I hope this won't backfire, but killing him is too risky. If she kills one, Joseph will kill one in return and I hope Konrad will turn against Joseph now that he just left him to die.
Chapter 4
With Howard out of the picture, there was still much more to deal. Finding the Angels and dealing with the nefarious Joseph San… moreds, along with the remained of his goons. The path to the catacombs below the building mysteriously opened up from a door behind a computer terminal. Which was strange since there weren’t any doors in that room besides the main door leading in and out of it. Someone, most likely with an ability somehow manipulated reality to create a pathway for Noah.
He knew this would likely be a trap so he followed the pathway down into the darkness ready to face what waited in the darkness below. Once he step onto the crumpled grounded, he heard commotion up ahead. He reloaded his weapon and attacked treaded carefully down the halls of this strange place. When he came to a circular room, the doorway behind him vanishes. Like the same way the door in the computer room mysteriously appeared out of nothingness.
“T… [view original content]
Chapter 4
With Howard out of the picture, there was still much more to deal. Finding the Angels and dealing with the nefarious Joseph San… moreds, along with the remained of his goons. The path to the catacombs below the building mysteriously opened up from a door behind a computer terminal. Which was strange since there weren’t any doors in that room besides the main door leading in and out of it. Someone, most likely with an ability somehow manipulated reality to create a pathway for Noah.
He knew this would likely be a trap so he followed the pathway down into the darkness ready to face what waited in the darkness below. Once he step onto the crumpled grounded, he heard commotion up ahead. He reloaded his weapon and attacked treaded carefully down the halls of this strange place. When he came to a circular room, the doorway behind him vanishes. Like the same way the door in the computer room mysteriously appeared out of nothingness.
“T… [view original content]
Zuzanna spares Konrad, he is angry at Joseph for just letting his own men be killed without showing any remorse. Konrad sense of justice takes over and he views Josephs as the evil being that he truly is. Siding with the Angel's is the only good thing left to do now, and dealing with Josephs last general, Luthor.
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camilla and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
“You don’t have to do this, we can fight. Together, we those ghouls won’t stand a chance. Please Camilla don’t do this!.” Zuzanna pleaded, but Camilla mind was already made up as he stood up in front of her friends and everyone.
“It’s fine, Zuzanna, Elizabeth. It’s fine. Don’t worry about me…. Just… Just make out of here, alive for me okay. I'll hold off as many as I can. I believe you, all of you.” Camilla as she begins to use her acid secretion ability, and this time she was able to summon out larges amounts to corrode large amounts of zombies in her wake.
Elizabeth and the others were able to escape in maintenance pipes leading out of the catacombs into the sewers. Zuzanna is urged to go back for her friend but it was already too late. Having to used her ability at an unstable level, Camilla died in the process but in her sacrifice she managed to allow the others to escape freely and put a dent into Joseph's plan.
Speaking of, the man himself was quite infuriated with the events that just unfolded, but he doesn’t completely loses his cool yet. He is prepared to move forwarded but before he does, he must tie up loose ends. He calls over his last remaining enforcer Luthor Zeeth who is quite suspicious of his boss after what he observed earlier. Joseph asked a favor of him..
“Mr. Zeeth, As my last enforcer I require something of you..” Joseph asked.
“May I asked what sir…?” Luthor hesitant preparing to use his ability at any moment to defend himself.
Then Joseph turned around will evil grin on his dead face and said in wicked tone “Your certain loyalty!” then proceed to zombify him. Luthor tried to use his ability to get away, but Joseph’s zombies held down all his hims preventing him from doing anything further. After several grueling seconds, Luthor was no part of Joseph's ever growing army. Now setting his sight on a few obvious targets.
“Luthor, now that I am certain I have your full loyalty now I will give you a important task.. Find Konrad, kill him and bring his corpse back here to me. Once that done, we work on the rest of the insects that have recently fled my clutches..”
Luthor then leaves to find Konrad and fulfil his master's wishes. His target wasn't far, he was somewhere inside the building having to made his way up the same pathway Noah infiltrated in. Unfortunate for him that was a bad idea, as Luthor was closing in on him quickly.
Konrad tried to prowl open a door that lead into the building's main lobby, and with no luck it wouldn’t budge. He tried using his claws but had no luck with that either. Moments later, Luthor was standing right behind him, ready to fulfill his objective.
“Stay back! Stay the fuck back!” Konrad bellowed.
Luthor extended his hand and attack Konrad who fought back by using his ability, he seemed to be winning this quarrel but Luthor made that way to keep him off guard before deliver the finishing blow.
“DAMN IT ALL!!” Konrad's last words as he was drag down the cold halls leaving a trail of warm blood. He then returned to his master.
In the sewers, Noah, The Angels, Clyde, Stanford, Dwayne and Damian all made out alive with thanks to Camilla's sacrifice. Having to experience something so traumatic. Most of the gang decided to part ways to return to what was left of their lies. That came to mind.
Damien was shocked after being brought to and dragged around in those catacombs. He wanted get far away as possible, but something Elizabeth said change his mind and the minds of the others.
*“You can go, run all you want. That doesn’t excuse the fact that that monster, Joseph won’t still come after you. We’re still on his radar, we are still a big target for his plan. You can go back to your lives, I don’t care. But my friend, who had just gave her life so that we could live another day… I’ll honor her, by finishing this. So again you can go, run and hide because trust me you will need to. I will however prepare for whatever this bastard is planning. And hit him right in the blind spot.. Let’s go Zuzanna.” *
Zuzanna who was still in morn, eagerly went along with her. Noah would’ve have stopped them, but in reality he was feeling the same way that Elizabeth felt. He would undoubtedly joined her, but there was something else that must been done. He must return to the company and warn them of what is to come. Leaving some information he gather before he killed Howard. A location of where Joseph would likely meet up with someone named, Dr. Mufasan….
This is the end of Episode 2 which, only one left Hope you all enjoyed so far.
Jesus...diud just 3 character died at once? This escalted quickly. Now I have to ask...if Zuzanna killed Konrad, would joseph be able to bring him back? Or not because he would become a heap of ashes?
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camill… morea and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
… [view original content]
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camill… morea and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
… [view original content]
Oh no, Camilla ;_; Damn it, she deserved better... Fucking Clyde should have stayed back instead of her, that asshole brought them into this situation in the first place. Zuzanna should just burn that damn jerk to ashes already, because even a pile of ashes would be more useful than him. A pile of ashes at least can't cause anyones death out of selfish stupidity. I'm also somewhat sad for Konrad, he could have been a valuable ally. Luthor on the other hand got what he deserved and I hope in time, they will manage to bring Joseph down as well. Though, I hope Joseph won't be able to resurrect Camilla as a zombie, that would be horrifying. I also see Dr. Mufasan got mentioned again and that made me wonder... is this story set before the events of your first story? If it is set after Captives, I bet Joseph and the Angels will be in for a surprise when they go and look for him. I definitely know someone who would gladly metalbend the shit out of that creepy zombie guy
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camill… morea and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
… [view original content]
Come to think of it, I don't think Joseph could had brought him back if he were reduced to ashes. His power seems to work only while a body still exist I think.
