I'll probably hold off until Telltale uploads official screens and whatnot. However, I guess it couldn't hurt to add something either way. I'll think on it.
But she has her Pre-Sequel look though. Still, loved the Pre-Sequel characters and it'll be cool to see her after what happened to her in the Pre-Sequel, especially with A.I. Jack around.
Hey, you're Handsome Jack, everything you say are so funny and evil, you dick.
Ps. I was just kidding about the dick part man, just, please don't hurt me.
I kind of figured they were working for that Mallory woman (I think that's her name?) from the episode 3 teaser pic - I get a real mob boss kind of vibe from her - and they are hired goons!
i think mid next month. because next week GOT ep2 is released. then maybe a week after we get trailers and stuff, then maybe the week after we get the 2nd TFTB ep hope so
They could be...I have a theory that maybe that 'front cover' pic is from even further in the past. You can see a man's right hand being stabbed by her, so if it were an even further flash back, it could be the story of how Rhys got his cybernetic arm...I think that would be really cool, I hope it's something like that, and even if it isn't I really hope we get a cybernetic-origins story at some point!
I kind of figured they were working for that Mallory woman (I think that's her name?) from the episode 3 teaser pic - I get a real mob boss kind of vibe from her - and they are hired goons!
Oh wow - nicely caught, I never noticed that before!
Not sure about her being from Rhys' past though, I think the current flashback is his first time dealing with Pandoran locals - but some sort of backstory about his cybernetics would definitely be cool.
They could be...I have a theory that maybe that 'front cover' pic is from even further in the past. You can see a man's right hand being sta… morebbed by her, so if it were an even further flash back, it could be the story of how Rhys got his cybernetic arm...I think that would be really cool, I hope it's something like that, and even if it isn't I really hope we get a cybernetic-origins story at some point!
That's true, he did seem a bit of a Pandora newb... OR IS THAT ALL JUST AN ACT.....? Haha, idk but it has to happen at some point! Who's hand do you think it is then? I thought it could be Vaughn at first, but then I realised that we see it from the pov of the person being stabbed, which is what made me first think it could be Rhys. I'm not sure though, I guess it could be Vaughn? That would be my next best guess, but I'd be really curious as to how and why he got himself into that situation!
Oh wow - nicely caught, I never noticed that before!
Not sure about her being from Rhys' past though, I think the current flashback is hi… mores first time dealing with Pandoran locals - but some sort of backstory about his cybernetics would definitely be cool.
Ooh, the first person point is another great catch!
But maybe it's just taken from one of her cutscenes (maybe before her splash card is shown) when the POV tends to get thrown out the window, and it's just showing her being a badass, torturing some random person?
Or it's Vaughn, because that would be hilarious - poor guy!
That's true, he did seem a bit of a Pandora newb... OR IS THAT ALL JUST AN ACT.....? Haha, idk but it has to happen at some point! Who's han… mored do you think it is then? I thought it could be Vaughn at first, but then I realised that we see it from the pov of the person being stabbed, which is what made me first think it could be Rhys. I'm not sure though, I guess it could be Vaughn? That would be my next best guess, but I'd be really curious as to how and why he got himself into that situation!
I'm just playing with a few ideas, I dont really think we can speculate too accurately about the third episode when episode two has not even had a proper trailer yet. It would be a cool introductory scene, if that's the case! I think there's a chance it could be significant, which is more exciting than just dismissing it as insignificant, so I guess that's why I tend to come up with some pretty wacky theories. The truth is, WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA. Hey guess what, I have a couple of other even more out-there theories than this, wanna hear?
Ooh, the first person point is another great catch!
But maybe it's just taken from one of her cutscenes (maybe before her splash card is … moreshown) when the POV tends to get thrown out the window, and it's just showing her being a badass, torturing some random person?
Or it's Vaughn, because that would be hilarious - poor guy!
I'm just playing with a few ideas, I dont really think we can speculate too accurately about the third episode when episode two has not even… more had a proper trailer yet. It would be a cool introductory scene, if that's the case! I think there's a chance it could be significant, which is more exciting than just dismissing it as insignificant, so I guess that's why I tend to come up with some pretty wacky theories. The truth is, WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA. Hey guess what, I have a couple of other even more out-there theories than this, wanna hear?
Alrighty then, you asked for it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the stranger may be Vaughn. Okay hear me out, there are several reasons that I think this is possible; 1 - the stranger is short (or shorter than Rhys anyways) just like Vaughn is. There is a shot right at the beginning of the episode before Rhys is knocked out where you see the two of the standing opposite each other, and you can see the stranger is approximately the same height as Vaughn when you see him walking side by side with Rhys through the Helios corridor moments later. This is not all. If you examine the stranger closely you will see that they have two yellow stripes over their right shoulder, meaning that they probably are associated with Hyperion in some way, as 2 - Vaughn has a thick yellow stripe over his right shoulder as part of his Hyperion get-up. And finally my most damning piece of evidence; 3 - there is a transitional shot at the point where Fiona Sasha and Felix have fled the World of Curiosities, only to find Rhys and Vaughn attempting to steal their caravan. When Sasha turns around asking what they should do with 'them' (Rhys and Vaughn), you see Rhys standing still and Vaughn pacing up and down behind him. At this point the shot changes, as it goes from the flash-back to the present, and you see Vaughn turn into the stranger when he passes by. Very subtle, perhaps insignificant, but intriquing nonetheless...
