Yeah, this Kenny juts doesn't feel the same. I dont know if it's because I'm playing Clem this time and not Lee, but I just don't get that feel from him any more.
Personally i think so yes.
In the preview he said: I tried but somebody just didnt want to SHUT UP!
I think he was reffering to luke and to stop more people dieing he just killed luke..
Very good episode, the choices felt that they mattered, and they did. Excitement throughout the whole episode, character development, and ofcourse the "i thought you were dead" character... (i don't want to have to add spoilers)
Tense moments, nice walker fights, difficult choices... Love it
Yeah, I told him we should go look for Luke too and he went all macho and shot Johnny in the head. Walter died, but Alvin survived in mine.... he just got a little bitch-slapped!
I wonder where Luke actually was went that all went down.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Okay, so long post incoming.
The episode was terrific, I loved the feels when Pete sacrificed himself for Clem to escape (I decided to help Pete out), I loved the feels when Clem saw Kenny. I just couldn't resist and immideatly pressed "HUG HIM". It was so touchy, especially when they mentioned Lee. Walt? Walt was way too stupid and he believed everyone blindly. I love the fact there are still good people, but if TWD and The Last of Us taught me one thing, it is.. DON'T TRUST EVERYONE. I didn't trust Bonnie from the same start, but that fool gave her the box of supplies and that led to his demise, didn't it? Carver is a fucked up guy, but I like the way his crew builds up the tension. Are they going to live as prisoners now or is Carver going to let them roam freely? I think Clem might get close to Carver, from the "Next episode" preview I saw. Nick died in my because of he Asian dude he shot, Walt found out and didn't save him. About Matthew (the Asian guy Nick shot in the neck), I think Nick was too quick to judge and his stupid itchy trigger finger got him killed (in my game).
I'm really glad Kenny is back, though. Luke, I think Luke was working with Carver all along. I dunno why, but I always found him to be kind of shady, you know. No way Carver's group could've tracked them sooo easily. And in the end, Luke doesn't show up.
I personally really enjoyed this episode but I do agree with what you were saying about the torch lights in the woods. I too was looking for an opportunity to tell someone about them and discuss options but the choice was never given which was a little odd.
I think we'll have to wait and see what the story is with Bonnie and her reasons for being with Carver. I too, am expecting that most of the other characters from 400 days will make an appearance in later episodes. To me I felt like Bonnie was very quick to trust people in 400 days, and I get the impression that Carver can be very charismatic and manipulative. So it's possible that he's convinced Bonnie and others from his group that Luke and our group are in the wrong in some way. (Similar to the Governor in TWD tv show). Again we'll have to wait and see I guess.
I don't want to jump to conclusion just yet, but i think Carver may be on the rights on this game and the whole group we start with was the "bad guys", you never knew what made them leave and every time you ask they give you a cryptic answer.(I'm guessing they had to kill some of Carver's men to get out) Carver just plain out said they are not worth trusting...
I don't know, this group just smells fishy to me, the only "good" guy in the group is Luke and even that Telltale maybe trying to pull a big twist on us.
Everyone's saying Kenny seems different but i always thought he was the same, so the dialogue with he's new girl came a bit strange to me, he was always a short fused red neck(kinda like an older version of Nick) and he still feels the same to me.
What i'm kinda worried is does 400 days really matter in the story, it seems to be getting out of place now.
So let me preface I adored this episode, it was very exciting and fun, so here are a few points I'd like to mention that I enjoyed.
So Kenny is back. Everyone could see that coming and I kid you not I screamed and did a giant clap before hugging him. I really enjoyed they brought him back. He was a very characterized character in season, and I will enjoy seeing what becomes of his character in Season 2 even if it's for the worse.
Now the secod thing I really enjoy is the amount of characters that can die. I like this because season 1 had the problem of where it's debated how much your choices matter. When there are situations where characters can die that leaves more potential outcomes for choices mattering.
A side not it took me to the end of the episode to figure out why it was called "A House Divided" Derp
I really enjoyed the entire dynamic and feel to the episode. What I mean by that is I can't tell who the hell are the good guys and bad guys. I mean it's obvious Carver is vicious but is he truly the bad guy or just a man who desperately wants his kid. Luke seems like a great guy, but does he have an ulterior motive. Alvin seems to be very suspicious to me as in it seems he killed a man and he wants you to let him steal food. Kenny well he seems different but the same, and even now I don't think he would hurt Clem, but what of the others in the group. The only one I'm almost 100% positive doesn't have a sinister past and or is bad in the sense of the word is Sarah.
I enjoyed the choices a lot of them made me think in the episode especially who to sit with, but also whether or not to find Kenny and Luke, a lot of tough choices. Where as episode 1 the only really tough choice I found was Pete vs Nick.
Finally I enjoyed how we got chances to see the characters develop from episode 1.
