
  • I'll just pretend in my head i saw it xD i honestly thought it was my internet being weird at first, i'm glad everyone is experiencing this and it's not just me x_x

    so what have you been up to today? :3
    Rafoli posted: »

    Fuck yeah. I wish I could post a nodding gif, but this function is disabled for some time :/

  • Well, I've been having internet problems ALL DAY LONG, and it's still not fixed. Because of that I'm just chatting with random people on steam and checking the forums (even though I do that all the time, lol).

    What about you? Talked to Poked all day?
    xValkyx posted: »

    I'll just pretend in my head i saw it xD i honestly thought it was my internet being weird at first, i'm glad everyone is experiencing this and it's not just me x_x so what have you been up to today? :3

  • I totally relate to the internet problems D: i feel your pain dude.
    Lol i think a third of my life is spent checking these forums for news XD

    YUP! we have been talking in a PM all day. We are currently role playing for fun :D
    well about to anyways, i'm still thinking of a good way to start it :/ other than that just browsing the forum and on youtube :)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Well, I've been having internet problems ALL DAY LONG, and it's still not fixed. Because of that I'm just chatting with random people on ste

  • Yeah, just listening to some of the songs people posted on my thread and some rock songs my father recommends me. Nothing really special. Damn, I wish I could play something without having a high ping in my own region, lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I totally relate to the internet problems D: i feel your pain dude. Lol i think a third of my life is spent checking these forums for news

  • What kind of music do you like?

    Rafoli posted: »

    Yeah, just listening to some of the songs people posted on my thread and some rock songs my father recommends me. Nothing really special. Damn, I wish I could play something without having a high ping in my own region, lol.

  • I like to listen to rock, mostly, but I also listen to some other music when I think they're cool. What about you?
    xValkyx posted: »

    What kind of music do you like? lol

  • I LOVE rock. I usually listen to 70's/80's/early 90's xD
    but i pretty much like any music that's good, i listen to classical when i draw lol
    Rafoli posted: »

    I like to listen to rock, mostly, but I also listen to some other music when I think they're cool. What about you?

  • Me too! I listen to bands like Led Zeppelin, Queen, Deep Purple, those kind of bands. I'm not even mentioning Beatles, because that's basically common knowledge.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I LOVE rock. I usually listen to 70's/80's/early 90's xD but i pretty much like any music that's good, i listen to classical when i draw lol

  • I love all of those you mentioned! :D i also love Guns N Roses =w=
    Queen is just boss. x3
    Rafoli posted: »

    Me too! I listen to bands like Led Zeppelin, Queen, Deep Purple, those kind of bands. I'm not even mentioning Beatles, because that's basically common knowledge.

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited May 2014
    Wait, I thought she lived in the US? Where does she live?
    Rafoli posted: »

    LOL XD It's a little close to her country, so I guess that made the trip possible. If she traveled from america to Greece, man...

  • They are. You see that instagram thread? Drugs are going on there.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I love all of those you mentioned! :D i also love Guns N Roses =w= Queen is just boss. x3

  • Far away, in the Romanian realm. Yeah, six hours different from where I live, unfortunately.
    Deceptio posted: »

    Wait, I thought she lived in the US? Where does she live?

  • edited May 2014
    You're not trying to steal my girl are you...?

    *glares at Rafoli suspiciously*

    Don't you be stealin' my mistresses!

    *winks jokingly*
    Rafoli posted: »

    They are. You see that instagram thread? Drugs are going on there.

  • I don't steal no mistresses, I have my own ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

    You're not trying to steal my girl are you...? *glares at Rafoli suspiciously* Don't you be stealin' my mistresses! *winks jokingly*

  • Catwoman?
    Rafoli posted: »

    I don't steal no mistresses, I have my own ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

  • Yeeah, the "Catwoman". Let's put it like that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • Sadly I'm only up to Episode 2.... SO FREAKING BUSY!

    someone posted a Guilty Crown Soundtrack (again!) So happy right now.

  • too damn slow, man. Reach the second half already! xD

    Sadly I'm only up to Episode 2.... SO FREAKING BUSY!

  • edited May 2014

    Copy and paste this, Valky, in your URL, then we can continue.

    Dat roleplay dough ;^)

    (it didn't appear. Gunna have to use the link further up)
  • I displeased the Guilty King.

    I miss pictures. T_T

    too damn slow, man. Reach the second half already! xD

  • edited May 2014
    Girl in class just HAD to wear sandals.

    We are doing research right now and my partner is gone, so this girl a seat away decided to put laptop on her lap and put her feet up on that chair INCHES from my person!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I like them plain, I guess.

  • I would have preferred bread, but skittles are nice, too.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Hm? Oh not at all, i'm rather quirky myself so it takes a lot to freak me out x3 Nice to meet you too! *gives you skittles and shakes your hand* ^w^

  • Pure Torture! XD

    Girl in class just HAD to wear sandals. We are doing research right now and my partner is gone, so this girl a seat away decided to put laptop on her lap and put her feet up on that chair INCHES from my person! MERCY!

