This was harder for me than I thought it would be. On one hand, if he ends up dying than Verro can just say he died in battle. However, if he survives, he will most likely get angry at Verro and tell the other Thunder Crew members that he didn't help him. Which could obviously negatively impact his relationship with some, if not all of them. However, I was thinking he can get around this by not actually being at the house when this occurs. He could quickly leave and fight others or bring some who surrendered to Efran while Axel is being attacked. This way, if he survives, he can rightly say that he wasn't in the house and "he didn't know" that he was going to be attacked. His excuse for leaving him could be that he had more important things to do than just watch him rape a girl. If he dies, then he'll just tell the others that he didn't see what happened. They'll just assume that he died in battle.
This was an interesting part. First of all, I think it really showed a side of Verro that hasn't been seen so far. The difference between hi… morem and that asshole Axel has been noticeable. It also showed a side of Efran that has only been hinted at so far. For all his affable behaviour, that man has absolutely no problem with raiding a completely innocent village. But it has been interesting to see Verro in the middle of it and his thoughts on the matter.
[Don't intervene]
I truly hope that she gets a chance to kill that guy. Sure, she's likely going to be killed for it as well, but I have no doubt that her chances of survival are slim either way, with Axel around. It would be for the best for everyone if that guy gets to die here, so that way, the woman can do one final good thing before dying, as opposed to just dying. I must say though, I have the bad feeling that she won't succeed and that Axel will manage to stop her. But it is a chance I am willing to take.
Verro stood up, and walked nervously towards Nesila and her friends – three men. One of them was a young and lean man with golden h… moreair, other was bald and muscular, probably on his early thirties, and the last one was an ebony-skinned man with bushy black beard and a calm expression on his face. One by one they all turned to look at Verro, Nesila being the last one to turn her head.
“Oh look, it’s the lackey!” The young golden head said with a mocking tone. “He is a soldier now, Cullen.” Nesila remarked nonchalantly. “Sit down, Verro.” She added with bored tone, and with a nod Verro sat down next to her.
“So, you’re a Dothraki, aye?” The bald one asked casually, taking a sip from his flask. “I was born a Dothraki, yes.” Verro answered calmly. “But I’ve been many things after that… My life has been one big series of incidents and ship wrecks.”
“Oh, how sad, little lackey, I feel so sorry for you.” Cullen sneered, and Verro se… [view original content]
Verro stood up, and walked nervously towards Nesila and her friends – three men. One of them was a young and lean man with golden h… moreair, other was bald and muscular, probably on his early thirties, and the last one was an ebony-skinned man with bushy black beard and a calm expression on his face. One by one they all turned to look at Verro, Nesila being the last one to turn her head.
“Oh look, it’s the lackey!” The young golden head said with a mocking tone. “He is a soldier now, Cullen.” Nesila remarked nonchalantly. “Sit down, Verro.” She added with bored tone, and with a nod Verro sat down next to her.
“So, you’re a Dothraki, aye?” The bald one asked casually, taking a sip from his flask. “I was born a Dothraki, yes.” Verro answered calmly. “But I’ve been many things after that… My life has been one big series of incidents and ship wrecks.”
“Oh, how sad, little lackey, I feel so sorry for you.” Cullen sneered, and Verro se… [view original content]
Verro won't intervene, letting the woman attack Axel. I can definitely see why you chose this, Axel is a pos, and this woman deserves to at least try to protect her child. However, this is a fisherman's wife trying to kill an experienced sellsword. Who knows, maybe it'll work, but it's a bit of a risky move from Verro, even if morally right. Oh well, this was a dark part, and sadly that will most likely be a common theme in Verro's storyline.
However, in the next part we are in a much lighter situation - it's a Naemon PoV. In his last parts Naemon took part in the feast held by the Daynes, taking Davos as his new squire, and after that had a brief meeting with King Vorian, Prince Malcolm, Lord Garret and Lord Alester. Naemon asked Vorian's aid in bringing peace and prosperity back to the lands of Blackmonts, and Vorian promised to help. He will send crops for the starving, but before that, Naemon will go to put down the rebellion on his father's lands, aided by Lord Alester and his troops. Prince Malcolm also asked if he could join the mission - Vorian said that he can, if Naemon agrees to it. You voted for Naemon to take Malcolm with him. We will continue from them giving their farewells to the court of Starfall, and so beginning their mission.
The part is probably ready tomorrow, unless something comes up.
Awesome! For some reason, it didn't occur me that sooner or later, there might be a Varyn portrait. Maybe I should rethink my stance on submitting more than three characters XD Well anyways, I greatly enjoy these drawings. Mors looks pretty cool and as always, I love the detail in his drawing, stuff like the Martell sigil on the crown or the facial expression. In the same line, I absolutely love Varyn. Immediately after seeing him, I had to think of whom he reminds me of. Well, took me a bit of thinking, but I found someone. It seems, in his later years, Varyn is going to be promoted to the rank of Grand Moff, to personally overlook the construction of the Death Star and to crush the Rebel scum No seriously, if you got no idea what I'm talking about, have a look, because the similarities are uncanny:
And you know what, I LOVE it! The funny thing is, and that where things get super weird and super awesome, I had seen A New Hope for the first time in years shortly before submitting Varyn and Tarkin has been kind of in my mind while writing the characters appearance, as I love that guys style. Naturally, it means that Varyn looks 100% the way I imagined him to look. I am not sure if the similarities in the portrait are deliberate, but it is a freaky coincidence, since I am pretty sure that I never mentioned Varyn's visual inspiration. So, that is baffling to me and I love it. Awesome work
Haha, can't say that I would've intentionally taken inspiration, but you are absolutely right - there are a lot of similarities! The chin, the cheekbones, the nose, the forehead. Even the clothes (even if we only see a glimpse in the portrait) are not that far off! XD But I suppose it's fitting, since the two have some similarities in their personality and behavior as well. Anyway, I'm glad it turned out as you had imagined the character
Awesome! For some reason, it didn't occur me that sooner or later, there might be a Varyn portrait. Maybe I should rethink my stance on subm… moreitting more than three characters XD Well anyways, I greatly enjoy these drawings. Mors looks pretty cool and as always, I love the detail in his drawing, stuff like the Martell sigil on the crown or the facial expression. In the same line, I absolutely love Varyn. Immediately after seeing him, I had to think of whom he reminds me of. Well, took me a bit of thinking, but I found someone. It seems, in his later years, Varyn is going to be promoted to the rank of Grand Moff, to personally overlook the construction of the Death Star and to crush the Rebel scum No seriously, if you got no idea what I'm talking about, have a look, because the similarities are uncanny:
And you know what, I LOVE it! The funny thing is, and that where things get super weird and super awesome, I had seen A New Hope for the… [view original content]
Haha, can't say that I would've intentionally taken inspiration, but you are absolutely right - there are a lot of similarities! The chin, … morethe cheekbones, the nose, the forehead. Even the clothes (even if we only see a glimpse in the portrait) are not that far off! XD But I suppose it's fitting, since the two have some similarities in their personality and behavior as well. Anyway, I'm glad it turned out as you had imagined the character
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convoy leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching Davos say goodbye to his sister reminded him of Gwendis, and it filled him with joy that he would soon see her again.
“I always wondered when you’d take a squire, my Prince.” Ser Myle said, standing next to Naemon, who chuckled softly. “Are you jealous?” He asked with a grin, and Myle grinned. “Perhaps a little.” He replied casually. “Davos is a good lad.”
“He is.” Naemon agreed quietly, now turning his eyes to Prince Malcolm, who was with the King. He couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but he could see the subtle hint of concern in Vorian’s expression. Naemon could understand the King’s concern – he was about to send his heir to a potentially dangerous mission. For a moment Naemon felt a sting of jealousy, as he could never see his own father showing such concern towards him.
