The Wolf Among Us: The Comic



  • As to who he is? No, but its just adding more to the mystery.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Any new info on the man in the mirror?

  • Spoils please

    KCohere posted: »

    As to who he is? No, but its just adding more to the mystery.

  • Spoiler

    A little slow but still a nice issue. A lot of talking and monologues compared to other issues with both Bigby and Bluebeard calling each other a prick.

    Also, mirror man wanting a child with Mary, I wonder what he's up to?

  • Did Mary just pluck an insect out of the air, tear its wings off, and wrap its body around her finger? That was some weird business right there.

  • Read CoolGuyJ's post.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Spoils please

  • Whoa, she sure did. The real Mary coming out.

    Gnatrat posted: »

    Did Mary just pluck an insect out of the air, tear its wings off, and wrap its body around her finger? That was some weird business right there.

  • My bet is that this is headed towards a bunch of things happening that Bloody Mary's legend is based on.

  • Bloody Mary fans are going to get a treat this issue, thats all Im going to say for now, lol

  • i must know plz

    KCohere posted: »

    Bloody Mary fans are going to get a treat this issue, thats all Im going to say for now, lol

  • Saaaame!

    zeke10 posted: »

    i must know plz

  • edited June 2015

    She gets topless.

    zeke10 posted: »

    i must know plz

  • Actually she undresses completely and while in the mirror she ends up having a dress, she doesn't have a dress on in reality.

  • Yes, you see parts of her nude. I thought the fans who are in love with her would appreciate that, lol.

    I love how mirrors are being used in this story, the mirror man and his mirror Mary. I easnt even sure if Mary was seeing what her reflection was doing. Its interesting that she sees her As different from herself. Mirror man is starting to lose some of his put on charm as Mary is starting to see through his lies.

    And the thing with Bigby reflecting the stocked storeroom in the Tweedle office, I thought, was brilliant. I love how the comic is expanding the mystery from the comics. Makes me long for a season 2 even more.

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually she undresses completely and while in the mirror she ends up having a dress, she doesn't have a dress on in reality.

  • Yay, bewbs!

    KCohere posted: »

    Yes, you see parts of her nude. I thought the fans who are in love with her would appreciate that, lol. I love how mirrors are being used

  • edited June 2015

    Didn't read the issue until now due to all the work and other activities I'm doing.

    I really love the artwork by the new artist Joelle Jones. It's my favourite artwork so far (really, really like how Bigby and Snow are drawn). Hopefully he gets to be a regular artist like the others

    Bluebeard setting Crane's apartment on fire was an interesting twist (and nice to see Totenkinder in there), and Mary's bloody wedding dress was an interesting way to reflect her nickname to come "Bloody Mary."

    The comics are expanding upon the Fables lore from the game, and that makes me appreciate TWAU season 1 even more, and clamouring for Season 2 (come on Telltale!!).

    KCohere posted: »

    Yes, you see parts of her nude. I thought the fans who are in love with her would appreciate that, lol. I love how mirrors are being used

  • Damn, Mary is such a babe in this comic. The game didn't make her this good looking.

  • True, but so far it shows her original story and the way she used to look.

    papai46 posted: »

    Damn, Mary is such a babe in this comic. The game didn't make her this good looking.

  • Its okay. I prefer the game.

  • K then.

    Its okay. I prefer the game.

  • Spoiler

    Ahhh, this Mystery Man is killing me! I have to know who he is and what he wants. Okay, it seems clear that he wants Mary to bear his child, but why? Is he a warlock thats going to sacrifice the baby to increase his magic ala Totenkinder? Doesnt Bloody Mary lose her child in the legend? That might be enough to push her over the edge. And I havent forgotten about Abigail. She has to tie into this somehow. I love that we are getting these mysteries, for fans who have already played the game and know how the main story plays out, its giving us more to chew on instead of just rehashing the game. I look forward to every Wednesday when the new comic comes out, I just wish they werent so short, lol, but thats just selfishness on my part because I just want to read more and more.

  • To be honest, I haven't totally been in love with the Mary storyline yet. I really liked the character in the game, but I'm having a hard time seeing how the fairly subdued Mary in the comics could turn into the charismatic Bloody Mary that we all know from the game. I'm still holding out hope, though. This latest chapter is definitely going to a dark place - "the man in the mirror" is clearly using Mary, and she's completely giving in.

