She watched as her last link to the Homelands melted across some sort of melting hotplate. Too stricken with exhaustion to cry out or spit i… morensults, she let her body relax in it's new bindings. Belinda felt it was safe to say she may die today.
She watched as Mirah rounded the melting pot, her face lit up by the fire that cooked under the metal. The light of the flames seemed to bounce on her face, as if they were afraid to touch her for more than a few seconds. Her skin was so pale that veins were visible at her temples, and they were a discolored grey as opposed to the bluish tint they had on living human beings.
"You were foolish to think it was that easy," Mirah spoke after a moment. "You can't escape me. I'm notorious for my ability to capture and kill."
"So why haven't you offed me yet?" Belinda was able to say after one grueling moment.
Mirah looked up at Belinda with a menacing smile, and the flames seemed to flicker in th… [view original content]
Kieron and the others began to run into the forest when the shadows from the trees and animals began to take shape and attack. Nyx jumped into Azarias arms taking the shape of a bow. Og stayed beside Azaria to provide backup while Kieron pushed forward. They began to hear Alices voice.
"Why is this happening to me..." She began to weep.
Another voice came from another direction it was Alices voice again but more angry.
"Because you wench! You don't deserve what you've been given! Friends, Family you deserve none of it!" Her counterpart said
Kieron piped in. "Don't listen Alice! Just hang on!"
The shadow must have twisted his words because Alice began to weep more.
"Kieron I'm sorry, I should've left you alone so you wouldn't be going through this but you could at least be nice about it." She cried
Kieron not realizing this decided to speak more.
"What are you talking about? Sure learning about my past is painful, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! That would only lead to regrets!" He shouted
Again Alices counterpart twisted his words Alice was not happy.
"Kieron why...why do you use such harsh words..." Alice cried
Kieron then realized that he should keep his mouth shut. He gave Azaria and the others a signal to let them know not to speak a word or else they'd only be making things worse. Wonderland began to get worse, the skies became more red and the moon even more maniacle. Kieron and the others fought and fought but when Alices counterpart noticed that they were progressing she decided to do something about it. There was a bright flash throughout the woods.
Everyone was separated, at least this is what Kieron thought. It was odd wonderland looked peaceful, the forest was beautiful. Kieron noticed someone walking towards him. She had a red cloak with a red hood. She lifted her arms.
"Kieron..." She called
Kieron had no idea who this woman was, but there was something about her that made him want to run up to her. But he waited.
"Kieron it's your mother, don't you remember." She gave a heartwarming smile
Kierons head began to hurt, memories began to flow through his head of this woman in the red cloak...
"Mother?" He asked
She got closer. "Yes Kieron, it's okay sweetie come here." She hugged Kieron.
Kieron dropped his sword and hugged her back. "I thought...I thought I'd never see you again." Kieron said tears forming.
"Why would you ever think that?" She asked
"You guys never came back for me at the hospital..." Kieron replied
"We were told you had died in an experiment Kieron, if I had known you were alive I would have went and got you." She said getting up.
"What about dad and my little sister?" He asked
His mother turned away. "You never had a little sister and your father is dead." She said
Kieron was heartbroken when he heard this. Why won't this terror end? Was all he could think of. His mother sat in front of him since Kieron had fallen to his knees. She lifted his chin and spoke in a soft voice.
"You can join us, just use the sword." She said
"What!?" Kieron said wide eyed
"All of this will end and you'll be able to sleep peacefully." Her heartwarming smile was shown once again.
Kieron stood up and grabbed his sword. He looked at it. His mother stood with him. Kieron raised the blade and with a swift motion stabbed his mother.
"A mother would never tell her child to do something like that!" Kieron said with an angered face.
The peaceful wonderland began to crumble around him and his mother was only Alices shadow taking on his mother's form. Azaria and the others raced towards Kieron.
"We thought you were actually going to do it! We knew it was Alices shadow all along but we couldn't reach you over the magical barrier." Azaria said hugging him.
"I'm alright, it's okay." He smiled
"Good now let's make our way to Alice before-" Nyx was cut off by a wolf howling in the distance.
"I think we need to deal with this first." Kieron said readying himself for a very difficult fight...
In the real world...
When Hans woke up he saw Nick sitting in a chair with a cigar in his mouth. Hans stood up.
"Nick? What...what are you" Hans strugged to say.
"The good doctor told me to come here, said to protect you from the crazy doctors who wander around here." He said taking out the cigar and blowing smoke.
"What about Alice? Where is she? Is she okay?" Hans asked
"Alice for the most part is fine, she's sleeping. Although we may need your help when you are up for moving around which the doctor will come in and say so." Nick said
Hans stood out of bed he tried to walk. "I've got to get my wife..." He said But then fell to the floor unconscious yet again.
Nick stood and picked him up and placed him back in the bed. The doctor walked in.
"Did he try to get up?" The doctor asked
"What did you give him?" Nick asked
"I did what needed to be done." The doctor said leaving.
"I hope for your sake you are right." He said pouring scotch. "Because if Hans isn't alive and able to bring a little sanity back to his wife a lot of people could die." He said adding salt and taking a sip from the whiskey.
Night was approaching in the real world while in wonderland the sun should have just rose...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Great chapter! Really good usage of drama and suspense
his mother was only Alices shadow taking on his mother's form
Nice ploy, I wonder who Kieron's Father is though... Ride must've met someone in that Forest :P
Nick is interesting in this one, I don't know whether to trust my own OC or not! This is the thing about Nick if I let other people use him, he can be good or evil and I wouldn't care, he started life as a villain, then I made him a hero (of sorts) Whether he is evil or good in this tale atm is for you to know and me/us to find out
And while you got Nick pretty good, I am disappointed at Nick smoking in a Hospital... No one does that... Except for Bigby
Where's your goddess now!? Part: Two
Wonderland heading into the forest...
Kieron and the others began to run into the forest when the… more shadows from the trees and animals began to take shape and attack. Nyx jumped into Azarias arms taking the shape of a bow. Og stayed beside Azaria to provide backup while Kieron pushed forward. They began to hear Alices voice.
"Why is this happening to me..." She began to weep.
Another voice came from another direction it was Alices voice again but more angry.
"Because you wench! You don't deserve what you've been given! Friends, Family you deserve none of it!" Her counterpart said
Kieron piped in. "Don't listen Alice! Just hang on!"
The shadow must have twisted his words because Alice began to weep more.
"Kieron I'm sorry, I should've left you alone so you wouldn't be going through this but you could at least be nice about it." She cried
Kieron not realizing this decided to speak mo… [view original content]
If I knew who he was I'd tell you XD Kieron is an interesting character, I haven't written a full blown back story about him yet except for the little snippets I show you guys within the chapters XP
I always figured Nick as a man who does good but has no qualms of doing evil shit when evil shit is needed XD
Use the word 'Hospital' lightly my friend as there is something not right with said hospital I wouldn't make Nick do something like that without a damn good reason. XD
Great chapter! Really good usage of drama and suspense
his mother was only Alices shadow taking on his mother's form
Nice plo… morey, I wonder who Kieron's Father is though... Ride must've met someone in that Forest :P
Nick is interesting in this one, I don't know whether to trust my own OC or not! This is the thing about Nick if I let other people use him, he can be good or evil and I wouldn't care, he started life as a villain, then I made him a hero (of sorts) Whether he is evil or good in this tale atm is for you to know and me/us to find out
And while you got Nick pretty good, I am disappointed at Nick smoking in a Hospital... No one does that... Except for Bigby
Ah, so the author hasn't decided yet... I like it strangely enough >:D
That isn't what I meant believe it or not :P I meant that Nick could be the villain of a story, a vicious one at that, and I wouldn't have a problem with it! XD
Nick knowing more than everyone else does sounds about right... He doesn't know everything at least
Thank you!
If I knew who he was I'd tell you XD Kieron is an interesting character, I haven't written a full blown back story about him … moreyet except for the little snippets I show you guys within the chapters XP
I always figured Nick as a man who does good but has no qualms of doing evil shit when evil shit is needed XD
Use the word 'Hospital' lightly my friend as there is something not right with said hospital I wouldn't make Nick do something like that without a damn good reason. XD
Ah, so the author hasn't decided yet... I like it strangely enough >:D
That isn't what I meant believe it or not :P I meant that Nick … morecould be the villain of a story, a vicious one at that, and I wouldn't have a problem with it! XD
Nick knowing more than everyone else does sounds about right... He doesn't know everything at least
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helping out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fell asleep at one point, woke up to go to the store with my dad, and then came home, watched a movie and played some sims, and she slept over. But in the process, I must have sneezed like eighty times and I felt like crap. SO then today, I went to church but I still felt like death hit me on the side of my head with his bag of souls, with watery eyes and stuffy noses and sneezes from hell. Yeah. So I haven't been able to look on here much because I've been too busy hoping that the next sneeze won't cause my brain to fling out of my head. I've also been coughing and have a sore throat on top of that, and I'm PROBABLY still going to school tomorrow because I literally can't miss tomorrow for multiple specific reasons. (And I'm afraid my health teacher will cut me if I miss the Health Final >.>)
So THAT was my weekend. I had fun, don't get me wrong, and I would have loved to responded to all the comments I've gotten over the last post, as well as commenting on all your precious stories, but alas, I'm not up to par for any of the nonsensical joy I receive when reading and reviewing and enjoying everything this community has to offer. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Remember when I said I don't normally get bad allergies?
