The Vent/Help Thread



  • edited May 2015

    I think those memes are more of a joke about OCD, I dont really have a problem with them.

    A lot of the time OCD just makes the individual so irritated with themselves, they know what they are feeling and doing is irrational. In that way it is very different to other disorders.

    Really ADHD is the worst one right now, apart from severe cases ADHD is literally a more hyperactive child that needs stricter discipline, they dont need to be on drugs.

    Psychology is my area. I almost certainly have OCD and likely have depression, but I'm not going to get help. OCD id more of an irritant and I can handle my depression for the most part, its just good days and bad days. Therapy just seems laughable to me and I dont want to spend my life on drugs

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I have OCD, I've been diagnosed and I'm taking medication for it for like... 2 years now. I get furious when I see posts like this: And then people typing in the comments: "OMG this slightly irritates me I HAVE OCD GUYZ LOL!!!!11!1!!1!!"

    edited May 2015

    I don't have a problem with the memes themselves, I have a problem with the stupid fucks in the comments who think they have OCD because it irritated them.

    I know what OCD is, trust me.

    Also, why are you not going to get help if you're sure you have OCD? You might think you can handle it on your own, but sometimes it's not that easy, sometimes medication is the easiest way to control it. You don't have to spend your life on drugs if it's just OCD you're treating, I've taken small pills for about 2 years, and I'm slowly taking smaller and smaller doses, probably going to not take anything at all by the time summer's here.

    Good luck with those two, it certainly isn't easy.

    I think those memes are more of a joke about OCD, I dont really have a problem with them. A lot of the time OCD just makes the individual

  • To be honest like many with it I just find OCD irritating, I know the things i repeatedly do is just illogical. Its not harmful (to me anyway) its just annoying to have to do something ten or more times before I'm satisfied or can relax about it. I just sort of put up with it, and I'm starting to physically force myself to ignore something. True I spend most of the day sometimes worrying about a light I may have left on but when you think about it there are many worse things in the world.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't have a problem with the memes themselves, I have a problem with the stupid fucks in the comments who think they have OCD because it

  • it got you hard?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So your saying when you and some other kid self-diagnosed me with Bi-polar on this forum YOU WERE LYING I'm not a special snowflake FML

  • Damn you needy. There is tons of people who do that

    Why do I get the feeling this is directed to me in particular, especially the first paragraph? Sigh... -_-

  • Just a misperception on my side.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Damn you needy. There is tons of people who do that

  • Alt text

    Hell yeah it did everytime

    Talimancer posted: »

    it got you hard?

  • I never "self-diagnosed" you. I said it out of frustration because you wouldn't stop yelling at me then begging for my forgiveness then yelling at me again. It wasn't right of me, and I already told you that and I apologized for it. I never said that you HAD it, I said that you were acting that way which still wasn't right of me to say. This was months ago, though. What part of "leave me alone" do you not understand?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So your saying when you and some other kid self-diagnosed me with Bi-polar on this forum YOU WERE LYING I'm not a special snowflake FML

  • So much "yes!" in this comment.

    I never "self-diagnosed" you. I said it out of frustration because you wouldn't stop yelling at me then begging for my forgiveness then yell

  • I suffered from OCD when I was younger and I did not want sympathy I tried to hide it as much as I could I was so embarrassed about it I was so frustrated with myself it was so hard
    when I was younger

    How do you suffer from something at a younger age, but not ever now? I mean, unless you take medication, but that would never fully prevent every symptom.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So your saying when you and some other kid self-diagnosed me with Bi-polar on this forum YOU WERE LYING I'm not a special snowflake FML

  • Alt text

    NOT TRUE sorry BUT STILL NOT TRUE sorry WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT sheet so sorry nice skype thumbs btw :P

    I never "self-diagnosed" you. I said it out of frustration because you wouldn't stop yelling at me then begging for my forgiveness then yell

  • When I was a kid I went through a severe stress and depression which made me get OCD making me touch things or corners 10 tens do everything ten times or I think the world will end and other embarrassing things I don't want to share

    As I grew older I was embarrassed and seen how stupid it was so I maned up and faced it I still have triggers but not as severe as it was :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I suffered from OCD when I was younger and I did not want sympathy I tried to hide it as much as I could I was so embarrassed about it I was

  • Can you please stop? You're honestly just embarrassing yourself now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    NOT TRUE sorry BUT STILL NOT TRUE sorry WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT sheet so sorry nice skype thumbs btw :P

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    XD Oh sheet ok :)

    Can you please stop? You're honestly just embarrassing yourself now.

