Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • What about this?

    Knock, knock.

    Who's there?


    Daisy who?

    Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!

    I know it's been a long wait so far, but that could've been better mate.

  • Alt text

    Out punned!

    What about this? Knock, knock. Who's there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!

  • When i said that this was gonna be a second TWAU EP 2 situation all people commented that it wouldn't and etc but here it is. TTG at it again. Old habits die hard :P

  • Yeah, I have a feeling it might have been rewritten like Wolf Among Us, but that doesn't really bother me though. Undoubtedly, the quality of Wolf went down a bit after the rewrite but the story was just as good as ever.

    ata95 posted: »

    When i said that this was gonna be a second TWAU EP 2 situation all people commented that it wouldn't and etc but here it is. TTG at it again. Old habits die hard :P

  • Me too, I like the episodic model.

    I'm still going to continue to buy and play every future released Telltale Game Episodically after TFTBL.

  • Add me to that list.

    I'm still going to continue to buy and play every future released Telltale Game Episodically after TFTBL.

  • edited February 2015

    For all those who died waiting for Episode 2:

    Alt text

    Never Forget

  • I've missed out on these discussions with other TT games I bought after completion and my favorite thing of Tales is discussing it so far.

    I'm still going to continue to buy and play every future released Telltale Game Episodically after TFTBL.

  • Why do you keep saying rewrite? Can you please substantiate this with actual proof and not circumstantial evidence?

    Yeah, I have a feeling it might have been rewritten like Wolf Among Us, but that doesn't really bother me though. Undoubtedly, the quality of Wolf went down a bit after the rewrite but the story was just as good as ever.

  • I never will. This is the last.

    Scaeva posted: »

    For all those who died waiting for Episode 2: Never Forget

  • Same.

    Watching us all collectively lose our minds in this thread has been worth the price of the season pass, alone!

    I'm still going to continue to buy and play every future released Telltale Game Episodically after TFTBL.

  • Oh, God, this is getting a little boring.

  • Cheers everyone, it is the dawn of March. :)

  • tT motto should just be "soon" we all know how much they love it

  • March 24th is my guess


    December 14, 1972
    My dearest darling John:
    Who ever in the whole world would dream of getting a real Partridge in a Pear Tree? How can I ever express my pleasure. Thank you a hundred times for thinking of me this way.

    My love always, Agnes
    December 15, 1972
    Dearest John:
    Today the postman brought your very sweet gift. Just imagine two turtle doves. I'm just delighted at your very thoughtful gift. They are just adorable.
    All my love, Agnes

    December 16, 1972
    Dear John:
    Oh! Aren't you the extravagant one. Now I must protest. I don't deserve such generosity, three French hens. They are just darling but I must insist, you've been too kind.
    All my love, Agnes

    December 17, 1972
    Dear John:
    Today the postman delivered four calling birds. Now really, they are beautiful, but don't you think enough is enough. You are being too romantic.
    Affectionately, Agnes

    December 18, 1972
    Dearest John:
    What a surprise. Today the postman delivered five golden rings, one for every finger. You're just impossible, but I love it. Frankly, all those birds squawking were beginning to get on my nerves.
    All my love, Agnes

    December 19, 1972
    Dear John:
    When I opened the door today there were actually six geese laying on my front steps. So you're back to the birds again huh? These geese are huge. Where will I ever keep them? The neighbors are complaining and I can't sleep through the racket. Please stop.
    Cordially, Agnes

    December 20, 1972
    What's with you and those freaking birds?? Seven swans a swimming. What kind of damn joke is this? There's bird poop all over the house and they never stop the racket. I can't sleep at night and I'm a nervous wreck. It's not funny. So stop those freaking birds.
    Sincerely, Agnes

    December 21, 1972
    O.K. Buster:
    I think I prefer the birds. What the hell am I going to do with 8 maids a milking? It's not enough with all those birds and 8 maids a milking, but they had to bring their damn cows. There is manure all over the lawn and I can't move in my own house. Just lay off me, smartass.

    December 22, 1972
    Hey Shithead:
    What are you? Some kind of sadist? Now there's nine pipers playing. And Christ do they play. They've never stopped chasing those maids since they got here yesterday morning. The cows are getting upset and they're stepping all over those screeching birds. What am I going to do? The neighbors have started a petition to evict me.
    You'll get yours! Agnes

    December 23, 1972
    You rotten prick:
    Now there's ten ladies dancing. I don't know why I call those sluts ladies. They've been balling those pipers all night long. Now the cows can't sleep and they've got diarrhea. My living room is a river of shit. The Commissioner of Buildings has subpoenaed me to give cause why the building shouldn't be condemned.
    I'm calling the police on you! Agnes

    December 24, 1972
    Listen Fuckhead:
    What's with those eleven lords a leaping on those maids and ladies? Some of those broads will never walk again. Those pipers ran through the maids and have been committing sodomy with the cows. All twenty-three of the birds are dead. They've been trampled to death in the orgy. I hope you're satisfied, you rotten vicious swine.
    Your sworn enemy, Agnes

    December 25, 1972
    Dear Sir:
    This is to acknowledge your latest gift of twelve fiddlers fiddling which you have seen fit to inflict on our client, Miss Agnes McHolstein. The destruction, of course, was total. All correspondence should come to our attention. If you should attempt to reach Miss McHolstein at Happy Dale Sanitarium, the attendants have been instructed to shoot you on sight. With this letter please find attached a warrant for your arrest.
    Cordially, Law Offices of Badger, Bender and Chole

  • Groke's hella creepy in that episode, but otherwise I find her kinda cute. Still remember how my little brother literally lost his mind every time Groke appeared in some episodes. But seriously, animation series aimed for kids.... Yup. Traumas and other nice stuff. GJ.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yah I hated that thing. I just saw GrazedRabbit's post and I started thinking about Morso. Why it exists again? Also this guy...

