Alvin, Carlos and Nick from what I hear. All of them lived for me though. I also liked the part where Rebecca let's feel her stomach! I KNEW they'd make us warm up to her before killing her off. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who thought the hostage part was super-tense.
-I was hoping Pete would make it, since TellTale teased us with the saw. Poor Nick.
-I'm glad Rebecca has softened up. The part where she… more allows you to feel her stomach is really sweet.
-I almost cried when Kenny was shown. God, I'm so happy he's back. It's good that he has Sarita, but I still can't help being worried about him, y'know?
-The option for who to sit with was honestly the hardest one for me, and even though I felt really bad for Nick, I chose Kenny.
-Bonnie completely took me by surprise. She was one of my favorite 400 Days characters, so I'm pretty disappointed in her.
-My heart wouldn't stop pounding during the hostage scene at the end. Hell, the tension was high for practically the whole episode.
And damn, how many deaths are possible? The only one I got was Walter.
-I was hoping Pete would make it, since TellTale teased us with the saw. Poor Nick.
-I'm glad Rebecca has softened up. The part where she… more allows you to feel her stomach is really sweet.
-I almost cried when Kenny was shown. God, I'm so happy he's back. It's good that he has Sarita, but I still can't help being worried about him, y'know?
-The option for who to sit with was honestly the hardest one for me, and even though I felt really bad for Nick, I chose Kenny.
-Bonnie completely took me by surprise. She was one of my favorite 400 Days characters, so I'm pretty disappointed in her.
-My heart wouldn't stop pounding during the hostage scene at the end. Hell, the tension was high for practically the whole episode.
And damn, how many deaths are possible? The only one I got was Walter.
EPIC episode! I had to go back and play a 2nd playthrough just to see what happened if I made different choices.
First off, glad to see my boy K-Dog is back! Totally blew my mind because I didn't think he'd be the ITYWD character. Really hurt when Carver popped Alvin though but then again I kinda saw his shady side this episode. Sending Clem into a shack to find food then trying to keep it all for him a Rebecca, ol' hungry asses, Sucked for Walter, he seemed like a ok dude but he was a little too nice and trusting of that crackhead Bonnie. Don't get how you just let a stranger roll up on you and not investigate them a little more before handing over a big ass box of food. And what can I say about Nick? Goes all psycho over Uncle Pete and then shoots the Asian guy that was trying to help us! This is all thoughts from my original playthrough, I won't ramble on about what happened on the 2nd one just yet.
This episode is honestly one of my favorite. Everything I was scared of in episode 1 (falling into the "Tomb Raider effect", like just having bad stuff coming from everywhere anytime without any hope) disappeared. I found back what I really loved in season 1: Some hope. With people you wanna fight for, and a reason for Clem to move on.
This episode was amazing, made me go through all the emotions you can imagine, and the characters are just so well written, less "cliché" I'd say. Let's get crazy, I'm gonna say deeper. And gosh Kenny, I just didn't even think twice, I clicked "HUG HIM", didn't even read the other options. Really, some great stuff is coming.
I didn't know other people could die, only Walter died in my game!
And the antagonist looks awesome. Kinda remind me of the bad guy from season 1: crazy guy wanting a family, ready to do anything to keep people near him, thinking it's for the best. But he's way scarier, and looks like a great bad guy: Nice, polite, but also a cold blood killer.
Really looking forward to episode 3... Hope it will be 6 weeks this time.
Thought the episode was fantastic, though I hope 3 is just a tad longer. Don't get me wrong, this one felt longer than it actually is, in a good way.
My only real complaint is that I feel they missed an oppurtunity towards the beginning of the episode.
When Clem and Sarah are alone, I wish they'dve had ten minutes to just talk and get to know each other better. this could probably still happen, but it was a perfect oppurtunity to just let them bond.
As for Bonnie, I'm pretty sure that Tavia's group is Carvers, and Bonnie I think is one of the few from 400 days that always goes there.
And her saying she has a little girl, I think that may be Becca. Something may have happened to Shae, and now she's looking after her.
What really staggers me about the episode is the number of variables. THAT many people can die? Geez, I made the right choices.
Hopefully the choice chart will be up soon.
Chose Pete in my Episode 1 playthrough. Sad to see him die no matter what you chose.
I must be the only one that felt sympathy towards Rebecca before this episode. I knew she was having a baby and hormones were flying all over the place, so meeting a stranger couldn't have been easy on her. Glad she turned out to be very likable and friendly person.