Now for my criticism because no game is perfect.
First and foremost I did notice a few bugs and graphical glitches here and there but such things are inevitable.
Secondly I don't like it was an insta-five day skip. It just felt awkward to me. Though I understand why they did it.
Finally I do wish we could have at least tried to cut off Pete's leg there was all this hype in the preview that you might be able too but to no avail kind of made me mad.
Overall I adored this episode like I said before ,and is already up there with my other favorite episodes from season 1. I'd give it a 9/10.
Goddamnit, I chose the line "Nick is... just like the others." I really, REALLY wish I hadn't. I might go back and say he's a good guy, but then I will hate myself for "cheating".
I just finished playing the second episode and it was great! I'm definitely going to play on a different file and try different options to see the outcome of them. When Kenny showed up I was happy to see him, now with a godlike beard of course, although he seems a bit different but come on give the man a break he lost his family and has been through a rough time and is trying to deal with it. I'm hoping Lilly shows up in a later episode as well, I wouldn't mind seeing her again and how she would react towards Clem or Kenny if they meet up again.
Yeah about the cabin group they were definitely nicer and more trustworthy towards Clem I also forgave Rebecca. Bonnie oh man I don't why she was with Carver but maybe she has her reasons, playing a double agent perhaps? In the preview of EP3 we see Clem and her smiling at each other maybe she helps you out but the previews aren't always 100% accurate.
All in all I gave it a 9.5 also. I'm definitely ready for the next episodes and very excited to see how this season goes but so far it's very good another GOTY for sure if Telltale keeps this up!
That's what I think. Carver might not be the bad guy after all, remember that Christa said you can't trust anyone and so did Carver when he visited the cabin. He knew Sarah was there and Clem was hiding her to be honest. He could've killed them both. But he didn't. I think that man just wanted his baby.
I don't want to jump to conclusion just yet, but i think Carver may be on the rights on this game and the whole group we start with was the … more"bad guys", you never knew what made them leave and every time you ask they give you a cryptic answer.(I'm guessing they had to kill some of Carver's men to get out) Carver just plain out said they are not worth trusting...
I don't know, this group just smells fishy to me, the only "good" guy in the group is Luke and even that Telltale maybe trying to pull a big twist on us.
Everyone's saying Kenny seems different but i always thought he was the same, so the dialogue with he's new girl came a bit strange to me, he was always a short fused red neck(kinda like an older version of Nick) and he still feels the same to me.
What i'm kinda worried is does 400 days really matter in the story, it seems to be getting out of place now.
I agree for the most part. The cabin crew is definitely no pharmacy phalanx... No that just sounds wrong... Whatevs. The point I'm trying to make is that I think people are giving Nick an unnecessarily hard time. He's nowhere near Ben's level of a screw up.
Yes, he has made mistakes; firing on Clem as a twitch reaction, shooting Matthew. However, both of these situations were understandable. He was on edge after having to kill his own mother. Then, his uncle dies. Finally, he sees his friend/brother (what is the relationship between Luke and Nick anyway?) and a little girl who has stuck up for him being held at gunpoint (or so it seemed). Naturally, he wanted to protect them and took a shot. True, he didn't have all the information and it wound up hurting them in the end, but in his mind, there was no time to assess the situation beyond its initial appearance. Completely understandable, even if it was wrong.
Unlike Ben, Nick is quick to admit mistakes and make amends. Ben's apologies felt empty and forced, whereas Nick's were genuine. Where Ben stole from the group and lied about it, costing an innocent person his/her life, Nick apologized of his own volition (as far as we can know) and saved my Clem at the abandoned distillery. While Ben was resistant to admit to Kenny what he had done (and wound up doing it at the worst possible time, putting his own emotional well being over the safety of his entire group), Nick took my advice to confess to shooting Matthew immediately and did so in an appropriate manner.
So yeah... I see the parallel between Ben and Nick. To me, it feels as if Nick is Ben done right. He's prone to impulsive decisions which cause problems, but he's capable of rectifying them and has a spine, neither of which I can say about Ben. As things stand right now, Nick is shaping up to be my favorite character this season.
If you search for Luke you find Kenny and then you tell him shoot or not shoot Carver's group. Whenever you do, Carver will kill another one of your members.
I Thought it was good, I could have been longer. And there is something really wrong with Kenny And I hate Bonnie! I really wanted to kill her. But this was definitely worth the wait!
I Thought it was good, I could have been longer. And there is something really wrong with Kenny And I hate Bonnie! I really wanted to kill her. But this was definitely worth the wait!
Yeah, Rebecca's bitchy attitude is understandable considering I grew up with mostly women, so I wasn't that mad at her or Bonnie...okay maybe I was a little mad at Bonnie, but still :P
Bonnnie is such a fucking cunt, I treated her really bad when she came looking for food.
