Haha, I knew this would be a hard one for you! I won't really go deeper into that yet though, for obvious reasons
And third, even if I don't trust or like Aisha at all, I still find her marginally more sympathetic than the other prominent people at court. She has been more or less honest with Gwendis, in her own way, she never mocked or insulted her and despite her apparent insanity, she seems to be convinced of her own good intentions. This sets her apart from that irritating bitch Lyla, that spineless sycophant Braddock and that total weirdo Noctis. It's not much that speaks in her favour, but enough that I am open for the possibility that I might be wrong about her.
This is an interesting point. It is indeed a pretty sad state when Aisha is more or less on top of the list of sympathetic (non-PoV) characters of Blackmont. Considering what we've seen so far, I'd put at least Maester Mortin and Ser Thomos above her though. Lyla is definitely on the bottom of the list though, I'm pretty sure we agree on that.
[Grab her hand]
Aaaah, this is a hard choice for me. I don't trust Aisha at all and I don't think I ever will. I mean, she is called 'Dar… morek Priestess' and I doubt she got that name because she's such a nice and trustworthy person. Then there is her rambling about the one true god, which gives me serious Melisandre vibes, and Melisandre is the kind of person that should be forbidden by law to get near any sort of royalty ever again. I mean, her god is probably not R'hllor and she doesn't seem to be into fire, but that does not mean that I trust her. The last thing I want is for Gwendis to become some sort of one-true-god-fangirl, because a god that employs a dark priestess does not sound like a nice guy. On top of that, I'm still not entirely convinced that Aisha doesn't plan to murder her, or anything like that, stuff like stabbing her the moment she grabs her hand or doign all kinds of other nasty fanatic stuff.
That said, even if I jus… [view original content]
[Grab her hand] Well safe to say that this a hard choice and I am pretty clueless on which way to go here. On one hand, I am intrigued to see what or who Aisha's god is but on the other hand I dislike the idea of having Gwendis around any of the sorcerers and shady people within Benedict's inner circle since they could all put her in danger. However as with everyone else so far, I think my curiosity will win out here especially since it seems that it will lead to something pretty exciting for Gwendis and it is not like Gwendis has to commit to following this god or something like that just by grabbing Aisha's hand. Overall, this has been a really exciting part and I look forward to seeing where this goes!
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
Looks like no more votes coming...
Voting is closed!
First of all, Myke will point out the deserter to his traveling companions. This … moreis mostly a moral choice of whether Myke wants to take part in this war or not. More about that in the future...
And Missy will let Zereth go. Probably a wise choice, considering that this man managed to kill the Purple Ocelot, and despite being quite stabby Missy isn't really that much of a fighter.
RIP Purple Ocelot It took three choices to make this happen, so you could say that the man with the turban was very unlucky. Someone pointed out that all the named characters that have died so far have been in Kingsgrave, and that's true. It has been a dangerous place and will continue to be, but we are starting to get closer to some other storylines getting bloody as well (well, Myke has already had a small taste, even if no named characters died).
The next part is almost ready, and it's a Gwendis … [view original content]
Ugh crap. I don't trust her, but I don't want Gwendis to be locked away in her quarters forever, and this may just be the beginning of a way out for her
[Grab her hand]
She needs allies, and whether Aisha is necessarily the right ally, I do not know. Though I think this choice is of more interest than telling her to leave
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
It was the second morning after Gwendis had been locked to her chambers. As her handmaidens brought her breakfast, helped her wit… moreh her dress and hair, she kept on her fake smile. She had to keep her dignity in front of these girls. I have to stay strong.
Her appetite was low, but she tried to eat as much as she could. “Thank you, girls.” The Princess said with polite tone. “You can leave me alone now.” The handmaidens gave her a curtsey and walked away.
As the door was shut, Gwendis’ smile immediately died down. She let out a frustrated sigh and walked to her balcony. I wish I had wings, she thought as she watched the familiar view of the valley beneath her. Gwendis didn’t know how long she stood there, just staring at the distance, when suddenly the door was knocked. Gwendis walked back inside from the balcony and she saw Braddock Blackmont walking in from the door.
“My Princess.” The King’s cousin said with polite tone, … [view original content]
Gwendis shall grab the hand of Aisha the Dark Priestess So, Aisha has promised to show her "the one true god" - in the next Gwendis part we'll see what exactly does she mean.
I have started writing the next part, but it's not ready yet. Depending on how much time I'll have for writing, it might be ready tomorrow. Aaaand it will be a Naemon PoV.
Here is the recap: As we know Gwendis sent her brother Naemon to Starfall, to ask the aid of Daynes. He took the mission, and started riding south with his pal, Ser Myle. They made their way to the Kingdom of Torrentine, passed the High Hermitage, and traveled in peace, until they were stopped on the road by group of four soldiers and one knight - Ser Orwen Wythmail, who claimed to be a commander in service of House Upton. As Orwen asked what were two hedge knights doing there, Naemon simply explained that they had an important message for King Vorian. Orwen answered that the Uptons could deliver the message, but Myle made the suggestion that perhaps Orwen and his men were just bandits dressed as soldiers, which clearly agitated Orwen. Orwen told they were patrolling there on the order of the new Lord Upton. Before the situation escalated anymore, one of the Upton soldiers called for Orwen because they had apparently recognized Naemon's face. Naemon considered escaping from the situation, but decided to stay and sort it out with talking.
edit. Also, another character portrait, Lyla Sand:
Wow, this one is awesome! Something about this one which grabs me, just like how the Naelia one did. It's those eyes, they're so... Accurate. Either that or they're both Sands
Voting is closed!
Gwendis shall grab the hand of Aisha the Dark Priestess So, Aisha has promised to show her "the one true god" - in the… more next Gwendis part we'll see what exactly does she mean.
I have started writing the next part, but it's not ready yet. Depending on how much time I'll have for writing, it might be ready tomorrow. Aaaand it will be a Naemon PoV.
Here is the recap: As we know Gwendis sent her brother Naemon to Starfall, to ask the aid of Daynes. He took the mission, and started riding south with his pal, Ser Myle. They made their way to the Kingdom of Torrentine, passed the High Hermitage, and traveled in peace, until they were stopped on the road by group of four soldiers and one knight - Ser Orwen Wythmail, who claimed to be a commander in service of House Upton. As Orwen asked what were two hedge knights doing there, Naemon simply explained that they had an important message for King Vorian. Orwen answered that th… [view original content]
Voting is closed!
Gwendis shall grab the hand of Aisha the Dark Priestess So, Aisha has promised to show her "the one true god" - in the… more next Gwendis part we'll see what exactly does she mean.
I have started writing the next part, but it's not ready yet. Depending on how much time I'll have for writing, it might be ready tomorrow. Aaaand it will be a Naemon PoV.
Here is the recap: As we know Gwendis sent her brother Naemon to Starfall, to ask the aid of Daynes. He took the mission, and started riding south with his pal, Ser Myle. They made their way to the Kingdom of Torrentine, passed the High Hermitage, and traveled in peace, until they were stopped on the road by group of four soldiers and one knight - Ser Orwen Wythmail, who claimed to be a commander in service of House Upton. As Orwen asked what were two hedge knights doing there, Naemon simply explained that they had an important message for King Vorian. Orwen answered that th… [view original content]
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your name?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say. “So you are taking the Heir to Blackmont as your prisoner?” Ser Myle asked. “A risky move, I’d say.” His voice was sassy, which clearly annoyed Ser Orwen.
“We are not taking him as a prisoner.” The Upton knight replied with a touch of anger in his voice. “But we need to take him to Sword’s Edge before he can continue his way to Starfall, these are the orders of my Lord.”
“Fine.” Naemon said tiredly. “Fine, let’s go to the damn Sword’s Edge then, just lead the way.” Ser Orwen looked at him with slightly surprised expression, but after a moment he nodded and walked back to his horse. Myle turned towards Naemon. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” He asked calmly. “You got a better one?” Naemon shot back, and Myle shook his head with a stale grin on his face. “Then let’s go.” Naemon said, and they mounted their horses.
Naemon, Myle, Orwen and the Upton soldiers rode through the beautiful forest in silence, birds chirping around them, the rushing sound of Torrentine never far away. One of the Upton soldiers rode with haste ahead of them, no doubt to inform Lord Upton about their arrival. This reminded Naemon of something.
“You said earlier that House Upton has a new Lord.” He said casually to Ser Orwen, who nodded to him. “Yes.” Orwen replied quietly, a proud look on his eyes. “Alester Upton is the new Lord of Sword’s Edge.” He continued. Naemon recognized the name distantly. He didn’t remember much about Ser Alester, but he remembered him being a cocky guy who liked to hang around Jamison Dayne in tourneys.
“Was Alester firstborn?” Ser Myle asked, rising his eyebrow. “I seem to recall he wasn’t.”
“No, he wasn’t.” Orwen answered dryly. “Alester is the thirdborn son of the late Lord Samwell Upton and Lady Alerah. Weslar was the firstborn, but he died on a hunting accident couple months ago, and before that the secondborn, Markas, traveled North to join the Night’s Watch.” Ser Orwen spoke calmly, without giving any hints on what were his thoughts on what had happened.
“Interesting.” Naemon said with dry tone. “Life is full of surprises, I suppose.” Orwen nodded to his words, and they continued their journey in silence.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Sword’s Edge. It was a simple fort, but strong, with high walls and four even higher watchtowers. As they got closer, an escort of ten soldiers came for them. They rode in from the opened gate to the square courtyard, where well-disciplined soldiers stood in guard, standing on their positions like statues. At the middle of the yard stood a stocky young man with blonde hair and reddish beard. He was wearing eloquent red and silver clothes, and three knights in silver armors stood behind him.
As Naemon, Myle and Orwen dismounted their horses the young man started walking towards them.
“The mighty Vulture Knight!” He yelled as he got closer. “Welcome to Sword’s Edge!” Naemon glanced at Myle before answering. “Ser Alester.” He said calmly, but the young man raised his index finger. “It's Lord Alester now.” He said with a smirk, and Naemon nodded in agreement. Alester eyed Naemon and Ser Myle for a moment, as if pondering whether they were friends or not.
“I heard you are on your way to Starfall.” He said finally. “You heard right.” Naemon replied. “It wasn’t our intention to visit here, but your commander insisted.” Naemon sent a glare at Ser Orwen as he said this.