God has a sense of humor.
~Emily (Cratchit...she wishes..) (because signing shit makes it seem that much more legitimate)
"Is this thing on? It is? Tim! Tim, does the red light mean it's on? It's recording? Okay!" Harmony pushes a loose strand of black silky hair behind her shoulder. "Okay, listen up readers! Emily seems to have passed out after signing that post, so I'm taking over this thing! She was going to finish by saying that you are all absolutely wonderful and far too patient to be human, and that she appreciates all the kindness you guys give her. She's been going through some more personal stuff that she didn't even hint at before, so just make sure you treat her kindly because she's too sensitive for her own good."
"Hey! What did I say about playing football in the house? Get out of here before you break another lamp!"
"Sorry Mom." Jason looks at the camera speculatively. "What are you doing?"
"I'm sending a video to our readers."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"The people who read our story, honey. I don't expect you to understand."
"....Dad! Mom's being crazy again! She thinks we're a story that people on the internet read and now she's sending them a video!"
Tim steps in, sighing. "I know son. I've already talked to her. She can't be swayed. Let's go play some ball and let her be."
They exit.
"I'm not crazy you guys! You have to believe me! I talk to them all the time! Guys!"
Turns her attention back to the camera. "Well, that was embarrasing. But you guys understand. Obviously. Anywho, I love all you as well, love all your OC's (And especially my indirect partially canon Uncle Ethan ) and can't wait until me and Emily finally have the time to catch up on it all! Have spectacular weeks and we'll see you tomorrow! Love ya's!"
LMAO I just got back myself and my face looks like a lobster and strawberry had sex and I'm the baby. XD XD Those allergies will kill ya'! Rest and hot shower and ice cream will help not only that sore throat but who can so no to ice cream? Glad you've been keeping yourself busy. I say this ALL the time but it does get hectic but its worth it in the end. At least you had some help from your friends. You're a wonderful person taking the time to volunteer and what not.
Keep yourself hydrated, if you think you're getting sick. And that little section! XD You did a wonderful job there, Harmony and Emily will need your fine cooking for some soup and rest. Tim, you gotta let Harmony do her thing, man! XD XD
We love you right back. Me and the entire Porgie Clan send their best wishes and hopefully you get better soon! Love ya' to bits!! -Lyla brings out some tea- "HERE! Take this! It will help you!"
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helpin… moreg out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fe… [view original content]
he began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love
UGH! Dem feels, man! Even when Gren knows something is not right, he still goes after that woman. All those arrows in 'uncomfortable' places. Yeesh! XD
Kieron is nicely done in this as well. I'd have to say FUCK OFF, take Etan (almost put Ethan there for a moment XD XD) and go F up Fenrir! >:D Fenrir needs his ass whooped!
Wrath of Fenrir, part two
[Something's not right..]
Gren crawled closer to his Emily, she was silent, wasn’t saying a word when he saw… more. Emily have this dead look in her eyes like she was possessed. Gren continued to yell her name and yet she was still unresponsive. “EMILY, EMILY EMILY!” It didn’t work, she began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love.Fenrir, sitting on a rock brushed himself and laugh at Gren’s attempt to reason with her. After watching the misery, he got up and returned to the castle leaving the two to, catch up with each other.
“You two play nice now!”
Fenrir returned inside, is is attacked by Kieron. He grabs his weapon with his bare hand and pushes Kieron back.
“You fool, no matter how much blood or magic you can muster, you will never defeated me. I’ve already wasted enough time. Minion, destroy him.”
He sends his ghostly minions unto Kieron he … [view original content]
he began to aim her bow and shot Gren in the left thigh and this didn’t stop him from going after his love
UGH! Dem feels, man! Even… more when Gren knows something is not right, he still goes after that woman. All those arrows in 'uncomfortable' places. Yeesh! XD
Kieron is nicely done in this as well. I'd have to say FUCK OFF, take Etan (almost put Ethan there for a moment XD XD) and go F up Fenrir! >:D Fenrir needs his ass whooped!
I'm going with the Fuck off option, because that's all Fenrir needs to do. As usual, the Fable Avengers will kick ass, save Etan, and save the day once more. Then we'll all have a party at the end! It's like tradition, lol.
Oh wow that sounds like a really (although the allergies part sucked) interesting weekend! Thankfully I don't have any allergies because from what you and pie said they are really bad! Hope you get better soon too!
Kieron puts in the tape after watching he pulls out an envelope.
To Harmony:
Glad you are taking care of Emily, with help like that she should be up and moving in no time. I'd send help as well but I don't think blood magic will do so I will send some cash. And don't worry about the whole readers thing, I get the same thing, who knows? Maybe Tim and Jason will come around and believe you one day. Can't wait to hear the next part of your stories
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helpin… moreg out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fe… [view original content]
A message alert to a webcam chat pops up on your screen and you see that it's from your Uncle Tezoth and Aunt Rose.
You accept it.
Rose makes an outrageously (yet expected) funny face while Tez softly pushes her out of the way to speak.
"Hey, is this how the device should be positioned?"
"Of course, you dragon dummy." Rose snickered.
"In that case, we saw your video and everyone appreciates what you've said, Harmony! All of us hope you feel better soon - having a Mundy sickness is definitely not the best thing to have for us unlucky Fables."
Tez scratches his chin. "Speaking of which, me and Rose still haven't forgotten about the Oberweis ice cream you always craved. So expect a trip over there immediately after you get better. It'll be our treat, by the way!"
"Don't forget to bring your Timmy with ya!" Rose practically yelled. "Ugh, you guys are so adorbs together. Just like me and Tezzy-kins."
Tez rolls his dragon eyes and nearly blushes.
But yeah, super glad you had a swell weekend regardless.
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helpin… moreg out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fe… [view original content]
Nick's 'grey areas' are usually new problems that he has either never encountered or not encountered enough before... And sometimes Death will tell him little things to keep him in the loop just a little bit :P
Yeah he's a working character that I've taken a huge liking to. So I am constantly adding different things and changing a lot.
Ohhh okay … moreI understand now, apologies for that XD
He does know a lot but like you said there are even a few grey areas that he doesn't know about.
Oh damn Emily, that sounds like the worst thing ever! :O
I don't have allergies myself (for a guy who is not in great physical shape, I'm pretty healthy nonetheless) but I have been on sneezing frenzies before cuz of the right amount of dust, so I can empathize with you (well I try and empathize with everyone so...) :P
I have also been dealing with personal stuff, for me it's just shit that I need to get over as soon as possible and tell myself that "My time will come" and whatnot, but if you ever need to talk then I will listen and give you as much help as I can, cuz that's what friends do!
Now, Harmony... You're such a big sweetheart for doing this for your creator!!! Needless to say that Nick isn't exactly being helpful either...
"Come on Harry, you need to get over this right now"
"Nick, shut up and go back into the computer before I give you a more obvious weakness!"
"But dude, I'm trying to help you see that it's ok, you're not pathetic and you're not weird for not having these 'things' already, your time will come..."
"... Nick.... thank you, now just, just go back to the folder and have your fun with Damien and co. yeah?"
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helpin… moreg out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fe… [view original content]
LMAO I just got back myself and my face looks like a lobster and strawberry had sex and I'm the baby. XD XD Those allergies will kill ya'! R… moreest and hot shower and ice cream will help not only that sore throat but who can so no to ice cream? Glad you've been keeping yourself busy. I say this ALL the time but it does get hectic but its worth it in the end. At least you had some help from your friends. You're a wonderful person taking the time to volunteer and what not.
Keep yourself hydrated, if you think you're getting sick. And that little section! XD You did a wonderful job there, Harmony and Emily will need your fine cooking for some soup and rest. Tim, you gotta let Harmony do her thing, man! XD XD
We love you right back. Me and the entire Porgie Clan send their best wishes and hopefully you get better soon! Love ya' to bits!! -Lyla brings out some tea- "HERE! Take this! It will help you!"
Sounds awful! Those old houses are nice and atmospheric but they're terrible for dust and mould. You never see that in the movies, though, where there are old houses and stuff. Anyway, hopefully school is bearable today and you're clearing up plenty! Tim and Jason would do well to take Harmony more seriously!
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helpin… moreg out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fe… [view original content]
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which isn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
Yo! You seem to have my universities internet connection XD. I've been good, I got back from spending time with my family yesterday and am now back to the grind of school :P. We've missed you as well man! Hope everything is going well otherwise!
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which i… moresn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
With the amount of digging and messing with cables around here that wouldn't surprise me loads. XD Glad to hear you're good; spending time with family can be enjoyable. Ah, school! shakes fist Will you be ending for the year in the next few months? It more or less is. Thanks dude!
