Just Around The Corner (The Walking Dead Interactive Fan-fic)



  • [You need to come back]

    Nina [Don't risk it.] You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it w

  • "You need to come back."

    Nina [Don't risk it.] You look down at the ground. "If she were going to come back then she already would have one her own, maybe it w

  • IMA BACK! What did i lost? :o

  • edited July 2014

    Welcome back :D You didn't miss too much

    Shumisha posted: »

    IMA BACK! What did i lost?

  • No part today since I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I will update in the early morning/noonish time with two new parts. Goodnight though.

  • Small recap while I have time and then I have a meeting to go to and when I get back I will post the next 5 parts that I have missed.

    Siren has done me a favor and chosen a couple that she wants to see and so that will be happening.

    Siren now has the ability to view the character submissions, along with submitting her own character.

    I owe you guys at least 5 parts because I've been pretty busy lately with a friend of my own and streaming and games and stuff.

    Warning: The next 5 parts will have extremely important choices that will affect the rest of the story so I'll just say that now.

    Jamie, Fluefeed, will not be coming back until September 17th while Siren is learning more about the story and I am helping her; Jamie made that decision because she didn't want to post a new part and for Siren to get confused so HAESGB.

    We have at least four new deceased characters and that list is right here:

    • KingJuiceBox
    • Tera
    • KingJuiceBox (Again)
    • Devyn
    • Peggy Ma
    • Leroy Fischer
    • Ian
    • Puncake
    • Daphne
    • Troy
    • Reynold
    • Spark

    And now I have to go to the meeting great. See you guys in a little bit ◕‿↼

  • Pia

    "You need to come back."

    "Kara, we're not going to lie to them but we're not going to tell them the truth. You need to come back with us." Richard comes closer, getting ready to grab her if she runs while Paul goes to get the others.

    "Believe me, I want to but I just can't anymore." What had happened? Everything was fine until Nina and Jeremy showed up but it couldn't be because of them.

    "Why?" You take a moment to think of what would bring her back. "What about Willy? Is he just supposed to continue on like you never existed? And Fox? We all know the only reason you were a leader is because he trusts you more than anyone else in the group."

    Paul and the others come back, only him and Katie coming up. "Pia, let Katie handle this." You reluctantly walk towards the door and go downstairs with Paul and Richard, leaving Kara and Katie upstairs.


    "Why do you guys want me back?" You force Kara away from the hole in the ground.

    "Because you've helped us all in some way, even if you don't realize it." You think back to what Jeremy said. "And the innocent don't run thing? It's bullshit, even the innocent have to run sometimes."

    "How have I helped other people if I can't even help myself?" You didn't understand how some of the others considered her to be weak, she obviously wasn't being as she's lived this far.

    "Willy's still around, isn't he? And what about when Reynold first showed up? You fought back, risking your own life for ours." You really didn't want to bring up the fact that Willy had to kill two people because of her.

    She reamins silent for a few minutes. "FIne, I'll come back but you have to help me get rid of him."

    "Him?" You take a second to think of the people that she would want gone.

    "My dad. He won't leave. I thought that the best way for him to leave was for me to leave but then I remembered that he won't leave unles both Nina and I are gone. I'm not making Nina leave again." That was something that you would go along with, just because you didn't want him around Samantha.

    "In order to get something done you need to be there, let's go." The two of you go down to the others and begin running back to the barn, you figured it was only a matter of time before Nina and Willy gave Fox some false information.


    You and Willy stay around Lana and Lucy, waiting for the people who had left to return without her.

    You hear the door open and hesitate to look over. Somesone grabs you from behind and pulls you into a hug "Don't be fucking stupid." She was back.

    "How? You know Spark doesn't let people live..." Willy barely believed it himself

    She lets go of you. "I turned those rules around; he's dead now."

    "You killed him?" Willy seemed to be more shocked at the situation than you did.

