Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • [Open the Vault]

    Let's [Discuss things like civilized people]... over a cup of tea.

    Alt text

    Forces Divided 2-13 Shit's getting real... Creeping's POV Creeping slowly opened the large wooden door, it proved a harder task tha

  • Thanks. :P

    Hope you enjoy, we are still at the start of this journey.

    fallandir posted: »

    Magnificent, delicious, enchanting, delightful. I don't know more words to describe this joy of mine, I can't English very vell. [clap clap]

  • Oh poor , poor EAI joined the rebels and sadly needs to die......or does he.............

    Forces Divided 2-13 Shit's getting real... Creeping's POV Creeping slowly opened the large wooden door, it proved a harder task tha

  • For the good journey.

    Alt text

    Thanks. :P Hope you enjoy, we are still at the start of this journey.

  • Once the Assassins get a job, they finish it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Oh poor , poor EAI joined the rebels and sadly needs to die......or does he.............

  • Oh yes, mighty fine, gentlemen!

    ...Sadly...There might not be time.

    Pipas posted: »

    [Open the Vault] Let's [Discuss things like civilized people]... over a cup of tea.

  • Really? we shall see.....

    Once the Assassins get a job, they finish it.

  • Forces Divided 2-14

    A few more parts in E2...

    Awesomeo's POV

    In the St.Terra Bay Market...

    Awesomeo- Let's buy it.

    Mustache- Alright...After you.

    The two walk up to the stand and Awesome lays the coin down.

    Awesomeo- Some bread...

    Merchant- Alright...Hey...You watch the hangings yesterday?

    Awesomeo- Um...No...No we didn't.

    Merchant- Shame, it was fun, an information broker pointed them out...Pipas I think was the guy's name.

    The merchant gives Awesomeo the bread...The merchant stares at Awesomeo for a second.


    The Merchant then screams out for the guards yelling Rebels. Soon enough Imperials are all over them, the grab them and knock them out... Next thing Awesomeo wakes up in a tower, tied up in a fancy chair with a Imperial Lord circling him.

    Lord EAA- Hello Rebels.


    EAA-...Shame... Just cooperate.

    Mustache- Cooperate?

    EAA- Yes...I have a propostion.

    Mustache- What is it?

    Awesomeo- Shut up...

    Lord EAA looks at Awesomeo with a hateful glare then walks over to Mustache.

    EAA- I see you're the more cooperative one...There's a propostion i'm making. Give up and live.

    Mustache- No.

    EAA- Shame... Well..

    Lord EAA calls in a servant.

    EAA- Get my tools.

    Servant- Yes si-

    All of a sudden the buidling rocks as an explosion hits the buidling.

    EAA- What the fuck...Guard them, I'm going to check this out.

    Lord EAA runs out of the room and the servant runs over to Awesomeo and starts to untie him.

    Servant- Do you want to live?

    Awesomeo- What...

    Servant- Do everything I say...

    Rebel Choice



    Kaleion's POV

    Kaleion gets up from his bed and goes inot the hallway. The hallway is dark... only a few lights from candles lights up areas. He grabs his sword, he is in civilian attire and makes his way down to the noises. It comes from Mario's room and as he approachs he sees a guard on the floor...It's hard to tell if he's dead or knocked out. He slowly opens the door to see a mysterious figure stealing valuabes from Mario's drawers. The figure sees Kaleion and then jumps out the window not before grabbing Mario's necklace right off his neck. Kaleion jumps out the window after them. The figure and Kaleion runs across the rooftops of the town, past many guard stations. The figure fails to slow down while Kaleion gets tired. Kaleion follows the figure up to a guard tower on the wall where they stop. The figure looks at Kaleion and with a smile.

    ???- Impressive, no guard has followed me this far.

    It was a woman's voice...Kaleion pulls his sword out.

    ???- I wouldn't do that friend...

    Imperial Choice


    [Put sword away]

    No Hope's POV

    No Hope and Bloop stand and then No Hope turns to keep walking.

    Bloop- Alright...

    The two keep walking till they reach a large building...Heavily fortified and it seems like there was a major battle here. The two enter the large degrading buidling, it looks like it as been falling apart.

    Bloop- So...Where will we find this guy?

    Hope- No idea...

    The two keep walking till they reach a room with a man sitting in the middle facing away from them.

    Bloop- We can just kill him now...

    Rebel Choice


    [Sneak around and watch]

  • edited December 2014

    [No] Bitches say No

    [Attack] Why Not? :p

    Excellent Chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • [Okay] - I mean...he seems to be friendly, so far.

    [Sneak around and watch] - It's probably not the best idea to jump and attack and/or kill people.

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • Put sword away

    one must think thing through blindly attacking is foolish

    Btw I love my part thanks golden :)

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • Great, now they know my name. I'm so dead... :P



    [Sneak around and watch]

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • [Attack] Smug bastard who the hell does she think she is?

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • [Put sword away]

    Forces Divided 2-14 A few more parts in E2... Awesomeo's POV In the St.Terra Bay Market... Awesomeo- Let's buy it. Mustache-

  • Forces divided 2-15

    The plot thickens...