Jesus...diud just 3 character died at once? This escalted quickly. Now I have to ask...if Zuzanna killed Konrad, would joseph be able to bring him back? Or not because he would become a heap of ashes?
I decided to have it set before, the old Doctor should make an appearance near the end of the story as well. I also haven't thought about bring characters from that story over too,but things could change
Oh no, Camilla ;_; Damn it, she deserved better... Fucking Clyde should have stayed back instead of her, that asshole brought them into this… more situation in the first place. Zuzanna should just burn that damn jerk to ashes already, because even a pile of ashes would be more useful than him. A pile of ashes at least can't cause anyones death out of selfish stupidity. I'm also somewhat sad for Konrad, he could have been a valuable ally. Luthor on the other hand got what he deserved and I hope in time, they will manage to bring Joseph down as well. Though, I hope Joseph won't be able to resurrect Camilla as a zombie, that would be horrifying. I also see Dr. Mufasan got mentioned again and that made me wonder... is this story set before the events of your first story? If it is set after Captives, I bet Joseph and the Angels will be in for a surprise when they go and look for him. I definitely know someone who would gladly metalbend the shit out of that creepy zombie guy
Camilla.... But... But... No... It can't... No... So much.... So soon.... But... No...
I just can't handle this.... I'm going to go lock myself in my room with a tub of ice cream for about a week, whilst I cry myself to sleep every night.
Anyways, dude that was a great part. It's a great story and I love it a lot, even if you killed my character. But, I still love it.
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camill… morea and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
… [view original content]
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camill… morea and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
… [view original content]
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded at Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone soldier is seen stepping over the corpses leaving the trio in wonder and high suspiciousion, a warning shot was fired at the soldier's foot.
“Next one is going in your skull.” Dwayne said.
The soldier stopped, then signal the others who were well hidden to snipe Damien with a tranquilizer. As he falls, the other two realized they are cornered and drops their weapons but Dwayne wasn’t giving up so easily.
He tells Stan that he will distract them allowing for him to escape. He uses his ability to make him invaluable from incoming projectiles, even the piercing tranquilizer rounds. Stan escapes running past the barn but one of the soldiers catches eye and managers to hit him right in the neck. He collapse then as the soldier prepares to retrieve him, a strange man appears and teleports him to a shipyard.
Dwayne looks around and see’s that Stan is long gone, as he turns around a soldier walks up by surprise and sticks a syringe into his which knocks him out cold. He then begins to speak through his head to presumably his boss, Joseph alerting him of his success.
“Mr. Sands, 2 out of the 3 of the targets have been apprehended. One got away unfortunately. Another superhuman aid his escape.” The soldier said.
Then from the other line-
“Hmm no matter. We’ll eventual come across him and the remainder soon enough. Don’t bother bring them back to my base. Take them to the Island, there's been a change of plans.. I need to keep Mufasan of my trail for now.”
The soldier then prepare for transport for Damien and Dwayne.
As of now…
Stan is greeted by a man who cause himself Petrelli. He explains to Stan why he decided to save him from those soldiers. He needs his help to break into the ship behind and assist him in assassinating a target on board. Stan refused of course but again this Petrelli person insisted and threaten to drop him off right on the doorstep of the people he just saved Stan from earlier.
He wasn’t left with much, as he did owe Petrelli for saving him. Things got even more interesting after what he mentioned next. Apparently this big ship was being used as transportation to an undisclosed location where rumor has; people with abilities are being brought there.
Stan ask if there was any chance of his friends being brought to this ship. Petrelli believed without a doubt they were. This made it much easier for Stan to go through with this Petrelli person, though he still didn’t trust him. Regardless this was a chance for him to save his friends. He took the chance following his rescuer into god knows what. They are then teleported closer to the ship looking for a way to breach.
Elsewhere, Zuzana and Elizabeth have learned of a possible location to Joseph's new location. They are accompanied by Clyde who have again made up for his past wrongs. With good intentions this he dedicated his life to working with the Angels and stopping Joseph. During the time in the catacombs he learned from his mistake in allowing his emotions cloud his judgement and allowing Joseph to get into his head.
His actions, seemingly be the reason behinds Camilla’s and many others death and Noah being hurt badly during the escape. He promises, he vows to right his wrongs and kill Joseph, for... Zuzana. He fallen in love with her ever since they first met in that warehouse. Elizabeth even said directly that she will odd him if he tries anything, swearing on Camilla. He peacefully acknowledges and continues to watch the road.
A Black van can bee seen down the road from where the three are on a stake out. A soon as it passes, by Elizabeth's uses her ability to lift it up from the road and empties the soldiers inside. Afterwards she places it behind a boulder and brings the soldiers to the side.
“Okay, who wants to interrogate first?” Elizabeth asked.
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
I still neither trust nor like Clyde in the slightest. They really should just ditch him instead of giving him yet another undeserved chance. But even aside from the fact that I hate that slimy bastard, he is not suited for this interrogation. Zuzanna on the other hand just needs to burn them in the right places and they will tell her everything.
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
Jesus. Its already decided but i still vote for Clyde. Give the man a chance. [Let Clyde Interrogate] I still think hes actually a nice guy, who just made a terrible mistake.
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded … moreat Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone so… [view original content]
(?) Zuzana interrogates, she isn't as ruthless as expected. Gaining vital information out of the soldiers about Joseph's location and leave for a certain shipyard.
This sounds like a very useful ability. Perhaps we should give Clyde one last chance to prove himself even if his attitude annoys me a little bit. With this ability I think he can help the angels out a lot if we give him the chance.
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s location. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especially since he’s responsible for everything that is happening. She must burn him for his crimes. Clyde acknowledges her wishes, keeping his hands to himself.
They finally arrive at the shipyard, it wasn’t heavily guarded. They expected more, thinking that the soldier sent them on a wild goose chase. That is until Luthor appeared before, a more ghoulish form of his former self. From his chest, a demonic version of Konrad emerged.
From then on, it was pretty clear that they were on the right track. Elizabeth, Zuzana and Clyde recognized Joseph’s men even from their sudden changes. They were obviously sent by their master to prevent anyone that being the Angels, from entering with the orders to either kill or bring in alive if possible. As Joseph would make use of their bodies.
