So, this happened.
Link to the tweet
How f*cking big it will be if the file size is already bigger than first episode's and it isn't even ready yet? Anyways, finally some actual news. Yay. Hype is getting real!
So, this happened.
Link to the tweet
How f*cking big it will be if the file size is already bigger than first episode's and it isn't even ready yet? Anyways, finally some actual news. Yay. Hype is getting real!
Hide yo wives, hide yo kidz! News to TftB Episode 2 have been posted! RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIVES!
screaming and running
This thread will explode and take half the forums with it!
God help us all.
I posted the link to the tweet, went to the bathroom for 2 minutes, came back and had 16 notifications.
Can't wait to see the reaction of the people who haven't been on for more than 4 hours :P
I decided to replay BL2 to "pass the time" after Zer0 Sum. Managed to beat it and TPS both. Wondering if I can finish my playthrough of Uncharted: Golden Abyss before Atlas Mugged comes out One thing I definitely like about finally being done with college: a little extra time for gaming!
The funniest thing is, I'm still getting closer to finishing Borderlands 2 with every day.
I'd be laughing hard if I'd manage to finish it before the release of Atlas Mugged.
Lol at all the people who complained about not getting weekly updates. Since the teaser and screens we got, we have gotten weekly updates since then other than the week of GoT ep 2. I knew we'd get something this week
Lol at all the people who complained about not getting weekly updates. Since the teaser and screens we got, we have gotten weekly updates since then other than the week of GoT ep 2. I knew we'd get something this week
So, this happened.
Link to the tweet
How f*cking big it will be if the file size is already bigger than first episode's and it isn't even ready yet? Anyways, finally some actual news. Yay. Hype is getting real!
That's how I see it, trailer this week then episode the next.
I love longer episodes, let me get immersed more. Episode one felt like it would never finish and that was the best feeling in the world.
See? One tweet made everyone happy. It's not that hard, Telltale! Now we have something to go with...
Feb3rd CONFIRMED Izzabella u do dis
I am taking my patience armor off for a moment.
I played it once, watched 1 let's play ( I love Cry
) and watched when my friend played it. I think I'm good now. 
It's happening guys! The wait will soon be over! I'm so excited!
You know i got dizzy after hearing the news...
haha if got ep2 took me 2hours and 30min this one 3 hours maybe 4 hahahahah me with controller fails
tnx m8 had no time to search for the gif
Hide yo wives, hide yo kidz! News to TftB Episode 2 have been posted! RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIVES!
screaming and running
This thread will explode and take half the forums with it!
God help us all.
Don't worry the gif master is here, and everywhere
wait for the spam if i am gone like 8 hours i will see 4k new comments,i am sureee
I posted the link to the tweet, went to the bathroom for 2 minutes, came back and had 16 notifications.
Can't wait to see the reaction of the people who haven't been on for more than 4 hours :P
(Contributing my part to the spam ^)
Something like this...
Imagine when we actually get a trailer...
R.I.P those poor souls
I decided to replay BL2 to "pass the time" after Zer0 Sum. Managed to beat it and TPS both. Wondering if I can finish my playthrough of Uncharted: Golden Abyss before Atlas Mugged comes out
One thing I definitely like about finally being done with college: a little extra time for gaming!
I really loved the length of Ep 1. More immersion time.
I started bouncing all over the place - finally some news! Hopefully we will at least get a trailer this upcoming week!
So... Hopefully M3?
Wow. Some actual real news?
Lol at all the people who complained about not getting weekly updates. Since the teaser and screens we got, we have gotten weekly updates since then other than the week of GoT ep 2. I knew we'd get something this week
I don't see anybody complainin
Now the real question is, March 10th or March 3rd? Or perhaps even later.
When do you think TFTB episode 2 will be released?
Hell yeah. Boyeee
You know how messed up it would be if they were trolling us?
You're welcome xD
I'm super HYPErion now (bad joke, I know, but I couldn't resist)
That gif is hilarious XD