Ugh, I think I know that feel. My hype just suddenly died, but it's even better for me, because I won't be able to play the episode on 17th, only on the evening of 18th.
seriously wishing I hadn't already used all four save slots - man if I could replay this game one more time before the next episode comes out that'd be fantaaaastic
I swear my internet is going to break tomorrow for some unknown reasons, then in 2 years when it's fixed I'm gonna get it all spoiled because i have really bad luck :C
Only one more day...I can do this.
I swear my internet is going to break tomorrow for some unknown reasons, then in 2 years when it's fixed I'm gonna get it all spoiled because i have really bad luck :C
Only one more day...I can do this.
I swear my internet is going to break tomorrow for some unknown reasons, then in 2 years when it's fixed I'm gonna get it all spoiled because i have really bad luck :C
I just realized that it will be 8PM when the Ep 2 releases (if it will be released like all other stuff on Steam). I have school on Wednesday and if it takes over 2 hours to play, that means my sleeping schedule would get messed up. I'm that kind of person who needs hella lot of sleep to get through a day. Yes, I'm almost 19. +10hrs of sleep or I will be a zombie. Plus my sister wants to watch me playing it. So no Ep 2 for me on Tuesday. sob Have fun guys ;;___;; I'll come right behind ya.
Yep, still some hours ( probably 12 ) & EP2 will be at least in the Telltale store, I'll sleep after a bit so I might wake up downloading the episode, but still! Tuesday! Can't wait to see what happens
Why do you have to put that image in my head! Damn you. xD
Friday?! o.o Damn. I'd be so frustrated xD Personally I'll play it Tuesday.
That'd have been crazy :P
Ugh, I think I know that feel. My hype just suddenly died, but it's even better for me, because I won't be able to play the episode on 17th, only on the evening of 18th.
You know you can delete individual save files and start over with a clean save, right?
Only one more day...I can do this.
I swear my internet is going to break tomorrow for some unknown reasons, then in 2 years when it's fixed I'm gonna get it all spoiled because i have really bad luck :C
Loader Bot dies.
PIpas cried.
Put down your pitchforks everyone! Blind is back! The sheriff is back...
I love your name. So much.
We'll see. Maybe I won't be able to resist the urge to play the episode and I'll play it on my laggy laptop as soon as possible...
Hmmm? Which pichforks are you possibly referencing to?
One of the few times I'm happy I have a PS4 over an XBone ....
I'll have both soon though. Very soon.... like in a year .... which is kinda soon.
The hype level....
This is what the whatever on your mind megathread looked like
Ehh I can survive the extra day lol
Lol Thanks :P
I should ban you on sight for that! How could you be so heartless!?!
I blew up loader bot...What have I done...
Don't use the "S-word"...It triggers my PTSD
How dare you, Loader Bot didn't deserve that
Loader Bros
That's if it's even released on the PS4 tomorrow, as the only dates that have been confirmed are the PC/Mac ones. Guess we'll find out.
EDIT: Looks like it is coming out tomorrow for Playstation according to the newest tweet.
Loader bot will get his revenge!
It's tuesday now for me
come to me episode 2... come to me
Not until tomorrow. It's still the 16th in Telltale's timezone.
I just realized that it will be 8PM when the Ep 2 releases (if it will be released like all other stuff on Steam). I have school on Wednesday and if it takes over 2 hours to play, that means my sleeping schedule would get messed up. I'm that kind of person who needs hella lot of sleep to get through a day. Yes, I'm almost 19. +10hrs of sleep or I will be a zombie. Plus my sister wants to watch me playing it. So no Ep 2 for me on Tuesday. sob Have fun guys ;;___;; I'll come right behind ya.
Telltale goes by the Pacific Time Zone, so it's not Tuesday for them yet.
Yep, still some hours ( probably 12 ) & EP2 will be at least in the Telltale store, I'll sleep after a bit so I might wake up downloading the episode, but still! Tuesday! Can't wait to see what happens
Two more hours in CET and it's 17th!

Shhh, Crips, shhh. That's the darkest timeline you're speaking of. Don't mention it again. Ever.
Loader Bot will never die.