Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • This is really awesome, I love it! ^_^

  • Amazing! I wish I could draw like this.

  • This drawing is impressive and beautiful at the same time

  • Max new personality I like it.

  • "Why are you smiling at our daughter's casket Max, what's wrong with you!?"

  • Why a police officer who is supposed to upheld a law especially in public would do that?

    Don't tell me... racism, right?

    Sigh. I hope he enjoys his career getting ruined.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The real David Madsen? enter link description here

  • What made no sense in Nightmare scene is nightmare Kate's argument to Max if you managed to save her.

    It's almost as if her nightmare is supernatural.

  • Doh!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    You jinxed it, now Dontnod will close down before the year ends. ;P

  • No, thats someone who isn't going to back down from talking negatively about a game they have played would say. Your attempts at insults are weak btw.

    That's what a loser would say.

  • No. This isn't X-men.

    It would be freaking awesome if it was.

    No. This isn't X-men. That would just turn it into a completely different story. Especially if Chloe ends up the unintentional antagonist, b

  • Okay, what the hell?! What he had done to that teenager was pure bullshit. In fact, it's fucked up shit like that the "cops" do that makes me have very little trust in any and all police departments nowadays.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The real David Madsen? enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    Road trip after the storm.

    enter image description here


    enter image description here

  • Shouldn't there be tornado's everywhere? If max keeps changing time?

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Road trip after the storm. THE REAL HAPPY ENDING!

  • edited October 2015

    Gotta love how everyone judges without knowing what occurred before hand. For all we know she did something really bad. The other students sure as hell weren't jumping to defend her.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The real David Madsen? enter link description here

  • the tornado is the equaliser, the deaths of everyone in the bay even out keeping Chloe alive thus correcting the universe, so no more tornados.

    Shouldn't there be tornado's everywhere? If max keeps changing time?

  • ..that's a guess, though. We don't actually know that's true.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    the tornado is the equaliser, the deaths of everyone in the bay even out keeping Chloe alive thus correcting the universe, so no more tornados.

  • My teacher showed us this.

    Basically what happened was this girl was told to leave the class by the teacher because of her cell phone or something and she said no, so then they got the vice principal, or principal etc to get her to go but she wouldn't listen so they ended up calling the police and she still didn't budge so the cop goes off on her. I don't think what he did was right, but it could have been avoided if the girl was co-operative.

    ClemRanger posted: »

    The real David Madsen? enter link description here

  • edited October 2015

    We don't know what isn't and is true after ep 5, but Its the most logical explanation I think.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ..that's a guess, though. We don't actually know that's true.

  • Hey guys, i just bought the game an- AAAAAAHHHHH SPOILERS!

  • Then again to healthy competition to work, jobs should be lost.

    Otherwise some kind of coalition whatever starts forming up between the companies.

    I just mean, company that exist purely to have people to keep their jobs sounds fishy. ;)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    After Remember Me bombed, they seemed to be in pretty bad shape. I think they even filed for bankrupcy? Good thing they're doing fine now, after LIS. Would be a shame if all those people lost their jobs.

  • If you haven't heard it yet, here is a link to the full audio that contains the parts that were cut out between max and Chloe. Max and Chloe Why DONTNOD, just why!

  • I think it's pretty obvious disasters will continue until Chloe is dead, maybe not even then unless she died as she oringinally did.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    We don't know what isn't and is true after ep 5, but Its the most logical explanation I think.

  • Jesus, that should never have been cut from the game. I know, Max's action speaks louder than words, but I would have loved to hear her say it. :(

    mmoblitz posted: »

    If you haven't heard it yet, here is a link to the full audio that contains the parts that were cut out between max and Chloe. Max and Chloe Why DONTNOD, just why!

  • Here's another one, that was cut from the sacrifice Chloe ending:

    Max: "Chloe... au revoir" ;__;

    Jesus, that should never have been cut from the game. I know, Max's action speaks louder than words, but I would have loved to hear her say it.

  • Well, I mean, saving Chloe didn't just cause the storm, it caused the eclipse, the moons, the dying animals there's no real reason to think that the storm is the final thing is that vein tbh.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    We don't know what isn't and is true after ep 5, but Its the most logical explanation I think.