Elizabeth told the Zuzana and Clyde to go along while she’ll take care for the stumbling blocks. As they did so making their way through the dock to board the ship, Konrad appears leaps ahead blocking their entrance, he takes a look directly at Zuzana.
“Joseph and the doctor will see you now…” Konrad said in a dark tone, stepping aside allowing Zuzanna to pass and permitting Clyde to not.
“Not you boy. You, surrender now or die.” Konrad as he swipes at Clyde.
While Elizabeth deals with Luthor and Clyde with Konrad, Zuzana continues her journey aboard the ship. She observes the halls highlighted in a greenish light above well aware to ignite her flames to anything that come her way.
As she navigates down the empty halls, the sound of a ticking clock could be heard. It’s annoying, becoming louder and louder until she finally arrive at a door where chatter can be heard from the other side. She puts her head against it attempting to figure out the words.
Soldiers then swarm around, aiming the weapons directly on her. Even if she tried to use her ability, should would already be hit with a bullet or two. These soldiers seem to have heightened senses.
The door behind Zuzana finally opens and from it emerges a man. In his late fifties with a name tag on his coat reading ‘Dr. Mufasan’ accompanied by Joseph. Delighted to finally meet the young woman Josep have been talking to him about, he insist that she joins them in lab behind them.
Without any choices, Zuzana she did so, with intention to burn them both when the time came.
Somewhere onboard the ship..
Stan and the man who calls himself Petrelli finds a room after knocking out the guards; where documents and all kinds of files relating to Superhumans displayed. Petrelli begins to look through some of the files and documents while asking Stan to keep watch.
He stumbled across some striking news about a chemical called ‘Sedate’ being developed on this very ship. The even more striking new he find is a purge, some kind of siege of all Superhumans being hunted and brought to an island. This shocking discovery causes back away from the desk and noticed the what's going on in a lab. Petrelli see’s Dr. Mufasan and Joseph and Zuzana talking. He then tells Stan that he located his target and grabs a handgun from one of the security guards teleports both him and Stan to the door outside where his target was located.
As he prepares to open the door, Stan gets a strange feeling. The man who caused him so much trouble, destroyed the lives of so many people is right behind this door.
“Wait, I got a bad feeling about this. They could know we’re coming or something..” Stan said.
His words wasn’t getting to Petrelli as he began to open the door, hell bent on killing the doctor and ignoring the inevitable danger behind it.
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s l… moreocation. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especi… [view original content]
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s l… moreocation. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especi… [view original content]
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s l… moreocation. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especi… [view original content]
[Stop Petrelli.] We know, there is no way Mufasan is going to die here, so I think this might be a trap. But even if it isn't a trap, Petrelli acts too rash in my opinion. They should think of a plan first instead of walking into a potential trap.
Also, Elizabeth fights side by side with that treacherous snake Clyde now? Damn, that is not good and I wouldn't be too surprised if this 2 vs 2 fight turns into a 3 vs 1 fight, if he decides to ally himself with Joseph again. I can't understand why Zuzanna just forgives him that easily. After all, he got one of her friends killed and was perfectly willing to sacrifice the rest of them as well to save his own skin. Admittedly, he also wanted to save Zuzanna, but it doesn't make him any less of a selfish asshole, as he still wanted to sacrifice pretty much everyone else. He better starts to prove his worth soon, if he even has any.
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s l… moreocation. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especi… [view original content]
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s l… moreocation. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especi… [view original content]
Petrelli is stopped from opening the door. He is blinded by anger, as the adversary he hunted for so long time is just on the other side. There is a struggle between Stan and Petrelli as Stan reconsiders his original goal. Even if he is immortal, he'll wake up in another place and still be a target. Or even get caught here.
Either way, their argument and as the glass door slides open; Dr. Mufasan emerges, delighted to see Petrelli..
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgruntled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It would killed him if it didn’t get stopped in midair.
The doctor then grabbed the bullet in his clutches and threw into Stan before he could reach Zuzanna. injuring him greatly.
He then took Petrelli’s gun and laughed at the his effort to use his ability to escape and informed him that he and the or superhumans in her were inhaling a chemical that preventing them from using their abilities.
Distracted this allowed Joseph to inject Perelli with a syringe rendering him unable to move and followed by immediate sleep. The doctor then turned his attention to Stan, who was injured by Mufasan after he had the bullet thrown at him.
Stan tries to get away but Joseph blocks any way of escaping and is now at the mercy of the wicked doctor.
“Stanford ‘Stan’ Brody, also a doctor. With a fascinating ability. You saved me quite the time coming here along with, the young lady over there. The other other as well out there tangling with Joseph’s minions.” The doctor said.
Stan had no idea that Clyde and Elizabeth were here as well. He wanted to leave a message for them to let them know that Zuzanna is still alive but before he could do that he is also met with a syringe to the neck. He becomes dizzy and tries to fight back, but it’s no use as the drugs starts to kick in. Slowly falling back against the wall listening to the echoing words of the doctor:
“Fear not young man, don’t fight it. You and many others will part of something big, something absolutely astonishing! Once we gather up the remainder of your friends we will set a course to my facility where I will prep for the operation. You will be given a quarters and fed according of course… It’ll be like vacation…”
The doctor then orders Joseph to gather the remaining two while he loads Petrelli, Stan and Zuzanna into the holding facility. The three are brought to the upper levels of the ship that was heavily guarded by Mufasan’s top officials. The area was also laced with the chemical that prevented superhumans from using their powers. Once Joseph finished, he then set his sight on Clyde and Elizabeth.
On the docks
The zombified Konrad and Luthor were heavily bodying Elizabeth and Clyde. Their abilities were greatly enhanced upon being resurrected by Joseph. Even with her powerful telekinesis, she is manhandled by Konrad’s sheer force even with the help of Clyde at her side.
After a long fight, something comes to mind. As Konrad is doing all the fighting, Luthor seems to be sitting back and keeping his distance. The theory of him controlling the feral Konrad is brought up by Elizabeth and the take it as their only shot at defeating these two.
They attack Luthor together, but their attacks are blocked when Konrad jumps in the way and takes all the hits Luthor would’ve taken and brushes off his injuries like dust. Luthor then vanishes to another point, seemingly unreachable and continues to watch the fight unfold.
Clyde tries to distract Konrad long enough to allow Elizabeth to move go for the Luthor and notices a dripping container of oil right below where he is stationed above. If ignited, Luthor could be taken out easily instead of being chased around constantly.