    "Yes I did. I have something to attend to." Kara runs back outside with Katie. Willy runs away from you, Lucy, and Lana and follow her otuside.

    You look at Lana and Lucy "I'm just going to find out what's going on out there." The two nod and you run outside with Katie, Kara, Willy, and ATR.

    "Kara, he's your dad; you can't do that to him..." You hear ATR and go over to Willy.

    "I'm not doing anything but I'm surprised that you don't want me to, considering the way he acted towards you, Gia, and Sardines." Willy looks up at you.

    "What's happening? What are they doing?" Willy would probably know more than you but he simply shrugs. "Well whatever is going on, I know she wouldn't want you to see it; you should probably go inside." Willy follows your orders and goes back to the group inside.

    (No choice this time but Siren will be continuing with part 65)

  • Who is the major character for every group? Im curios

  • It varies. Kylie's group would be either Kylie or Artie since those two have something going on.

    Emery or Amario would be the major character in their group since Emery is kind of going her own way and Amario is just pretty cool.

    Vanessa would be the major character between her and John since she's apart from her family.

    Jessica or Christa would be the major character for Jessica's group since Clarice really doesn't know anything about their group.

    And I was put in the choice of fucking over Kara or Nina this time and Nina didn't really deserve it so I chose Kara. I usually give myself two characters to choose between. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Shumisha posted: »

    Who is the major character for every group? Im curios

  • What about Lana? She's kinda a major character too

    It varies. Kylie's group would be either Kylie or Artie since those two have something going on. Emery or Amario would be the major chara

  • I have something planned for Lana, so long as Siren follows the path of justice.

    Shumisha posted: »

    What about Lana? She's kinda a major character too

  • Let me clarify: There are times where I want something bad to happen and so I'll make it happen and I didn't want to put Lana in a bad situation and to piss Jamie off I chose Kara.

    Shumisha posted: »

    What about Lana? She's kinda a major character too

  • Nina Flashback- 4 years ago

    "Nina, mom is going to be pissed if she finds out you broke it." You hear your younger sister's voice as you stare at the remains of the broken urn on the ground.

    "You can't tell her!" You lash out at your sister, she jumps away from you.

    "If I tell her then I'll get in trouble for not cleaning it up. What are we going to do?" The two of you look down at the urn.

    "We run." Your sister looks at you, shocked that you would even consider running away from a problem.

    "We can say the dog broke it." You guess she didn't realize that the dog went missing about 3 months back.

    "Karalyn, that is stupid for three reasons. One, we don't have a dog." She tries to stop you but you keep going "Two, how can the dog reach up on the shelf when it was basically an overgrown rat? And three, mom isn't as stupid as you."

    You expect her to get offended but she tries to laugh it off, without success.

    You hear the front door open and your mother walk in the door, setting her keys and her bag on the wooden table like she did everyday.

    Your mother comes into the room and sees the two of you standing over the shattered urn. "Karalyn Marie Lux, what did you do?!"

    You knew that your sister was in trouble, your mother had never used her full name unless she had done something horrible. You knew she was going to get in big trouble unless you stepped in and took the blame for what you did.

    [Let her get in trouble] or [Take blame]

    (I just wanted to do a little something before Siren posts the next part, this really doesn't affect the story much right now but it will later on.)


    Storytime: Last time we voted there was a time between "Kara." and "You." and I had started writing out what would happen if Willy had chosen to stab Reynold but then Kara got a final vote and so I wrote that out. I still have the part I was originally going to post so I might as well post it


    You pick up the knife with a sinking feeling in your chest and look at Reynold. "Who's it going to be, boy?"

    You take a minute to answer him. "You."

    He begins to laugh at the thought of you taking on both him and Spark. "You're funny, kid. Who is it really going to be?"

    You touch the tip of the blade and back up to Kara and Nina. "I'm serious. What else were you expecting? For me to kill the only person who has ever cared about me since my entire family got killed or for me to lose her by killing her sister? I don't think so."

