As a story character, I don't like how he plays around three girls' hearts though either infidelity or deceit, and no one calls him out on how his actions indirectly ruins the life of Hannah due to the prank he willingly took, and he stabs Jessica in the back by cheating on her with Emily (if he really is cheating, that is), and he gets no comeuppance for it.
He's also very quick to either throw out or point a gun at Emily over the 'infectious bite', the girl he's supposedly cheating with, and can potentially kill her for nothing since he doesn't stick around long to learn the truth five minutes later. While Ashley may have overreacted and also wanted Emily out, she's shown to determinately apologise to Emily for her actions upon learning the truth of the bite, while Mike never apologises to Emily for nearly killing her and instead walks off on his own. To me, he comes across as very selfish and two-faced at times, as well as never learning from how breaking girls hearts can ruin their lives, and yet the story seems to want to portray him as the lovable 'jerk with a heart of gold' character, when I find that his actions paints him as the complete opposite.
As a gameplay character he gains the most gameplay sections out of all characters, which doesn't help even the field out of seven other characters, and I happen to find his sections boring compared to others. Even with the wolf he befriends, it doesn't make him anymore interesting in the slightest.
He also has plot armour (as well as Sam) until right at the very end of the game, and this goes against the 'anyone can die' theme the game promotes, which I can't help but feel that the game seems to favour Mike too much over other characters, especially Matt and Jess who are both very easy to kill, and are both barely playable after avoiding their deaths until near the end if they are still alive.
He is. You can ask Emily about that when she hangs in the mines and she'll say they slept when we saw them in the beginning of the game (don't ask me how the f they did that in the snow though)
While Ashley may have overreacted and also wanted Emily out, she's shown to determinately apologise to Emily for her actions upon learning the truth of the bite
That's our decision tho, not hers since she as well can hide the truth. Ashley herself is an asshole too, and imo way worse than Mike because she tries to kill two people out of fear/revenge for basically nothing. I usully loathe cheaters but killing people like that for me is much worse than cheating on someone.
As a story character, I don't like how he plays around three girls' hearts though either infidelity or deceit, and no one calls him out on h… moreow his actions indirectly ruins the life of Hannah due to the prank he willingly took, and he stabs Jessica in the back by cheating on her with Emily (if he really is cheating, that is), and he gets no comeuppance for it.
He's also very quick to either throw out or point a gun at Emily over the 'infectious bite', the girl he's supposedly cheating with, and can potentially kill her for nothing since he doesn't stick around long to learn the truth five minutes later. While Ashley may have overreacted and also wanted Emily out, she's shown to determinately apologise to Emily for her actions upon learning the truth of the bite, while Mike never apologises to Emily for nearly killing her and instead walks off on his own. To me, he comes across as very selfish and two-faced at times, as well as never learnin… [view original content]
She was a bitch, And she made Mike and Matt's lives a living hell, Not to mention, She was a bitch when Hannah and Beth ran out into the woods, and the prank was her fucking plan in the first place. Emily deserved to die.
After finishing, I can't say this game is really all that. It does things right but also does a lot wrong. I can see what the developers were going for and I can feel the potential, and it certainly was entertaining at times, but as a whole it's kind of forgettable/mediocre. I don't hate it, but I feel it could have been a lot more. (Dialogue could be really cringe-worthy at times which didn't help. Not as bad as LiS, though.)
As for which characters I liked, from liked to hated:
And honorable mention to Beth. Pity she died so early. I feel I could've liked her. =(
Ashley potentially getting Chris killed is somewhat justifiable compared to Mike personally shooting Emily, at least from my point of view. Emily did nothing wrong to warrant death from Mike's hand, while Chris can potentially choose to sacrifice her crush one or twice in a row and betray her trust in him, to either save his best friend or save himself.
Put yourself in Ashley's shoes, how would you feel if your crush you've started to develop feelings for made the decision to either have you sawn in half to save his friend, and/or personally put a bullet between your eyes to save himself? I don't think I would have forgiven or trusted him ever again, especially if another Ashley vs. Anybody may have occurred in the future, and Chris was once again in charge of making the deadly decision, and was again planning to sacrifice Ashley. Considering that he can choose to have me killed in two occasions, I'd hesitate to save him from the Wendigo too.