And I'm gonna keep treating her bad the next episode. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH
Bonnnie is such a fucking cunt, I treated her really bad when she came looking for food.
And I'm gonna keep treating her in a meaning way the next episode. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH
I saw Bonnie, and I was like, "OMG!!!! Bonnie! " because she was one of my favorite 400 Days characters. She's evil. Why is every redheaded character evil???
Hey guys, if you look closely at the guy on the right in the episode AMID THE RUINS, it kinda looks like Eddie (from Eddie and Wyatt, 400 days). He is the next 400 days character coming.
Hey guys, if you look closely at the guy on the right in the episode AMID THE RUINS, it kinda looks like Eddie (from Eddie and Wyatt, 400 days). He is the next 400 days character coming.
Yeah, this Kenny juts doesn't feel the same. I dont know if it's because I'm playing Clem this time and not Lee, but I just don't get that feel from him any more.
Yeah he also is really aggresive now towards people who dont deserve it.
Like with nick: Do you have a fucking hearing problem?
He is really changed
Personally i think so yes.
In the preview he said: I tried but somebody just didnt want to SHUT UP!
I think he was reffering to luke and to stop more people dieing he just killed luke..
Kenny is obviously the Kenny of season 2.
Very good episode, the choices felt that they mattered, and they did. Excitement throughout the whole episode, character development, and ofcourse the "i thought you were dead" character... (i don't want to have to add spoilers)
Tense moments, nice walker fights, difficult choices... Love it
Yeah, I told him we should go look for Luke too and he went all macho and shot Johnny in the head. Walter died, but Alvin survived in mine.... he just got a little bitch-slapped!
I wonder where Luke actually was went that all went down.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Okay, so long post incoming.
The episode was terrific, I loved the feels when Pete sacrificed himself for Clem to escape (I decided to help Pete out), I loved the feels when Clem saw Kenny. I just couldn't resist and immideatly pressed "HUG HIM". It was so touchy, especially when they mentioned Lee. Walt? Walt was way too stupid and he believed everyone blindly. I love the fact there are still good people, but if TWD and The Last of Us taught me one thing, it is.. DON'T TRUST EVERYONE. I didn't trust Bonnie from the same start, but that fool gave her the box of supplies and that led to his demise, didn't it? Carver is a fucked up guy, but I like the way his crew builds up the tension. Are they going to live as prisoners now or is Carver going to let them roam freely? I think Clem might get close to Carver, from the "Next episode" preview I saw. Nick died in my because of he Asian dude he shot, Walt found out and didn't save him. About Matthew (the Asian guy Nick shot in the neck), I think Nick was too quick to judge and his stupid itchy trigger finger got him killed (in my game).
I'm really glad Kenny is back, though. Luke, I think Luke was working with Carver all along. I dunno why, but I always found him to be kind of shady, you know. No way Carver's group could've tracked them sooo easily. And in the end, Luke doesn't show up.
I was wondering the same thing. It will be interesting to see what role he will play in the next episode.
That was my first reaction. So maybe we'll see some of the other characters from 400 days who decided to go with Tavia in episode 3.
I personally really enjoyed this episode but I do agree with what you were saying about the torch lights in the woods. I too was looking for an opportunity to tell someone about them and discuss options but the choice was never given which was a little odd.
I think we'll have to wait and see what the story is with Bonnie and her reasons for being with Carver. I too, am expecting that most of the other characters from 400 days will make an appearance in later episodes. To me I felt like Bonnie was very quick to trust people in 400 days, and I get the impression that Carver can be very charismatic and manipulative. So it's possible that he's convinced Bonnie and others from his group that Luke and our group are in the wrong in some way. (Similar to the Governor in TWD tv show). Again we'll have to wait and see I guess.
Me too!!!
I don't want to jump to conclusion just yet, but i think Carver may be on the rights on this game and the whole group we start with was the "bad guys", you never knew what made them leave and every time you ask they give you a cryptic answer.(I'm guessing they had to kill some of Carver's men to get out) Carver just plain out said they are not worth trusting...
I don't know, this group just smells fishy to me, the only "good" guy in the group is Luke and even that Telltale maybe trying to pull a big twist on us.
Everyone's saying Kenny seems different but i always thought he was the same, so the dialogue with he's new girl came a bit strange to me, he was always a short fused red neck(kinda like an older version of Nick) and he still feels the same to me.
What i'm kinda worried is does 400 days really matter in the story, it seems to be getting out of place now.
So let me preface I adored this episode, it was very exciting and fun, so here are a few points I'd like to mention that I enjoyed.
Now for my criticism because no game is perfect.
Overall I adored this episode like I said before ,and is already up there with my other favorite episodes from season 1. I'd give it a 9/10.
Nothing wrong with having another save file where you play your "perfect" game.
