And beore Troy Baker, it was Laura Bailey (she still does appear in a crapton of stuff be it anime, JRPGs, western cartoons and western video games, etc.), Yuri Lowenthal, and Tara Strong.
She does games still nowadays. Recently she was in The Wolf Among Us as Aunty Greenleaf and Rachelle, she is Fiona in TFTBL (if you didn't know ) and Lucina in Fire Emblem and Smash Bros.
And beore Troy Baker, it was Laura Bailey (she still does appear in a crapton of stuff be it anime, JRPGs, western cartoons and western video games, etc.), Yuri Lowenthal, and Tara Strong.
Yeah, I know she still does games. I was just saying you can hear her in everything as well, probably even more than Troy Baker imo. Yuri Lowanthal is still pretty prominent too, though probably not as prominent as he was during the mid and late sixth generation and early seventh generation of video game consoles. I remember you couldn't go a JRPG, (and some WRPGs) without hearing his voice in some capacity, whether he was the main protagonist, a side character, or an NPC, etc. lol XD
She does games still nowadays. Recently she was in The Wolf Among Us as Aunty Greenleaf and Rachelle, she is Fiona in TFTBL (if you didn't know ) and Lucina in Fire Emblem and Smash Bros.
I can agree it probably has more to do with story changes than anything else. TWD season 1 released in April and TWAU took 4 months, so you can't blame the holidays for that.
Just a theory, but do you think the 2nd episode waits are long due in part of the Christmas/New Year/winter break TellTale's staff gets and … morethat the time between episodes 1 and 2 is the only time that major storyline changes can be made? After the wait TWAU endured, people noticed changes in the stories direction. TWD fans have also noticed details and uncovered hidden files hinting that Season 2's story shifted in another direction at some point in time. I don't know if anything like this happened with TWD: Season 1 since I started lurking on the forums back during the season 2: episode 2 wait. It seems logical to me. After 2 episodes, you have already established some sort of direction. After just 1, you can still make so,e adjustments to the stories general direction. Anyone agree?
Cheers for that. Interesting that the episode sizes aren't that far off GOT and Borderlands E1, unless they get downsized. I think I remember TWD S2 and Wolf episodes being under a gig at times? Anyhow if they don't get downsized, this may bode well for episode lengths continuing to be around 2 hours or more as I know it's a problem for some people.
I remember both TWD and TWAU started at a large size (over 1 GB) and then downsized so the same might happen with GoT and TFTB.
From previously watching the Steam database they normally update it once per day so the best thing we could do is check daily around the same time to see if there are any major changes in size.
Cheers for that. Interesting that the episode sizes aren't that far off GOT and Borderlands E1, unless they get downsized. I think I remembe… morer TWD S2 and Wolf episodes being under a gig at times? Anyhow if they don't get downsized, this may bode well for episode lengths continuing to be around 2 hours or more as I know it's a problem for some people.
Title got minor edit > See the word "soon" > Raises hands and screams internally
The hype is real! Keep on posting all the hints and stuff. I should be doing pre-tasks for uni and cosplay, but f*ck those if the EP2 comes out before their deadline. I'm so gonna play it and then do all the necessary things. TFTB is life. Borderlands overall has taken over my life.
I check almost daily this thread
Title got minor edit > See the word "soon" > Raises hands and screams internally
The hy… morepe is real! Keep on posting all the hints and stuff. I should be doing pre-tasks for uni and cosplay, but f*ck those if the EP2 comes out before their deadline. I'm so gonna play it and then do all the necessary things. TFTB is life. Borderlands overall has taken over my life.
Troy Baker is in everything lol. He is the current day Nolan North.
Come on telltale I want the game now please, PLEEEEASE!
They are even slower then PX-5!
Isn't Nolan North also in this game, I believe he is August.
I mean remember when Nolan North voiced in every single game? Now it's Troy Baker really lol
I'm glad that we finally have some news so we're not totally in the dark...still anxiously waiting for the next episode though.
And beore Troy Baker, it was Laura Bailey (she still does appear in a crapton of stuff be it anime, JRPGs, western cartoons and western video games, etc.), Yuri Lowenthal, and Tara Strong.
I'm calling it, January 27th. Why? Tuesday, and about 2 months from Zer0 Sum's release date.
Please. I need to see Sasha and Rhys talks again.
Oh man looks like news is rolling in. Maybe we might get some more news during PAX South!
My gif will become a legacy !
Its my episode 2 and I need it now !
Exactly. He's annoying, but I freaking love him.
Yeah, he is. They've both (Baker and North) been in a lot of games together lately!
She does games still nowadays. Recently she was in The Wolf Among Us as Aunty Greenleaf and Rachelle, she is Fiona in TFTBL (if you didn't know
) and Lucina in Fire Emblem and Smash Bros.
Come on Telltale! I'm drooling here!
Yeah, I know she still does games. I was just saying you can hear her in everything as well, probably even more than Troy Baker imo. Yuri Lowanthal is still pretty prominent too, though probably not as prominent as he was during the mid and late sixth generation and early seventh generation of video game consoles. I remember you couldn't go a JRPG, (and some WRPGs) without hearing his voice in some capacity, whether he was the main protagonist, a side character, or an NPC, etc. lol XD
I can agree it probably has more to do with story changes than anything else. TWD season 1 released in April and TWAU took 4 months, so you can't blame the holidays for that.
Update 3 hours ago

Cheers for that. Interesting that the episode sizes aren't that far off GOT and Borderlands E1, unless they get downsized. I think I remember TWD S2 and Wolf episodes being under a gig at times? Anyhow if they don't get downsized, this may bode well for episode lengths continuing to be around 2 hours or more as I know it's a problem for some people.
Oh my god I laughed too hard at this.
I remember both TWD and TWAU started at a large size (over 1 GB) and then downsized so the same might happen with GoT and TFTB.
From previously watching the Steam database they normally update it once per day so the best thing we could do is check daily around the same time to see if there are any major changes in size.
All these updates, man...
So much hype!
Just give me a release date already! Please...this endless waiting is killing me
Why isn't it out? They said 4-6 weeks in the FAQ and I am dying to play episode 2 now! it's been 8 weeks!!!!
Maya and Lilith! That's cute xD
Don't follow the FAQ.
I mean it.
I heard that it's going to be release next week!!! I'm not sure if it's confirmed but I hope it does.
It's not confirmed, but maybe it's possible.
News and trailer next week and release of the episode the week after is most likely to be honest.
I check almost daily this thread
The hype is real! Keep on posting all the hints and stuff. I should be doing pre-tasks for uni and cosplay, but f*ck those if the EP2 comes out before their deadline. I'm so gonna play it and then do all the necessary things. TFTB is life. Borderlands overall has taken over my life.
Borderlands is love, Borderlands is life.
Mainly life.
(I'm playing all the Borderlands games right now so the time isn't too long. They're amazing by the way! ♥)
I love Handsome Jack. * Runs away before someone kills me * xD
I should make a gif of this XD
Did you just start in Borderlands?
If yes, so did I actually.