Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • edited June 2015

    I just hope this time they release ep 3 right after the trailer, and dont pull an Atlas Mugged.

    Oh, youve been waiting forever? Lets release a trailer then make you wait some more! (pls go GoT Ep 3 on us pls)

  • When is episode 3 going to release? The wait is killing me already been delayed 2 weeks :/

  • Come on, Telltale, it's Tuesday :(

  • It hasn't been delayed, you can't delay something that never had a set release date.

    Kdub47 posted: »

    When is episode 3 going to release? The wait is killing me already been delayed 2 weeks

  • o, didn't have the PS4 when the game came out, bought it down the line before EP2 came out, dint want to keep switching back to PS3 to play it. I know, should have waited buying it atleast till I got the PS4, got a little to gungho you could say, didn't think I was gonna get a PS4, but was surprised with one.

    Why would you buy a PS3 version if you had a PS4?

  • staying optimistic like:

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  • 2 weeks later;

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    Kruzii posted: »

    staying optimistic like:

  • Wie lange übst du schon Deutsch? haha im so evil testing you German skills

    I actually taught myself in the comfort of my own home.

  • Es ist schon drei Wochen. Ich denke.

    Nolonius posted: »

    Wie lange übst du schon Deutsch? haha im so evil testing you German skills

  • That moment TWD is getting more news from Telltale then you.


    Rip TFTBL though.

  • I am impressed you have my respect bro

    Es ist schon drei Wochen. Ich denke.

  • Danke :)

    Nolonius posted: »

    I am impressed you have my respect bro

  • Am I allowed to correct you?

    Es ist schon drei Wochen. Ich denke.

  • https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/95893/will-there-be-refunds-issued-to-tftb-season-pass-holders

    Telltale right now:

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    lol jk

    Seriously though.

    Did I ever tell you....the definition....of insanity?

  • Welp, I'm not very bothered, I have other stuff to do, and I won't threaten TT with boycott (how understanding of me...I... bought the season pass... so, yeah) but I have to admit my interest has waned. Sure, I'll still play it when it comes out, but I can only get really hyped about things for a limited amount of time, and now that time is over for TFTB. Playing it will still be fun, but it won't feel quite the same.

    I think I should follow the example of some other posters here and only buy games when they're finished. I'm not even mad - I don't feel strongly enough for that anymore. I'm sure TT is working on a great Ep, I'm just sorry I won't be able to appreciate it properly when it comes out. It's like the dlc for DAI being delayed for ps4 - I was very into DAI a few months ago, I don't even care enough to check it out now.

  • Alt text

    Hollowpoint maybe? Please yes, please come out? please Telltale, please, can I say please a few more times?

  • Allow me

    Click here

    https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/95893/will-there-be-refunds-issued-to-tftb-season-pass-holders Telltale right now: lol jk Seriously though. Did I ever tell you....the definition....of insanity?

  • Ofcourse

    Nolonius posted: »

    Am I allowed to correct you?

  • ... Playing CoD?

    Allow me Click here

  • Well then. The first sentence would be completly correct like this: Es sind schon drei Wochen. You use sind because the weeks pural you used ist in this context it would mean it is only one week. Afterwards you wrote Ich denke that is not incorrect but it is better if you write Denke ich ore you could put it on the begining and that would be Ich denke es sind drei Wochen. That is also very correct. But all in all I understood what you wanted to tell me and that is what is the most important in learning. The last thing is that I am very impressed by how good you write and understand german especially after only 3 weeks keep up with learning new languages.


  • Thanks very much. I always assumed "sind" meant "are".

    Nolonius posted: »

    Well then. The first sentence would be completly correct like this: Es sind schon drei Wochen. You use sind because the weeks pural you used

  • I can't wait for GOT Episode 5!

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    I can't wait for GOT Episode 5!

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    I can't wait for GOT Episode 5!

  • Had pretty lame birthday yesterday (it's almost 1AM on Wednesday, timezones are magic). Just watched some anime with my sister and here I'm still waiting for the news. I'm really starting to doubt J9, which I shouldn't do. But days just pass by without any hints of the release. The Steam's Summer Sale also starts next week. C'mon.

  • Just to make y’all even more depressed,TWD has got a June 15 annoncement date.Thank god I’m a fan of both serieses.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2015

    "At this rate, Winter will Come into the Badlands before our intrepid companions finish their tall tale"

    [insert something about winter coming faster than episode 3 here]

  • Clearly the episode will be released on Christmas.

  • Christmas?

    o, didn't have the PS4 when the game came out, bought it down the line before EP2 came out, dint want to keep switching back to PS3 to play

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Could also be for Minecraft.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hollowpoint maybe? Please yes, please come out? please Telltale, please, can I say please a few more times?

  • happy late birthday!!! X3 <3

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    Had pretty lame birthday yesterday (it's almost 1AM on Wednesday, timezones are magic). Just watched some anime with my sister and here I'm

  • What an excellent observation.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Could also be for Minecraft.

  • wait what? how? h.. when? uhh??

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    ZapThroat posted: »

    Just to make y’all even more depressed,TWD has got a June 15 annoncement date.Thank god I’m a fan of both serieses.

  • Wolf-senpai.. noooo

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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Clearly the episode will be released on Christmas.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Christmas of 2020, just like I told you, the 20/20 vision joke will come true!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Clearly the episode will be released on Christmas.

  • Just go check it out in the TWD s3 waiting thread,and also try to hold yourself tight there.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    wait what? how? h.. when? uhh??

  • edited June 2015

    Well either I can wait for it too be done, but by then I probably won't care for it. Or I can just buy it now, and wait for each episode, which in effect will make me not appreciate the episodes when they do come out, as you said.

    Welp, I'm not very bothered, I have other stuff to do, and I won't threaten TT with boycott (how understanding of me...I... bought the seaso

  • It's the sad truth...

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Wolf-senpai.. noooo

  • This kills the man.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Christmas of 2020, just like I told you, the 20/20 vision joke will come true!

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