“You think Malcolm will be helpful?” Myle asked quietly. Naemon turned to look at him with mild confusion. “Why wouldn’t he be?” He asked calmly, and Myle just shrugged lazily. “I don’t know. I just don’t really see the point of him coming.” He responded. Naemon had been unsure about this too, seeing that he would be the one responsible of Malcolm, possibly bringing the Heir to Kingdom of Torrentine in danger.
“He will be a king one day, as will I.” Naemon spoke with calm but serious tone. “I think it’s a good thing that we get to know each other better.” As Naemon spoke these words, Malcolm turned away from his father, and started to approach them.
“It’s been a while since my last adventure.” The Prince of Starfall quipped with a nervous grin on his face, as he made his way to Naemon and Myle. “I’ve been sitting here in Starfall while Jamison has had all the fun.”
“Well, I can’t exactly promise that it’ll be fun.” Naemon remarked, and Malcolm chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Naemon, I can take care of myself.” He replied calmly. Naemon nodded quietly – he thought back to the sparring match he had with Malcolm couple days ago, remembering that he shouldn’t underestimate this man.
Then Lord Alester, along with his soldiers, made his way to Naemon, Myle and Malcolm. The expression on his face was cocky as always. “What good times we have ahead of us, brothers.” He said with a subtle smirk on his face, and Naemon narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t tell if Alester was being sarcastic, but he nodded nonetheless. Before anyone could say anything more, Davos also joined their company.
“Well, it looks like the team is together – five heroic knights, ready to save the day!” Alester spoke with exaggerated enthusiasm, and while Naemon and Myle ignored him, Malcolm gave Alester a small chuckle. “Let us hope we’ll be successful.” He said smoothly, and Alester nodded with respect. Then they all turned towards the King. The whole court stayed quiet, as Vorian started his speech.
“Prince Naemon Blackmont, heir to the Kingdom of Blackmont.” He started with his powerful and charming voice, and Naemon kneeled to him, as did Ser Myle. “You came here, asking aid for your Kingdom, revitalizing the alliance between Blackmont and Starfall. For that you shall always have my respect, as it is of pivotal importance that our kingdoms can live in peace, helping each other in times of need. Lesser men would have been to selfish and stubborn to do what you did – for your house and for your family, but also for all the people from Southpoint to Gravesend. I want to thank you, and your loyal companion Ser Myle, for doing your part in bringing our houses together again.” The King ended, and Naemon and Myle stood up again.
“My son Malcolm, and my nephew Davos.” Vorian continued, and now it was Malcolm’s and Davos’ turn to kneel. “You both have my blood, I have seen both of you grow up here in Starfall, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. I have all the trust that you will bring honor to the Daynes, on this mission, and the future duties to come.” With proud faces Malcolm and Davos stood up. Lastly, King Vorian turned his gaze to Alester.
“Alester Upton, Lord of Sword’s Edge.” He said, and Alester kneeled. “Even in such young age, word of your reputation as a fierce warrior has already reached my ears. There is always need for warriors in this kingdom, and the Uptons have always been loyal to the Daynes. I trust you will follow on the footsteps of your ancestors, and serve your king with honor.” As the King stopped speaking, Alester stood up, a confident smirk on his face.
They all stood tall, side by side, and a wide smile was formed on King Vorian’s face. “I wish good luck for your journey, Knights of Torrentine and Blackmont. Go now, and do your duty.” The whole court applauded for the King’s words, and so Naemon and the company boarded the ferries, making their way to the eastern shore of Torrentine – their mission had now begun.
After their first day of riding, the company had almost reached the lands of the Upton’s. They made their camp on a calm riverbank, where the grass was green and old willows stood strong right next to the river. Naemon was sitting under one of them with Davos, Malcolm and Myle, while Alester and his soldiers had camped further from the river.
They were all tired from the road, not really on the mood for talking. Naemon could even see Myle closing his eyes as he laid on the grass, and Malcolm was yawning.
“Prince Naemon.” Davos suddenly spoke up, and Naemon turned to look at him. It was still a weird feeling, to think that this young boy was his squire – it was not so long ago that Naemon had been a squire himself. “Yes?” He replied softly, and Davos gulped.
“I just… wanted to ask your opinion on something.” The boy spoke nervously, and Naemon raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m all ears, ask away.” He said with a smirk, and Davos nodded.
“A real knight, one that has honor, could he kill someone who has already surrendered? Let’s say that the man is a criminal, a thief or even a murderer.” Davos looked at Naemon with admiration in his eyes, as if he was some wise man with all the answers. Naemon took a moment before answering, partly because the question had completely surprised him.
“No.” He finally answered. “A real knight would bring the man to face fair trial for his crimes.” Naemon was a bit uncertain with his words, because he knew that many great knights had most certainly broken this rule. Davos nodded. “Uncle Vorian says the same.” He said, turning his eyes down. “Jamison however doesn’t believe in that.” As Davos said this, Malcolm let out a little chuckle.
“Aside from his skills, Jamison isn’t someone to look up to.” He stated nonchalantly, and Naemon felt inclined to agree. Davos didn’t stop there though. “Jamison says, that sometimes following your instincts and heart is more important than following the code of knighthood.” He said, turning his eyes to Naemon again. “Prince Naemon, I hope you don’t mind this question, but… Would you refrain from killing someone who would’ve murdered your sister?”
Naemon’s eyes widened for a moment, as the question truly caught him off guard. He let out a sigh, unsure of what to answer for this young and impressionable boy, whose mind was clearly troubled with all these moral questions of knighthood.
[Say that you'd kill the murderer][Say that you'd show mercy][Say that you don't know]
PS. Sorry for taking a bit longer with this one, I had a rather busy weekend, and on top of that I had hard time writing this part for some reason.
Well, I know what I'd do if anyone would kill Gwendis. I'd fucking slaughter them and their entire family and all of their friends and allies. Then I'd try to find a way to resurrect them through necromancy, so that I can slaughter all of them all over again and again. Then I'd pray to every god in existence that when I die, I get sent to the same afterlife as them, so that I can slaughter them for all eternity. So... I think the answer is yes, I'd kill the murderer. So would Naemon, I bet. Ooooh, I hope this is no foreshadowing Like, it doesn't only have to be foreshadowing for Gwendis' death, but it could also be more sneaky foreshadowing that something is going to happen to Madilyn which would put Davos into the sort of situation where he'd end up remembering Naemon's words. Neither option sounds desirable at this point and I hope it's just one of the character building choices for a guy that's still easily impressed by the words of someone like Naemon. I'm not sure what sounds more likely, foreshadowing, or character building choice, or both if I'm really unlucky. But in either way, to answer the question, I'd want to kill the murderer. If anything would happen to Gwendis, then well, sure, that much was probably clear already. But even if it would be Madilyn, then I'd prefer for Davos to get his revenge. Sure I might be able to see things in a more objective way in such a case, but generally speaking, I'd still highly favour revenge.
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convo… morey leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching D… [view original content]
This was a very excellent part that has me very excited for Naemon's storyline going forward and no doubt a very interesting start to Naemon having Davos as his squire. Davos is definitely at a stage where he is very impressionable and having two such strong differing opinions around him like King Vorian and Jamison have, it would no doubt be daunting for Davos to know which path to follow in knighthood is the best one. That question by Davos is no doubt a tough one to answer as well and it is something I could see coming out of Jamison's mouth too so it definitely shows at least in my mind how Davos is being pulled in different directions and the hope that Naemon can give him some clarity on the right choice to make.