Yo! You seem to have my universities internet connection XD. I've been good, I got back from spending time with my family yesterday and am now back to the grind of school :P. We've missed you as well man! Hope everything is going well otherwise!
Oh gosh that does sound like my university XD. I actually finish early next month but I'm thinking of doing summer school to get some extra credits! That's good! No problem man!
With the amount of digging and messing with cables around here that wouldn't surprise me loads. XD Glad to hear you're good; spending time w… moreith family can be enjoyable. Ah, school! shakes fist Will you be ending for the year in the next few months? It more or less is. Thanks dude!
Oh gosh that does sound like my university XD. I actually finish early next month but I'm thinking of doing summer school to get some extra credits! That's good! No problem man!
I've been dealing with my own problems, though they're really just little things that aren't massively important like 'lack of a relationship' and stuff etc. etc. But I'll be fine so no need to worry
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which i… moresn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
Violated Strawberry!
I was hoping to find a gif of this or just the last part of it in the shower, so if you read this:
my face loo… moreks like a lobster and strawberry had sex and I'm the baby
Then skip to 18 seconds, then it will all make sense!!! XD
Soon as I saw your name, I beamed like a child on Christmas morning. Glad to see you still lurking in the shadows, my good man, although that internet seems to be more trouble then it should be. XD I remember when mine used to pull that little annoying trick some time ago. lol We've been talking through Pm's and its been nice catching up with you. Just got back from San Fran last night and now we begin the packing & moving once again. Then, we shall go from there! Glad to hear you're doing wonderful and I missed ya' mucho! If you need me to tell you about the story to assist catching up, let me know. -brofist-
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which i… moresn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
It's good to put problems in to perspective, makes you feel more on top of them than they being on top of you. But that doesn't necessarily solve them,, so I hope you find some love soon, Hman. ;D
Missed you too bro!!! XD
I've been dealing with my own problems, though they're really just little things that aren't massively important like 'lack of a relationship' and stuff etc. etc. But I'll be fine so no need to worry
It's good to put problems in to perspective, makes you feel more on top of them than they being on top of you. But that doesn't necessarily solve them,, so I hope you find some love soon, Hman. ;D
That's quite the beam. XD We're going to change suppliers; used to do this a lot but then it was fine for about a year, and now it's started randomly doing it again and it's the same problem it's been for years so seems like switching is for the best. The pm's have been helpful; my phone's pretty much exhuasted so if I go silent again, it's some cable or other. I'm definitely not leaving you all, even if there are periods of silence. XD Exciting times for you! San Fran best treat you all well! Will ask away if I need anything clarifying, thanks! -brofist-
Soon as I saw your name, I beamed like a child on Christmas morning. Glad to see you still lurking in the shadows, my good man, although th… moreat internet seems to be more trouble then it should be. XD I remember when mine used to pull that little annoying trick some time ago. lol We've been talking through Pm's and its been nice catching up with you. Just got back from San Fran last night and now we begin the packing & moving once again. Then, we shall go from there! Glad to hear you're doing wonderful and I missed ya' mucho! If you need me to tell you about the story to assist catching up, let me know. -brofist-
I've been doing fine myself, (I'm not) ready to start another week of college classes after playing a lot of Elder Scrolls Online and a Postal 2 expansion I got as a gift this weekend. XD
I shall await more stories from you when you make 'em! Welcome back!!!
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which i… moresn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
Glad to hear you're doing fine; sometimes video games are the only thing you can do to help you face school. XD Thinking about getting ESO, but not sure whether to wait for it on consoles! What's Postal 2?
Will get going with more chapters soon - need to get some Tez and Rose action into them. XD Thanks!
I've been doing fine myself, (I'm not) ready to start another week of college classes after playing a lot of Elder Scrolls Online and a Post… moreal 2 expansion I got as a gift this weekend. XD
I shall await more stories from you when you make 'em! Welcome back!!!
Glad to hear you're doing fine; sometimes video games are the only thing you can do to help you face school. XD Thinking about getting ESO, … morebut not sure whether to wait for it on consoles! What's Postal 2?
Will get going with more chapters soon - need to get some Tez and Rose action into them. XD Thanks!
I think getting it for the PC is your best bet since they've dropped the subscription fee for it a while ago. I don't know what they're planning to do about the sub fees for the console versions, however.
And yeah, what Hazza said. It's pretty much that - except way, way more. You've got to play it for yourself in order to get the full experience. The reason why I mentioned it is because an expansion came out for it not too long ago - for a game that came out in 2003.
Glad to hear you're doing fine; sometimes video games are the only thing you can do to help you face school. XD Thinking about getting ESO, … morebut not sure whether to wait for it on consoles! What's Postal 2?
Will get going with more chapters soon - need to get some Tez and Rose action into them. XD Thanks!
Ah, the cats are only going to be good for one shot, but it's certainly an inventive use of them. Don't think I've ever come across that on a game before, though! Poor cats.
Think they've dropped the sub for the console version - Tamriel Unlimited or something it's called. They're re-releasing the PC version at the same time as the console ones. Thanks for the advice!
Sounds like something that has to be played, sort of like Hotline Miami, I think. Anyway, that is some commitment to a game that came that so long ago!
I think getting it for the PC is your best bet since they've dropped the subscription fee for it a while ago. I don't know what they're plan… morening to do about the sub fees for the console versions, however.
And yeah, what Hazza said. It's pretty much that - except way, way more. You've got to play it for yourself in order to get the full experience. The reason why I mentioned it is because an expansion came out for it not too long ago - for a game that came out in 2003.
Actually... the cats have a durability of more than one shot
I haven't played Postal 2 myself, but I do know that in spite of the game encouraging you to use violence, you CAN finish it without killing anyone, and earn the final title of 'Jesus' It seems you get through on a playthrough like this by avoiding enemies, escaping combat, and by pissing on people to get them to go away :P
Ah, the cats are only going to be good for one shot, but it's certainly an inventive use of them. Don't think I've ever come across that on a game before, though! Poor cats.
(Don't know why I'm posting this, but I like talking to you guys and stuff)
So I made 2 bets with people today, and they're smart bets as well:
I went to SubWay, and my old Supervisor jokingly asked if I was addicted to it (cuz I do buy sandwiches from there a lot) and I claimed that I wasn't, so to prove this, we made a bet: I go all of May without buying anything from SubWay, and I get a free sub as a winning, losing equals me being proven right to a degree :P
When I told my Mum, she challenged me to another bet: I go all of May without buying anything that isn't healthy from the local store (where the SubWay is located as it happens) and she will pay for my first Driving Lesson. The exception to this rule is going out for a meal (which we do at least once a week) in which I can have what I want then...
So, Hman is gonna have to go healthy for an entire month. Here's hoping that it inspires me to do better afterwards XD
Hey man you got this no problem! XD But that is a pain to do make sure to have a good supply of apples and salad which is what I did once upon a time XP
(Don't know why I'm posting this, but I like talking to you guys and stuff)
So I made 2 bets with people today, and they're smart bets as… more well:
I went to SubWay, and my old Supervisor jokingly asked if I was addicted to it (cuz I do buy sandwiches from there a lot) and I claimed that I wasn't, so to prove this, we made a bet: I go all of May without buying anything from SubWay, and I get a free sub as a winning, losing equals me being proven right to a degree :P
When I told my Mum, she challenged me to another bet: I go all of May without buying anything that isn't healthy from the local store (where the SubWay is located as it happens) and she will pay for my first Driving Lesson. The exception to this rule is going out for a meal (which we do at least once a week) in which I can have what I want then...
So, Hman is gonna have to go healthy for an entire month. Here's hoping that it inspires me to do better afterwards XD
Emily brewed some coffee for the guests now piled into her living room. The children, especailly Liam, were taken back by the majestic beauty the creatures in their presence gave them. Liam seeked out one of the larger male Grendels and began head butting the arms of the massive creature. Clutching his tiny coffee cup, the male rolled his eyes and gently pushed the challenging boy to the side. The girls, however, were withdrawn to the beautiful women Elves and their many colored hairs.
Some had shades of blue, red, blonde and even green. Each had a specific body figure and apperance to them. Gren and Emily, however, were engrossed with the situation at hand. Last either had heard, Grendels and Wood Elves were swarn enemies.
The story remained the same through centuries of tales and warnings. Grendels and Wood Elves were sworn enemies since the day of the Homelands and possibly beyond. Last Gren knew, the creatures were split into two sections in the North. Grendels claimed the murky swamps and lush glades while the Wood Elves found shelter and santuary in the woods jut beyond the Canadian border. Neither Isaiah or his father mentioned the tribes becoming one or that their were family members related to his mother still alive.
