The Vent/Help Thread



  • I'm glad you're ok, be more careful though... lol.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

  • If I'm not, I'll be dead next time. Thanks for your concern though, lol.

    The harshest lessons are taught through pain.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm glad you're ok, be more careful though... lol.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2015

    Wow, you got lucky!!

    Same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago and she died. Unfortunately, the damn car wins every time. :P

    Lingvort posted: »

    Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

  • GTA ONLINE IS SRS BIZNESS. You need a crew, not randoms.

    Well, I guess it's some GTA Online Stupid Bullshit Venting Time! One day was filled with stupid shit. Okay so I joined the Human Labs Rai

  • Damn, I'm really sorry.

    I got lucky, real lucky. For a moment there, things weren't looking too good for ol' Lingvort.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Wow, you got lucky!! Same thing happened to a friend of mine a few years ago and she died. Unfortunately, the damn car wins every time. :P

  • hopefully things will get better. We all need better days.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Damn, I'm really sorry. I got lucky, real lucky. For a moment there, things weren't looking too good for ol' Lingvort.

  • I'll probably be slightly limping for a few days, but it wasn't that serious. It became even less serious after BigBlindMax's response.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    hopefully things will get better. We all need better days.

  • Don't worry about it, that wound is well healed. Glad you're in one piece! :)

    Lingvort posted: »

    Damn, I'm really sorry. I got lucky, real lucky. For a moment there, things weren't looking too good for ol' Lingvort.

  • Heh, thanks.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Don't worry about it, that wound is well healed. Glad you're in one piece!

  • edited May 2015

    Little rant time: okay so did anybody notice that people aren't getting jokes nowadays? I'm so fucking tired of having to explain myself and beg for forgiviness everytime i tell a joke.

  • I assume you mean they aren't getting jokes lol

    I don't know why you would have to beg for forgivness if it's a joke thou

    papai46 posted: »

    Little rant time: okay so did anybody notice that people aren't getting jokes nowadays? I'm so fucking tired of having to explain myself and beg for forgiviness everytime i tell a joke.

  • Glad you're alright. I'm surprised you didn't shit yourself when it hit you lol, that had to be quite scary.

    Lingvort posted: »

    I'll probably be slightly limping for a few days, but it wasn't that serious. It became even less serious after BigBlindMax's response.

  • edited May 2015

    Come on. I know you want it. Just look in these eyes and unzip.

  • It just didn't phase me much, ya know? Happened in a split second. The only thing I was able to react with was a continuous "Ow" as I was dragged away from the road. I thought I'd start screaming or crying, but in less than half a minute I regained my composure, refused to call the ambulance and limped to my house (it happened about 20 meters from my damn house).

    Glad you're alright. I'm surprised you didn't shit yourself when it hit you lol, that had to be quite scary.

  • I barely talk to anybody on steam but that's probably because I have no steam friends. Sad face.

  • That's more like it.

  • I understand the feeling all too well, from past experiences. None involving cars thankfully.

    Lingvort posted: »

    It just didn't phase me much, ya know? Happened in a split second. The only thing I was able to react with was a continuous "Ow" as I was dr

  • It's a joke but people get super offended so have to ask for forgiviness over a fucking JOKE! Example of that is a joke a made where i said the user was a weeaboo but it was just a joke but the dude still got his jimmies all rustled.

    I assume you mean they aren't getting jokes lol I don't know why you would have to beg for forgivness if it's a joke thou

  • Add me. Same name as here.

    I barely talk to anybody on steam but that's probably because I have no steam friends. Sad face.

  • I'd bang.

    Lingvort posted: »

    That's more like it.

  • Alt text

    papai46 posted: »

    Add me. Same name as here.

  • I got my foot run over by a car.

    Join the club, we got jackets.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

  • Ever think your friends don't want to hear your self righteous opinion about everything? Here is a thought, instead of arguing with a friend, learn to agree to disagree, and move on. You are going to learn you won't like everything about someone, no one is perfect.

    Green613 posted: »

    No offense or anything, but how can you be friends with such jerks? Do they always act like that?