“Yes, I am sorry, Prince Naemon, but such is my duty – to guard the lands of my King.” Alester explained with a cocky grin on his face. “You can trust me Lord Alester, I’m not here to murder my uncle.” Naemon spoke without a shred of amusement in his voice, looking Alester Upton straight to the eye. The Lord of Sword’s Edge let out a small laugh. “Good one, prince.” He said, pointing at Naemon and smirking. “However, that brings up the question – why exactly are you going to Starfall? Looking for a rematch with Prince Jamison?” Naemon shook his head.
“I have a message to Vorian.” Naemon answered with serious tone, and Alester raised his eyebrow. “I guess it’s going to be a long story, aye?” Alester scratched his beard as he spoke. “Come on then, let’s go inside. We’ll talk this over with some wine and meat.” Lord Upton suggested. Naemon let out a subtle sigh, but nodded approvingly.
The dining room of Sword’s Edge was mostly furnished with animal furs and heads, fire burned in the hearth, candles illuminated the long wooden table, and the servants brought in wine, grapes, bread, cheese, boar, pork sausages and honeyed lamb. Naemon and Myle sat next to each other, opposed to them were Lord Alester, his mother Alerah, his newly married wife Catelyn, and his uncle Stanler Upton.
The Uptons had given Naemon and Myle new clothes, more fitting for a noble dinner. Myle wasn’t used to these kind of clothes, and Naemon could see he was a bit uncomfortable with them.
“Delicious.” Naemon praised politely as he tasted the food, and Alerah smiled at him. Alerah was a lady on her early forties. She had the same dark blonde as her son, and she still had plenty of her beauty left. “The boar was taken down by Alester himself.” She said with gentle words, and Naemon could see the cocky grin forming on Alester’s face.
“It is truly an honor to have you here, Prince Naemon and…” Stanler Upton said, looking at Myle with questioning look. Stanler was a short, stocky and bald man with bushy red beard that was starting to grey. “Just Ser Myle.” Myle answered with a forced smile, and Stanler nodded. “I see.” He muttered quietly, and turned his eyes back to his food. As Naemon turned his look away from Stanler, he glanced quickly at Catelyn. Alester’s wife was a pretty young lady, short and curvy, with long and extravagantly braided blonde hair, and a shy look on her green eyes. Alester noticed Naemon’s look towards his wife, and placed his arm around her.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” He asked, looking at Naemon and narrowing his eyes. Naemon settled to giving him a small nod, and Alester kissed the cheek of his wife. “She comes from Southpoint, eldest daughter of Lord Timeon. I only hope she won’t grow up to look like that fat walrus.” Alester spoke with a joking tone, but Catelyn sent him a glare. “Could you stop mocking my father.” She muttered, and with a laughter Alester rubbed her shoulder. “Don’t take it too seriously, sweetheart.”
“My son told me that you have some kind of important message for the King.” Alerah suddenly changed the subject, a kind smile on her face. “May I ask; does it have something to do with the war?” Naemon gave an uncertain look at Ser Myle, who just shrugged. Then the Prince turned his eyes back towards Alerah. “Yes, it does.” He admitted quietly. Alerah nodded with the kind expression still on her face, but Naemon also noticed Lord Alester getting noticeably more excited of the subject.
“You are in war with the Mad Albin, right?” He asked, taking a gulp of his wine. “That’s right.” Naemon answered uncomfortably, he wasn’t sure how much he should tell these people.
“What is it that you want from King Vorian?” Alester asked, now looking Naemon straight to the eye.
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war][Come up with a lie]
Aaaand I missed few parts again :C I have to apologise, I've spent last days preparing for taking the test for the driving license which I'm have tomorrow, and didn't really have time for any of my hobbies. Well, here I am though, gotta assure that I'm still alive
What with the choice - Well, we can't fully trust lord Alester yet, but the worst he can do with this information is to reveal it to Albin (what I doubt he'll do, as he called him as "Mad Albin" we can see his relation with Manwoodys. Of course, I considered option that he can attack Blackmonts knowing that most of the army is on their way to Kingsgrave, but what would be his point? When Blackmont coalition will defeat Albin, they will back to home and completely destroy small Upton forces (I suppose it's not a large house). He can make a alliance with Manwoody, but who would want to make up something with this man? If we won't tell him, he can find about the lie, which would make him suspicious and unfriendly to Blackmonts. Maybe I'm not thinking rationally enough, but I think that situation has no drawbacks, so why not?
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
Something about this Upton family seems off to me; I'm not sure what it is but something tells me they can't be trusted. At least, the new lord can't be trusted. Plus, I'm not sure how smart it would be to tell them fully about the Blackmont's situation or what they are doing. Hopefully, Naemon can come up with a convincing lie.
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
Aaaand I missed few parts again :C I have to apologise, I've spent last days preparing for taking the test for the driving license which I'm have tomorrow, and didn't really have time for any of my hobbies. Well, here I am though, gotta assure that I'm still alive
No problemos, totally understandable I am glad you are back though!
And when it comes to Uptons, it's very unlikely they'll do anything that King Vorian doesn't approve (as they pride themselves on being extremely loyal to him), so if the Daynes aren't friends with the Manwoodys, most likely the Uptons aren't either. There could of course be other reasons not to trust Lord Alester, who knows.
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war]
Aaaand I missed few parts again :C I have to apologise, I've spent last days preparing for taki… moreng the test for the driving license which I'm have tomorrow, and didn't really have time for any of my hobbies. Well, here I am though, gotta assure that I'm still alive
What with the choice - Well, we can't fully trust lord Alester yet, but the worst he can do with this information is to reveal it to Albin (what I doubt he'll do, as he called him as "Mad Albin" we can see his relation with Manwoodys. Of course, I considered option that he can attack Blackmonts knowing that most of the army is on their way to Kingsgrave, but what would be his point? When Blackmont coalition will defeat Albin, they will back to home and completely destroy small Upton forces (I suppose it's not a large house). He can make a alliance with Manwoody, but who would want to make up something with this man? If we won't tell him… [view original content]
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
I just thought of something. What if this "hunting accident" that killed his brother wasn't an accident at all. After all, with his other brother going to the nights watch, he was the only one in the way of Alester becoming the new lord of the house.
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
While Naemon should be a skilled enough liar to come up with something convincing, I don't know how good Alester is at spotting it. I believe telling Alester the truth will be for the better. MicroAce brought up some good arguments and I agree with him. Ultimately, the Uptons are Dayne bannermen and they will learn the truth sooner or later either way. Lying to them could go well, but if they do not believe him then they could be offended and then Naemon could get into serious trouble. From their talk, the Uptons have given me little reason to distrust them in a way that would justify risking their anger. Aside from that, I believe that Alester is already having an idea what exactly Naemon wants from Vorian, since his mother correctly guessed that it has something to do with the war. To be honest, what else could Naemon want from House Dayne in this war?
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war] Eventually the Uptons will find out Naemon's true intentions either way and considering that the Uptons are Dayne bannerman, the Uptons could potentially be helping fight the Manwoodys at some point so with that said, it is probably best if Naemon is up front with them since in a way it actually does affect them as well. Also I am sure they would think better of Naemon if he tells them upfront rather than hearing it from Vorian when he calls his banners.
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your n… moreame?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say.… [view original content]
Naemon is going to be honest with Alester and tell him that he is asking aid for the war from King Vorian. It's pretty obvious why the heir to Blackmont would go to Starfall in this situation, so the Uptons would have definitely had their suspicions even if Naemon had lied. Anyway, next time we'll see how they will take the truth.
The next part however is an Isabella PoV. It's under work, and I might even get it done today, we'll see. The recap for Isabella: Isabella agreed with her father to send an offer of marriage to Prince Naemon Blackmont (and as we know that offer has now arrived to Blackmont). Couple days after that Isabella had a chat with his brother Desmor, who talked to him about Ser Russal's (a knight from the Fowler's Royal Guard) secret mission that King Garrison and Prince Ferris were keeping under wraps. Isabella and Desmor went to the gardens where Garrison, Ferris and their aunt Obara Fowler were spending the afternoon. Obara brought up that she didn't like Garrison's plans of marrying Isabella to Blackmonts, and suggested the Yronwoods instead. Garrison said that Yronwoods are not a wise choice for them to ally with, and Isabella agreed with him. Obara seemed a bit taken aback by this, but they decided to change the topic. Desmor brought up once again the secret mission of Ser Russal, but was told that he doesn't need to know about it. After that the situation was calm for a moment, until Desmor threw a temper tantrum as Obara hinted that he should already be marrying someone. Later that day Isabella decided, encouraged by her handmaiden Cassana Blackpool, that she should talk with her father about the marriage. As she arrived to the door of her father's chambers she started to doubt herself. But then she heard talking from the room. She heard something about Ser Russal's mission being "dishonorable", and Isabella's safety possibly being in danger. You voted for her to continue eavesdropping.
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising to her cheeks. It was Ser Soren Ashford in his Royal Guard armor, looking at Isabella with a slightly embarrassed expression on his handsome face. “S- Ser Soren I was just…”
“Eavesdropping?” Soren interrupted her with a friendly tone. Isabella let out a deep sigh. “Y- yes, I heard them talking about me, so I… I didn’t mean to spy; it was just… I think I should go now.” Soren stopped Isabella before she could walk past him.
“I’m sorry Isabella,” He said with calm and genuine tone, “but I think we should go talk to your father.” Isabella closed her eyes, and nodded. “You are right.” She replied, her voice weak and quiet. Together they walked back to the door, and Ser Soren knocked. For a moment the silence lingered in the air, until the door was opened by Prince Ferris, who looked at them with questioning eyes.
“My Prince.” Ser Soren said with a bow. “Could you let us in?”
“Who is it now?” Isabella heard her father asking with irritated tone. “Ser Soren and Isabella.” Ferris said with placid tone as he let them in. “Isabella?” Garrison was clearly surprised of his daughter’s sudden arrival.
“Um, I found her, eh, listening to your conversation behind the door.” Ser Soren spoke with uncertain words, glancing at Ferris and Garrison. Garrison let out a quiet sigh, and Ferris narrowed his eyes, looking at Soren. “You were supposed to guard the door, Soren.” He said strictly and the tall and muscular Royal Guard gulped, in this moment looking weaker than he was. “I’m sorry, I abandoned the post for a minute because I was talking with Prince Desmor… He walked past here and looked… angered. So, I went after him to…”
“I understand.” The King cut off Ser Soren with calm but powerful words. “I would ask you to return to your post now, Ser.” Garrison said, and Ser Soren bowed clumsily. “Yes, Your Grace.” He said, and quickly walked out of the room.