    "Kid, think logically. Kara has killed more people than you know about and you think she's going to just stop? How long until she gets you?" Kara wouldn't turn on you, would she? "Or she burns you alive?"

    "Drop it with the fucking fire. I only lit it because you told me to and I only killed because you made me. I'm not going to kill him." Nina looks at Kara, obviously concerned.

    "What is it with the fire? This isn't the first time I've heard about it." Nina's been here about a month less than you and she knows more than you do.

    "She didn't tell you?" Spark grins and looks at Kara "Before she became leader of this group, she was a member of our group. She took killing orders from Reynold and one night she was told to burn a library and she got caught by Kaden, he was smart and didn't let her go."

    Reynold took over "She hadn't returned so I had sent Spark, Leroy, and KingJuiceBox after her. They decided to make it a plan of their own to bring the group down but she stopped them before they could go through with it and then you came in before KingJuiceBox could kill her for betraying the group."

    Spark chimed back in "We didn't expect Lucy or her gun to be there. There were seven people against KingJuiceBox and they took him down. Kara and Kaden locked up Leroy and he lied to them, giving Reynold time to attack while Kaden was gone."

    Reynold looks at Kara "I was honestly going to kill you but you were gone right when the attack happened. Leroy tried to kill you too but the boy was there to help you." He gives you a glare "But I doubt he'll ever think about helping you again now that he knows about everything."

    Spark's grin widens "So tell me, Girlie, does Kaden know about why you tried to burn down the library and your killing orders or should I tell him as well?"

    Nina looks at Kara with a look of disapproval and disappointment, Kara leaves the question unanswered.

    You look down at the knife and run at Reynold and get pushed back by Spark. You hit the ground and try to back away from the two men, dropping the knife. "I thought you would've changed you mind after hearing what she did but apparently you just don't learn."

    You finally regain your balance and run to Kara. She looks down at you, surprised that you still trusted her. "Give him to me or you can both die like you should have back at the storage facility." You remembered back to the storage facility. How she had taken a beating for Fox, put her own life in danger for you multiple times, and not once turned on people in the group. She had proven herself.

    "You sure you want to lose your other eye?" Kara looks straight at Reynold. Spark stops chasing after Nina and goes to Reynold's side, determining that Nina wasn't as dangerous as you and Kara were.

    "First I got the kid threatening me and now I have you to deal with." Reynold looks around. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You can't hurt me but I can kill you." He throws a punch at her, forcing her to the ground. Nina runs for Reynold but someone else gets him off before Nina even makes it close to her.

    Kara jumps up and dusts herself off. Nina throws the knife to her as Spark gets closer to the person. "Stop and turn around, now." Kara takes the knife and orders Spark away from the person

    "I told you not to come back or to look for us but look at where you are now. I guess you'll never learn." You recognized the voice to be Fox.

    "If you want to talk about never learning then you should look at the kid. I came for the girl, just like I had been doing since the first day." Nina goes to your side.

    "Willy never learning isn't just my problem, it's her problem too. You are fully my problem." Nina begins to tug you away from the scene.

    And that's where it ended. I can continue on that and the current story line if you guys want

    Alternate Choices

    Katie: "They leave.": You would simply tell them to leave, saying that the group had too many people as it is. They would look upset but do as they were told.

    Katie: "They know where we are, they're a danger.": Fox would say that you were taking it a little too far by saying to kill them and he would tell the two of them to leave. They would leave and run into Jessica and Christa's group.

    Clarice: [Help him]: You would agree to help Reynold, hoping he would leave you alone. You would take him to the storage facility to meet up with Spark. Once you got him there you would try to leave, he would force you to stay with him and Spark.

    Kylie: [Go look yourself]: You would decide to go look for a doctor by yourself. Instead of finding Katie, you would find Jessica and take her back to where the kids were, only to find that the kids had all gone missing.

