in depth.

  • Lol, rip Bandit manufacturer, you suck.

    Glad to see that Loader Bot won favourite robot category. :)

    So the results for the Fan Survey are in! Thank you to all those who participated! The Results! EDIT: Wow, just realzied the pictures

  • What are those two trolls who picked Tales as their least favorite game

  • The map has been updated. Added @TheAutisticGamer and updated avatars for Poultry, Cakes and WindraDeadZed because I was bored.

  • Praise be to Lord Pipas

    Pipas posted: »

    The map has been updated. Added @TheAutisticGamer and updated avatars for Poultry, Cakes and WindraDeadZed because I was bored.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited March 2016


    I love you neighbors

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi. I love you neighbors

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