Gren was busy looking at his aunt Dahlia; her eyes reminded Gren of his mothers and the kindness streaming from her lips to create words that became smooth like honey from the combs. She, too, was focused on Gendel and his wife. She held Emily's hand and examined her delicate
fingers. Shutting her eyes, Dahlia mumbled and hummed. As her voice echoed in the kitchen, both Emily and Dahlia's hands began to glow; tiny vines and Ivy leaves grew from their palm, wrist and arms. A Weeping Willow engraved into Dahlia's arm suddenly appeared on Emily's
left. Gren, leaning over, was stunned to see such beauty. His wife did not seem phased, as if she was expecting this moment in time.
"My sister is indeed inside of your heart and soul." Dahlia continues to hum, rocking back and forth. "She has sensed your presence and nestled quite nicely inside. You have the gentle anima about you, Emily. So many scars, though..."
Emily had to turn. All those memories from her past. "I...did some things I'm not very proud of, ta' be honest."
"We've all done things we find ourselves ashamed of." Dahlia sighs. "I used to think like your father once, Grendel. We all looked upon you creatures as you were the scum of the earth. Not meant to cross our paths, breath the same air, bathe in the same water the rivers carried down the hills. I turned my sister away when I found out about her love with your father and the thought of her pregnancy containing nothing but male Grendels. I am ashamed of how I reacted that day..."
"Those times were different, Dahlia." Gren takes a seat between Emily and Dahlia. "I used to feel the same way. Fuckin' hated my mother for so long and never knew why. Guess of what occured in the fuckin' Homelands. father."
"He's the one that sought after me some time ago. When he told me of the dream he had, I knew our time had come to put aside silly differences and make peace with one another. It was not easy, mind you. It took centuries to tear down the walls of contrast but it was a vision your mother had. As a memory to her and now knowing she is within your wife, I can speak for myself and the others when we say our lives are forever in debt to you both."
"Why didn't he tell me this?" Gren grabs Emily's free hand and hold tightly. "He...he never mentioned you OR the fact you've been alive this whole fuckin' time! Why didn't he-"
"He feared you'd turn him away, Grendel. Your father was unsure of how you'd react upon his arrival and the message he had. The vision of your mother in the form of a Koi fish and the possibility you'd have to fight for dominance over your brother Robert. That is indeed a lot to take in and according to his knowledge, you STILL blame yourself for the decision your mother made to sacrifice her own life to save you..."
Gren hangs his head in shame. "I fuckin' do every day since coming to this shit town..."
"Don't." Dahlia touches his face. "You may look like your father but you have her personality. Spirit. Love. Allow that to flow through, Grendel. For her. She loved all her boys, yes but you were her special little boy and would do anything to protect you. She'd do it all over again, knowing you'd find happiness in the arms of this beautiful young woman and father to five beautiful children. And, from the feel of her hand, more on the way."
Those words needed to be heard. For centuries, Gren sank into depression and the memories he held on when it came to his past and his mother. His own father had problems coming to 'love' his son and Gren knew, depsite the pain, how his father truly felt for the runt. Gren thought no one in his life remaind whole and willing to accept him as he was. Still shaking, Emily grabs both his hands and holds them against her own. Looking down, her pale skin looked like mounds of freshly fallen snow along his tan flesh. Glancing at the Willow marking on her arm, his mother's face appeared in his mind. Her beautiful golden hair blowing in the wind, spiritual voice and loving arms. Emily takes notice of his actions, stands and guides Gren outside.
Dahlia follows, as do the quads. Quietly watching their parents, Emily and Gren walk until they reach the top of a nearby hill. The grass was cool under their feet; the blades tickled their toes and heels until they both came to a hault. Neither releasing their hold, emily stands before Gren. The wind immediatly picked up, causing fallen leaves to ride the waves and circle along their bodies. The sun hung to the side as it began to set. The cries of Loons and Crickets created their song.
Gren could feel the change; surging through his body, he felt what Thomas tried explaining inregards to taking his place as an Alpha. It was never about strength but the power one had within that made them who they were. All the negativity Gren held on wiped themselves away and left a stronger man; Emily's ebony hair twirled along her body as the Willow marking began humming and turning a faint green. Leaning forward, the couple lock in a warm and loving embrace. The brand between them was forever set in stone.
Gren had taken the place of Thomas, as Emily clentched to the title of Enchantress and protector to her family. The memories of his childhood and youth no longer stung his mind and Gren could easily look back and smile.
Dahlia, holding the hands of Chloe and Liam, beamed with their final transformation.
They were more then before.
"I'll be okay, Isaiah. I'm going home..."
Isaiah watched his father slowly pass on. The bottom half of his body stiff and turning into a slight brown tint. His legs became the base, arms slowly becoming branches and his eyes a glossy color. Isaiah smiled, however, for his father was indeed free. Gren finally accepted his fate and with this final step, Thomas was able to let go. His time on Earth was no more. He could see his beloved Calla again.
Looking to the sky, the elderly man inhales the sweet, warm air of the night. The wind carried his soul and left behind his final form. Covering his mouth and mumbling the words 'goodbye', Isaiah observed his father's transformation and within moments, Thomas was gone. Standing in front of Isaiah was a tall, sturdy Weeping Willow. The branches raising their ends towards the heavens, roots digging into the soil and bark sturdy like the man is once housed. Touching the trunk one last time, Isaiah kisses the bark and begins his journey to Gren's home.
"I promise, dad." Isaiah pats the tree. "He'll make you BOTH proud...."
Fabletown: The Woodsman's apartment.
Wearing a simple black teeshirt and panties, Rosie searches the cabinents for something eat. Woody stands beneath the doorway and watches. Rosie growls and grunts; he took notice of several fins developing along her arm and neck. Even her eyes began to change as a thin sheet of skin folds over her milky white eyes. Woody snatches her hand and forces Rosie to turn and face him. Her teeth now lines of fangs and skin tough as rock.
"You hungry, baby? I told you I didn't have much in this place."
"I need a...snack, or, something Woody." Rosie glances around the room. "After sex, the female Grendel must feed or she gets a BIT, ummm....bitchy."
Woody chuckles. "I, uh, noticed this. Well, if you want, we can get dressed and pick something up."
"Yes!" Rosie nods leaping over Woody's arms. "I've been wanting to try that new place called BT's burittos and junk. You know-that one on 4th and Bankers?"
woody follows Rosie into his bedroom. Peeling off her clothes, he watches her dress in the usual attire: black yoga pants, PINK shirt from Victoria Secrets and red converse. Her red air always pulled back and fashioned in a messy bun. Woody thought she was beautiful either way but this Rosie made his knees buckles, breath lost and mind lost in her wonders. Rosie caught Woddy, sitting on the bed and staring in silence. His eyes were focused on her long, slender legs. She smiled, threw her sweater on and kissed the top of his head. But as Rosie lifts her head up, the middle of her arm burns and stings. Rosie molders to the ground, leans against the bed and cries. Woody, on his knees, collects Rosie in his arms. Her body was warm against his chest.
"Rosie, sweetie..." Woody pulla her bangs back and examines Rosie's eyes. "My fucking God you're getting hot! What happened? What-"
Rosie pulls out her arm. The middle show cased a Weeping Willow; the outline was bright red and purple in certain sections. Along the branches were seven blossoms of various colors. Woody grabs her arm and peers closer.
"Rosie, what the fuck is-"
"My dad." Rosie reaches for her phone. "Take me....take me to my dad's house, Woody...please..."
Tranquility layered the evening sky. The sun sat on the top of a nearby foothill and created one final blanket of colors before the moon and stars took their place in the world. Gren, holding Liam and Seraphina in each hand, and Emily behind carrying Viviana and Chloe, made their way to an open clearing. Guiding the way, Isaiah was obtuse by tears. He held Gren's jacket and walked down the hill. The couple and children were followed by the Elves and Grendels alike. A Weeping Willow stood in the middle of the field; its branches sturdy, leaves bountiful and the winds dancing along the openings. Isaiah pauses at the base of the tree. Inhaling deeply, the smell was oh so familiar to him. The kids reached their hand over and touched the wood.
Isaiah watched Emily join Gren. Placing the kids to the ground, Gren reaches over and holds Emily's hand. She could hear Gren speaking to himself. The quads took their seats at the base of the tree; they seemed to have known this was their grandfather because each of them began reacting the exact way as their father.
The golden arm glowed and soon, tiny saplings grow from the finger tips and palms. "Hey dad..." Gren closes his eyes and sighed. "I knew something was fucking up when you showed up. Here to teach me....told me everything that happened to me in the Homelands. Or mom...fuck, even my brothers. I have them here now. Isaiah has been good to me. Robert is...Robert but I love him no matter what that fucking jerk says, he's still family. And you were right, about him...challenging me with Emily. He's been trying but I can't get mad. He's just doing how you explained it. I still love that jerk. I'm....I'm okay with everything now. With the shit that took place in the Homelands. Here...I'm lucky to have gotten my second chance, too. My failed relationships and life opened my eyes to my wife standing beside me. My children. I now see why I was to take your place and I have no regrets. I'll hold this title proud and show you just how strong I can be. Carla will NOT take this away from me. I'm stronger then that now..."