IT WAS KENNY! Clem saying "Kenny?!" in such shock followed by a hug nearly got me crying like a baby (Again Telltale? Please stop with the feels ) So glad he's back, although not quite digging the beard I must say. He still looks like a heartbroken man (When he accidentally calls Clem "Duck") but like I said, great to have him back.
Then came the choice of who to sit by. I literally had to pause the game to think about it, but decided to sit with Kenny in the end. Very tough choice.
Seeing Bonnie took me by surprise. Looks like she got separated from Tavia's group and got mixed in with the wrong crowd.
Walter and Johnny both died in my playthrough, but fortunately Alvin wasn't harmed.
Then comes the realisation that we'll probably have to wait another 1 and a half to 2 months for Episode 3. I want MOAR!
Well done Telltale, keep up the good work. Will definitely be playing through it again tomorrow.
Huh, I didn't like it as much. It was good, yeah, it was a great episode... but I feel like it wasn't nearly as good as Starved for Help. Also, I don't like how Clementine thinks Lilly is so bad... Kenny did, after all slaughter Lily's dad in front of her.
Not gonna lie, but I thought this episode was just okay. The dialog is still the strong point it always was. Characters speak naturally, so it's easier to relate. Unfortunately there was, yet again, no time to walk around and hold a conversation with anyone. That's what made season one so great; getting to know people of your own volition. We're 40% through season 2 and no opportunity like that has arisen.
As for the big reveal, I actually shouted "no!" when I saw the green text during the standoff. Why bring Kenny back? His story ended so beautifully in season 1. A good story needs to be able to let its characters die. I know the Walking Dead has no trouble with this, but seriously? He was as good as dead. The worst part was the hand-waved explanation. Anyone play Aliens: Colonial Marines? The same thing happened in that game, and it didn't go over very well (granted, the game itself was perceived as utter crap). I sincerely hope Telltale fixes this in episode 3.
I did like that there are multiple choices that can lead to characters dying. It increases the feeling of influence. Now, if only I could get to know these new characters...
Wow didn't realise all those people could die... so glad I made the choices that kept them alive. Also where is Luke did he just run off and leave? Don't feel bad I sat next to Kenny now.
Wow didn't realise all those people could die... so glad I made the choices that kept them alive. Also where is Luke did he just run off and leave? Don't feel bad I sat next to Kenny now.
Luke obviously would have went to save them. Something must have happened. Just hoping Kenny didn't kill him because I saw some... tension. When I saw beside Luke and it said (?) Kenny will remember that I felt like shit. Maybe he got angry that I sat beside Luke and he killed him? That would suck...
YES! I don't smoke, but I had to take a long break to make that choice. Thankfully it doesn't seem as though Luke will remember that. I'm really starting to like Luke and the way he treats us as valuable to the group.
Wow didn't realise all those people could die... so glad I made the choices that kept them alive. Also where is Luke did he just run off and leave? Don't feel bad I sat next to Kenny now.
Honestly, I really enjoyed it. It seems to have picked things up better than Episode One did and it felt longer than before, like a solid two-three hour playthrough though I guess it might be related to the fact that this episode covers a lot of ground. Kenny's appearance somehow surprised me just a little bit and I'll admit I really enjoyed that moment, just hearing that familiar 'Fuck that!' and watching him and Clem stare at each other in shock. I chose the option to hug him,at any rate and I really enjoyed every moment with him like when they refer to Lee and even when he slips up and accidentally calls Clem by Duck's name, and yes I really did feel guilty for not sitting with him, though I'm kinda glad he came over. Kenny aside, there seems be a lot of throwbacks to Season One which make me feel a lot of nostalgia, mentions of Lee's amputation to Pete and Lilly and the music from Episode Five. Something also tells me that there's going to be more to Bonnie's side of the story but even so I'm a little skeptical on how things will turn out for her and the other 400 Days characters.
So yeah, pretty much I enjoyed the episode. The only thing that I think TTG should improve on is adding in a little more hubs because to be fair, they missed a good opportunity here and there could've been more of a chance to talk with some people and figure more about them. That and I hope I don't have to wait more than two months to see Episode Three.
It was really awesome. So many choices and all that. Sad for Pete, though. I think he should have stayed a bit longer. Bonnie's a bitch. But I think she's playing a game so Carver doesn't kill her judging by what he says in the preview and that Clem is seen "happy" with her. We can smell a revolt, there'll be more people coming in in the next 2 episodes and they'll riot and kill Carver. The final episode will be set in that city, don't know what will happen there, though. Wellington ?