    As for the folks in the other thread who were saying that Mary's looks are being overly sexualized in the comic, this latest issue makes it quite clear that we're just dealing with different artists' styles. The Mary in the current issue looks more like she does in the game. Sure, there is definitely content of a sexual nature, but that is not the core of the character.

  • The Mirror Man's expression when they were about to make love (through the mirror) totally showed his wicked intent (though I pretty much guessed it considering Mary's eventual outcome). Can't wait to see his end game.

  • I think thats what is so interesting about the character. She was bound by the conventions of her time and bullied by her friends but you could see a little bit of that madness in her when she wore that bug around her finger. How She got where she is now, and she's had hundreds of years to develop, is what im so anxious to see. I have no doubt its going to all come together and make perfect sense.

    Gnatrat posted: »

    To be honest, I haven't totally been in love with the Mary storyline yet. I really liked the character in the game, but I'm having a hard t

  • Im really intrigued by thhis guy. Btw, did that look like the Tweedles standing witness?

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    The Mirror Man's expression when they were about to make love (through the mirror) totally showed his wicked intent (though I pretty much guessed it considering Mary's eventual outcome). Can't wait to see his end game.

  • Yes it did! I wonder if the comic will explain how Mary and the Tweedles eventually hooked up with the Crooked Man.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im really intrigued by thhis guy. Btw, did that look like the Tweedles standing witness?

  • It most certainly does look like it is them.

    KCohere posted: »

    Im really intrigued by thhis guy. Btw, did that look like the Tweedles standing witness?

  • Does anyone know the easiest place for me to get these? I found a couple of sites, but they require manually buying each individual book as it comes out, and it's a hassle for a comic that takes 6 minutes to read.

  • I have a subscription through Comixology. With the subscription, each new issue is automatically purchased for me each week.

    Piggs posted: »

    Does anyone know the easiest place for me to get these? I found a couple of sites, but they require manually buying each individual book as it comes out, and it's a hassle for a comic that takes 6 minutes to read.

  • Thats how I get mine. Its pretty convenient.

    Gnatrat posted: »

    I have a subscription through Comixology. With the subscription, each new issue is automatically purchased for me each week.

  • Whoa guys, the mirror man is flipping out, lol

  • Why?

    KCohere posted: »

    Whoa guys, the mirror man is flipping out, lol

  • Shame there was no Rachel-Mary connection, but I liked the latest issue. The next one should be even better.

  • edited June 2015

    Mary is having his baby and its not coming fast enough so he's super pissed. He even made reference to it happening before and hes ready to take the baby forcefully. This guy is scaaarrrryyy.

    zeke10 posted: »


  • Spoiler

    Mary is mundy. Bloody Mary is her daughter with mirror guy.

    LukaszB posted: »

    True, but so far it shows her original story and the way she used to look.

  • Hmm, i never thought of that. She could very well look just like her mother. Thats pretty interesting.

  • You obviously didn't do any research on Bloody Mary. One part of her legend is already present from the beginning.

  • Just read the issue (got back from work late). Steve Sadowski's artwork throughout this series is my least favourite (and that's putting it gently) artwork so far.

    His artwork makes characters look ugly (especially when Snow says "Come apartment 23 is right around here." I was shaking my head with disbelief), and not look good at all.

    Bigby kicking open the door and smashing open the glamour box, I quite liked. I hope he burns that b@#$#%'s tree next issue.

    As for Mary's flashback, whoa, didn't expect to happen so soon. I guess the mirror man is finally showing his true colours.

    Can't wait for the next issue.

  • Bigby always choosing the kick the door down option even when its not necessary is endlessly amusing to me.

    I cant wait for the next one either. What does he want this baby for? Im still saying human sacrifice.

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Just read the issue (got back from work late). Steve Sadowski's artwork throughout this series is my least favourite (and that's putting it

  • I don't like the 3 different art styles... The one that looks like Telltales looks the best, the second one is alright, and the third one is horrible and simply retarded looking (and some of the best scenes are drawn in that art)...

    Also, i dislike how they are handling the fight scenes...

    Other than that its fine...

  • edited June 2015

    I Didnt care for the artwork in this one but i still love the story. Whats wrong with the fight scenes?

    I don't like the 3 different art styles... The one that looks like Telltales looks the best, the second one is alright, and the third one is

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