With that said, I am picking a choice that I don't see winning and a choice I could possibly end up changing later but for now I am going to go with having Naemon [Say that you don't know]. Now obviously I would personally feel Naemon would want to kill the murderer and would do so if that situation were to happen with Gwendis but at the same time at least in my opinion, this does seem like a question to me that Naemon would not have a decisive answer on. Naemon at least from what I can tell, does the best that he can to follow the knightly code and be as close to a true knight as possible as shown when we had him not wound Alester in their duel or in the Naemon H&L when Naemon chose to stay with the woman who had been attacked rather then chasing down and killing her attackers. Obviously though, Gwendis is his sister that he cares for very much and I would not see him not avenging Gwendis but I also am not sure if he would outright tell Davos to kill someone even in this situation at least at this point in Naemon's story arc. I am going to think more on this choice though.
Edit: Well this did not take long after thinking on this a bit more, I have decided to change my vote to [Say that you'd kill the murderer]. The more I thought about it, while saying that he didn't know does kind of fit with how I see Naemon in this situation, I also believe that there has to be a line drawn somewhere and Naemon should let Davos know that as well especially if this choice turns out to be some kind of foreshadowing for Gwendis or Madilyn which I really hope it is not.
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convo… morey leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching D… [view original content]
Honestly, I think this is the best answer he can give him. He can't honestly say what he would do because he has never faced this situation and hopefully never will face it. He wouldn't want to give him advice that goes against his view of knighthood, but he can't honestly say he would show mercy to the murderer. He also wouldn't want to give Davos an answer that might cause him to act rashly or recklessly, in the future. This is probably the best answer he can give him.
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convo… morey leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching D… [view original content]
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convo… morey leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching D… [view original content]
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convo… morey leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching D… [view original content]
Naemon will say that he doesn't know what would he do in that kind of situation. It's a hard question, and Naemon obviously has never been in such situation, so this is a very realistic and honest answer. It's also the neutral choice here, which might be a good thing - Davos obviously wants a clear answer, but perhaps it's good for him to understand there isn't always a clear answer. As you probably guessed, this was very much a character building choice, of course for Davos, but to some degree for Naemon as well.
Anyway, the next part, which I hope to have ready tomorrow, will be a Missy PoV. Missy had a conversation earlier with Willem Pyke, who promised to help her out of Kingsgrave, if she helps him gain more info on Carsen - sellsword who raped and murdered his sister. Carsen used to be in Kingsgrave, and Willem thinks Larry the Kind knows more about where he is now. Later Larry expressed his concern about Missy not being like she used to be, and invited her to spend the evening with him and few others of the freaks. Missy agreed to it.
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screaming to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked this with a touch of anger in his words.
“Yes, Tom, I have invited Missy.” The lazy words of Larry could be heard from the room. Tom turned his head back to Missy again, narrowing his eyes. “Get in then, bitch.” He spat with bitter tone, walking away from the door, and back to his seat by a small table, where he was enjoying ale.
Larry sat on a comfortable couch, and next to him was Auster, who was a guardsman on his late thirties. Auster was a crude and ugly man with greasy black hair, messy neckbeard, small brown eyes and yellow teeth. The man had a half-naked young girl sitting on his lap, a timid look on her hazel eyes. Missy had never seen this girl before, so she had to be new to Kingsgrave. The girl’s curly hair was light brown, and she had a tanned skin and lean body, with almost flat chest, and childlike facial features. She can’t be more than fourteen.
On the corner of the room was one more man, Tregeo the Harpist, one of the King’s freaks. Tregeo was a small man, short and skinny, even Missy towered him, like almost everyone in the court. His dark hair was long and he always kept it loose, his face was gaunt and pale, and his green eyes were emotionless. Tregeo dressed in colorful and flamboyant clothes, almost like a jester, and always carried his harp with him. He was a quiet man, except when he sang his sorrowful ballads – and he liked to do that the most when the other freaks tortured prisoners.
“Welcome, my Lady.” Larry said smoothly, shifting Missy’s attention back to him. “Please, sit down.” Larry gestured for Missy to take the seat opposed to him and Auster, and she did. She glared coldly at these two men, and the hazel-eyed girl, who did her best to avoid eye contact with Missy. Auster on the other hand had a scornful expression as he looked at Missy, but she was more than used to it. Larry, however, looked at Missy with intense gaze, filled with emotion.
“You wanted me here… Why?” Missy asked with emotionless tone, trying not to show any weakness. She had played this game before, countless times, she knew how to act around the freaks. Larry narrowed his eyes, staying silent for couple long seconds.
“I already told you.” He finally said, his lips forming a thin smile. “I wanted to see that you are still the same old Missy. Of course, that itself has its own irony.” Missy furrowed her eyebrows, a questioning look on her eyes, and Larry chuckled coldly. “Yes, you see, I believe there is no ‘old Missy’… Whatever it was, that girl who spent time with us, tortured with us, laughed with us… It was just a character of yours, wasn’t it? Something that you created in your head, a mask to hide the fragile girl you were when the soldiers first dragged you here.” Larry’s gaze pierced deep inside Missy, but she managed to keep her cool, and stay strong.
“A very interesting theory, Larry.” She answered with a subtle smile, and Larry laughed for her words. “A theory, huh? Well tell me then, my Lady, what is the truth?” By the end of this sentence Larry’s tone was dead serious.
“The truth is that this place has changed me, just like it changes everyone.” This much Missy could say with complete honesty, and Larry nodded to her. “And would you mind if I ask, has that change been positive? In your own mind, of course.”
“Yes.” Missy replied strictly, even if she wasn’t quite sure if she believed in what she said. “It has made me stronger.” Auster chuckled coldly for this, and Missy turned her gaze at him. “You don’t believe me?” She hissed.
“You’re just Albin’s little bitch, nothing more.” The guardsman said mockingly. “And when he has had enough of you, you’ll be nothing. Perhaps he’ll even end you himself.”
“Fuck you, you ugly piece of shit.” Missy responded sourly, and it looked like Auster was getting angry, tightening his grip on the arm of the hazel-eyed girl. However, before the situation escalated, Larry stepped into the conversation again. “Take some wine, Missy.” He said calmly, pouring red wine into a silver cup, and handing it to Missy. Missy took the cup, eyeing it with suspicion.
“You really think I’d poison you?” Larry asked as he realized Missy’s suspicions, sounding almost amused. “Why should I trust you?” Missy asked sternly, and Larry shrugged lazily. “Because I’ve never killed you before.” He answered with a chuckle, but Missy wasn’t convinced.
“I killed Ronny, and he was your friend.” Missy said quietly, making Larry roll his eyes. “You’re a friend as well, at least that’s what I’ve thought.” He spoke with sincere tone. “And I never really cared about Ronny that much, it’s Tom who you’ve pissed off with that kill.” Larry nodded towards Tom, who glared at Missy from his table, both anger and fear in his eyes. “And I think we both know you don’t have to fear Tom.”
Missy took in a deep breath, looking Larry to the eye. Then she handed the cup to him. “You first.” She said coldly, and Larry looked genuinely taken aback. “You wound me, dear Missy.” He said quietly as he grabbed the cup, quickly taking a small sip, and handing it back to Missy. Missy watched as Larry swallowed the wine… And nothing happened.
“See?” He said, spreading his arms. Missy nodded, and took a small sip of the wine. It was average, clearly not the best wines you could find from this castle, but that was to be expected. However, there was no trace of poison in the taste. Nervously, Missy placed the cup on the table, and turned to look at Larry again – and he smiled. It wasn’t a malicious smile, though calling it warm would be too much. She tried her best to replicate the smile, though she knew Larry was smart enough to notice that it wasn’t real.