  • edited October 2015

    Sure, apparently she refused to cope with the cop, and of course she was wrong, but the cop should know how to deal with this kind of situation without using excessive violence.

    Gotta love how everyone judges without knowing what occurred before hand. For all we know she did something really bad. The other students sure as hell weren't jumping to defend her.

  • This year's golden joystick awards was... stupid... ( yay for Ashely Burch btw). If a broken game can win second place for game of the year (batman) then why are people trying so hard? this is STUPID!

  • edited October 2015

    then why give you the choice to save Chloe one final time if they just plan to keep killing her and killing her, it would take the whole meaning out of sacrificing everyone for her leaving those who chose that ending even more pissed.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, I mean, saving Chloe didn't just cause the storm, it caused the eclipse, the moons, the dying animals there's no real reason to think that the storm is the final thing is that vein tbh.

  • witcher 3 basically won everything.

    renard999 posted: »

    This year's golden joystick awards was... stupid... ( yay for Ashely Burch btw). If a broken game can win second place for game of the year (batman) then why are people trying so hard? this is STUPID!

  • "Max why are all these strangers at my funeral?"

    Not a knock against the pic by the way the pic is amazing. It's a knock against the game ending.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    "Why are you smiling at our daughter's casket Max, what's wrong with you!?"

  • I'm just saying 100 students at the school protested for the police officer. Not against him

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Sure, apparently she refused to cope with the cop, and of course she was wrong, but the cop should know how to deal with this kind of situation without using excessive violence.

  • LIS was nominated 5 times and it won nothing, apart from the Ashly Burch one.

    The game deserved 1st place for Best Storytelling, and Best Gaming Moment.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    witcher 3 basically won everything.

  • edited October 2015

    The game wont ever show what happens, but to be honest the game makes it clear that max caused chaos by changing time, continuing to change time will cause more chaos.

    Max in the sacrifice the town ending turns into one of the most selfish, stupid characters of all time and shows she really learned absolutely nothing. Its not out of character in my opinion though as it takes the character being told several times that she caused everything for her to get it and even then it takes chloe of all people to tell her what they have to do to fix it.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    then why give you the choice to save Chloe one final time if they just plan to keep killing her and killing her, it would take the whole meaning out of sacrificing everyone for her leaving those who chose that ending even more pissed.

  • I disagree, the story was decent but its not anything thats not been done before. Plus the game was good not great, it had a lot of dialogue and pacing issues, particularly at the start and end.

    Also what moment was the best gaming moment for you?

    renard999 posted: »

    LIS was nominated 5 times and it won nothing, apart from the Ashly Burch one. The game deserved 1st place for Best Storytelling, and Best Gaming Moment.

  • Was there an award for Music at all? If so, why the HELL didin't Life is Strange win it?

  • If a broken game can win second place for game of the year (batman) then why are people trying so hard?

    Arkham Knight was broken on PC. On PS4 and Xbox One, the game ran fine, which are the versions most critics played the game on.

    The game deserved 1st place for Best Storytelling, and Best Gaming Moment.

    Yeah...I'm just going to say I disagree and leave it there.

    renard999 posted: »

    LIS was nominated 5 times and it won nothing, apart from the Ashly Burch one. The game deserved 1st place for Best Storytelling, and Best Gaming Moment.

  • Well, isn't that the point? A decision between letting go and accepting that she should have died, rather than continuing to try to keep her alive?

    Legendary12 posted: »

    then why give you the choice to save Chloe one final time if they just plan to keep killing her and killing her, it would take the whole meaning out of sacrificing everyone for her leaving those who chose that ending even more pissed.

  • edited October 2015

    as you said before, everything is a guess, I still stand by my opinion though on the assumption that after saving chloe she wont use her powers anymore.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, isn't that the point? A decision between letting go and accepting that she should have died, rather than continuing to try to keep her alive?


    MichaelBP posted: »

    I can't really answer that. Since the game's co-director, Michel Koch, commented on how this was a "fresh start" for Max and Chloe, and how

  • edited October 2015

    For those who have chosen to save Chloe in the end and have no regrets, "they will recover from this tragedy together"

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