Silence took over the room. Ferris sat down, pouring himself wine and letting out a deep sigh, and Isabella walked closer to her father, who sat in a comfortable armchair.
“What did you hear?” Garrison’s voice was gentle, but Isabella knew that he wanted an honest answer. “Something about Ser Russal and a dishonorable mission.” She started with timid tone. “And then… Something about me being in danger, and someone needing help and us giving it to him.” For a moment Garrison stayed silent, probably pondering on how would he explain this to his daughter.
“This isn’t the way I would have preferred you hearing this.” Garrison finally spoke up, taking in a deep breath. “But, you do deserve to know.”
“Know what?” Isabella asked, her voice now a bit more courageous. Garrison took his time, tapping his fingers against the arm of his chair. “The mission of Ser Russal… It was an act against King Benedict Blackmont.” Garrison spoke with quiet and serious words. “And it was done in the name of Albin Manwoody, to start a war between the two Kingdoms.” Isabella’s eyes widened as she heard this, and she took a step back from her father. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Isabella looked at her father, the old man that she had always seen as peaceful and gentle. Do I even know this man?
“Why?” She asked, her voice full of disbelief, and Garrison let out a sigh. “If I hadn’t done that, we would have been alone against the Mad Albin and his armies.” His voice was weak, weaker than Isabella had ever heard before. “You have to trust me, my dear Isabella, I have made sure that the Blackmonts will never hear of this, and you will be safe.” Isabella shook her head.
“You started a war that will kill thousands, and now you are using me in your games…” Isabella was cut off by her father. “I did it for you!” He shouted, clenching his fists. “You, and Desmor, and Ferris. Your friends, Ser Soren, Ser Russal. All the other knights, ladies and lords in this castle. Every farmer, blacksmith, barmaid, soldier, merchant and beggar in our Kingdom!” Garrison looked exhausted and swiped sweat from his forehead with a shivering hand. “Do you think I do this all just to play games? I have a whole kingdom on my shoulders, thousands and thousands of lives.” Isabella gulped as her father finished speaking.
“I’m sorry, father.” She said quietly, but Garrison shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, for keeping this a secret. But you shouldn’t talk about this to anyone, I’m sure you understand that.” Isabella stayed quiet, staring at the floor.
“Isabella…” Ferris started, but Isabella interrupted him. “What if I don’t want to go to Blackmont?” She asked with defiance in her words.
“We talked about this, it was your choice.” Garrison said calmly. “The raven has already flown.” Isabella shook her head. “I didn’t know about the danger when I made that decision.” She said, keeping her voice calm but tough. “King Benedict might not be the Mad Albin, but I’ve heard he is mixed up in dark magic. What if he hears about what you did? He’ll cut me to pieces and sacrifice me to some dark god.”
“Bella, nothing like that will happen.” Ferris tried to comfort her, but Isabella just let out a small and joyless chuckle. “I heard you say yourself that sending me there will be dangerous.” She replied, glaring at her older brother. “Think about it, would you send your own son there?” This question clearly caught Ferris off guard, and he couldn’t come up with an answer.
“As I said, the raven has flown.” Garrison stated, his voice colder now. “We can’t step back from this.”
“We?” Isabella’s tone was sad and amused at the same time. “I don’t think you are putting yourself in danger – it’s me, and only me.” Isabella turned her eyes away from her father and brother, feeling enraged. “You think I don’t care about your safety?” Garrison asked, his voice barely audible.
“I’m not sure anymore.” Isabella replied coldly. Deep inside she knew her father tried to do what was best for everyone, but she just couldn’t help but feel disappointed and angered of the situation. She had been tricked into this, she had agreed to marrying Naemon Blackmont without knowing the danger it would bring to her. Can I step back from this? She had never before been rebellious towards her father, so she couldn’t tell what would happen if she refused his orders. Maybe I should just go to Blackmont, for the good of the family and the kingdom. Isabella gulped, feeling conflicted. She even considered going to aunt Obara, remembering that she had spoken against the marriage with Naemon Blackmont.
[Stay loyal to Garrison][Refuse the marriage][Go to Obara]
I knew it. I knew it! I'd curse Garrison, but strangely enough, I can understand him. He did what was best for his people and in the end, he did not endanger House Blackmont, he only made them think they would be in danger. I can forgive that and I think in his situation, Benedict would have decided similar. Hell, Gwendis would have probably decided similarly, because House Fowler absolutely had no other option.
Anyways, I believe it is too late to back out now. What Garrison did was morally wrong, but he did it because he had no other choice. House Fowler still needs help in the war against House Manwoody and House Yronwood still is no suitable ally. If they would be good allies, Garrison would have approached them in the first place, because they are stronger than House Blackmont. But he sought an alliance with House Blackmont for good reason. They are in this together now, regardless of the circumstances that started the situation. I trust Garrison when he says that he made sure that Isabella won't be in danger. He loves is daughter and he is no fool. Exactly the same applies to Benedict. Even if he finds out, he is now in a situation where he needs the Fowler alliance to win the war he finds himself in. House Blackmont needs the help. House Fowler needs the help. And House Yronwood is not the ally they want in this situation. For the best of her family and her kingdom, Isabella should stay loyal to Garrison here.
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
This option will probably not win, but I think this would be an interesting situation if this happened. What will her aunt say and do when she hears about what her brother did? Will she try to convince Isabella to live with her for the time being? How would the situation be resolved? This might not be the best option, but I think it is the most interesting option for the Fowler storyline.
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
[Refuse the marriage] Ah this choice has me very conflicted. I have not the slightest clue on what to go with here since on one hand, it seems like sending Isabella to Blackmont is basically sending her to her death once Benedict finds out about what her father did. On the other hand as Liquid said, both houses seem like they need the other's alliance and I am sure Benedict knows this. With all of this said though, Isabella has been very loyal to her father without debate this whole time and I think she should take a step back and at this time refuse the marriage. I don't think doing this takes the marriage off the table completely but it is mainly a way for Isabella to stand up for herself and tell her father about her true opinions and emotions along with where she stands in general. Up to this point, she has done everything that Garrison has wanted without question so I think it will be good for her character to stand up for herself!
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice… more of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising… [view original content]
And Isabella will stay loyal to Garrison. A level headed decision, I'd say. I would have definitely enjoyed writing Isabella going to Obara, but I can see why you didn't vote for it
Anyway, next part is under work, and it's something we haven't seen in a looooong time - a Jamison PoV Recap is much needed: After returning to Starfall from his travels around Reach and Stormlands, Jamison Dayne accepted a task from his father of a diplomatic mission to the Hellgate Hall, where he is going to negotiate with King Lucifer Dryland of an alliance against the Martells. With him left a two dozen guards, the head of the guard Arthur Wythmail, Sers Laroy Ladybright, Aron of Southpoint and Rolan Nightfall, and their squires Darnis of Southpoint, Aidin Dayne (of High Hermitage), and Lyreon Nightfall. They made their way through the mountains to the port town of Southpoint. From there they continued their way through the desert, until they arrived to Sandstone. There they were welcomed by Lord Allar Qorgyle, who made his sour attitude towards King Lucifer clear. He said that Jamison must tell to Lucifer that unless he swears to stay out of his lands, the Qorgyles are going to sabotage the alliance, and side with the Martells. Jamison promised to deliver the terms. If you need better refreshing, the part can be found from around page 40 of the doc
I'll probably get this part ready at some point tomorrow, but before that, we are going to have anohter Histories & Lore part
That we do and it looks like this topic could not have been picked at a better time! This H&L is from Jamison's older brother and Crown Prince to the Torrentine-Malcolm Dayne! He will be talking and giving his opinion about House Dayne particularly where it started, where it went and a bit about where they are going and here we go!
Voting is closed!
And Isabella will stay loyal to Garrison. A level headed decision, I'd say. I would have definitely enjoyed writing Isa… morebella going to Obara, but I can see why you didn't vote for it
Anyway, next part is under work, and it's something we haven't seen in a looooong time - a Jamison PoV Recap is much needed: After returning to Starfall from his travels around Reach and Stormlands, Jamison Dayne accepted a task from his father of a diplomatic mission to the Hellgate Hall, where he is going to negotiate with King Lucifer Dryland of an alliance against the Martells. With him left a two dozen guards, the head of the guard Arthur Wythmail, Sers Laroy Ladybright, Aron of Southpoint and Rolan Nightfall, and their squires Darnis of Southpoint, Aidin Dayne (of High Hermitage), and Lyreon Nightfall. They made their way through the mountains to the port town of Southpoint. From there they continued their way through the desert, un… [view original content]
“Located along the western coast of Dorne, my family’s ancient stronghold of Starfall stands proudly on an island overlooking the Torrentine, as the river rapidly flows into the Summer Sea.” The crown prince of House Dayne began with a proud tone to his voice. “Starfall has stood since the Dawn of Days, when the legend tells that the first Dayne, whose name has since been lost in time, followed a falling star to this island, and founded our great capital here.” A small smirk appeared on Malcolm’s face.
“So yes, with great pride, we do trace our ancestry back to the First Men.” He remarked happily. “But there is one thing about that which genuinely perplexes me.” The Prince now spoke with a questioning look on his eyes. “My family does descend from the First Men, yet most of my family look more like the dragonlords of Valyria, but I have digressed.”
“But once my ancestors founded our great keep, they set to conquest.” Malcolm now spoke with pride filled and serious words. “At first, my family conquered nearly the entire western coast in a variety of ways from petty kings bending their knees to us and also through sheer force. However, these minor bits of land bordering the Torrentine were just the beginning. My family’s urge for conquest was far from over, with my ancestors looking towards east. And at our peak, House Dayne’s rule over Dorne stretched well into the deserts with nearly a quarter of Dorne being under the rule of the Kingdom of Torrentine.” Malcolm said this with great satisfaction.
“Even though, House Dayne won most of that land through conquest, we kept it because like many great men throughout history have said, once a man goes to his knees, you must help them back to their feet. And that we did.” For a moment the Prince closed his eyes, and he could almost see those days of glory. “All of our bannerman and smallfolk respected our rule, and our kings respected them. The various Kings of Starfall from that time all ruled with honor, but unfortunately it cannot be said that every Dayne king ruled this way, and I believe that cost us a high price.” There was now disappointment in the eyes of Malcolm.