Also, Tavia must be with Carver. Since I didn't play 400 Days, I think the game made decisions for me. I don't even know who went with Tavia. She wasn't looking like a bitch but I think she fears Carver. She might be dead for all we know, maybe she tried to start to riot but got killed. Though that brings something: Russell was probably in Luke's group before all of this happened and left because of Carver. I think if he came with Tavia, he's probably dead now.
Only Walter died in my playthrough. Then Carver took Alvin to kill him but I had the option to protect him. I clicked and Clem ran to Alvin but Carver kicked her. He let Alvin alone and threatened to kill Clem. Kenny surrenders. They all left. Walter has to die I think, because we can't stop Kenny from killing Johnny.
Luke is not found, though. And I think Carver has something against him.
About Christa, I think Carver saved her and she's in his community. I think he is some kind of god because of what he said in the preview for next episode.
Huh, I didn't like it as much. It was good, yeah, it was a great episode... but I feel like it wasn't nearly as good as Starved for Help. Al… moreso, I don't like how Clementine thinks Lilly is so bad... Kenny did, after all slaughter Lily's dad in front of her.
Yes. I believe that you said This isn't Assassin's Creed. Do you really believe Luke will free the group? One man versus a whole group of maybe 20 people? I don't think so. They have frikin machine guns for gods sake and he has only a machete! Maybe Luke will find some people to help him but still. Carlos said Carver was smart and that they were lucky to escape. Carver will definitely make sure it doesn't happen again.
I got nick killed by choosing silence when walter asked if he was a good man. I regret it now but at the time I was so pissed that he killed matthew. I guess ill have to live with the consequences, thats part of the "fun" i guess...
In a little kids eyes, Larry is the big bad bully and Carley was the kind aunt that brings you presents. Kenny did kill Lilly's dad in front of her but she did also witness Larry attempting to kill Lee the kindly guardian that looked after you, don't forget, Clem also knows that anyone that dies comes back so in her view, Kenny put down a body before it reanimated. She witnessed Lilly straight up murder Carley for no reason and she knew how much of a good person Carley is eve a little kid like Clem knows what Lilly did was worse. I'm glad she thinks Lilly is bad because that is exactly what she is.
Huh, I didn't like it as much. It was good, yeah, it was a great episode... but I feel like it wasn't nearly as good as Starved for Help. Al… moreso, I don't like how Clementine thinks Lilly is so bad... Kenny did, after all slaughter Lily's dad in front of her.
I think this episode is fantastic!! One of the best if not THE BEST. I thought telltale had lost it when they made that crappy TWAU 2 episode but that was WOW!
As i can see i am the worst in making choices :S. I have a bunch of bodies. Walter, Alvin, Matthew . And it seems like i am the only one who choose Luke to sat with.
I was moved too. I definitely got misty-eyed when Kenny showed up. Great episode. My only complaint is the number of cutscenes. Lee had a lot more mobility than Clem. Kenny made the entire episode for me.
Okay so let's start with the fact that I loathe everyone apart from Luke and Alvin (minus his terrible taste in women). That's kind of important.
I chose to go with Pete in the last episode so I can't talk about the Nick option yet. It was nice. I almost thought he would cut his leg off and started cursing myself for not cutting off Lee's arm, thinking that would've been the only option for him not to do it. Thank god it didn't happen. Got real mad at the water. "It's empty" - goddamn you telltale, that was really mean, I felt like a nice person before and now you give me this shit for it.
I hated Nick from the beginning, didn't even accept his apology, so shooting Matthew really didn't help things. Kept telling everyone that he's losing it and that he's wrong - just any time that I had the opportunity to talk about how he's bad, I did. I even told Kenny that I can't speak for everyone.
Now about Kenny. I don't understand why they're trying to portray him as a "niceguy". First off, he never made a very strong connection with Clem, they barely ever talked, there was practically no bonding between those two. So yeah, he didn't get a hug, I just went with the now classic "I thought you were dead". Also there's the fact that he's an arrogant, temperamental dick, exactly the type of person I wouldn't stand in real life either. So I wasn't happy to see him again and didn't even act like I did. Regardless, I told the group I trust him because he's not "evil", he's just unbearable and has a shitty personality.
When Bonnie showed up I was trying to put things together - I figured we were originally going for Tavia's camp with Christa. Now if Bonnie is here begging for food, also lying about a "girl of Clem's age" then shit's really must've gone wrong. And I was right, though I would've never expected the situation to be this fucking bad. Damn it Bonnie, you junkie. And I made everyone go with Tavia, holy shit.
