Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • I thought that if we all believe that our strength of faith will make our dream come true. Strain all the efforts and think about...


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  • Exactly so it has not been anywhere near wolf among us waiting. Im glad you realized your mistake. Either way the episode is still coming out next week

    If were gonna be literal to the tee, there's 4.348 weeks in a month. Like most people I just round it down to 4. F17 will be 84 days after e

  • I feel your pain bro. The wait really stinks but do not worry my friend, February 17th will be the day I guarantee. Statistics don't lie.

    I hope you're right. The waiting is really starting to be frustrating, especially knowing that GoT episode 2 came out a week ago xD

  • We'll see

    Exactly so it has not been anywhere near wolf among us waiting. Im glad you realized your mistake. Either way the episode is still coming out next week

  • If we don't get news this week I think I'm gonna cry.

  • I will join you.

    If we don't get news this week I think I'm gonna cry.

  • Heyyyy I haven't talked to you for a couple weeks. Still staying awesome?

    And yes, we will cry together while eating some delicious food from Grease Face :(

    I will join you.


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  • Sup man? It's been hard to maintain awesomeness through all this waiting for updates :'( but I'm sure you've managed it ;)
    Totes, and if we die of food poisoning at least we won't have to carry on suffering anymore with this fucking waiting.

    Heyyyy I haven't talked to you for a couple weeks. Still staying awesome? And yes, we will cry together while eating some delicious food from Grease Face

  • It would be a mercy kill, an end to our suffering :(

    Sup man? It's been hard to maintain awesomeness through all this waiting for updates but I'm sure you've managed it Totes, and if we die of food poisoning at least we won't have to carry on suffering anymore with this fucking waiting.

  • When is episode2 combining out


    Chris14Red posted: »

    When is episode2 combining out

  • No one knows, but currently everyone's hoping for February 17th.

    Chris14Red posted: »

    When is episode2 combining out

  • Time to crush people's dreams about February 17th. We haven't even gotten an Australian Certification for the episode, and doesn't it take 3 weeks for an episode be sent to console's and such?

  • Walking dead season 2 episode 5 no going back got certified 6 days before it came out. #F17 #BELIEVE

    Time to crush people's dreams about February 17th. We haven't even gotten an Australian Certification for the episode, and doesn't it take 3 weeks for an episode be sent to console's and such?

  • Episodes don't always show up on the Australian Classification boards before they come out, No Going Back's classification was published after the episode was released.

    Time to crush people's dreams about February 17th. We haven't even gotten an Australian Certification for the episode, and doesn't it take 3 weeks for an episode be sent to console's and such?

  • edited February 2015

    Can we get some evidence please because I distinctly remember no going backs classification was published before the episode came out. Every classification is published before the episode is released. It wouldn't make sense to publish it after the episode came out.

    Bigby-Wolf posted: »

    Episodes don't always show up on the Australian Classification boards before they come out, No Going Back's classification was published after the episode was released.

  • Well I don't think there's any evidence unless you go back and look at the No Going Back release thread. BUT, I can be a witness here and say he/she is definitely correct, I don't recall it showing up on the classification board by the time the actual episode came out.

    Can we get some evidence please because I distinctly remember no going backs classification was published before the episode came out. Every

  • Im telling you guys 1st or 2nd week of March don't get too excited for feb 17th

  • The wait is KILLING ME :(

  • edited February 2015

    you are right no going back got classified exactly one week before it came out

    date of classification: 20/8/14 (AU) Release date: 27/8/14(AU) 26/8/14 (US)
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    Can we get some evidence please because I distinctly remember no going backs classification was published before the episode came out. Every

  • nope it can be submitted or show up on the board about a week before the actual release there is still hope

    Time to crush people's dreams about February 17th. We haven't even gotten an Australian Certification for the episode, and doesn't it take 3 weeks for an episode be sent to console's and such?

  • Thanks Jewfreeus for providing the screenshot! You're awesome!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you are right no going back got classified exactly one week before it came out date of classification: 20/8/14 (AU) Release date: 27/8/14(AU) 26/8/14 (US)

  • I am sorry but this wait is ridiculous at this point.

  • Must be patient.....must be patient....

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  • edited February 2015

    I do find it a little ridiculous that it's been nearly 3 months since the first episode of this came out, and we're still yet to even have any kind of trailer or even a few screenshots. I know we got the teaser clip at PAX, but that was around 2 and a half weeks ago for crying out loud.

    The wait is really starting to kill me.

  • ThereIsStillHopeF17

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    nope it can be submitted or show up on the board about a week before the actual release there is still hope

  • Pls...


  • Get a bigger staff telltale!! You have the money.

  • Pls...

    WazzuMan posted: »


  • Fleas

    Pipas posted: »


  • Well that teaser did come with two screen shots.

    I do find it a little ridiculous that it's been nearly 3 months since the first episode of this came out, and we're still yet to even have a

  • Pls.....


  • Will we actually see the trailer today? Or should I start digging a grave in the backyard? I seriously can't wait any longer. Plsss telltale :)))

  • I am not watching any trailers, screenshot or others until the episode lands on my hungry hands. :)

  • After episode 2 of Game of Thrones I will say this:

    Take your time!
    Do not release it if there are still bugs to iron out! I'd much rather wait an extra month or two than play an episode where the sound queues that play on time are a minority! Severeal times I had to read the subtitles becuase I couldn't hear the characters speaking and then at the last line of dialogue I hear them all at once! This happened a lot. Performance was choppy as all hell, it boggles my mind that a consolee that can play crysis 3 struggles with this engine.

    No... Not again.
    I am dying to keep playing your games but do not release them until they are ready. Please.

  • Pls...

    SoMuchSass posted: »


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