Thank you for the review Liquid, I appreciate it as always.
However, the more I think about it, the more I can't help but to feel slight disappointment at the fact that there was never any kind of resolution to his actions.
Yes, even before posting the written parts, I knew that the way it all went down would be disappointing for a few people. Believe it or not, even from the very beginning of me writing this story, one of my main fears has been people being disappointed in how some situations unfold; the best example being the death of someone who is heavily disliked. Since Nick and Katrina are your characters, I knew you would have definitely loved redemption by Katrina and a far more worse ending for Billy, and I completely understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have indeed kept that in mind, and I kind of wanted to utilize it as a reminder that not everyone dies in a badass-amazing way, and nothing always goes as you want to or as you planned on it to. To be honest, in my eyes I saw a confrontation and complete and utter badassery redemption a bit too cliche, which may piss off some people, and I apologize for it. However, I can assure that just because this type of thing has happened once, does not mean that the opposite of it will never happen. I hope you are not too displeased!
A few of your questions might be answered in the alternative choices, so be aware of that. I will answer those shortly, don't worry XD.
I do however appreciate the criticism and kind words. As always I will try to take use the criticism to be more thoughtful/persistent on it, as I am always trying to improve!00
Oh man... that was one amazing finale! Tony's escape from the woods probably has to be one of the most tense parts in the entire story. And … moreeven though most of my favourite characters are currently separated from him, I am intrigued about this new situation. The people he just encountered are interesting characters and I look forward to learn more about them. I'm sure sooner or later he is going to be reunited with his group and it is going to be interesting to see how the two groups are going to interact with each other. And I hope the separation from his group won't be for too long. I need more Kat being adorable and more Dylan being badass and more Dom being one tough sonofabitch and well, more of this interesting group in general. Though I have the feeling that the search for the group could be one of the main plotlines in the next chapter and that the reunion might take some parts, maybe even until the end of the chapter.
Who was your… [view original content]
Thank you for the review Janitor! I appreciate the kind words.
I found it a bit strange that this entire group of badasses was so passive for most of the chapter.
I was also aware of this. I tried my best to not shine down on only a select few characters the entire chapter, and I knew it would be a bit different for some people. As I said to Liquid, I understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have actually kept that in mind, as a reminder that not everyone dies in a badass-amazing way, and nothing always goes as you want it to.
Even worse, Trevor was able to push all of them around so easily.
I can see where you are coming from. In order for the chapter to go on as planned, I had to make sure Trevor was kept around. I can understand why people would think that the group was an easy puppet for Trevor: but keep in mind that Tony and a few other group members did not want to simply get rid of Trevor yet, as they felt that the entire group wasn't completely on board with it. It was until the part in the woods where Dylan had snapped and finally killed him. I apologize if you thought otherwise, but it had to be done for me to easily move along in the chapter.
I appreciate the kind words and criticism and will definitely be more aware!
Karen made her choice. Tony tried his best but he did the right thing. This was the best for her and for him. I would have still liked if sh… moree would have showed a more determined side of her and would have pulled herself together but I respect her decision. Btw, this chapter finale was awesome! I hope Tony finds his old group soon.
Who was your favorite character(s) this chapter?
Easily Tony and Katrina. Both of them were among my favorite characters before but I like them even more now. I felt that they brought out the best in each other. Their interactions were cute and helped a lot in fleshing their characters out even better.
Who was your least favorite character(s) this chapter?
Trevor obviously! He was the most punchable guy in the entire story. I knew he would do stuff like that and as soon as he appeared, I have regretted that I chose to follow Billy back to the lodge. Billy is also one of my least favorite characters. Ever… [view original content]
Who was your favorite character(s) this chapter? definintly Tony and Katrina. Those two are adorable together.
Who was your least favorit… moree character(s) this chapter?
Trevor. Was that a question? That no good little piece of....
Was there any part of this chapter that particularly stood out?
Samantha's murder, for me at least. And that part where Tony was running from the walkers. That was good.
What was your overall opinion on this chapter?
It was great. I loved it.
Was there anything you didn’t really like this chapter?
No. I loved it all really.
What would you like to see more of in future chapters?
Nah. Not really. I like this story a lot and can't wait for more.
So the chapter is over? Well snap. Tony is separated from the group, who knows where they are and well, who know anything anymore. This was a great chapter dude! I love it and want more!
Ah, no, no, it's really not that bad. After all, Billy got a very painful death, which is almost all I could have wished for. Though, he definitely deserved way more pain, even if I cling to my headcanon that he failed to shoot himself. And I can also definitely understand why you decided to do things this way. As I've said, it is just a nitpick, since it is the only negative thing I could think of in this chapter. However, since it is the only dark spot on an otherwise neatly polished chapter, it is especially noticeable and that's why it might sound worse than it is. I would have simply loved to see all of this build-up actually resulting in some sort of confrontation where Billy had to answer for his crimes, which I don't really see as cliche. The way it ended, while not unrealistic, felt lacking, since all of this previous build-up was for nothing. In a certain way, I would have really wished for Billy to answer for his crimes. I don't even particularly wished for his death as a direct result of this confrontation, I just wanted him to get confronted with his actions in general. I think that would have been a very strong, satisfying and emotional scene. The lack of this scene came as a disappointment, especially since Billy never had to face consequences for his actions in the slightest. Of course, it is definitely not unrealistic for him to die before any kind of confrontation, I just feel that the sudden end to this plotline was not satisfying from a narrative point of view, as it wasted a lot of potential. But as I said, while undoubtedly disappointing, it is not as bad as it might sound. This chapter was awesome and in the grand picture of it, this is a rather minor point. It's simply the only negative one I can see
A few of your questions might be answered in the alternative choices, so be aware of that. I will answer those shortly, don't worry XD.
I'm greatly looking forward for it. Currently, I think we really should have killed Billy immediately, as that would have been the closest to the confrontation I've been hoping for, but I'm curious what exactly would have happened if we would have went down that route.
Thank you for the review Liquid, I appreciate it as always.
However, the more I think about it, the more I can't help but to feel slig… moreht disappointment at the fact that there was never any kind of resolution to his actions.
Yes, even before posting the written parts, I knew that the way it all went down would be disappointing for a few people. Believe it or not, even from the very beginning of me writing this story, one of my main fears has been people being disappointed in how some situations unfold; the best example being the death of someone who is heavily disliked. Since Nick and Katrina are your characters, I knew you would have definitely loved redemption by Katrina and a far more worse ending for Billy, and I completely understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have indeed kept that in mind, and I kind of wanted to utilize it as a reminder tha… [view original content]
Ok cool, I understand what you mean. It was a bit weird at first that the group showed so little reaction when Trevor kicked Tony and Eric out of the house. This situation could have been a chance for the less used character in this chapter to shine, for example Adam, Dan or Ryan. I still think Trevor took it a bit too far there but the rest makes sense for me now, thanks!
Thank you for the review Janitor! I appreciate the kind words.
I found it a bit strange that this entire group of badasses was so pass… moreive for most of the chapter.
I was also aware of this. I tried my best to not shine down on only a select few characters the entire chapter, and I knew it would be a bit different for some people. As I said to Liquid, I understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have actually kept that in mind, as a reminder that not everyone dies in a badass-amazing way, and nothing always goes as you want it to.
Even worse, Trevor was able to push all of them around so easily.
I can see where you are coming from. In order for the chapter to go on as planned, I had to make sure Trevor was kept around. I can understand why people would think that the group was an easy puppet for Trevor: but keep in mind that Tony and a few… [view original content]
Wow, I am really, really late to this. I just haven't had time to sit down and catch up
Ok, first, my reaction to this chapter... WTF!? Where'd everyone go? Poor Tony. And poor Katrina This group seems ok I guess, but we'll see. I hope Tony isn't separated from the group for too long.
Who was your favorite character(s) this chapter?
Well, after his actions last chapter, Dylan has firmly cemented himself as a ruthless badass. Like I said in the decision to go and search over the body, I wouldn't hesitate in shooting him myself, Trevor was so guilty. Does demonstrate Dylan's ability to 'take no shit' perfectly, which is why I liked him this chapter in particular.
Tony and Katrina's blossoming relationship is just so cute
Who was your least favorite character(s) this chapter?
John Lottman... Nah, I joke. Trevor takes that place.
Didn't really despise Billy. He was just a tragedy of a character trying to do good and ending up making things worse most of the time.
Was there any part of this chapter that particularly stood out?
Trevor's death for one. And the Tony and Katrina moments (more plz). For all the wrong reasons, Nick's death stood out as well.
What was your overall opinion on this chapter?
For reasons outside your control, it was just a bit too slow with the gaps in between the parts. Don't get me wrong, it didn't detract from the quality of each part at all, but the long gaps in between each part had me just recapping what happened in the previous part before I got started on your newest one, which threw me off a little bit. Again, not your fault, it's just something I experienced.
The fallout from chapter 5 was what I was most interested in and surprisingly, you took a really realistic turn with it and had Ashley and Nick dying within mere moments of it. The beginning just hammered home how harsh the world is and that it doesn't stop to allow people to grieve and the story was really strong as a result. You also took a direction with Trevor that I did not expect, with him turning out to be more of a dick a lot of the time than the guy who actually killed Nick. Both did next to nothing to appease their actions and both got their deserved comeuppance. Karen was really a victim of circumstance in this case, which is tragic, but at the same time, you don't hold on to people like that, especially if you don't owe them that and also with what else was going on at the time.
Was there anything you didn't really like this chapter?
Not especially.
What would you like to see more of in future chapters?
I think others have touched on this, but the lack of interaction with other characters stood out in this chapter, especially for Samantha. I think if some time had been dedicated to giving her some interaction with Tony, her death may have impacted me a lot more than it did. I've said this before, but the more characters that you introduce into this story, the harder it becomes to do this without detracting away from the story. Multiple POV's could help with this. Just a suggestion, but it's your story and you decide what you think is best for it. You've been getting it spot on since day 1, so I have complete faith in what you're planning to do
Chapter 6: Part 12
March 17th, 2017. 6:12 P.M.
[Leave Karen]
“Karen!” I called out to her. “Come on, we gotta go!”
Karen ignored… more me, and continued weeping on the ground. It was now getting dark, and it was getting more difficult to see the walkers. “KAREN!”
No response. She remained on the floor, broken. She wasn’t going anywhere. I shook my head and picked up the backpack, and turned around to reunite with my group. I felt terrible for doing this, but she was only going to hurt us. I hoped she somehow made it out alive.
I dashed through the woods, unaware of my surroundings. The sun was barely visible over the horizon, and I can barely see. The walkers’ moans and unsettling noises were heard all over the place. For the first time in some time, I was frightened.
I noticed the wind picking up, and the sun beginning to disappear. I couldn’t see any stars, so I assumed clouds have formed above us. This wasn’t good… it seemed… [view original content]
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I ended up re-injuring my ankle badly and had to stay a couple of nights in the hospital. Then I was forced to rest and lay in bed for a few days and now I can finally walk, in a walking boot. With that being said, if anyone else is reading this, Chapter 7 will begin either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.
If Tony would have helped Deryck fight off the walkers, it would have actually turned out to be rather successful. In fact, Ashley's death would have been prevented, since there would not have been any need to rush outside and Dom being left behind would not have been in the equation. However, this would have wasted a lot of ammo. And depending on future choices, this could have been really bad. (Revisited in next response)
As for this choice, it was clearly the most pivotal choice of the entire chapter; as it decides where the rest of the chapter would take place and how the story would be affected otherwise. Obviously if Tony had left Billy with no consequences, the group would have remained in Darenton struggling to live off of their few resources, and Trevor, Karen, and John would not have been introduced yet at all. If Tony killed Billy, Trevor and Karen would quickly arrive to the scene. Once they find out what happens, Trevor would get extremely furious and fire aimlessly at the group, injuring many group members, severely injuring some. Tony would kill Trevor as Karen runs away, and the group would have been left alone in Darenton. The rest of the chapter would be the group trying to survive in Darenton and attempting to leave with their injured group; and future choices would determine which characters survive or die. The lack of ammo after fighting the walkers off before with Deryck would have played a factor in some choices, as mentioned before.
Hehe, if Tony would have thanked Katrina in part 5, Katrina would have given a very awkward "your welcome, I guess..." before being slightly embarrassed and upset, and take it as if Tony didn't like her. Of course, the romance would not have started at all, but there would be later hints and choices for a second chance. Pretty much all of Tony and Katrina's conversations afterwards would have been pretty awkward for a while, until they would eventually get over it.
If Tony would have went hunting with Billy, Billy would explain his entire story and give Tony a bit of history on his backstory, in attempt to grow closer to the new group. Tony would be very annoyed by this, but Billy would go ahead and explain everything about himself, all whilst finding a new town and gaining loot together. This would have gotten the job done faster, which means that Billy would have never arrived back at the lodge so late, and the escape from the walkers would have been much easier and less hectic. In result of this, none of the characters would have actually died; in fact, the entire group would live on to Chapter 7. Of course, if you still would have wished for Billy to be dead, Chapter 7 would have played out completely different than what I have planned, and there would have been an option or two to off him when you can. However, this would put the entire group on bad terms. I won't go too much into it - this is Chapter 6 we are talking about, isn't it? XD
Of course, this choice would not have existed if Tony chose to go hunting with Billy, let alone if Tony chose to kill Billy or let him go in part 4. However, if Tony would have went searching for Billy, there would have been an additional part to the chapter; that extra part being in which Samantha's fate is decided by the reader's choice. If Samantha would have died, the rest of the chapter would have played out as it did. If Tony was able to prevent Samantha's death, the whole ordeal with Samantha would not have happened; meaning that both Trevor and Karen would both be alive for Chapter 7. However, Billy would have died either way.
Again, feel really bad taking so long to answer these questions. However, I know that there was not much I was able to do about it. Like I said before, Chapter 7 will start tomorrow or Wednesday. Stay tuned!