    Kylie: [All of you go look]: All of you would go to find a doctor but not make it far, you would be found by Vanessa and John and later Clarice.

    Kylie: [No one goes]: You would tell the kids to stay and that it was too dangerous to go looking for a doctor. You and the kids would be found by Kara, she would agree to help you and bring Katie to you the next day.

    Fox: [We can figure this out on our own.]: Kara would say that you were too independent but she would agree with you anyways.

    Lana: "Lucy... We can't handle this, you have to go.": You and Lucy would begin to argue over what to do, she would say that she didn't want to die and would tell Katie about the bite.

    Lana: "Keep this between us, you can make it.": Lucy would agree to keep the bite a secret. She would grow weaker the next few hours and eventually show her bite to the rest of the group.

    AC: "We leave tonight.": You would say to leave that night. On your way out, you would get caught by Emery, Katherine, and Amario.

    Harry: [We need her here]: You would say that Katie was needed for when ATR, Gia, and AWESOMEO got back. Crystal and Joseph would run off on their own.

    I think that's long enough for now.

  • [Take blame]

    Nina Flashback- 4 years ago "Nina, mom is going to be pissed if she finds out you broke it." You hear your younger sister's voice as you

  • edited July 2014

    [Take blame]

    Nina Flashback- 4 years ago "Nina, mom is going to be pissed if she finds out you broke it." You hear your younger sister's voice as you

  • edited July 2014

    New part out later today just having some trouble writing it. Until Siren posts her part I cannot do anything but flashbacks.

    Let me know which character you want to see as a flashback and I will try and go off of what I have.

    Wonderful new picture by the way, Pipas. :)

  • Spoiler

    Thanks, Bloody Mary's true form is just badass. :D

    Alt text

    And I see you have a new picture as well, nice one. :)

    Anyway, I'd like to see Fox flashback. :P

    New part out later today just having some trouble writing it. Until Siren posts her part I cannot do anything but flashbacks. Let me know

  • She is pretty badass either way B) and my friend drew mine.

    I can do that.

  • Alright so some things came up and I will not be updating today or tomorrow. Since the new episode comes out the day after tomorrow I can't update then because way too much hype but I will return on August first with at least 7 of the like 9 parts that I still owe.
  • edited July 2014

    I forgot about this! I hate how it's not in the Walking Dead main discussion anymore because I almost never know when this gets a new chapter!
  • I've been wondering where you have gone. <#

    Please don't forget to vote on the flashback thing. I might as well do anyone that gets suggested.

    DAMN! I forgot about this! I hate how it's not in the Walking Dead main discussion anymore because I almost never know when this gets a new chapter!

  • Yeah sorry about that haven't been on in the last couple of days and also now it's hard to find this now because it gets burried under all my other followed discussions rather quickly....

    I've been wondering where you have gone. <# Please don't forget to vote on the flashback thing. I might as well do anyone that gets suggested.

  • I guess that's my queue to update more x3

    Yeah sorry about that haven't been on in the last couple of days and also now it's hard to find this now because it gets burried under all my other followed discussions rather quickly....

  • Okay so yeah, it's been a while since I've written and I promise that is going to change.

    Starting this Monday to the next Monday I will be posting a new part every day.
    I start school on the 25th and I decided that for school I'll be updating on Friday nights.

    Jamie will return on the the first of September and update on Monday nights.

    We might post some parts on random days just for fun but that's unlikely. The planned parts will be longer and have some heavier choices.

    See you guys on Monday!

  • Yay!

    Alt text

    Okay so yeah, it's been a while since I've written and I promise that is going to change. Starting this Monday to the next Monday I will

  • edited August 2014

    Hey! I didn't found this thread a long time... :o sry for not being reading this fanfic :(

    So, how is my character?

  • It's fine :D

    I was actually just now writing your part, big plans for you and your gang indeed.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Hey! I didn't found this thread a long time... sry for not being reading this fanfic So, how is my character?

