Which ending did you pick?

It seems like a good majority of the users on here have downloaded and completed episode two. And most are probably annoyed with that friggin' cliff-hanger, but it begs the question: which ending did you pick?

Did you trust Fiona or Jack? Why? Anyone regretting their decision and considering going back and changing it?

Personally, I trusted Fiona. And I regret it. I don't know, because I'm aware both endings are extremely vague, but I think I trust Jack more than Fiona (which is weird, considering Fiona is me -- dammit, this game is messing with me now). Well, I plan to replay episode two anyway, but I'm probably going to trust Jack this time instead.

Probably just because I can.



  • I picked Fiona, because despite Jack being a sport, he's liable to kill everyone. I thought Fiona might have a smarter backup plan.

  • i trusted handsome jack, because he is in my head and i dont want to be insane quickly since i didnt tell no one about him. yeah, for my sanity and for the sake of the love i have for my favourite villian.

    it may not be a good choice, but it was a selfish one and i dont regret it xD <3

  • I picked Jack because I thought it would be more epic and I wasnt mistaken.

  • Fiona, I don't trust Handsome Jack,vand based on what I've heard about him, I have a right not to trust him.

  • Fiona. Because Fiona.

    Also Handsome Jack seemed a little too eager for Rhys to give him control.

  • Let me state this:

    For all Telltale users new to the Borderlands universe, you've met Jack and think he is awesome. He's charismatic, he's smart, he's a joker. "HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE HIM?" you ask. "HE'S HOT! HE'S COOL! HE'S AMAZING! HE'S LIKE A CRAZY UNCLE WHO TEACHES YOU ALL THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE! HE WEARS A COAT ON TOP OF ANOTHER COAT AND IT LOOKS WONDERFUL!"

    Well, I don't like him for the following reasons:

    First off, he's a Jerk. A massive Jerk. In Borderlands 2, he does nothing but verbally abuse in conversations. Some of it is funny, but others really hurt.

    Second, he has no problem killing people. He strangles employees to death in his board room, because they swore or they dropped trash on the floor. He arranged to have a whole trainload of civilians who just escaped the massacre of a whole city shot up by his cyborg henchman. He constantly threatens to torture you and murder you in general.

    Third, you shouldn't really trust him, either. The biggest example is this: He promised to let the women and children of New Haven go if their leader, Helena Pierce, turned around and told him what happened to her face. She told him, and he then proceeded to shoot her in the face, and laughed about it. And even before he put on the mask, he told a bunch of scientists that he was going to set them free, then airlocked them into space because one of them suggested there might be a traitor on the space station he was trying to recapture.

    Fourth, he's known to pull off lots of insane retribution. His response to getting his face scarred? Wage a three-year-war on Pandora that killed billions of people, wiped whole towns and villages off the map and enslave the ones that were left. He then blocks off any access to the planet and moonshots anybody who tries to leave.

    Fifth, he will do anything to get what he wants. Burning a whole town down? Alright. Waging a bloody war? Brilliant! Abusing your own siren daughter who just wants to go out and have friends for 16 years, electrocuting her when she messes up and pumping her full of a hazardous alien chemical so much that she dies if she's taken off the injectors? No problemo!

    And sixth, he's a classic villain. He wants to be a god, for everyone to bow to him and worship him and take over the planet that is pretty much a futuristic Wild West. He's greedy and always wants more money, he takes out his anger on his own employees, he arranges his own trusted henchman to be poisoned, he demands his Vault Hunters to murder everything on Elpis and he's narcissistic and egotistic.

    So yeah, I don't trust him. For that matter.

  • Jack, I trusted enough since he could have taken over anyway I'm pretty sure, I don't know why he was asking Rhys' permission. Plus soon I think Jack is going to completely overtake Rhys, so might as well make a start right here :p

  • I picked Jack. I mean c'mon! He's the final push that makes Rhys actually function better than mediocre. Fiona's plan seemed to be centered on grenades from Felix which may or may not work. With Jack there's pretty much a guarantee that some people will die, that's a given. In my opinion, I'd much rather have a fast, surefire solution, than just gamble it all on someone's bluff.

  • I'm siding with Jack on everything in my main playthrough. He's my favorite villain ever, how can I not? :P Also, Jack's plan just sounded super badass. And it was.

  • Jack. Hail to the king.

  • Main Playthrough I chose Fiona

  • idk why but i sided with jack even though i know he doesn't care about rhys taking control of the bots seems more likely to get us out of that situation than fiona's plan

  • edited March 2015

    Jack. For a number of reasons:

    1. Now that he knows he needs Rhys to "survive", I knew he wouldn't do anything to put him in any mortal danger (non-lethal, funny danger? Yes. But mortal? Not for now, at least).
    2. I trusted him when he said he could hack the bots, which seemed like a better option than the threat of blowing ourselves up.
    3. He's funny.
    4. He's kind of a DILF.
    5. See number 3. He's fuckin' funny.
    6. I figured it would be a more interesting choice.
    7. If he wanted to take Rhys over, he could probably figure out how to do it without his permission anyways, so why shove a stick in the rakk nest, so to speak? Keep him happy for the moment, it might curb his enthusiasm for strangling.
  • I don't trust Jack so I went with Fiona.

  • edited March 2015

    I loved Jack since bl2, even with all the awful stuff. In my opinion hes one of the most interesting and funny characters in the game. So yeah i went with trusting him cuz i cant betray my favorite villain.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Let me state this: For all Telltale users new to the Borderlands universe, you've met Jack and think he is awesome. He's charismatic, he'


    Anyone that sartorially savvy is deserving of my trust...