    Golden's POV

    Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a large amount of soldiers...The town of RiverPort is a town strongly upset with Green as their trade has been embargoed. Upon entering the soldiers immediately led them to Lee, who was planning out an attack. As soon as he saw Golden he was relieved...

    Lee- I can't beleive you're not dead! I got word of the attack on HQ, I sent troops but it was already lost.

    Golden- Yeah...We lost a lot of good people.

    Salt- There is also an assassin mercenary after us.

    Lee- Troubling...Well, you're safe here.

    Sagig- No, we're not!

    Lee- You all are worried, don't worry...We will finish this battle in a fatal swoop then head to St.Terra Bay which I assume has been taken for the Rebels.

    Golden- We can not report anything, we've been trying to survive by ourselves...Much less lead an army.

    Lee- I see...Well... We ca-

    Lee is cut off by the sounds of explosions on the outside of the camp. He men all run to face it, it turns out to be Raging, Gustav, and the Imperial Guardsmen...The Guardsmen are some of the strongest warriors in Green's Imperial army. Raging spots Lee and Golden and Golden sees her smile. Raging charges towards Golden but Sagig, Salt, and Hello World block her. Golden hears Lee scream for him to run. Golden bolts off while the fight happens.

    Salt's POV

    Everyone pulls out their weapons. Salt holding his large War Axe, Hello World with her knvies, Sagig with a sword and Lee with his sword. Lee faces Raging...

    Lee- Hello there Blade!

    Raging- ...I'll kill all of you.

    Lee- Will you now?

    Raging charges knocking Sagig on the ground and she stabs him in the leg. Salt charges towards her and knocks her on the ground. He rasies his great axe and prepares to cut of Raging's head but Raging rolls out of the way and throws a knife into Salt's arm. Hellow world throws knives across the field but Raging blocks them. She throws a knife at the water tower above Hello World and douses her with water then throws a few more and makes the tower fall. Hello World rolls out of the way but she has her leg crushed under the tower. At that time Lee runs up behind Raging attemting to backstab her, Raging grabs the sword and disarms him. She runs the sword right through his chest and whispers in his ear. Raging then runs off after Golden. Salt looks around and sees that Gustav already chased after Golden and the Rebel army was too busy fighting the Guardsmen to notice everyone was wrecked over here...

    Golden's POV

    Golden runs further into the now burning camp. He regretted leaving his friends behind but he had to...Soon he climbs up on top of a building to escape Gustav who he now noticed was chasing him. Gustav climbs onto of the building too...

    Gustav- You can't run forever!

    Golden- Can I? I did a pretty good job running so far!

    Gustav- So far...Well...Look at you now!

    Golden pulls out his sword. The two begin to fight and Golden has the upper hand till Raging climbs on top of the building. Raging faces his hand towards Golden and a small arrow shoots right into his shoulder. Raging rushed towards Golden but Golden side steps which almosts makes Raging fall off the building. Golden keeps fighting the two till he relaizes that he will die if he keeps going. Golden then pushes Gustav off the roof making him land in a hay cart. He then knocks Raging onto the ground. Golden grabs a crossbow and shoots Raging in the leg and he then jumps off the side. Golden runs to the nearest Ballistic shooter (Maybe it's name :P) and lines it up to face Raging. As soon as Raging stands off he shoots it and it hits Raging arms. With the enough force it rips it out of it socket and makes Raging go flying. Golden then takes off running and matters something to himself.

    Golden- I can't beleive how badass I am.

    Golden soon reaches the spot where his friends are. They are all injured and hurt, the Guardsmen were destroying the Rebel forces but were led away. Golden spotted Lee on the ground bleeding out with Sagig helping him up and Salt on the other side of the field trying to get Hello World's leg out from undeneath the water tower. Golden runs to Lee and Lee looks at him with extreme surprise.

    Lee- How are you alive!

    Golden- To be honest...I have no fucking clue.

    Golden helps Lee up and carries him over to Hello World. Salt couldn't get her leg out from underneath.

    Salt- I can't help her and none of us can with the postion we're in.

    Hello World- Just...Ugh...Just leave me!

    Sagig- No, we don't leave soldiers...FRIENDS....Behind!

    Hello World- You can't help me!

    Golden- Yes we can.

    Before anyone noticed Salt was gone. He walked back with his great axe in hand and then with a swift swoop cut off Hello World's leg without anyone saying a thing. Hello World let out a loud and painful shriek.

    Golden- WHAT THE FUCK!

    Lee- Holy...

    Salt- Let's go!

    Salt picked up Hello World, Golden picked up Lee and they all ran off with Sagig limping behind.

    End of Chapter (NOT EPISODE)

  • Awesome chapter! :D

    Forces divided 2-15 The plot thickens... Golden's POV Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a la

  • First I was like

    Alt text

    Then I was like

    Alt text

    Forces divided 2-15 The plot thickens... Golden's POV Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a la

  • Going to guess you liked it. :P

    First I was like Then I was like

  • edited December 2014


    My face when my arm was ripped off.

    Alt text

    Going to guess you liked it. :P

  • Soooo Lee thinks he can take me down by snapping his fingers but he cant even protect his HQ TWICE!!!!!!