And as for Emily's situation, while she was paranoid over the potential threat of keeping Emily around and shouting at her to leave, she doesn't cross the line by trying to have Emily killed by her own hands, which is what Mike does in the scene. The difference between Ashley and Mike in that scene is their own actions without the player's input, Ashley will only yell at Emily to leave out of paranoia, while Mike will choose to pick up a gun and threaten to shoot at his ex-girlfriend.
And if she was so adamant about having Emily killed, she could have simply picked up the gun herself that Mike left behind, but she doesn't. She instead reads the book left behind by the Stranger and discovers what the bite does, and is clearly overcome by guilt of almost having Emily killed for nothing ("No, oh no, no, no, no...) before the player makes the decision to hide the detail from Emily or not. As for Mike, he leaves the room without a single apology to Emily for almost killing her.
No matter how I look it, Ashley is nowhere near as bad as Mike.
(if he really is cheating, that is)
He is. You can ask Emily about that when she hangs in the mines and she'll say they slept when w… moree saw them in the beginning of the game (don't ask me how the f they did that in the snow though)
While Ashley may have overreacted and also wanted Emily out, she's shown to determinately apologise to Emily for her actions upon learning the truth of the bite
That's our decision tho, not hers since she as well can hide the truth. Ashley herself is an asshole too, and imo way worse than Mike because she tries to kill two people out of fear/revenge for basically nothing. I usully loathe cheaters but killing people like that for me is much worse than cheating on someone.
Ashley was begging to Chris to shoot her so that it'd be her turn to save him.
That's strange. I never once heard her say that. But it's probably because my instant reaction was, "In real life, My life is meaningless, But her's is not.". So I instantly shot Chris.
Atleast Emily uses her brain and not whine like a fucking crybaby like Ashley.
Yes, because Emily's plans got her and Matt so far in the story. Emily's plans were awful, and not well thought out at all. But, she had plans. So that's a plus. Unlike Ashley, who can't think of anything unless Chris is around her. But even then, Ashley at least felt remorse for the Prank that got Beth killed, and got Hannah turned into a Wendigo. Emily was a bitch about the whole thing up until she got down to the mines. (Plus the whole thing was Emily's plan because Hannah had a simple crush on Mike.)
"Selfishly" ?
Ashley was begging to Chris to shoot her so that it'd be her turn to save him.
And when you do shoot, she'll le… moreave you to die.
Atleast Emily uses her brain and not whine like a fucking crybaby like Ashley.
Emily >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
Ashley was begging to Chris to shoot her so that it'd be her turn to save him.
I'm pretty sure her words was to "let me choose to save you", not "please shoot me to save yourself". There's a difference between allowing her to make the decision by giving her the gun, and denying her that right and instead shooting her yourself like she was nothing. It's likely she saw the act where Chris denies her the decision to use the gun on herself and decides to shoot her himself to save his own skin as an act of betrayal, since it's not what she wanted all along.
"Selfishly" ?
Ashley was begging to Chris to shoot her so that it'd be her turn to save him.
And when you do shoot, she'll le… moreave you to die.
Atleast Emily uses her brain and not whine like a fucking crybaby like Ashley.
Emily >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
Problem is, even if you decide to "kill" Josh instead of her and have high "approval" with her (so she would suggest that Chris should shoot her) she does that anyway. So it takes only 1 time where you supposedly betray her (even though she says oh noes what are you doing kill me instead) to decide that basically, f-ck you - even though at this point she knows that 1. she couldn't possibly die from that bullet 2. but Chris will 100% die if he stays there 3. Josh didn't mean to kill anyone so that thing outside that chases Chris is a real killer 4. at this point there was no danger for her and she could've opened it without problems - so it wasn't "me or him" situation. It was cold-blooded revenge. It's the same thing some of the players did in the game when they didn't like a character - they let him suffer and die. I would've been ok if it really was a situation where it's either Ash or Chris, or him and someone else. But it wasn't.