She uses the nearby cables that have been destroyed during the battle and uses their sparks to ignited to oil. After a few seconds fires sets off an explosion that blows up the platform along with Luthor on it. Elizabeth is burned in the inferno because escapes with her life.
As Konrad prepares to kill Clyde, the withered zombified superhuman stops and then turns to bones. A well fought battle finally ends only to lead to another as Joseph steps onto the dock sarcastically congratulating that last two standing.
Clyde then throws a red energy wave directly into Joseph's face; the zombie ducks as if someone threw a simple people at him. He then taunts the Clyde about his selfish needs for lust over power.
“Oh Clyde. You had a chance to become something, yet you sacrificed that chance for ‘love’. Too bad she won’t be around long enough for you to express your feelings for her… Oh- Wait! Didn’t you already do that!” Joseph constantly taunting Clyde.
Elizabeth tries to keep Clyde focused and ignore the trash that was coming from his mouth. He was filled with rage, anger, hatred all directed at Joseph. Clyde asked Elizabeth to let him fight him alone, he had a score to settle.
She felt that it wasn't a good idea to do this alone, but he reminded her that Zuzanna was in danger. She mattered more, and Elizabeth acknowledge and began to walk past him and Joseph.
As she passed Joseph, he muttered something to her.
“Too bad she’ll be dead by time you reach her…”
Elizabeth paused for moment, briefly thinking about what Joseph had just said.
Finding and saving Zuzanna is just more important than punching Joseph. Clyde can deal with him on his own, I don't care for him. If he succeeds in defeating Joseph, good, then I guess he can be useful for something after all. If he fails to defeat Joseph, he will get exactly what he deserved and won't be missed. Ellie has to focus on saving her friend and if she wastes time supporting this fucker Clyde against Joseph, then she might loose her chance of saving Zuzanna.
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgru… morentled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgru… morentled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgru… morentled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgru… morentled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It wou… [view original content]
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgru… morentled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It wou… [view original content]
Elizabeth seeks out her friend, only to find herself in a holding facility within the ship. It far to big to explore on her own, so if she's going to find Zuzanna she's going to need all the help she a little help.
Clyde stood face to face with Joseph on the burning docks as the smoke from the burning debri darkened the sky. Embers sprinkled onto the pavement along with the ashes dropping like snowflakes, the perfect setting for an final confrontation. Before the climactic fight would begin, Joseph would have a for words with his former partner.
“Had so much going for you Clyde, why did you throw it away. For that girl?” Joseph said.
“I read the file the company had on you Joseph. You knew my father, you killed him and turned him into a zombie creature for your own bidding. You also did the same thing with innocent people too.” Clyde rebuked
“But you harmed innocent people during our allegiance as well. Remember those rogue company employee’s? You’re no saint no more than I am.” Joseph added on.
“That may be Joseph, that may be. I have used people in the past to get what I have wanted, lied, broken hearts. It was all to get by, until I met Mr. Bennet and those girls, Zuzana specifically. She…” Clyde before being interrupted by Joseph.
“Changed your heart, how adorable. But she’s now a lab rat, along with the rest of them who defied me. That won’t be the case for you Clyde. I’m not going to waste resources turning you into my zomblings. You, deserve a full DEATH!”
Joseph then summons his zombie creatures around both him and Clyde forming a ring, the orders them one by one to attack Clyde. Things escalated quickly.
Though they may have seem weak, you didn’t want to be overwhelmed by these things, and additionally, some had abilities being former superhumans. The best way to quickly dispatch of these were to damage the brain via head. This hasn't been a difficult task for Clyde with his ability to mow down an entire mob with one energy wave.
One of them tried to surprise him, sneaking up from behind then he elbows it directly in the face, seemingly crushing it. As it’s blood splatter on the pavement he turns his attention on the remainder.
Clyde finishes of the next wave of Joseph’s zombies. He looks for Joseph and finds nothing but corpse of the defeated ghouls.There is laugher, and as Clyde tries to stay on guard he is grab by neck by Joseph, lifting him high up like a potato sack mocking him.
Laughing at Clyde’s resistances, Joseph change his mind. Instant of killing him, Joseph would turn him into one of his zomblings, making Clyde the general of his ever growing army.
With little defiance and power, Clyde uses his ability at full capacity and completely destroy what was left of the docks, but with the ship still in tack. The explosion separates both him and Joseph.
Floating on top of debris, he know this fight isn't over. Not until he finds a body, Josephs. Searching through the broken burning walkway he eventual hims him, with a broken limb, laughing.
“Heh, impressive. But you will never save her, or anyone else of that matter. They are going to take you to that Island and DISSECT YOU, all of you. Not matter what you do-”
Clyde then sends an energy wave into Joseph’s head, killing him. He then collapse from weakness and severe injuries and forces himself to make way for the ship, crawling past Joseph’s dead body. In his path, he would have to swim since he blew up the walkway leading to the ship but luckily, there is a raft that he could use to transport himself to the other side.
He climbs on the raft paddles with his remaining strength across.Clyde is visited by a past memory of his life before joining the company. Then fast forward to that time where he met Zuzana, he moves the raft faster finally making it to the other side.
As he moves his weakened body off the raft, something in the waters begins to surfaces to the top. A hand grabs him, trying to pull him under. It was Joseph, and his finally attempt to kill Clyde for good. He knew Clyde wouldn't survive with injuries so with whatever strength he had left, Joseph would take him into a watery rave.
In one final attempt, Clyde took Joseph’s head clean off. It floats the bottom of the bay, putting an end to him for good.
He begins to black out from exhaustion, noticing soldiers approaching him. When he closed his eyes then open then again; he was already being taken away by them.
Onboard, Elizabeth, the last remaining our last remaining hero searches the holding area for Zuzana. Soldiers enter the area and Elizabeth is forced to hide somewhere, eavesdropping on their conversation discovering some crucial information that would lead her to Zuzanna.
There was a possibility that Zuzanna would be in either the Main Hall or the Lower Labs. Elizabeth had one last choice to make….
[Spare him]
I hope this won't backfire, but killing him is too risky. If she kills one, Joseph will kill one in return and I hope Konrad will turn against Joseph now that he just left him to die.
Im flattered how evil my character is ^.^
I try lol
I really like dealing with evil characters.
Eh, um. Maybe? Don't make me regret this?
Voting closed, Chapter five en route.
[Spare Him]
Zuzanna spares Konrad, he is angry at Joseph for just letting his own men be killed without showing any remorse. Konrad sense of justice takes over and he views Josephs as the evil being that he truly is. Siding with the Angel's is the only good thing left to do now, and dealing with Josephs last general, Luthor.
