Then maybe that's what you should do, wait for it to be finished. Wait.
I just won't buy the season pass anymore and that's pretty much it.
Yes. That is what many customers will do out of frustration. Which was exactly my point at the beginning of this conversation.
Now that we've gone around full circle, are we done?
Telltale will care if enough people stop paying, believe me. My point is that continuing the way they are may just cause that down the line.
You're under the impression that I'm in the minority in my frustration. I guarantee you I'm not.
Well what did you (and they) expect? People paid money for a product they have every righ to be angry it wasn't delivered in time without any explanation. That's not how you treat customers if you expect to keep them.
There's a difference between patiently waiting and complaining about how bad Telltale is while waiting.
People want to discuss the game here, that's the point, all I see on these once fun Forums are people "Calling Telltale out".
Dude, seriously, I swear when I read "Confirmed by TTG, Tales from the Borderlands has been canceled" I nearly fell off my chair. You just gave me the biggest scare of my life
Well what did you (and they) expect? People paid money for a product they have every righ to be angry it wasn't delivered in time without any explanation. That's not how you treat customers if you expect to keep them.
There's a difference between patiently waiting and complaining about how bad Telltale is while waiting.
People want to discuss the game here, that's the point, all I see on these once fun Forums are people "Calling Telltale out".
This is the release date discussion thread. Discussing frustration about the release date is relevant.
There are plenty of other fun thre… moreads going on that only talk about theories about the games. If you can't handle critique of Telltale, just go there.
Dude, seriously, I swear when I read "Confirmed by TTG, Tales from the Borderlands has been canceled" I nearly fell off my chair. You just gave me the biggest scare of my life
Don't be so pessimistic. I've noticed that magically, the episodes of Telltale games are longer again. After they shortened them quite a lot for the Walking Dead season 2. You think that came out of nowhere? The fans were unhappy and boy did they let Telltale know it. So now it's better. Game companies don't exist in a vacuum where no outside force touches them.
Don't be so pessimistic. I've noticed that magically, the episodes of Telltale games are longer again. After they shortened them quite a lot… more for the Walking Dead season 2. You think that came out of nowhere? The fans were unhappy and boy did they let Telltale know it. So now it's better. Game companies don't exist in a vacuum where no outside force touches them.
Meh, you didn't miss much really. People arguing and GoldenPaladin yelling at everyone for complaining too much about the time that's taking Telltale to release the episode. But oh look, my name's in your pic
Meh, you didn't miss much really. People arguing and GoldenPaladin yelling at everyone for complaining too much about the time that's taking Telltale to release the episode. But oh look, my name's in your pic
Yes. That is what many customers will do out of frustration. Which was exactly my point at the beginning of this conversation.
Now that we've gone around full circle, are we done?
I have dishonored my family..
I am waiting, and while I do it I might as well read and comment here.
No one forces you to write anything here either.
You should stop paying, some people will. Telltale won't care, no body will.
Yeah, we're done, hopefully.
Telltale will care if enough people stop paying, believe me. My point is that continuing the way they are may just cause that down the line.
You're under the impression that I'm in the minority in my frustration. I guarantee you I'm not.
There's a difference between patiently waiting and complaining about how bad Telltale is while waiting.
People want to discuss the game here, that's the point, all I see on these once fun Forums are people "Calling Telltale out".
You are, however, a lot of people will still buy the episode.
Do you have to start a fight about everything?
Well what did you (and they) expect? People paid money for a product they have every righ to be angry it wasn't delivered in time without any explanation. That's not how you treat customers if you expect to keep them.
Could you please forgive me?..
Papai, I'm tired of seeing people complaining about everything here.
Fuck it, this isn't worth it, it won't change anything. I'm done.
Dude, seriously, I swear when I read "Confirmed by TTG, Tales from the Borderlands has been canceled" I nearly fell off my chair. You just gave me the biggest scare of my life
Then stop paying.
Fuck it, I'm done, complain, won't change anything.
This is the release date discussion thread. Discussing frustration about the release date is relevant.
There are plenty of other fun threads going on that only talk about theories about the games. If you can't handle critique of Telltale, just go there.
Ughhhhh. I was just loading up TFTB on my Xbone and it said updating cotent. It seemed like something was loading but nahhhh.
That sucks.
I will forgive you
Just never do that again.
I'd like to see the confirmation, dear sir.
You take this place too seriously.
It will if enough people complain! And Telltale deserves complaint.
Sure, Papai.
It won't.
Just playing. Usually everything I say, the opposite happens, so trying to jinx myself in a release later today.
Smart idea
That will cost you a vault key
Don't be so pessimistic. I've noticed that magically, the episodes of Telltale games are longer again. After they shortened them quite a lot for the Walking Dead season 2. You think that came out of nowhere? The fans were unhappy and boy did they let Telltale know it. So now it's better. Game companies don't exist in a vacuum where no outside force touches them.
Heh, that's easy! I am going to find someone named Felix. He know how to get a vault key.
Actually it was because for TWD, Telltale thought that shorter episodes worked.
However, I just want to say I'm done arguing.
TWAU had short episodes too. But okay, go read happy threads and calm down.
yeah... maybe it's time to stahp.
Same to you, let this entire place calm down, there's enough hate right now.
So I was gone for an hour or so and when I came back, I see this:
Wth, guys.
Dude everyone who read your comment got scared.
Yeah, seeing that made me think 'Oh, some news must have happened!'
The power of whining and debate is truly a force to be reckoned with!
Just pretend we got good news and everyone is celebrating F17!
Meh, you didn't miss much really. People arguing and GoldenPaladin yelling at everyone for complaining too much about the time that's taking Telltale to release the episode. But oh look, my name's in your pic
Summed it up well.