Plus she does the same thing when she sees that Emily is bitten. Even the slightest, delusional threat and she goes nuts demanding us to kill her. That shows that she's consumed by fear and would do anything to survive and eliminate any threat and doesn't care at the moment about the consequences. She's taken over by fear and spite completely. That's where the difference between her and Mike (and Emily for that matter) lies. Frankly, Mike is a horrible person to hang around when everything is allright - he's that stereotypical asshole, arrogant jerk. But when shit goes down he's (arguably but still) the one you would like to have around. He tries to help people, risks his life and all that - even for someone like Josh. With Ashley it's the opposite - she's the cutest thing when everything is fine but horrible at handling stressful situations like that, she can only cry and panic.
And if she was so adamant about having Emily killed, she could have simply picked up the gun herself that Mike left behind, but she doesn't
She doesn't have balls big enough for that, she's more passive-agressive. She can't directly kill anyone, all she can do is yell at someone who can or do things which will lead to someone being killed (like Chris).
and is clearly overcome by guilt of almost having Emily killed for nothing ("No, oh no, no, no, no...) before the player makes the decision to hide the detail from Emily or not.
Yeah well it's one way to look at it. Another being "oh shit oh crap what have I done I screwed up big time". It might be guilt (and even so, there's a difference between "oh no because of me someone died" and "oh no, because of me someone died" - so it might be fear that the others will find out and do something with her, or the cops do if they find out and she lives - and again in that case she fears for herself above anyone else.
Ashley potentially getting Chris killed is somewhat justifiable compared to Mike personally shooting Emily, at least from my point of view. … moreEmily did nothing wrong to warrant death from Mike's hand, while Chris can potentially choose to sacrifice her crush one or twice in a row and betray her trust in him, to either save his best friend or save himself.
Put yourself in Ashley's shoes, how would you feel if your crush you've started to develop feelings for made the decision to either have you sawn in half to save his friend, and/or personally put a bullet between your eyes to save himself? I don't think I would have forgiven or trusted him ever again, especially if another Ashley vs. Anybody may have occurred in the future, and Chris was once again in charge of making the deadly decision, and was again planning to sacrifice Ashley. Considering that he can choose to have me killed in two occasions, I'd hesitate to save him from the Wendigo t… [view original content]
Dialogue could be really cringe-worthy at times
Yeah, the dialogue was kind of cringy. Especially Emily's.
"Congratulations, you're top cow!"
"Holy cannoli, I'm glad that's over!"
The dialogue was intentionally like that. They were trying to imitate group horror movies. (yet ironically everyone says it sounds identical to how people they know talk. Especially Mike,Josh and Chris)
Dialogue could be really cringe-worthy at times
Yeah, the dialogue was kind of cringy. Especially Emily's.
"Congratulations, you're top cow!"
"Holy cannoli, I'm glad that's over!"
Dialogue could be really cringe-worthy at times
Yeah, the dialogue was kind of cringy. Especially Emily's.
"Congratulations, you're top cow!"
"Holy cannoli, I'm glad that's over!"
Intentional or not, I still found it narmy and cheesy. Although, I'll admit it's probably because it's meant to appeal to modern teens and such. I'm kinda old-fashioned, so that could be why.
The dialogue was intentionally like that. They were trying to imitate group horror movies. (yet ironically everyone says it sounds identical to how people they know talk. Especially Mike,Josh and Chris)
I agree totally. Rami Malek is awesome!
"Selfishly" ?
Ashley was begging to Chris to shoot her so that it'd be her turn to save him.
And when you do shoot, she'll leave you to die.
Atleast Emily uses her brain and not whine like a fucking crybaby like Ashley.
Emily >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
I wish I had $60 atm....
Rami Malek and Noah Fleiss are really really handsome !
I don't understand why you can't save Josh. It doesn't make sense why he always has to die
Well, Josh becoming a wendigo is not actually a death. He technically lives ;p
Which is worse living an eternity as a monster or dying a sad broken wreck?
Well, if Hannah smashes Josh's head, he gets a swift death at least ;D
Why do you hate Mike?
I literally want to buy a PS4 just to buy this beauty of a game.
