Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • With stable I mean constant through time!

    Depends on the ending chosen I believe. Kenny seemed pretty stable in the flashback. And I think he became somewhat stable in the time between S2 and ANF. Doesn't mean he wouldn't throw another fit if Clem and/or AJ were hurt by a stranger.

  • OK gotcha.

    With stable I mean constant through time!

  • In that case, I hope they mention Christa.

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Even if Clem had the alone ending in S2?

  • Yeah, that's the thing about Kenny and Jane. I am a fan of Kenny's but I have to admit he and Jane are pretty shitty human beings compared to everyone that's not an antagonist in Season 2. It's due to losses they both suffered but, excluding Sarah, they coped the worse I think.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Jane does have a habit of being a hypocrite. Something else she has in common with him.

  • Kenny fans in the Wellington ending still have his hat, that's good enough for me.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I know it wouldnt technically make sense, just wondered if they included it as a throwback to her and would do something different for Kenny fans, but my expectations were probably too high :P

  • Keep in mind that Lee was the one who taught her how to survive. I think that's why Lee stands out the most.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Sad violin - horn edition

  • Larry: ''They're gonna get in!''

    Kenny: ''Shut up!''

  • edited January 2017

    He just taught her how to shoot a gun, cut her hair and protected her. That's it. He didn't really gave her a ton of survival wisdom.

    I think that's why Lee stands out the most.

    More than her parents?!

    Keep in mind that Lee was the one who taught her how to survive. I think that's why Lee stands out the most.

  • But showing Clementine how to shoot a gun, and keeping her hair short are really vital in the apocalypse, not to mention he ultimately saved her more times than anybody she's been with in the apocalypse. I do think her parents deserve more recognition though.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    He just taught her how to shoot a gun, cut her hair and protected her. That's it. He didn't really gave her a ton of survival wisdom. I think that's why Lee stands out the most. More than her parents?!

  • Obviously you'd be in favor of Lee.

    But showing Clementine how to shoot a gun, and keeping her hair short are really vital in the apocalypse, not to mention he ultimately saved

  • edited January 2017

    But showing Clementine how to shoot a gun, and keeping her hair short are really vital in the apocalypse

    enter image description here

    Ya had me than ya lost me.

    But showing Clementine how to shoot a gun, and keeping her hair short are really vital in the apocalypse, not to mention he ultimately saved

  • I fail to see how you could possible be lost there, it's self explanatory.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    But showing Clementine how to shoot a gun, and keeping her hair short are really vital in the apocalypse Ya had me than ya lost me.

  • Yes I am a huge fan of Lee, but you can't ignore the fact that Lee had the biggest Impact on Clementine within in the 3 - 4 months he has been with her. Yes I will agree it is unrealistic for her parents to rarely get mention, but at the sometime Lee shouldn't be forgotten just because he was with her for a short time.

    Obviously you'd be in favor of Lee.

  • edited January 2017

    Do you believe that just shooting a gun (not reloading nor fixing it) and getting a haircut are vital to survival? I feel like there's a ton more to it.

    I fail to see how you could possible be lost there, it's self explanatory.

  • edited January 2017

    Well for one if your hair is "ungroomed" your easier to get grabbed and knowing how to use a gun is Super important. Even good old Chuck mention that.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Do you believe that just shooting a gun (not reloading nor fixing it) and getting a haircut are vital to survival? I feel like there's a ton more to it.

  • edited January 2017

    That... didn't answer my question. Personally I feel like Clem should learn everything about survival, by now...

    Well for one if your hair is "ungroomed" your easier to get grabbed and knowing how to use a gun is Super important. Even good old Chuck mention that.

  • edited January 2017

    I did, I explained to you how knowing how to use a gun and getting a short hair cut is Important. The main idea of this whole conversation is why Lee was such a big influence. Well there you go.

    Edit: Oh wait I missed something in your sentence my mistake, Shooting a gun and having a short haircut are the most important, yes they're other things she needs to know, but knowing how to use a gun is
    Super important of survival.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    That... didn't answer my question. Personally I feel like Clem should learn everything about survival, by now...