    Also again Golden are you trying to be batman this not killing stuff is really just screwing you more

    Forces divided 2-15 The plot thickens... Golden's POV Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a la

  • It's more of he can't defeat them.....BUT HE CAN DERN SURE RIP AN ARM OFF!

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Soooo Lee thinks he can take me down by snapping his fingers but he cant even protect his HQ TWICE!!!!!! Also again Golden are you trying to be batman this not killing stuff is really just screwing you more

  • I bet you're curious to see where that'll go.

    Yes. My face when my arm was ripped off.

  • Alt text

    It's more of he can't defeat them.....BUT HE CAN DERN SURE RIP AN ARM OFF!


    Forces divided 2-15 The plot thickens... Golden's POV Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a la

  • Does it matter? The Queen's men are only hitting a hornets nest its only a matter of time till they get stung.....

    It's more of he can't defeat them.....BUT HE CAN DERN SURE RIP AN ARM OFF!

  • Gasp I KNEW IT , I KNEW CLEM WAS THE REVERSE FLASH!!!!!! ( Flash tv show reference)

  • Maybe...Maybe not...You don't know what I have planned.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Does it matter? The Queen's men are only hitting a hornets nest its only a matter of time till they get stung.....

  • Really?..........................i will paciently await the next part then..........

    Maybe...Maybe not...You don't know what I have planned.

  • Awesome chapter!!!

    Forces divided 2-15 The plot thickens... Golden's POV Golden and the team ride to the nearest camp. Inside the camp there were a la

  • edited December 2014

    Forces Divided 2-16

    Only a few more left...

    Creeping's POV

    Creeping stood before the large vault with man telling him to open it...

    Creeping-...No...I'm not opening this vault.

    Creeping starts to turn around only to be stabbed in the back. Etic whispers in his ear...

    Etic- Damn shame...You would've been good...I guess I'll have to force you to be loyal...

    Creeping falls to the ground and sees the man walk over to the vault. He slowly opens it allowing a black fog to seap out. Creeping starts to crawl away as the fog gets closer...It soon overcomes him...and in Creeping's last breath he hears the man...

    Etic-...Welcome to the New Age...Host...

    Neon's POV

    Neon was soon at The Homestead...The place was beautiful, a lush small port hidden in the forest. Sailors walked by some checking her out and others minding their own business. Neon soon entered the Tavern, the place was Lucky Jacks. She soon spotted her target, EAI sitting in the corner. She approched him...

    EAI- Neon! How are you doing my girl?

    Neon- Hello...Father.

    EAI- Are you doing good?

    Neon-...I need to kill you...


    Neon- I'm undercover for the Rebels...The Assassins have ordered me to kill you.

    EAI-...I've been keeping something from you too...I'm dying. You might as well stick that knife in my throat and give me a easy retirement.

    Neon was on the verge of tears when she got up and slowly walked over to her dying father.

    EAI- Don't cry duaghter...This is for the greater good.

    Neon slid the knife into his throat and said her goodbyes then ran out before anyone noticed him or her. She later got back to the Headquarters and was accepted in...

    Coming's POV

    Coming stands in front of MaxBear and Quality with X1H2 by his side.

    Coming- Yeah...Let's talk.

    Quality- Good.

    They all put there swords away and start talking...As something watches them.

    Quality- Glad we're all civil, alright well I'm here to close a certain door.

    Coming- A certain door?...

    Quality-Yes it is...Do you hear that?

    Everyone pulls out their swords as a black fog soon develops all around them. A man wearing Imperial Armor walks out of it and suddenly X1H2 is pulled into the Fog.

    Coming- Shit...One of yours I persume.


    Then MaxBear is pulled into the Fog.

    Coming- Then who is...

    Then Quality gets pulled into the Fog.

    Coming-...Who...Who are you?

    The man walks toward Coming with a devilish grin

    Etic- Let me explain in song.


    When Etic finishes Coming is pulled into the Fog.

    End of Chapter

  • edited December 2014

    Etic didn´t throw X1H2 into the Fog :P

    Awesome Chapter!!!!!!!

    Forces Divided 2-16 Only a few more left... Creeping's POV Creeping stood before the large vault with man telling him to open it..

  • suddenly X1H2 is pulled into the Fog.

    supersagig posted: »

    Etic didn´t throw X1H2 into the Fog :P Awesome Chapter!!!!!!!

  • Awesome chapter...What the hell is the fog...It's kind of scary. D:

    Forces Divided 2-16 Only a few more left... Creeping's POV Creeping stood before the large vault with man telling him to open it..

  • I prefer to call it The Darkness.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Awesome chapter...What the hell is the fog...It's kind of scary.

  • K

    You shoud uptade the dead list :P

    suddenly X1H2 is pulled into the Fog.

  • That's even scarier. D:

    I prefer to call it The Darkness.

  • Who said they were dead?

    supersagig posted: »

    K You shoud uptade the dead list :P

  • As planned. ;P

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    That's even scarier.

  • After what Raging said i can't stop laughing when you make that face. XD

    As planned. ;P

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