“Why did you want to help Shana Sand?” Larry suddenly asked, his voice genuinely curious. Missy let out a sigh. She wanted to forget Shana, and all that had happened because she tried to help her – especially since it all ended up being useless in the end. Shana had died, and so had the Purple Ocelot.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Missy said, taking another sip of the wine. Larry narrowed his eyes, leaning towards Missy. “And why not? Because I’m a freak?” He smirked and shook his head. “I’m not sure if you’ve forgotten, but you are also a freak, Missy - just as much as I am.”
“I did it because I felt guilty.” She finally answered with stern words, staring Larry straight into the eyes. “I had been in the same situation myself, as you well remember. I couldn’t watch her go through the same.” Larry raised an eyebrow, looking surprised of Missy’s answer.
“It still bothers you, huh?” Larry spoke quietly. “Your first weeks in Kingsgrave… I thought you had forgotten all that, locked it away somewhere in the depths of your mind.” Missy turned her eyes away from Larry, feeling uncomfortable, as the memories flashed through her mind. She remembered everything, no matter how hard she had tried to forget. And then she remembered the most dreadful moment of her life, the man he had loved being pierced by dozens of arrows, with no chance to defend himself. Norano.
“Missy.” Larry said loudly, snapping her from the memories. “That is not my name.” She said quietly, and Larry furrowed his eyebrows, exchanging a confused look with Auster. “What the fuck are you saying?”
“My name is Kortney… Kortney Caron of Nightsong, the only daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” Her breathing was heavy, and everyone in the room was staring at her. “Father…” Her voice cracked, and she pushed her head against her palms.
“I… I always did wonder who exactly are you… I knew you were noble, but Caron...” Larry chuckled and shook his head subtly. “If they’ll ever find out, Albin is going to have yet another enemy marching against him.” Silence lingered in the room for a moment that felt dreadfully long.
“Nightingale, nightingale, locked away in deepest hell,” Tregeo suddenly started singing with his gloomy voice, breaking the silence, “Flew away from her flock, all wanted to see, but now she rots inside a rock, never will be free.”
“SHUT UP!” Kortney screamed, standing up and throwing the half-full wine cup at the harpist, who only barely managed to dodge it. “Calm down.” Larry said with calm but serious words, and Kortney turned to look at him again. “Sit down, and let’s talk about this.” He said, at least trying to sound calming.
And Kortney tried to calm down, but she just couldn’t. She was shaking, feeling so weak, so fragile.
Missy was my first guess of being Kortney, so I'm actually not really suprised by this. It was really effective relevation together with what she had been trough. It looks like her sanity is slowly coming back in her last few parts. I hope this situation was "snap" in her mind that will help her get back, and so I think staying and approaching this calmly is the right way to do it.
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
Aha, guess who knew it first! Well, that would probably be Stigz and you of course... but guess who knew it already! The hints have been there in this case, especially after you drew the portrait of her back in the day, so I guessed this one pretty early in. One thing I am nonetheless surprised of is that Missy apparently snapped back into her old identity here. This is good, this is very, very good and might be a hint that whatever Albin did to her can be undone. As long as she's still Kortney, she's not broken beyond repair, right?
[Stay in the room]
Man, this was such a hard choice I read it yesterday and was like, fuck it, I need to sleep over this, that's how hard it was. In the end, I am glad that TheAPlegends voted already, because he brought up a good thought I myself already had, so I find myself agreeing with him here. The thing is, I am afraid that what little progress she made here will be undon by the freaks now. However, she needs to remain somewhat close to them, at least for now. My hope is that Larry could be curious about her former self now, which would force her to remember her old life as Kortney Caron. He said he explicitly wishes to talk about it and that is a good thing. I doubt he actually realizs it, but at this point, I believe it will be a good thing for her to remember who Kortney once was. Leaving now would mean that she would be all alone again, free to push the painful memories back into that dark corner of her mind where she doesn't have to deal with them. But staying would mean that she has to deal with them instead of pushing them away and maybe that will be enough for her to snap out of that Missy persona she seems to have built specifically so that she doesn't have to deal with them. I just hope that it won't cause her to snap entirely, which I could certainly see as a danger here. But Willem made it clear earlier that he is only willing to help her if she remains close to the freaks. Leaving the room would mean failing at that task. I believe for her to be free, she has to take some risks.
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
[Stay in the room]
Wow! Honestly, I did not see that coming. I must have missed some hints thrown in there. Anyways, I agree with the others reasoning.
Aha, guess who knew it first! Well, that would probably be Stigz and you of course... but guess who knew it already!
Indeed, you guessed it very early, and IIRC you weren't the only one Well, you probably were the very first, since you already suspected it after the portrait, but I remeber other readers also noticing some of the hints - especially the "foreign fucker" line from good ol' Ronny
One thing I am nonetheless surprised of is that Missy apparently snapped back into her old identity here. This is good, this is very, very good and might be a hint that whatever Albin did to her can be undone. As long as she's still Kortney, she's not broken beyond repair, right?
Yeah, this was (at least for now) the last "Missy" part, and from now on we'll be having Kortney parts She is very much finding her old identity again, but obviously Kingsgrave has left a lasting mark on her. That said, her mental state now is for sure much more promising than, say, in the beginning of the story.
The thing is, I am afraid that what little progress she made here will be undon by the freaks now. However, she needs to remain somewhat close to them, at least for now. My hope is that Larry could be curious about her former self now, which would force her to remember her old life as Kortney Caron. He said he explicitly wishes to talk about it and that is a good thing. I doubt he actually realizs it, but at this point, I believe it will be a good thing for her to remember who Kortney once was.
Larry is indeed very curious about Kortney, and if the staying option wins (as it looks to be) we'll find out why exactly. And Larry being curious about Kortney is certainly an opportunity for her to possibly get the information that Willem wants. However, there is always the risk that, like you said, the freaks could undo all this progress.
Aha, guess who knew it first! Well, that would probably be Stigz and you of course... but guess who knew it already! The hints have been the… morere in this case, especially after you drew the portrait of her back in the day, so I guessed this one pretty early in. One thing I am nonetheless surprised of is that Missy apparently snapped back into her old identity here. This is good, this is very, very good and might be a hint that whatever Albin did to her can be undone. As long as she's still Kortney, she's not broken beyond repair, right?
[Stay in the room]
Man, this was such a hard choice I read it yesterday and was like, fuck it, I need to sleep over this, that's how hard it was. In the end, I am glad that TheAPlegends voted already, because he brought up a good thought I myself already had, so I find myself agreeing with him here. The thing is, I am afraid that what little progress she made here will be undon by the freaks now. However, … [view original content]
Indeed, you guessed it very early, and IIRC you weren't the only one Well, you probably were the very first, since you already suspected it after the portrait, but I remeber other readers also noticing some of the hints - especially the "foreign fucker" line from good ol' Ronny
The foreign fucker line was the biggest giveaway indeed! Honestly, I only called it after the portrait because ever since submitting the Caron's for Stigz' The Invasion, I became sort of an expert on the house and knew that red hair runs in the family. I believe however that you hadn't brought up her hair colour in her previous parts before that portrait, so that has been a surprise for me when seeing her drawn. There was another line in an early Missy part about her not being a noble lady anymore that gave me this initial theory, so I specifically looked for any evidence that would confirm it.
Yeah, this was (at least for now) the last "Missy" part, and from now on we'll be having Kortney parts She is very much finding her old identity again, but obviously Kingsgrave has left a lasting mark on her. That said, her mental state now is for sure much more promising than, say, in the beginning of the story.
Aha, I see you also changed her name in the character list. It is good that she's back for now. Missy was a nice PoV, but I think as Kortney she's going to be better. It's time for her to get the hell out of Kingsgrave.
Larry is indeed very curious about Kortney, and if the staying option wins (as it looks to be) we'll find out why exactly. And Larry being curious about Kortney is certainly an opportunity for her to possibly get the information that Willem wants. However, there is always the risk that, like you said, the freaks could undo all this progress.