The Willow reacted to these words. It began to glimmer under the night sky and moon. Gren looked around, hoping Robert would be here to pay his final goodbyes but when he was nowhere in sight, it was clear his brother would remain fuming until all this passed. Kissing the rough texture, patting it one last time and wiping away tears, Gren said his final farewell. He observed the children and Emily repeat the process before them, take a step back and watched the Willow continue to glow. The tree, however, began to vanish slowly into the night air. Trails of tiny particals created a long, glowing trail towards the heavens. Just a few feet from the tree, Rosie and Woody stopped to watch Thomas leave this world and join his wife in the next. He was free and no longer bound in chains. Like he once was in the Homelands, Thomas was capable of roaming beside Calla and forever be as one. Her marking shimmers under the stars.
Woody watches the trail leave into the open air. "Was that his way of saying goodbye, Rosie?"
"Yes..." Rosie pats Woody's chest. "My grandfather always had to have the last word. Even in death, glad to see he never changed."
Holding Woody's hand, Rosie joins her father, siblings and Emily beside the tree. She gleamed knowing so many had put their past and differences aside to aide her father and the family. So many faces carried on with grins and determination in their eyes. Not a single one seemed concerned for the plan Carla carried on for several years without the knowledge of the others around her. The quads gathered at their
older sister's legs and watched Thomas bid goodbye one last time before disappearing forever into the Heavens.
Gren smiles, as his entire family looks on towards the battle ahead. Turning to face the crowd, Gren's first task as the new Alpha was to reassure all would pan out in the end. Carla may have learned a few tricks of the magic world but they had resources she herself did not take into consideration. Now forming as one, Gren and Emily were more powerful then the day he gave the bow to her; Rosie had the strength her grandfather once possesed within her and the quads were eager to play out their own abilities to the best. They too had a secret plan waiting with the other children as well. The Wood Elves and Grendels each took a knee and bowed to their new leader. Gren inhaled and held back the urge to weep before them.
Not so long ago, he was a drunken shell of a man, leaving his life in the hands of Whiskey bottles and lonely nights. Fighting was his only friend and alcohol is bandaid for it all. Now, holding his children and wife beside him, he was among his kind. His family. His future. Holding out his hand, Gren speaks.
"I thank you all for coming out this evening and pay respects to my father. He and I did not see eye to eye and at times I can honestly say, I hated him. I'm not proud and I don't wish to be this as my last memory but this is true. But in the end, these last few years I had with him, I learned more then those centuries we could have spent. He did what he could for my brothers and I and now, he can look down at the right hand of my mother and know we shall defeat Carla and all she stands for. She will not break our spirits, take our pride and trample on our foundation. WE as Fables and as family, will rise stronger and take her down into the rotten pits of hell were she belongs. We have all come together, with different backgrounds and beliefs, to unite as one. For Fabletown, for our family and to those that have passed on and could not be here today. We WILL fuckin' beat this and I PROMISE you, we will rise victorious! WHO IS WITH YOUR ALPHA!?"
A loud roar errupts in the center of Gren and the others. Lifting his right fist, Gren turns into his true form; the children all follow behind, Emily's bow glows a green and Woody holds up axe. From behind the crowd, Gren beams; the rest of the Porgie clan and all of Fabletown were right behind the massive group and prepared to end this war. They were all as one.
Looking out and holding onto Emily, he knew were his place was. Carla did not stand a chance now.
any questions, you know the drill. Was not going to post but want to get as much out as I can this week, for come Friday, the hiatus begins. My allergies...will kill me today....and my sunburn, too. XD
Hey man you got this no problem! XD But that is a pain to do make sure to have a good supply of apples and salad which is what I did once upon a time XP
Man why is it all the evil characters have to be one of my favorites XD That step back in time was interesting indeed.
I eagerly await for more!
Where's your goddess now!? Part: Two
Wonderland heading into the forest...
Kieron and the others began to run into the forest when the shadows from the trees and animals began to take shape and attack. Nyx jumped into Azarias arms taking the shape of a bow. Og stayed beside Azaria to provide backup while Kieron pushed forward. They began to hear Alices voice.
"Why is this happening to me..." She began to weep.
Another voice came from another direction it was Alices voice again but more angry.
"Because you wench! You don't deserve what you've been given! Friends, Family you deserve none of it!" Her counterpart said
Kieron piped in. "Don't listen Alice! Just hang on!"
The shadow must have twisted his words because Alice began to weep more.
"Kieron I'm sorry, I should've left you alone so you wouldn't be going through this but you could at least be nice about it." She cried
Kieron not realizing this decided to speak more.
"What are you talking about? Sure learning about my past is painful, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! That would only lead to regrets!" He shouted
Again Alices counterpart twisted his words Alice was not happy.
"Kieron why...why do you use such harsh words..." Alice cried
Kieron then realized that he should keep his mouth shut. He gave Azaria and the others a signal to let them know not to speak a word or else they'd only be making things worse. Wonderland began to get worse, the skies became more red and the moon even more maniacle. Kieron and the others fought and fought but when Alices counterpart noticed that they were progressing she decided to do something about it. There was a bright flash throughout the woods.
Everyone was separated, at least this is what Kieron thought. It was odd wonderland looked peaceful, the forest was beautiful. Kieron noticed someone walking towards him. She had a red cloak with a red hood. She lifted her arms.
"Kieron..." She called
Kieron had no idea who this woman was, but there was something about her that made him want to run up to her. But he waited.
"Kieron it's your mother, don't you remember." She gave a heartwarming smile
Kierons head began to hurt, memories began to flow through his head of this woman in the red cloak...
"Mother?" He asked
She got closer. "Yes Kieron, it's okay sweetie come here." She hugged Kieron.
Kieron dropped his sword and hugged her back. "I thought...I thought I'd never see you again." Kieron said tears forming.
"Why would you ever think that?" She asked
"You guys never came back for me at the hospital..." Kieron replied
"We were told you had died in an experiment Kieron, if I had known you were alive I would have went and got you." She said getting up.
"What about dad and my little sister?" He asked
His mother turned away. "You never had a little sister and your father is dead." She said
Kieron was heartbroken when he heard this. Why won't this terror end? Was all he could think of. His mother sat in front of him since Kieron had fallen to his knees. She lifted his chin and spoke in a soft voice.
"You can join us, just use the sword." She said
"What!?" Kieron said wide eyed
"All of this will end and you'll be able to sleep peacefully." Her heartwarming smile was shown once again.
Kieron stood up and grabbed his sword. He looked at it. His mother stood with him. Kieron raised the blade and with a swift motion stabbed his mother.
"A mother would never tell her child to do something like that!" Kieron said with an angered face.
The peaceful wonderland began to crumble around him and his mother was only Alices shadow taking on his mother's form. Azaria and the others raced towards Kieron.
"We thought you were actually going to do it! We knew it was Alices shadow all along but we couldn't reach you over the magical barrier." Azaria said hugging him.
"I'm alright, it's okay." He smiled
"Good now let's make our way to Alice before-" Nyx was cut off by a wolf howling in the distance.
"I think we need to deal with this first." Kieron said readying himself for a very difficult fight...
In the real world...
When Hans woke up he saw Nick sitting in a chair with a cigar in his mouth. Hans stood up.
"Nick? What...what are you" Hans strugged to say.
"The good doctor told me to come here, said to protect you from the crazy doctors who wander around here." He said taking out the cigar and blowing smoke.
"What about Alice? Where is she? Is she okay?" Hans asked
"Alice for the most part is fine, she's sleeping. Although we may need your help when you are up for moving around which the doctor will come in and say so." Nick said
Hans stood out of bed he tried to walk. "I've got to get my wife..." He said But then fell to the floor unconscious yet again.
Nick stood and picked him up and placed him back in the bed. The doctor walked in.
"Did he try to get up?" The doctor asked
"What did you give him?" Nick asked
"I did what needed to be done." The doctor said leaving.
"I hope for your sake you are right." He said pouring scotch. "Because if Hans isn't alive and able to bring a little sanity back to his wife a lot of people could die." He said adding salt and taking a sip from the whiskey.
Night was approaching in the real world while in wonderland the sun should have just rose...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Great chapter! Really good usage of drama and suspense
Nice ploy, I wonder who Kieron's Father is though... Ride must've met someone in that Forest :P
Nick is interesting in this one, I don't know whether to trust my own OC or not! This is the thing about Nick if I let other people use him, he can be good or evil and I wouldn't care, he started life as a villain, then I made him a hero (of sorts) Whether he is evil or good in this tale atm is for you to know and me/us to find out
And while you got Nick pretty good, I am disappointed at Nick smoking in a Hospital... No one does that... Except for Bigby
Thank you!