Hah, I was looking forward for this opportunity There are many, many alternative outcomes I'd like to know about, so let me start chronolog… moreically:
In the second part, we had the choice to throw Nick's hand to the walkers to escape, or to help Deryck in fighting off the walkers. I'm curious, what would have happened if we had chosen to help Deryck instead?
Then, of course, perhaps one of the most important choices in the entire story for me: In part 4, after Billy murdered Nick (in cold blood of course), what would have happened with the alternative outcomes? Specifically, what would have happened if we would have given him his well-deserved death right there and what would have happened if we wouldn't have hurt him or followed him back to the lodge?
I can sort of think that it simply would have meant that the romance between Tony and Kat wouldn't have started, but what would have happened in particular if we wouldn't have chosen to … [view original content]
For reasons outside your control, it was just a bit too slow with the gaps in between the parts. Don't get me wrong, it didn't detract from the quality of each part at all, but the long gaps in between each part had me just recapping what happened in the previous part before I got started on your newest one, which threw me off a little bit. Again, not your fault, it's just something I experienced.
Yes, this was my biggest fear of having to make the gaps in between parts relatively large. I knew that people would most likely not have a clear idea of what happened the previous parts. I'm glad that it wasn't too bad for you, and I hope it wasn't too large of a distraction
I think others have touched on this, but the lack of interaction with other characters stood out in this chapter, especially for Samantha.
As always, I am aware of the character interaction between certain characters. It is arguably the biggest thing I pay attention to while writing. I always try my best to give each character an equal amount of interaction, but I'm not going to lie, that actually is something I tend to struggle with. I don't know why, it's just something difficult for me to touch on exactly. Fortunately, I am learning to improve this and it is not as bad as it was before. If all goes well, this problem should be beginning to clear up in future Chapters, starting Chapter 7. However, I did mention something about Samantha in my response to Liquid's questions for alternative outcomes. Perhaps you can read it so that maybe you won't feel I secluded Samantha too much in the story.
Wow, I am really, really late to this. I just haven't had time to sit down and catch up
Ok, first, my reaction to this chapter... WTF!? … moreWhere'd everyone go? Poor Tony. And poor Katrina This group seems ok I guess, but we'll see. I hope Tony isn't separated from the group for too long.
Who was your favorite character(s) this chapter?
Well, after his actions last chapter, Dylan has firmly cemented himself as a ruthless badass. Like I said in the decision to go and search over the body, I wouldn't hesitate in shooting him myself, Trevor was so guilty. Does demonstrate Dylan's ability to 'take no shit' perfectly, which is why I liked him this chapter in particular.
Tony and Katrina's blossoming relationship is just so cute
Who was your least favorite character(s) this chapter?
John Lottman... Nah, I joke. Trevor takes that place.
Didn't really despise Billy. He was just a tragedy of a character trying to do good and ending… [view original content]
If Tony would have brought Karen along, she would have been mentally broken and would need Tony's help finding her way out of the woods. Tony would manage to bring along Karen with him in his escape from the woods, and it would have made the escape and the part overall longer and more eventful. Tony and Karen would eventually run into Tina and their new group, and the six of them would be the beginning focus of Chapter 7. However, Karen would still be extremely unstable and depressed, and would need constant help from the new group to make it on their venture to find Tony's group.
Liquid already asked most of the things I am curious about XD
But I still have one question about the final choice: If we would have brought Karen along, what would have happened?
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I ended up re-injuring my ankle badly and had to stay a couple of nights in the hospital. Then I was forced to rest and lay in bed for a few days and now I can finally walk, in a walking boot. With that being said, if anyone else is reading this, Chapter 7 will begin either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.
Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you're getting well soon! I'm naturally looking forward for the new chapter, but I especially hope that you're feeling well now and that your ankle is healing nicely. Take your time!
If Tony would have helped Deryck fight off the walkers, it would have actually turned out to be rather successful. In fact, Ashley's death would have been prevented, since there would not have been any need to rush outside and Dom being left behind would not have been in the equation. However, this would have wasted a lot of ammo. And depending on future choices, this could have been really bad. (Revisited in next response)
Since we ended up not killing Billy, therefore having little need for the ammo, it sounds like we screwed up here. Although, from a writing point of view, having Ashley's death at the very beginning of the chapter made Nick's death shortly afterwards even more gut-wrenching. Still, I wish we would have done things differently there, because Ashley did not deserve this kind of death.
As for this choice, it was clearly the most pivotal choice of the entire chapter; as it decides where the rest of the chapter would take place and how the story would be affected otherwise. Obviously if Tony had left Billy with no consequences, the group would have remained in Darenton struggling to live off of their few resources, and Trevor, Karen, and John would not have been introduced yet at all. If Tony killed Billy, Trevor and Karen would quickly arrive to the scene. Once they find out what happens, Trevor would get extremely furious and fire aimlessly at the group, injuring many group members, severely injuring some. Tony would kill Trevor as Karen runs away, and the group would have been left alone in Darenton. The rest of the chapter would be the group trying to survive in Darenton and attempting to leave with their injured group; and future choices would determine which characters survive or die. The lack of ammo after fighting the walkers off before with Deryck would have played a factor in some choices, as mentioned before.
I actually still wish we would have ended up killing him immediately. As I said before, the way he actually bit the dust felt a bit lacking, so this would have been far more satisfying for me. By the way, how would they have killed him? Also, even though the group would have had some wounded people, there would have been no immediate deaths, aside from that waste of space Trevor. Of course, if we would have ended up with a lack of ammo after the Ashley choice, I'd think differently about this, but seeing how things turned out, I really wish we would have ended up butchering Billy immediately.
Hehe, if Tony would have thanked Katrina in part 5, Katrina would have given a very awkward "your welcome, I guess..." before being slightly embarrassed and upset, and take it as if Tony didn't like her. Of course, the romance would not have started at all, but there would be later hints and choices for a second chance. Pretty much all of Tony and Katrina's conversations afterwards would have been pretty awkward for a while, until they would eventually get over it.
That one is hilarious XD Just for the sheer awkwardness of this conversation, I wish it would have happened, especially since a second chance could have happened later on. In general, the way Tony and Katrina are kind of huge, adorable dorks when it comes to romance is always enjoyable to read, so I think I would have enjoyed that part.
If Tony would have went hunting with Billy, Billy would explain his entire story and give Tony a bit of history on his backstory, in attempt to grow closer to the new group. Tony would be very annoyed by this, but Billy would go ahead and explain everything about himself, all whilst finding a new town and gaining loot together. This would have gotten the job done faster, which means that Billy would have never arrived back at the lodge so late, and the escape from the walkers would have been much easier and less hectic. In result of this, none of the characters would have actually died; in fact, the entire group would live on to Chapter 7.
Ugh, Increased interaction with and backstory about that fucker would have made me puke. Like, literally, I would have puked, because I was sick of him the moment I learned his name. Even though I have my problems with the way he died, I love his death because of how appropriately painful it was but also because we never learned anything about him aside from how evil he is. It's wonderful, sweet and satisfying that he will be remembered as nothing but this postapocalyptic mega-evolution of Charles Manson. Though, three questions this alternative outcome brought up: I have to wonder, was there anything more to his character aside from the shameless joy he felt while murdering Nick and Samantha? And I'm baffled, but why wouldn't he take the chance to murder Tony during their hunting trip? Also, there wouldn't have been a chance to dispose of him during this hunting trip, no?
Of course, if you still would have wished for Billy to be dead, Chapter 7 would have played out completely different than what I have planned, and there would have been an option or two to off him when you can. However, this would put the entire group on bad terms. I won't go too much into it - this is Chapter 6 we are talking about, isn't it? XD
Naturally, I still would have wished for Billy to die regardless of what he would have done in the story. Though I am curious how killing him in Chapter 7 would have put the entire group on bad terms. How can it be bad for the group if they would have gotten rid of an insane and evil serial killer like him? Hell, he literally has the brain activity of a walker, so he should be treated like a walker. By the way, I have to admit that there is one part of me who misses him, namely the part that loves to make him my verbal punching bag. Part of what made it so fun to insult him was the fact that this pathetic piece of shit deserved every single word I said to him. The only thing I miss about this little bitch is insulting him and I miss these wonderful parts where Tony and Katrina physically hurt him in some way. Shame that they didn't hurt him even more. It doesn't make it any more satisfying, but I guess in the long run his death as it happened will be for the best. If I still manage to think about this at the end of the next chapter, can you elaborate about the consequences of killing Billy in Chapter 7 in more detail? By no way can I think of any negative consequences that wouldn't be worth it.
Of course, this choice would not have existed if Tony chose to go hunting with Billy, let alone if Tony chose to kill Billy or let him go in part 4. However, if Tony would have went searching for Billy, there would have been an additional part to the chapter; that extra part being in which Samantha's fate is decided by the reader's choice. If Samantha would have died, the rest of the chapter would have played out as it did. If Tony was able to prevent Samantha's death, the whole ordeal with Samantha would not have happened; meaning that both Trevor and Karen would both be alive for Chapter 7. However, Billy would have died either way.
Surprisingly, it seems that searching for Billy would have ended up as the better choice, considering that we could have prevented him from murdering Samantha. AT the same time though, Billy's henchmen would have lived, so I'm still kinda torn. In the end, saving Samantha would have been a priority over killing Trevor and Karen. I guess with Billy's death, they might have even been able to be redeemed in the long run. He was at least influencing Trevor and who knows what kind of hold he had on Karen, considering how she broke down after his death.
Oh, and there is one more alternative choice I was just thinking about, the very first one in fact. What would have been the alternative outcomes of the leadership choice at the very beginning of this chapter? I can totally see this one being one of the most major choices in this chapter.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I ended up re-injuring my ankle badly and had to stay a couple of nights in the hospital. Then I wa… mores forced to rest and lay in bed for a few days and now I can finally walk, in a walking boot. With that being said, if anyone else is reading this, Chapter 7 will begin either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.
If Tony would have helped Deryck fight off the walkers, it would have actually turned out to be rather successful. In fact, Ashley's death would have been prevented, since there would not have been any need to rush outside and Dom being left behind would not have been in the equation. However, this would have wasted a lot of ammo. And depending on future choices, this could have been really bad. (Revisited in next response)
As for this choice, it was clearly the most pivotal choice of the entire chapter; as it decides where the rest of the chapter would take place and how… [view original content]
Wow, I feel sorry for Karen now. I still think this was the right choice, because of what you said. Karen was broken and would drag the whole group down if Tony would have brought her along. It is not the moral thing to do but Tony still tried a lot to save her. He did the best he could without endangering others.
If Tony would have brought Karen along, she would have been mentally broken and would need Tony's help finding her way out of the woods. Ton… morey would manage to bring along Karen with him in his escape from the woods, and it would have made the escape and the part overall longer and more eventful. Tony and Karen would eventually run into Tina and their new group, and the six of them would be the beginning focus of Chapter 7. However, Karen would still be extremely unstable and depressed, and would need constant help from the new group to make it on their venture to find Tony's group.
Chapter 7 begins tomorrow. I already started writing and it was initially planned to be out today, but something important came up and had to be taken care of. Good news, spring break starts next Friday! Hopefully I can get a good start on Chapter 7 while I can. As always, thank you for your patience!
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I opened my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate your guys’ help… a lot.” I thanked Tina.
“No problem.” Tina grinned. “Time to wake these other sleepyheads up.”
Tina walked over to Fiona and woke her up almost instantly. “Fiona, you weren’t awake last night when Tony came in.”
“Who’s… Tony?” Fiona asked, dazed.
“Him, right there. He was separated from his group and he needs help finding them. We’re gonna do that today.” Tina explained everything to her.
Fiona seemed a bit upset, but welcoming at the same time. “Hi, Tony. I’m Fiona.”
“Nice to meet you.” I greeted myself.
Tina approached Mark and shook him lightly at an attempt to wake him up. She was successful, as Mark opened his eyes and looked around the room. “What?”
“Time to wake up.” Tina told him.
Mark looked outside and turned back to Tina. “What the fuck? How early is it?”
“I don’t know, we don’t have clocks.” Tina laughed.
“Why are you waking me up at sunrise?” Mark asked.
“We’re going to look for Tony’s group.” Tina responded.
“Why so early?” Mark asked more questions.
“If we’re gonna look, might as well go early so we have more time.” Tina shrugged.
Mark shook his head. “Listen, I’m not gonna wake up at the ass crack of dawn to look for this stranger’s group. Have him look for his own group. He isn’t our problem.”
“Stop whining, what if it was you?” Tina retorted.
“I wouldn’t be a little bitch and look myself instead of getting other innocent people dragged into my own problem. At least I have respect.” Mark sneered.
“Yeah, you’re acting really respectful right now…” Tina trailed off.
“I wouldn’t mind as much if we weren’t up so fucking early.” Mark replied.
Tina sighed. “Fine… if you really care that much then go back to sleep.”
“I gladly will.” Mark turned to face the wall and went silent.
“Faggot.” I muttered under my own breath, hoping no one heard me. I could kind of see where he’s coming from, but there was no need to be an asshole about it.
“Oh well. Sorry Tony, you can go back to sleep. You too Fiona.” Tina told us.
“We don’t have to go with him.” I said.
“I guess… but I’d rather go with a full group. Make it less dangerous.” Tina stated.
“Alrighty then.” I shrugged as I walked to the front door. “I think I’m gonna get some air and watch the sunrise.”
“Okay, don’t go on too far.” Tina let out a deep breath as she laid on the floor.
March 18th, 2017. 7:29 A.M.
I walked outside to the nice, warm air. I sat down at the top of the green, sloping hill and watched the sunrise. I didn’t know what day it was exactly, but I knew we were still in the month of March. The smell of the approaching spring made me feel alive. The transition from winter to spring… that was always my favorite. It would be a lot better though if we weren’t in the middle of an apocalypse.
I sat there for about fifteen minutes, until I heard a sudden voice from behind me. “Hi Tony.”
I snapped around quickly to see Kelsi close the door behind me as she stood to my left.
