Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I'm so happy right now, I'm just crying with joy. :D

  • I'm ba-- Too much spoilers for me I guess I'll come back after I'll play E5... Or maybe just stay and being spoiled a lot... I missed ALL of you, I also love everyone <3

  • Literally just made an account to say that I couldn't get the Rhyiona option. Did the "Stay away from my sister option," but had no option for "I like someone else." I believe this is because I gave Sasha the flower, as well as called the vista romantic (STUPID, STUPID, STUPID). There were many other little acts of kindness that may have triggered this. I will start my replay from chapter 3 tomorrow.
    Be careful, guys.

  • I lost it at 'holy Vaughns abs' :'D

    Still so happy, can't believe it ♡

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "o shit i gotta tell bae ily what if she hates me oh no omg help me holy vaughns abs" "o kewl ily 2" "i'm so nervous" "wait" "oooo hell yea bby"

  • There's a certain Fiona SFM image someone made that you made me think of and its rather

    enter image description here

    Gigglebear posted: »

    I'll try

  • Good luck, you're a true Rhyiona, you'd do anything for it :)

    Also this is probably the main reason the % for people who chose it was so low.

  • Also this is probably the main reason the % for people who chose it was so low.

    It's a big damn conspiracy...

    Green613 posted: »

    Good luck, you're a true Rhyiona, you'd do anything for it Also this is probably the main reason the % for people who chose it was so low.

  • True

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Also this is probably the main reason the % for people who chose it was so low. It's a big damn conspiracy...

  • that's the face of flirting ;^)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw you realized you can be cannon

  • I mean, Vaughn's abs are pretty sick, we can all admit that

    buntingsir posted: »

    I lost it at 'holy Vaughns abs' :'D Still so happy, can't believe it ♡

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm ba-- Too much spoilers for me I guess I'll come back after I'll play E5... Or maybe just stay and being spoiled a lot... I missed ALL of you, I also love everyone

  • A true Rhyiona warrior. We salute you. :)

  • I prefer this kind of hugs : enter image description here

  • Duuuh, of course they are. Especially with his glorious lucky beard in addition.

    Damn, this episode was holy...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I mean, Vaughn's abs are pretty sick, we can all admit that

  • We'll be waiting right here


    enter image description here

  • I think all of us secretly identified Vaughn before he took off his mask just by his abs

    buntingsir posted: »

    Duuuh, of course they are. Especially with his glorious lucky beard in addition. Damn, this episode was holy...

  • Actually yes haha. His abs and skinny noodle accountant's legs lol

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I think all of us secretly identified Vaughn before he took off his mask just by his abs

  • I wasn't expecting that sick beard though!

    buntingsir posted: »

    Actually yes haha. His abs and skinny noodle accountant's legs lol

  • I tried to do that once and it made the formatting weird...but I'll give it another shot. I trust you know what you're talkin' about!

    And thanks! There will be more to come once I get it all adapted to the ending and polished up. SHE DOES WANT TO. AND SHE WILL. >:D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I noticed you put a bunch of "...." for separation. You can use - - - (with no spaces) under the line to separate it. Anyway, nice fanfic! Seems like she didn't accept his offer though! Come on Fiona, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! ;D

  • edited October 2015

    Well, he finally relieved all that sexual tension, so he's willing to take some chances...

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    holy crap, Rhys is bold.

  • Right? And that fancy ponytail too!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I wasn't expecting that sick beard though!

  • I'm not angry about it just surprised to see such a low picked option and to be fair first week stats are usually bullshit.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Look dude, the choice was difficult to get. Also I don't see why you are bothered so much about it, or find it necessary to come on here and

  • edited October 2015

    Guys how does one get the choice where Rhys says "I like someone else"

    I replayed that whole last bit and still haven't gotten that statement.... I think I fucked up within the earlier eps to not receive it enter image description here

  • http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/random-ness/images/8/8c/Hysterical-laugh.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130820204929

    OMG. This comment. This comment is perfect.

    There's a certain Fiona SFM image someone made that you made me think of and its rather

  • You have all our support and respect!

  • edited October 2015

    Replay it and avoid all Sasha moments! (be rude, don't say anything... You know) That's what we did ~

    [Stay away from my sister]

    [I like someone else...]

  • GMorning darlings! 7am Daryace speaking!

    You don't know how beautiful is wake up early and see all your comments. They make my day! Thanks you for exist <3333

    By the way, I was thinking about how you'll pronounce my nickname, because I have that "ace". The phonetic will be something like "Darllase". Daryace becomes from a Persa word what means lake. That Lake is make with my tears (from being sad and happy (actually VERY HAPPY FOR OUR SHIP) and all my fangirl feelings.

