Which ending did you pick?



  • Yep, and I'm pretty sure the one in the safe had a question mark next to it - seems legit.

    Besides, we don't even know if all three grenades were flash grenades. The one Fiona threw might be EMP (then Rhys is fucked) or explosive one (then literally everyone is fucked).

  • Goddamn, you're legitimately making me crack up.

    Weirdass fiddle music I love that the whole thing just inexplicably transforms into a highland jig.


    Rock114 posted: »

    Mr. Torgue, I didn't know you visited the Telltale Forums.

  • It depends on how you build your characters and Rhys only says he want to be just like Jack but in what way like Jack is up to the player.

    For my Rhys, he wanted to be successful as Jack but not take the way Jack handled his way up to success so my Rhys views Jack as dangerous and pyschotic due to Jack's history.

    Piggs posted: »

    Keep in mind, Jack is Rhys' hero, and is reknowned for his intellect. Choosing him is a big risk, but he actually had a plan. It's far from out of character for Rhys to choose Jack.

  • Except for speech and some head movement, though. :)

    He does actually. It looks as though he somehow manages to gain control of Rhys' nervous system, because their actions are completely synchronised at the end.

  • I chose Jack. Believe it or not, I am a fan of Handsome Jack, I find him pretty epic, and no, I don't regret the choice I had made.

  • I chose Jack. Okay, Fiona has a flashbang smoke grenade or whatever. How's that going to stop the Atlas robots? Plus, Rhys and Fiona were on what appeared to be an extremely high platform with no way of getting to either exit. Did she think that they were going to disappear in the smoke? I don't think they can jump that far, and how were they going to get past the red death walls? Her plan seemed downright impossible. Unless, Felix's grenades have some super secret ability, I think choosing Jack was the only choice, although I'll probably come to regret in the next episode.

    Also his ending was WAY cooler.

  • But what if that's what they want you to think???? What if there's some reverse psychology thing going on here...

    Like, okay, the /right/ thing to do is to trust Fiona because she's ur bud/waifu/whatever and because if you've played the other BL games you know Jack is sociopathic fuckhead with a blood-stained streak of pathological narcissism 10 miles wide. But TT knows we like Jack because he's funny and for some reason that makes him... less bad? Or it's more okay to like him in spite of his badness.

    By that logic, players who choose Jack will be punished later on. He'll take over Rhys' body more, probably kill some innocent people, whatever it is it won't be good. I can totally imagine the writers being like HAHA WOW YOU TRUSTED JACK??? There's like a thousand reasons to absolutely never trust Jack -- Jack himself openly admits that he's probably going to kill you later on (he's def done that multiple times before).

    But the writers also know that we know that. So maybe trusting Jack -- the obvious "wrong" choice based on your knowledge of the character, is actually the right thing to do?? Maybe through this choice it isn't Jack who gains more permanent control over Rhys, but the other way around??

    There's no way we can ever trust Jack's motivations to be anything other than self-serving. We can trust that Fiona's (depending on how you play her I guess) are in the groups best interests. So trusting Fiona, your friend, is more overtly the better choice despite her complete lack of a sane plan.

    Which is EXACTLY why the writers would try to subvert our expectations by making the ramifications of trusting Fiona somehow worse than trusting Jack -- maybe Vaughn or Sasha get hurt in the explosion/confusion...?

    I'm really just confusing myself at this point. Point being trust no one, especially not the people who write these damn games because our tears probably sustain their life force.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Let me state this: For all Telltale users new to the Borderlands universe, you've met Jack and think he is awesome. He's charismatic, he'

  • Honestly, I picked Fiona the first time since, from what we've seen, it looks like it was Rhys who caused whatever the fight between him and Fiona was so there was no reason to think that she'd screw Rhys here. It also didn't hurt that they both had someone they cared about being threatened.

    The second time, when I was actually trying to rp as Rhys...I went with Jack. It just made sense seeing as Rhys was probably working at Hyperion during the time Jack was in charge and knew what he was capable of - and that Jack had already made it clear that he needed Rhys alive [or at the very least, believed he needed Rhys alive] and preferably cooperative. Fiona, while also having a stake in what's happening, would be more of a unknown quantity and since she seems to have as little idea of what's happening as Rhys does...

  • Yea baby Hail To The King I chose Jack too


    I just played the Fiona ending and it was SO underwhelming! Like, really? That's it? That's the plan?!! #TeamJack all the way (until it completely bites me in the ass 90 seconds in)...