“Some of my ancestors in later times began to take advantage of our people and our kingdom.” He said with a sigh. “They drove our people into unnecessary wars with desires of even further conquest, with my family wanting to stretch our kingdom even further east, and even into the Reach. We sacked Oldtown and left many other great lands in ruin. All that for our own personal glory, and the foul desire to stretch our kingdom even wider, but as I truthfully believe, no bad deed goes unpunished. We eventually went too far and picked a fight we could not win. A little more than a century ago we were defeated by House Dryland, when King Gerold, the second of his name, surrendered in defeat and with nearly half of our kingdom, because of abysmal leadership and because we simply could not hold it.”
“Even now, you will often hear people say that our former king was a craven or a coward bending the knee to the Drylands and giving up most we had gained.” Malcolm remarked, annoyed at the thought. “I myself believe him to have made the right decision. I do not see any reason in having more of our people die over some land and a lost cause. I would have done the same thing as him.” Malcolm said this with an honest and genuine tone.
A smile returned to Malcolm’s face. “However, for all that fame or infamy that House Dayne has obtained from our reputation for being a strong kingdom, we are best known for a sword – my family’s ancestral greatsword known as “Dawn”. It is said that it was forged from the heart of a fallen star, and it is not being passed down from lord to lord, but rather it is only given to a Dayne knight who is deemed honorable and possesses the martial skills worthy of wielding it.”
“Dawn is the pride of my family, and it has always been a point that it did not end up in the wrong hands. Who knows how long it will stay that way.” Malcolm said this with discouraged and slightly defeated tone.
“However, regardless of my family’s past, we have completely recovered.” The confidence was back in Malcolm’s words. “Even with fewer plots of land than we had before, House Dayne is truly strong. With our vast and impressive army along with our decent sized royal fleet, House Dayne could be a force to be reckoned with – by land or sea. However, as I have mentioned we have no need for all of that. We have everything we need on the lands we have now, and I have no need to see my kingdom’s people suffer. Thankfully my father, King Vorian, feels the same way. While he is more than capable of leading our armies to conquer and expand our kingdom again, he knows there is no need for it, and he wants peace.”
“However, that opinion is not shared by all of my family.” Malcolm said with a touch of concern in his voice. “My younger brother Jamison yearns to conquer and reclaim all of our old lands back, and more.” Malcolm let out a small laugh, but looked slightly annoyed at the thought of that. “Could we do that? Possibly, but there is no need for it, and I personally see his ideas as nothing more than him showing just why he can never be a king. Thankfully though, Jamison is not the king nor is he the heir, I am.” He said this with great relief. “But I, just like my father, will keep this kingdom strong, and I will keep my people safe and out of harm.” Malcolm said this with determined words. “Our kingdom’s people depend on us to keep them safe, and I also want our kingdom to prosper financially – just like it has under my father’s rule.”
“With that said, I am not as weak as people perceive me.” Malcolm said this with a slight bit of anger in his voice. “Like my father I will not ask for war, but at the same time, no one better test my kingdom or its might, because House Dayne has proved its strength before, and we can always do it again.”
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Malcolm Dayne – History of House Dayne
“Located along the western coast of Dorne, my family’s ancie… morent stronghold of Starfall stands proudly on an island overlooking the Torrentine, as the river rapidly flows into the Summer Sea.” The crown prince of House Dayne began with a proud tone to his voice. “Starfall has stood since the Dawn of Days, when the legend tells that the first Dayne, whose name has since been lost in time, followed a falling star to this island, and founded our great capital here.” A small smirk appeared on Malcolm’s face.
“So yes, with great pride, we do trace our ancestry back to the First Men.” He remarked happily. “But there is one thing about that which genuinely perplexes me.” The Prince now spoke with a questioning look on his eyes. “My family does descend from the First Men, yet most of my family look more like the dragonlords of Valyria, but I have digressed.”
“But once… [view original content]
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Malcolm Dayne – History of House Dayne
“Located along the western coast of Dorne, my family’s ancie… morent stronghold of Starfall stands proudly on an island overlooking the Torrentine, as the river rapidly flows into the Summer Sea.” The crown prince of House Dayne began with a proud tone to his voice. “Starfall has stood since the Dawn of Days, when the legend tells that the first Dayne, whose name has since been lost in time, followed a falling star to this island, and founded our great capital here.” A small smirk appeared on Malcolm’s face.
“So yes, with great pride, we do trace our ancestry back to the First Men.” He remarked happily. “But there is one thing about that which genuinely perplexes me.” The Prince now spoke with a questioning look on his eyes. “My family does descend from the First Men, yet most of my family look more like the dragonlords of Valyria, but I have digressed.”
“But once… [view original content]
That's a super intriguing H&L part! House Dayne is among my favourite houses in the novels, so I obviously enjoy them in the story as well and it was nice getting some additional information on them, on top of some insight on Malcolm as a character. He received far less spotlight than Jamison, but it appears he's not less of a fascinating character. I like their dynamic, with them being polar opposites and can't wait to read more of him in the actual story.
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Malcolm Dayne – History of House Dayne
“Located along the western coast of Dorne, my family’s ancie… morent stronghold of Starfall stands proudly on an island overlooking the Torrentine, as the river rapidly flows into the Summer Sea.” The crown prince of House Dayne began with a proud tone to his voice. “Starfall has stood since the Dawn of Days, when the legend tells that the first Dayne, whose name has since been lost in time, followed a falling star to this island, and founded our great capital here.” A small smirk appeared on Malcolm’s face.
“So yes, with great pride, we do trace our ancestry back to the First Men.” He remarked happily. “But there is one thing about that which genuinely perplexes me.” The Prince now spoke with a questioning look on his eyes. “My family does descend from the First Men, yet most of my family look more like the dragonlords of Valyria, but I have digressed.”
“But once… [view original content]
Jamison Dayne’s convoy had ridden two days through the desert after leaving Sandstone. Ser Laroy Ladybright kept on his grim but dutiful expression even in the most exhausting moments of the burning hot days. The commander of the guard, Arthur Wythmail, and Ser Aron of the Southpoint didn’t complain either, but they were even more quiet company than usually. Ser Rolan Nightfall kept muttering and cursing, and his squire and nephew Lyreon Nightfall complained every few hours. Whiny boy. Ser Aron’s squire, Aidin Dayne, was too shy to complain, but it was easy to see that he wasn’t feeling well. Laroy’s squire, Darnis of the Southpoint, looked to be feeling well and kept on a calm face. He is a tough one.
The soldiers of course had their complaints, but their complaints were beneath Jamison. The convoy also had two new members from Sandstone – a septon named Anthor, and the Qorgyle guard named Korb Fyste. Those two had joined the group to make sure Jamison would deliver Lord Allar Qorgyle’s terms to King Lucifer, like he had promised to do.
For this night the convoy had made their camp to a small canyon on the desert. Jamison leant against a rock, taking sips of water from his flask. After the exhausting travel all he could do was sit and think. Soon he would meet King Lucifer Dryland, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. I wonder what kind of man he really is. Jamison knew a lot depended on this mission, especially for himself. This was his chance to prove himself to Vorian. And if everything would go perfectly, perhaps the King would this time hear the wish of his son.
After the tourney at Starfall Jamison had truly felt like he was on top of the world. He thought he’d marry Princess Isabella, and rise straight to the council, where his brother already was. His father had put an end to those thoughts soon though, and so Jamison had decided to ride away from Starfall, to see the lands north of Dorne.
It had only been a temporary setback though; Jamison knew it now. In his mind he could see the adoring emerald eyes of Isabella, looking at him as he named her the Queen of Love and Beauty. Jamison would always remember that moment. This mission is my chance, he thought with determination, clenching his fist around a stone that he picked from the ground.
Jamison let out a sigh and dropped the stone. I should have been the firstborn, he cursed in his mind. Then he heard steps coming towards him. Jamison turned his eyes and saw Septon Anthor.
“What do you want?” The Prince asked with little interest in his voice. “I have promised to deliver the damn terms and I will, no need to bother me with that anymore.”
“That is not why I came to you, Prince Jamison.” The septon said, and Jamison raised his eyebrow. “Why then?” He asked impatiently, and Anthor sat down. “I have noticed that you are… Angered.” The septon was a skinny man on at least his early fifties, always a worried expression on his face.
“And what’s that to you?” Jamison cussed. “I’m tired, hungry, thirsty, and I need a good fuck. Of course I’m fucking angered.” Jamison shook his head and turned his eyes away from the septon, who let out a sigh. “You need to stay calm and focused when you meet King Lucifer, young man, or he’ll outsmart you.” Anthor warned calmly, and stood up. Jamison looked at the old man walking away from him. Perhaps he’s right, he thought, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to calm down. Then heard steps coming towards him again.
“Who is it now?” He asked with frustrated tone before he opened his eyes. As he opened them he saw Lyreon Nightfall standing next to him, a sour expression on his face. The heir to Nightfall was a boy of thirteen, a quite ordinary looking lad with dark brown hair and blue eyes. “What do you want, boy?” Jamison asked bluntly.
“They say you are the best knight in Dorne, at least after your father.” Lyreon stated, eyeing at Jamison with narrowed eyes. Jamison furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy. “Aye, some do.” He replied lazily. “And some say Ser Soren Ashford is the best, or Naemon Blackmont.”
“I saw you dismount the Vulture Knight, so he can’t be better than you.” Lyreon said, and Jamison chuckled. “Well, I guess you’ve got a point.” He replied, giving the boy a smirk, but Lyreon didn’t replicate it. “Someday I’m going to be better than you.” He stated with firm words, raising his chin proudly. “We’ll see about that.” Jamison answered, letting out a small laugh. “Come talk to me again when your balls have dropped.” This made Lyreon frown at Jamison, but he couldn’t come up with an answer, so he just stormed off with an embarrassed expression on his face.
Jamison shook his head with amusement, and then he closed his eyes again – tomorrow would be another rough day of travelling through the desert.
On the next day the convoy finally arrived to Brimstone. They found a bridge and made their way to the eastern shore of the river. After another hour of riding, while sun was already setting, Jamison finally saw the Hellgate Hall. It was an ugly grey castle in the middle of the desert. It did look strong, though it wasn’t in the best possible condition. Jamison noticed immediately that an army had been gathered to the gates. Aside from the black sun of the Drylands, Jamison saw the red flames of the Ullers, and many other banners of some smaller houses.
