Well. This is it. It's finally happening. It's the end of Tales.
It's not that I'm upset that this is the finale, cause I am super SUPER … morehyped about it. No, it's that I have now just realized that this is exactly like the end of Walking Dead/Wolf Among Us.
Once those two great games ended last year, I'd pretty much left the forum. For over 4 months, there never seemed to be anything there to keep me coming back, until finally, I found the Tales forum.
I've met so many great people over the last 10 months of being on here. This is where I got my inspiration to start designing, and It's been so overwhelming to see all of the love and positive feedback that I've had for my art.
This is such a great community, and I really hope I don't drift away from it like I did before.
Thank you Telltale for giving us another memorable and breath-taking experience, and I'm glad to say that I have enjoyed the ride.
Tales deserves as much crit… [view original content]
Here's some food for thought 'till episode hits. In one of the endings of Episode 4, Jack mentioned sweet new body I naturally thought it was either the Helios station or that immortality thingie he abandoned. But, what if Gorty's is Jack's sweet new body?
Here's some food for thought 'till episode hits. In one of the endings of Episode 4, Jack mentioned sweet new body I naturally thought it wa… mores either the Helios station or that immortality thingie he abandoned. But, what if Gorty's is Jack's sweet new body?
Seems like HYPErion is strong with this one! Get it? Because there's that Hyperion thing and- you know what? I'm just gonna shove a Stallion up my Butt...
Jack's looking all cool beside all the other Telltale characters.
Not gonna lie, playing a game with these 5 as protagonists would certainly be... interesting.
Really starting to think "The Truth" is going to be important. The Stranger says it in the trailer and job tweeted "#TheTruth" when he was talking about play testing episode 5. So.
Jack's looking all cool beside all the other Telltale characters.
Not gonna lie, playing a game with these 5 as protagonists would certainly be... interesting.
It's a bit of a tough one to find, but it's called 'Never Let Up', and is a part of a retro modern collection called 'The Scene'.
Super catchy! Been listening to it on loop lately.
Wow, that trailer was very very well done. I'm excited to play episode 5, even if most of that was just clips of the season. It gets me really pumped up! But now, I'm sorry to say, I will stay away from EP5 news for the next 2 weeks so I go into episode 5 COMPLETELY BLIND... I won't watch the trailer, and won't even look at the teaser screenshots. Heck, I'll even turn off trophy notifications while playing it so I won't know how close I am to the end (btw I've never done that before, sounds cool)...
I want episode 5 to be the best and most surprising Telltale episode I have ever played. And this is how I'm doing it.
(Okay, that did sound negative, but I mean well! I just want to have fun and be surprised by everything that comes up... Telltale, you guys rock!)
Yes! Sneak Peek is out! Let the Oct 20 hype begin!!!
Well said Carley!
The hype is so real it's in a fourth dimention!!!!
Bro I am so hyped I died and came back! Can't wait for this finale!!!
Jack's looking all cool beside all the other Telltale characters.
Not gonna lie, playing a game with these 5 as protagonists would certainly be... interesting.
Here's some food for thought 'till episode hits. In one of the endings of Episode 4, Jack mentioned sweet new body I naturally thought it was either the Helios station or that immortality thingie he abandoned. But, what if Gorty's is Jack's sweet new body?
Oh, god.
I'm just imagining Gorty's voice with Jack's personality. xD
anyone else think the cover art for this episode is a spoiler? kinda bummed out
Yeah, it is a spoiler cause it shows the final form of Gortys.
Oh well :I
That isn't even her final form!
Lmao xD
Well, whatever it is, it's still a spoiler x3
Seems like HYPErion is strong with this one! Get it? Because there's that Hyperion thing and- you know what? I'm just gonna shove a Stallion up my Butt...
Eh I think they intended to do that
I'm so excited!
I just can't hide it!
Waitwaitwait, the Stranger's eye is yellow, but it's red in this key art
Let the theories begin
Wow, thanks for the intel
Poker Night 2 is so cheap I might buy it just to unlock Handsome Jack mask for TF2
Also, Gortys' kinda buffer than Vaughn for sure xD
Really starting to think "The Truth" is going to be important. The Stranger says it in the trailer and job tweeted "#TheTruth" when he was talking about play testing episode 5. So.
I need to know the name of that song in the trailer!
Does anyone know? i've been trying to put some of it's lyrics into google but I can't find it
Also, maybe Gortys is meant to Fight the Vault Monster? Also, based on Fiona's outfit, that's all happening in the past ._.
Yeah I've been doing it as well but couldn't find it
Look how far we've come
On one side, we have Admiral Anderson and Commander Shepard trying to reach the Citadel and activate the Crucible in order to destroy the Reapers
On the other one, we have Fiona (with Vallory in the far background) being greeted by a giant Gortys
That final scene from the trailer looks really ominous. 0_0'
I wonder what will happen.
Yeah I found it rather creepy, with the bandits running away, the music (???) and Fiona walking alone
For some reason, I'm getting this very: Iron Giant feeling for this ending
It's a bit of a tough one to find, but it's called 'Never Let Up', and is a part of a retro modern collection called 'The Scene'.
Super catchy! Been listening to it on loop lately.
I think you just became one of my favourite people! o.o
Thank you! hugs now my search can finally end! x3 I've been playing the video over and over again so I know what you mean lol.
Holy cow! Gortys! That's the final form! You remind me of toy from He-Man series, I once had, evil robot. Only bigger.
Wait, Gortys is the menace! Alien was talking about her in the prequel! Yeah. Great final battle, all Vault Hunters vs. Gortys!
What if Gortys is actually the Vault guardian? Illuminati confirmed.
But she is atlas tho, vault guardians are eridians.
Atlas = Eridians confirmed?
Wow, that trailer was very very well done. I'm excited to play episode 5, even if most of that was just clips of the season. It gets me really pumped up! But now, I'm sorry to say, I will stay away from EP5 news for the next 2 weeks so I go into episode 5 COMPLETELY BLIND... I won't watch the trailer, and won't even look at the teaser screenshots. Heck, I'll even turn off trophy notifications while playing it so I won't know how close I am to the end (btw I've never done that before, sounds cool)...
I want episode 5 to be the best and most surprising Telltale episode I have ever played. And this is how I'm doing it.
(Okay, that did sound negative, but I mean well! I just want to have fun and be surprised by everything that comes up... Telltale, you guys rock!)
Eridians are the badass aliens with mind powers and biotechnology. Atlas are just jerks.
And Ted is our god.
Atlas is wiped out by Borderlands 2 as stated by Athena Cassius was the last atlas Employee on Pandora.
I know the game already has a release date but here is the Australian rating if anyone is interested.