“Oh, hi there… Casey?” I couldn’t exactly remember her name yet.
“Kelsi.” She giggled.
“Oh, yeah… my bad.” I smirked.
“It’s okay.” Kelsi sat down next to me. “What ya doing?”
“Just watching the sunrise. Beautiful, ain’t it?” I pointed out.
“It is very beautiful.” She smiled. “Almost as beautiful as you.”
That came quick. It kind of took me by surprise. “Thanks… you too…?” I still didn’t really know how to reply. I wanted to compliment her back for complimenting me, but I wasn’t going to do anything with her. I still stood by Katrina. She’d kick my ass if she was here right now…
“Why thank you.” Kelsi placed her hand on her chest and put on a bright smile. She gave me that average teenage girl look. It looked as if she was expecting me to say that. I wouldn’t be surprised, she probably got a lot of those before the world went to shit.
“How old are you?” I asked her.
“Nineteen. And you are twenty eight, right?” She reciprocated my question.
“Yeah.” I replied.
“Not that big of an age gap if you think about it.” She giggled once more.
This was getting out of hand. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I do have a girlfriend.”
Kelsi’s grin quickly faded away. “Oh, shit… uh… sorry… um… yeah…” She said in the most awkward way possible.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know.” I said, in an awkward way as well. “You’re just lucky she isn’t here.”
“She probably would have. I always screw up like that.” Kelsi let out a very slight chuckle. “Probably why I haven’t found true love in college or high school.”
“Well… I mean, you gotta slow it down there a bit.” I told her.
“I know. I thought I fell for these two nerdy guys when all of this shit started, but I haven’t seen them since.” She told me.
“What happened to them?” I asked.
“No idea. They probably died.” She replied. “They saved me from two dead things and then explained everything to me. They said they would help me get back to my dad but they set off somewhere and never came back.”
“Do you know where your dad is?” I asked again.
“He has his own military base somewhere around here… in Ohio, I believe.” She responded. “I’ve been trying to get there since this started, but it’s been really hard. I miss my dad so much.”
“Sorry to hear that. Maybe we’ll all go look for him.” I tried to comfort her.
“We’ve been trying for a while. That’s actually where we’re trying to go. We just take stops to rest and maybe spend a couple of nights at one place, then we go on the move again. I mean, Joe can only move so much… it starts to deteriorate him. I feel really bad… but he always insists we keep going. That guy has a hell of a heart.” Kelsi explained.
“He seems like a really good guy.” I said.
“Trust me, he is.” Kelsi assured.
By the time we had finished talking, the sun had already risen above the horizon. The crimson color began to fade away to the usual light blue.
“I wonder what my group is thinking right now.” I got worried.
“I’m sure they’re going insane.” Kelsi answered.
“I can’t take the anxiety. I have to find them.” I put my hands on my face.
“We’ll go search for them, don’t worry.” Kelsi smiled. “I’ll wake Mark’s lazy ass up and we’ll get going.”
Kelsi stood up and walked inside. I remained outside, grazing my fingers against the deep green grass. The flowers were beginning to bud, mainly the yellow ones. It was just so beautiful outside. It was one of those days where it didn’t feel like an apocalypse at all, excluding the disgusting town of Darenton that stood below where I was sitting.
I didn’t know how long I was sitting out there for. I was so lost in the scenery and atmosphere. It must have been a decent amount of time, because Kelsi called my name inside, where everyone was awake.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“You ready to leave?” Tina asked.
“I’m not coming.” Mark hissed.
“Come on Mark!” Kelsi complained. “Just come on… we’ll find his group and continue heading for Ohio.”
“Then come get me after you find them. You know where I am.” Mark stated.
“You’re not gonna stay here alone.” Tina crossed her arms.
“I will.” Mark crossed his arms as well. “I’m not risking my life to do this.”
“You’re making everything hard, Mark. Once we find them we can just leave to Ohio. We’ve stood here for three days already. We’re taking all of our supplies.” Fiona chimed in.
“Fine!” Mark growled and stood up. “If anyone dies it isn’t my fault.”
“Hold on…” Joe said softly. “Tony, are you and your people heading out for somewhere specifically?”
“Nope.” I replied. “In fact, we’re looking for somewhere to stay. I think we’re a strong enough group to defend ourselves, especially with you guys at addition.”
“Woah woah woah, we’re not staying together are we?” Mark interrupted.
“For fuck’s sake Mark, we’ll see what happens when we find them!” Fiona got angry.
“If we find them.” Mark mumbled.
“Is everyone ready?” Tina asked everyone. We all gave her an assuring nod.
We all walked out of the gas station, and travelled down the hill into the lower parts of Darenton. AKA, the shitty area.
“Tony, do you know where they went? Where should we go?” Tina asked.
“Uh…” I was trying to think where they would be. I know they were last in the woods, but since it was pretty much entirely overrun by walkers last night, I’d think they moved somewhere else. Unless they made it back to the lodge or something. I really had no idea.
[Search the woods][Search Darenton][Leave the town and search on the roads]
Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you're getting well soon! I'm naturally looking forward for the new chapter, but I especially hope that you're feeling well now and that your ankle is healing nicely. Take your time!
Thanks Liquid, haha. I am due to get my walking boot off next week!
By the way, how would they have killed him?
Their first instinct would have just been to shoot him, but Katrina would have practically tortured him before killing him, such as punching him, peeling off skin, ripping out teeth, etc.
Though, three questions this alternative outcome brought up: I have to wonder, was there anything more to his character aside from the shameless joy he felt while murdering Nick and Samantha?
Well, yes, he did have a backstory, although not too detailed or extreme. The submitter even said himself/herself that he lived a pretty normal life.
And I'm baffled, but why wouldn't he take the chance to murder Tony during their hunting trip?
Well, that wouldn't have been Billy's intentions during the trip XD.
Also, there wouldn't have been a chance to dispose of him during this hunting trip, no?
Well, depending on chosen dialogue in an extra part, the following part would have introduced an option to kill him. However, it would have been a very, very risky option.
If I still manage to think about this at the end of the next chapter, can you elaborate about the consequences of killing Billy in Chapter 7 in more detail?
Yes, if you are still curious, I will be able to elaborate by the end of Chapter 7. I cannot do it now as it would spoil some things, lol.
Oh, and there is one more alternative choice I was just thinking about, the very first one in fact. What would have been the alternative outcomes of the leadership choice at the very beginning of this chapter?
Yes, this would have been another option to prevent the whole scenario with the group being trapped in the building with the walkers, thus preventing Ashley's death. Dylan would not have led the group into the building, and would have been able to keep the group safe, albeit in an ugly way. However, since the Tony option was chosen, it has developed Tony's leadership skills; and served as an eye-opener for Tony, preparing him for events in the future. So, this pick wasn't all that bad.
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I ended up re-injuring my ankle badly and had to stay a couple of nights in the hospital. Then I wa… mores forced to rest and lay in bed for a few days and now I can finally walk, in a walking boot. With that being said, if anyone else is reading this, Chapter 7 will begin either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.
Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you're getting well soon! I'm naturally looking forward for the new chapter, but I especially hope that you're feeling well now and that your ankle is healing nicely. Take your time!
If Tony would have helped Deryck fight off the walkers, it would have actually turned out to be rather successful. In fact, Ashley's death would have been prevented, since there would not have been any need to rush outside and Dom being left behind would not have been in the equation. However, this would have wasted a lot of ammo. And depending on future c… [view original content]
The last time we saw the group was in the woods. I dont think they are still there but maybe they left some clue behind that could lead Tony to them. Maybe they are also looking for him and it would make sense to search in the woods where they last saw him.
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I open… moreed my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate yo… [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I open… moreed my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate yo… [view original content]
Thanks Liquid, haha. I am due to get my walking boot off next week!
This is good, I'm glad to hear it! I hope it's all healed soon
Their first instinct would have just been to shoot him, but Katrina would have practically tortured him before killing him, such as punching him, peeling off skin, ripping out teeth, etc.
Oh damn, this should have happened. I genuinely regret that this wasn't the winning choice, because that would have been beyond wonderful. Exactly the kind of death he deserved. I really shouldn't have agreed to change my vote. Sparing this fucker is clearly the biggest regret I have in terms of choices here, because this outcome would have been downright amazing. Well, I think it's safe to say that the walkers that devoured him did even more wonderful things to him, but this one would have been a sheer joy to read. Bonus points for Kat taking her vengeance. And we would have managed to save Samantha as well! I'm certainly not going to spare the next fucker that even remotely screws with the group, because it looks like I deprived myself of what could have very well been the hands-down best scene in the entire story. God damn it... Would there have been any negative consequences at all coming out of torturing him? Because no matter how hard I try, I can't see them.
Well, yes, he did have a backstory, although not too detailed or extreme. The submitter even said himself/herself that he lived a pretty normal life.
A normal life, huh? Probably a normal life of serial killing, child raping and puppy kicking or whatever other sick stuff he was into. The more I think about it, the more he genuinely reminds me of one of these hillbilly mutants from various slasher movies. In my headcanon he now even looks like one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he must be the most evil and deranged character that got ever submitted, right?
Well, that wouldn't have been Billy's intentions during the trip XD.
This surprises me. It would have been a perfect opportunity for him to kill more people, which seemed to be all he ever lived for. But well, thankfully we never learned more about his endgame goals for the group, which I'm sure wouldn't have been pleasant. Though, what would have been his intention during the trip, if he wasn't out to murder Tony?
Well, depending on chosen dialogue in an extra part, the following part would have introduced an option to kill him. However, it would have been a very, very risky option.
Bah, screw the risks. When it comes to Billy, every risk would have been worth giving him the death he deserves. It would have also been safer for the gorup, because they wouldn't have been in any danger from him if Tony would have killed him. Now I somewhat regret that we haven't accompanied him, but not as much as I regret sparing him. On the positive side, not accompanying him gave him less screentime and the less screentime for Billy, the better.
Yes, if you are still curious, I will be able to elaborate by the end of Chapter 7. I cannot do it now as it would spoil some things, lol.
I'm sure I'll still be curious and I hope I will remember to ask!
Yes, this would have been another option to prevent the whole scenario with the group being trapped in the building with the walkers, thus preventing Ashley's death. Dylan would not have led the group into the building, and would have been able to keep the group safe, albeit in an ugly way. However, since the Tony option was chosen, it has developed Tony's leadership skills; and served as an eye-opener for Tony, preparing him for events in the future. So, this pick wasn't all that bad
I guess now that he got this brutal wake-up call, he should be a more efficient leader in the future, maybe even preventing some deaths, so I guess the consequences weren't entirely bad. I still feel bad for Ashley, but in the end she was my least favourite group member after the events of Chapter 5. Though I'm curious now. What do you mean when you say that Dylan would have kept the group safe in an ugly way?
Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you're getting well soon! I'm naturally looking forward for the new chapter, but I especially hope that you… more're feeling well now and that your ankle is healing nicely. Take your time!
Thanks Liquid, haha. I am due to get my walking boot off next week!
By the way, how would they have killed him?
Their first instinct would have just been to shoot him, but Katrina would have practically tortured him before killing him, such as punching him, peeling off skin, ripping out teeth, etc.
Though, three questions this alternative outcome brought up: I have to wonder, was there anything more to his character aside from the shameless joy he felt while murdering Nick and Samantha?
Well, yes, he did have a backstory, although not too detailed or extreme. The submitter even said himself/herself that he lived a pretty normal life.
And I'm baffled, but why wouldn't he take the chance to … [view original content]
Wonderful start! I'm already hyped for this chapter I also start to like these new people. Tina and Joe seem to be alright and I also start to like Kelsi, now that she hopefully stopped flirting with Tony for good. Though I noticed that she's really not that much younger than Kat, who was 21 at the start of the apocalypse, if I'm not mistaken. So far I imagined her as a real teen, like somewhere around 16 years old. As for Mark, he's kind of a jerk, but I'm pretty sure he's going to do something super badass and I'll end up liking him.
[Search the woods]
I'm fully agreeing with janitor and Clem_in_the_Pines. This one is the best option for the beginning. The group was in the woods and it should be possible to follow their trail from there on. Blindly going into one direction is a gamble, so they should start at a place where the group clearly has been before, that hopefully maximizes their chances even if it is a bit risky with all the walkers around. Though I have the feeling that finding the group is going to be hard work in any way and possibly a major story arc in this chapter at least.
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I open… moreed my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate yo… [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I open… moreed my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate yo… [view original content]
You would assume that the group would have the same idea to try and look for Tony and even if they didn't, you're more likely to find clues of their whereabouts here.
Nice new people for a change eh? Mark's a bit of a dick but I get that he has no obligation apart from a moral one to help Tony. I'd probably be more interested in keeping my group safe.
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I open… moreed my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate yo… [view original content]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed or anything. Once we get enough supplies, we can live happy with everyone we care about. But you’re putting that in jeopardy by risking all of our lives. If someone I care about dies before we make it there, I am going to be very upset.” Mark explained.
“Even once I’m gone? You’re going to blame it on me?” I questioned him.
“You aren’t going to come with us?” Kelsi asked, seeming a bit concerned.
“I don’t know yet. Depends on what my group thinks when we find them.” I replied.
“If we find them…” Mark trailed off.
“Why are you in such a pissy mood Mark?” Fiona asked.
“I’ve answered that question many times already, Fiona.” Mark responded. “I care for all of you. And all of our lives are at jeopardy for this guy who we don’t even know.”
“What if it was you, Mark?” Joe spoke. “Put yourself in this man’s position… I’m sure you would be asking for the same. You know, if you were separated from us.”
Mark just shook his head in response to Joe. “Whatever. I just don’t want to lose anyone.”
“You do realize we can die at any moment.” Fiona told Mark. “We can be heading on our way to Ohio and someone can bite the dust… I hate to bring it up, but remember what happened to Will?”
“Don’t bring him up.” Mark responded immediately.
“Who’s Will?” I asked curiously.
“It’s none of your business.” Mark snarled. That was pretty nosy of me, now that I think about it.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t know.” Tina said as she climbed over a log.
