TWD: Right or Wrong (Interactive) - Season 2 Episode 1 Part 3 Released
Enter here: (I made a new forum so you don't have to register and post, you can just post as a guest and submit your character!!) .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's basically a revision of Season 1, and you guys get to vote on the decisions. The main character ins't Lee, though he is another character. Who will eventually run into Lee's group. I'm leaving the character register up forever, you will still submit but everyone won't be introduced in the same chapter, or episode.
Characters in the story.
Introduced so far: Carmen, Mitchell, Manny, Danny, Nero Zedlum, Frankie, Rose, Xavier King, Luis Domingez, Beth, Crystal, Daniel Crelourn, Spencer Drake, Lawrence Pryde, John Kozlov, Callie, Devyn, Alex, George, Amanda Weiss, Nick, Ava Mitchell, Liam Jackson, Spark, Zack Lockwood, David Bale, Ralph, Devin, Samuel Bowie, Maria, Alan Cal, Dominic, Haley, Matthew, Cynthia, Ian Hawkins, Sam Hawkins, Harjit Singh, Davison, Tera Michaels, Luke, Amber Romero, Leroy Paul Cufferman, Jamie, Elias, Kerry, Mimi, Clara, Henry, Ursula, Eric, Lucas, Dave, Jim Jim, Joe, Jav, Katherine, Jill Owenson, Link Andalia, Charlie, Josh, Terry Jackson, Gabrielle
Waiting introduction: Jowanna, Sarita, Bonnie, Kat, Saskia, Viola, Nikki Espinoza, Joel, Bill, Alyx, Faye Shimay, Tamara Karlov, Orla, Ellis, Mike, Jasmine, Dan, Tess, Austin, Julian, Fiorella Sanchez, Eduardo Sanchez, Laura, Lo Ridgemount, Gia, Rashad Grice, Jonathan, Sophia, Zaphira, Elizabeth Galloway
Link to catch up on the story!!
Episode 1(Complete):
Episode 2(Complete):
Episode 3(Complete):
Episode 4(Complete):
Episode 5(Complete):
I made a intro to the fanfic.. (Why did I make this when I could have made the next part? I dunno. Was really bored :PP) !!!
List of Group Members:
Interesting I'll submit a character
EDIT: LOL? Those other answers... example:
"What?! I thought this was Sesame Street"
"No introduce me right away or I'll use Kenny's mustache.
Didn't pick them, but I wonder who would
I'll submit a character too, sounds cool
Maybe.... just maybe..... IT IS SESAME STREET!!! Plot twist.
This is a pretty cool idea! Will you be submitting each chapter to the forums?
:O. Oh man. That's crazy.
Then that means... I'm Cookie Monster. And Clem's hamster escaped, but I was the one that ate the cookies! Plot twist.
Hey Tiny Carlos. When do you think this will start? I can't wait already! But I guess for now we have to wait for more characters
Done,I submitted a unique character for you
oh.. a side note that I forget to add,she's a Pre-op,so take that as a twist material
Just submitted!
The character I submitted is pretty much a revised version of the character I used on Raging_Blades thread. I also put a bunch of extra details in there, your choice whether or not you want to use them :P
Really looking forward to this!
Someone should make a sacrifice and instead of making a character based on them make a character that is super evil. Also, I forgot to put this on my form, I have a strong set of morals that make me despise criminals and other evil people.
Hmm, cool idea. Though, I've actually only posted my character form my own Fan-Fic.
Done. I can't wait to see this story!
It's them from another universe I guess XD .
I wonder how many characters we can make.... If we can make more than one I am going to make an evil character.
My characters name is George, I put he's deceptive,good with weapons and with hand to hand combat, also he likes using women but can occasionally be caring towards people, and he's not based off me
Damn alot of people have submitted already. I'm not sure I'll start the story tonight, considering I have to plan how all these characters come into the fold.
Thanks for your participation guys! I don't mean to be a copy cat - considering that about 10 other people have been doing the same format - but I just couldn't resist.
so how many characters are submitted now?
Actually waiting for characters won't stop anything at all. I'm just planning on how this will work out.
Okay. Can't wait!
I submitted mine, I hope it's picked
Submitted, can't wait to see what you do!
Just to make another thing clear.
Every character is accepted. None are denied or anything, but will be brought in sooner or later.
And please only submit one at a time. If your character is killed off, you can submit another one. So don't worry about "not getting picked"
Yes, also going to post it on a different site so it's easier to find and catch up for others who are just starting.
Okay, that's fine. Do what you want.
Submitted. I am gonna be a villian.
I have submitted my character: Nero
I wish there had been a homosexual question for girls, they can be gay too you know :P
I just wrote the sexuality in the description box, lol. I can't wait for this to start!
I thought I did put a question for that...oh well. Feel free to put which way they swing. Sorry it wasn't in there for some reason.
I figured you just forgot or I missed it somehow! It's fine. Just in case you wanted usernames and not name names by the way, I'm Devyn but also Sardines, haha. So whatever works best for you!
I've never been good with just making up characters on the fly. I think I edited it a bit, but I may have forgotten to remove a comment about "surviving for so long". So if this is at the beginning of the Turn, just ignore that.
Submitted! I am so excited for the story!
I did them options they are to funny I can't resist lol
Sounds cool submitted!!
That`s awesome. I made a character based on me. Really excited for first chapters!
I'm in this thing. whoa, why do I need a captcha?
It's Google. You know them
Oh my god, I love your picture!
Thanks your's cool too! when will the first chapter be up?
Eh, I'm still planning out the story. There is a chance for today - maybe tomorrow. 50/50 chance, I'd say.