Chapter 5
Realising that she would become no better than Joseph, Zuzanna decided to spare Konrad then took a look at Elizabeth and Camilla and then finally Clyde. She began to engulf Joseph in flames, powerful ones that were hurting him. From her point of view.
Elizabeth and Camilla were freed from their captive bonds, allowing them to be reunited with her dear friend. The reunion was cut short when the flames vanish and from came a very pissed of Joseph. He summoned his minions of Zombies who began storming into the chamber behind their master.
Outnumbered, they only thing that came to mind was to run. However even if they did, not everyone would’ve made it out in one piece. There were too many zombies that would close in. One brave soul decided to stay behind and for everyone to make it out. Camilla stood up and was willing to make that sacrifice.
“You can't. You can’t do this Camilla.” Elizabeth trying to talk her out of this.
“You don’t have to do this, we can fight. Together, we those ghouls won’t stand a chance. Please Camilla don’t do this!.” Zuzanna pleaded, but Camilla mind was already made up as he stood up in front of her friends and everyone.
“It’s fine, Zuzanna, Elizabeth. It’s fine. Don’t worry about me…. Just… Just make out of here, alive for me okay. I'll hold off as many as I can. I believe you, all of you.” Camilla as she begins to use her acid secretion ability, and this time she was able to summon out larges amounts to corrode large amounts of zombies in her wake.
Elizabeth and the others were able to escape in maintenance pipes leading out of the catacombs into the sewers. Zuzanna is urged to go back for her friend but it was already too late. Having to used her ability at an unstable level, Camilla died in the process but in her sacrifice she managed to allow the others to escape freely and put a dent into Joseph's plan.
Speaking of, the man himself was quite infuriated with the events that just unfolded, but he doesn’t completely loses his cool yet. He is prepared to move forwarded but before he does, he must tie up loose ends. He calls over his last remaining enforcer Luthor Zeeth who is quite suspicious of his boss after what he observed earlier. Joseph asked a favor of him..
“Mr. Zeeth, As my last enforcer I require something of you..” Joseph asked.
“May I asked what sir…?” Luthor hesitant preparing to use his ability at any moment to defend himself.
Then Joseph turned around will evil grin on his dead face and said in wicked tone “Your certain loyalty!” then proceed to zombify him. Luthor tried to use his ability to get away, but Joseph’s zombies held down all his hims preventing him from doing anything further. After several grueling seconds, Luthor was no part of Joseph's ever growing army. Now setting his sight on a few obvious targets.
“Luthor, now that I am certain I have your full loyalty now I will give you a important task.. Find Konrad, kill him and bring his corpse back here to me. Once that done, we work on the rest of the insects that have recently fled my clutches..”
Luthor then leaves to find Konrad and fulfil his master's wishes. His target wasn't far, he was somewhere inside the building having to made his way up the same pathway Noah infiltrated in. Unfortunate for him that was a bad idea, as Luthor was closing in on him quickly.
Konrad tried to prowl open a door that lead into the building's main lobby, and with no luck it wouldn’t budge. He tried using his claws but had no luck with that either. Moments later, Luthor was standing right behind him, ready to fulfill his objective.
“Stay back! Stay the fuck back!” Konrad bellowed.
Luthor extended his hand and attack Konrad who fought back by using his ability, he seemed to be winning this quarrel but Luthor made that way to keep him off guard before deliver the finishing blow.
“DAMN IT ALL!!” Konrad's last words as he was drag down the cold halls leaving a trail of warm blood. He then returned to his master.
In the sewers, Noah, The Angels, Clyde, Stanford, Dwayne and Damian all made out alive with thanks to Camilla's sacrifice. Having to experience something so traumatic. Most of the gang decided to part ways to return to what was left of their lies. That came to mind.
Damien was shocked after being brought to and dragged around in those catacombs. He wanted get far away as possible, but something Elizabeth said change his mind and the minds of the others.
*“You can go, run all you want. That doesn’t excuse the fact that that monster, Joseph won’t still come after you. We’re still on his radar, we are still a big target for his plan. You can go back to your lives, I don’t care. But my friend, who had just gave her life so that we could live another day… I’ll honor her, by finishing this. So again you can go, run and hide because trust me you will need to. I will however prepare for whatever this bastard is planning. And hit him right in the blind spot.. Let’s go Zuzanna.” *
Zuzanna who was still in morn, eagerly went along with her. Noah would’ve have stopped them, but in reality he was feeling the same way that Elizabeth felt. He would undoubtedly joined her, but there was something else that must been done. He must return to the company and warn them of what is to come. Leaving some information he gather before he killed Howard. A location of where Joseph would likely meet up with someone named, Dr. Mufasan….
This is the end of Episode 2 which, only one left
Hope you all enjoyed so far.
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Jesus...diud just 3 character died at once? This escalted quickly. Now I have to ask...if Zuzanna killed Konrad, would joseph be able to bring him back? Or not because he would become a heap of ashes?
Camilla. :-(
Oh no, Camilla ;_; Damn it, she deserved better... Fucking Clyde should have stayed back instead of her, that asshole brought them into this situation in the first place. Zuzanna should just burn that damn jerk to ashes already, because even a pile of ashes would be more useful than him. A pile of ashes at least can't cause anyones death out of selfish stupidity. I'm also somewhat sad for Konrad, he could have been a valuable ally. Luthor on the other hand got what he deserved and I hope in time, they will manage to bring Joseph down as well. Though, I hope Joseph won't be able to resurrect Camilla as a zombie, that would be horrifying. I also see Dr. Mufasan got mentioned again and that made me wonder... is this story set before the events of your first story? If it is set after Captives, I bet Joseph and the Angels will be in for a surprise when they go and look for him. I definitely know someone who would gladly metalbend the shit out of that creepy zombie guy
No one is safe from here on out
Come to think of it, I don't think Joseph could had brought him back if he were reduced to ashes. His power seems to work only while a body still exist I think.
I decided to have it set before, the old Doctor should make an appearance near the end of the story as well. I also haven't thought about bring characters from that story over too,but things could change
Camilla.... But... But... No... It can't... No... So much.... So soon.... But... No...
I just can't handle this.... I'm going to go lock myself in my room with a tub of ice cream for about a week, whilst I cry myself to sleep every night.
Anyways, dude that was a great part. It's a great story and I love it a lot, even if you killed my character. But, I still love it.
Poor Konrad.Now a noble heart is breaking. Good night, sweet prince. May hosts of angels sing you to sleep....oh yeah and Camilla
Illustrations from here on out:) Meant to this this for early chapters but oh well.