  • I'm in a gang? cool :D 8]

    It's fine I was actually just now writing your part, big plans for you and your gang indeed.

  • The new part will be around in the next hour and it will mark the return of many familiar faces and a few new faces..

  • ATR

    "Kara, you need to calm down." You speak up, she turns around to face you. "Just because he gave you a shitty life before doesn't mean you have to kill him."

    She looks shocked that you would even mention the death of her father "Kill him? I was just going to make him leave."

    Nina comes out and Willy goes in. "What is going on?" Well now that Nina was involved it didn't matter the outcome, Nina had power over Kara. "Someone talk, now."

    Kara lets off a fake laugh "Well this is funny, the only reason we got ambushed was because dad kept sticking around us, leading Spark and Reynold to us and I was going to make him leave but ATR thought I was going to kill him and then you came out. Okay so that wasn't really funny but you got your explanation."

    You hear a man's voice echo through the area "Hello?" You turn to your right and see that shadow of the man, he must have already seen you and the others if he was calling out. You look at Nina, she obviously heard it too.

    "Kara, you're one of the people in charge, you handle this." You couldn't tell if Nina was joking or not, a look of disappointment comes over Kara's face.

    "Well fuck you too." Kara walks away from Jeremy and goes towards the man. You and Katie look at each other and run after her.


    "The woman and the kids (Kylie, Artie, Joseph, and Crystal)."

    "We should probably go with the woman and the kids. Going to the group where Amario killed someone would just be plain stupid." You point towards where you had encountered the woman and the kids.

    "Do you honestly think that they'll even think about accepting us after Amario nearly killed all of them?" Sylvester looks up at you. You were small but you had the run of things now, Emery couldn't boss you around anymore.

    "Don't be so negative. If AC says it's worth a try then it is." Hodge still managed to hold a smile, even during the darkest times.

    "Can you not be so positive? It's honestly making things worse." Sylvester strikes back. James taps your shoulder and points to an oncoming horde.

    "That's enough. We need to get going." No one but James moves. "I said to get up, we're leaving now!" You hated to yell and you hated being yelled at but you had to do what you had to do, you weren't going to leave anyone behind.

    The two of them get up and follow you to the treeline, you weren't going in the direction of the motel but you would get there, one day or another.

    After about ten minutes of running you all had to slow down, thinking that you had lost the horde. You put your hands on your knees and take a deep breath. "I... I'm sorry I yelled." You look back to the others.

    James hands you a water bottle with just a bit of water left in it. "You need this more than I do." If it wasn't the apocalypse you would be concerned about germs but at this point you didn't care anymore. "If you didn't yell then no one would have listened to you and as far as I'm concerned, you're in charge." You take a drink from what's left of the water bottle and give him the empty bottle back. "So what's our next plan of action?"

    "Well we need to get to the woman and the kids. They'll our last chance at survival and we need to take it." You begin walking again, the others following behind you. As you are walking you hear moaning, moaning too familiar. You turn back and see the horde that you thought you lost, even closer than before.

    You all take off in a bolt. You hear a scream coming from behind and a yell from Hodge. You stop running and look back, you see Sylvester on the ground and Hodge trying to pull him up. You have to make a decision and fast.

    Help Sylvester or Pull Hodge back

    Okay so this part wasn't long but as of now I am dropping Fox and Kara's group until next Friday and going to focus more on AC's gang, Emery's group, and Jessica and Christa's group. There will still be parts every day this week but they will probably be posted late. Parts that go up during the week will be posted either early in the morning or late at night because of school but yeah.