  • Honestly, I hope Clem leaves the past (such as Lee and co.) in the past.

    In that case, I hope they mention Christa.

  • Don't forget about the Edith abomination

    Well, to be fair, all models but Kenny and Jane look pretty good. Little mistakes like this aren't the end of the world, especially since rarely anyone noticed, let alone on their first playthrough.

  • Jane was Clem's latest stable caretaker.

    Jane killed herself. She proved that she was not stable nor a caretaker.

    Nonetheless, Jane was Clem's latest stable caretaker. Scrap that! There's the New Frontier and Richmond!

  • Then you must never forget the most important detail of them all...if you don't break the ice, Bonnie will die.

    MrKilljoy posted: »

    I just want everyone to know over the past two weeks I have slowly read all 209 pages of this thread ahaha

  • Yeah, I always just saw her as more of a sister figure than a guardian like Lee, Christa, Omid, or even Kenny. Right down to the flashback starting sometime after she gives Clementine a tatoo.

    Jane was Clem's latest stable caretaker. Jane killed herself. She proved that she was not stable nor a caretaker.

  • edited January 2017

    Why "A New Frontier" should take place five years in, not four

    This is the timeline I created a few weeks before "A New Frontier" (it isn't official and makes some mistakes too, but is pretty accurate nonetheless, without wanting to pat my own shoulder).

    It doesn't include the comics, but I have Clem's birthday between Day 1560 and Day 1570. There's also a comment on the thread explaining how Clem shouldn't be 13 yet in regards to the comics. This turned out to probably be a mistake on the wiki's part, but now that the game is out, there's a new problem: How can it be summertime and four years in if Clementine is 13? Let me elaborate (also note that Telltale seems to be semi-aware of this as well, as you'll say later in the post).

    If you look at the vegetation in "A New Day", you can see that it's clearly summertime. Clementine is 8 back then.

    enter image description here

    This coincides with the Crawford tapes putting the outbreak on July 20, but let's leave exact dates out of this. Let's focus on nothing but the season, which in this case is either late spring or summer. It should be noted that Diana's "springbreak" comment seems to have been retconned after Episode 1 already, as 3 months later, it's clearly fall.

    Which brings us to exactly that. "Starved For Help" takes place pretty much three months in ("A New Day" was only a few days at the very beginning). This is how the vegetation looks like now.

    enter image description here

    This means it's likely in October (though my claim of October 21 might be too generous, it's probably a bit earlier), which again coincides well enough with both the Crawford tapes and the assessment that it was summer three months before this.

    Now on to "Long Road Ahead". There are now completely bare trees, meaning it's likely late October or early November. Note that this is a few days after Clementine's 9th birthday!

    enter image description here

    So it should be fairly obvious that Clementine's birthday is in October/November. The exact date doesn't really matter. What matters is that "A New Frontier" used to claim that it takes place four years in. Now the announcement page from late November says "Years after society was ripped apart by undead hands [...]" when it used to say "Four years after society was ripped apart by undead hands [...]". This shows to me that Telltale is at least aware of the issue they created here, which is good. Everyone makes mistakes.

    However, since it's clearly summer in "A New Frontier" (vegetation and crickets), and Clementine is 13, I'm going to go with this: "A New Frontier" actually takes place five years in.

    enter image description here

    That would mean that Clementine is 13 and turning 14 in a few months (as opposed to "should be 12 and only turning 13 in a few months").

    Problems with this created in "A New Frontier" itself off the top of my head:

    • Kate's comment about people hoarding all kinds of shit "these past four years".
    • Mariana's and Gabe's age (though this can be fixed easily as their age before the outbreak is never revealed).
    • Jesus being there.

    I hope Telltale fixes this in the upcoming episodes by just acting as if it's five years in instead of four years. As I remember it, the comics are much more ambigious as to when they exactly take place and how far they're in, so I hope one could bend it so that they're further in than the game to fix any issues like Jesus being there.

    EDIT: As pointed out by @Megaodg33 on a different thread, Clementine wearing a jacket indicates that it's spring rather than summer. This fixes the issue with Kate's comment (it hasn't been five years yet) and makes it possible for Clem to be 13 as well. It also gives a few more months to the timeline to explain how Jesus can be there.