Chapter 1
A week after the events that unfolded at Joseph’s Lair, Stan have awoken near a shipyard where a large ship was being worked on. It was heavily guarded by some soldiers in black. He must've used his ability and was resurrected after dying in a firefight against Joseph’s forces. He remembers soldiers, and is reminded how Dwayne and Damien were… taken.
A week before..
They were being tailed by Mr. Sand’s zombies. Cornered in a field, Stan, Dwayne and Damien fought back with the weapons they have recovered on the way. A old farm was the shelter from the invading forces using it for cover to pick off the zombies one by one. The fight lasted for over an hour, maybe more. Everyone had some bad injuries but thanks to Damien, they were taken care of without a problem.
Among the piles of defeat zombies lying in the field, one lone soldier is seen stepping over the corpses leaving the trio in wonder and high suspiciousion, a warning shot was fired at the soldier's foot.
“Next one is going in your skull.” Dwayne said.
The soldier stopped, then signal the others who were well hidden to snipe Damien with a tranquilizer. As he falls, the other two realized they are cornered and drops their weapons but Dwayne wasn’t giving up so easily.
He tells Stan that he will distract them allowing for him to escape. He uses his ability to make him invaluable from incoming projectiles, even the piercing tranquilizer rounds. Stan escapes running past the barn but one of the soldiers catches eye and managers to hit him right in the neck. He collapse then as the soldier prepares to retrieve him, a strange man appears and teleports him to a shipyard.
Dwayne looks around and see’s that Stan is long gone, as he turns around a soldier walks up by surprise and sticks a syringe into his which knocks him out cold. He then begins to speak through his head to presumably his boss, Joseph alerting him of his success.
“Mr. Sands, 2 out of the 3 of the targets have been apprehended. One got away unfortunately. Another superhuman aid his escape.” The soldier said.
Then from the other line-
“Hmm no matter. We’ll eventual come across him and the remainder soon enough. Don’t bother bring them back to my base. Take them to the Island, there's been a change of plans.. I need to keep Mufasan of my trail for now.”
The soldier then prepare for transport for Damien and Dwayne.
As of now…
Stan is greeted by a man who cause himself Petrelli. He explains to Stan why he decided to save him from those soldiers. He needs his help to break into the ship behind and assist him in assassinating a target on board. Stan refused of course but again this Petrelli person insisted and threaten to drop him off right on the doorstep of the people he just saved Stan from earlier.
He wasn’t left with much, as he did owe Petrelli for saving him. Things got even more interesting after what he mentioned next. Apparently this big ship was being used as transportation to an undisclosed location where rumor has; people with abilities are being brought there.
Stan ask if there was any chance of his friends being brought to this ship. Petrelli believed without a doubt they were. This made it much easier for Stan to go through with this Petrelli person, though he still didn’t trust him. Regardless this was a chance for him to save his friends. He took the chance following his rescuer into god knows what. They are then teleported closer to the ship looking for a way to breach.
Elsewhere, Zuzana and Elizabeth have learned of a possible location to Joseph's new location. They are accompanied by Clyde who have again made up for his past wrongs. With good intentions this he dedicated his life to working with the Angels and stopping Joseph. During the time in the catacombs he learned from his mistake in allowing his emotions cloud his judgement and allowing Joseph to get into his head.
His actions, seemingly be the reason behinds Camilla’s and many others death and Noah being hurt badly during the escape. He promises, he vows to right his wrongs and kill Joseph, for... Zuzana. He fallen in love with her ever since they first met in that warehouse. Elizabeth even said directly that she will odd him if he tries anything, swearing on Camilla. He peacefully acknowledges and continues to watch the road.
A Black van can bee seen down the road from where the three are on a stake out. A soon as it passes, by Elizabeth's uses her ability to lift it up from the road and empties the soldiers inside. Afterwards she places it behind a boulder and brings the soldiers to the side.
“Okay, who wants to interrogate first?” Elizabeth asked.
[Let Clyde Interrogate]
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
I still neither trust nor like Clyde in the slightest. They really should just ditch him instead of giving him yet another undeserved chance. But even aside from the fact that I hate that slimy bastard, he is not suited for this interrogation. Zuzanna on the other hand just needs to burn them in the right places and they will tell her everything.
[Let Zuzana Interrogate] great part!
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
Jesus. Its already decided but i still vote for Clyde. Give the man a chance.
[Let Clyde Interrogate] I still think hes actually a nice guy, who just made a terrible mistake.
[Let Zuzana Interrogate]
What exactly are Clydes powers anyway? I cant remember where it was explained.
He has powers?
He's able to create red energy waves. Similliar to Cyclop's and Havok's power from X-Men.
Voting Closed
(?) Zuzana interrogates, she isn't as ruthless as expected. Gaining vital information out of the soldiers about Joseph's location and leave for a certain shipyard.
This sounds like a very useful ability. Perhaps we should give Clyde one last chance to prove himself even if his attitude annoys me a little bit. With this ability I think he can help the angels out a lot if we give him the chance.
Chapter 2
After a smooth interrogation, Zuzanna managed to pull some information from their prisoner, information that lead to Joseph’s location. The released him, while they began their journey to the shipyard where the ship was docked. It wasn’t far, getting there would take a few minutes with their new set of wheels.
During the drive down the dusty road, the field planted in all kinds of flowers, Clyde look at Zuzana with a smile. She smiled back, then looked away, not because she was somewhat angry by him, but with the only thing that mattered to her at the time. Making Joseph’ pay.
He touch her hand for awhile, she looked away again and sighed while gently pushing him away. He asked what was wrong, if Zuzana was still angry with him even after he apologized and vowed to stop Joseph.
“Zuzana, you still hate me…” Clyde said.
She in fact wasn’t angry at him, she just made it clear that Joseph’s demise was her priority. Especially since he’s responsible for everything that is happening. She must burn him for his crimes. Clyde acknowledges her wishes, keeping his hands to himself.
They finally arrive at the shipyard, it wasn’t heavily guarded. They expected more, thinking that the soldier sent them on a wild goose chase. That is until Luthor appeared before, a more ghoulish form of his former self. From his chest, a demonic version of Konrad emerged.
From then on, it was pretty clear that they were on the right track. Elizabeth, Zuzana and Clyde recognized Joseph’s men even from their sudden changes. They were obviously sent by their master to prevent anyone that being the Angels, from entering with the orders to either kill or bring in alive if possible. As Joseph would make use of their bodies.
Elizabeth told the Zuzana and Clyde to go along while she’ll take care for the stumbling blocks. As they did so making their way through the dock to board the ship, Konrad appears leaps ahead blocking their entrance, he takes a look directly at Zuzana.