We continued to venture through the woods, until we came across the river. Shit, I completely forgot about it. “Uh…”
“What is it?” Tina asked.
“We kinda have to cross this river…” I muttered.
“What?!” Mark stated loudly as he stuck his finger into the water. “Hell no. We are not swimming across this cold ass river.”
“I’m sorry Tony but I’m with Mark on this one… do you think there’s another way across?” Tina asked.
“No idea…” I shook my head. “We can try and build a bridge with sticks or something.”
“We’re gonna need a big ass stick if we’re getting across this.” Kelsi pointed out.
“Shit, I don’t know guys…” I tried to think.
“Hello? Hello!” An unknown voice suddenly called out from across the river. The six of us shifted our attention to the other side of the river. An asian man with a backpack was standing there with a crossbow aimed at us.
“Yo jackass, watch where you’re pointing that thing!” Mark called out to him.
Tina gave Mark a mild punch to his gut, and took the man herself. “What do you want?”
“What are you guys doing over there?” The asian man hollered.
“We’re trying to get across the river.” I replied.
The asian man lowered his crossbow and looked around. “Good luck with that.”
Fiona groaned and stepped forward. “Come on man, do you think you can help us?”
“I don’t know… can I trust you guys?” He spoke a bit quieter now.
“Of course.” Fiona nodded. “We promise we won’t hurt you.”
I saw the man narrow his eyes, and open his mouth to speak. “A lot of people say that… last time I trusted someone who said that my best friend got killed.’
Mark sighed and called out. “Listen man, we’re not gonna fucking hurt you. Why would we do that? We’re just trying to look for our friends, and in order to do that we gotta cross this river. After you help we’ll leave. Got it?”
The man stood there for a few seconds, then reached into his backpack and pulled out a rope. “Here, catch!” He threw the rope across the river as hard as he could, and Tina caught it and stepped on the end of it.
“This is all I got.” The man said as he held down his end of the rope. “You’re gonna have to crawl across on the rope and try to hold on.”
Tina slowly nodded and turned to Joe. “You think you’re gonna be able to do this, Joe?”
“We’ll see… you guys go first.” Joe ordered.
“Your group, you go first.” Mark told me as Tina’s foot remained on the rope.
I sighed. “Fine…” I got a hold of the rope and wrapped my legs around it, as if I was hugging the rope. I flipped upside down so that I was hanging from the bottom. This meant that if I were to lose my grip, I’d fall into the river.
I slowly but surely made my way across the river via the rope, and landed on the river bank by the asian man. I got up and watched as Kelsi began to make her way across the rope.
“Thanks man.” I told him. “I’m Tony.”
“... I’m Yoshiro. And no problem.” Yoshiro responded. Yoshiro was a tall man, who was a bit pale and light skinned. He had dark brown eyes with black, fuzzy medium length hair. He was wearing a brown and green jacket with grey cargo pants.
“Sorry to put you through this trouble. What are you doing out here?” I asked.
“I just wanted to explore, maybe salvage a few things. My friends and I heard what was going on yesterday with all of those eaters.” Yoshiro answered. “Plus… one of our friends went out a few days ago and never returned. We’re all worried and I’ve been trying my hardest to find her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, I know how you feel.” I replied. “I’m looking for my friends too. We got separated yesterday after the walker attack.”
“Walkers, you call them? That’s much better than eaters.” Yoshiro smiled a bit.
“I’ve been calling them that ever since they started emerging.” I shrugged. “How many friends do you have?”
“Two of them, Emi and Kazuhiko. And then Miyako, that’s the one that’s missing.” Yoshiro muttered. “We’re staying in a tent on the border of the woods. We just really want to find Miyako.”
As Yoshiro finished his sentence, Kelsi had made her way across and Fiona had started to cross. “What ya guys talking about?” She asked.
“I was just telling your friend Tony that I’m out here looking for my friend too.” Yoshiro said.
“Oh, I hope you find her.” Kelsi murmured. “Wanna come with us?”
Yoshiro paused before answering. “Oh, uh… I don’t know if my friends would want that. Where are you guys going?”
“Wherever Tony is. We’re just wandering, looking for people. Ya know?” Kelsi spoke.
“I mean, I’ll ask my friends. There’s only two of them, if you don’t mind. You can come meet them if you want. We’re staying in a crappy tent, I’m sure they won’t care. As long as we have a shot at finding Miyako.” Yoshiro stated.
Fiona managed to catch part of the conversation as she made it over to our side. “They are welcome to come. Just beware of the mexican guy over there, the one that’s crossing the rope. He isn’t fond of newcomers until he gets used to them.”
“Note taken.” Yoshiro said as he scanned the woods. “Pretty yucky out here.”
“It is.” I said as I observed the area.
Mark managed to make it over fast, and was not hesitant to speak to Yoshiro. “So, what’s your deal man?”
“Must’ve explained this three times already…” Yoshiro chuckled. “I’m just looking for my friend, that’s all.”
“Oh, alright. Good.” Mark crossed his arms. “So I assume you’ll be going on your own.”
“I don’t know.” Yoshiro shrugged. “My two friends and I might just tag along with you guys, I mean we don’t really have anywhere to go either.”
“Oh… great. Just great. More people!” Mark cheered sarcastically.
“Shut up Mark, if I were you I’d feel more comfortable. We have a larger group, better chance at defending ourselves.” Fiona hissed.
“Whatever you say.” Mark shook his head.
I had been talking the entire time that I did not notice that Joe was about to land on our side of the river. He made his way and stood up next to us. “Old man’s still got it.” He laughed and clutched his right side. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“Good shit Joe.” Mark smiled. “Tina, how ya gonna get across?”
“No worries.” Tina called out as she picked up a few heavy rocks and dropped them on the rope. “Hopefully this supports my weight.”
“It should.” Kelsi responded. “You’re not a heavy person.”
“Yeah, you should have been going last!” Tina giggled as she made her way across the rope.
We all tried to combine our strength and hold the rope for Tina, and we waited as she finally got across to us. “Thanks guys.”
Yoshiro pulled the rope back as hard as he could, reeling it in to him. Most of the rocks that Tina had placed down on it had fell into the river.
“I’m Yoshiro, by the way.” Yoshiro introduced himself. “I already introduced myself to Tony.”
We all introduced ourselves as we began to walk away from the river. Yoshiro explained his dilemma to everyone. “So, we going to your tent?” Kelsi asked.
“Sure, if you’re all cool with it.” Yoshiro replied. “I’m down to help you guys. Like I said, I just want to find Miyako. I don’t want to bring unwanted company though. I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Alright, see ya.” Mark began to walk in the opposite direction, but Tina pulled him back.
“I don’t have a problem with it. And I’m sure no one else does besides Mark.” Tina said. “In the end it is Tony’s group we’re looking for. Whatever you want Tony. I think it’ll be fine.”
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends][Go off without Yoshiro]
This is good, I'm glad to hear it! I hope it's all healed soon
Thanks! The boot is now off and I can walk freely again
Would there have been any negative consequences at all coming out of torturing him?
Well, yes. Trevor and Karen would have noticed and reach the group after Billy is killed. Trevor would get outraged and injure Tony and Katrina, but would be killed by a one of the group members along with Karen. This would slow down the group's mission at finding somewhere to stay and the chapter would have had a much slower pace. While there would have been less action, there would have been more dialogue and interaction.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he must be the most evil and deranged character that got ever submitted, right?
Oh, no... you just wait for that...
Though, what would have been his intention during the trip, if he wasn't out to murder Tony?
Well, that wouldn't have been Billy's intention during the trip. He would attempt to get on Tony's good side, but that would vary depending on the following choice for that part. Depending on what is chosen, Billy can be killed.
Though I'm curious now. What do you mean when you say that Dylan would have kept the group safe in an ugly way?
Well, he would have been a bit unorganized and the outcome would have been pretty bloody. There would have been a few close calls but in the end everyone would be safe for the most part. All in all, it would have literally been ugly.
Thanks Liquid, haha. I am due to get my walking boot off next week!
This is good, I'm glad to hear it! I hope it's all healed soon
… more
Their first instinct would have just been to shoot him, but Katrina would have practically tortured him before killing him, such as punching him, peeling off skin, ripping out teeth, etc.
Oh damn, this should have happened. I genuinely regret that this wasn't the winning choice, because that would have been beyond wonderful. Exactly the kind of death he deserved. I really shouldn't have agreed to change my vote. Sparing this fucker is clearly the biggest regret I have in terms of choices here, because this outcome would have been downright amazing. Well, I think it's safe to say that the walkers that devoured him did even more wonderful things to him, but this one would have been a sheer joy to read. Bonus points for Kat taking her vengeance. And we would have managed to save Samantha as wel… [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
There is something about Yoshiro that makes me trust him. Or at least makes me assume that he is not that bad. This story about him looking for a missing friend sounds believable enough to me. Since there is safety in numbers, I'd like to give him a chance. Perhaps they can help each other. The only thing am kinda worried about is how big this new group has already gotten now. I hope that is not a sign that some of the old group are never going to reunite with Tony
Great part! Even though I greatly miss the old group and can't wait until they reappear, these new people continue to grow on me, even Mark. With his talk about the mission, he reminds me a little bit of Abraham, in his early jerk days of Season 4 At this point, I'm sure he's going to reveal a hidden, likeable side once he gets to know Tony a bit better, kinda like Steve managed to turn from a total jackass to a fookin legend. Alternatively, he could end up like Jessie, as the one guy we all want dead, but I have the feeling that Mark is not all that bad.
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends] Dude helped them cross a river. if he wanted to do something, he would've already done it. Plus, he helped them cross a river. Time to return the favor.
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I… more told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed … [view original content]
“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a thorn bush. “Fucking shit! Where the hell are you leading us to?”
“My tent.” Yoshiro replied. “I know the area seems dark and hidden, but that’s the point. To stay secluded from other survivors. You never know who you may come across.”
“Tell me about it.” I responded. “I’ve met some crazy people.”
“Me too.” Yoshiro sighed. “Not too long ago, some guy stumbled upon our tent. I was outside with m best friend Chen when he approached us. He looked horrible… ripped clothes, mud all over him, blood all over his skin, he was begging for water. I couldn’t help but offer some… so I told Chen to stay there and watch him, and I went to the tent to grab a water bottle. The second I placed my hand on the water bottle, bang! I heard the gunshot, and I rushed outside to see Chen lying on the ground dead and the man running away. Luckily I was able to snipe the guy with my crossbow before he got away and kill him… that’s what he gets for killing my best friend.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I apologized. “The world nowadays is so fucked up. It’s just crazy to think of what people will do for whatever they desire.”
“Yeah, just crazy…” Yoshiro trailed off. “Hey, we’re here.”
The seven of us made it to an area where the trees cleared out, and it created a nice open area big enough for a small campsite. There was a large orange tent in the center, and a stack of logs and branches a few yards away from it, probably used for a fire. There was a container beside the tent, where I assumed they stored food and supplies. There was also a beach chair in between the tent and the logs, in which someone was sitting in. He was asian as well, and had black spiky hair and wore red shorts and a black T-shirt, with a machete strapped to his back. He seemed pretty muscular from where I was standing, and he looked to be in his late twenties.
“Who are these people?” He asked.
“This is Kazuhiko.” Yoshiro told us. “We call him Kazu.”
“Nice to meet you.” Tina waved politely.
Kazuhiko ignored Tina and turned to Yoshiro. “Excuse me, who are these people?”
“People I met struggling to cross a river. I helped them out and apparently they’re looking for their friend. Just like we are looking for Miyako.” Yoshiro explained.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to trust anyone after what happened to Chen. I can’t believe you’re making me bring him up…” Kazuhiko seemed upset.
“I know, but I just hate the possibility of leaving innocent people to die.” Yoshiro said. “And they haven’t done anything to me yet, I doubt they will when I’m with you guys.”
Kazuhiko looked at me and narrowed his eyes. He then reached behind his back and pulled out magnum. “You try anything, and a bullet goes through all of your heads’.”
“Calm down Kazu. They’re just trying to look for their friends, like us.” Yoshiro told him.
“Yeah… speaking of that, did you find anything remotely close to her?” Kazuhiko asked.
“Nope.” Yoshiro shook his head. “But luckily we have a much bigger group. We’ll have a better chance.”
“I can’t believe you’re putting your full trust in these guys.” Kazuhiko complained.
“I’m sorry, but I care too much for Miyako that I’m willing to do anything for her. It’s been days, Kazu.” Yoshiro retorted.
As soon as he said that, a young asian woman emerged from the tent to inspect the scene. She seemed to be in her early twenties and stood at about 5’ 7 and was very pretty, as she had short black hair, cut just above her shoulders and a choppy fringe that stopped just short of her deep brown eyes. She wore skinny, dark blue jeans along with fur boots and a black tank top underneath a brown leather jacket with a fur hood. I noticed a white gold necklace that she was wearing, that had ‘a charm to ward off evil spirits’ engraved onto it. She was also wearing a belt equipped with throwing knives.
“That is Emi.” Yoshiro introduced us to her. “No need to be afraid of her. Just don’t get on her bad side.”
“I was just as clueless as you Em.” Kazuhiko spoke. “Apparently Yoshiro helped these guys cross a river and bring them here to help us look for Miyako, since they’re looking for some friends too.”
“Thanks for explaining for me.” Yoshiro smiled.
“You do know there was one place where we didn’t check yet.” Emi spoke. “I was about to go later today.”
“By the bridge?” Kazuhiko questioned. “I was gonna go there!”
“Well, tough luck. There are always scavengers there and you know it. I can get in and out of there more safely.” Emi assured.
“Well, I am the better hunter.” Kazuhiko nodded. “And I have the most experience with it.”
“Ugh!” Mark groaned. “Thanks for bringing us here Yoshiro. We really had to waste our time with two bickering people.”
“Excuse me sir, you have no right to speak.” Kazuhiko turned to us. “We just fucking met you.”
