Your Belief VS Zombie Apocalypse
All right guys let's CLASH some morals here! (with RESPECT please)
Are you a religious person? Do you believe in God?
- How your belief would affect you in a zombie apocalypse?
- this would be a predestined event of mankind?
- it would mean the day of judgment, the final test of each human-being as a person?
- This catastrophic event would make you stop believing in God?
if NO:
- How do you morally understand an event of this magnitude?
- This catastrophic event would make you rethink about believe in God?
- This catastrophic event would only serve to reinforce the idea that there is nothing beyond us?
OBS: you don't need to answer all questions, and there is no order to the questions, just pick one of them, or all of it and talk about it!
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I myself am Triforce, so I believe in the three goddesses that created everything. I know this because I have obtained the Triforce a few years ago. If the ZA happened then I would just use my power to kill all the zombies
Yeah i would still believe in god, there are so many things in this world that are so amazing and complex, i think there is some sort of being out there that has a greater understanding than us, the universe is so vast it really makes you feel like a insignificant nothing in the grand scheme of things. I have already went through my personal conflict with god, i was extremely angry at him for a long time, then eventually i got over it, i accepted things are the way they are.
I wouldn't think this was a sign from god, because i don't believe god interacts with us directly, he is just there to guide you as a passive influence. I also don't think god would purposely hurt/kill innocents to punish the wicked. I think bad things just happen.
I don't actually believe in god and an event like that would reinforce my beliefs that you have to be open to a variety of possibilities.
I believe everything happens for a reason and that only God can know those reasons. The only thing I can say for sure is that my faith in Him wouldn't falter.
I'm a protestant, but in the happening of a ZA I wouldn't spend time praying or something, I don't do that anyway.
I believe that there is no god. The apocalypse, especially a zombie one which is most likely caused by a virus, would do nothing to make me rethink my beliefs on the matter. Viruses and plagues occur in nature, and just because it happens in my lifetime does not change that basic fact.
Skylar Approved.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but do you mean the Triforce from Zelda?
i think he is lol, how else would he get this "power" to kill all the zombies
Yes, I believe in God. I believe that only He knows the cause of "whatever this is", and only He can fix it.
Edit: You ASKED for my opinion... sorry if it wasn't the right one... jerks. >:(
This is a good answer. I think a little like this too, although I believe some major events, like a ZA for example.. is not something purely passive!
Well I'm from Iowa, United States sooooo you can probably guess what I think. Anyways, answer your own question Clem_Everett
I don't mean to be disrespectful or start an argument, but people once thought the same about the Bubonic plague, and god has done nothing to eradicate it thus far.
I don't believe in god.
To me the concept of some superior being controlling everything is in fact quite laughable.
If the apocalypse were to happen it would most probably be the cause of a new virus or plague.
Interesting fact, the closest we could get to a real zombie apocalypse scenario would be if the Cordycep Fungus did evolve and successfully infected the human race, but as it stand right now, it's certainly not a threat and the chances of it happening are extremely unlikely. Hell, it's even used in medicine.
So no, if it were to happen it wouldn't make me worship any kind of god or religion.
Everything can be explained and unless we give up in our search for knowledge and bow down to any mystical being, i believe that humanity would advance and evolve ten times faster as a race and species.
No offense to anyone, this is my own personal opinion.
I'm agnostic; I think there's a possibility that there's a god, but there's no way of knowing whether or not it's true for sure, or which religion would even be 'correct.' So I just tend not to think about it much
I don't like the Bible though (yes, I've read it) or those who interpret it so literally :P So I'll remain agnostic until I get the chance to read other religious texts; maybe I'll find one I really like and become religious that way.
I think, though, if it were to happen, the zombie apocalypse would do one of either two things for me:
1) It'd change my beliefs from agnostic to purely atheist, as I'd be so upset with what had happened / how the world had gone. I'd probably think that no god would do this to their creations, or, if they did, that they didn't deserve my respect/belief.
2) It'd change my beliefs to be a little more religious, and I might pray more to a god or God, in desperation from my situation.
Not sure though.
Sorry if I offended anyone, this is just my opinion!
yes im just like you. I grew up religious but have always had my 'concerns'?? the only thing I can say is that I haven't read the bible, and its one of things I wanna do, that and the quaran, and whatever is called for the jewish bible.
