I dunno, they didn't really care about spoilers when episode 1 of Tales was shown on stream the day before it came out
Though I'm just going to guess this is Minecraft or TWD, since GoT is on it's way out and Tales is in the middle of it's season with an episode that seems to be coming fairly soon.
It's just "the latest" episode though - it could still be released earlier (maybe the previous Tuesday) and then played live later, right?
It would ensure there's no spoilers.
I think that the episode will come out the 18th/25th and they'll just play the most recent episode they released cough Tales EP 4 cough, which would've been out for 1/2 weeks.
If Pax Prime is that far away, I would imagine that he's probably talking about Minecraft and not Tales From the Borderlands, at least that's what I'm hoping.
I would assume Pax Prime would be used to advertise an upcoming Telltale game. Can't see them taking the time and resources to show off either TFTBL or GoT when both games are so near completion, and constantly go on sale for -50%.
It has to be Minecraft, because it wouldn't make any sense to Show the Penultimate Episode to 500 People. The Risk of Major Spoiler is to high. While Spoilers of Minecraft Arent that Bad i think. And it would be good to Show it to Minecraft Fans so they can See what it Really is. They made the Same thing with Tales from the Borderlands for the Borderlands Fans. I just Hope they're Not Delaying Borderlands because of Pax, like they did with Episode 3 After E3.
I wouldn't mind sleek and sterile, but why is everything suddenly bigger (that's what she said), the font's weird, the background image is gone inside threads, I can't log in from Chrome at all, and there's suddenly a captcha. If this is a layout update something has gone seriously wrong with it for me...
Have you tried clearing your history and cache on chrome as the captcha should only be there for people who have under 10 posts, updates have caused a few issues in the past and clearing the history and cache has normally fixed things.
I wouldn't mind sleek and sterile, but why is everything suddenly bigger (that's what she said), the font's weird, the background image is g… moreone inside threads, I can't log in from Chrome at all, and there's suddenly a captcha. If this is a layout update something has gone seriously wrong with it for me...
Have you tried clearing your history and cache on chrome as the captcha should only be there for people who have under 10 posts, updates have caused a few issues in the past and clearing the history and cache has normally fixed things.
Have you tried clearing your history and cache on chrome as the captcha should only be there for people who have under 10 posts, updates have caused a few issues in the past and clearing the history and cache has normally fixed things.
I wouldn't mind sleek and sterile, but why is everything suddenly bigger (that's what she said), the font's weird, the background image is g… moreone inside threads, I can't log in from Chrome at all, and there's suddenly a captcha. If this is a layout update something has gone seriously wrong with it for me...
Anyone else find it weird that the forums changed colours on the same day that youtube changes the video player?
BTW I don't like the new video player on youtube
EDIT: Also, the winky emoticons have started, we have officially moved into the 'Telltale Tease' phase of the wait - which is probably my favourite phase, because it means soon-soon!
August 28th is when Pax Prime starts
Either he's not talking about Tales or episode 4 is coming in September :P
This has got to be ep 4 of Tales, right?
It'd fall on the 29th of August.
It's just "the latest" episode though - it could still be released earlier (maybe the previous Tuesday) and then played live later, right?
It would ensure there's no spoilers.
I'm really hoping it's not Episode 4 related. I don't like early Episode spoilers prior to release.
However, if it's Minecraft than I wouldn't mind since Minecraft isn't an ongoing story yet.
I dunno, they didn't really care about spoilers when episode 1 of Tales was shown on stream the day before it came out
Though I'm just going to guess this is Minecraft or TWD, since GoT is on it's way out and Tales is in the middle of it's season with an episode that seems to be coming fairly soon.
If he is talking about Episode 4 it's possible that it could still release before PAX but they might be planning a large "croud-play" for fun.
Sounds like it could be Minecraft.
I think that the episode will come out the 18th/25th and they'll just play the most recent episode they released cough Tales EP 4 cough, which would've been out for 1/2 weeks.
It could also just be Minecraft :P
If Pax Prime is that far away, I would imagine that he's probably talking about Minecraft and not Tales From the Borderlands, at least that's what I'm hoping.
More likely going to be Minecraft. In fact I guarantee it.
That's the JamesDalton1995 guarantee.
I really hope it's not about Tales... x) For... everyone's sake.
Backed by the Intellectual_Poultry seal of approval.
The Soon Koala's attitude starts to shift toward the end of the month and still no Episode 4 to be found:

I would assume Pax Prime would be used to advertise an upcoming Telltale game. Can't see them taking the time and resources to show off either TFTBL or GoT when both games are so near completion, and constantly go on sale for -50%.
It has to be Minecraft, because it wouldn't make any sense to Show the Penultimate Episode to 500 People. The Risk of Major Spoiler is to high. While Spoilers of Minecraft Arent that Bad i think. And it would be good to Show it to Minecraft Fans so they can See what it Really is. They made the Same thing with Tales from the Borderlands for the Borderlands Fans. I just Hope they're Not Delaying Borderlands because of Pax, like they did with Episode 3 After E3.
August 11 is my 1st guess
A11 new F17 HYYYYYPE?
We don't have any news past classifications yet. I'd say A18 or A25 is morelikely
August 11th is next week...I'm not to sure about that...TEAM A18!
Is it just me or have the forums changed colors?
that is definitely not just you
To lazy to type August i see
nah ur wrong it is that good
I kind of miss the natural, earthy tones - this is very sleek, but sterile.
It's like going from this:
To this:
I wouldn't mind sleek and sterile, but why is everything suddenly bigger (that's what she said), the font's weird, the background image is gone inside threads, I can't log in from Chrome at all, and there's suddenly a captcha. If this is a layout update something has gone seriously wrong with it for me...
Have you tried clearing your history and cache on chrome as the captcha should only be there for people who have under 10 posts, updates have caused a few issues in the past and clearing the history and cache has normally fixed things.
Maybe he meant just a captcha for that post, I get some captchas too from time to time and I clearly have more then 10 posts :P
I'm not at home rn, but I'll try doing that once I'm back at my computer, thanks.
I'm on Chrome, and can log in fine so maybe clear your cache like Ozzy said.
(And yeah, the size differences are weirding me out too, I keep thinking I've zoomed in accidentally!)
My guarantees are always at least 30% correct
Correct 30% of the time, 100% of the time.
Anyone else find it weird that the forums changed colours on the same day that youtube changes the video player?
BTW I don't like the new video player on youtube
Wow, I wasn't on the forums for a while, I come back to a ton of news on my favourite Telltale Game this year and a new forum layout.
It's kinda uncomfortable for me to read comments right now, but I'll get used to it, I always do.
I visited one after the other and thought Chrome had just magically decided to change all my webpages.
Took me a while to realise it was just a coincidence.
So the livestream is Tales...
EDIT: Also, the winky emoticons have started, we have officially moved into the 'Telltale Tease' phase of the wait - which is probably my favourite phase, because it means soon-soon!
Did not expect that at all.