“Well, it’s just that your buddy Yoshiro here said that you two were good, friendly people. And from what I’m seeing… it doesn’t seem like that.” Mark shrugged.
“They usually are friendly… it’d help if the both of you would cut the shit and not give them a bad impression.” Yoshiro told his group.
“Do you think I care what they think? I barely know ‘em!” Kazuhiko exclaimed.
“Yes, I am sorry.” Emi apologized. “I am Emi, if you did not hear Yoshiro before. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” I greeted myself. “I’m Tony.”
The rest of our group introduced themselves to everyone.
“So what’s the deal? We packing up and going and that’s it?” Kazuhiko sat up from his chair.
“I think so. We can’t keep searching and worrying about losing our home and everything we have. I believe you guys said you had a plan, right?” Yoshiro asked.
“Yeah, we’re going to Ohio.” Tina answered.
“Ohio?!” Kazuhiko exclaimed once more. “How the hell are we gonna get all the way over there?”
“We walk.” Fiona responded.
“I am not walking my ass all the way to Ohio.” Kazuhiko shook his head.
“It’s not that far Kazu.” Yoshiro turned to him. “And I believe it is a military base, correct?”
Tina gave him an affirmative nod.
“See. We’ll be completely safe. Once we find Miyako we can live there peacefully.” Yoshiro grinned.
Kazuhiko stood there for a few seconds and finally sighed, “Alright… alright…. right now though?”
“Well… I don’t want to keep you guys waiting.” Yoshiro turned to us.
“Don’t worry about it.” I answered.
“Who are you to answer for us?” Mark stepped up. “If y’all take longer than thirty minutes we’re leaving on our own.”
“Well looks like y’all are leaving then, because I gotta check out the bridge area before we leave for good.” Kazuhiko pulled out the machete from behind him.
“You aren’t going alone.” Yoshiro told him.
“I can protect myself.” Kazuhiko stated.
“That’s why you almost got bitten on the arm by a biter last week.” Emi brought up.
“That was because I wasn’t paying attention for that once second.” Kazuhiko defended himself.
“You should be paying attention at all times. You never know when one of them is about to chomp into your neck. Why do I even have to tell you this?” Emi sighed.
“Have me lead and go on a mission and you can guarantee I’ll keep everyone safe. That includes myself.” Kazuhiko stated.
“That’s your problem.” Emi said. “You are too aggressive. This is why I’m not comfortable with you going out like this.”
“What do you think is gonna happen? I’m gonna run into some crazy messed up asshole? If that happens I can off ‘em myself.” Kazuhiko raised his magnum and machete.
“It’s better to go unnoticed. I can get anything done just with stealth. I have patience, and good aim.” Emi pulled out one of her throwing knives.
“Well obviously I’m gonna hide when I need to. I’m not gonna go all out. I’m not that stupid.” Kazuhiko began to walk away but was pulled back by Yoshiro.
“Can both of you shut up already? I know you two aren’t too fond with each other but we have a goal to accomplish.” Yoshiro attempted to stop the arguing. “Whether you go or not, I want someone going with you while I pack everything up with your buddies over there. I’m not putting you two together because God knows how that’ll play out.”
“I’ll go.” I volunteered. “If it gives me a chance to find my group then I will gladly go.”
“You sure about that?” Yoshiro asked me.
“Yes. I just want to find them.” I told him. I made my way to the treeline and turned to see who was following me. Of course, both Emi and Kazuhiko trailed behind me.
“Come on Tony. You have a better chance at finding your friends with me. And I can keep you safe at all times.” Kazuhiko told me.
“Don’t listen to him. I can climb trees and work as a lookout. I’ll be able to spot anything from a good distance. If I see something bad, I kill ‘em with a throwing knife.” Emi flipped her knife.
“Listen, I…” I began to say but was cut off by Kazuhiko.
“Come on, look at me. I got a magnum and a machete. All she got are lousy throwing knives which are very hard to hit targets with.” Kazuhiko tried to persuade me.
“Not hard for me.” Emi said as she suddenly threw the knife at a nearby tree. The knife moved faster than I can blink twice, and got perfectly stuck in the center of the tree.
“Don’t be tempted by them Tony!” Yoshiro called out to me. “Just make a decision and go fast. This isn’t gonna take long.”
[Go with Emi] Stealthy is more safer, she as well seems to be cool and easier to talk with. Nice part, seems Asians (A-Team) was staying together for some time already - they seem to be all skilled too. Looks very interesting and promising!
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
She threw a knife into the center of a tree... no further explanation needed XD
Man, this group's getting bigger. They're all cool or ok so far, but how long will it last? I'm also finding myself wondering if we would have been introduced to the bad people if we had searched the city. Come on, I know some bad guys are on the way I just hope Tony finds his group first.
P.S. I'm sorry in advance, guys. I've submitted a second character and well... if they're introduced... be ready.
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
I do like both of them. Judging by the other comments, Kazuhiko is a bit underrated and I was thinking about giving a pity vote to him, but well... Emi is cooler XD Seriously, she has great aim with that knife and she seems to be calmer than Kazuhiko, less likely to do a mistake that could get her killed and she seems more resourceful in general. There's also the thing she said about climbing trees and working as a lookout, that sounds very useful when searching for people. I mean, if I expect a fight, I would probably choose Kazuhiko, who seems to be the better shot with a gun, which is always better than a throwing knife, but right now they don't plan on necessarily fighting anyone, so I choose Emi. Still, I like Kaz as well, it's just that Emi sounds like the more useful one here.
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
I think all was said by the others. Emi is better in this situation. Im sure Kazuhiko has his use as well but compared to her he sounds reckless. Maybe he can shine at another time at another task.
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
… more“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a … [view original content]
Thank you for the review Liquid, I appreciate it as always.
Yes, even before posting the written parts, I knew that the way it all went down would be disappointing for a few people. Believe it or not, even from the very beginning of me writing this story, one of my main fears has been people being disappointed in how some situations unfold; the best example being the death of someone who is heavily disliked. Since Nick and Katrina are your characters, I knew you would have definitely loved redemption by Katrina and a far more worse ending for Billy, and I completely understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have indeed kept that in mind, and I kind of wanted to utilize it as a reminder that not everyone dies in a badass-amazing way, and nothing always goes as you want to or as you planned on it to. To be honest, in my eyes I saw a confrontation and complete and utter badassery redemption a bit too cliche, which may piss off some people, and I apologize for it. However, I can assure that just because this type of thing has happened once, does not mean that the opposite of it will never happen. I hope you are not too displeased!
A few of your questions might be answered in the alternative choices, so be aware of that. I will answer those shortly, don't worry XD.
I do however appreciate the criticism and kind words. As always I will try to take use the criticism to be more thoughtful/persistent on it, as I am always trying to improve!00
Thank you for the review Janitor! I appreciate the kind words.
I was also aware of this. I tried my best to not shine down on only a select few characters the entire chapter, and I knew it would be a bit different for some people. As I said to Liquid, I understand that it can be very frustrating when someone you hate does not get the punishment you feel they deserve. And I have actually kept that in mind, as a reminder that not everyone dies in a badass-amazing way, and nothing always goes as you want it to.
I can see where you are coming from. In order for the chapter to go on as planned, I had to make sure Trevor was kept around. I can understand why people would think that the group was an easy puppet for Trevor: but keep in mind that Tony and a few other group members did not want to simply get rid of Trevor yet, as they felt that the entire group wasn't completely on board with it. It was until the part in the woods where Dylan had snapped and finally killed him. I apologize if you thought otherwise, but it had to be done for me to easily move along in the chapter.
I appreciate the kind words and criticism and will definitely be more aware!
Thank you for the review Quality. I am glad you enjoyed the chapter!
Ah, no, no, it's really not that bad. After all, Billy got a very painful death, which is almost all I could have wished for. Though, he definitely deserved way more pain, even if I cling to my headcanon that he failed to shoot himself. And I can also definitely understand why you decided to do things this way. As I've said, it is just a nitpick, since it is the only negative thing I could think of in this chapter. However, since it is the only dark spot on an otherwise neatly polished chapter, it is especially noticeable and that's why it might sound worse than it is. I would have simply loved to see all of this build-up actually resulting in some sort of confrontation where Billy had to answer for his crimes, which I don't really see as cliche. The way it ended, while not unrealistic, felt lacking, since all of this previous build-up was for nothing. In a certain way, I would have really wished for Billy to answer for his crimes. I don't even particularly wished for his death as a direct result of this confrontation, I just wanted him to get confronted with his actions in general. I think that would have been a very strong, satisfying and emotional scene. The lack of this scene came as a disappointment, especially since Billy never had to face consequences for his actions in the slightest. Of course, it is definitely not unrealistic for him to die before any kind of confrontation, I just feel that the sudden end to this plotline was not satisfying from a narrative point of view, as it wasted a lot of potential. But as I said, while undoubtedly disappointing, it is not as bad as it might sound. This chapter was awesome and in the grand picture of it, this is a rather minor point. It's simply the only negative one I can see
I'm greatly looking forward for it. Currently, I think we really should have killed Billy immediately, as that would have been the closest to the confrontation I've been hoping for, but I'm curious what exactly would have happened if we would have went down that route.
I'm new to this thread and I'm so glad I found this ^-^
I've enjoyed this story so much, I can't wait for chapter 7!
Ok cool, I understand what you mean. It was a bit weird at first that the group showed so little reaction when Trevor kicked Tony and Eric out of the house. This situation could have been a chance for the less used character in this chapter to shine, for example Adam, Dan or Ryan. I still think Trevor took it a bit too far there but the rest makes sense for me now, thanks!
That's awesome! I am glad that you enjoy this story, and of course, welcome! Chapter 7 will be out soon
Wow, I am really, really late to this. I just haven't had time to sit down and catch up
Ok, first, my reaction to this chapter... WTF!? Where'd everyone go? Poor Tony. And poor Katrina
This group seems ok I guess, but we'll see. I hope Tony isn't separated from the group for too long.
Who was your favorite character(s) this chapter?
Well, after his actions last chapter, Dylan has firmly cemented himself as a ruthless badass. Like I said in the decision to go and search over the body, I wouldn't hesitate in shooting him myself, Trevor was so guilty. Does demonstrate Dylan's ability to 'take no shit' perfectly, which is why I liked him this chapter in particular.
Tony and Katrina's blossoming relationship is just so cute
Who was your least favorite character(s) this chapter?
John Lottman... Nah, I joke. Trevor takes that place.
Didn't really despise Billy. He was just a tragedy of a character trying to do good and ending up making things worse most of the time.
Was there any part of this chapter that particularly stood out?
Trevor's death for one. And the Tony and Katrina moments (more plz). For all the wrong reasons, Nick's death stood out as well.
What was your overall opinion on this chapter?
For reasons outside your control, it was just a bit too slow with the gaps in between the parts. Don't get me wrong, it didn't detract from the quality of each part at all, but the long gaps in between each part had me just recapping what happened in the previous part before I got started on your newest one, which threw me off a little bit. Again, not your fault, it's just something I experienced.
The fallout from chapter 5 was what I was most interested in and surprisingly, you took a really realistic turn with it and had Ashley and Nick dying within mere moments of it. The beginning just hammered home how harsh the world is and that it doesn't stop to allow people to grieve and the story was really strong as a result. You also took a direction with Trevor that I did not expect, with him turning out to be more of a dick a lot of the time than the guy who actually killed Nick. Both did next to nothing to appease their actions and both got their deserved comeuppance. Karen was really a victim of circumstance in this case, which is tragic, but at the same time, you don't hold on to people like that, especially if you don't owe them that and also with what else was going on at the time.
Was there anything you didn't really like this chapter?
Not especially.
What would you like to see more of in future chapters?
I think others have touched on this, but the lack of interaction with other characters stood out in this chapter, especially for Samantha. I think if some time had been dedicated to giving her some interaction with Tony, her death may have impacted me a lot more than it did. I've said this before, but the more characters that you introduce into this story, the harder it becomes to do this without detracting away from the story. Multiple POV's could help with this. Just a suggestion, but it's your story and you decide what you think is best for it. You've been getting it spot on since day 1, so I have complete faith in what you're planning to do
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I ended up re-injuring my ankle badly and had to stay a couple of nights in the hospital. Then I was forced to rest and lay in bed for a few days and now I can finally walk, in a walking boot. With that being said, if anyone else is reading this, Chapter 7 will begin either tomorrow or Wednesday. Thank you for your patience.
If Tony would have helped Deryck fight off the walkers, it would have actually turned out to be rather successful. In fact, Ashley's death would have been prevented, since there would not have been any need to rush outside and Dom being left behind would not have been in the equation. However, this would have wasted a lot of ammo. And depending on future choices, this could have been really bad. (Revisited in next response)
As for this choice, it was clearly the most pivotal choice of the entire chapter; as it decides where the rest of the chapter would take place and how the story would be affected otherwise. Obviously if Tony had left Billy with no consequences, the group would have remained in Darenton struggling to live off of their few resources, and Trevor, Karen, and John would not have been introduced yet at all. If Tony killed Billy, Trevor and Karen would quickly arrive to the scene. Once they find out what happens, Trevor would get extremely furious and fire aimlessly at the group, injuring many group members, severely injuring some. Tony would kill Trevor as Karen runs away, and the group would have been left alone in Darenton. The rest of the chapter would be the group trying to survive in Darenton and attempting to leave with their injured group; and future choices would determine which characters survive or die. The lack of ammo after fighting the walkers off before with Deryck would have played a factor in some choices, as mentioned before.
Hehe, if Tony would have thanked Katrina in part 5, Katrina would have given a very awkward "your welcome, I guess..." before being slightly embarrassed and upset, and take it as if Tony didn't like her. Of course, the romance would not have started at all, but there would be later hints and choices for a second chance. Pretty much all of Tony and Katrina's conversations afterwards would have been pretty awkward for a while, until they would eventually get over it.