  • What's happening in it? i couldn't find the thread.

    Are they all having a crazy party without us?
    Rafoli posted: »

    They are. You see that instagram thread? Drugs are going on there.

  • Oh of course, my apologies *gives you some bread* :3
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I would have preferred bread, but skittles are nice, too.

  • good thing i had the other link bookmarked so i didn't have to scroll up and find it xD

    http://www.telltalegames.com/community/messages/1442 Copy and paste this, Valky, in your URL, then we can continue. Dat roleplay dough ;^) (it didn't appear. Gunna have to use the link further up)

  • Nah, it's already over. They were having some fun with their brand new temporary bisexuality XD
    xValkyx posted: »

    What's happening in it? i couldn't find the thread. Are they all having a crazy party without us?

  • I just found the thread XD

    I have no words... *wipes away nosebleed*
    Rafoli posted: »

    Nah, it's already over. They were having some fun with their brand new temporary bisexuality XD

  • Nosebleed? LOL.

    What's up?
    xValkyx posted: »

    I just found the thread XD I have no words... *wipes away nosebleed*

  • I'm a yaoi fan so i basically died there xD

    nothing much, talking to Ohyoupokedme and drawing ^_^ yourself?
    Rafoli posted: »

    Nosebleed? LOL. What's up?

  • Woah, you draw? A lot of people over here have this hobby, I wish I could draw something :/

    I'm not doing anything important. My sister is downloading Mass Effect, so slow internet+download= 350 ping in my own region.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I'm a yaoi fan so i basically died there xD nothing much, talking to Ohyoupokedme and drawing ^_^ yourself?

  • Yeah, but it's mainly Anime style artwork i do ^_^ i'm sure you could, it just takes a fair bit of practice :3
    it's mainly just a few anatomy sketches to help me improve.

    I've played the Mass Effect games, they're pretty good. Damn, still got slow internet? D:
    Rafoli posted: »

    Woah, you draw? A lot of people over here have this hobby, I wish I could draw something :/ I'm not doing anything important. My sister is downloading Mass Effect, so slow internet+download= 350 ping in my own region.

  • Yeah, Brazil's internet is worse than Ethiopia and Nigeria, and my internet provider is one of the worst. I suffer a lot, as you can see.

    The lack of charisma of the characters is one of the worst things.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah, but it's mainly Anime style artwork i do ^_^ i'm sure you could, it just takes a fair bit of practice :3 it's mainly just a few anat

  • I didn't know you were from Brazil.

    Yeah that is one of the flaws (though i did like Garrus a bit), i wasn't really a huge fan of the endings to
    Mass Effect 3 either. I've heard they are making a Mass Effect 4 but i haven't really read anything on it.

    What games do you play?
    Rafoli posted: »

    Yeah, Brazil's internet is worse than Ethiopia and Nigeria, and my internet provider is one of the worst. I suffer a lot, as you can see. The lack of charisma of the characters is one of the worst things.

  • Games like Dota 2, Garry's Mod, Battlefield, and some others. What about you?
    xValkyx posted: »

    I didn't know you were from Brazil. Yeah that is one of the flaws (though i did like Garrus a bit), i wasn't really a huge fan of the e

  • The Persona series, Kingdom Hearts and just a few Fantasy/RPG/Horror/Fighting/FPS games here and there :)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Games like Dota 2, Garry's Mod, Battlefield, and some others. What about you?

  • Can you recommend some REALLY good games for my sister? I wanna put her into the gaming world but she doesn't cooperate .
    xValkyx posted: »

    The Persona series, Kingdom Hearts and just a few Fantasy/RPG/Horror/Fighting/FPS games here and there :)

  • me, too, man, me too...

    I displeased the Guilty King. I miss pictures. T_T

  • edited May 2014
    I would post my "the guilty king is pleased with you" pic...IF I COULD!
  • Of course, what kind of games does your sister like? or if she doesn't play a lot of games what genre does she prefer?

    If she is more into casual gaming i would suggest games like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Rune Factory (an RPG version of Harvest Moon), Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright and Pokemon. These are all time consuming but addicting games to get into.

    If she is someone who likes RPGs then she may like games such as Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Persona (P3 and 4 having great storylines and even some casual gameplay), Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, Skyrim, Fire Emblem (i really recommend) and the ''Tales of'' series is pretty good.

    Some extra games she may like are:
    Okami (a beautiful game that many people seem to enjoy)
    Red Dead Redemption (a FPS set in a western place)
    The Last of Us
    The Metal Gear Solid series (a bit more for hardcore players but it was one of my first game series')
    The ''Atelier'' series
    Shadow of the Colossus
    Resident Evil series
    Shadows of the Damned

    that's off the top of my head anyway (sorry it was more than 'some' xD)
    i hoped i helped anyway :)
    Rafoli posted: »

    Can you recommend some REALLY good games for my sister? I wanna put her into the gaming world but she doesn't cooperate .

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