  • Fiona. I did pick Jack on one PT, and his plan is by far the better. I'm not even sure what Fiona's trying to achieve with her plan. But Jack's runs the risk of him taking complete control of Rhys - without anyone realising, if you never told Vaughn about Jack. Plus, Jack needs Rhys alive, apparently, but he doens't need the others alive. I doubt he would make any effort to stop them getting killed. He could even decide to solve the August & Vasquez problem by gunning down everyone in the room, including Sasha and Vaughn.

    So yeah... while Jack's plan is better, it's a big gamble too. I trust Fiona. There must be more to her plan than that grenade, I mean, she's a con artist.

  • I picked Fiona. I don't know. I don't exactly feel comfortable giving Handsome Jack access to do whatever he want. His plan is the best, but it feels like a deal with the devil.

    Also, I thought Fiona's ending was good, kinda like ending a good episode with a BANG.

  • I chose Fiona mostly because of the kind of Rhys I'm playing (loyal to his friends, slowly becoming disillusioned with Hyperion). Also, I have waaaayy more faith that Fiona's plan would get everyone out in one piece, since it is her sister's life on the line. Jack only has to worry about Rhys, but other than that I doubt he would care if anyone else died.

  • Dem synchronised hand movements. It's like Jack was playing Hacking, Kinect! Edition. Which I would totally play if it was a thing.
    Oh, and the FIRST THING I want to see next episode is Vasquez's face when my drone's.....well, okay, JACK'S drone's.......start gunning down his men and protecting our crew.

    I chose Jack. Okay, Fiona has a flashbang smoke grenade or whatever. How's that going to stop the Atlas robots? Plus, Rhys and Fiona were on

  • I read about what sort of character Handsome Jack is before playing episode 2. when it come to the ending I choice Fiona mainly because I want to see Fiona and Rhys friends since seeing the future and how they hate each other. I want to she how that happened over time. I did it mainly because of that reason that saying I regret not going with Jack.

    Fiona throws her flash grenade. Rhys comments something on the lines of what was the point of that and Fiona uncovers her eyes and says she thought it would explored and it does. she didn't have eyes coved when it explored I am guessing that means in the beginning of the next episode she would be blind for a while. whitch would make playing as her hard. Jake isn't a trust worthy guy but he seemed to have a better plan then Fiona.

  • I chose Fiona overwhelmingly because logically she seemed the safest especially for my playthrough. She was encouraging Rhys as if she really did have it under control, so I think she must have had some plan that'll work. Her sister's life is on the line after all, and Fiona isn't really dumb.

    Jack on the other hand... Although he may need Rhys alive, and potentially Fiona if he wants the Gortys Project, I don't know what he would do beyond saving those two. He could "accidentally" kill everyone else, and I don' t really know how much control you'd be giving him. Maybe once he stops the robots he'll just walk Rhys on up to Vasquez and have him kidnapped to Hyperion. He DOES say, and I quote, "You need to get me back up there, kid. Get me into Hyperion... And you won't regret it."...Heck, that's probably his plan. Turn the robots on Fiona and crew so Jack can side with Vasquez, go get his own body on Hyperion, and continue the search for the vault with the backing of Hyperion while Rhys, Fiona, and the others are captured and/or killed. He doesn't care.

  • I have no idea. But Jack LIED to Helena Pierce, telling her that the civilians would let them all go if she turned around and showed him her face.

    He shot her. He then told Wilhelm to kill all survivors.

    Of course, Jack's a funny guy, but to me? Not someone I would trust. Fiona's a con woman who tricks people, but compared to SPACE STALIN, she's a friggin' saint!

    But what if that's what they want you to think???? What if there's some reverse psychology thing going on here... Like, okay, the /right/

  • I choose Fiona because, I like her and wanna believe in her.

    Handsom Jack I doesn't know anything about except that, he was the main bad guy in Borderlands 2 (Which I haven't play)

  • Hail to the king, baby!
    It's um.. it's obvious I chose Jack. I mean, how can I not choose my favorite character?

  • If it was ANYBODY BODY ELSE besides Jack it would be a great plan. But its JACK! You give that guy an inch and the takes a few hundred parsecs.
    So go ahead Fiona, drop that flash bang, get us all killed, at least Jack won't be unleashed unto the universe again.

  • I choose Fiona, I don't trust jack yet.

  • I've gone with both, but I think i'm going to go forward with Jack. Specifically because if Rhys is going to survive, he'll need to psycho decisiveness that Jack has.

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