As a story character, I don't like how he plays around three girls' hearts though either infidelity or deceit, and no one calls him out on how his actions indirectly ruins the life of Hannah due to the prank he willingly took, and he stabs Jessica in the back by cheating on her with Emily (if he really is cheating, that is), and he gets no comeuppance for it.
He's also very quick to either throw out or point a gun at Emily over the 'infectious bite', the girl he's supposedly cheating with, and can potentially kill her for nothing since he doesn't stick around long to learn the truth five minutes later. While Ashley may have overreacted and also wanted Emily out, she's shown to determinately apologise to Emily for her actions upon learning the truth of the bite, while Mike never apologises to Emily for nearly killing her and instead walks off on his own. To me, he comes across as very selfish and two-faced at times, as well as never learning from how breaking girls hearts can ruin their lives, and yet the story seems to want to portray him as the lovable 'jerk with a heart of gold' character, when I find that his actions paints him as the complete opposite.
As a gameplay character he gains the most gameplay sections out of all characters, which doesn't help even the field out of seven other characters, and I happen to find his sections boring compared to others. Even with the wolf he befriends, it doesn't make him anymore interesting in the slightest.
He also has plot armour (as well as Sam) until right at the very end of the game, and this goes against the 'anyone can die' theme the game promotes, which I can't help but feel that the game seems to favour Mike too much over other characters, especially Matt and Jess who are both very easy to kill, and are both barely playable after avoiding their deaths until near the end if they are still alive.
So yeah, not a big fan of Mike.
With the way he screamed, his death certainly wasn't swift...
Well, at least he won't become a wendigo
He is. You can ask Emily about that when she hangs in the mines and she'll say they slept when we saw them in the beginning of the game (don't ask me how the f they did that in the snow though)
That's our decision tho, not hers since she as well can hide the truth. Ashley herself is an asshole too, and imo way worse than Mike because she tries to kill two people out of fear/revenge for basically nothing. I usully loathe cheaters but killing people like that for me is much worse than cheating on someone.
Well, Matt's life probably but Mike's? How exactly?
After finishing, I can't say this game is really all that. It does things right but also does a lot wrong. I can see what the developers were going for and I can feel the potential, and it certainly was entertaining at times, but as a whole it's kind of forgettable/mediocre. I don't hate it, but I feel it could have been a lot more. (Dialogue could be really cringe-worthy at times which didn't help. Not as bad as LiS, though.)
As for which characters I liked, from liked to hated:
And honorable mention to Beth. Pity she died so early. I feel I could've liked her. =(
Ashley potentially getting Chris killed is somewhat justifiable compared to Mike personally shooting Emily, at least from my point of view. Emily did nothing wrong to warrant death from Mike's hand, while Chris can potentially choose to sacrifice her crush one or twice in a row and betray her trust in him, to either save his best friend or save himself.
Put yourself in Ashley's shoes, how would you feel if your crush you've started to develop feelings for made the decision to either have you sawn in half to save his friend, and/or personally put a bullet between your eyes to save himself? I don't think I would have forgiven or trusted him ever again, especially if another Ashley vs. Anybody may have occurred in the future, and Chris was once again in charge of making the deadly decision, and was again planning to sacrifice Ashley. Considering that he can choose to have me killed in two occasions, I'd hesitate to save him from the Wendigo too.
And as for Emily's situation, while she was paranoid over the potential threat of keeping Emily around and shouting at her to leave, she doesn't cross the line by trying to have Emily killed by her own hands, which is what Mike does in the scene. The difference between Ashley and Mike in that scene is their own actions without the player's input, Ashley will only yell at Emily to leave out of paranoia, while Mike will choose to pick up a gun and threaten to shoot at his ex-girlfriend.
And if she was so adamant about having Emily killed, she could have simply picked up the gun herself that Mike left behind, but she doesn't. She instead reads the book left behind by the Stranger and discovers what the bite does, and is clearly overcome by guilt of almost having Emily killed for nothing ("No, oh no, no, no, no...) before the player makes the decision to hide the detail from Emily or not. As for Mike, he leaves the room without a single apology to Emily for almost killing her.
No matter how I look it, Ashley is nowhere near as bad as Mike.