The Dayne banner that Arthur Wythmail carried turned the heads of the soldiers. In the past the kingdoms of Brimstone and Torrentine had fought many bloody wars, and stories of those wars were still told – in both Torrentine and Brimstone. Some of the looks Jamison received from the soldiers were fearful, others angered. They mean nothing to me, Jamison thought with an emotionless expression on his face.
In the courtyard they were welcomed by a tall man in a black silk tunic. The look on the man’s green eyes was soft, as he eyed Jamison and his companions. “Welcome to Hellgate Hall, Prince Jamison. I am Lewyn Tiddle, heir to Tidmarsh.”
“So you knew I was coming?” Jamison asked with lazy tone, and Lewyn nodded. “Your father sent a raven.” He stated, a small smile on his face. “King Lucifer would like to meet you as soon as possible.”
“We have a hard day of travelling behind us.” Septon Anthor said, and Lewyn Tiddle narrowed his eyes. “And you are?” He asked, his voice slightly less respectful now. “I am Septon Anthor, from Sandstone. I have come here to make sure King Lucifer will swear upon the Seven Gods that he leaves the Qorgyles alone.” Anthor spoke with determination in his words, and Lewyn gave a questioning look at Jamison.
“I’ll explain it to Lucifer.” Jamison said tiredly, giving a dismissing gesture with his hand. “So, where shall we meet the King?”
“My prince.” Ser Laroy grabbed Jamison from the shoulder. “The septon makes a good point, I think we should get rest, sleep one night, and negotiate with the King tomorrow.” Jamison let out a deep sigh. It was true, they were all tired and dirty from the road, but perhaps the King would take it as an insult to leave the meeting for tomorrow.
“So… Shall I escort you to the King or to your chambers?” Lewyn asked with a touch of impatience in his words.
Jamison Dayne’s convoy had ridden two days through the desert after leaving Sandstone. Ser Laroy Ladybright kept on his grim but … moredutiful expression even in the most exhausting moments of the burning hot days. The commander of the guard, Arthur Wythmail, and Ser Aron of the Southpoint didn’t complain either, but they were even more quiet company than usually. Ser Rolan Nightfall kept muttering and cursing, and his squire and nephew Lyreon Nightfall complained every few hours. Whiny boy. Ser Aron’s squire, Aidin Dayne, was too shy to complain, but it was easy to see that he wasn’t feeling well. Laroy’s squire, Darnis of the Southpoint, looked to be feeling well and kept on a calm face. He is a tough one.
The soldiers of course had their complaints, but their complaints were beneath Jamison. The convoy also had two new members from Sandstone – a septon named Anthor, and the Qorgyle guard named Korb Fyste. Those two had joined the g… [view original content]
[To the chambers] Jamison should no doubt be well rested and as prepared as possible for the meeting with King Lucifer. I don't see why King Lucifer would get too upset that they postponed the meeting til the next day since Jamison and his men had traveled pretty far and he had to know that they were very tired. If King Lucifer does get mad, then he will no doubt be super difficult to negotiate with anyway. Great Part and I am really excited to see where Jamison's story goes from here!
Jamison Dayne’s convoy had ridden two days through the desert after leaving Sandstone. Ser Laroy Ladybright kept on his grim but … moredutiful expression even in the most exhausting moments of the burning hot days. The commander of the guard, Arthur Wythmail, and Ser Aron of the Southpoint didn’t complain either, but they were even more quiet company than usually. Ser Rolan Nightfall kept muttering and cursing, and his squire and nephew Lyreon Nightfall complained every few hours. Whiny boy. Ser Aron’s squire, Aidin Dayne, was too shy to complain, but it was easy to see that he wasn’t feeling well. Laroy’s squire, Darnis of the Southpoint, looked to be feeling well and kept on a calm face. He is a tough one.
The soldiers of course had their complaints, but their complaints were beneath Jamison. The convoy also had two new members from Sandstone – a septon named Anthor, and the Qorgyle guard named Korb Fyste. Those two had joined the g… [view original content]
Haha, I knew this would be a hard one for you! I won't really go deeper into that yet though, for obvious reasons
This is an interesting point. It is indeed a pretty sad state when Aisha is more or less on top of the list of sympathetic (non-PoV) characters of Blackmont. Considering what we've seen so far, I'd put at least Maester Mortin and Ser Thomos above her though. Lyla is definitely on the bottom of the list though, I'm pretty sure we agree on that.
[Grab her hand] Well safe to say that this a hard choice and I am pretty clueless on which way to go here. On one hand, I am intrigued to see what or who Aisha's god is but on the other hand I dislike the idea of having Gwendis around any of the sorcerers and shady people within Benedict's inner circle since they could all put her in danger. However as with everyone else so far, I think my curiosity will win out here especially since it seems that it will lead to something pretty exciting for Gwendis and it is not like Gwendis has to commit to following this god or something like that just by grabbing Aisha's hand. Overall, this has been a really exciting part and I look forward to seeing where this goes!
[Grab her hand]
She seems trustworthy and untrustworthy at the same time. Hell, let's trust her.
[Grab her hand]
I doubt Aisha would just murder the king's daughter. Especially, since he intends to marry her off. I'm also very curious as to what will happen.
Ugh crap. I don't trust her, but I don't want Gwendis to be locked away in her quarters forever, and this may just be the beginning of a way out for her
[Grab her hand]
She needs allies, and whether Aisha is necessarily the right ally, I do not know. Though I think this choice is of more interest than telling her to leave
I don't know if the pm' are working or not but I just sent you one about the character I just submitted.
Weell, she has some history with combat training, but still very lightweight compared to the likes of Zereth
Voting is closed!
Gwendis shall grab the hand of Aisha the Dark Priestess
So, Aisha has promised to show her "the one true god" - in the next Gwendis part we'll see what exactly does she mean.
I have started writing the next part, but it's not ready yet. Depending on how much time I'll have for writing, it might be ready tomorrow. Aaaand it will be a Naemon PoV.
Here is the recap: As we know Gwendis sent her brother Naemon to Starfall, to ask the aid of Daynes. He took the mission, and started riding south with his pal, Ser Myle. They made their way to the Kingdom of Torrentine, passed the High Hermitage, and traveled in peace, until they were stopped on the road by group of four soldiers and one knight - Ser Orwen Wythmail, who claimed to be a commander in service of House Upton. As Orwen asked what were two hedge knights doing there, Naemon simply explained that they had an important message for King Vorian. Orwen answered that the Uptons could deliver the message, but Myle made the suggestion that perhaps Orwen and his men were just bandits dressed as soldiers, which clearly agitated Orwen. Orwen told they were patrolling there on the order of the new Lord Upton. Before the situation escalated anymore, one of the Upton soldiers called for Orwen because they had apparently recognized Naemon's face. Naemon considered escaping from the situation, but decided to stay and sort it out with talking.
edit. Also, another character portrait, Lyla Sand:
Wow, this one is awesome! Something about this one which grabs me, just like how the Naelia one did. It's those eyes, they're so... Accurate. Either that or they're both Sands
I really like how you draw eyes.
You've got an eye for them! Heh.
Ser Orwen Wythmail took couple steps closer to the two knights, his eyes studying the face of Naemon. “Who are you? What is your name?” Orwen asked, his voice quiet and tense. Naemon let out a powerless sigh. “Naemon Blackmont.” He answered tiredly, and could see the Upton soldiers glancing at each other.
“So, you are the Vulture Knight? The Heir to Blackmont?” Orwen spoke with flabbergasted expression on his face, and Naemon nodded. “Well, then…” Orwen started awkwardly, scratching his unkempt hair. “I am sorry if I’ve been… rude.”
“No need to apologize.” Naemon said with a small smile. “However, as I said earlier we have urgent business with King Vorian, so we really need to keep going.” Ser Orwen shook his head for these words.
“I am truly sorry Prince Naemon, but I’m afraid we can’t let you pass without bringing you to Sword’s Edge first.” The knight spoke tensely. Naemon raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know what to say. “So you are taking the Heir to Blackmont as your prisoner?” Ser Myle asked. “A risky move, I’d say.” His voice was sassy, which clearly annoyed Ser Orwen.
“We are not taking him as a prisoner.” The Upton knight replied with a touch of anger in his voice. “But we need to take him to Sword’s Edge before he can continue his way to Starfall, these are the orders of my Lord.”
“Fine.” Naemon said tiredly. “Fine, let’s go to the damn Sword’s Edge then, just lead the way.” Ser Orwen looked at him with slightly surprised expression, but after a moment he nodded and walked back to his horse. Myle turned towards Naemon. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” He asked calmly. “You got a better one?” Naemon shot back, and Myle shook his head with a stale grin on his face. “Then let’s go.” Naemon said, and they mounted their horses.
Naemon, Myle, Orwen and the Upton soldiers rode through the beautiful forest in silence, birds chirping around them, the rushing sound of Torrentine never far away. One of the Upton soldiers rode with haste ahead of them, no doubt to inform Lord Upton about their arrival. This reminded Naemon of something.
“You said earlier that House Upton has a new Lord.” He said casually to Ser Orwen, who nodded to him. “Yes.” Orwen replied quietly, a proud look on his eyes. “Alester Upton is the new Lord of Sword’s Edge.” He continued. Naemon recognized the name distantly. He didn’t remember much about Ser Alester, but he remembered him being a cocky guy who liked to hang around Jamison Dayne in tourneys.
“Was Alester firstborn?” Ser Myle asked, rising his eyebrow. “I seem to recall he wasn’t.”
“No, he wasn’t.” Orwen answered dryly. “Alester is the thirdborn son of the late Lord Samwell Upton and Lady Alerah. Weslar was the firstborn, but he died on a hunting accident couple months ago, and before that the secondborn, Markas, traveled North to join the Night’s Watch.” Ser Orwen spoke calmly, without giving any hints on what were his thoughts on what had happened.
“Interesting.” Naemon said with dry tone. “Life is full of surprises, I suppose.” Orwen nodded to his words, and they continued their journey in silence.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at Sword’s Edge. It was a simple fort, but strong, with high walls and four even higher watchtowers. As they got closer, an escort of ten soldiers came for them. They rode in from the opened gate to the square courtyard, where well-disciplined soldiers stood in guard, standing on their positions like statues. At the middle of the yard stood a stocky young man with blonde hair and reddish beard. He was wearing eloquent red and silver clothes, and three knights in silver armors stood behind him.
As Naemon, Myle and Orwen dismounted their horses the young man started walking towards them.