“Joseph and the doctor will see you now…” Konrad said in a dark tone, stepping aside allowing Zuzanna to pass and permitting Clyde to not.
“Not you boy. You, surrender now or die.” Konrad as he swipes at Clyde.
While Elizabeth deals with Luthor and Clyde with Konrad, Zuzana continues her journey aboard the ship. She observes the halls highlighted in a greenish light above well aware to ignite her flames to anything that come her way.
As she navigates down the empty halls, the sound of a ticking clock could be heard. It’s annoying, becoming louder and louder until she finally arrive at a door where chatter can be heard from the other side. She puts her head against it attempting to figure out the words.
Soldiers then swarm around, aiming the weapons directly on her. Even if she tried to use her ability, should would already be hit with a bullet or two. These soldiers seem to have heightened senses.
The door behind Zuzana finally opens and from it emerges a man. In his late fifties with a name tag on his coat reading ‘Dr. Mufasan’ accompanied by Joseph. Delighted to finally meet the young woman Josep have been talking to him about, he insist that she joins them in lab behind them.
Without any choices, Zuzana she did so, with intention to burn them both when the time came.
Somewhere onboard the ship..
Stan and the man who calls himself Petrelli finds a room after knocking out the guards; where documents and all kinds of files relating to Superhumans displayed. Petrelli begins to look through some of the files and documents while asking Stan to keep watch.
He stumbled across some striking news about a chemical called ‘Sedate’ being developed on this very ship. The even more striking new he find is a purge, some kind of siege of all Superhumans being hunted and brought to an island. This shocking discovery causes back away from the desk and noticed the what's going on in a lab. Petrelli see’s Dr. Mufasan and Joseph and Zuzana talking. He then tells Stan that he located his target and grabs a handgun from one of the security guards teleports both him and Stan to the door outside where his target was located.
As he prepares to open the door, Stan gets a strange feeling. The man who caused him so much trouble, destroyed the lives of so many people is right behind this door.
“Wait, I got a bad feeling about this. They could know we’re coming or something..” Stan said.
His words wasn’t getting to Petrelli as he began to open the door, hell bent on killing the doctor and ignoring the inevitable danger behind it.
[Stop Petrelli.]
[Let him open the door.]
[Let him open the door.]
[Stop Petrelli.] have a bad feeling about this
[Stop Petrelli.]
[Stop Petrelli.] We know, there is no way Mufasan is going to die here, so I think this might be a trap. But even if it isn't a trap, Petrelli acts too rash in my opinion. They should think of a plan first instead of walking into a potential trap.
Also, Elizabeth fights side by side with that treacherous snake Clyde now? Damn, that is not good and I wouldn't be too surprised if this 2 vs 2 fight turns into a 3 vs 1 fight, if he decides to ally himself with Joseph again. I can't understand why Zuzanna just forgives him that easily. After all, he got one of her friends killed and was perfectly willing to sacrifice the rest of them as well to save his own skin. Admittedly, he also wanted to save Zuzanna, but it doesn't make him any less of a selfish asshole, as he still wanted to sacrifice pretty much everyone else. He better starts to prove his worth soon, if he even has any.
[Stop Petrelli.]
Voting closed
(!) [Stop Petrelli]
Petrelli is stopped from opening the door. He is blinded by anger, as the adversary he hunted for so long time is just on the other side. There is a struggle between Stan and Petrelli as Stan reconsiders his original goal. Even if he is immortal, he'll wake up in another place and still be a target. Or even get caught here.
Either way, their argument and as the glass door slides open; Dr. Mufasan emerges, delighted to see Petrelli..
Chapter 3
Stan tried to stop Petrelli from opening the door. He was knock against the wall and the door flung open followed by the disgruntled Petrelli storming into the room confronting Dr. Mufasan who was performing an experiment on Zuzanna.
Finally confronting his adversary, he aimed the pistol directly at the doctor, preparing pull back the trigger. Joseph tried to sneak attack him, but ends up getting shot in the leg.
*“The next one will kill!” *Said the shaking Perelli.
Dr. Mufasan then orders the other scientist to postpone the experiment and leave the room. Stan enters as the scientist leaves, discovering Zuzanna strapped to a chair, and the Petrelli holding a man at gunpoint. They were distracted, which allowed Stan to make his way away towards Zuzanna and free her.
Petrelli ask Mufasan a question before he fired, and the doctor answered his question sarcastically then was face to face with a traveling bullet. It would killed him if it didn’t get stopped in midair.
The doctor then grabbed the bullet in his clutches and threw into Stan before he could reach Zuzanna. injuring him greatly.
He then took Petrelli’s gun and laughed at the his effort to use his ability to escape and informed him that he and the or superhumans in her were inhaling a chemical that preventing them from using their abilities.
Distracted this allowed Joseph to inject Perelli with a syringe rendering him unable to move and followed by immediate sleep. The doctor then turned his attention to Stan, who was injured by Mufasan after he had the bullet thrown at him.
Stan tries to get away but Joseph blocks any way of escaping and is now at the mercy of the wicked doctor.
“Stanford ‘Stan’ Brody, also a doctor. With a fascinating ability. You saved me quite the time coming here along with, the young lady over there. The other other as well out there tangling with Joseph’s minions.” The doctor said.
Stan had no idea that Clyde and Elizabeth were here as well. He wanted to leave a message for them to let them know that Zuzanna is still alive but before he could do that he is also met with a syringe to the neck. He becomes dizzy and tries to fight back, but it’s no use as the drugs starts to kick in. Slowly falling back against the wall listening to the echoing words of the doctor:
“Fear not young man, don’t fight it. You and many others will part of something big, something absolutely astonishing! Once we gather up the remainder of your friends we will set a course to my facility where I will prep for the operation. You will be given a quarters and fed according of course… It’ll be like vacation…”
The doctor then orders Joseph to gather the remaining two while he loads Petrelli, Stan and Zuzanna into the holding facility. The three are brought to the upper levels of the ship that was heavily guarded by Mufasan’s top officials. The area was also laced with the chemical that prevented superhumans from using their powers. Once Joseph finished, he then set his sight on Clyde and Elizabeth.
On the docks
The zombified Konrad and Luthor were heavily bodying Elizabeth and Clyde. Their abilities were greatly enhanced upon being resurrected by Joseph. Even with her powerful telekinesis, she is manhandled by Konrad’s sheer force even with the help of Clyde at her side.
After a long fight, something comes to mind. As Konrad is doing all the fighting, Luthor seems to be sitting back and keeping his distance. The theory of him controlling the feral Konrad is brought up by Elizabeth and the take it as their only shot at defeating these two.