I didn't get why Clem was so distant and distrustful with Walter when they were cooking. It was like the game was trying to tell me that there's something up with him. I didn't feel anything of that up until the moment when he was holding Matthew's knife. That's where I saw the cuckooness in him, but before that he almost became the third person I don't hate with a passion in the game.
I don't know what string of actions lead to this but Nick got killed by a walker. That's where my feelings started getting really confusing. On one hand I thought finally, that useless neurotic idiot is out of the picture, but on the other hand poor guy, noone deserves that. So confused by all the contradictory feels I just hit Walt on the face afterwards.
I climbed out the window to go look for Luke and Kenny (don't know if this makes any difference). Then things got so intense. I was foolish enough to trust Kenny's shooting skills so I told him to have a go at Carver while he was holding Alvin - I have no idea why the fuck was I so dumb. It's obvious Kenny isn't going to kill the main antagonist in the second episode. So yeah, rip Alvin for me. Have to replay it real bad.
This is all I have so far. Sorry for the lack of coherence, still trying to pieve my thoughts together. The ending was really brutal.
Edit: Oh yeah and also, congrats Kenny, you sure got over a dead wife and son quite easily. Also, that writing - "I just got really lucky". Yeah. You got lucky. In a dark pit filled with walkers. Without ammo. Brilliant writing, 10/10.
Still, Luke could be integral in their escape. They have a man on the outside who's very likely aware of what's happening. With Clem's cleverness and Luke's outside advantage, they may be able to devise some sort of coup with the other survivors. Personally, I think that walkers may end up being the liberators and some of the group may be sacrificed in the process.
Yes. I believe that you said This isn't Assassin's Creed. Do you really believe Luke will free the group? One man versus a whole group of ma… moreybe 20 people? I don't think so. They have frikin machine guns for gods sake and he has only a machete! Maybe Luke will find some people to help him but still. Carlos said Carver was smart and that they were lucky to escape. Carver will definitely make sure it doesn't happen again.
Doubt it. I sat by Kenny and there was some awkwardness when I asked him where Luke was. So, I think the result might be the same regardless of who you sit by. I think that Luke is probably fine. At least, I hope so.
Luke obviously would have went to save them. Something must have happened. Just hoping Kenny didn't kill him because I saw some... tension. … moreWhen I saw beside Luke and it said (?) Kenny will remember that I felt like shit. Maybe he got angry that I sat beside Luke and he killed him? That would suck...
Awesome episode, all I can say is, Im eager to replay tomorrow, its 2:20 now and I have to get up at 7:40 . Is it possible to save a lot of the people, I only saved Alvin, many died AWESOME!!!!
In my opinion, if I have to put a number between 1 to 10, I will put 6 or 7...
1) Kenny's "survive" is a too weird, how the hell do you escape in a horde of zombies? Specially when he shots ben, I mean, its just doesn't make sense.
2) If you know that you have a crazy fucking man chasing you, why do you stay in a mega super big house with a huge christmas tree with funny lights everywhere??? That's only make it an easy target!! (Like what Lee says before he died)
I mean, Clementine know ALL the time that something's wrong, why she didn't say "HEY GUYS, LET'S ALL GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR WE WILL DIE"?
But well, on the other side, maybe all of this is to make the story some topics to let it continue...But hell, there are ilogical in my point of view, really ilogical.
P.D: In my version, Pete, Mathew and Walter died. I don't like Kenny because of this, if I'm telling you "DON'T SHOOT! YOU WILL KILL THEM", why the hell you shoot? God damned!! I really hate him -_-'''
In my opinion, if I have to put a number between 1 to 10, I will put 6 or 7...
1) Kenny's "survive" is a too weird, how the hell do you escape in a horde of zombies? Specially when he shots ben, I mean, its just doesn't make sense.
2) If you know that you have a crazy fucking man chasing you, why do you stay in a mega super big house with a huge christmas tree with funny lights everywhere??? That's only make it an easy target!! (Like what Lee says before he died)
I mean, Clementine know ALL the time that something's wrong, why she didn't say "HEY GUYS, LET'S ALL GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR WE WILL DIE"?
But well, on the other side, maybe all of this is to make the story some topics to let it continue...But hell, there are ilogical in my point of view, really ilogical.
P.D: In my version, Pete, Mathew and Walter died. I don't like Kenny because of this, if I'm telling you "DON'T SHOOT! YOU WILL KILL THEM", why the hell you shoot? God damned!! I really hate him -_-'''
Okay so let's start with the fact that I loathe everyone apart from Luke and Alvin (minus his terrible taste in women). That's kind of impor… moretant.