“The mighty Vulture Knight!” He yelled as he got closer. “Welcome to Sword’s Edge!” Naemon glanced at Myle before answering. “Ser Alester.” He said calmly, but the young man raised his index finger. “It's Lord Alester now.” He said with a smirk, and Naemon nodded in agreement. Alester eyed Naemon and Ser Myle for a moment, as if pondering whether they were friends or not.
“I heard you are on your way to Starfall.” He said finally. “You heard right.” Naemon replied. “It wasn’t our intention to visit here, but your commander insisted.” Naemon sent a glare at Ser Orwen as he said this.
“Yes, I am sorry, Prince Naemon, but such is my duty – to guard the lands of my King.” Alester explained with a cocky grin on his face. “You can trust me Lord Alester, I’m not here to murder my uncle.” Naemon spoke without a shred of amusement in his voice, looking Alester Upton straight to the eye. The Lord of Sword’s Edge let out a small laugh. “Good one, prince.” He said, pointing at Naemon and smirking. “However, that brings up the question – why exactly are you going to Starfall? Looking for a rematch with Prince Jamison?” Naemon shook his head.
“I have a message to Vorian.” Naemon answered with serious tone, and Alester raised his eyebrow. “I guess it’s going to be a long story, aye?” Alester scratched his beard as he spoke. “Come on then, let’s go inside. We’ll talk this over with some wine and meat.” Lord Upton suggested. Naemon let out a subtle sigh, but nodded approvingly.
The dining room of Sword’s Edge was mostly furnished with animal furs and heads, fire burned in the hearth, candles illuminated the long wooden table, and the servants brought in wine, grapes, bread, cheese, boar, pork sausages and honeyed lamb. Naemon and Myle sat next to each other, opposed to them were Lord Alester, his mother Alerah, his newly married wife Catelyn, and his uncle Stanler Upton.
The Uptons had given Naemon and Myle new clothes, more fitting for a noble dinner. Myle wasn’t used to these kind of clothes, and Naemon could see he was a bit uncomfortable with them.
“Delicious.” Naemon praised politely as he tasted the food, and Alerah smiled at him. Alerah was a lady on her early forties. She had the same dark blonde as her son, and she still had plenty of her beauty left. “The boar was taken down by Alester himself.” She said with gentle words, and Naemon could see the cocky grin forming on Alester’s face.
“It is truly an honor to have you here, Prince Naemon and…” Stanler Upton said, looking at Myle with questioning look. Stanler was a short, stocky and bald man with bushy red beard that was starting to grey. “Just Ser Myle.” Myle answered with a forced smile, and Stanler nodded. “I see.” He muttered quietly, and turned his eyes back to his food. As Naemon turned his look away from Stanler, he glanced quickly at Catelyn. Alester’s wife was a pretty young lady, short and curvy, with long and extravagantly braided blonde hair, and a shy look on her green eyes. Alester noticed Naemon’s look towards his wife, and placed his arm around her.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” He asked, looking at Naemon and narrowing his eyes. Naemon settled to giving him a small nod, and Alester kissed the cheek of his wife. “She comes from Southpoint, eldest daughter of Lord Timeon. I only hope she won’t grow up to look like that fat walrus.” Alester spoke with a joking tone, but Catelyn sent him a glare. “Could you stop mocking my father.” She muttered, and with a laughter Alester rubbed her shoulder. “Don’t take it too seriously, sweetheart.”
“My son told me that you have some kind of important message for the King.” Alerah suddenly changed the subject, a kind smile on her face. “May I ask; does it have something to do with the war?” Naemon gave an uncertain look at Ser Myle, who just shrugged. Then the Prince turned his eyes back towards Alerah. “Yes, it does.” He admitted quietly. Alerah nodded with the kind expression still on her face, but Naemon also noticed Lord Alester getting noticeably more excited of the subject.
“You are in war with the Mad Albin, right?” He asked, taking a gulp of his wine. “That’s right.” Naemon answered uncomfortably, he wasn’t sure how much he should tell these people.
“What is it that you want from King Vorian?” Alester asked, now looking Naemon straight to the eye.
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war] [Come up with a lie]
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war]
Aaaand I missed few parts again :C I have to apologise, I've spent last days preparing for taking the test for the driving license which I'm have tomorrow, and didn't really have time for any of my hobbies. Well, here I am though, gotta assure that I'm still alive
What with the choice - Well, we can't fully trust lord Alester yet, but the worst he can do with this information is to reveal it to Albin (what I doubt he'll do, as he called him as "Mad Albin" we can see his relation with Manwoodys. Of course, I considered option that he can attack Blackmonts knowing that most of the army is on their way to Kingsgrave, but what would be his point? When Blackmont coalition will defeat Albin, they will back to home and completely destroy small Upton forces (I suppose it's not a large house). He can make a alliance with Manwoody, but who would want to make up something with this man? If we won't tell him, he can find about the lie, which would make him suspicious and unfriendly to Blackmonts. Maybe I'm not thinking rationally enough, but I think that situation has no drawbacks, so why not?
[Come up with a lie]
Something about this Upton family seems off to me; I'm not sure what it is but something tells me they can't be trusted. At least, the new lord can't be trusted. Plus, I'm not sure how smart it would be to tell them fully about the Blackmont's situation or what they are doing. Hopefully, Naemon can come up with a convincing lie.
No problemos, totally understandable
I am glad you are back though! 
And when it comes to Uptons, it's very unlikely they'll do anything that King Vorian doesn't approve (as they pride themselves on being extremely loyal to him), so if the Daynes aren't friends with the Manwoodys, most likely the Uptons aren't either. There could of course be other reasons not to trust Lord Alester, who knows.
[Come up with a lie]
I don't know. These Uptons seem harmless but I think that's too big of a thing to tell them. They might use this info in the wrong way.
I just thought of something. What if this "hunting accident" that killed his brother wasn't an accident at all. After all, with his other brother going to the nights watch, he was the only one in the way of Alester becoming the new lord of the house.
[Come up with a lie]
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war]
While Naemon should be a skilled enough liar to come up with something convincing, I don't know how good Alester is at spotting it. I believe telling Alester the truth will be for the better. MicroAce brought up some good arguments and I agree with him. Ultimately, the Uptons are Dayne bannermen and they will learn the truth sooner or later either way. Lying to them could go well, but if they do not believe him then they could be offended and then Naemon could get into serious trouble. From their talk, the Uptons have given me little reason to distrust them in a way that would justify risking their anger. Aside from that, I believe that Alester is already having an idea what exactly Naemon wants from Vorian, since his mother correctly guessed that it has something to do with the war. To be honest, what else could Naemon want from House Dayne in this war?
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war] Eventually the Uptons will find out Naemon's true intentions either way and considering that the Uptons are Dayne bannerman, the Uptons could potentially be helping fight the Manwoodys at some point so with that said, it is probably best if Naemon is up front with them since in a way it actually does affect them as well. Also I am sure they would think better of Naemon if he tells them upfront rather than hearing it from Vorian when he calls his banners.
[Tell him you are asking aid for the war]
Voting is closed!
Naemon is going to be honest with Alester and tell him that he is asking aid for the war from King Vorian. It's pretty obvious why the heir to Blackmont would go to Starfall in this situation, so the Uptons would have definitely had their suspicions even if Naemon had lied. Anyway, next time we'll see how they will take the truth.
The next part however is an Isabella PoV. It's under work, and I might even get it done today, we'll see. The recap for Isabella: Isabella agreed with her father to send an offer of marriage to Prince Naemon Blackmont (and as we know that offer has now arrived to Blackmont). Couple days after that Isabella had a chat with his brother Desmor, who talked to him about Ser Russal's (a knight from the Fowler's Royal Guard) secret mission that King Garrison and Prince Ferris were keeping under wraps. Isabella and Desmor went to the gardens where Garrison, Ferris and their aunt Obara Fowler were spending the afternoon. Obara brought up that she didn't like Garrison's plans of marrying Isabella to Blackmonts, and suggested the Yronwoods instead. Garrison said that Yronwoods are not a wise choice for them to ally with, and Isabella agreed with him. Obara seemed a bit taken aback by this, but they decided to change the topic. Desmor brought up once again the secret mission of Ser Russal, but was told that he doesn't need to know about it. After that the situation was calm for a moment, until Desmor threw a temper tantrum as Obara hinted that he should already be marrying someone. Later that day Isabella decided, encouraged by her handmaiden Cassana Blackpool, that she should talk with her father about the marriage. As she arrived to the door of her father's chambers she started to doubt herself. But then she heard talking from the room. She heard something about Ser Russal's mission being "dishonorable", and Isabella's safety possibly being in danger. You voted for her to continue eavesdropping.
Isabella gulped, took in a deep breath, and pushed her ear against the door. “… dark rumors about that man.” She heard the voice of her brother Ferris saying. “No doubt … about me as well.” Isabella missed some of her father’s words, so she closed her eyes to concentrate. “I’ve managed to get him into a situation where he needs help. We offer it, he takes it, everyone wins – except the madman of Kingsgrave. It’s as simple as that.”
“And how many died to make this ‘situation’ happen?” Ferris’ words were grim and harsh. “War takes its toll.” Answered the King. For a moment Isabella didn’t hear anything, and she was already considering about moving away from the door when she heard talking again.
“… best be careful that your own daughter isn’t part of that toll.” Isabella heard Ferris saying, and she gulped, clenching her fists nervously. Then she heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Isabella spun around, heat rising to her cheeks. It was Ser Soren Ashford in his Royal Guard armor, looking at Isabella with a slightly embarrassed expression on his handsome face. “S- Ser Soren I was just…”
“Eavesdropping?” Soren interrupted her with a friendly tone. Isabella let out a deep sigh. “Y- yes, I heard them talking about me, so I… I didn’t mean to spy; it was just… I think I should go now.” Soren stopped Isabella before she could walk past him.
“I’m sorry Isabella,” He said with calm and genuine tone, “but I think we should go talk to your father.” Isabella closed her eyes, and nodded. “You are right.” She replied, her voice weak and quiet. Together they walked back to the door, and Ser Soren knocked. For a moment the silence lingered in the air, until the door was opened by Prince Ferris, who looked at them with questioning eyes.
“My Prince.” Ser Soren said with a bow. “Could you let us in?”
“Who is it now?” Isabella heard her father asking with irritated tone. “Ser Soren and Isabella.” Ferris said with placid tone as he let them in. “Isabella?” Garrison was clearly surprised of his daughter’s sudden arrival.