If Tony would have went hunting with Billy, Billy would explain his entire story and give Tony a bit of history on his backstory, in attempt to grow closer to the new group. Tony would be very annoyed by this, but Billy would go ahead and explain everything about himself, all whilst finding a new town and gaining loot together. This would have gotten the job done faster, which means that Billy would have never arrived back at the lodge so late, and the escape from the walkers would have been much easier and less hectic. In result of this, none of the characters would have actually died; in fact, the entire group would live on to Chapter 7. Of course, if you still would have wished for Billy to be dead, Chapter 7 would have played out completely different than what I have planned, and there would have been an option or two to off him when you can. However, this would put the entire group on bad terms. I won't go too much into it - this is Chapter 6 we are talking about, isn't it? XD
Of course, this choice would not have existed if Tony chose to go hunting with Billy, let alone if Tony chose to kill Billy or let him go in part 4. However, if Tony would have went searching for Billy, there would have been an additional part to the chapter; that extra part being in which Samantha's fate is decided by the reader's choice. If Samantha would have died, the rest of the chapter would have played out as it did. If Tony was able to prevent Samantha's death, the whole ordeal with Samantha would not have happened; meaning that both Trevor and Karen would both be alive for Chapter 7. However, Billy would have died either way.
Again, feel really bad taking so long to answer these questions. However, I know that there was not much I was able to do about it. Like I said before, Chapter 7 will start tomorrow or Wednesday. Stay tuned!
Yes, this was my biggest fear of having to make the gaps in between parts relatively large. I knew that people would most likely not have a clear idea of what happened the previous parts. I'm glad that it wasn't too bad for you, and I hope it wasn't too large of a distraction
As always, I am aware of the character interaction between certain characters. It is arguably the biggest thing I pay attention to while writing. I always try my best to give each character an equal amount of interaction, but I'm not going to lie, that actually is something I tend to struggle with. I don't know why, it's just something difficult for me to touch on exactly. Fortunately, I am learning to improve this and it is not as bad as it was before. If all goes well, this problem should be beginning to clear up in future Chapters, starting Chapter 7. However, I did mention something about Samantha in my response to Liquid's questions for alternative outcomes. Perhaps you can read it so that maybe you won't feel I secluded Samantha too much in the story.
If Tony would have brought Karen along, she would have been mentally broken and would need Tony's help finding her way out of the woods. Tony would manage to bring along Karen with him in his escape from the woods, and it would have made the escape and the part overall longer and more eventful. Tony and Karen would eventually run into Tina and their new group, and the six of them would be the beginning focus of Chapter 7. However, Karen would still be extremely unstable and depressed, and would need constant help from the new group to make it on their venture to find Tony's group.
Ouch, sorry to hear that! I hope you're getting well soon! I'm naturally looking forward for the new chapter, but I especially hope that you're feeling well now and that your ankle is healing nicely. Take your time!
Since we ended up not killing Billy, therefore having little need for the ammo, it sounds like we screwed up here. Although, from a writing point of view, having Ashley's death at the very beginning of the chapter made Nick's death shortly afterwards even more gut-wrenching. Still, I wish we would have done things differently there, because Ashley did not deserve this kind of death.
I actually still wish we would have ended up killing him immediately. As I said before, the way he actually bit the dust felt a bit lacking, so this would have been far more satisfying for me. By the way, how would they have killed him? Also, even though the group would have had some wounded people, there would have been no immediate deaths, aside from that waste of space Trevor. Of course, if we would have ended up with a lack of ammo after the Ashley choice, I'd think differently about this, but seeing how things turned out, I really wish we would have ended up butchering Billy immediately.
That one is hilarious XD Just for the sheer awkwardness of this conversation, I wish it would have happened, especially since a second chance could have happened later on. In general, the way Tony and Katrina are kind of huge, adorable dorks when it comes to romance is always enjoyable to read, so I think I would have enjoyed that part.
Ugh, Increased interaction with and backstory about that fucker would have made me puke. Like, literally, I would have puked, because I was sick of him the moment I learned his name. Even though I have my problems with the way he died, I love his death because of how appropriately painful it was but also because we never learned anything about him aside from how evil he is. It's wonderful, sweet and satisfying that he will be remembered as nothing but this postapocalyptic mega-evolution of Charles Manson. Though, three questions this alternative outcome brought up: I have to wonder, was there anything more to his character aside from the shameless joy he felt while murdering Nick and Samantha? And I'm baffled, but why wouldn't he take the chance to murder Tony during their hunting trip? Also, there wouldn't have been a chance to dispose of him during this hunting trip, no?
Naturally, I still would have wished for Billy to die regardless of what he would have done in the story. Though I am curious how killing him in Chapter 7 would have put the entire group on bad terms. How can it be bad for the group if they would have gotten rid of an insane and evil serial killer like him? Hell, he literally has the brain activity of a walker, so he should be treated like a walker. By the way, I have to admit that there is one part of me who misses him, namely the part that loves to make him my verbal punching bag. Part of what made it so fun to insult him was the fact that this pathetic piece of shit deserved every single word I said to him. The only thing I miss about this little bitch is insulting him and I miss these wonderful parts where Tony and Katrina physically hurt him in some way. Shame that they didn't hurt him even more. It doesn't make it any more satisfying, but I guess in the long run his death as it happened will be for the best. If I still manage to think about this at the end of the next chapter, can you elaborate about the consequences of killing Billy in Chapter 7 in more detail? By no way can I think of any negative consequences that wouldn't be worth it.
Surprisingly, it seems that searching for Billy would have ended up as the better choice, considering that we could have prevented him from murdering Samantha. AT the same time though, Billy's henchmen would have lived, so I'm still kinda torn. In the end, saving Samantha would have been a priority over killing Trevor and Karen. I guess with Billy's death, they might have even been able to be redeemed in the long run. He was at least influencing Trevor and who knows what kind of hold he had on Karen, considering how she broke down after his death.
Oh, and there is one more alternative choice I was just thinking about, the very first one in fact. What would have been the alternative outcomes of the leadership choice at the very beginning of this chapter? I can totally see this one being one of the most major choices in this chapter.
Wow, I feel sorry for Karen now. I still think this was the right choice, because of what you said. Karen was broken and would drag the whole group down if Tony would have brought her along. It is not the moral thing to do but Tony still tried a lot to save her. He did the best he could without endangering others.
Chapter 7 begins tomorrow. I already started writing and it was initially planned to be out today, but something important came up and had to be taken care of. Good news, spring break starts next Friday! Hopefully I can get a good start on Chapter 7 while I can. As always, thank you for your patience!
Chapter 7: Part 1
March 18th, 2017. 7:24 A.M.
“Come on Tony… time to wake up.” Tina’s voice could be heard hovering over me.
I opened my eyes to see Tina’s face almost making contact with mine. I backed up a little in an awkward motion.
“Sorry…” Tina backed up as well. “It’s early. Sun is just beginning to rise.”
I took a quick gaze outside the window and as Tina said, the sun was indeed rising. The sky was a beautiful crimson color. The sun was like a giant orange painted in the middle of the horizon. It was a glorious sight.
“Why so early?” I asked as I stood up.
“Well… I figured if we’re gonna find your group, we better start nice and early, am I right?” Tina smiled.
“I guess… I don’t want to put you through all of this bullshit just for me, I mean you only met me last night.” I told her.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. We don’t have anything else to do anyway…” Tina trailed off.
“Well, just know that I appreciate your guys’ help… a lot.” I thanked Tina.
“No problem.” Tina grinned. “Time to wake these other sleepyheads up.”
Tina walked over to Fiona and woke her up almost instantly. “Fiona, you weren’t awake last night when Tony came in.”
“Who’s… Tony?” Fiona asked, dazed.
“Him, right there. He was separated from his group and he needs help finding them. We’re gonna do that today.” Tina explained everything to her.
Fiona seemed a bit upset, but welcoming at the same time. “Hi, Tony. I’m Fiona.”
“Nice to meet you.” I greeted myself.
Tina approached Mark and shook him lightly at an attempt to wake him up. She was successful, as Mark opened his eyes and looked around the room. “What?”
“Time to wake up.” Tina told him.
Mark looked outside and turned back to Tina. “What the fuck? How early is it?”
“I don’t know, we don’t have clocks.” Tina laughed.
“Why are you waking me up at sunrise?” Mark asked.
“We’re going to look for Tony’s group.” Tina responded.
“Why so early?” Mark asked more questions.
“If we’re gonna look, might as well go early so we have more time.” Tina shrugged.
Mark shook his head. “Listen, I’m not gonna wake up at the ass crack of dawn to look for this stranger’s group. Have him look for his own group. He isn’t our problem.”
“Stop whining, what if it was you?” Tina retorted.
“I wouldn’t be a little bitch and look myself instead of getting other innocent people dragged into my own problem. At least I have respect.” Mark sneered.
“Yeah, you’re acting really respectful right now…” Tina trailed off.
“I wouldn’t mind as much if we weren’t up so fucking early.” Mark replied.
Tina sighed. “Fine… if you really care that much then go back to sleep.”
“I gladly will.” Mark turned to face the wall and went silent.
“Faggot.” I muttered under my own breath, hoping no one heard me. I could kind of see where he’s coming from, but there was no need to be an asshole about it.
“Oh well. Sorry Tony, you can go back to sleep. You too Fiona.” Tina told us.
“We don’t have to go with him.” I said.
“I guess… but I’d rather go with a full group. Make it less dangerous.” Tina stated.
“Alrighty then.” I shrugged as I walked to the front door. “I think I’m gonna get some air and watch the sunrise.”
“Okay, don’t go on too far.” Tina let out a deep breath as she laid on the floor.
March 18th, 2017. 7:29 A.M.
I walked outside to the nice, warm air. I sat down at the top of the green, sloping hill and watched the sunrise. I didn’t know what day it was exactly, but I knew we were still in the month of March. The smell of the approaching spring made me feel alive. The transition from winter to spring… that was always my favorite. It would be a lot better though if we weren’t in the middle of an apocalypse.
I sat there for about fifteen minutes, until I heard a sudden voice from behind me. “Hi Tony.”
I snapped around quickly to see Kelsi close the door behind me as she stood to my left.
“Oh, hi there… Casey?” I couldn’t exactly remember her name yet.
“Kelsi.” She giggled.
“Oh, yeah… my bad.” I smirked.
“It’s okay.” Kelsi sat down next to me. “What ya doing?”
“Just watching the sunrise. Beautiful, ain’t it?” I pointed out.
“It is very beautiful.” She smiled. “Almost as beautiful as you.”
That came quick. It kind of took me by surprise. “Thanks… you too…?” I still didn’t really know how to reply. I wanted to compliment her back for complimenting me, but I wasn’t going to do anything with her. I still stood by Katrina. She’d kick my ass if she was here right now…
“Why thank you.” Kelsi placed her hand on her chest and put on a bright smile. She gave me that average teenage girl look. It looked as if she was expecting me to say that. I wouldn’t be surprised, she probably got a lot of those before the world went to shit.
“How old are you?” I asked her.
“Nineteen. And you are twenty eight, right?” She reciprocated my question.
“Yeah.” I replied.
“Not that big of an age gap if you think about it.” She giggled once more.
This was getting out of hand. “Sorry to burst your bubble, but I do have a girlfriend.”
Kelsi’s grin quickly faded away. “Oh, shit… uh… sorry… um… yeah…” She said in the most awkward way possible.
“It’s alright, you didn’t know.” I said, in an awkward way as well. “You’re just lucky she isn’t here.”
“She probably would have. I always screw up like that.” Kelsi let out a very slight chuckle. “Probably why I haven’t found true love in college or high school.”
“Well… I mean, you gotta slow it down there a bit.” I told her.
“I know. I thought I fell for these two nerdy guys when all of this shit started, but I haven’t seen them since.” She told me.
“What happened to them?” I asked.
“No idea. They probably died.” She replied. “They saved me from two dead things and then explained everything to me. They said they would help me get back to my dad but they set off somewhere and never came back.”
“Do you know where your dad is?” I asked again.
“He has his own military base somewhere around here… in Ohio, I believe.” She responded. “I’ve been trying to get there since this started, but it’s been really hard. I miss my dad so much.”
“Sorry to hear that. Maybe we’ll all go look for him.” I tried to comfort her.
“We’ve been trying for a while. That’s actually where we’re trying to go. We just take stops to rest and maybe spend a couple of nights at one place, then we go on the move again. I mean, Joe can only move so much… it starts to deteriorate him. I feel really bad… but he always insists we keep going. That guy has a hell of a heart.” Kelsi explained.
“He seems like a really good guy.” I said.
“Trust me, he is.” Kelsi assured.
By the time we had finished talking, the sun had already risen above the horizon. The crimson color began to fade away to the usual light blue.
“I wonder what my group is thinking right now.” I got worried.
“I’m sure they’re going insane.” Kelsi answered.
“I can’t take the anxiety. I have to find them.” I put my hands on my face.
“We’ll go search for them, don’t worry.” Kelsi smiled. “I’ll wake Mark’s lazy ass up and we’ll get going.”
Kelsi stood up and walked inside. I remained outside, grazing my fingers against the deep green grass. The flowers were beginning to bud, mainly the yellow ones. It was just so beautiful outside. It was one of those days where it didn’t feel like an apocalypse at all, excluding the disgusting town of Darenton that stood below where I was sitting.
I didn’t know how long I was sitting out there for. I was so lost in the scenery and atmosphere. It must have been a decent amount of time, because Kelsi called my name inside, where everyone was awake.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“You ready to leave?” Tina asked.
“I’m not coming.” Mark hissed.
“Come on Mark!” Kelsi complained. “Just come on… we’ll find his group and continue heading for Ohio.”
“Then come get me after you find them. You know where I am.” Mark stated.
“You’re not gonna stay here alone.” Tina crossed her arms.
“I will.” Mark crossed his arms as well. “I’m not risking my life to do this.”
“You’re making everything hard, Mark. Once we find them we can just leave to Ohio. We’ve stood here for three days already. We’re taking all of our supplies.” Fiona chimed in.