If I knew who he was I'd tell you XD Kieron is an interesting character, I haven't written a full blown back story about him yet except for the little snippets I show you guys within the chapters XP
I always figured Nick as a man who does good but has no qualms of doing evil shit when evil shit is needed XD
Use the word 'Hospital' lightly my friend as there is something not right with said hospital
I wouldn't make Nick do something like that without a damn good reason. XD
Ah, so the author hasn't decided yet... I like it strangely enough >:D
That isn't what I meant believe it or not :P I meant that Nick could be the villain of a story, a vicious one at that, and I wouldn't have a problem with it! XD
Nick knowing more than everyone else does sounds about right... He doesn't know everything at least
Yeah he's a working character that I've taken a huge liking to. So I am constantly adding different things and changing a lot.
Ohhh okay I understand now, apologies for that XD
He does know a lot but like you said there are even a few grey areas that he doesn't know about.
Hey guys! I haven't been as active this weekend, and so I decided to post why real quick before going to bed. I was busy on Saturday, helping out at a thrift store down the street for NHS, and that thrift store happened to be in a house that was probably 8 million years old. Like, I'm talking, this house is probably older than the town I live in, it's that old. And so I figured it would spark my allergies up a little bit with all the dust in it's basement and such (I was labeling boxes that had different types of clothes in them and other boxes with books and stuff) So I did that, and all of the sudden, I sneeze while I'm doing it. I'm like "Oh, I just sneezed. It's kinda dusty, I'm sure nothing else will happen to me." BUT I took an allergy pill anyway, just in case. It didn't work.
I increasingly got worse as the day went by, after I got home, and me and my friend (we volunteered together btw) were like dying by the afternoon. We both fell asleep at one point, woke up to go to the store with my dad, and then came home, watched a movie and played some sims, and she slept over. But in the process, I must have sneezed like eighty times and I felt like crap. SO then today, I went to church but I still felt like death hit me on the side of my head with his bag of souls, with watery eyes and stuffy noses and sneezes from hell. Yeah. So I haven't been able to look on here much because I've been too busy hoping that the next sneeze won't cause my brain to fling out of my head. I've also been coughing and have a sore throat on top of that, and I'm PROBABLY still going to school tomorrow because I literally can't miss tomorrow for multiple specific reasons. (And I'm afraid my health teacher will cut me if I miss the Health Final >.>)
So THAT was my weekend. I had fun, don't get me wrong, and I would have loved to responded to all the comments I've gotten over the last post, as well as commenting on all your precious stories, but alas, I'm not up to par for any of the nonsensical joy I receive when reading and reviewing and enjoying everything this community has to offer. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Remember when I said I don't normally get bad allergies?
God has a sense of humor.
~Emily (Cratchit...she wishes..) (because signing shit makes it seem that much more legitimate)
"Is this thing on? It is? Tim! Tim, does the red light mean it's on? It's recording? Okay!" Harmony pushes a loose strand of black silky hair behind her shoulder. "Okay, listen up readers! Emily seems to have passed out after signing that post, so I'm taking over this thing! She was going to finish by saying that you are all absolutely wonderful and far too patient to be human, and that she appreciates all the kindness you guys give her. She's been going through some more personal stuff that she didn't even hint at before, so just make sure you treat her kindly because she's too sensitive for her own good."
"Hey! What did I say about playing football in the house? Get out of here before you break another lamp!"
"Sorry Mom." Jason looks at the camera speculatively. "What are you doing?"
"I'm sending a video to our readers."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"The people who read our story, honey. I don't expect you to understand."
"....Dad! Mom's being crazy again! She thinks we're a story that people on the internet read and now she's sending them a video!"
Tim steps in, sighing. "I know son. I've already talked to her. She can't be swayed. Let's go play some ball and let her be."
They exit.
"I'm not crazy you guys! You have to believe me! I talk to them all the time! Guys!"
Turns her attention back to the camera. "Well, that was embarrasing. But you guys understand. Obviously. Anywho, I love all you as well, love all your OC's (And especially my indirect partially canon Uncle Ethan
) and can't wait until me and Emily finally have the time to catch up on it all! Have spectacular weeks and we'll see you tomorrow! Love ya's!"
LMAO I just got back myself and my face looks like a lobster and strawberry had sex and I'm the baby. XD XD Those allergies will kill ya'! Rest and hot shower and ice cream will help not only that sore throat but who can so no to ice cream?
Glad you've been keeping yourself busy. I say this ALL the time but it does get hectic but its worth it in the end. At least you had some help from your friends. You're a wonderful person taking the time to volunteer and what not. 
Keep yourself hydrated, if you think you're getting sick.
And that little section! XD You did a wonderful job there, Harmony and Emily will need your fine cooking for some soup and rest.
Tim, you gotta let Harmony do her thing, man! XD XD
We love you right back. Me and the entire Porgie Clan send their best wishes and hopefully you get better soon!
Love ya' to bits!! -Lyla brings out some tea- "HERE! Take this! It will help you!" 
UGH! Dem feels, man! Even when Gren knows something is not right, he still goes after that woman.
All those arrows in 'uncomfortable' places. Yeesh! XD
Kieron is nicely done in this as well. I'd have to say FUCK OFF, take Etan (almost put Ethan there for a moment XD XD) and go F up Fenrir! >:D Fenrir needs his ass whooped!
I just noticed the error I made, called her a he... lol
I was going to make Emily shoot Gren in the behind but decided not to be so graphic in this one ::p
To the tavern!
Oh wow that sounds like a really (although the allergies part sucked) interesting weekend! Thankfully I don't have any allergies because from what you and pie said they are really bad! Hope you get better soon too!
Kieron puts in the tape after watching he pulls out an envelope.
To Harmony:
Glad you are taking care of Emily, with help like that she should be up and moving in no time. I'd send help as well but I don't think blood magic will do so I will send some cash. And don't worry about the whole readers thing, I get the same thing, who knows? Maybe Tim and Jason will come around and believe you one day. Can't wait to hear the next part of your stories
Kieron X3
A message alert to a webcam chat pops up on your screen and you see that it's from your Uncle Tezoth and Aunt Rose.
You accept it.
Rose makes an outrageously (yet expected) funny face while Tez softly pushes her out of the way to speak.
"Hey, is this how the device should be positioned?"
"Of course, you dragon dummy." Rose snickered.
"In that case, we saw your video and everyone appreciates what you've said, Harmony! All of us hope you feel better soon - having a Mundy sickness is definitely not the best thing to have for us unlucky Fables."
Tez scratches his chin. "Speaking of which, me and Rose still haven't forgotten about the Oberweis ice cream you always craved. So expect a trip over there immediately after you get better. It'll be our treat, by the way!"
"Don't forget to bring your Timmy with ya!" Rose practically yelled. "Ugh, you guys are so adorbs together. Just like me and Tezzy-kins."
Tez rolls his dragon eyes and nearly blushes.
But yeah, super glad you had a swell weekend regardless.
Nick's 'grey areas' are usually new problems that he has either never encountered or not encountered enough before... And sometimes Death will tell him little things to keep him in the loop just a little bit :P
Oh damn Emily, that sounds like the worst thing ever! :O
I don't have allergies myself (for a guy who is not in great physical shape, I'm pretty healthy nonetheless) but I have been on sneezing frenzies before cuz of the right amount of dust, so I can empathize with you (well I try and empathize with everyone so...) :P
I have also been dealing with personal stuff, for me it's just shit that I need to get over as soon as possible and tell myself that "My time will come" and whatnot, but if you ever need to talk then I will listen and give you as much help as I can, cuz that's what friends do!
Now, Harmony... You're such a big sweetheart for doing this for your creator!!! Needless to say that Nick isn't exactly being helpful either...
"Come on Harry, you need to get over this right now"
"Nick, shut up and go back into the computer before I give you a more obvious weakness!"
"But dude, I'm trying to help you see that it's ok, you're not pathetic and you're not weird for not having these 'things' already, your time will come..."
"... Nick.... thank you, now just, just go back to the folder and have your fun with Damien and co. yeah?"
Violated Strawberry!
I was hoping to find a gif of this or just the last part of it in the shower, so if you read this:
Then skip to 18 seconds, then it will all make sense!!! XD
Sounds awful! Those old houses are nice and atmospheric but they're terrible for dust and mould. You never see that in the movies, though, where there are old houses and stuff. Anyway, hopefully school is bearable today and you're clearing up plenty! Tim and Jason would do well to take Harmony more seriously!
Hello! I've been gone for a while, mostly thanks to an internet connection that's about as useful as a chocolate fireguard at times (which isn't helpful at all, unless you like melted chocolate. Which can be quite nice, but now I'm waffling.) And then there's been lots of stuff going on, but I've missed you all! Let me know how things are going for you if you wish! Would love to hear, but don't feel obliged!
Yo! You seem to have my universities internet connection XD. I've been good, I got back from spending time with my family yesterday and am now back to the grind of school :P. We've missed you as well man! Hope everything is going well otherwise!
With the amount of digging and messing with cables around here that wouldn't surprise me loads. XD Glad to hear you're good; spending time with family can be enjoyable.
Ah, school! shakes fist Will you be ending for the year in the next few months? It more or less is. Thanks dude! 
Oh gosh that does sound like my university XD. I actually finish early next month but I'm thinking of doing summer school to get some extra credits! That's good! No problem man!