I chose to go with Pete in the last episode so I can't talk about the Nick option yet. It was nice. I almost thought he would cut his leg off and started cursing myself for not cutting off Lee's arm, thinking that would've been the only option for him not to do it. Thank god it didn't happen. Got real mad at the water. "It's empty" - goddamn you telltale, that was really mean, I felt like a nice person before and now you give me this shit for it.
I hated Nick from the beginning, didn't even accept his apology, so shooting Matthew really didn't help things. Kept telling everyone that he's losing it and that he's wrong - just any time that I had the opportunity to talk about how he's bad, I did. I even told Kenny that I can't speak for everyone.
Now about Kenny. I don't understand why they're… [view original content]
"Oh yeah and also, congrats Kenny, you sure got over a dead wife and son quite easily."
I think this part of your post is unfair. People grieve in many different ways. It's been about 2 years since Katjaa and Duck's deaths. Unless you've lost a spouse yourself, you probably don't understand that what you're saying is incredibly unfair. I can personally attest to it being the loneliest, lowest point in my life when my fiance died unexpectedly. I can't imagine how Kenny must feel losing his wife AND his son on top of the entire world ending. It's wrong to judge him for wanting companionship. That woman (I forget her name) saved his life. She probably gives him hope. It's wrong to judge a grieving person for wanting someone to love. It's not like he shacked up with her the next week. It's been well over a year.
Okay so let's start with the fact that I loathe everyone apart from Luke and Alvin (minus his terrible taste in women). That's kind of impor… moretant.
I chose to go with Pete in the last episode so I can't talk about the Nick option yet. It was nice. I almost thought he would cut his leg off and started cursing myself for not cutting off Lee's arm, thinking that would've been the only option for him not to do it. Thank god it didn't happen. Got real mad at the water. "It's empty" - goddamn you telltale, that was really mean, I felt like a nice person before and now you give me this shit for it.
I hated Nick from the beginning, didn't even accept his apology, so shooting Matthew really didn't help things. Kept telling everyone that he's losing it and that he's wrong - just any time that I had the opportunity to talk about how he's bad, I did. I even told Kenny that I can't speak for everyone.
Now about Kenny. I don't understand why they're… [view original content]
Alvin, Carlos and Nick from what I hear. All of them lived for me though. I also liked the part where Rebecca let's feel her stomach! I KNEW they'd make us warm up to her before killing her off. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who thought the hostage part was super-tense.
Yeah. I wanted to get to know him. Goddamnit Nick.
Still, I'm glad Walter saved him in my game.
From what I've read?
Nick, Carlos, and Alvin can all die. Holy shit. Only Walter died in my game.
EPIC episode! I had to go back and play a 2nd playthrough just to see what happened if I made different choices.
First off, glad to see my boy K-Dog is back! Totally blew my mind because I didn't think he'd be the ITYWD character. Really hurt when Carver popped Alvin though but then again I kinda saw his shady side this episode. Sending Clem into a shack to find food then trying to keep it all for him a Rebecca, ol' hungry asses, Sucked for Walter, he seemed like a ok dude but he was a little too nice and trusting of that crackhead Bonnie. Don't get how you just let a stranger roll up on you and not investigate them a little more before handing over a big ass box of food. And what can I say about Nick? Goes all psycho over Uncle Pete and then shoots the Asian guy that was trying to help us! This is all thoughts from my original playthrough, I won't ramble on about what happened on the 2nd one just yet.
This episode is honestly one of my favorite. Everything I was scared of in episode 1 (falling into the "Tomb Raider effect", like just having bad stuff coming from everywhere anytime without any hope) disappeared. I found back what I really loved in season 1: Some hope. With people you wanna fight for, and a reason for Clem to move on.
This episode was amazing, made me go through all the emotions you can imagine, and the characters are just so well written, less "cliché" I'd say. Let's get crazy, I'm gonna say deeper. And gosh Kenny, I just didn't even think twice, I clicked "HUG HIM", didn't even read the other options. Really, some great stuff is coming.
I didn't know other people could die, only Walter died in my game!
And the antagonist looks awesome. Kinda remind me of the bad guy from season 1: crazy guy wanting a family, ready to do anything to keep people near him, thinking it's for the best. But he's way scarier, and looks like a great bad guy: Nice, polite, but also a cold blood killer.
Really looking forward to episode 3... Hope it will be 6 weeks this time.
Thought the episode was fantastic, though I hope 3 is just a tad longer. Don't get me wrong, this one felt longer than it actually is, in a good way.
My only real complaint is that I feel they missed an oppurtunity towards the beginning of the episode.