  • This is going to probably get some dislike, but i don't really care TBH. I dislike Game of Thrones TV show, , and television shows like it, because i feel it devalues women, and it is a bad influence on our society. I don't watch the show, but recently i heard from a friend there was a rape scene in it. Are you kidding me, this is now popular Television show from what i understand.

    Seriously Screw You Hollywood. Its not something that i think any normal person would want to watch, why else would they put it in there, other than for shock value. Its like the "NOT AGAIN." comment from TWD show, another sensational moment that overshadows the effect. Why can't they write a episode without nudity, or some sort of sexual situation, because then people would watch something ELSE.

    Another Rant is people in general. I seen myself over the last year TRY REALLY REALLY HARD, to be a nicer person. Who else is trying to be better every day, and help people in their lives. NOBODY. Most people from what i have seen are Judgemental people who will never get to know me but only know me by what other people have said about me. It doesn't really matter at this point. I am so beyond words, there is nothing left to be said.

    You won. I'm done with everything. At this point in my life, people only talk to me when they need something. I am so tired of being used.

    Another Rant is that my teeth have been hurting me for the past month or so, because of a sensitivity issue. I LOVE IT. I never been in so much pain, and it is constantly there. Whenever i awaken every morning the constant reminder of my jaw pressing against the pillow is enough to cause discomfort.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah... I didn't understand what weeaboo meant at first so I looked it up and the definitions were... unpleasant to say the least. So I got upset over it. And it's really hard for me to tell anymore.

    I'm really sorry I got pissed over nothing. And as much as I hate to admit it... sigh, Regan was right. I think I need to get some therapy the way things are going.

    papai46 posted: »

    It's a joke but people get super offended so have to ask for forgiviness over a fucking JOKE! Example of that is a joke a made where i said the user was a weeaboo but it was just a joke but the dude still got his jimmies all rustled.

  • If you're talking about me, don't worry, I'm always down to talk with anyone on steam, I usually never get bothered by that stuff unless it's Puncake constantly spam messaging me. I'm talking about people who purposefully annoy others just for their own enjoyment :p

  • Geeze! At least there's just minor injuries. Holy crap. .-. Careful.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

  • it's okay, you're forgiven.

    Yeah... I didn't understand what weeaboo meant at first so I looked it up and the definitions were... unpleasant to say the least. So I got

  • People in general are dicks. But there are some groups that are generally nice and do try to help others. I just automatically assume random people out in the world are douchebags though. Cynical, yeah, but it's nice when I'm wrong once in a while.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This is going to probably get some dislike, but i don't really care TBH. I dislike Game of Thrones TV show, , and television shows like it,

  • Can't comment about GoT. I don't watch it, either.

    There are nice people out there. They just don't stand out as much. Especially on the Internet.

    Talk to a dentist about those teeth. There's stuff that can help. If you won't do that, then at least go get a tube of Sensodyne toothpaste, which helps. You don't need a prescription for that.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    This is going to probably get some dislike, but i don't really care TBH. I dislike Game of Thrones TV show, , and television shows like it,

  • K.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Ever think your friends don't want to hear your self righteous opinion about everything? Here is a thought, instead of arguing with a friend

  • Glad you're safe.

    Was anyone else hurt?

    Lingvort posted: »

    Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

  • My god, I agree 100%. I make a joke and everyone then yells at me, it's just crazy.

    papai46 posted: »

    Little rant time: okay so did anybody notice that people aren't getting jokes nowadays? I'm so fucking tired of having to explain myself and beg for forgiviness everytime i tell a joke.

  • At my school, people will sometimes waste a ton of paper towels just to be dickheads. And then there's the suspicious sticky liquid on the floor...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I completely agree. The bathrooms at my school are absolute shit (pun can be taken if wanted). Kids stick things in the urinals to make them

  • edited December 2021


    Lingvort posted: »

    Come on. I know you want it. Just look in these eyes and unzip.

  • Damn, I'd love me some jackets.

    I got my foot run over by a car. Join the club, we got jackets.

  • Welp, either that, or I'll get to visit new places.

    As pieces of ash, scattered into the wind.

    Geeze! At least there's just minor injuries. Holy crap. .-. Careful.

  • Nah, I was the only one, luckily.

    Glad you're safe. Was anyone else hurt?

  • when people think jokes are fucking directly meant to insult them, like holy hell, get a life

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