You know what, it's crack theory time. What if Larry is actually not a bad guy? Like, what if he is a potential ally, maybe even a spy for one of the other houses (My money is on Martell or Yronwood) and now that he knows that Missy is a valuable hostage, he could free her, so that the house he serves can make an alliance with House Caron against the Manwoody's? I know, it is super unlikely and definitely won't happen, but if it does, I called it first! Actually, that would sound very much like a Garrison Fowler move, as I am absolutely sure that he has spies at the court of Kingsgrave, to keep him informed of his enemies plans. Larry is probably just the way he seems, one of these sick freaks, but perhaps there's a tiny chance that he's more than he seems to be. Though honestly, Willem might fit such a role a bit better.
Aha, guess who knew it first! Well, that would probably be Stigz and you of course... but guess who knew it already!
Indeed, you gue… moressed it very early, and IIRC you weren't the only one Well, you probably were the very first, since you already suspected it after the portrait, but I remeber other readers also noticing some of the hints - especially the "foreign fucker" line from good ol' Ronny
One thing I am nonetheless surprised of is that Missy apparently snapped back into her old identity here. This is good, this is very, very good and might be a hint that whatever Albin did to her can be undone. As long as she's still Kortney, she's not broken beyond repair, right?
Yeah, this was (at least for now) the last "Missy" part, and from now on we'll be having Kortney parts She is very much finding her old identity again, but obviously Kingsgrave has left a lasting mark on her. That said, her mental state now is for sure m… [view original content]
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
[Leave the room]
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what meets the eye.
Anyway, knowing Kortney's fragile state, I know this is a vital point of whether she tips one way or the other. Yes, staying in the room would force her to confront these thoughts she's been hiding from herself for a while now, but could potentially tip her off the scales as well. These guys are followers of Albin, which is really Missy's curse. Leaving would give her some time to herself, which could go a few possible ways. One, she could return to being Missy, and hide from herself again. Or two, she could dwell on her thoughts, and slowly start to remember who she is. It would be a painful process, and really (as much as I hate to say it), one she should be conversing in company with Sofina. I also think Kortney would be better off with this option, considering it wasn't with any cues that she brought up her true identity, she brought it up on her own accord, which means it's been picking at her mind for a while now.
Finally, we're left with one of the most confronting issues of the choice, her chance for freedom with Willem Pyke. Leaving the room would perhaps be detrimental for this pursuit, but I also think Larry might understand that this is a very difficult time for her, with the feelings he supposedly has for her. That is of course a very hopeful thought on my part, and one I would not hold too tight, but of course if he has no understanding for her in this situation then I really don't think she should be with them in the first place. When it comes to Willem, yes it potentially means that she fucked up that course of angle, but now that we know Missy is Kortney, we mustn't forget about Myke. Sure, he's possibly still a long way off, but with time to come he will find her. Now I'm not saying she should hold out and wait, but we already passed an opportunity (if I remember correctly) to escape Kingsgrave with Sofina's aid shortly after helping Shana escape. We haven't seen her since, and while Albin is hopefully busy with the war, now might be the time for Kortney to try and revive that possibility.
It is of course a long shot, and I can understand that sticking with the plan already set out earlier is a choice that a lot of people would prefer to follow. Though knowing the fragile state of Kortney, I fear that Missy is not too far around the corner if she keeps associating herself with the freaks. Those are my thoughts.
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
It seems that Missy=Kortney Caron has now been confirmed It was a suspicion that I have had for a little while now and seeing it unfold in the story that she has flipped back to being Kortney for the time being is a very good thing to say the least. it shows that she has not blocked her past completely away beyond repair and now it seems she just may be turning the corner. I am certainly not going to get my hopes up since she is obviously still very much in danger still being in Kingsgrave, especially if Albin finds out about "Missy's" reversion back to her old self. I can imagine that would lead to him wanting to break her mentally even further and this time beyond repair. With that said, I am always down for a good comeback story and hopefully Kortney is going to continue going down the right path back to who she truly is
[Leave the room]
Again this is a really tough choice and one I am pretty uncertain about. Intially I planned on having Kortney stay since it would give her a chance to talk about her past out in the open which is something she has not done for a long time but on the other hand talking to Albin's freaks about something so fragile to her at the moment seems worrying to me as well. I am intrigued to see what Larry has to say to her about this but at the same time I don't her to talk about it with Tom, Auster, and Tregeo around. If Larry is genuinely interested in hearing what Kortney has to say, he can talk to her about it another time. It also seems from the last sentence that Kortney is starting to break down and showing that kind of weakness in front of the freaks is probably not the best idea so I figure it would be best for Kortney to leave and gather herself and hopefully fully regain her senses to where now she can focus on the ultimate goal which is escaping Kingsgrave. This is just the optimist in me but it would be really cool if she can somehow send a raven to her father which will add yet another enemy to House Manwoody which would pretty much seal the demise of Albin Manwoody. That is no doubt a very long shot I know
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screamin… moreg to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked th… [view original content]
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
Yes, no more need to hold your tongue about this one when making choices with Mis-, I mean Kortney
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what meets the eye.
Interesting points you got there, especially the one about Willem. You are right, we know hardly anything about that man, so it's totally reasonable to be skeptical about him. And what comes to the freaks, yeah, there is always the risk that they'll pull Kortney back to that Missy state of mind.
Anyway, knowing Kortney's fragile state, I know this is a vital point of whether she tips one way or the other. Yes, staying in the room would force her to confront these thoughts she's been hiding from herself for a while now, but could potentially tip her off the scales as well. These guys are followers of Albin, which is really Missy's curse. Leaving would give her some time to herself, which could go a few possible ways. One, she could return to being Missy, and hide from herself again. Or two, she could dwell on her thoughts, and slowly start to remember who she is. It would be a painful process, and really (as much as I hate to say it), one she should be conversing in company with Sofina. I also think Kortney would be better off with this option, considering it wasn't with any cues that she brought up her true identity, she brought it up on her own accord, which means it's been picking at her mind for a while now.
I see your point, though I have to say that Kortney may find less time than she'd hope to dwell on these thoughts no matter what she does. She is still in Kingsgrave after all, which means she is in constant stress and danger, even if she would try to avoid the freaks. If nothing else, Albin himself will keep abusing Kortney, and there is really no way to avoid that as long as she is in Kingsgrave. And Sofina... yeah, she really did show some real sympathy towards Kortney, which of course didn't sit well with Albin. However, Sofina will surely still have her part in the story. And oh yes, this "snapping" back to the true identity has been building up for a while - I believe I even gave a hint of these thoughts at the end of Missy's Chapter 1 storyline.
Finally, we're left with one of the most confronting issues of the choice, her chance for freedom with Willem Pyke. Leaving the room would perhaps be detrimental for this pursuit, but I also think Larry might understand that this is a very difficult time for her, with the feelings he supposedly has for her. That is of course a very hopeful thought on my part, and one I would not hold too tight, but of course if he has no understanding for her in this situation then I really don't think she should be with them in the first place. When it comes to Willem, yes it potentially means that she fucked up that course of angle, but now that we know Missy is Kortney, we mustn't forget about Myke. Sure, he's possibly still a long way off, but with time to come he will find her. Now I'm not saying she should hold out and wait, but we already passed an opportunity (if I remember correctly) to escape Kingsgrave with Sofina's aid shortly after helping Shana escape. We haven't seen her since, and while Albin is hopefully busy with the war, now might be the time for Kortney to try and revive that possibility.