  • The short form, "Dary", stills being Dari <3

    Daryace posted: »

    GMorning darlings! 7am Daryace speaking! You don't know how beautiful is wake up early and see all your comments. They make my day!

  • Dairy ace

    enter image description here

    Daryace posted: »

    The short form, "Dary", stills being Dari

  • edited October 2015

    Just made my account (still setting up my gravatar) just to join in on this thread as I'm feeling a bit of a Phantom Pain now that the season is over with. Guess I'll be residing here and chilling with you guys for the numerous months until we get a Season 2.

    How about that Episode 5, eh? I thought it was amazing, I cried when it was over because I realized we won't get to see these characters again for about 2 years.

    Edit: Got my gravatar set up :D

  • Yello! Nice to meet you, I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't worry, some Rhyiona a day takes the Phantom Pain away :D

    Episode 5 for me was both perfect with a really positive ending and heartbreaking because it was the end. I think I'm going to be suffering some kind of delayed grief today, before now I've just been so happy :)

    Just made my account (still setting up my gravatar) just to join in on this thread as I'm feeling a bit of a Phantom Pain now that the seaso

  • Hey! Nice to meet you too JumpyJoey. I hope I'll enjoy it too. I'm sure a prescription of Rhyiona a day will take the pain away.

    We're all going through the five stages of grief here I'm guessing.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Yello! Nice to meet you, I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't worry, some Rhyiona a day takes the Phantom Pain away Episode 5 for me was bo

  • Hey guys, glad to see the atmosphere in here is so much happier than after past episodes... enter image description here

    I was surprised at first to see the percentage for the Rhyiona moment was so damn low, but then I had to remember: Canonically, Rhysha fell straight into our laps while Rhyiona played Where's Waldo in the shadows. Rhysha was one of the main cast characters featured in the game booklet while Rhyiona was the bonus character you can unlock if you reach level 1000, find two coconut shells, a bong, and five diamond cat paws and bring them to an NPC in an obscure village somewhere. A lot of people who managed to get the Rhyiona moment only did so because they were looking for it, while the game makes it really, REALLY easy to fall into Rhysha.

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the Rhyiona we got, but don't dwell over the percentages. I'm willing to bet that if Rhyiona had been made as equally obvious a choice as Rhysha, the split would be way more even. You can't choose an option if you don't even know it's there ;)

  • Once I heard how to get the Rhyiona dialogue choice I immediately replayed just to get it. It really is like a game of Where's Waldo with Waldo being a sneaky bugger by wearing civilian clothing.

    Snoogle posted: »

    Hey guys, glad to see the atmosphere in here is so much happier than after past episodes... I was surprised at first to see the percenta

  • I must say, Ms DeWinters, your new avatar is stunning ;) Looking forward to seeing more of you.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure most of us are either in denial or acceptance...

    Hey! Nice to meet you too JumpyJoey. I hope I'll enjoy it too. I'm sure a prescription of Rhyiona a day will take the pain away. We're all going through the five stages of grief here I'm guessing.

  • Thanks you all who always gave a "good night, dream with Rhyiona".

    I dreamed with them.

    It was the most pretty dream that I ever had in a long time.

    enter image description here

  • Awwwww, Thank you for complimenting my avatar! Looking forward to seeing more of you too!

    We'll go through the five stages together, as a family!


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I must say, Ms DeWinters, your new avatar is stunning Looking forward to seeing more of you. Yeah, I'm pretty sure most of us are either in denial or acceptance...

  • Hello! pls don't beat me. I enjoy it here, I swear!

    Same, I was really happy with the ending, but then I got super sad after I realized we're going to be waiting forever for the next season. I'm super hopeful we get a second season too.

  • edited October 2015

    Hi welcome! :3 it's nice to have you here!

    sees your avatar

    Oh wow you managed to find that drawing somewhere! ;D gives me nostalgia :)

    Just made my account (still setting up my gravatar) just to join in on this thread as I'm feeling a bit of a Phantom Pain now that the seaso

  • Thanks for the welcome!

    Yeah! I found the avatar by typing in Rhys and Fiona, it showed up and I fell in love with it instantly. I even changed it to my Skype picture. Glad to see I gave someone some nostalgia!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Hi welcome! it's nice to have you here! sees your avatar Oh wow you managed to find that drawing somewhere! ;D gives me nostalgia

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