The Vent/Help Thread



  • It's kind of going off the rails isn't it?

    Sarangholic posted: »

    How is this a vent thread? I'm just getting more peturbed...

  • This one should be used more.

  • But I was born feeling like Overlord of Bark Scorpions. It's not a choice. I have a right to identify as ovelord of whatever kind of scorpion I feel like. Science might say technically I am a human, but how I feel is obviously more factual. Where is the line? This is a serious question. Where is the line where it becomes absurd?

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Once again difference between switching genders and becoming an overlord. How the hell is it the same?

  • I love that drive by arguments. Old Family Guy is the best Family Guy.

  • People vent their issues. Seems on track...

    Sarangholic posted: »

    How is this a vent thread? I'm just getting more peturbed...

  • Identifying with another culture is fine. Living a lie isn't.

    But fuck it, go be a dolphin. Whatever makes you happy.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    LOL ok new topic: Discuss Thoughts about Rachel Dolezai LOL Everyone, i do not identify with humanity anymore, because of its cruel

  • My theory is that it's backwash from the "unpopular opinions thread". The combatants ruined their old battlefield, so now they've come here to continue their endless bickering.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    How is this a vent thread? I'm just getting more peturbed...

  • That's what I was thinking too, the arguments seem way too familiar :P

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My theory is that it's backwash from the "unpopular opinions thread". The combatants ruined their old battlefield, so now they've come here to continue their endless bickering.

  • The problem is this forum has everyone from tumblr to 4chan so there are often arguments.

    Usually forums tend to be right or left wing, its quite refreshing to have one more centralized

    Green613 posted: »

    That's what I was thinking too, the arguments seem way too familiar :P

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015


    I despise those winged horrors. Especially seagulls.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is absolutely petty of me but I'm getting irrationally angry at birds. They keep stealing all my dogs' food (I have to keep the food

  • Tiny spawns of Satan.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    FuckBirds I despise those winged horrors. Especially seagulls.

  • Yeah I don't exactly come here often since I knew there'd be arguments.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    How is this a vent thread? I'm just getting more peturbed...

  • CrazyGeorge posted: »

    LOL ok new topic: Discuss Thoughts about Rachel Dolezai LOL Everyone, i do not identify with humanity anymore, because of its cruel

  • Zoloft is actually one of the medications I take, and it's helped me a lot.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    LOL Mark i read this whole thing man, how does it feel to be me for the day? Personally i am like Tom Cruise when it comes medication. I

  • You know what I hate?

    When you get into an argument, political, math problem, maybe a movie or something, and the person starts to make assumptions about you. If I for example don't support someone using their sex/race/sexuality/blah blah blah to, let's say, get their own room in a house just for the sake of their _____, I automatically am a sexist/racist/homophobe/blah blah blah. I don't support people marching in a parade (not like one of those ____ pride parades, they're hosted with the idea of pride of a certain group. I don't care about those), with the banners 'White Male' or 'Black Gay' etc., and I only mention one of the examples in an argument that I don't support and the person assumes I'm a racist or something. The more people act like these differences matter, the worse the situation gets.

  • Boy do I agree. During last year there was an argument I had with my friend about racism and stuff. He brought up Treyvon Martian and what's his name that were killed by cops, I disagreed that it was purely racism that did that nor was it an abuse of power. He started going around telling people I'm racist and I agree that black people should be killed...Asshole.

    Ahem, but yeah, assumptions get worse if not corrected.

    You know what I hate? When you get into an argument, political, math problem, maybe a movie or something, and the person starts to make a

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015

    Poor Trayvon Martian. Violence against extraterrestrials is really spiraling out of control these days!

    Boy do I agree. During last year there was an argument I had with my friend about racism and stuff. He brought up Treyvon Martian and what's

  • When it is registered as a disorder or not. As far as im aware there isnt a such thing as animal identify disorder, or overload identify disorder. So theres the line for you.

    We could say the same about gay marriage could we not? I mean where is the line? Soon we will have incest marriage a sibling marriage legal right?

    But I was born feeling like Overlord of Bark Scorpions. It's not a choice. I have a right to identify as ovelord of whatever kind of scorp

  • Wait a couple years, some quack doctor will write a book about people who think they're foxes or something like that and we'll be having this same conversation again.

    Finn1 posted: »

    When it is registered as a disorder or not. As far as im aware there isnt a such thing as animal identify disorder, or overload identify dis

  • Okay so logically what you're saying is peolpe shouldnt be able to choose there gender (even though most doctors agree gender identity disorder is a real thing and its just not one). Because one doctor in the whole world will say some humans want to be foxes even though there isnt any evidence i've seen wanting to be a different animal is a real disorder.

    Now im not saying that a few people out there want to be animals, but its not a registered thing they have.

    Wait a couple years, some quack doctor will write a book about people who think they're foxes or something like that and we'll be having this same conversation again.

  • If you want to talk logically then people just are what they are born, so sayeth science. Until someone naturally transforms their chromosomes. I thought we were talking hypothetically. I'm not really Overseer of Bark Scorpions. And actually, George's post was about the white lady who says she's black, gender stuff has nothing to do with it.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Okay so logically what you're saying is peolpe shouldnt be able to choose there gender (even though most doctors agree gender identity disor

  • New video games now cost $80 + tax in Canada :(

  • Yeah, that's a bot mate.

    mr.quality posted: »

    I found something to complain about. I was on Skype ... Minding my own business... When out of the blue I got a friend request. I was a

  • edited June 2015

    F**k "Official" threads. I'm sick of them.