Well, Larry has shown himself to be at least fairly patient person, so it could indeed be that leaving now wouldn't completely foil the chances to gain the information that Willem wants. And Myke is still looking for Kortney, you're right, but as said he is still far off, and Albin has effectively surrounded himself with enemies, which could mean that Kingsgrave will eventually be under siege. What comes to the opportunity that Sofina offered, yes, Missy passed that, but it wasn't a reader choice. And also Shana, who did take that chance to escape, was quickly tracked down and killed by Ser Mordekhai - meaning Missy probably wouldn't have succeeded at escaping either.
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
[Leave the room]
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see… more why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what meets the eye.
Anyway, knowing Kortney's fragile state, I know this is a vital point of w… [view original content]
Again this is a really tough choice and one I am pretty uncertain about. Intially I planned on having Kortney stay since it would give her a chance to talk about her past out in the open which is something she has not done for a long time but on the other hand talking to Albin's freaks about something so fragile to her at the moment seems worrying to me as well. I am intrigued to see what Larry has to say to her about this but at the same time I don't her to talk about it with Tom, Auster, and Tregeo around. If Larry is genuinely interested in hearing what Kortney has to say, he can talk to her about it another time. It also seems from the last sentence that Kortney is starting to break down and showing that kind of weakness in front of the freaks is probably not the best idea so I figure it would be best for Kortney to leave and gather herself and hopefully fully regain her senses to where now she can focus on the ultimate goal which is escaping Kingsgrave.
You got good points there. Kortney staying would indeed mean sharing her moment of weakness with these people, and obviously that could have bad consequences. It's possible that Larry might have some twisted sympathy towards Kortney, but Auster has zero respect for her (or at least he had zero respect for Missy), and Tom straight up holds a grudge against her for killing Ronny. Tregeo on the other hand is just a weirdo, but also not someone to trust.
This is just the optimist in me but it would be really cool if she can somehow send a raven to her father which will add yet another enemy to House Manwoody which would pretty much seal the demise of Albin Manwoody. That is no doubt a very long shot I know
That would definitely be a hard task for Missy to do without getting caught on the act. And well, Albin Manwoody is heading towards his demise pretty steadily anyway, it's just a question of how much people will he take down with him.
It seems that Missy=Kortney Caron has now been confirmed It was a suspicion that I have had for a little while now and seeing it unfold in … morethe story that she has flipped back to being Kortney for the time being is a very good thing to say the least. it shows that she has not blocked her past completely away beyond repair and now it seems she just may be turning the corner. I am certainly not going to get my hopes up since she is obviously still very much in danger still being in Kingsgrave, especially if Albin finds out about "Missy's" reversion back to her old self. I can imagine that would lead to him wanting to break her mentally even further and this time beyond repair. With that said, I am always down for a good comeback story and hopefully Kortney is going to continue going down the right path back to who she truly is
[Leave the room]
Again this is a really tough choice and one I am pretty uncertain about. Intially I planned on … [view original content]
Yes, no more need to hold your tongue about this one when making choices with Mis-, I mean Kortney
Oh trust me, it seems this issue is revered with me I've gotten so used to calling her Missy, I fear I'm going to continue in some cases down the track, forgive me!
Interesting points you got there, especially the one about Willem. You are right, we know hardly anything about that man, so it's totally reasonable to be skeptical about him. And what comes to the freaks, yeah, there is always the risk that they'll pull Kortney back to that Missy state of mind.
Usually, I wouldn't be so hesitant with having Kortney around these people, she's adapted to them. Even if she doesn't like them. However at the point of which she has made the sudden transition (which really isn't all that sudden, she's seemingly just come to terms) of becoming Kortney, she's also at a very fragile and easy breaking point. It's not Larry that worries me, but these other freaks, and she's in a position that I can see as easily manipulable right now. As I think about it more, leaving would be better off for her own mental state then sticking with the freaks, if she could find a place for her own without any interruptions. A time to grieve for herself...
I see your point, though I have to say that Kortney may find less time than she'd hope to dwell on these thoughts no matter what she does. She is still in Kingsgrave after all, which means she is in constant stress and danger, even if she would try to avoid the freaks. If nothing else, Albin himself will keep abusing Kortney, and there is really no way to avoid that as long as she is in Kingsgrave. And Sofina... yeah, she really did show some real sympathy towards Kortney, which of course didn't sit well with Albin. However, Sofina will surely still have her part in the story. And oh yes, this "snapping" back to the true identity has been building up for a while - I believe I even gave a hint of these thoughts at the end of Missy's Chapter 1 storyline.
Well yes, this is indeed an issue which Kingsgrave brings up. There is fucking Albin to deal with, and he won't be dealt with for a matter of time I presume. Kortney is in a very dangerous place, and for her to start coming back to grips with herself is not all the greatest timing, as Albin's gonna be super stressed with the war and placing a lot of his stress and time on her. At least so I expect. I really hate to say it, but I think I was wrong with Sofina, and only now do I see her as a valuable ally for Kortney. Kortney, not Missy. However you may argue that the line of repair for Missy then was on the rise, but I just never trusted her with the safety of Missy. If she would know that Kortney were in fact a Caron, however, that would be a different kettle of fish. Another threat to the kingdom, and potentially to her as well. It might be of benefit with Sofina to make the risk on helping a Caron out of Kingsgrave, rather than a nameless mistress. With this slow and gradual process, I think being the state that Kortney is currently in, we should be extremely vigilant during these times. Kortney will find her strength in time, but right now she needs to muster it, and around the freaks is not the best place. I don't think she'll be easy to brainwash herself back to being Missy, but I think with the aid of them and Albin during her fragile state, anything could happen. Perhaps something worse than Missy could come back, is that a risk we want to take over some information for an ironborn bastard? Perhaps, freedom is valuable, but what good is it for a nutcase with no way back for repair. I'm truly fearing the outcome of staying if the vote wins
Well, Larry has shown himself to be at least fairly patient person, so it could indeed be that leaving now wouldn't completely foil the chances to gain the information that Willem wants. And Myke is still looking for Kortney, you're right, but as said he is still far off, and Albin has effectively surrounded himself with enemies, which could mean that Kingsgrave will eventually be under siege. What comes to the opportunity that Sofina offered, yes, Missy passed that, but it wasn't a reader choice. And also Shana, who did take that chance to escape, was quickly tracked down and killed by Ser Mordekhai - meaning Missy probably wouldn't have succeeded at escaping either.
I am somewhat counting on this, and Larry has been without a doubt persistent over the duration of Missy's storyline, so with this new information I'm hoping he'll be more interested in her. What I worry about is he will run off to tell Albin, but I'm hopeful that he's not as loyal as he supposedly gives off to be. I think right now, we're setting up what Kortney will be for Myke's arrival, that is of course if Myke ever finds her, and I think with all this progress made it would be a heart breaker to see her deteriorate from here. A potential siege of Kingsgrave would be a dream come true, and led by none else but the Caron's would be perfect in my mind! Answer my dreams? Though yes, the worry about potential escape is that Albin would be easily able to track her down, and the punishment for that might be worse than Kortney suffering within the castle walls. However, it is worth pointing out that Shana was a simple handmaiden, and Kortney has a few skills up her sleeve. Whether these are any good against someone like Ser Mordekhai, I don't know, but she isn't entirely defenseless as we saw with the spears in the armoury the part before last.
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
Yes, no more need to hold your tongue about this one when making choices… more with Mis-, I mean Kortney
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what m… [view original content]
You got good points there. Kortney staying would indeed mean sharing her moment of weakness with these people, and obviously that could have bad consequences. It's possible that Larry might have some twisted sympathy towards Kortney, but Auster has zero respect for her (or at least he had zero respect for Missy), and Tom straight up holds a grudge against her for killing Ronny. Tregeo on the other hand is just a weirdo, but also not someone to trust.
