About the whole siren thing sirens are known for their incredibly pale skin tone which never exactly changes hence why handsome jack is more tanned than her.
Looks at her that I'm wrong.... What? You asked me to. I was doing you a favour damn it!
In all seriousness, I've seen many people of other… more races and mixed race that look almost caucasian at a glance, but seem to have a slightly darker hue to their skin. I dunno. Unless Telltale come forward and give us the deets, it'll be impossible to tell her exact racial heritage.
And if spending a lot of time on pandora = being tanned, then how come HJ is way more tanned than Lileth (with Lileth spending a lot of time on pandora and HJ spending a lot of time on Helios and coming briefly to Pandora on missions).
I think telltale don't really have an explanation for how 'tanned' someone might be. Rather it was a stylistic choice made to attribute to the aesthetics of the character and nothing else. In plainer words, they decided to make her tanned cus that was how they designed her in concept.
Regardless, trying to figure out a fictional character's … [view original content]
About the whole siren thing sirens are known for their incredibly pale skin tone which never exactly changes hence why handsome jack is more tanned than her.
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
The importer has the option to select the .skl and multiple .d3dmeshs so it imports the models and automatically rigs it for you.
Some models do not have any .skl, so they are pretty much static.
(Btw, the hardest part in extracting Telltale models is that you'll have to find the right eye texture for them, which is very applicable to GoT since there are similar files with barely any differences)
Oh, and you'll have to texture the model yourself, and Telltale did some things that looks for files through hash code.
Sounds like a fun friday night!
Btw, never extracted a model before, so I wanna know... are they still rigged when you extract them or do they become static?
So, the team composition for tonight's event is looking like THIS so far. Let me know if I missed anyone or if someone else wants to join.
… more Oh, and ignore the "Haven't signed up yet" tab. Those are of the people who were in the last event and if they decide to join again, I won't have to write their name. So yeah, that's just me being lazy.
I was halfway through this art project when I saw that a trailer for episode 5 had been released. I have been avoiding it out of fear that it would be upsetting, as I didn't want it to put me off of finishing my artwork, so I have no idea if this piece of fanart is even still possible, based on what was in the trailer... but I'm going to continue hoping it is.
Well, I have been busy working on some Rhysha fanart. Here's a thumbnail version:
The full-size can be found here on my DeviantArt pag… moree.
I was halfway through this art project when I saw that a trailer for episode 5 had been released. I have been avoiding it out of fear that it would be upsetting, as I didn't want it to put me off of finishing my artwork, so I have no idea if this piece of fanart is even still possible, based on what was in the trailer... but I'm going to continue hoping it is.
For some goddamn reason I completely forgot that there's a trailer out!!!
Damn, now after watching it I feel hyped and happy but sad and depressed at the same time...
I always pegged Gortys as a her, but I guess really Gortys is an it.
Oh come on we need all of our heavy hitters
About the whole siren thing sirens are known for their incredibly pale skin tone which never exactly changes hence why handsome jack is more tanned than her.
And we can see present day sasha in the last one also I finally get to fufill my dream of sending Yvette out of an airlock.
Fair enough.
But I still stand by my other points.
Who would you describe as our 'Heavy Hitters', Leluch?
Its the last weekend where I will be gone on saturday then I can attend the events.
I'll be there. (maybe)
Oh fuck I forgot. Edited now
Duck_Hunt @GrumpyDof and @Intellectual_Poultry all of them have over 1k hours in TF2
The files are like this:
The importer has the option to select the .skl and multiple .d3dmeshs so it imports the models and automatically rigs it for you.
Some models do not have any .skl, so they are pretty much static.
(Btw, the hardest part in extracting Telltale models is that you'll have to find the right eye texture for them, which is very applicable to GoT since there are similar files with barely any differences)
Oh, and you'll have to texture the model yourself, and Telltale did some things that looks for files through hash code.
K thx.
Oh No! They're all on Maybe and not confirmed. :O
Yeah but her race really doesn't matter too much but I'm just glad she doesn't die in the past.
Ugh why do they have to release it when break ends WHYYYYYY.
He/She will reflect the bullet into enemies ...
Badass !
I still don't get that.
Heres a little something I made in gmod
Im most likely gonna miss it and I just hit 1400+ on tf2. I think I will be able to attend next weeks event though.
Wow Tumblr is on fire rhysently
Well, I have been busy working on some Rhysha fanart. Here's a thumbnail version:

The full-size can be found here on my DeviantArt page.
I was halfway through this art project when I saw that a trailer for episode 5 had been released. I have been avoiding it out of fear that it would be upsetting, as I didn't want it to put me off of finishing my artwork, so I have no idea if this piece of fanart is even still possible, based on what was in the trailer... but I'm going to continue hoping it is.
Between each school quarter we get a vacation.
Oh, that's too bad. My 'break' cough Half-term cough has only just started.
Pre-episode artstic hype!
And i don't even mind!
Good news guys. I can make it!
I need an inviteeeeee.
sigh Everyone please give this walnut @Intellectual_Poultry a happy late birhtday wish? (or don't if you dont want to, it ok :T )
Anyways, here's my little gift to him cuz he has been a good sport with all of those cute headcanons.
I wasn't going to post it buuut, he persuaded me with more headcanons. Sorry not sorry!
For some goddamn reason I completely forgot that there's a trailer out!!!
Damn, now after watching it I feel hyped and happy but sad and depressed at the same time...
I wanna Season 2 confirmation RIGHT NOW!
Todays TF2 event....
enter link description here
Did you guys lose?
What do you think?
Well I'm not gonna jump for joy on your thread cuz that's just rubbing it in. But hey, there is always next time
Good game, guys!
I had lots of fun, and I'm hoping you did too!
You lost, then?...
...I totally called it
Nah, just kidding, better luck next time. I'm sure you were outstanding opponents