“Um, I found her, eh, listening to your conversation behind the door.” Ser Soren spoke with uncertain words, glancing at Ferris and Garrison. Garrison let out a quiet sigh, and Ferris narrowed his eyes, looking at Soren. “You were supposed to guard the door, Soren.” He said strictly and the tall and muscular Royal Guard gulped, in this moment looking weaker than he was. “I’m sorry, I abandoned the post for a minute because I was talking with Prince Desmor… He walked past here and looked… angered. So, I went after him to…”
“I understand.” The King cut off Ser Soren with calm but powerful words. “I would ask you to return to your post now, Ser.” Garrison said, and Ser Soren bowed clumsily. “Yes, Your Grace.” He said, and quickly walked out of the room.
Silence took over the room. Ferris sat down, pouring himself wine and letting out a deep sigh, and Isabella walked closer to her father, who sat in a comfortable armchair.
“What did you hear?” Garrison’s voice was gentle, but Isabella knew that he wanted an honest answer. “Something about Ser Russal and a dishonorable mission.” She started with timid tone. “And then… Something about me being in danger, and someone needing help and us giving it to him.” For a moment Garrison stayed silent, probably pondering on how would he explain this to his daughter.
“This isn’t the way I would have preferred you hearing this.” Garrison finally spoke up, taking in a deep breath. “But, you do deserve to know.”
“Know what?” Isabella asked, her voice now a bit more courageous. Garrison took his time, tapping his fingers against the arm of his chair. “The mission of Ser Russal… It was an act against King Benedict Blackmont.” Garrison spoke with quiet and serious words. “And it was done in the name of Albin Manwoody, to start a war between the two Kingdoms.” Isabella’s eyes widened as she heard this, and she took a step back from her father. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Isabella looked at her father, the old man that she had always seen as peaceful and gentle. Do I even know this man?
“Why?” She asked, her voice full of disbelief, and Garrison let out a sigh. “If I hadn’t done that, we would have been alone against the Mad Albin and his armies.” His voice was weak, weaker than Isabella had ever heard before. “You have to trust me, my dear Isabella, I have made sure that the Blackmonts will never hear of this, and you will be safe.” Isabella shook her head.
“You started a war that will kill thousands, and now you are using me in your games…” Isabella was cut off by her father. “I did it for you!” He shouted, clenching his fists. “You, and Desmor, and Ferris. Your friends, Ser Soren, Ser Russal. All the other knights, ladies and lords in this castle. Every farmer, blacksmith, barmaid, soldier, merchant and beggar in our Kingdom!” Garrison looked exhausted and swiped sweat from his forehead with a shivering hand. “Do you think I do this all just to play games? I have a whole kingdom on my shoulders, thousands and thousands of lives.” Isabella gulped as her father finished speaking.
“I’m sorry, father.” She said quietly, but Garrison shook his head. “No, I’m sorry, for keeping this a secret. But you shouldn’t talk about this to anyone, I’m sure you understand that.” Isabella stayed quiet, staring at the floor.
“Isabella…” Ferris started, but Isabella interrupted him. “What if I don’t want to go to Blackmont?” She asked with defiance in her words.
“We talked about this, it was your choice.” Garrison said calmly. “The raven has already flown.” Isabella shook her head. “I didn’t know about the danger when I made that decision.” She said, keeping her voice calm but tough. “King Benedict might not be the Mad Albin, but I’ve heard he is mixed up in dark magic. What if he hears about what you did? He’ll cut me to pieces and sacrifice me to some dark god.”
“Bella, nothing like that will happen.” Ferris tried to comfort her, but Isabella just let out a small and joyless chuckle. “I heard you say yourself that sending me there will be dangerous.” She replied, glaring at her older brother. “Think about it, would you send your own son there?” This question clearly caught Ferris off guard, and he couldn’t come up with an answer.
“As I said, the raven has flown.” Garrison stated, his voice colder now. “We can’t step back from this.”
“We?” Isabella’s tone was sad and amused at the same time. “I don’t think you are putting yourself in danger – it’s me, and only me.” Isabella turned her eyes away from her father and brother, feeling enraged. “You think I don’t care about your safety?” Garrison asked, his voice barely audible.
“I’m not sure anymore.” Isabella replied coldly. Deep inside she knew her father tried to do what was best for everyone, but she just couldn’t help but feel disappointed and angered of the situation. She had been tricked into this, she had agreed to marrying Naemon Blackmont without knowing the danger it would bring to her. Can I step back from this? She had never before been rebellious towards her father, so she couldn’t tell what would happen if she refused his orders. Maybe I should just go to Blackmont, for the good of the family and the kingdom. Isabella gulped, feeling conflicted. She even considered going to aunt Obara, remembering that she had spoken against the marriage with Naemon Blackmont.
[Stay loyal to Garrison] [Refuse the marriage] [Go to Obara]
[Stay loyal to Garrison]
I knew it. I knew it! I'd curse Garrison, but strangely enough, I can understand him. He did what was best for his people and in the end, he did not endanger House Blackmont, he only made them think they would be in danger. I can forgive that and I think in his situation, Benedict would have decided similar. Hell, Gwendis would have probably decided similarly, because House Fowler absolutely had no other option.
Anyways, I believe it is too late to back out now. What Garrison did was morally wrong, but he did it because he had no other choice. House Fowler still needs help in the war against House Manwoody and House Yronwood still is no suitable ally. If they would be good allies, Garrison would have approached them in the first place, because they are stronger than House Blackmont. But he sought an alliance with House Blackmont for good reason. They are in this together now, regardless of the circumstances that started the situation. I trust Garrison when he says that he made sure that Isabella won't be in danger. He loves is daughter and he is no fool. Exactly the same applies to Benedict. Even if he finds out, he is now in a situation where he needs the Fowler alliance to win the war he finds himself in. House Blackmont needs the help. House Fowler needs the help. And House Yronwood is not the ally they want in this situation. For the best of her family and her kingdom, Isabella should stay loyal to Garrison here.
[Go to Obara]
This option will probably not win, but I think this would be an interesting situation if this happened. What will her aunt say and do when she hears about what her brother did? Will she try to convince Isabella to live with her for the time being? How would the situation be resolved? This might not be the best option, but I think it is the most interesting option for the Fowler storyline.
[Stay loyal to Garrison]
[Stay loyal to Garrison]
Well, what's done is done. Backing off would be more dangerous than just accepting Garrison's deeds.
[Refuse the marriage] Ah this choice has me very conflicted. I have not the slightest clue on what to go with here since on one hand, it seems like sending Isabella to Blackmont is basically sending her to her death once Benedict finds out about what her father did. On the other hand as Liquid said, both houses seem like they need the other's alliance and I am sure Benedict knows this. With all of this said though, Isabella has been very loyal to her father without debate this whole time and I think she should take a step back and at this time refuse the marriage. I don't think doing this takes the marriage off the table completely but it is mainly a way for Isabella to stand up for herself and tell her father about her true opinions and emotions along with where she stands in general. Up to this point, she has done everything that Garrison has wanted without question so I think it will be good for her character to stand up for herself!
[Stay loyal to Garrison]
Brimstone Well is Nymerwell before its conquest and renaming.
[Stay loyal to Garrison]
Voting is closed!
And Isabella will stay loyal to Garrison. A level headed decision, I'd say. I would have definitely enjoyed writing Isabella going to Obara, but I can see why you didn't vote for it
Anyway, next part is under work, and it's something we haven't seen in a looooong time - a Jamison PoV
Recap is much needed: After returning to Starfall from his travels around Reach and Stormlands, Jamison Dayne accepted a task from his father of a diplomatic mission to the Hellgate Hall, where he is going to negotiate with King Lucifer Dryland of an alliance against the Martells. With him left a two dozen guards, the head of the guard Arthur Wythmail, Sers Laroy Ladybright, Aron of Southpoint and Rolan Nightfall, and their squires Darnis of Southpoint, Aidin Dayne (of High Hermitage), and Lyreon Nightfall. They made their way through the mountains to the port town of Southpoint. From there they continued their way through the desert, until they arrived to Sandstone. There they were welcomed by Lord Allar Qorgyle, who made his sour attitude towards King Lucifer clear. He said that Jamison must tell to Lucifer that unless he swears to stay out of his lands, the Qorgyles are going to sabotage the alliance, and side with the Martells. Jamison promised to deliver the terms. If you need better refreshing, the part can be found from around page 40 of the doc 
I'll probably get this part ready at some point tomorrow, but before that, we are going to have anohter Histories & Lore part
That we do and it looks like this topic could not have been picked at a better time!
This H&L is from Jamison's older brother and Crown Prince to the Torrentine-Malcolm Dayne! He will be talking and giving his opinion about House Dayne particularly where it started, where it went and a bit about where they are going and here we go!
Nymeria's War Histories & Lore
Malcolm Dayne – History of House Dayne
“Located along the western coast of Dorne, my family’s ancient stronghold of Starfall stands proudly on an island overlooking the Torrentine, as the river rapidly flows into the Summer Sea.” The crown prince of House Dayne began with a proud tone to his voice. “Starfall has stood since the Dawn of Days, when the legend tells that the first Dayne, whose name has since been lost in time, followed a falling star to this island, and founded our great capital here.” A small smirk appeared on Malcolm’s face.
“So yes, with great pride, we do trace our ancestry back to the First Men.” He remarked happily. “But there is one thing about that which genuinely perplexes me.” The Prince now spoke with a questioning look on his eyes. “My family does descend from the First Men, yet most of my family look more like the dragonlords of Valyria, but I have digressed.”
“But once my ancestors founded our great keep, they set to conquest.” Malcolm now spoke with pride filled and serious words. “At first, my family conquered nearly the entire western coast in a variety of ways from petty kings bending their knees to us and also through sheer force. However, these minor bits of land bordering the Torrentine were just the beginning. My family’s urge for conquest was far from over, with my ancestors looking towards east. And at our peak, House Dayne’s rule over Dorne stretched well into the deserts with nearly a quarter of Dorne being under the rule of the Kingdom of Torrentine.” Malcolm said this with great satisfaction.
“Even though, House Dayne won most of that land through conquest, we kept it because like many great men throughout history have said, once a man goes to his knees, you must help them back to their feet. And that we did.” For a moment the Prince closed his eyes, and he could almost see those days of glory. “All of our bannerman and smallfolk respected our rule, and our kings respected them. The various Kings of Starfall from that time all ruled with honor, but unfortunately it cannot be said that every Dayne king ruled this way, and I believe that cost us a high price.” There was now disappointment in the eyes of Malcolm.