I'll probably hold off until Telltale uploads official screens and whatnot. However, I guess it couldn't hurt to add something either way. I'll think on it.
Alright, I went back and added the two screenshots and IGN's clip to the main post. If I missed any other screenshots, let me know.
Who are those 2 guys in the 1st screen?
Played by Adam Harrington and Dave Fennoy (they are new characters created by Telltale).
I wonder which is which and im guessing they're working for someone maybe august
New characters always cool.
Nope, you didn't
Yay, Athena!
Tho I hope we could see more characters from BL2, since Pre-Sequel wasn't really my favourite.
Cannot wait to see Lee and Bigby team up!
...Lee and Bigby.
Throw in Melissa Hutchison and Gavin Hammon and we got the TellTale VA gang.
Gavin might have a part sometime and Melissa too...Hopefully.
...Bluebeard/Lee and Bigby/Andy St. John/The Woodsman
So it seems Janey Springs is Scooter's manager? That's pretty cool. I'd love to see a conversation between them.
Im just happy Adam and Dave got in, now we just need Gavin and Melissa
Actually, Athena first appeared in the original Borderlands' DLC. In case you didn't know.
But she has her Pre-Sequel look though. Still, loved the Pre-Sequel characters and it'll be cool to see her after what happened to her in the Pre-Sequel, especially with A.I. Jack around.
No, that's pretty clearly a Bandit Technical.
I'm not gonna expect this until at least the 10th of February. I know I'm gonna need some comedic relief after Game of Thrones.
It's the 27th and I'm raging on the inside, where the hell is this episode?!
:slams head against wall:
Aww, thank you - but no, it's never really crossed my mind, to be honest. I think it'd be fun though!
Join the club, Pumpkin - I'm pretty great!
Aw, you were going so well, Kiddo...
Now where did I put that spoon?
Oh right, it's still lodged in the eye socket of the last guy who called me a dick!
That's because I'm in your head, Pumpkin.
I kind of figured they were working for that Mallory woman (I think that's her name?) from the episode 3 teaser pic - I get a real mob boss kind of vibe from her - and they are hired goons!
Hey, you did that one of your own volition!
i think mid next month. because next week GOT ep2 is released. then maybe a week after we get trailers and stuff, then maybe the week after we get the 2nd TFTB ep
hope so
No, really? Of course I did. I do have a mind of my own when you're not invading it or waking me up in the middle of night.
They could be...I have a theory that maybe that 'front cover' pic is from even further in the past. You can see a man's right hand being stabbed by her, so if it were an even further flash back, it could be the story of how Rhys got his cybernetic arm...I think that would be really cool, I hope it's something like that, and even if it isn't I really hope we get a cybernetic-origins story at some point!
Oh wow - nicely caught, I never noticed that before!
Not sure about her being from Rhys' past though, I think the current flashback is his first time dealing with Pandoran locals - but some sort of backstory about his cybernetics would definitely be cool.
That's true, he did seem a bit of a Pandora newb... OR IS THAT ALL JUST AN ACT.....? Haha, idk but it has to happen at some point! Who's hand do you think it is then? I thought it could be Vaughn at first, but then I realised that we see it from the pov of the person being stabbed, which is what made me first think it could be Rhys. I'm not sure though, I guess it could be Vaughn? That would be my next best guess, but I'd be really curious as to how and why he got himself into that situation!
Ignore it!
glad telltale is gonna improve the protection of texmod
Ooh, the first person point is another great catch!
But maybe it's just taken from one of her cutscenes (maybe before her splash card is shown) when the POV tends to get thrown out the window, and it's just showing her being a badass, torturing some random person?
Or it's Vaughn, because that would be hilarious - poor guy!
I'm just playing with a few ideas, I dont really think we can speculate too accurately about the third episode when episode two has not even had a proper trailer yet. It would be a cool introductory scene, if that's the case! I think there's a chance it could be significant, which is more exciting than just dismissing it as insignificant, so I guess that's why I tend to come up with some pretty wacky theories. The truth is, WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA. Hey guess what, I have a couple of other even more out-there theories than this, wanna hear?
Yes, please - the crazier the better!
Alrighty then, you asked for it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the stranger may be Vaughn. Okay hear me out, there are several reasons that I think this is possible; 1 - the stranger is short (or shorter than Rhys anyways) just like Vaughn is. There is a shot right at the beginning of the episode before Rhys is knocked out where you see the two of the standing opposite each other, and you can see the stranger is approximately the same height as Vaughn when you see him walking side by side with Rhys through the Helios corridor moments later. This is not all. If you examine the stranger closely you will see that they have two yellow stripes over their right shoulder, meaning that they probably are associated with Hyperion in some way, as 2 - Vaughn has a thick yellow stripe over his right shoulder as part of his Hyperion get-up. And finally my most damning piece of evidence; 3 - there is a transitional shot at the point where Fiona Sasha and Felix have fled the World of Curiosities, only to find Rhys and Vaughn attempting to steal their caravan. When Sasha turns around asking what they should do with 'them' (Rhys and Vaughn), you see Rhys standing still and Vaughn pacing up and down behind him. At this point the shot changes, as it goes from the flash-back to the present, and you see Vaughn turn into the stranger when he passes by. Very subtle, perhaps insignificant, but intriquing nonetheless...