Ahh, technology. XD Well, if you decide to go for summer school I hope it goes well for you!
Missed you too bro!!! XD
I've been dealing with my own problems, though they're really just little things that aren't massively important like 'lack of a relationship' and stuff etc. etc. But I'll be fine so no need to worry
LMFAO! XD This just made my entire morning!
I try dude!!! XP
Soon as I saw your name, I beamed like a child on Christmas morning.
Glad to see you still lurking in the shadows, my good man, although that internet seems to be more trouble then it should be. XD I remember when mine used to pull that little annoying trick some time ago. lol We've been talking through Pm's and its been nice catching up with you. Just got back from San Fran last night and now we begin the packing & moving once again.
Then, we shall go from there! Glad to hear you're doing wonderful and I missed ya' mucho!
If you need me to tell you about the story to assist catching up, let me know.
It's good to put problems in to perspective, makes you feel more on top of them than they being on top of you. But that doesn't necessarily solve them,, so I hope you find some love soon, Hman. ;D
Yeah me too :P
That's quite the beam. XD We're going to change suppliers; used to do this a lot but then it was fine for about a year, and now it's started randomly doing it again and it's the same problem it's been for years so seems like switching is for the best. The pm's have been helpful; my phone's pretty much exhuasted so if I go silent again, it's some cable or other. I'm definitely not leaving you all, even if there are periods of silence. XD Exciting times for you!
San Fran best treat you all well! Will ask away if I need anything clarifying, thanks! -brofist- 
I've been doing fine myself, (I'm not) ready to start another week of college classes after playing a lot of Elder Scrolls Online and a Postal 2 expansion I got as a gift this weekend. XD
I shall await more stories from you when you make 'em! Welcome back!!!
Glad to hear you're doing fine; sometimes video games are the only thing you can do to help you face school. XD Thinking about getting ESO, but not sure whether to wait for it on consoles! What's Postal 2?
Will get going with more chapters soon - need to get some Tez and Rose action into them. XD Thanks!
Postal 2 is a controversial game where you can kill anyone, piss on people, and use cats as silencers for guns...
I think getting it for the PC is your best bet since they've dropped the subscription fee for it a while ago. I don't know what they're planning to do about the sub fees for the console versions, however.
And yeah, what Hazza said. It's pretty much that - except way, way more. You've got to play it for yourself in order to get the full experience. The reason why I mentioned it is because an expansion came out for it not too long ago - for a game that came out in 2003.
Ah, the cats are only going to be good for one shot, but it's certainly an inventive use of them. Don't think I've ever come across that on a game before, though! Poor cats.
Think they've dropped the sub for the console version - Tamriel Unlimited or something it's called. They're re-releasing the PC version at the same time as the console ones. Thanks for the advice!
Sounds like something that has to be played, sort of like Hotline Miami, I think. Anyway, that is some commitment to a game that came that so long ago!
Actually... the cats have a durability of more than one shot
I haven't played Postal 2 myself, but I do know that in spite of the game encouraging you to use violence, you CAN finish it without killing anyone, and earn the final title of 'Jesus' It seems you get through on a playthrough like this by avoiding enemies, escaping combat, and by pissing on people to get them to go away :P
(Don't know why I'm posting this, but I like talking to you guys and stuff)
So I made 2 bets with people today, and they're smart bets as well:
I went to SubWay, and my old Supervisor jokingly asked if I was addicted to it (cuz I do buy sandwiches from there a lot) and I claimed that I wasn't, so to prove this, we made a bet: I go all of May without buying anything from SubWay, and I get a free sub as a winning, losing equals me being proven right to a degree :P
When I told my Mum, she challenged me to another bet: I go all of May without buying anything that isn't healthy from the local store (where the SubWay is located as it happens) and she will pay for my first Driving Lesson. The exception to this rule is going out for a meal (which we do at least once a week) in which I can have what I want then...
So, Hman is gonna have to go healthy for an entire month. Here's hoping that it inspires me to do better afterwards XD
Hey man you got this no problem! XD But that is a pain to do make sure to have a good supply of apples and salad which is what I did once upon a time XP
Emily brewed some coffee for the guests now piled into her living room. The children, especailly Liam, were taken back by the majestic beauty the creatures in their presence gave them. Liam seeked out one of the larger male Grendels and began head butting the arms of the massive creature. Clutching his tiny coffee cup, the male rolled his eyes and gently pushed the challenging boy to the side. The girls, however, were withdrawn to the beautiful women Elves and their many colored hairs.
Some had shades of blue, red, blonde and even green. Each had a specific body figure and apperance to them. Gren and Emily, however, were engrossed with the situation at hand. Last either had heard, Grendels and Wood Elves were swarn enemies.
The story remained the same through centuries of tales and warnings. Grendels and Wood Elves were sworn enemies since the day of the Homelands and possibly beyond. Last Gren knew, the creatures were split into two sections in the North. Grendels claimed the murky swamps and lush glades while the Wood Elves found shelter and santuary in the woods jut beyond the Canadian border. Neither Isaiah or his father mentioned the tribes becoming one or that their were family members related to his mother still alive.
Gren was busy looking at his aunt Dahlia; her eyes reminded Gren of his mothers and the kindness streaming from her lips to create words that became smooth like honey from the combs. She, too, was focused on Gendel and his wife. She held Emily's hand and examined her delicate
fingers. Shutting her eyes, Dahlia mumbled and hummed. As her voice echoed in the kitchen, both Emily and Dahlia's hands began to glow; tiny vines and Ivy leaves grew from their palm, wrist and arms. A Weeping Willow engraved into Dahlia's arm suddenly appeared on Emily's
left. Gren, leaning over, was stunned to see such beauty. His wife did not seem phased, as if she was expecting this moment in time.
"My sister is indeed inside of your heart and soul." Dahlia continues to hum, rocking back and forth. "She has sensed your presence and nestled quite nicely inside. You have the gentle anima about you, Emily. So many scars, though..."
Emily had to turn. All those memories from her past. "I...did some things I'm not very proud of, ta' be honest."
"We've all done things we find ourselves ashamed of." Dahlia sighs. "I used to think like your father once, Grendel. We all looked upon you creatures as you were the scum of the earth. Not meant to cross our paths, breath the same air, bathe in the same water the rivers carried down the hills. I turned my sister away when I found out about her love with your father and the thought of her pregnancy containing nothing but male Grendels. I am ashamed of how I reacted that day..."
"Those times were different, Dahlia." Gren takes a seat between Emily and Dahlia. "I used to feel the same way. Fuckin' hated my mother for so long and never knew why. Guess of what occured in the fuckin' Homelands. father."
"He's the one that sought after me some time ago. When he told me of the dream he had, I knew our time had come to put aside silly differences and make peace with one another. It was not easy, mind you. It took centuries to tear down the walls of contrast but it was a vision your mother had. As a memory to her and now knowing she is within your wife, I can speak for myself and the others when we say our lives are forever in debt to you both."
"Why didn't he tell me this?" Gren grabs Emily's free hand and hold tightly. "He...he never mentioned you OR the fact you've been alive this whole fuckin' time! Why didn't he-"
"He feared you'd turn him away, Grendel. Your father was unsure of how you'd react upon his arrival and the message he had. The vision of your mother in the form of a Koi fish and the possibility you'd have to fight for dominance over your brother Robert. That is indeed a lot to take in and according to his knowledge, you STILL blame yourself for the decision your mother made to sacrifice her own life to save you..."
Gren hangs his head in shame. "I fuckin' do every day since coming to this shit town..."
"Don't." Dahlia touches his face. "You may look like your father but you have her personality. Spirit. Love. Allow that to flow through, Grendel. For her. She loved all her boys, yes but you were her special little boy and would do anything to protect you. She'd do it all over again, knowing you'd find happiness in the arms of this beautiful young woman and father to five beautiful children. And, from the feel of her hand, more on the way."
Those words needed to be heard. For centuries, Gren sank into depression and the memories he held on when it came to his past and his mother. His own father had problems coming to 'love' his son and Gren knew, depsite the pain, how his father truly felt for the runt. Gren thought no one in his life remaind whole and willing to accept him as he was. Still shaking, Emily grabs both his hands and holds them against her own. Looking down, her pale skin looked like mounds of freshly fallen snow along his tan flesh. Glancing at the Willow marking on her arm, his mother's face appeared in his mind. Her beautiful golden hair blowing in the wind, spiritual voice and loving arms. Emily takes notice of his actions, stands and guides Gren outside.
Dahlia follows, as do the quads. Quietly watching their parents, Emily and Gren walk until they reach the top of a nearby hill. The grass was cool under their feet; the blades tickled their toes and heels until they both came to a hault. Neither releasing their hold, emily stands before Gren. The wind immediatly picked up, causing fallen leaves to ride the waves and circle along their bodies. The sun hung to the side as it began to set. The cries of Loons and Crickets created their song.
