The Vent/Help Thread



  • It is a gaping double standard, I agree.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am getting sick of the Liberal Agenda. What do i mean when i say the Liberal Agenda. Well whenever something bad happens, with guns, or a

  • Hope you find somewhere else soon when it happens.

    bloop posted: »

    Remember the eviction post I made about a month ago? Look like it's happing....

  • Alt text

    One does not simply hate pizza.

  • I hate pizza

    Alt text

    (No real hostility tho)

  • edited June 2015

    Wow now that is getting a little out of hand. I'm 100% happy that the Supreme Court passed gay marriage for all states, but fucking segregating them in schools? What the fuck is that?

    I know I'm going to regret this: My fell

  • Catelyn Jenner has been in the news, pretty much on Daily Mail every day, now the federals made a ruling on Gay Marriage.

    Jenner is transgender though George so yes, it is a "coincidence".

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am getting sick of the Liberal Agenda. What do i mean when i say the Liberal Agenda. Well whenever something bad happens, with guns, or a

  • Coincidence.

    Though I'll concede that our current foreign policy is a trainwreck.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I am getting sick of the Liberal Agenda. What do i mean when i say the Liberal Agenda. Well whenever something bad happens, with guns, or a

  • edited June 2015

    Kim Jong Un invented the Hamburger. HE INVENTED THE HAMBURGER GODDAMN IT!!!!!

  • Our lord Kim Jong Un created everything, he is god.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Kim Jong Un invented the Hamburger. HE INVENTED THE HAMBURGER GODDAMN IT!!!!!

  • The DPRK say it was actually his father: Kim Jong-il.

    Go to the second bottom one on the list.

    Be glad that this is not North Korea, otherwise posting such a tiny mistake online would have earned you an indefinite sentence to a labour camp.

    Yo-da-Man posted: »

    Kim Jong Un invented the Hamburger. HE INVENTED THE HAMBURGER GODDAMN IT!!!!!

  • Alt text

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    LOL ok new topic: Discuss Thoughts about Rachel Dolezai LOL Everyone, i do not identify with humanity anymore, because of its cruel

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Indeed it is! As a black person you get to enjoy a lower than average life-expectancy, a lower than average median income and an abormally high rate of incarceration for non-violent offenseS. It's fucking great to be a black person.

  • Walking into spiderwebs. It just sucks so much.

  • America is really upsetting me lately, people complaining about gay marriage and all kinds of things. I am shocked by how many people actually think America is a Christian people actually hope for "Judgment Day" to come because we finally gave equality of marriage to people. People actually think that America was formed for Christians...I actually saw this comment on a news article I was reading earlier:

    Hey, I'm all for removing the confederate flag from public property etc.because of it's racist overtures.

    However, just how far is this removal of christian things going to go? Mind you I am not religious at all.

    So, do we:

    1.) Remove "God" from the pledge of allegiance?

    2.) Remove "God" from our money.

    3.) Remove "God" from swearing in ceremonies of our elected officials?

    4.) Remove invocations from government events?

    5.) Remove the bible and "God" from our courts.

    6.) etc................Just wondering.

    As if any of that was actually strong in our country, half of that, if not all, was added later on in the country by Christians. The fact that people actually think that Christians in America are under attack is...just laughable at best. People think we should join ISIS, a terrorist group that wants to kill probably most of America, because of gay marriage...Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with people?

    What happened to the American Values people always talk about? Equality, Justice, Freedom?

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2015

    America has always been a de-facto Christian (more specifically, Prodestant) country.

    That said, the 'war on Christianity' mentally can be traced back to 1980 and the birth of the Christian Right. It's a marketing ploy, used to fire up the passions of voters in the overwhelmingly conservative and Christian Bible Belt and Midwest. It's basically a meaningless, empty buzzword. Don't worry about it.

    As for people who talk about joining ISIS, it's pure hyperbole, wrapped in stupidity with an ignorance glaze. They obviously know nothing about what ISIS does to Christians. When you educate them about the implications, they tend to shut the fuck up pretty quick.

    America is really upsetting me lately, people complaining about gay marriage and all kinds of things. I am shocked by how many people actual

  • I was trying to make this point in the other thread, but everyone was pretty much too stupid to understand what i was talking about. As i said the fight will never be over.

    America is really upsetting me lately, people complaining about gay marriage and all kinds of things. I am shocked by how many people actual

  • My Plan for Isis:

    Everyone gives kickstarter like twenty dollars.

    We take that enormous amount of money and pay mercenaries.

    We have no more isis.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    America has always been a de-facto Christian (more specifically, Prodestant) country. That said, the 'war on Christianity' mentally can b

  • Which part of the fight? I went over three different things.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I was trying to make this point in the other thread, but everyone was pretty much too stupid to understand what i was talking about. As i said the fight will never be over.

  • Hell, I'd spring for $100 if it meant getting rid of those bastards.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    My Plan for Isis: Everyone gives kickstarter like twenty dollars. We take that enormous amount of money and pay mercenaries. We have no more isis.

  • merica is really upsetting me lately, people complaining about gay marriage and all kinds of things. I am shocked by how many people actually think America is a Christian nation..

    Which part of the fight? I went over three different things.

  • Ah, okay. I mean, yes, gay marriage will eventually be legalized but homophobia won't ever go away. After gay marriage is legalized then there will be some new cause, I think it'll be for transgenders.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    merica is really upsetting me lately, people complaining about gay marriage and all kinds of things. I am shocked by how many people actually think America is a Christian nation..

  • Want to hear something i thought was funny. Recently i applied for something called OCI, basically so i can have duel citizenship in India, well. In the application form, under the gender select area, they had the following choices...