Ok rs
I believe in God. believe in Spiritism Doctrine, I believe that this life is aimed at personal/spiritual evolution of each one of us. and that there will be other lives after this.
the word "Hell" means to me the ignorance and imperfection that each of us are immersed. it blinds us to the larger truth, it cripple us, and binds us to the material condition.
Paradise means to me the release of ills, full self-consciousness, the ability to LOVE and FORGIVE others, the purity that is obtained. not the purity of a child (the ignorant purity)
I believe that purity can not be achieved through only one existence.
For me, nothing happens by accident.
Nah, I recently changed from Catholic to atheist. Not following these so-called rules if Jesus broke one himself. So that's why I think it's made up.
In your opinion why do bad things happen to good people? I think almost the same as you just different on a few small details.
So I take it your Christian right?
I'm kinda like.. I have a weird mix of religions okay, even old religions, like Suomenusko, I DO NOT believe in all religions, but I accept them, I kinda like believe that all religions in heart are the same.. I don't what it's called okay, something you accept all religions. The religions THAT I BELIEVE IN are Judaism and Protestanism. If a ZA were to happen I would be less into religion and more focused on staying alive, thankfully you can fit a prayer or two in.
what if you believe in God and you are not a religious person?
Yes i believe and an omnipotent infection like the one in TWD would make me see the apocalypse as a test for all humans and a chance to restart everything and be better than past generations/cultures.
The dead are walking the earth, for crying out loud. If this was God's way of punishing us, the fact we're surviving it gives cause for some inspiration, don't you think?
Sometimes when something bad happens in a person's life, it can be interpreted as a test directed to oneself, or to the people around you. for example; When a mother loses her child. this can mean a test for the mother, or. it was a Karma for the child.
when a good person suffers. he/she may be, actually. just paying for something "not so good" made in a past life.
The law of Karma is that law which adjusts effect to its cause, in other words. all the good or evil we have done in life will bring us good or bad consequences in this life or the next. like the choices we made in TT game.
I'm and athiest and if that happened i may pray but i mean who in this world wouldn't try that, i mean anyone would at least give it a shot even if they didn't believe if they were in that situation, but i wouldn't believe in a god or anything, and my morals would be based off of my own morality
I have no set religion. I just support me more in Spiritism Doctrine.
I think the most important thing is to be religious, and not. to have a specific religion.
Yeah! All we need is LOVE! ^^
What rule Jesus broke? tell me about it.
Having a religion is different from being religious.
The Ten Commandments. It says don't kill and for the last supper he ate fish, it doesn't say don't kill humans, it's say ANYTHING. So he broke that.
I wouldn't...what's the point anyway ? Just keep your spirit up and never give up, that's how you survive in a world gone to shit.
Like Kenny said : You don't just give up because it's hard...You stick it up and you help the folks you care about !
No offense taken. every opinion have to be respected.
But let me ask you something: What is there after death?
An end to consciousness.
Isn't spirit a religious word? Plus Kenny is a Christian man
Certainly not heaven...the simple concept of being stuck for eternity with the most boring people on earth and the annoying people i met during my life would be enough to drive me crazy...
Sure you would be reunited with your loved ones too, but imagine being stuck FOREVER with every annoying and boring person you met during your lifetime....FOR ETERNITY!
Yeah...screw that...oh and not Hell either, if i don't believe in heaven i certainly don't believe in hell...
If there is something after death, maybe another plane of existence or something.
It certainly isn't in the clouds or under our feet i can tell you that much...
No offense taken! That's exactly what I want you people to do here! talk about it openly
I have also had many questions about God. and I personally came to the conclusion that this universe is too beautiful and too complex to be just a fluke. I mean, just observe nature around you. there is "intelligence" there!
Just to clear things up, I disagree strongly with religious concepts. I don't believe in the atheist agenda either.
The way they turn deep philosophical issues into a black and white situation of being smart or stupid, Piss me off.
...just because i don't believe in god doesn't mean that i can't say " Oh God..." or "keep your spirit up"...that's fucking stupid Ben...
Yeah, Kenny what ? The speech still stands, nothing says i can't use his quote because his character is Christian.... -_-