Gren could feel the change; surging through his body, he felt what Thomas tried explaining inregards to taking his place as an Alpha. It was never about strength but the power one had within that made them who they were. All the negativity Gren held on wiped themselves away and left a stronger man; Emily's ebony hair twirled along her body as the Willow marking began humming and turning a faint green. Leaning forward, the couple lock in a warm and loving embrace. The brand between them was forever set in stone.
Gren had taken the place of Thomas, as Emily clentched to the title of Enchantress and protector to her family. The memories of his childhood and youth no longer stung his mind and Gren could easily look back and smile.
Dahlia, holding the hands of Chloe and Liam, beamed with their final transformation.
They were more then before.
"I'll be okay, Isaiah. I'm going home..."
Isaiah watched his father slowly pass on. The bottom half of his body stiff and turning into a slight brown tint. His legs became the base, arms slowly becoming branches and his eyes a glossy color. Isaiah smiled, however, for his father was indeed free. Gren finally accepted his fate and with this final step, Thomas was able to let go. His time on Earth was no more. He could see his beloved Calla again.
Looking to the sky, the elderly man inhales the sweet, warm air of the night. The wind carried his soul and left behind his final form. Covering his mouth and mumbling the words 'goodbye', Isaiah observed his father's transformation and within moments, Thomas was gone. Standing in front of Isaiah was a tall, sturdy Weeping Willow. The branches raising their ends towards the heavens, roots digging into the soil and bark sturdy like the man is once housed. Touching the trunk one last time, Isaiah kisses the bark and begins his journey to Gren's home.
"I promise, dad." Isaiah pats the tree. "He'll make you BOTH proud...."
Fabletown: The Woodsman's apartment.
Wearing a simple black teeshirt and panties, Rosie searches the cabinents for something eat. Woody stands beneath the doorway and watches. Rosie growls and grunts; he took notice of several fins developing along her arm and neck. Even her eyes began to change as a thin sheet of skin folds over her milky white eyes. Woody snatches her hand and forces Rosie to turn and face him. Her teeth now lines of fangs and skin tough as rock.
"You hungry, baby? I told you I didn't have much in this place."
"I need a...snack, or, something Woody." Rosie glances around the room. "After sex, the female Grendel must feed or she gets a BIT, ummm....bitchy."
Woody chuckles. "I, uh, noticed this. Well, if you want, we can get dressed and pick something up."
"Yes!" Rosie nods leaping over Woody's arms. "I've been wanting to try that new place called BT's burittos and junk. You know-that one on 4th and Bankers?"
woody follows Rosie into his bedroom. Peeling off her clothes, he watches her dress in the usual attire: black yoga pants, PINK shirt from Victoria Secrets and red converse. Her red air always pulled back and fashioned in a messy bun. Woody thought she was beautiful either way but this Rosie made his knees buckles, breath lost and mind lost in her wonders. Rosie caught Woddy, sitting on the bed and staring in silence. His eyes were focused on her long, slender legs. She smiled, threw her sweater on and kissed the top of his head. But as Rosie lifts her head up, the middle of her arm burns and stings. Rosie molders to the ground, leans against the bed and cries. Woody, on his knees, collects Rosie in his arms. Her body was warm against his chest.
"Rosie, sweetie..." Woody pulla her bangs back and examines Rosie's eyes. "My fucking God you're getting hot! What happened? What-"
Rosie pulls out her arm. The middle show cased a Weeping Willow; the outline was bright red and purple in certain sections. Along the branches were seven blossoms of various colors. Woody grabs her arm and peers closer.
"Rosie, what the fuck is-"
"My dad." Rosie reaches for her phone. "Take me....take me to my dad's house, Woody...please..."
Tranquility layered the evening sky. The sun sat on the top of a nearby foothill and created one final blanket of colors before the moon and stars took their place in the world. Gren, holding Liam and Seraphina in each hand, and Emily behind carrying Viviana and Chloe, made their way to an open clearing. Guiding the way, Isaiah was obtuse by tears. He held Gren's jacket and walked down the hill. The couple and children were followed by the Elves and Grendels alike. A Weeping Willow stood in the middle of the field; its branches sturdy, leaves bountiful and the winds dancing along the openings. Isaiah pauses at the base of the tree. Inhaling deeply, the smell was oh so familiar to him. The kids reached their hand over and touched the wood.
Isaiah watched Emily join Gren. Placing the kids to the ground, Gren reaches over and holds Emily's hand. She could hear Gren speaking to himself. The quads took their seats at the base of the tree; they seemed to have known this was their grandfather because each of them began reacting the exact way as their father.
The golden arm glowed and soon, tiny saplings grow from the finger tips and palms. "Hey dad..." Gren closes his eyes and sighed. "I knew something was fucking up when you showed up. Here to teach me....told me everything that happened to me in the Homelands. Or mom...fuck, even my brothers. I have them here now. Isaiah has been good to me. Robert is...Robert but I love him no matter what that fucking jerk says, he's still family. And you were right, about him...challenging me with Emily. He's been trying but I can't get mad. He's just doing how you explained it. I still love that jerk. I'm....I'm okay with everything now. With the shit that took place in the Homelands. Here...I'm lucky to have gotten my second chance, too. My failed relationships and life opened my eyes to my wife standing beside me. My children. I now see why I was to take your place and I have no regrets. I'll hold this title proud and show you just how strong I can be. Carla will NOT take this away from me. I'm stronger then that now..."
The Willow reacted to these words. It began to glimmer under the night sky and moon. Gren looked around, hoping Robert would be here to pay his final goodbyes but when he was nowhere in sight, it was clear his brother would remain fuming until all this passed. Kissing the rough texture, patting it one last time and wiping away tears, Gren said his final farewell. He observed the children and Emily repeat the process before them, take a step back and watched the Willow continue to glow. The tree, however, began to vanish slowly into the night air. Trails of tiny particals created a long, glowing trail towards the heavens. Just a few feet from the tree, Rosie and Woody stopped to watch Thomas leave this world and join his wife in the next. He was free and no longer bound in chains. Like he once was in the Homelands, Thomas was capable of roaming beside Calla and forever be as one. Her marking shimmers under the stars.
Woody watches the trail leave into the open air. "Was that his way of saying goodbye, Rosie?"
"Yes..." Rosie pats Woody's chest. "My grandfather always had to have the last word. Even in death, glad to see he never changed."
Holding Woody's hand, Rosie joins her father, siblings and Emily beside the tree. She gleamed knowing so many had put their past and differences aside to aide her father and the family. So many faces carried on with grins and determination in their eyes. Not a single one seemed concerned for the plan Carla carried on for several years without the knowledge of the others around her. The quads gathered at their
older sister's legs and watched Thomas bid goodbye one last time before disappearing forever into the Heavens.
Gren smiles, as his entire family looks on towards the battle ahead. Turning to face the crowd, Gren's first task as the new Alpha was to reassure all would pan out in the end. Carla may have learned a few tricks of the magic world but they had resources she herself did not take into consideration. Now forming as one, Gren and Emily were more powerful then the day he gave the bow to her; Rosie had the strength her grandfather once possesed within her and the quads were eager to play out their own abilities to the best. They too had a secret plan waiting with the other children as well. The Wood Elves and Grendels each took a knee and bowed to their new leader. Gren inhaled and held back the urge to weep before them.
Not so long ago, he was a drunken shell of a man, leaving his life in the hands of Whiskey bottles and lonely nights. Fighting was his only friend and alcohol is bandaid for it all. Now, holding his children and wife beside him, he was among his kind. His family. His future. Holding out his hand, Gren speaks.
"I thank you all for coming out this evening and pay respects to my father. He and I did not see eye to eye and at times I can honestly say, I hated him. I'm not proud and I don't wish to be this as my last memory but this is true. But in the end, these last few years I had with him, I learned more then those centuries we could have spent. He did what he could for my brothers and I and now, he can look down at the right hand of my mother and know we shall defeat Carla and all she stands for. She will not break our spirits, take our pride and trample on our foundation. WE as Fables and as family, will rise stronger and take her down into the rotten pits of hell were she belongs. We have all come together, with different backgrounds and beliefs, to unite as one. For Fabletown, for our family and to those that have passed on and could not be here today. We WILL fuckin' beat this and I PROMISE you, we will rise victorious! WHO IS WITH YOUR ALPHA!?"
A loud roar errupts in the center of Gren and the others. Lifting his right fist, Gren turns into his true form; the children all follow behind, Emily's bow glows a green and Woody holds up axe. From behind the crowd, Gren beams; the rest of the Porgie clan and all of Fabletown were right behind the massive group and prepared to end this war. They were all as one.
Looking out and holding onto Emily, he knew were his place was. Carla did not stand a chance now.
any questions, you know the drill. Was not going to post but want to get as much out as I can this week, for come Friday, the hiatus begins. My allergies...will kill me today....and my sunburn, too. XD
I have plenty of fruit and other stuff in the house already :P
I swear to god though, my bank is gonna call me and be like "There is unusual activity on your card account... well, you aren't using it" XP