“Fine!” Mark growled and stood up. “If anyone dies it isn’t my fault.”
“Hold on…” Joe said softly. “Tony, are you and your people heading out for somewhere specifically?”
“Nope.” I replied. “In fact, we’re looking for somewhere to stay. I think we’re a strong enough group to defend ourselves, especially with you guys at addition.”
“Woah woah woah, we’re not staying together are we?” Mark interrupted.
“For fuck’s sake Mark, we’ll see what happens when we find them!” Fiona got angry.
“If we find them.” Mark mumbled.
“Is everyone ready?” Tina asked everyone. We all gave her an assuring nod.
We all walked out of the gas station, and travelled down the hill into the lower parts of Darenton. AKA, the shitty area.
“Tony, do you know where they went? Where should we go?” Tina asked.
“Uh…” I was trying to think where they would be. I know they were last in the woods, but since it was pretty much entirely overrun by walkers last night, I’d think they moved somewhere else. Unless they made it back to the lodge or something. I really had no idea.
[Search the woods] [Search Darenton] [Leave the town and search on the roads]
Thanks Liquid, haha. I am due to get my walking boot off next week!
Their first instinct would have just been to shoot him, but Katrina would have practically tortured him before killing him, such as punching him, peeling off skin, ripping out teeth, etc.
Well, yes, he did have a backstory, although not too detailed or extreme. The submitter even said himself/herself that he lived a pretty normal life.
Well, that wouldn't have been Billy's intentions during the trip XD.
Well, depending on chosen dialogue in an extra part, the following part would have introduced an option to kill him. However, it would have been a very, very risky option.
Yes, if you are still curious, I will be able to elaborate by the end of Chapter 7. I cannot do it now as it would spoil some things, lol.
Yes, this would have been another option to prevent the whole scenario with the group being trapped in the building with the walkers, thus preventing Ashley's death. Dylan would not have led the group into the building, and would have been able to keep the group safe, albeit in an ugly way. However, since the Tony option was chosen, it has developed Tony's leadership skills; and served as an eye-opener for Tony, preparing him for events in the future. So, this pick wasn't all that bad.
[Search the woods]
The last time we saw the group was in the woods. I dont think they are still there but maybe they left some clue behind that could lead Tony to them. Maybe they are also looking for him and it would make sense to search in the woods where they last saw him.
Great start for the new chapter!
[Search the woods]
That's where they were the last time we saw them, it only makes sense to go back, also even if they're not there they may have left some tracks...
Fantastic start to the new chapter!
[Search the woods]
This is good, I'm glad to hear it! I hope it's all healed soon
Oh damn, this should have happened. I genuinely regret that this wasn't the winning choice, because that would have been beyond wonderful. Exactly the kind of death he deserved. I really shouldn't have agreed to change my vote. Sparing this fucker is clearly the biggest regret I have in terms of choices here, because this outcome would have been downright amazing. Well, I think it's safe to say that the walkers that devoured him did even more wonderful things to him, but this one would have been a sheer joy to read. Bonus points for Kat taking her vengeance. And we would have managed to save Samantha as well! I'm certainly not going to spare the next fucker that even remotely screws with the group, because it looks like I deprived myself of what could have very well been the hands-down best scene in the entire story. God damn it... Would there have been any negative consequences at all coming out of torturing him? Because no matter how hard I try, I can't see them.
A normal life, huh? Probably a normal life of serial killing, child raping and puppy kicking or whatever other sick stuff he was into. The more I think about it, the more he genuinely reminds me of one of these hillbilly mutants from various slasher movies. In my headcanon he now even looks like one. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he must be the most evil and deranged character that got ever submitted, right?
This surprises me. It would have been a perfect opportunity for him to kill more people, which seemed to be all he ever lived for. But well, thankfully we never learned more about his endgame goals for the group, which I'm sure wouldn't have been pleasant. Though, what would have been his intention during the trip, if he wasn't out to murder Tony?
Bah, screw the risks. When it comes to Billy, every risk would have been worth giving him the death he deserves. It would have also been safer for the gorup, because they wouldn't have been in any danger from him if Tony would have killed him. Now I somewhat regret that we haven't accompanied him, but not as much as I regret sparing him. On the positive side, not accompanying him gave him less screentime and the less screentime for Billy, the better.
I'm sure I'll still be curious and I hope I will remember to ask!
I guess now that he got this brutal wake-up call, he should be a more efficient leader in the future, maybe even preventing some deaths, so I guess the consequences weren't entirely bad. I still feel bad for Ashley, but in the end she was my least favourite group member after the events of Chapter 5. Though I'm curious now. What do you mean when you say that Dylan would have kept the group safe in an ugly way?
Wonderful start! I'm already hyped for this chapter
I also start to like these new people. Tina and Joe seem to be alright and I also start to like Kelsi, now that she hopefully stopped flirting with Tony for good. Though I noticed that she's really not that much younger than Kat, who was 21 at the start of the apocalypse, if I'm not mistaken. So far I imagined her as a real teen, like somewhere around 16 years old. As for Mark, he's kind of a jerk, but I'm pretty sure he's going to do something super badass and I'll end up liking him.
[Search the woods]
I'm fully agreeing with janitor and Clem_in_the_Pines. This one is the best option for the beginning. The group was in the woods and it should be possible to follow their trail from there on. Blindly going into one direction is a gamble, so they should start at a place where the group clearly has been before, that hopefully maximizes their chances even if it is a bit risky with all the walkers around. Though I have the feeling that finding the group is going to be hard work in any way and possibly a major story arc in this chapter at least.
[Search the woods]
I agree with Liquid. I can't wait for the next part!
[Search the woods]
You would assume that the group would have the same idea to try and look for Tony and even if they didn't, you're more likely to find clues of their whereabouts here.
Nice new people for a change eh? Mark's a bit of a dick but I get that he has no obligation apart from a moral one to help Tony. I'd probably be more interested in keeping my group safe.
Chapter 7: Part 2
March 18th, 2017. 7:53 A.M.
[Search the woods]
“I last saw them in the woods, might as well check there first.” I told them.
“We have to go all the way into the woods?” Mark complained.
“Alright, let’s go.” Tina commanded, ignoring Mark.
The six of us strolled down the hill, making sure we wouldn’t lose our footing and fall. We walked past the buildings and quickly reached the treeline which led to the woods.
“In here, right?” Tina asked.
“Yes, I can lead. Don’t worry.” I stated as I confidently stepped foot into the woods, and began tracing my steps as hard as I could. I believe I came out of the woods to the left, as I was sure that’s where the lodge was.
“We better find these motherfuckers fast.” Mark sighed. “You know we’re on a mission, right?”
“I know y'all are trying to go to Ohio.” I shrugged.
“Yeah, and once we get there, we’re gonna be set. We won’t have to worry about being killed or anything. Once we get enough supplies, we can live happy with everyone we care about. But you’re putting that in jeopardy by risking all of our lives. If someone I care about dies before we make it there, I am going to be very upset.” Mark explained.
“Even once I’m gone? You’re going to blame it on me?” I questioned him.
“You aren’t going to come with us?” Kelsi asked, seeming a bit concerned.
“I don’t know yet. Depends on what my group thinks when we find them.” I replied.
“If we find them…” Mark trailed off.
“Why are you in such a pissy mood Mark?” Fiona asked.
“I’ve answered that question many times already, Fiona.” Mark responded. “I care for all of you. And all of our lives are at jeopardy for this guy who we don’t even know.”
“What if it was you, Mark?” Joe spoke. “Put yourself in this man’s position… I’m sure you would be asking for the same. You know, if you were separated from us.”
Mark just shook his head in response to Joe. “Whatever. I just don’t want to lose anyone.”
“You do realize we can die at any moment.” Fiona told Mark. “We can be heading on our way to Ohio and someone can bite the dust… I hate to bring it up, but remember what happened to Will?”
“Don’t bring him up.” Mark responded immediately.
“Who’s Will?” I asked curiously.
“It’s none of your business.” Mark snarled. That was pretty nosy of me, now that I think about it.
“I’m sorry.” I apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t know.” Tina said as she climbed over a log.
We continued to venture through the woods, until we came across the river. Shit, I completely forgot about it. “Uh…”
“What is it?” Tina asked.
“We kinda have to cross this river…” I muttered.
“What?!” Mark stated loudly as he stuck his finger into the water. “Hell no. We are not swimming across this cold ass river.”
“I’m sorry Tony but I’m with Mark on this one… do you think there’s another way across?” Tina asked.
“No idea…” I shook my head. “We can try and build a bridge with sticks or something.”
“We’re gonna need a big ass stick if we’re getting across this.” Kelsi pointed out.
“Shit, I don’t know guys…” I tried to think.
“Hello? Hello!” An unknown voice suddenly called out from across the river. The six of us shifted our attention to the other side of the river. An asian man with a backpack was standing there with a crossbow aimed at us.
“Yo jackass, watch where you’re pointing that thing!” Mark called out to him.
Tina gave Mark a mild punch to his gut, and took the man herself. “What do you want?”
“What are you guys doing over there?” The asian man hollered.
“We’re trying to get across the river.” I replied.
The asian man lowered his crossbow and looked around. “Good luck with that.”
Fiona groaned and stepped forward. “Come on man, do you think you can help us?”
“I don’t know… can I trust you guys?” He spoke a bit quieter now.
“Of course.” Fiona nodded. “We promise we won’t hurt you.”
I saw the man narrow his eyes, and open his mouth to speak. “A lot of people say that… last time I trusted someone who said that my best friend got killed.’
Mark sighed and called out. “Listen man, we’re not gonna fucking hurt you. Why would we do that? We’re just trying to look for our friends, and in order to do that we gotta cross this river. After you help we’ll leave. Got it?”
The man stood there for a few seconds, then reached into his backpack and pulled out a rope. “Here, catch!” He threw the rope across the river as hard as he could, and Tina caught it and stepped on the end of it.
“This is all I got.” The man said as he held down his end of the rope. “You’re gonna have to crawl across on the rope and try to hold on.”
Tina slowly nodded and turned to Joe. “You think you’re gonna be able to do this, Joe?”
“We’ll see… you guys go first.” Joe ordered.
“Your group, you go first.” Mark told me as Tina’s foot remained on the rope.
I sighed. “Fine…” I got a hold of the rope and wrapped my legs around it, as if I was hugging the rope. I flipped upside down so that I was hanging from the bottom. This meant that if I were to lose my grip, I’d fall into the river.
I slowly but surely made my way across the river via the rope, and landed on the river bank by the asian man. I got up and watched as Kelsi began to make her way across the rope.
“Thanks man.” I told him. “I’m Tony.”
“... I’m Yoshiro. And no problem.” Yoshiro responded. Yoshiro was a tall man, who was a bit pale and light skinned. He had dark brown eyes with black, fuzzy medium length hair. He was wearing a brown and green jacket with grey cargo pants.
“Sorry to put you through this trouble. What are you doing out here?” I asked.
“I just wanted to explore, maybe salvage a few things. My friends and I heard what was going on yesterday with all of those eaters.” Yoshiro answered. “Plus… one of our friends went out a few days ago and never returned. We’re all worried and I’ve been trying my hardest to find her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, I know how you feel.” I replied. “I’m looking for my friends too. We got separated yesterday after the walker attack.”
“Walkers, you call them? That’s much better than eaters.” Yoshiro smiled a bit.
“I’ve been calling them that ever since they started emerging.” I shrugged. “How many friends do you have?”
“Two of them, Emi and Kazuhiko. And then Miyako, that’s the one that’s missing.” Yoshiro muttered. “We’re staying in a tent on the border of the woods. We just really want to find Miyako.”
As Yoshiro finished his sentence, Kelsi had made her way across and Fiona had started to cross. “What ya guys talking about?” She asked.
“I was just telling your friend Tony that I’m out here looking for my friend too.” Yoshiro said.
“Oh, I hope you find her.” Kelsi murmured. “Wanna come with us?”
Yoshiro paused before answering. “Oh, uh… I don’t know if my friends would want that. Where are you guys going?”
“Wherever Tony is. We’re just wandering, looking for people. Ya know?” Kelsi spoke.
“I mean, I’ll ask my friends. There’s only two of them, if you don’t mind. You can come meet them if you want. We’re staying in a crappy tent, I’m sure they won’t care. As long as we have a shot at finding Miyako.” Yoshiro stated.
Fiona managed to catch part of the conversation as she made it over to our side. “They are welcome to come. Just beware of the mexican guy over there, the one that’s crossing the rope. He isn’t fond of newcomers until he gets used to them.”
“Note taken.” Yoshiro said as he scanned the woods. “Pretty yucky out here.”
“It is.” I said as I observed the area.
Mark managed to make it over fast, and was not hesitant to speak to Yoshiro. “So, what’s your deal man?”
“Must’ve explained this three times already…” Yoshiro chuckled. “I’m just looking for my friend, that’s all.”
“Oh, alright. Good.” Mark crossed his arms. “So I assume you’ll be going on your own.”
“I don’t know.” Yoshiro shrugged. “My two friends and I might just tag along with you guys, I mean we don’t really have anywhere to go either.”
“Oh… great. Just great. More people!” Mark cheered sarcastically.
“Shut up Mark, if I were you I’d feel more comfortable. We have a larger group, better chance at defending ourselves.” Fiona hissed.
“Whatever you say.” Mark shook his head.
I had been talking the entire time that I did not notice that Joe was about to land on our side of the river. He made his way and stood up next to us. “Old man’s still got it.” He laughed and clutched his right side. “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
“Good shit Joe.” Mark smiled. “Tina, how ya gonna get across?”
“No worries.” Tina called out as she picked up a few heavy rocks and dropped them on the rope. “Hopefully this supports my weight.”
“It should.” Kelsi responded. “You’re not a heavy person.”
“Yeah, you should have been going last!” Tina giggled as she made her way across the rope.
We all tried to combine our strength and hold the rope for Tina, and we waited as she finally got across to us. “Thanks guys.”