When Clem and Sarah are alone, I wish they'dve had ten minutes to just talk and get to know each other better. this could probably still happen, but it was a perfect oppurtunity to just let them bond.
As for Bonnie, I'm pretty sure that Tavia's group is Carvers, and Bonnie I think is one of the few from 400 days that always goes there.
And her saying she has a little girl, I think that may be Becca. Something may have happened to Shae, and now she's looking after her.
What really staggers me about the episode is the number of variables. THAT many people can die? Geez, I made the right choices.
Hopefully the choice chart will be up soon.
LOL I picked hug in a heartbeat as well.
Then comes the realisation that we'll probably have to wait another 1 and a half to 2 months for Episode 3. I want MOAR!
Well done Telltale, keep up the good work. Will definitely be playing through it again tomorrow.
Huh, I didn't like it as much. It was good, yeah, it was a great episode... but I feel like it wasn't nearly as good as Starved for Help. Also, I don't like how Clementine thinks Lilly is so bad... Kenny did, after all slaughter Lily's dad in front of her.
Same here, only Walter. But Carlos doesn't die to my knowledge. Nick and Alvin can die in the episode though.
Is Walter, Matthew, and Johhny(isn't he the evil guy?) saveable? I really like Walter, and Matthew lived only 3 minutes.
Not gonna lie, but I thought this episode was just okay. The dialog is still the strong point it always was. Characters speak naturally, so it's easier to relate. Unfortunately there was, yet again, no time to walk around and hold a conversation with anyone. That's what made season one so great; getting to know people of your own volition. We're 40% through season 2 and no opportunity like that has arisen.
As for the big reveal, I actually shouted "no!" when I saw the green text during the standoff. Why bring Kenny back? His story ended so beautifully in season 1. A good story needs to be able to let its characters die. I know the Walking Dead has no trouble with this, but seriously? He was as good as dead. The worst part was the hand-waved explanation. Anyone play Aliens: Colonial Marines? The same thing happened in that game, and it didn't go over very well (granted, the game itself was perceived as utter crap). I sincerely hope Telltale fixes this in episode 3.
I did like that there are multiple choices that can lead to characters dying. It increases the feeling of influence. Now, if only I could get to know these new characters...
Wow didn't realise all those people could die... so glad I made the choices that kept them alive. Also where is Luke did he just run off and leave? Don't feel bad I sat next to Kenny now.
We don't know if Luke ran to begin with, for all we know he was captured off-screen.
Luke obviously would have went to save them. Something must have happened. Just hoping Kenny didn't kill him because I saw some... tension. When I saw beside Luke and it said (?) Kenny will remember that I felt like shit. Maybe he got angry that I sat beside Luke and he killed him? That would suck...
YES! I don't smoke, but I had to take a long break to make that choice. Thankfully it doesn't seem as though Luke will remember that. I'm really starting to like Luke and the way he treats us as valuable to the group.
What if Luke follows Carver's group back to their camp and frees us? Did you want Luke to be captured?
I wanna smack bonnie.
I hugged my TV.
Honestly, I really enjoyed it. It seems to have picked things up better than Episode One did and it felt longer than before, like a solid two-three hour playthrough though I guess it might be related to the fact that this episode covers a lot of ground. Kenny's appearance somehow surprised me just a little bit and I'll admit I really enjoyed that moment, just hearing that familiar 'Fuck that!' and watching him and Clem stare at each other in shock. I chose the option to hug him,at any rate and I really enjoyed every moment with him like when they refer to Lee and even when he slips up and accidentally calls Clem by Duck's name, and yes I really did feel guilty for not sitting with him, though I'm kinda glad he came over. Kenny aside, there seems be a lot of throwbacks to Season One which make me feel a lot of nostalgia, mentions of Lee's amputation to Pete and Lilly and the music from Episode Five. Something also tells me that there's going to be more to Bonnie's side of the story but even so I'm a little skeptical on how things will turn out for her and the other 400 Days characters.
So yeah, pretty much I enjoyed the episode. The only thing that I think TTG should improve on is adding in a little more hubs because to be fair, they missed a good opportunity here and there could've been more of a chance to talk with some people and figure more about them. That and I hope I don't have to wait more than two months to see Episode Three.
Yeah, I saw the word "HUG" and didn't even bother reading anything else. Then... I just cried my soul out.
It was really awesome. So many choices and all that. Sad for Pete, though. I think he should have stayed a bit longer. Bonnie's a bitch. But I think she's playing a game so Carver doesn't kill her judging by what he says in the preview and that Clem is seen "happy" with her. We can smell a revolt, there'll be more people coming in in the next 2 episodes and they'll riot and kill Carver. The final episode will be set in that city, don't know what will happen there, though. Wellington ?