They attack Luthor together, but their attacks are blocked when Konrad jumps in the way and takes all the hits Luthor would’ve taken and brushes off his injuries like dust. Luthor then vanishes to another point, seemingly unreachable and continues to watch the fight unfold.
Clyde tries to distract Konrad long enough to allow Elizabeth to move go for the Luthor and notices a dripping container of oil right below where he is stationed above. If ignited, Luthor could be taken out easily instead of being chased around constantly.
She uses the nearby cables that have been destroyed during the battle and uses their sparks to ignited to oil. After a few seconds fires sets off an explosion that blows up the platform along with Luthor on it. Elizabeth is burned in the inferno because escapes with her life.
As Konrad prepares to kill Clyde, the withered zombified superhuman stops and then turns to bones. A well fought battle finally ends only to lead to another as Joseph steps onto the dock sarcastically congratulating that last two standing.
Clyde then throws a red energy wave directly into Joseph's face; the zombie ducks as if someone threw a simple people at him. He then taunts the Clyde about his selfish needs for lust over power.
“Oh Clyde. You had a chance to become something, yet you sacrificed that chance for ‘love’. Too bad she won’t be around long enough for you to express your feelings for her… Oh- Wait! Didn’t you already do that!” Joseph constantly taunting Clyde.
Elizabeth tries to keep Clyde focused and ignore the trash that was coming from his mouth. He was filled with rage, anger, hatred all directed at Joseph. Clyde asked Elizabeth to let him fight him alone, he had a score to settle.
She felt that it wasn't a good idea to do this alone, but he reminded her that Zuzanna was in danger. She mattered more, and Elizabeth acknowledge and began to walk past him and Joseph.
As she passed Joseph, he muttered something to her.
“Too bad she’ll be dead by time you reach her…”
Elizabeth paused for moment, briefly thinking about what Joseph had just said.
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
[Punch Joseph]
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
Finding and saving Zuzanna is just more important than punching Joseph. Clyde can deal with him on his own, I don't care for him. If he succeeds in defeating Joseph, good, then I guess he can be useful for something after all. If he fails to defeat Joseph, he will get exactly what he deserved and won't be missed. Ellie has to focus on saving her friend and if she wastes time supporting this fucker Clyde against Joseph, then she might loose her chance of saving Zuzanna.
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
Help Zuza, i hope nothing will happen to her...
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!] I dont want to punch joseph
[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
He ain't worth the fight. And Zuzanna is definitely in trouble.
Voting Closed
(!)[Ignore him, find Zuzanna!]
Elizabeth seeks out her friend, only to find herself in a holding facility within the ship. It far to big to explore on her own, so if she's going to find Zuzanna she's going to need all the help she a little help.
Chapter 4
Clyde stood face to face with Joseph on the burning docks as the smoke from the burning debri darkened the sky. Embers sprinkled onto the pavement along with the ashes dropping like snowflakes, the perfect setting for an final confrontation. Before the climactic fight would begin, Joseph would have a for words with his former partner.
“Had so much going for you Clyde, why did you throw it away. For that girl?” Joseph said.
“I read the file the company had on you Joseph. You knew my father, you killed him and turned him into a zombie creature for your own bidding. You also did the same thing with innocent people too.” Clyde rebuked
“But you harmed innocent people during our allegiance as well. Remember those rogue company employee’s? You’re no saint no more than I am.” Joseph added on.
“That may be Joseph, that may be. I have used people in the past to get what I have wanted, lied, broken hearts. It was all to get by, until I met Mr. Bennet and those girls, Zuzana specifically. She…” Clyde before being interrupted by Joseph.
“Changed your heart, how adorable. But she’s now a lab rat, along with the rest of them who defied me. That won’t be the case for you Clyde. I’m not going to waste resources turning you into my zomblings. You, deserve a full DEATH!”
Joseph then summons his zombie creatures around both him and Clyde forming a ring, the orders them one by one to attack Clyde. Things escalated quickly.
Though they may have seem weak, you didn’t want to be overwhelmed by these things, and additionally, some had abilities being former superhumans. The best way to quickly dispatch of these were to damage the brain via head. This hasn't been a difficult task for Clyde with his ability to mow down an entire mob with one energy wave.
One of them tried to surprise him, sneaking up from behind then he elbows it directly in the face, seemingly crushing it. As it’s blood splatter on the pavement he turns his attention on the remainder.
Clyde finishes of the next wave of Joseph’s zombies. He looks for Joseph and finds nothing but corpse of the defeated ghouls.There is laugher, and as Clyde tries to stay on guard he is grab by neck by Joseph, lifting him high up like a potato sack mocking him.
Laughing at Clyde’s resistances, Joseph change his mind. Instant of killing him, Joseph would turn him into one of his zomblings, making Clyde the general of his ever growing army.
With little defiance and power, Clyde uses his ability at full capacity and completely destroy what was left of the docks, but with the ship still in tack. The explosion separates both him and Joseph.
Floating on top of debris, he know this fight isn't over. Not until he finds a body, Josephs. Searching through the broken burning walkway he eventual hims him, with a broken limb, laughing.
“Heh, impressive. But you will never save her, or anyone else of that matter. They are going to take you to that Island and DISSECT YOU, all of you. Not matter what you do-”
Clyde then sends an energy wave into Joseph’s head, killing him. He then collapse from weakness and severe injuries and forces himself to make way for the ship, crawling past Joseph’s dead body. In his path, he would have to swim since he blew up the walkway leading to the ship but luckily, there is a raft that he could use to transport himself to the other side.
He climbs on the raft paddles with his remaining strength across.Clyde is visited by a past memory of his life before joining the company. Then fast forward to that time where he met Zuzana, he moves the raft faster finally making it to the other side.
As he moves his weakened body off the raft, something in the waters begins to surfaces to the top. A hand grabs him, trying to pull him under. It was Joseph, and his finally attempt to kill Clyde for good. He knew Clyde wouldn't survive with injuries so with whatever strength he had left, Joseph would take him into a watery rave.
In one final attempt, Clyde took Joseph’s head clean off. It floats the bottom of the bay, putting an end to him for good.
He begins to black out from exhaustion, noticing soldiers approaching him. When he closed his eyes then open then again; he was already being taken away by them.
Onboard, Elizabeth, the last remaining our last remaining hero searches the holding area for Zuzana. Soldiers enter the area and Elizabeth is forced to hide somewhere, eavesdropping on their conversation discovering some crucial information that would lead her to Zuzanna.
There was a possibility that Zuzanna would be in either the Main Hall or the Lower Labs. Elizabeth had one last choice to make….
[head to the Lower Labs]
[Head to the Main Hall]