The Walking Dead Forum Awards



  • Even Russel subscribed to you.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    This is what I think when anyone says I'm not the most awesome member:

  • When you're used to getting downvotes, it starts to be funny. It doesn't mean they're not annoying, though.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Gotta love the downvotes haha

  • Who you gonna call?

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    Rafoli posted: »

    Of course. You're one of our troll-busters XD

  • edited April 2014

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    gd3232 posted: »

    I'm just making fun of myself, I'm a loner/socially awkward/whatever IRL. I'm used to it and i like it. Best Users? I love these forums

  • edited April 2014

    Best bros:Rafoli,Deceptio,JonGon,Markd4547,OhYouPokedMe,The Walking Mustache,LeeTheProffesional,TWDfan86,Giraffehat,Azlyn,GOUSTTTT,Viva_la_lee,Tobi-is-a-good-boy,Saltlick and last but not least GuiltyKingOumaShu

  • edited April 2014

    Holy crap Saltlick why is it that almost every post I read of yours is complaining about trolls? "Oh the trolls are making alt accounts to downvote me!" "The trolls are picking on me!" And then if you get into an argument with someone like lemoncakes you label him a troll. Bro just ignore them and they will get bored! If someone does't like what your saying and downvotes you it doesn't mean there is a troll attack! And besides downvotes don't mean shit so do yourself a favour and ignore them!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    He could still Downvote me a few times though Since I don't even know who he is, but he's too lazy. Can't even give it all for the Sake of Trolling. Its just Like I said Before, These Trolls Are Garbage.

  • It's an honor to be the first one mentioned. Bros for life!

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    Best bros:Rafoli,Deceptio,JonGon,Markd4547,OhYouPokedMe,The Walking Mustache,LeeTheProffesional,TWDfan86,Giraffehat,Azlyn,GOUSTTTT,Viva_la_lee,Tobi-is-a-good-boy,Saltlick and last but not least GuiltyKingOumaShu

  • I know how you feel. I've been on this forum for about 6-8 months now, yet I feel a little... Left out? Probably because I mostly spend my time on the first fan-fic thread. : /

    Anyway, I am getting more and more connected to the rest of the forum, so I hope there's plenty of friends to be made and fun to be had! : D

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Am I really that unknown here? :I

  • edited April 2014

    Troll busters?

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Who you gonna call?

  • Ohh no I got downvoted my life is over.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Holy crap Saltlick why is it that almost every post I read of yours is complaining about trolls? "Oh the trolls are making alt accounts to d

  • I'm happy to be bros with anyone who is a swag guy killer :)

    Best bros:Rafoli,Deceptio,JonGon,Markd4547,OhYouPokedMe,The Walking Mustache,LeeTheProffesional,TWDfan86,Giraffehat,Azlyn,GOUSTTTT,Viva_la_lee,Tobi-is-a-good-boy,Saltlick and last but not least GuiltyKingOumaShu

  • edited April 2014

    Forget this, I'm outta here

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    AusZombie posted: »

    Ohh no I got downvoted my life is over.

  • Always

    Rafoli posted: »

    It's an honor to be the first one mentioned. Bros for life!

  • Wait, So Now Im complaining about getting Downvotes ???

    Im actually disappointed cause' Im not getting enough and all my friends are.

    If you want to have a real argument Im Down for that but saying Im Complaining over it when Im doing the exact opposite is not gonna cut it.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Holy crap Saltlick why is it that almost every post I read of yours is complaining about trolls? "Oh the trolls are making alt accounts to d

  • I Think I wasn't mention here, but it's okay :D I think that more people need it than me because they deserve it :)

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I know how you feel. I've been on this forum for about 6-8 months now, yet I feel a little... Left out? Probably because I mostly spend my t

  • Im Okay with people taking shots at me, I just want you to base on something real.

    If you can point out a Post In which I said " Why Im I getting Downvotes ? " Like you said I did, you win.

    Couldn't find anything ? Just What I expected. Thanks for your time.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Ohh no I got downvoted my life is over.

  • Only if you have Oreos and The Room on DVD.

    This forum has a The Room fanbase? Oh heck yes.

    Only if you have Oreos and The Room on DVD.

  • Saltlick mentioned me.