  • March 1st.... Oh the joy. Better release the Ep2 within two weeks or.... I don't know.

  • I attract only the "The Walking Dead". This is my favorite game in the world!

    But I know that the whole other games from Teltale too incredible.

    And if Telltale will create games in the future that I can still enjoy it, but no more "The Walking Dead" of course, I'll buy them without a doubt.

    Episodic system for me - it's amazing. Stretching pleasure ^__^

    I'm still going to continue to buy and play every future released Telltale Game Episodically after TFTBL.

  • It is the dawn of March.

    A saviour month.

    Get rdy.

  • edited February 2015

    Because it took so long to come out? Usually if there's delay they're up to something fishy. But I think the issue before was that there was some plot that had to get canned with the fabletown being discovered and it not sticking true to the canon, or that's what been said [at least that detective woman was supposed to be in it more judging by the original episode title card and that didn't happen, she's only in the beginning and never mentioned again except in a file.]

    But I think too that a lot of people guessed who the killer was by that ginger haired guy who kept popping up unsubtly throughout the first episode [somebody made a video out of it, and in the files apparently of his model was called the boy who cried wolf, I think] and I'd assume for a mystery detective story you don't want that kind of surprise being found out so early on. So yeah, it's no surprise that they've changed stuff, and Telltale is no stranger to that. Remember the preview for one of the episodes where Bigby transformed? That got pushed to another episode and Toad, though heard in the preview, never appears in that scene. Rewrites happen o.o totally normal!

    If there weren't any delays then Episode 2 would be out by now, but it's not, and the Job J Stauffer pretty much says they want to make sure Episode 2 is as good as it can be and have been paying to attention to feedback after the first episode and are in 'live development'. So yes, you can assume something in the development process has delayed them, where maybe they're changing some things around or adding new stuff that wasn't originally planned.

    But seriously, rewrites are the norm with writing and you can't always plan everything because sometimes you get surprises...like, stupid lakes, but that isn't the point! Judging by how the episode lengths for TWAU changed quite a bit, along some things from those previews to the title cards, I'd suspect there was indeed a rewrite to certains aspects of the plot.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Why do you keep saying rewrite? Can you please substantiate this with actual proof and not circumstantial evidence?

  • Shakes fist menacingly

    Vvardenfell posted: »

    Soon. Soon.

  • Alt text

    Crips posted: »

    It is the dawn of March. A saviour month. Get rdy.

  • Damn that would be bad.

    trez1336 posted: »

    March 24th is my guess

  • Another bad pun:

    Knock, knock.

    Who's there?


    Ya who?

    No, I prefer Google...

    What about this? Knock, knock. Who's there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!

  • edited March 2015

    On the 1st day of Maaarch, Telltale gave to us:

    No news on Borderlaaaands! :P

  • But it's coming soon why get upset? Soon...

  • Because its just a hunch, not fact. I could be completely wrong and at the same time I could be completely right looking at how long its been since Ep1.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Why do you keep saying rewrite? Can you please substantiate this with actual proof and not circumstantial evidence?

  • I can feel the game getting closer every minute...

  • Guys, guys, GUYS!

    I actually completed Borderlands 2 before the release of Atlas Mugged, started somewhere after Zer0 Sum was released. I actually made it. Of course on Normal Mode, but still...

  • That word... I swear to fucking god...

    Majda posted: »

    But it's coming soon why get upset? Soon...

  • Finish on UVHM or gtfo, skrub

    Crips posted: »

    Guys, guys, GUYS! I actually completed Borderlands 2 before the release of Atlas Mugged, started somewhere after Zer0 Sum was released. I actually made it. Of course on Normal Mode, but still...

  • how dar u

    Finish on UVHM or gtfo, skrub

  • People playing on UVHM. I top my hat for them. I'm already so dead with TVHM. Haha.

    Finish on UVHM or gtfo, skrub

  • I'd rather the game be a month late, then having it be released like GOT and not being able to play it because of savefiles issues or even some people who couldn't finish the episode. I'm just mostly curious if there will be a change up in the choice system. Cause after having played every TT game when making a choice like you can do with Felix it usually (there are some expections) seems to solve itself after about 1 episode, so their faith seems to be sealed no matter what. And I feel like if I make certain choices for certain characters I will cheat myself out of content. I have my main save file but I actually do have 4 endings ready for walking dead if it actually turns out that season 3 will continue where ur ending left of. And Wolf Among us is the first game where I actually have 2 playthroughs, my main and my big bad wolf playthrough because u can't get all the books in one playthrough, and then when some characters died in my second playthrough there was definitely less content.

  • edited March 2015

    Have you ever watched the video called Spoon Killer on youtube? Now, take away the letter "P" and imagine the poor guy who constantly gets hit.

    Spoon Killer

    That's how it feels at times.

    Or every time.

    That word... I swear to fucking god...

  • Alt text

    Majda posted: »

    But it's coming soon why get upset? Soon...

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