Exactly, my mindset is that none of these freaks are good for Kortney to be around with all of them seeming to be for the most part completely loyal to Albin so anything she tells them would no doubt probably get back to Albin from at least one of the freaks. However, Liquid brought up a very good point and one seems very possible and that is that there is more to Larry than what meets the eye. While he is no doubt quite sadistic, it does seem like there is something different about him at least compared to the other freaks. I can say now that it is definitely not impossible that he could indeed be a spy from one of Albin's enemies particularly the Fowlers since we do know Garrison is more then capable of doing that. Since at this point, leaving is probably going to win if we don't get no other votes so it will be interesting to see if Larry is persistent about trying to find more about Kortney's true identity.
That would definitely be a hard task for Missy to do without getting caught on the act. And well, Albin Manwoody is heading towards his demise pretty steadily anyway, it's just a question of how much people will he take down with him.
Yea that is pretty much just me being hopeful but Kortney being able to alert her family by raven is probably not something that will happen and if it does it probably won't be for at least a little while. When it comes to Albin Manwoody, he really has put himself in quite the predicament with 2 kingdoms already against him in the Fowlers and Blackmonts, the Daynes giving minor aid to the Blackmonts and eventually the Carons will probably find out and potentially some of the other Dornish Marcher houses may join them as well. That is not even including that the Manwoody's lost their major battle along the Wide Way and took heavy losses. Albin and House Manwoody is no doubt in trouble and now like you said, it will be a question of how many people Albin is able to take down with him which is a worrying thought to say the least since Albin would pretty much be a man with nothing to lose at that point.
Again this is a really tough choice and one I am pretty uncertain about. Intially I planned on having Kortney stay since it would give her a… more chance to talk about her past out in the open which is something she has not done for a long time but on the other hand talking to Albin's freaks about something so fragile to her at the moment seems worrying to me as well. I am intrigued to see what Larry has to say to her about this but at the same time I don't her to talk about it with Tom, Auster, and Tregeo around. If Larry is genuinely interested in hearing what Kortney has to say, he can talk to her about it another time. It also seems from the last sentence that Kortney is starting to break down and showing that kind of weakness in front of the freaks is probably not the best idea so I figure it would be best for Kortney to leave and gather herself and hopefully fully regain her senses to where now she can focus on the ultimate goal which is esca… [view original content]
I guess I'll have to accept that the tie won't be broken However, we will go with Stigz' choice here, since he is the creator of Missy/Kortney. That means, Kortney will leave the room. She is definitely missing out an opportunity here when it comes to gaining the information from Larry, but you also did bring up many good points in favor of leaving.
In the next part Isabella will make her return, after a long break. In her last part she had a conversation with her brother Desmor, who was clearly annoyed that he had to stay in Skyreach while Ferris had marched to war with the Fowler army. The reason for this was of course his betrothal to Gwendis, and its importance to the Fowler-Blackmont alliance. After this Isabella met in the garden with her father, and the wife and son of her oldest brother Ferris - Princess Dana and Prince Matthos. During their chat Garrison brought up Isabella's marriage again. He suggested Daynes and Drinkwaters himself, but asked Isabella's own opinion, and you voted for her to suggest Jamison.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention this, but I actually wanted to change my vote! Stigz and CM3434 brought up some very good arguments and they convinced me. I think it is most important to strengthen Kortney's personality now that she has snapped back into it, to make sure that she won't fall back into her old Missy persona. That has always been my goal with this choice, but the arguments they brought up convinced me that leaving the room might be the better option to achieve this goal. The other freaks, aside from Larry, they really worry me and I had plans to change my vote before realizing that it is already closed. Consider me a very late and very unnecessary tiebreaker
Voting is closed!
I guess I'll have to accept that the tie won't be broken However, we will go with Stigz' choice here, since he is the … morecreator of Missy/Kortney. That means, Kortney will leave the room. She is definitely missing out an opportunity here when it comes to gaining the information from Larry, but you also did bring up many good points in favor of leaving.
In the next part Isabella will make her return, after a long break. In her last part she had a conversation with her brother Desmor, who was clearly annoyed that he had to stay in Skyreach while Ferris had marched to war with the Fowler army. The reason for this was of course his betrothal to Gwendis, and its importance to the Fowler-Blackmont alliance. After this Isabella met in the garden with her father, and the wife and son of her oldest brother Ferris - Princess Dana and Prince Matthos. During their chat Garrison brought up Isabella's marriage again. He suggested Dayn… [view original content]
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighten Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella with slow steps, his shiny silver armor reflecting the light of the sun.
“Stealth has never been one of my strengths, my Princess. And I understand it can be a bit… annoying, that I follow you, but, we are at war currently, and your father doesn’t want to take any risks when it comes to your well-being.” The knight explained in polite tone, and Isabella nodded to him calmly. “I understand, Ser Soren. You are only doing your job.” She spoke with nonchalant words, turning to look at the view opening in front of her again. For a moment they were both silent, until Soren cleared his throat, shifting Isabella’s attention back to him.
“My Princess, I was wondering if you had already heard the news that arrived a couple hours ago?” The knight spoke with uncertain words, and Isabella raised an eyebrow. “No, what news?” She asked with confusion, and a small friendly smile was formed on Ser Soren’s face.
“A raven was sent from the Wide Way, the message said that your brother’s forces have beaten back the Manwoody intruders, with the help of the Blackmonts.” He explained, and Isabella nodded impatiently. She was happy to hear this, but she also wanted to know what would happen next. “Ferris has united his troops with the Blackmont army, and they march after the retreating Manwoody forces. Sadly, there were a lot of casualties in the battle, as well as injuries. Apparently, Ser Russal injured his leg, and is on his way back to Skyreach as we speak.”
Isabella took in a deep breath, closing her eyes and nodding. Ferris was alive and well, which was a huge relief of course, but Isabella still felt slightly anxious. Ferris would not be coming home, he’d be marching towards the last place on Dorne anyone would want to go to – Kingsgrave. She let out a sigh, turning her gaze down.
“Worry not, my Princess.” Ser Soren said with confident tone. “This war is practically over… The Mad Albin will fall, there is nothing he can do to avoid that now.”
“And do you think my brother will survive?” Isabella asked with timid tone, avoiding eye contact with the knight. “Your brother is protected by dozens of knights, all of them loyal to him and this kingdom.” Soren answered softly, taking a step closer to Isabella, and placing his hand on her shoulder. Isabella gulped, she didn’t know how to react. Ser Soren was out of line, a Royal Guard should not be touching the Princess like this. At the same time though, Isabella didn’t feel like protesting – she needed this, she needed someone to be close to her and comfort her.
“My Princess.” A male voice called on the right of them, and awkwardly Ser Soren pulled his hand away from Isabella’s shoulder. They both turned to look, and saw another Royal Guard approaching them. He was Ser Dustran Drinkwater, one of the oldest members of the Royal Guard, being on his early forties. Ser Dustran was the younger brother of Lewyn Drinkwater, the Lord of Vulture’s Roost.
“My Princess.” The knight repeated as he arrived to them, quickly bowing for her. “Your father would like to meet you, in his office, now.” Dustran spoke with urgent tone, leaving Isabella slightly baffled. “What is it?” She asked with confusion, and Dustran sighed subtly.
“He has also invited your brother Desmor – I believe it has something to do with the Blackmont alliance.” He explained with serious tone. Isabella exchanged a worried look with Ser Soren, before turning his eyes to Ser Dustran again. “Right, let’s go then.” She said calmly, and so the two knights escorted her to the King’s office.
As they arrived, Ser Dustran knocked the door. It didn’t take long for Desmor to come and open the door. The look on his face was calm and quiet, and he gestured for Isabella to come in. “Stay in guard.” He said to Soren and Dustran, and closed the door quickly after Isabella had walked in.