I just finished playing the second episode and it was great! I'm definitely going to play on a different file and try different options to see the outcome of them. When Kenny showed up I was happy to see him, now with a godlike beard of course, although he seems a bit different but come on give the man a break he lost his family and has been through a rough time and is trying to deal with it. I'm hoping Lilly shows up in a later episode as well, I wouldn't mind seeing her again and how she would react towards Clem or Kenny if they meet up again.
Yeah about the cabin group they were definitely nicer and more trustworthy towards Clem I also forgave Rebecca. Bonnie oh man I don't why she was with Carver but maybe she has her reasons, playing a double agent perhaps? In the preview of EP3 we see Clem and her smiling at each other maybe she helps you out but the previews aren't always 100% accurate.
All in all I gave it a 9.5 also. I'm definitely ready for the next episodes and very excited to see how this season goes but so far it's very good another GOTY for sure if Telltale keeps this up!
That's what I think. Carver might not be the bad guy after all, remember that Christa said you can't trust anyone and so did Carver when he visited the cabin. He knew Sarah was there and Clem was hiding her to be honest. He could've killed them both. But he didn't. I think that man just wanted his baby.
Peter and Alvin died at me.
Peter and Alvin died at me.
I'm sooooooo glaaaad Kenny is alive, but I already hate Bonnie and Carver:D
Walter dies regardless. Everyone else could still be saved.
I agree for the most part. The cabin crew is definitely no pharmacy phalanx... No that just sounds wrong... Whatevs. The point I'm trying to make is that I think people are giving Nick an unnecessarily hard time. He's nowhere near Ben's level of a screw up.
Yes, he has made mistakes; firing on Clem as a twitch reaction, shooting Matthew. However, both of these situations were understandable. He was on edge after having to kill his own mother. Then, his uncle dies. Finally, he sees his friend/brother (what is the relationship between Luke and Nick anyway?) and a little girl who has stuck up for him being held at gunpoint (or so it seemed). Naturally, he wanted to protect them and took a shot. True, he didn't have all the information and it wound up hurting them in the end, but in his mind, there was no time to assess the situation beyond its initial appearance. Completely understandable, even if it was wrong.
Unlike Ben, Nick is quick to admit mistakes and make amends. Ben's apologies felt empty and forced, whereas Nick's were genuine. Where Ben stole from the group and lied about it, costing an innocent person his/her life, Nick apologized of his own volition (as far as we can know) and saved my Clem at the abandoned distillery. While Ben was resistant to admit to Kenny what he had done (and wound up doing it at the worst possible time, putting his own emotional well being over the safety of his entire group), Nick took my advice to confess to shooting Matthew immediately and did so in an appropriate manner.
So yeah... I see the parallel between Ben and Nick. To me, it feels as if Nick is Ben done right. He's prone to impulsive decisions which cause problems, but he's capable of rectifying them and has a spine, neither of which I can say about Ben. As things stand right now, Nick is shaping up to be my favorite character this season.
You can look for Luke?can you find him?
In my play through, Alvin dies. I feel really bad. Should I redo it?
No, he "goes for a hike" (Kenny says that). It's very suspicious of him leaving.
Yeah, if you really want to. I decided to have one save file for my "pure playthroughs" with no redos and make another save file for redos.
If you search for Luke you find Kenny and then you tell him shoot or not shoot Carver's group. Whenever you do, Carver will kill another one of your members.
I Thought it was good, I could have been longer. And there is something really wrong with Kenny
And I hate Bonnie! I really wanted to kill her. But this was definitely worth the wait!
That's Smart. Thanks
Give her a chance. Maybe in episode 3, she'll get her act together judging by the way she and Clemmy were talking/smiling in the previews.
You're right. I hated Rebecca last episode but I kind of started to like her this one. So maybe I will start to like Bonnie next episode.
Yeah, Rebecca's bitchy attitude is understandable considering I grew up with mostly women, so I wasn't that mad at her or Bonnie...okay maybe I was a little mad at Bonnie, but still :P
Bonnnie is such a fucking cunt, I treated her really bad when she came looking for food.
And I'm gonna keep treating her bad the next episode. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH
Bonnnie is such a fucking cunt, I treated her really bad when she came looking for food.
And I'm gonna keep treating her in a meaning way the next episode. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH
I sat with the new group anyways, never really liked Kenny.
He'll remember that. hahahaha
when I gave Pate a cigarrete it showed me he'd remember that.
so what? he was gonna die anyway.
I used to like her, but now I'm gonna do everything to ruin that bitch's life.
Suspicious of Luke or Kenny?i don't think Kenny has anything to do with it,oh wait maybe
Hey guys, if you look closely at the guy on the right in the episode AMID THE RUINS, it kinda looks like Eddie (from Eddie and Wyatt, 400 days). He is the next 400 days character coming.
I hope so