That's strange. I never once heard her say that. But it's probably because my instant reaction was, "In real life, My life is meaningless, But her's is not.". So I instantly shot Chris.
Yes, because Emily's plans got her and Matt so far in the story. Emily's plans were awful, and not well thought out at all. But, she had plans. So that's a plus. Unlike Ashley, who can't think of anything unless Chris is around her. But even then, Ashley at least felt remorse for the Prank that got Beth killed, and got Hannah turned into a Wendigo. Emily was a bitch about the whole thing up until she got down to the mines. (Plus the whole thing was Emily's plan because Hannah had a simple crush on Mike.)
Hell no, They're both equally terrible.
Wow, Wolfenus. Always lookin' on the bright side of a brutal situation I see. XD
I'm pretty sure her words was to "let me choose to save you", not "please shoot me to save yourself". There's a difference between allowing her to make the decision by giving her the gun, and denying her that right and instead shooting her yourself like she was nothing. It's likely she saw the act where Chris denies her the decision to use the gun on herself and decides to shoot her himself to save his own skin as an act of betrayal, since it's not what she wanted all along.
Problem is, even if you decide to "kill" Josh instead of her and have high "approval" with her (so she would suggest that Chris should shoot her) she does that anyway. So it takes only 1 time where you supposedly betray her (even though she says oh noes what are you doing kill me instead) to decide that basically, f-ck you - even though at this point she knows that 1. she couldn't possibly die from that bullet 2. but Chris will 100% die if he stays there 3. Josh didn't mean to kill anyone so that thing outside that chases Chris is a real killer 4. at this point there was no danger for her and she could've opened it without problems - so it wasn't "me or him" situation. It was cold-blooded revenge. It's the same thing some of the players did in the game when they didn't like a character - they let him suffer and die. I would've been ok if it really was a situation where it's either Ash or Chris, or him and someone else. But it wasn't.
Plus she does the same thing when she sees that Emily is bitten. Even the slightest, delusional threat and she goes nuts demanding us to kill her. That shows that she's consumed by fear and would do anything to survive and eliminate any threat and doesn't care at the moment about the consequences. She's taken over by fear and spite completely. That's where the difference between her and Mike (and Emily for that matter) lies. Frankly, Mike is a horrible person to hang around when everything is allright - he's that stereotypical asshole, arrogant jerk. But when shit goes down he's (arguably but still) the one you would like to have around. He tries to help people, risks his life and all that - even for someone like Josh. With Ashley it's the opposite - she's the cutest thing when everything is fine but horrible at handling stressful situations like that, she can only cry and panic.
She doesn't have balls big enough for that, she's more passive-agressive. She can't directly kill anyone, all she can do is yell at someone who can or do things which will lead to someone being killed (like Chris).
Yeah well it's one way to look at it. Another being "oh shit oh crap what have I done I screwed up big time". It might be guilt (and even so, there's a difference between "oh no because of me someone died" and "oh no, because of me someone died" - so it might be fear that the others will find out and do something with her, or the cops do if they find out and she lives - and again in that case she fears for herself above anyone else.
I feel the same about Beth, she felt likable.
Here's another pug gif
Yeah, the dialogue was kind of cringy. Especially Emily's.
"Congratulations, you're top cow!"
"Holy cannoli, I'm glad that's over!"
When was the second one?
The dialogue was intentionally like that. They were trying to imitate group horror movies. (yet ironically everyone says it sounds identical to how people they know talk. Especially Mike,Josh and Chris)
Also great to see you again you are badass
(Sorry, i randomly compliment my old friends)
Don't forget
It was when she and Matt were on top of that high thing (in the mines I think?). She says it after they make it across.
Ashley said that to the camera, right? I can't really remember.
Thanks, you're badass too
Intentional or not, I still found it narmy and cheesy. Although, I'll admit it's probably because it's meant to appeal to modern teens and such. I'm kinda old-fashioned, so that could be why.
Yeah. I just have a thing for protective sister types. It's a pity we didn't even get to at least learn more about her in notes and references.
Almost every situation has a bright side and a bad side ;p
Did you double post? ;p