  • skype thumbs btw :P

    You're seriously not over that? Even though that's not how it went down? Stop trying, dude. This is just sad.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    NOT TRUE sorry BUT STILL NOT TRUE sorry WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT sheet so sorry nice skype thumbs btw :P

  • edited May 2015

    Wassup markd

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Oh sheet ok

  • So...depression made you want to touch "things and corners".


    Markd4547 posted: »

    When I was a kid I went through a severe stress and depression which made me get OCD making me touch things or corners 10 tens do everything

  • Nah, he meant that OCD caused him to have anxious thoughts on how it would be "the end of the world" if he didn't scratch the itch in the back of his head that told him to perform some kind of action 10 times, or whatever way the OCD was manifested in him. I know how it feels.

    Although I don't see how depression can "lead" to OCD, things like that can trigger it...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    So...depression made you want to touch "things and corners". Oookay.

  • Ah, that clears it up a bit. He didn't seem to clarify that too well.

    Still, depression doesn't lead to things like that, usually.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nah, he meant that OCD caused him to have anxious thoughts on how it would be "the end of the world" if he didn't scratch the itch in the ba

  • You had "race" in the comment. Did you expect him to do something other than jump to a conclusion?

    I don't know where you got that from my comment.

  • good

    papai46 posted: »

    I tried that with my cat and he ripped my face off.

  • It's not just one thing, it's sort of everything. I know this is the vent thread and you're meant to vent what's on your mind, but the truth is... I don't really know.

    Any reason why?

  • I don't feel right.

  • Any reason why?

    I don't feel right.

  • Yeah, I get that feeling a lot, it's just a lot of stress. From my own personal experience, it's good to seclude yourself from your problems until you feel a bit more grounded.

    It's not just one thing, it's sort of everything. I know this is the vent thread and you're meant to vent what's on your mind, but the truth is... I don't really know.

  • it's good to seclude yourself from your problems until you feel a bit more grounded.

    Wouldn't be the best idea since some of those problems are school related projects.

    Yeah, I get that feeling a lot, it's just a lot of stress. From my own personal experience, it's good to seclude yourself from your problems until you feel a bit more grounded.

  • Ah, I see, yes...You should probably seclude yourself from all problems that aren't vital to your education. :P

    it's good to seclude yourself from your problems until you feel a bit more grounded. Wouldn't be the best idea since some of those problems are school related projects.

  • 180 dollars, LOL in this economy... Man. I don't see the difference, he isn't going to feel either one.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Haha, there's a swamp 30mi north of my house. That would be the place to do it.

  • edited May 2015

    This is a rant talking about a lot of users on this forum (Out of respect I wont name you guyz :3)

    Soi i've been in an argument with a solid amount of users on this forum who seem to think teaching 'abstinence' to teenagers is good. The fact its still legal in most of the United States honestly is pure stupidity and ignorance. It doesn't work, some teenagers are going to go out and bang some people no matter how much you teach them about Abstinence. In some parts of Western Europe where they teach comprehensive/explicit sex ed has the lowest abortion/STD and pregnancy ratings. So why do people think teaching abstinence is right or good? I just think its a narrow minded thing.

    Also states that teach Abstinence the most also have the higher Abortion, STD, and Pregnancy rates. Coincidence.. probably not.

    Some users have said to me

    "Just scare the teens from having sex" -Real user

    No.. no most teens arent and will never be 'scared from having sex' sex is a natural think.. you cant reverse that. Its the same with weed, some schools teach kids how bad weed is and scare them but they still smoke that devil's grass.