Yoshiro pulled the rope back as hard as he could, reeling it in to him. Most of the rocks that Tina had placed down on it had fell into the river.
“I’m Yoshiro, by the way.” Yoshiro introduced himself. “I already introduced myself to Tony.”
We all introduced ourselves as we began to walk away from the river. Yoshiro explained his dilemma to everyone. “So, we going to your tent?” Kelsi asked.
“Sure, if you’re all cool with it.” Yoshiro replied. “I’m down to help you guys. Like I said, I just want to find Miyako. I don’t want to bring unwanted company though. I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Alright, see ya.” Mark began to walk in the opposite direction, but Tina pulled him back.
“I don’t have a problem with it. And I’m sure no one else does besides Mark.” Tina said. “In the end it is Tony’s group we’re looking for. Whatever you want Tony. I think it’ll be fine.”
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends] [Go off without Yoshiro]
Thanks! The boot is now off and I can walk freely again
Well, yes. Trevor and Karen would have noticed and reach the group after Billy is killed. Trevor would get outraged and injure Tony and Katrina, but would be killed by a one of the group members along with Karen. This would slow down the group's mission at finding somewhere to stay and the chapter would have had a much slower pace. While there would have been less action, there would have been more dialogue and interaction.
Oh, no... you just wait for that...
Well, that wouldn't have been Billy's intention during the trip. He would attempt to get on Tony's good side, but that would vary depending on the following choice for that part. Depending on what is chosen, Billy can be killed.
Well, he would have been a bit unorganized and the outcome would have been pretty bloody. There would have been a few close calls but in the end everyone would be safe for the most part. All in all, it would have literally been ugly.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
Eh, why not?
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
There is something about Yoshiro that makes me trust him. Or at least makes me assume that he is not that bad. This story about him looking for a missing friend sounds believable enough to me. Since there is safety in numbers, I'd like to give him a chance. Perhaps they can help each other. The only thing am kinda worried about is how big this new group has already gotten now. I hope that is not a sign that some of the old group are never going to reunite with Tony
Great part! Even though I greatly miss the old group and can't wait until they reappear, these new people continue to grow on me, even Mark. With his talk about the mission, he reminds me a little bit of Abraham, in his early jerk days of Season 4
At this point, I'm sure he's going to reveal a hidden, likeable side once he gets to know Tony a bit better, kinda like Steve managed to turn from a total jackass to a fookin legend. Alternatively, he could end up like Jessie, as the one guy we all want dead, but I have the feeling that Mark is not all that bad.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends] Dude helped them cross a river. if he wanted to do something, he would've already done it. Plus, he helped them cross a river. Time to return the favor.
Great part!
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
Yoshiro helped them and they can return the favor. And more people also makes it more likely to find our group.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
O yeah, finally catched up and ready for my character being soon introduced :-D
Chapter 7: Part 3
March 18th, 2017. 8:31 A.M.
[Bring Yoshiro and his friends]
“He’ll be fine. You can come.” I made a decision.
“Awesome! Thanks man, I appreciate it.” Yoshiro smiled.
“If you or your friends get ANY of us killed, your little crew is going down.” Mark warned him.
“I’m sure that won’t happen.” Yoshiro stated. “We’re all tough fighters and we’re smart. I can do a lot more than you think with this crossbow.”
“You better be right.” Mark shook his head.
It fell silent for a few seconds, until Tina asked, “are you gonna lead us to your tent?”
“Oh, yes. My bad.” Yoshiro chuckled. “Just follow me. It’s not far at all.”
Yoshiro turned to walk in the opposite direction of the river, and we followed him as we navigated through the woods. The area he was leading us to seemed a lot more dense. The trees were tightly packed together and it was difficult to move through.
“Ah! Shit!” Mark squirmed away from a thorn bush. “Fucking shit! Where the hell are you leading us to?”
“My tent.” Yoshiro replied. “I know the area seems dark and hidden, but that’s the point. To stay secluded from other survivors. You never know who you may come across.”
“Tell me about it.” I responded. “I’ve met some crazy people.”
“Me too.” Yoshiro sighed. “Not too long ago, some guy stumbled upon our tent. I was outside with m best friend Chen when he approached us. He looked horrible… ripped clothes, mud all over him, blood all over his skin, he was begging for water. I couldn’t help but offer some… so I told Chen to stay there and watch him, and I went to the tent to grab a water bottle. The second I placed my hand on the water bottle, bang! I heard the gunshot, and I rushed outside to see Chen lying on the ground dead and the man running away. Luckily I was able to snipe the guy with my crossbow before he got away and kill him… that’s what he gets for killing my best friend.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I apologized. “The world nowadays is so fucked up. It’s just crazy to think of what people will do for whatever they desire.”
“Yeah, just crazy…” Yoshiro trailed off. “Hey, we’re here.”
The seven of us made it to an area where the trees cleared out, and it created a nice open area big enough for a small campsite. There was a large orange tent in the center, and a stack of logs and branches a few yards away from it, probably used for a fire. There was a container beside the tent, where I assumed they stored food and supplies. There was also a beach chair in between the tent and the logs, in which someone was sitting in. He was asian as well, and had black spiky hair and wore red shorts and a black T-shirt, with a machete strapped to his back. He seemed pretty muscular from where I was standing, and he looked to be in his late twenties.
“Who are these people?” He asked.
“This is Kazuhiko.” Yoshiro told us. “We call him Kazu.”
“Nice to meet you.” Tina waved politely.
Kazuhiko ignored Tina and turned to Yoshiro. “Excuse me, who are these people?”
“People I met struggling to cross a river. I helped them out and apparently they’re looking for their friend. Just like we are looking for Miyako.” Yoshiro explained.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to trust anyone after what happened to Chen. I can’t believe you’re making me bring him up…” Kazuhiko seemed upset.
“I know, but I just hate the possibility of leaving innocent people to die.” Yoshiro said. “And they haven’t done anything to me yet, I doubt they will when I’m with you guys.”
Kazuhiko looked at me and narrowed his eyes. He then reached behind his back and pulled out magnum. “You try anything, and a bullet goes through all of your heads’.”
“Calm down Kazu. They’re just trying to look for their friends, like us.” Yoshiro told him.
“Yeah… speaking of that, did you find anything remotely close to her?” Kazuhiko asked.
“Nope.” Yoshiro shook his head. “But luckily we have a much bigger group. We’ll have a better chance.”
“I can’t believe you’re putting your full trust in these guys.” Kazuhiko complained.
“I’m sorry, but I care too much for Miyako that I’m willing to do anything for her. It’s been days, Kazu.” Yoshiro retorted.
As soon as he said that, a young asian woman emerged from the tent to inspect the scene. She seemed to be in her early twenties and stood at about 5’ 7 and was very pretty, as she had short black hair, cut just above her shoulders and a choppy fringe that stopped just short of her deep brown eyes. She wore skinny, dark blue jeans along with fur boots and a black tank top underneath a brown leather jacket with a fur hood. I noticed a white gold necklace that she was wearing, that had ‘a charm to ward off evil spirits’ engraved onto it. She was also wearing a belt equipped with throwing knives.
“That is Emi.” Yoshiro introduced us to her. “No need to be afraid of her. Just don’t get on her bad side.”
“I was just as clueless as you Em.” Kazuhiko spoke. “Apparently Yoshiro helped these guys cross a river and bring them here to help us look for Miyako, since they’re looking for some friends too.”
“Thanks for explaining for me.” Yoshiro smiled.
“You do know there was one place where we didn’t check yet.” Emi spoke. “I was about to go later today.”
“By the bridge?” Kazuhiko questioned. “I was gonna go there!”
“Well, tough luck. There are always scavengers there and you know it. I can get in and out of there more safely.” Emi assured.
“Well, I am the better hunter.” Kazuhiko nodded. “And I have the most experience with it.”
“Ugh!” Mark groaned. “Thanks for bringing us here Yoshiro. We really had to waste our time with two bickering people.”
“Excuse me sir, you have no right to speak.” Kazuhiko turned to us. “We just fucking met you.”
“Well, it’s just that your buddy Yoshiro here said that you two were good, friendly people. And from what I’m seeing… it doesn’t seem like that.” Mark shrugged.
“They usually are friendly… it’d help if the both of you would cut the shit and not give them a bad impression.” Yoshiro told his group.
“Do you think I care what they think? I barely know ‘em!” Kazuhiko exclaimed.
“Yes, I am sorry.” Emi apologized. “I am Emi, if you did not hear Yoshiro before. Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too.” I greeted myself. “I’m Tony.”
The rest of our group introduced themselves to everyone.
“So what’s the deal? We packing up and going and that’s it?” Kazuhiko sat up from his chair.
“I think so. We can’t keep searching and worrying about losing our home and everything we have. I believe you guys said you had a plan, right?” Yoshiro asked.
“Yeah, we’re going to Ohio.” Tina answered.
“Ohio?!” Kazuhiko exclaimed once more. “How the hell are we gonna get all the way over there?”
“We walk.” Fiona responded.
“I am not walking my ass all the way to Ohio.” Kazuhiko shook his head.
“It’s not that far Kazu.” Yoshiro turned to him. “And I believe it is a military base, correct?”
Tina gave him an affirmative nod.
“See. We’ll be completely safe. Once we find Miyako we can live there peacefully.” Yoshiro grinned.
Kazuhiko stood there for a few seconds and finally sighed, “Alright… alright…. right now though?”
“Well… I don’t want to keep you guys waiting.” Yoshiro turned to us.
“Don’t worry about it.” I answered.
“Who are you to answer for us?” Mark stepped up. “If y’all take longer than thirty minutes we’re leaving on our own.”
“Well looks like y’all are leaving then, because I gotta check out the bridge area before we leave for good.” Kazuhiko pulled out the machete from behind him.
“You aren’t going alone.” Yoshiro told him.
“I can protect myself.” Kazuhiko stated.
“That’s why you almost got bitten on the arm by a biter last week.” Emi brought up.
“That was because I wasn’t paying attention for that once second.” Kazuhiko defended himself.
“You should be paying attention at all times. You never know when one of them is about to chomp into your neck. Why do I even have to tell you this?” Emi sighed.
“Have me lead and go on a mission and you can guarantee I’ll keep everyone safe. That includes myself.” Kazuhiko stated.
“That’s your problem.” Emi said. “You are too aggressive. This is why I’m not comfortable with you going out like this.”
“What do you think is gonna happen? I’m gonna run into some crazy messed up asshole? If that happens I can off ‘em myself.” Kazuhiko raised his magnum and machete.
“It’s better to go unnoticed. I can get anything done just with stealth. I have patience, and good aim.” Emi pulled out one of her throwing knives.
“Well obviously I’m gonna hide when I need to. I’m not gonna go all out. I’m not that stupid.” Kazuhiko began to walk away but was pulled back by Yoshiro.
“Can both of you shut up already? I know you two aren’t too fond with each other but we have a goal to accomplish.” Yoshiro attempted to stop the arguing. “Whether you go or not, I want someone going with you while I pack everything up with your buddies over there. I’m not putting you two together because God knows how that’ll play out.”
“I’ll go.” I volunteered. “If it gives me a chance to find my group then I will gladly go.”
“You sure about that?” Yoshiro asked me.
“Yes. I just want to find them.” I told him. I made my way to the treeline and turned to see who was following me. Of course, both Emi and Kazuhiko trailed behind me.
“Come on Tony. You have a better chance at finding your friends with me. And I can keep you safe at all times.” Kazuhiko told me.
“Don’t listen to him. I can climb trees and work as a lookout. I’ll be able to spot anything from a good distance. If I see something bad, I kill ‘em with a throwing knife.” Emi flipped her knife.
“Listen, I…” I began to say but was cut off by Kazuhiko.
“Come on, look at me. I got a magnum and a machete. All she got are lousy throwing knives which are very hard to hit targets with.” Kazuhiko tried to persuade me.
“Not hard for me.” Emi said as she suddenly threw the knife at a nearby tree. The knife moved faster than I can blink twice, and got perfectly stuck in the center of the tree.
“Don’t be tempted by them Tony!” Yoshiro called out to me. “Just make a decision and go fast. This isn’t gonna take long.”
I shook my head and began to make up my mind.
[Go with Emi] [Go with Kazuhiko]
[Go with Emi] Stealthy is more safer, she as well seems to be cool and easier to talk with. Nice part, seems Asians (A-Team) was staying together for some time already - they seem to be all skilled too. Looks very interesting and promising!
[Go with Emi]
I think I like Emi better. She seems.... More collected.
Great part!
[Go with Emi]
She threw a knife into the center of a tree... no further explanation needed XD
Man, this group's getting bigger. They're all cool or ok so far, but how long will it last? I'm also finding myself wondering if we would have been introduced to the bad people if we had searched the city. Come on, I know some bad guys are on the way
I just hope Tony finds his group first.
P.S. I'm sorry in advance, guys. I've submitted a second character and well... if they're introduced... be ready.
[Go with Emi]
[Go with Emi]
I do like both of them. Judging by the other comments, Kazuhiko is a bit underrated and I was thinking about giving a pity vote to him, but well... Emi is cooler XD Seriously, she has great aim with that knife and she seems to be calmer than Kazuhiko, less likely to do a mistake that could get her killed and she seems more resourceful in general. There's also the thing she said about climbing trees and working as a lookout, that sounds very useful when searching for people. I mean, if I expect a fight, I would probably choose Kazuhiko, who seems to be the better shot with a gun, which is always better than a throwing knife, but right now they don't plan on necessarily fighting anyone, so I choose Emi. Still, I like Kaz as well, it's just that Emi sounds like the more useful one here.
[Go with Emi]
Emi seems more composed
[Go with Emi]
I think all was said by the others. Emi is better in this situation. Im sure Kazuhiko has his use as well but compared to her he sounds reckless. Maybe he can shine at another time at another task.
[Go with Emi]
Here's hoping Kazuhiko won't be too pissed, he seems really cool but maybe more likely to make mistakes ^-^
Amazing part!