Also, Tavia must be with Carver. Since I didn't play 400 Days, I think the game made decisions for me. I don't even know who went with Tavia. She wasn't looking like a bitch but I think she fears Carver. She might be dead for all we know, maybe she tried to start to riot but got killed. Though that brings something: Russell was probably in Luke's group before all of this happened and left because of Carver. I think if he came with Tavia, he's probably dead now.
Only Walter died in my playthrough. Then Carver took Alvin to kill him but I had the option to protect him. I clicked and Clem ran to Alvin but Carver kicked her. He let Alvin alone and threatened to kill Clem. Kenny surrenders. They all left. Walter has to die I think, because we can't stop Kenny from killing Johnny.
Luke is not found, though. And I think Carver has something against him.
About Christa, I think Carver saved her and she's in his community. I think he is some kind of god because of what he said in the preview for next episode.
And yeah, well, Kenny. Bleh.
Also, another thing to point out is Lee still saying "Previously on The Walking Dead" at the start of the episode.
Thought that was a nice touch.
i felt that this episode was better than starved for help just by a little bit
Yes. I believe that you said This isn't Assassin's Creed. Do you really believe Luke will free the group? One man versus a whole group of maybe 20 people? I don't think so. They have frikin machine guns for gods sake and he has only a machete! Maybe Luke will find some people to help him but still. Carlos said Carver was smart and that they were lucky to escape. Carver will definitely make sure it doesn't happen again.
I got nick killed by choosing silence when walter asked if he was a good man. I regret it now but at the time I was so pissed that he killed matthew. I guess ill have to live with the consequences, thats part of the "fun" i guess...
Lol, that part confused me so much. Watch the start of episode 3 be Clem waking up in the truck next to zombie Pete
In a little kids eyes, Larry is the big bad bully and Carley was the kind aunt that brings you presents. Kenny did kill Lilly's dad in front of her but she did also witness Larry attempting to kill Lee the kindly guardian that looked after you, don't forget, Clem also knows that anyone that dies comes back so in her view, Kenny put down a body before it reanimated. She witnessed Lilly straight up murder Carley for no reason and she knew how much of a good person Carley is eve a little kid like Clem knows what Lilly did was worse. I'm glad she thinks Lilly is bad because that is exactly what she is.
I think this episode is fantastic!! One of the best if not THE BEST. I thought telltale had lost it when they made that crappy TWAU 2 episode but that was WOW!
. And it seems like i am the only one who choose Luke to sat with.
As i can see i am the worst in making choices :S. I have a bunch of bodies. Walter, Alvin, Matthew
I never like her anways.
I was moved too. I definitely got misty-eyed when Kenny showed up. Great episode. My only complaint is the number of cutscenes. Lee had a lot more mobility than Clem. Kenny made the entire episode for me.
Okay so let's start with the fact that I loathe everyone apart from Luke and Alvin (minus his terrible taste in women). That's kind of important.
I chose to go with Pete in the last episode so I can't talk about the Nick option yet. It was nice. I almost thought he would cut his leg off and started cursing myself for not cutting off Lee's arm, thinking that would've been the only option for him not to do it. Thank god it didn't happen. Got real mad at the water. "It's empty" - goddamn you telltale, that was really mean, I felt like a nice person before and now you give me this shit for it.
I hated Nick from the beginning, didn't even accept his apology, so shooting Matthew really didn't help things. Kept telling everyone that he's losing it and that he's wrong - just any time that I had the opportunity to talk about how he's bad, I did. I even told Kenny that I can't speak for everyone.
Now about Kenny. I don't understand why they're trying to portray him as a "niceguy". First off, he never made a very strong connection with Clem, they barely ever talked, there was practically no bonding between those two. So yeah, he didn't get a hug, I just went with the now classic "I thought you were dead". Also there's the fact that he's an arrogant, temperamental dick, exactly the type of person I wouldn't stand in real life either. So I wasn't happy to see him again and didn't even act like I did. Regardless, I told the group I trust him because he's not "evil", he's just unbearable and has a shitty personality.
When Bonnie showed up I was trying to put things together - I figured we were originally going for Tavia's camp with Christa. Now if Bonnie is here begging for food, also lying about a "girl of Clem's age" then shit's really must've gone wrong. And I was right, though I would've never expected the situation to be this fucking bad. Damn it Bonnie, you junkie. And I made everyone go with Tavia, holy shit.
