Ugh. WHEN will it be out on Steam?? I don't understand why they don't list a damn time for the release. Does anyone have a clue? I'm replaying ep 2 on a different save file so I can have both endings' consequences available to play out.
WITHOUT SPOILERS, can anyone tell me what the better choice would be in order to maximize entertainment? I know that there was a tweet hinting as much...
also, someone please tell me when Toronto (Eastern Time) is gonna get this darn game!!!
Ugh. WHEN will it be out on Steam?? I don't understand why they don't list a damn time for the release. Does anyone have a clue? I'm replayi… moreng ep 2 on a different save file so I can have both endings' consequences available to play out.
WITHOUT SPOILERS, can anyone tell me what the better choice would be in order to maximize entertainment? I know that there was a tweet hinting as much...
also, someone please tell me when Toronto (Eastern Time) is gonna get this darn game!!!
Guys, it's really good.
Like, really good.
Like... Just... SO good.
Just... Like... Gah...
So good, guys.
Like, yo… moreu don't even know how good...
That's how... good... it is...
Like, I can't even process any thoughts other than its goodness...
THAT'S how good it is...
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
Guys, it's really good.
Like, really good.
Like... Just... SO good.
Just... Like... Gah...
So good, guys.
Like, yo… moreu don't even know how good...
That's how... good... it is...
Like, I can't even process any thoughts other than its goodness...
THAT'S how good it is...
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
Guys, it's really good.
Like, really good.
Like... Just... SO good.
Just... Like... Gah...
So good, guys.
Like, yo… moreu don't even know how good...
That's how... good... it is...
Like, I can't even process any thoughts other than its goodness...
THAT'S how good it is...
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
have seen and played the episode, and came to the conlclusion, we waited all this time for this, it took all this time, and they messed with our heads, and this is what they came up with, moving right along to something else,
Can anyone tell me whether I should play with my Trusting-Fiona save or my Trusting-Jack save without givin' anything away? I'm gonna have to wait 6 or 7 hours it seems anyway so I might as well maximize the episode's entertainment value.
Can anyone tell me whether I should play with my Trusting-Fiona save or my Trusting-Jack save without givin' anything away? I'm gonna have to wait 6 or 7 hours it seems anyway so I might as well maximize the episode's entertainment value.
dude, fck off, it's assquez we're talking about! if I could, I would've recorded his death, created a hologram of him to show this arrogant asshle that he's dead! DEAD! to show him that all his plans, all the stuff he did, was for nothing! he died by the hand of a pandoran gangster (with an awesome smokey-voice. hell, this woman is awesome)! he, the leader of hyperion, died, and his legacy is nothing but the legacy of a guy who lost all his pride and dignitiy during his last moments...the legacy of a guy who failed. hehee, I laughed again...I will never stop laughing at his rotting, bloody corpse...have to thank vasquez, his dead made my year. whatever happens in my life, I'll just have to look at this looser and the sun will shine bright again!
gortys is really incredibly cute I never thought I would think of a robot as a cute person but I told her that he's dead. just to celebrate the moment and enjoy the fact that assquez, my "nemesis", is dead. DEAD! geez, I can't stop giggling...
im staying up all night for this... ( 2 hours + download time + 2hours of it )
thanks australia :') thanks steam :''''''')
(also all your comments on here are getting me so hyped)
That was a great episode. If you haven't played it yet, you're in for a treat.
I really wish people wouldn't post spoilers like that here.;-; I can only hope that is determinant.
Four hours.
There's still no trailer so...
I'm too scared to be on this forum, but I have nothing else to do O_o
Yep. Classic TellTale.
Ugh. WHEN will it be out on Steam?? I don't understand why they don't list a damn time for the release. Does anyone have a clue? I'm replaying ep 2 on a different save file so I can have both endings' consequences available to play out.
WITHOUT SPOILERS, can anyone tell me what the better choice would be in order to maximize entertainment? I know that there was a tweet hinting as much...
also, someone please tell me when Toronto (Eastern Time) is gonna get this darn game!!!
Guys, it's really good.
Like, really good.
Like... Just... SO good.
Just... Like... Gah...
So good, guys.
Like, you don't even know how good...
That's how... good... it is...
Like, I can't even process any thoughts other than its goodness...
THAT'S how good it is...
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
Steam updates their stuff around 10-11am PT. Last time it was 10am.
I told Gortys he was sleeping
She's soo innocent and cute

NOOO! I accidentally clicked [Show discussion] instead of the Community button. DONT ASK HOW. But I wanted to see this happen myself
So....its good?
Is it better than Atlas Mugged? I doubt that anything can beat that intro.
is it over 1 GB of awesomeness?
have seen and played the episode, and came to the conlclusion, we waited all this time for this, it took all this time, and they messed with our heads, and this is what they came up with, moving right along to something else,
oh my god, i laughed so hard back then.. and i shouldn't... i am a terrible person...
Thanks, but crap.
Can anyone tell me whether I should play with my Trusting-Fiona save or my Trusting-Jack save without givin' anything away? I'm gonna have to wait 6 or 7 hours it seems anyway so I might as well maximize the episode's entertainment value.
How long is it, please?
(That's what she said... *wink wink)*
Play both, that's the way I'm gonna do it. My first playthrough will be trusting Jack, then Fiona.
oh yes! downloading tftb episode 3 now, hope you all get to download it soon.
Oh I will play both, don't get me wrong. I just wanna know which one is 'better' so I can play it first.
What system you on?
It's whenever that countdown up at the top of the page ends.
The countdown is for the trailer.
Ah. PS3 users are gonna have to wait a little longer I guess. Well have a good time playing the episode :P
dude, fck off, it's assquez we're talking about! if I could, I would've recorded his death, created a hologram of him to show this arrogant asshle that he's dead! DEAD! to show him that all his plans, all the stuff he did, was for nothing! he died by the hand of a pandoran gangster (with an awesome smokey-voice. hell, this woman is awesome)! he, the leader of hyperion, died, and his legacy is nothing but the legacy of a guy who lost all his pride and dignitiy during his last moments...the legacy of a guy who failed. hehee, I laughed again...I will never stop laughing at his rotting, bloody corpse...have to thank vasquez, his dead made my year. whatever happens in my life, I'll just have to look at this looser and the sun will shine bright again!
gortys is really incredibly cute
I never thought I would think of a robot as a cute person
but I told her that he's dead. just to celebrate the moment and enjoy the fact that assquez, my "nemesis", is dead. DEAD! geez, I can't stop giggling...
They are both really good so it's hard to recommend one over the other.
im staying up all night for this...
( 2 hours + download time + 2hours of it )
thanks australia :') thanks steam :''''''')
(also all your comments on here are getting me so hyped)
Its dowloading on steam for you?
isnt for me : - ( yet
Me too
Any1 dowloading it on steam?
The Steam download should start in around 4-5 hours from now.
Lmao, I've finished the episode and the trailer still not out.
This is actually hilarious.