  • Nice! The timeline in particular always puzzled me with Telltale's Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman seemed to have the sense not to delve into dates too much as it causes inconsistencies like this. Why would Jesus being around be a problem though? If this is after All Out War then wouldn't he have some downtime to connect with people?

    Why "A New Frontier" should take place five years in, not four This is the timeline I created a few weeks before "A New Frontier" (it isn

  • About Jesus, it's more the problem that the timeskip is probably already over at this point (especially if we go with five years instead of four), though I guess you could bend the comic timeline so that it fits again (I'm sadly not that up-to-date with the comics and their timeline).

    Yellowsno posted: »

    Nice! The timeline in particular always puzzled me with Telltale's Walking Dead. Robert Kirkman seemed to have the sense not to delve into d

  • I dont remember if this was posted here or not, if it was I'm sorry.

    If you let the timer runs out when you have to decide if you stay in the junkyard with Clem or leave with your family, Badger will kill Javier.

  • They told us how Kenny was going to die before he died. 1:17:14

  • (I'm sadly not that up-to-date with the comics and their timeline).

    Well, prepare to be confused. I'm not sure what the last volume/issue you read was, but mine was Call To Arms (Vol. 26) that ends with Issue 156 which is past 1400 days, according to TWD wiki's timeline, but is certainly like 4 years into the apocalypse.

    Jesus is definitely back in Alexandria at around 1400 days, with a new hairstyle and outfit as well. So yeah.

    It's very confusing. There was talk of this taking place where the current issues are now, and Jesus's presence muks that up. Maybe there will be a major time skip in the game, like a month or something (which wouldn't be bad actually story wise - help develop relationships off screen, community/group lasting off screen rather than immediately falling like Prescott with our characters)

    When the next volume comes which is early March, the game should still be going on (possibly Episode 3 having only been released), so new stuff may be taken from there.

    About Jesus, it's more the problem that the timeskip is probably already over at this point (especially if we go with five years instead of

  • Is there any chance that the wikia is just completely wrong and it's actually a year more in the comics? So five years in the comics and almost five in the game? Because otherwise the timeline is just messed up completely and the game and comic can't follow the same canon anymore.

    (I'm sadly not that up-to-date with the comics and their timeline). Well, prepare to be confused. I'm not sure what the last volume/

  • Point me out! Point me out! I like attention :)

    Why "A New Frontier" should take place five years in, not four This is the timeline I created a few weeks before "A New Frontier" (it isn

  • enter image description here

    Megaodg33 posted: »

    Point me out! Point me out! I like attention

  • Muertos just means deads.

    Day of the dead is "Dia de los Muertos."

    Muertos actually means "Day of the dead" I thought it was just another term for walker According to urban dictionary it is also a Dominican slang for "Garbage ass motherfuckers"

  • Didn't Melissa spoil his death? Back when we were waiting on ep4? She said they wanted to kill off Kenny in that episode.

    They told us how Kenny was going to die before he died. 1:17:14

  • I know people have probably already pointed this out, but most Americans start their week with Sundays.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    * In Javi's family minibus in episode 1 , you can see what looks like a chore list beside the backseat and a calendar next to it, it looks l

  • When you get the choice to throw back the pipebomb or push Clementine out of the way at the end of Episode 1, if you don't do anything, Clementine will throw it back herself.

  • I can't believe I didn't notice this before, but there's a humorous line of dialogue in ep1.

    When you reunite with the family and Kate asks "you happy to see me?" if you pick 'that's just my gun' Javi will say "Hate to disappoint you, but that really is a gun in my pocket"

  • Gavin low key roasting Telltale about how they killed Kenny.

    They told us how Kenny was going to die before he died. 1:17:14

  • the moment you start getting boners the whole world starts going dark

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I can't believe I didn't notice this before, but there's a humorous line of dialogue in ep1. When you reunite with the family and Kate as

  • Of course Gavin would do that.

    I'm really going to miss him in TWD :(

    They told us how Kenny was going to die before he died. 1:17:14

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