    "Teens will all just have sex with each other if comprehensive is taught" - Real user

    No.. they wont. I have lots of friends who want to wait till marriage (and we are taught comprehensive) and others who want to have sex. About half of teenagers are going to have sex even if abstinence is taught, and another half is still going to wait if we are taught comprehensive.

    About 30% of Grade 9 and 10's have had sex in Canada

    About 50 - 60% of Grade 11 and 12's have had sex in Canada.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited May 2015

    What consequences? you act like i'm killing someone, and i'm going to the state clink for ten years. I never censor myself, that is what people either like or don't like about me. If i want to talk about God , or Jesus i will. If it bothers people, they don't have to read/reply/comment.

    Do i complain every time there is another thread , on things i don't agree with like Gay Marriage, or Abortion, or Teen Pregnancy. Sometimes in life you have to learn when to bite your tongue, and just move onward without commenting.

    FauDeef posted: »

    You're not being censored. You're free to say whatever you want, but you'll have to face the consequences (whether they're good or not).

  • 8 years now

    I never seen a therapist, ever in my life, except when Social Services were called.

    I've been in therapy for close to 8 years now. I've seen different therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, specialists, doctors, social wo

  • We live in a world of double standards, is this new to you?

    UPDATE: Wtf this white woman gets fired but this black woman who was racist to whites earlier isn't?

  • Nope. Just pisses me off.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    We live in a world of double standards, is this new to you?

  • If a teenager wants to ruin their life, let them. LOL What do i care. I have zero children, and LOVING IT. Once you have that child its over. Its over.

    Hold on, again.

    L O V I N G I T.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    This is a rant talking about a lot of users on this forum (Out of respect I wont name you guyz ) Soi i've been in an argument with a soli

  • edited May 2015

    If a teenager wants to ruin their life, let them.

    CrazyGeorge you once again confuse me :3 are you implying that comprehensive sexual education will ruin kids lives or am I mistaken?

    Once you have that child its over. Its over.

    Use protection! Male condoms, Birth control and female condoms can stop this (also male bc is coming and thank the holy lords of Science and safe sex)

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    If a teenager wants to ruin their life, let them. LOL What do i care. I have zero children, and LOVING IT. Once you have that child its over. Its over. Hold on, again. L O V I N G I T.

  • ehhh

    Ah, I see, yes...You should probably seclude yourself from all problems that aren't vital to your education. :P

  • It's the same type of bullshit Youtubers get. If you put in the effort, then you deserve recognition. The platform on which you showcase your work shouldn't mean jack shit.

    I have a new Rant today So, Often, some People ask me, "Hey Noah, Who's your Favorite Music Artist?" So, I'll answer with my favori

  • Time to bitch about people who are late. I really hate people who can't be on time for things. It really annoys me, if say you schedule a time to see someone, they arrive thirty minutes late, then as soon as they get there, they get a phone call from a friend, and proceed to talk to her. At that point , i was getting angry so i left. I find it extremely rude to talk on the phone when you have company, especially if you were already late.

    Huge Huge Pet Peeve.

  • Alright, I'll bite.

    One thing that's always frustrated me to no end is when two people who are in a relationship don't commit to it and still run around like they're fucking single. I've been raised by two people who are both systemically lonely and who've cheated on each other throughout their twenty two year marriage constantly spreading themselves apart from one another until they filed for divorce a few years back. Now, I'm quite a jaded person when it comes to allowing anyone in my life because I'll be damned if I let someone take me for granted and fuck me over.

    Trust is something of a commodity these days and what with all the negativity surrounding being in a relationship, it seems more and more that just hitting and quitting is the answer. But I've never been down with that path either, it seems too easy and taking advantage of another human in that way just isn't something I want.

    The one thing I've discovered is that sex is dangerous if not used in moderation and when excessively exposed to it, it turns people's actions against themselves.

  • Here, here! My school had abstinence-first teaching approach. Unsurprisingly, the pregnancy rate was well above average.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    This is a rant talking about a lot of users on this forum (Out of respect I wont name you guyz ) Soi i've been in an argument with a soli

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