    A. Male

    B. Female

    C. Transgender

    I laughed out loud.

    Ah, okay. I mean, yes, gay marriage will eventually be legalized but homophobia won't ever go away. After gay marriage is legalized then there will be some new cause, I think it'll be for transgenders.

  • That is laughable, mostly because if you're transgender then that means you're still one of the two genders, just the opposite of your sex.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Want to hear something i thought was funny. Recently i applied for something called OCI, basically so i can have duel citizenship in India,

  • I thought it was funny because, i never thought india as being "progressive, " when it comes to gay rights.

    That is laughable, mostly because if you're transgender then that means you're still one of the two genders, just the opposite of your sex.

  • I don't really know anything about India so I can't really say.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I thought it was funny because, i never thought india as being "progressive, " when it comes to gay rights.

  • Well they still have Slavery there, well last time i was there, about ten years ago. They don't call it slavery, they call it "Indentured Servitude." They just don't talk about it.

    Basically there are so many people there, not enough jobs, people will work for a place to live.

    I don't really know anything about India so I can't really say.

  • I know this feel plus you think the spider might be on you as well so hard to get off too :'(

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Walking into spiderwebs. It just sucks so much.

  • I wrote a small poem for 'Why We Remember' week.


    The soldiers of World War One,

    They fought on the ground the dead lay on.

    It's quite a feat to have the strength

    To kill men to ridiculous lengths

    And live with the trauma that accompanies it,

    Although crimes they may commit.

    How do they have the courage to pick up a gun

    and slave away 'til the end of the sun?

    I know I couldn't leave my family

    And travel a distance as long as the sea.

    We create monuments which we erect

    And utter the words which we let

    Dwell in our minds - "Lest We Forget".


    I hope you liked it! I put a lot of effort into it and I'm quite new to poetry!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I usually write poems to vent.

  • That's not really slavery... people do that in America too

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Well they still have Slavery there, well last time i was there, about ten years ago. They don't call it slavery, they call it "Indentured

  • Don't let this thread die.

    It's my turn to vent, I guess. And it's not even about me, not exactly. Let me tell you guys a story.

    There was this girl at the age of 16~17 I think. She was from my school. We never talked to each other. Last year, around april~~may, some ''intimate'' photos of hers were leaked on the internet. And of course, EVERYONE was talking about it, especially because I live in a small town, so everyone knows everyone here. 2/3 months later, she killed herself. No one knows exactly what happened, why she did it, or even what she was feeling at the time. Not even her friends. And yet, everyone judged her. People were saying ''She was weak and selfish'', ''I would NEVER do that, I would never be that coward'', ''She killed herself for bullshit, no one cared about her photos''. I mean, no one really knows why she did it, and how she was feeling about the whole thing. I'm the only one who knows what happens in my mind, and the same applies to her. People react differently to some situations.

    Just a silly example of course, but, if a boy is bullied during his entire childhood, and other one is a boy who everyone wants to be friends with, who do you think will have problems to make friends in the future? My point is: people shouldn't be judging her so much when they don't know why she did it. They assume it's because of her photos. Maybe it was, but they souldn't be stating that as a fact. And even if it was because of it, they couldn't know what was happening to her. We don't how it is till it happens to us. And actually, as I said, we will never know how it is cause we react differently to situations. Why it's so fucking easy to judge but so hard for them to put themselves in her shoes?

    Do I agree with suicide? No, I do not. But I don't judge her, I don't know what she was going through. I don't know what was happening in her mind. If she were my friend, I would've tried to help her. I never talked to her, but, for some reason, that's been bothering me lately. I know, it's been a long time since that happened, but it's been a year since she died, so some people were talking about this whole thing.

    This wasn't even about me, but anyway, it annoys me how people who didn't know her were saying bullshit about that (actually it reminds of the Amanda Todd thing, but that's another subject I guess). Even her friends/family didn't know how she was feeling, so how could other people know e judge her for that? Anyway guys, just wanted to vent about that. Tell me your opinion on this matter, if you have any.

  • I don't like Pizza either. It's way too greasy

  • when u wanna haul ass about a forum member but u remember ur next ban is a perm ban


  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited July 2015

    I have a pretty good idea who it might be. You could always make it a subliminal attack and not call the member out by name.

    when u wanna haul ass about a forum member but u remember ur next ban is a perm ban (◕‿◕✿)

  • (◕‿◕✿)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I have a pretty good idea who it might be. You could always make it a subliminal attack and not call the member out by name.

  • Mocking somebody who committed suicide, that's so incredibly classy. Fuckers

    It feels like the Internet is where empathy goes to die.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Don't let this thread die. It's my turn to vent, I guess. And it's not even about me, not exactly. Let me tell you guys a story. There

  • Yay for subliminal disses! It works for 99% of rappers and it can work for you!

    (Waits to be banned for aiding and abetting)

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited July 2015

    It's been 1+ year and they haven't got me yet! :) I knew that moderator repulsion beam would come in handy.

  • Yeah, it annoys me how everyone was making a big deal out of her photos. And even when she died, people still found a reason to insult her.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Mocking somebody who committed suicide, that's so incredibly classy. Fuckers It feels like the Internet is where empathy goes to die.

  • Trans right aren't the same as gay rights. India has several culture's which celebrate trans individuals.

    But yeah, that make no sense as trans people are still male/female. It should be a) male, b) female, c) non-binary.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I thought it was funny because, i never thought india as being "progressive, " when it comes to gay rights.

  • Take Support your Troops stickers off your car, do you know angry i get when i see them. They are the ultimate troll, and you are trolling the wrong people, you don't want to troll someone who is PTSD Crazy. It just won't end well.

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