  • Whew, that really sucks.

    Zulfraro posted: »

    New video games now cost $80 + tax in Canada

  • Agreed, but instead of venting emotions and problems (such as the firsts comments on this thread), people here now are venting political views.

    So? Well... nobody is helping each other. One of the main objectives of this thread is to help one another, but the political views are just making it worse and worse with the never ending arguments. As I said once before on this thread,

    I (and, hopefully, many others) tolerate suggestions to help out [...] I'd like to keep this thread with the leasts dispute

    Maybe it'll change or maybe not.

    People vent their issues. Seems on track...

  • edited June 2015

    Nintendo Rant

    You know what's bulllllllshit? Nintendo keeps releasing new versions of their 2 year-old consoles and leaving other users behind. So they have to buy the new one again! How the fuck does that work?

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    XD someone made a comparison

    Alt text

    Now switch this logic to a minority country who are having these complaints about a certain race Imagine if I went to their education system became a professor and stood up and said EVERYONE IS RACIST AND SEXIST ONLY PEOPLE LIKE ME WHITE MALES the minority here MAY ONLY BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK FIRST AND ANSWER QUESTIONS

    Your response would be but that makes no sense everyone is equal in education no matter your sex. race or origin why should these uncontrollable details of myself from birth affect my education and put me behind everyone else, everyone has a right to speak that just pure racism and sexism that's insane does anyone see the Irony of this idea

    Alt text

    What's your opinion on this?

  • I'm all for reverting back, lol. I'm a political science major, I come here to get away from that shit.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Agreed, but instead of venting emotions and problems (such as the firsts comments on this thread), people here now are venting political vie

  • edited June 2015

    Bullshit (not you, the university policy), the whole point is to have a discussion about racism and sexism. While it certain is necessary to hear from people who have drawn the short straw of inequality, to alienate other parties hinders the learing process and is counter-productive.

    Now to bitch about the forums - I feel like it's the same way as since The Walking Dead ended; whenever somebody says something heinous, rather than being continually called out for it, and a dialogue to begin about how wrong there are, too often the discussion is closed and the commenter banned. Racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia isn't combatted through silencing; it's combatted through information about the parties invovled and a critique of the rationale between the bigot's thinking.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD someone made a comparison Now switch this logic to a minority country who are having these complaints about a certain race Imagine

  • Ugh, that doesn't solve anything. If students have something constructive to say in class, they should be able to do so, regardless of race or gender. Everyone pays (ridiculously expensive) tuition, so prioritizing one group of students over another is completely unfair.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD someone made a comparison Now switch this logic to a minority country who are having these complaints about a certain race Imagine

  • A fair point, but I would argue that the backlash from these comments is far from a constructive dialogue. Usually, it goes down like this.

    1. Johnny says something loathsome.
    2. Johnny is dogpiled by the masses, who try to "educate" him, or attack him for being a jerk.
    3. Johnny gets defensive and lashes out at the critics.
    4. The masses respond in kind and start insulting/harassing Johnny.
    5. Someone agrees with Johnny and the cycle is renewed.

    In my opinion, the ratio of enlightenment : butthurt isn't high enough to justify that ordeal.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Bullshit (not you, the university policy), the whole point is to have a discussion about racism and sexism. While it certain is necessary to

  • Be careful, that stuff is dangerous. Anything that changes your brain chemistry, i might want to think about.

    Zoloft is actually one of the medications I take, and it's helped me a lot.

  • You need to get more desperate then. I want to see you doing things you will regret later in life. That is what life is about.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Thank you for that picture /s I don't think there is enough bleach for my eyes...

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    It's ignorant.

    Typical response,

    If i wanted to be black would you have something against my decision?

    Are you Black? I deal with reality, not fantasy. I don't care.

    f you want to have a dolphin lifestyle then go right ahead i dont get why you have to be so rude though

    if you wanted to be a dolphin go right ahead i dont care because it doesnt affect my life

    What if it does effect your life, what i mean is; what if i became a great leader for my people, and waged war against our enemies the
    Japanese. Our children will no longer be served as food.

    If you want to have a dolphin lifestyle then go right ahead i dont get why you have to be so rude though

    Its not like i got on the cover of Vanity Fair in my snorkel outfit. Aren't you the one who called me ignorant, this post was about Rachel whatever her name was, somehow it became about Transgendered people.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Kinda hurtful that you compare wanting to be a different race or gender to wanting to be a different animal, It's ignorant. If i wanted to b

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2015

    I'd sue, and probably win. I would love if someone would do that to me, i'd sue the school, the professor, SALLIE Mae, anyone i could. Its the American WAY.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Bullshit (not you, the university policy), the whole point is to have a discussion about racism and sexism. While it certain is necessary to

  • Seagulls are my favorite animals. The coast just wouldn't be the same without them.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    FuckBirds I despise those winged horrors. Especially seagulls.

  • Hmm, you're right. I do wish we go back but despite that, people are still using the thread some what appropriately. I wish the unpopular opinions thread was still open as it would get rid of some of the issues here.

    FauDeef posted: »

    Agreed, but instead of venting emotions and problems (such as the firsts comments on this thread), people here now are venting political vie

  • Why?! All they do is shit, go KAW KAW KAW and attack people for their potato chips.

    Seagulls are my favorite animals. The coast just wouldn't be the same without them.

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