“Some of my ancestors in later times began to take advantage of our people and our kingdom.” He said with a sigh. “They drove our people into unnecessary wars with desires of even further conquest, with my family wanting to stretch our kingdom even further east, and even into the Reach. We sacked Oldtown and left many other great lands in ruin. All that for our own personal glory, and the foul desire to stretch our kingdom even wider, but as I truthfully believe, no bad deed goes unpunished. We eventually went too far and picked a fight we could not win. A little more than a century ago we were defeated by House Dryland, when King Gerold, the second of his name, surrendered in defeat and with nearly half of our kingdom, because of abysmal leadership and because we simply could not hold it.”
“Even now, you will often hear people say that our former king was a craven or a coward bending the knee to the Drylands and giving up most we had gained.” Malcolm remarked, annoyed at the thought. “I myself believe him to have made the right decision. I do not see any reason in having more of our people die over some land and a lost cause. I would have done the same thing as him.” Malcolm said this with an honest and genuine tone.
A smile returned to Malcolm’s face. “However, for all that fame or infamy that House Dayne has obtained from our reputation for being a strong kingdom, we are best known for a sword – my family’s ancestral greatsword known as “Dawn”. It is said that it was forged from the heart of a fallen star, and it is not being passed down from lord to lord, but rather it is only given to a Dayne knight who is deemed honorable and possesses the martial skills worthy of wielding it.”
“Dawn is the pride of my family, and it has always been a point that it did not end up in the wrong hands. Who knows how long it will stay that way.” Malcolm said this with discouraged and slightly defeated tone.
“However, regardless of my family’s past, we have completely recovered.” The confidence was back in Malcolm’s words. “Even with fewer plots of land than we had before, House Dayne is truly strong. With our vast and impressive army along with our decent sized royal fleet, House Dayne could be a force to be reckoned with – by land or sea. However, as I have mentioned we have no need for all of that. We have everything we need on the lands we have now, and I have no need to see my kingdom’s people suffer. Thankfully my father, King Vorian, feels the same way. While he is more than capable of leading our armies to conquer and expand our kingdom again, he knows there is no need for it, and he wants peace.”
“However, that opinion is not shared by all of my family.” Malcolm said with a touch of concern in his voice. “My younger brother Jamison yearns to conquer and reclaim all of our old lands back, and more.” Malcolm let out a small laugh, but looked slightly annoyed at the thought of that. “Could we do that? Possibly, but there is no need for it, and I personally see his ideas as nothing more than him showing just why he can never be a king. Thankfully though, Jamison is not the king nor is he the heir, I am.” He said this with great relief. “But I, just like my father, will keep this kingdom strong, and I will keep my people safe and out of harm.” Malcolm said this with determined words. “Our kingdom’s people depend on us to keep them safe, and I also want our kingdom to prosper financially – just like it has under my father’s rule.”
“With that said, I am not as weak as people perceive me.” Malcolm said this with a slight bit of anger in his voice. “Like my father I will not ask for war, but at the same time, no one better test my kingdom or its might, because House Dayne has proved its strength before, and we can always do it again.”
This was a great H&L. Daynes are of course a very interesting House, but besides that, this gives some good insight to our non-PoV Dayne brother
Very nice H&L part
That's a super intriguing H&L part! House Dayne is among my favourite houses in the novels, so I obviously enjoy them in the story as well and it was nice getting some additional information on them, on top of some insight on Malcolm as a character. He received far less spotlight than Jamison, but it appears he's not less of a fascinating character. I like their dynamic, with them being polar opposites and can't wait to read more of him in the actual story.
Jamison Dayne’s convoy had ridden two days through the desert after leaving Sandstone. Ser Laroy Ladybright kept on his grim but dutiful expression even in the most exhausting moments of the burning hot days. The commander of the guard, Arthur Wythmail, and Ser Aron of the Southpoint didn’t complain either, but they were even more quiet company than usually. Ser Rolan Nightfall kept muttering and cursing, and his squire and nephew Lyreon Nightfall complained every few hours. Whiny boy. Ser Aron’s squire, Aidin Dayne, was too shy to complain, but it was easy to see that he wasn’t feeling well. Laroy’s squire, Darnis of the Southpoint, looked to be feeling well and kept on a calm face. He is a tough one.
The soldiers of course had their complaints, but their complaints were beneath Jamison. The convoy also had two new members from Sandstone – a septon named Anthor, and the Qorgyle guard named Korb Fyste. Those two had joined the group to make sure Jamison would deliver Lord Allar Qorgyle’s terms to King Lucifer, like he had promised to do.
For this night the convoy had made their camp to a small canyon on the desert. Jamison leant against a rock, taking sips of water from his flask. After the exhausting travel all he could do was sit and think. Soon he would meet King Lucifer Dryland, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. I wonder what kind of man he really is. Jamison knew a lot depended on this mission, especially for himself. This was his chance to prove himself to Vorian. And if everything would go perfectly, perhaps the King would this time hear the wish of his son.
After the tourney at Starfall Jamison had truly felt like he was on top of the world. He thought he’d marry Princess Isabella, and rise straight to the council, where his brother already was. His father had put an end to those thoughts soon though, and so Jamison had decided to ride away from Starfall, to see the lands north of Dorne.
It had only been a temporary setback though; Jamison knew it now. In his mind he could see the adoring emerald eyes of Isabella, looking at him as he named her the Queen of Love and Beauty. Jamison would always remember that moment. This mission is my chance, he thought with determination, clenching his fist around a stone that he picked from the ground.
Jamison let out a sigh and dropped the stone. I should have been the firstborn, he cursed in his mind. Then he heard steps coming towards him. Jamison turned his eyes and saw Septon Anthor.
“What do you want?” The Prince asked with little interest in his voice. “I have promised to deliver the damn terms and I will, no need to bother me with that anymore.”
“That is not why I came to you, Prince Jamison.” The septon said, and Jamison raised his eyebrow. “Why then?” He asked impatiently, and Anthor sat down. “I have noticed that you are… Angered.” The septon was a skinny man on at least his early fifties, always a worried expression on his face.
“And what’s that to you?” Jamison cussed. “I’m tired, hungry, thirsty, and I need a good fuck. Of course I’m fucking angered.” Jamison shook his head and turned his eyes away from the septon, who let out a sigh. “You need to stay calm and focused when you meet King Lucifer, young man, or he’ll outsmart you.” Anthor warned calmly, and stood up. Jamison looked at the old man walking away from him. Perhaps he’s right, he thought, closing his eyes for a moment, trying to calm down. Then heard steps coming towards him again.
“Who is it now?” He asked with frustrated tone before he opened his eyes. As he opened them he saw Lyreon Nightfall standing next to him, a sour expression on his face. The heir to Nightfall was a boy of thirteen, a quite ordinary looking lad with dark brown hair and blue eyes. “What do you want, boy?” Jamison asked bluntly.
“They say you are the best knight in Dorne, at least after your father.” Lyreon stated, eyeing at Jamison with narrowed eyes. Jamison furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the boy. “Aye, some do.” He replied lazily. “And some say Ser Soren Ashford is the best, or Naemon Blackmont.”
“I saw you dismount the Vulture Knight, so he can’t be better than you.” Lyreon said, and Jamison chuckled. “Well, I guess you’ve got a point.” He replied, giving the boy a smirk, but Lyreon didn’t replicate it. “Someday I’m going to be better than you.” He stated with firm words, raising his chin proudly. “We’ll see about that.” Jamison answered, letting out a small laugh. “Come talk to me again when your balls have dropped.” This made Lyreon frown at Jamison, but he couldn’t come up with an answer, so he just stormed off with an embarrassed expression on his face.
Jamison shook his head with amusement, and then he closed his eyes again – tomorrow would be another rough day of travelling through the desert.
On the next day the convoy finally arrived to Brimstone. They found a bridge and made their way to the eastern shore of the river. After another hour of riding, while sun was already setting, Jamison finally saw the Hellgate Hall. It was an ugly grey castle in the middle of the desert. It did look strong, though it wasn’t in the best possible condition. Jamison noticed immediately that an army had been gathered to the gates. Aside from the black sun of the Drylands, Jamison saw the red flames of the Ullers, and many other banners of some smaller houses.
The Dayne banner that Arthur Wythmail carried turned the heads of the soldiers. In the past the kingdoms of Brimstone and Torrentine had fought many bloody wars, and stories of those wars were still told – in both Torrentine and Brimstone. Some of the looks Jamison received from the soldiers were fearful, others angered. They mean nothing to me, Jamison thought with an emotionless expression on his face.
In the courtyard they were welcomed by a tall man in a black silk tunic. The look on the man’s green eyes was soft, as he eyed Jamison and his companions. “Welcome to Hellgate Hall, Prince Jamison. I am Lewyn Tiddle, heir to Tidmarsh.”
“So you knew I was coming?” Jamison asked with lazy tone, and Lewyn nodded. “Your father sent a raven.” He stated, a small smile on his face. “King Lucifer would like to meet you as soon as possible.”
“We have a hard day of travelling behind us.” Septon Anthor said, and Lewyn Tiddle narrowed his eyes. “And you are?” He asked, his voice slightly less respectful now. “I am Septon Anthor, from Sandstone. I have come here to make sure King Lucifer will swear upon the Seven Gods that he leaves the Qorgyles alone.” Anthor spoke with determination in his words, and Lewyn gave a questioning look at Jamison.
“I’ll explain it to Lucifer.” Jamison said tiredly, giving a dismissing gesture with his hand. “So, where shall we meet the King?”
“My prince.” Ser Laroy grabbed Jamison from the shoulder. “The septon makes a good point, I think we should get rest, sleep one night, and negotiate with the King tomorrow.” Jamison let out a deep sigh. It was true, they were all tired and dirty from the road, but perhaps the King would take it as an insult to leave the meeting for tomorrow.
“So… Shall I escort you to the King or to your chambers?” Lewyn asked with a touch of impatience in his words.
[To the King] [To the chambers]
[To the chambers]
This seems to be the choice Jamison would do more naturally
[To the chambers] Jamison should no doubt be well rested and as prepared as possible for the meeting with King Lucifer. I don't see why King Lucifer would get too upset that they postponed the meeting til the next day since Jamison and his men had traveled pretty far and he had to know that they were very tired. If King Lucifer does get mad, then he will no doubt be super difficult to negotiate with anyway. Great Part and I am really excited to see where Jamison's story goes from here!