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    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Best User: You're all awesome. Nicest People: GOUSTTTT, Azlyn, Ohyoupokedme, IHeartTWD, Viva-La-Lee, Bigby-Wolf, The Walkig Mustache, Mar

  • It's kinda weird. Saltlick gets a lot of thumbs up every time but his fans are ignoring other people (with same opinion). Only he's rewarded. Then, Saltlick is often complaining about forum trolls, downvoting him sometimes. But talking about them is same as feeding them. Everybody knows that. Downvotes won't do any harm, so what's the problem?

    AusZombie posted: »

    Holy crap Saltlick why is it that almost every post I read of yours is complaining about trolls? "Oh the trolls are making alt accounts to d

  • Please, Go back and Read all my posts or Edit this comment.

    You're basically doing what you called me out on doing. You're making fun of how Irrelevant Downvotes are right after you called me out for doing the same.

    AusZombie, Stop Complaining about Trolls.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Ohh no I got downvoted my life is over.

  • I mean, I just feel that Tommy Wiseau is the voice of the modern age. That movie really captured Johnny's struggle.

    Only if you have Oreos and The Room on DVD. This forum has a The Room fanbase? Oh heck yes.

  • Well, It all makes sense now. This is all about Jealousy.

    You've basically admitted having Low-Self Esteem because some people get more Thumbs Up than you on an Internet Forum. You feel inferior to someone else which lead you to attack him with False Accusations.

    You're complaining about someone getting more love than you do.

    It's kinda weird. Saltlick gets a lot of thumbs up every time but his fans are ignoring other people (with same opinion). Only he's rewarded

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    Giraffehat posted: »

    This is what I think when anyone says I'm not the most awesome member:

  • Saltlick has a point, you're just jealous of him, Urban

    It's kinda weird. Saltlick gets a lot of thumbs up every time but his fans are ignoring other people (with same opinion). Only he's rewarded

  • Jealousy IRL is bad enough.

    Jealousy over the Internet is just Lame.

    My point was made. Even if she replies Im not gonna argue with her, She's a female I think so I don't even wanna go further.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Saltlick has a point, you're just jealous of him, Urban

  • Are you really jealous that someone is getting more attention than you on the internet ? Gosh people these days.

    It's kinda weird. Saltlick gets a lot of thumbs up every time but his fans are ignoring other people (with same opinion). Only he's rewarded

  • Yep jealousy over the internet is lame, and you do not want to piss off a female ,especially if it's that time....

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Jealousy IRL is bad enough. Jealousy over the Internet is just Lame. My point was made. Even if she replies Im not gonna argue with her, She's a female I think so I don't even wanna go further.

  • I'm only saying it's weird. No accusations. I don't care about your thumbs, narcissus boy. Relax.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well, It all makes sense now. This is all about Jealousy. You've basically admitted having Low-Self Esteem because some people get more T

  • edited April 2014


    Awesomeo. You are awesome. How can we not like you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • You must be kidding.You're a cool guy.Not a loser

    Loser award for me.

  • And fuck Greg miller!!!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And fuck all the trolls!

  • IDK. There was nothing to talk about. You are funny though. :)

  • The world needs to see your talent!

    You. Are. Amazing.

  • Am I the shark or the gorilla?

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • See You did make a good point, I talk about Trolls. I Agree.

    This is the part where Jealousy comes into play, You saw an Opporunity to take a shot and me but Didn't even bother to read the rest of the comments here. Everyone is talking about it as well, Postin Gifs and Images about Downvotes.

    Even your buddy up there Acknowledged the Troll by saying "I got downvotes, My life is over."

    Anything to say about that ?

    I'm only saying it's weird. No accusations. I don't care about your thumbs, narcissus boy. Relax.

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    And fuck Greg miller!!!

  • Im gonna go into a park and feed some pigeons tommorow... Maybe they wanna be my friends...

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  • Don't stay like that :o :(

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Im gonna go into a park and feed some pigeons tommorow... Maybe they wanna be my friends...

  • edited April 2014

    Thanks for cheering me up, but I gotta do this. I bet not even they want to be my friends...

    EDIT: Im gonna cry myself to sleep now. Good night.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Don't stay like that

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