I didn't get why Clem was so distant and distrustful with Walter when they were cooking. It was like the game was trying to tell me that there's something up with him. I didn't feel anything of that up until the moment when he was holding Matthew's knife. That's where I saw the cuckooness in him, but before that he almost became the third person I don't hate with a passion in the game.
I don't know what string of actions lead to this but Nick got killed by a walker. That's where my feelings started getting really confusing. On one hand I thought finally, that useless neurotic idiot is out of the picture, but on the other hand poor guy, noone deserves that. So confused by all the contradictory feels I just hit Walt on the face afterwards.
I climbed out the window to go look for Luke and Kenny (don't know if this makes any difference). Then things got so intense. I was foolish enough to trust Kenny's shooting skills so I told him to have a go at Carver while he was holding Alvin - I have no idea why the fuck was I so dumb. It's obvious Kenny isn't going to kill the main antagonist in the second episode. So yeah, rip Alvin for me. Have to replay it real bad.
This is all I have so far. Sorry for the lack of coherence, still trying to pieve my thoughts together. The ending was really brutal.
Edit: Oh yeah and also, congrats Kenny, you sure got over a dead wife and son quite easily. Also, that writing - "I just got really lucky". Yeah. You got lucky. In a dark pit filled with walkers. Without ammo. Brilliant writing, 10/10.
Still, Luke could be integral in their escape. They have a man on the outside who's very likely aware of what's happening. With Clem's cleverness and Luke's outside advantage, they may be able to devise some sort of coup with the other survivors. Personally, I think that walkers may end up being the liberators and some of the group may be sacrificed in the process.
Doubt it. I sat by Kenny and there was some awkwardness when I asked him where Luke was. So, I think the result might be the same regardless of who you sit by. I think that Luke is probably fine. At least, I hope so.
Awesome episode, all I can say is, Im eager to replay tomorrow, its 2:20 now and I have to get up at 7:40
. Is it possible to save a lot of the people, I only saved Alvin, many died
In my opinion, if I have to put a number between 1 to 10, I will put 6 or 7...
1) Kenny's "survive" is a too weird, how the hell do you escape in a horde of zombies? Specially when he shots ben, I mean, its just doesn't make sense.
2) If you know that you have a crazy fucking man chasing you, why do you stay in a mega super big house with a huge christmas tree with funny lights everywhere??? That's only make it an easy target!! (Like what Lee says before he died)
I mean, Clementine know ALL the time that something's wrong, why she didn't say "HEY GUYS, LET'S ALL GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR WE WILL DIE"?
But well, on the other side, maybe all of this is to make the story some topics to let it continue...But hell, there are ilogical in my point of view, really ilogical.
P.D: In my version, Pete, Mathew and Walter died. I don't like Kenny because of this, if I'm telling you "DON'T SHOOT! YOU WILL KILL THEM", why the hell you shoot? God damned!! I really hate him -_-'''
In my opinion, if I have to put a number between 1 to 10, I will put 6 or 7...
1) Kenny's "survive" is a too weird, how the hell do you escape in a horde of zombies? Specially when he shots ben, I mean, its just doesn't make sense.
2) If you know that you have a crazy fucking man chasing you, why do you stay in a mega super big house with a huge christmas tree with funny lights everywhere??? That's only make it an easy target!! (Like what Lee says before he died)
I mean, Clementine know ALL the time that something's wrong, why she didn't say "HEY GUYS, LET'S ALL GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE OR WE WILL DIE"?
But well, on the other side, maybe all of this is to make the story some topics to let it continue...But hell, there are ilogical in my point of view, really ilogical.
P.D: In my version, Pete, Mathew and Walter died. I don't like Kenny because of this, if I'm telling you "DON'T SHOOT! YOU WILL KILL THEM", why the hell you shoot? God damned!! I really hate him -_-'''
When I saw her I instantly new its the same as Carvers group, now Im fucked, I have no saves with Russell joining them and I like Russell.
"Oh yeah and also, congrats Kenny, you sure got over a dead wife and son quite easily."
I think this part of your post is unfair. People grieve in many different ways. It's been about 2 years since Katjaa and Duck's deaths. Unless you've lost a spouse yourself, you probably don't understand that what you're saying is incredibly unfair. I can personally attest to it being the loneliest, lowest point in my life when my fiance died unexpectedly. I can't imagine how Kenny must feel losing his wife AND his son on top of the entire world ending. It's wrong to judge him for wanting companionship. That woman (I forget her name) saved his life. She probably gives him hope. It's wrong to judge a grieving person for wanting someone to love. It's not like he shacked up with her the next week. It's been well over a year.