  • Help Sylvester

    ATR "Kara, you need to calm down." You speak up, she turns around to face you. "Just because he gave you a shitty life before doesn't mea

  • Help Sylvester

    ATR "Kara, you need to calm down." You speak up, she turns around to face you. "Just because he gave you a shitty life before doesn't mea

  • Help Sylvester

    ATR "Kara, you need to calm down." You speak up, she turns around to face you. "Just because he gave you a shitty life before doesn't mea

  • edited August 2014


    Help Sylvester

    You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment to think. "James, Hodge, you guys worry about the lurkers. I'll get him out of here."

    Hodge reluctantly follows your order and pulls out his knife. You look down at Sylvester "My foot is stuck." You look down the ledge that you had all climbed up, he wasn't wrong about his foot.

    "How are we supposed to get down there without getting grabbed?" James looks back at you.

    Hodge hands you his knife. "If we weren't arguing then he would have been focused on climbing, I'm going down there."

    You jump up and grabs Hodge's arm. "You can't do that!" Hodge pulls his arm way from you and gives the only gun to James.

    "I need you to cover me for two minutes. If things go bad you keep the gun and you protect yourself, AC, and Sylvester. I'm trusting you, James." You knew what Hodge was planning to do and you didn't like it but once he had made up his mind there was no bringing him back.

    "James, if you shoot it will ring out for miles putting us in even more danger." James ignores the warning and takes aim.

    Hodge takes a long deep breath and jumps down, James starts firing once Hodge gets on the ground. "AC, I need you to pull Sylvester from up there!"

    You grab Sylvester's arm and start pulling, you can assume the Hodge pushed him up from the ledge. Sylvester jumps up back to his feet. You run to the ledge and reach down to Hodge, he looks up at you and swats your hand away. "Leave! I'll give you guys some extra time!"

    You get up and dust yourself off. "Thank you, Hodge." James stops firing the gun and walks away from the ledge. You had to keep going and Hodge was giving you that chance to keep on.


    "So who's all in your group?" You couldn't go without knowing, after Reynold you didn't really know who to trust anymore.

    Jessica pipes up with a bright smile "Well there's Adrian, Tyler, Steven, and TinyCarlos." She continues her sentence in the next five seconds "Oh, I forgot about Emma. You'll love Emma, she's really nice once you get to know her."

    Christa rolls her eyes "Everyone's nice to you, it's impossible to find someone that you don't like."

    "So there are seven of you?" Well at least they weren't with anyone who already hated you.

    "Eight now." Jessica smiles "I mean that is if you want to stay with us. We have food, water, shelter, and soon we're going to have medicine."

    Before you can even answer you hear a voice approaching you, Jessica, and Christa. "We're back, we got the medicine." You look at Jessica and Christa, they don't seem to worry about the voice.

    Jessica looks over and notices your worry. "Oh, Clarice, don't get uneasy. That's Emma." A thin, pale woman with wavy light brown hair comes into your view.

    "Yeah, I'm Emma but who are you?" Jessica just said your name, not even ten seconds ago.

    "I.. Me? I'm Clarice." You stutter. Emma looks at you, confused. "Clarice Chang." You sit up straight and look her directly in the eyes.

    "Well anyways, Jessica, the boys should be back soon. I ran ahead, can't stand the things they talk about in all honesty." The things they talk about? Oh right. Those things.

    "Well then we wait here. So, Clarice, what do you think? I know you've only met the three of us but we could use an extra hand at survival, you know, safety in numbers. You think you would want to stay with us?" Christa shoots Jessica a look as if she wasn't supposed to ask that just yet but now that the question was asked, it would just be plain rude to not answer.

    "I'll stay" or "I would rather not."

  • I'll stay

    AC Help Sylvester You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment

  • "I'll stay"

    AC Help Sylvester You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment

  • "I'll stay"

    AC Help Sylvester You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment

  • "I'll stay"

    AC Help Sylvester You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment

  • I'm back. And... What happened to this thread? :(,

  • "I'll stay"

    AC Help Sylvester You run back to Hodge and Sylvester, James following behind you. "We need to get him out of here." You take a moment

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