    (Also, whenever I need to remind myself just how bad Jack can be, I look at this comic)

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Let me state this: For all Telltale users new to the Borderlands universe, you've met Jack and think he is awesome. He's charismatic, he'

  • Team Jack (duh)

  • I did not trust Jack in the slightest. But I let him in anyway, because Fiona's plan looked like it was going to do fuck all to help us. It was very much a Godzilla Threshold type situation in my mind. We were spectacularly boned, and Jack's plan looked like the only way for us to get out alive. I very much regret letting him take control, but it didn't seem like there was any other option to me.

  • He DOES have a nice coat.

    But I agree with all of your points. I actually went back and checked out the ending if you choose to trust Jack -- seems like he's scheming as he laughs when he takes control of Rhys. Part of me, however, is convinced this is partially canon as Rhys' ECHO implant begins to glow yellow once Jack is in control -- the same color that is shown in the modern day flashbacks.

    There is not a single doubt in my mind that Jack is brewin' something dangerous up.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Let me state this: For all Telltale users new to the Borderlands universe, you've met Jack and think he is awesome. He's charismatic, he'

  • I second this reply. Feels like Fiona's plan would go horribly wrong.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I did not trust Jack in the slightest. But I let him in anyway, because Fiona's plan looked like it was going to do fuck all to help us. It

  • Went with Fiona, Jack is awesome, but I know him too well, Letting him in is a mistake, Gotta get Fiona's trust, might as well start here.

  • I really like their art style, and how they drew his mask. IT LOOKS SHINY AND I LIKE IT.

    Also, Angel just wanted to have friends, walk outside, feel the grass under her toes, surf the web freely...

    HE WEARS A COAT ON TOP OF ANOTHER COAT AND IT LOOKS WONDERFUL! Anyone that sartorially savvy is deserving of my trust... (Also, whenever I need to remind myself just how bad Jack can be, I look at this comic)

  • Fiona. Oh, i love Jack but i also know him well enough to not let him on the drivers seat. Jack wants to survive but more than anything else he wants to be in control. Giving him ANY control over Rhys just reeks of a bad idea to me.

    Also, all the best plans involve explosives and/or shotguns applied to faces, and Fiona had grenades. That choice was a no brainer for me :p

  • I will trust Jack, but I do like how this made me feel. I trusted Jack over Fiona, as in I trusted Jack, not myself. It's been keeping me up thinking about how I couldn't trust Fiona (myself) to come up with a good plan so I let Jack possess me instead. I hope I don't regret it, otherwise we'll learn we should trust ourselves a bit more.

  • Fiona, although I kinda regret it seeing her plan, which seems to be....... throwing a grenade because I Don't Even Know?

  • Fiona, because I don't trust Jack at all. For what I know, he could just kill everyone in the facility after taking control of the bots (except for Rhys and Fiona, ofc). I couldn't take that chance.

    But to be honest, I don't think Fiona knows what she's doing. :P

  • Jack.

    Humor over reason.

    Hail tothe king.

  • I pick up Fiona why? because it is Fiona :)

  • edited March 2015

    Jack. Whilst I don't trust him on a long-term basis he DOES need us (well, Rhys at least) to survive so it's absolutely in his best interests to help us get out of there. I'd put more weight in Jack getting us out of that situation than I would Fiona's improvising.

  • Fiona, cause I really wanted to see what she had planned.

  • edited March 2015

    My canon will probably be Fiona cause I'm too afraid of the motherkcr. But at the same time since I'm afraid I'm also afraid of the consiquences of choosing Fiona over him. He will definitely remember that.

    I don't trust anyone in this game anymore, but I always wonder what someone like Rhys would choose. Does he really admires Jack that much and really wnats him back? Does he really believes bringing Jack back will advance his career and not result in his stupid corpse floating near his late boss the next second he'll do it? Is he that stupid, gullible or just power-hungry and greedy? I really can't figure out his motives and intentions yet.

  • I picked Jack but I'm really not happy about it.

    I know Jack will screw me over eventually, its only a matter of time. Sure he probably could have attempted to take over on his own, but as we saw earlier Rhys can fight him off. However I've now given him total control, even if only for the time being. Next time Rhys might not be able to fight him off if Jack decides he wants full control again.

    However I had to pick Jack because we were all royally screwed. At most Fiona had 3 grenades which wouldn't be enough to wipe out all of the bots and aside from that the risk of collateral damage was huge. If she had a plan that she had more than a couple seconds to think up than I would have trusted her in a heartbeat, but nope. Grenades was her plan. I'll take the plan that will absolutely work even if it might screw me over later than the plan that only will work if everything goes right.

  • Of course Fiona. Look at this face how can you say no to dat face

    Alt text

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    Jack is mad killer. I like him but I don't trust him. No! And it's not even real Jack. It's hologram created by another mad guy for what purpose?

    I trust Fiona.

  • Probably not my smartest choice in retrospect, but Jack all the way. Hail to the king. I'm honestly a little surprised that (as of right now) only 33% did!

    I mean, maybe it's just me, but Fiona waving a grenade around makes me a lot more nervous than Jack. Yeah, he's dangerous, but he has more of a plan than Fiona does.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure Jack would just hijack Rhys' systems anyway, since it was clear he could control his arm as he saw fit earlier on.

  • I chose Jack because god damn it's Jack, also because I do stupid things just to see what will happen.

  • Heh, I love how the stats are changing. Yesterday it was around 25% for Fiona.

    Prismahays posted: »

    Probably not my smartest choice in retrospect, but Jack all the way. Hail to the king. I'm honestly a little surprised that (as of right now

  • I trusted Fiona. I can't trust Jack!

  • There wasn't even a choice, kiddo.
    What part of "Hail to the king" didn't you get?

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