“Good afternoon, Isabella.” Garrison said softly, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Good afternoon.” Isabella replied quietly, and sat down. Desmor remained standing, glancing at Isabella. “Why did you summon me here?” She asked with polite tone, and Garrison let out a tired little sigh.
“It concerns our alliance with the Blackmonts.” He said, tapping his fingers on the table, and Isabella nodded. “I heard about the battle on the Wide Way.” Isabella said. “I heard that Ferris beat the Manwoodys back, and now they are chasing after them, united with the Blackmont army.”
“Yes, indeed… that was the good news.” Garrison replied, a weary tone on his voice. “Sadly, there are also bad news.” Isabella narrowed her eyes with confusion. “What bad news?” She asked quietly, fearing that perhaps the earlier message had been wrong, and Ferris had actually died on the battlefield.
“It seems that the marriage between Desmor and Gwendis is at risk… Princess Gwendis has escaped Blackmont, and King Benedict’s men are yet to find her.” Garrison explained with a touch of frustration in his words. Isabella turned to look at Desmor, who kept on a calm face, not revealing his feelings on the matter.
“And now… And now you want to propose me to Naemon again, right?” Isabella asked strictly as she turned her eyes to the King again, but Garrison raised his right hand to calm her down. “No, not yet at least.” He answered calmly. “But until this situation gets cleared, I’m afraid I won’t be sending a proposal for the Daynes either. I know I promised to consider it, but in times like these we must make our moves carefully.”
Silence filled the room, and for more than a minute they all stayed silent. Finally, Isabella let out a sigh. “Do you know why Gwendis left?” She asked quietly, but Garrison shook his head. “I’m afraid there was no mention of her reasoning in the scroll.”
“Well, it’s quite obvious, isn’t it?” Desmor spoke up, his tone a bit cynical. “She obviously didn’t want to marry me, and I can’t blame her, I’m a thirdborn after all.” Isabella looked at Desmor again, and now she could see that her brother was actually relieved that this had happened.
“We don’t know if that was her motive.” Garrison stated firmly, but Desmor just let out a cold chuckle. “Yes, we do.” He replied. “This betrothal should’ve never happened… then I could be doing something that’s actually useful for this kingdom.” With these frustrated words Desmor stormed out of the room, and Isabella looked at him slam the doors shut, wondering if she should go after him. Then she turned to look at her father, noticing that he looked exhausted and stressed. Isabella wanted to be with her family, empower them, and help them get through these hard times – but she couldn’t be in two places at the same time.
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighte… moren Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella wit… [view original content]
Oh man, it's not only Naemon, Benedict and Gwendis herself I have to feel bad for now. Now I feel bad for Desmor too Before this part, I though he would be happy about avoiding an unwanted marriage, but now it seems he has made as much peace as possible with the idea of being married to someone he doesn't even know, much more than Gwendis has at least. And now he's feeling not only useless, but I bet he feels like he is responsible for this, that Gwendis left Blackmont specifically because she did not want to marry a lowly thirdborn. That makes me dread the sort of opinion he must have of her and of himself now. Oh man, I do wonder if they ever get a chance to actually meet, so that Gwendis can tell him how it really has been, so that he won't think ill of her and of himself. Although her reason of "I ran away because an evil demon-worshipping fanatic told me I would die in Skyreach" sounds pretty hard to believe, especially when considering that said fanatic continued to drag her into even greater danger. However, as someone who truly adores awkward scenes like that, I do hope she will get a chance to explain the true reason for her actions. I bet that would be hilarious.
As for the choice, I naturally choose to [Go after Desmor]. I genuinely feel bad for him, even more so since I feel kind of responsible for this. He's obviously crushed, not specifically because he doesn't get to marry a girl he doesn't even know, but because he loses the chance to be useful to his kingdom for once. And even if Gwendis gets a chance to clarify things there, to make him realize that this has absolutely not been his fault, it'll be years, if ever, and in the meantime he probably feels horrible and useless. In my opinion, it is important that Isabella at least makes him feel slightly better now. He needs her support now, way more than Garrison. After all, he's the one that feels rejected, not Garrison. Having his sister support him can help him coming to terms with this, so that he realizes that he is not at all useless.
Oh god, I also noticed that Isabella's possible marriage to Jamison is in danger now as well My god, what have I done? It was bad when I just had to think about having ruined the lives of Gwendis, Naemon and Benedict, but now the choice holds the danger of ruining Isabella's happy ending as well. I can safely say that, considering the consequences, changing my vote in favour of Aisha, that venomous snake, has been by far the worst decision I ever made. And I have studied general business management, so that is quite a statement.
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighte… moren Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella wit… [view original content]
Ah I figured this was coming With Gwendis gone, I figure that would potentially put the Isabella-Naemon betrothal back on the table and it is definitely a possibility especially since now it is the only way to officially establish the Blackmont-Fowler alliance. At this point however it is probably too early to tell what will happen with Isabella's future especially since I figured the Isabella-Naemon betrothal was pretty much set in stone the first time around and it ended up not happening. Like last time, the big factor in determining if the Isabella-Naemon betrothal goes through is Benedict. He did not want to do it last time but since Gwendis is no longer there, I suppose he doesn't have a choice if he wants this marriage alliance with the Fowlers. However, Garrison also did not flat out reject the Jamison betrothal idea either so Isabella and Jamison could still get what they want. Safe to say, it will be pretty exciting to see what happens going forward!
[Go after Desmor]
Now for the choice while Isabella always wants to be there for her father however she can, I also believe Desmor needs her more at this point. In every part we have seen Desmor in, it really seems he has been having some internal struggle where he feels very much out of the loop in his own kingdom which to an extent he has been. Garrison has kept important secrets from him and I am sure Gwendis leaving Blackmont affects him as well. Like Liquid I believe it is more of a symbolic thing where Desmor is more disappointed about not getting to help his kingdom how he believes he can the best which is in the war and with it seemingly looking like Gwendis rejected the idea of marrying him, I am sure that was hard on him to say the least. I do admit that I would like to see Isabella talk with Garrison again with the Jamison betrothal idea potentially being brought up but I also see her as someone who tries to be there for all of her family and since Isabella and Desmor are pretty close, I don't see Isabella being able to just leave him be here.
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighte… moren Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella wit… [view original content]
Desmor seems to always be stressed in some form, in these parts. Although, he does seem to be relieved that he does not have to marry Gwendis. However, he might need his sister to reassure him that he is not useless.
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighte… moren Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella wit… [view original content]
Oh man, it's not only Naemon, Benedict and Gwendis herself I have to feel bad for now. Now I feel bad for Desmor too Before this part, I though he would be happy about avoiding an unwanted marriage, but now it seems he has made as much peace as possible with the idea of being married to someone he doesn't even know, much more than Gwendis has at least. And now he's feeling not only useless, but I bet he feels like he is responsible for this, that Gwendis left Blackmont specifically because she did not want to marry a lowly thirdborn. That makes me dread the sort of opinion he must have of her and of himself now. Oh man, I do wonder if they ever get a chance to actually meet, so that Gwendis can tell him how it really has been, so that he won't think ill of her and of himself.
Desmor has pretty mixed feelings on the whole situation. He has always wanted to prove his worth, but by fighthing and being a great knight rather than by marrying someone important. So while he is sort of relieved that he won't have to marry Gwendis, he has also now been ripped from all the chances to do something important for the Kingdom of Stone and Sky - even the marriage. And generally, being rejected rarely feels good, and Desmor already has a bit of an inferiority complex. What comes to Gwendis and Desmor meeting, that would definitely be interesting! Surely it won't be happening any time soon, but it would indeed be deliciously awkward
Oh god, I also noticed that Isabella's possible marriage to Jamison is in danger now as well My god, what have I done? It was bad when I just had to think about having ruined the lives of Gwendis, Naemon and Benedict, but now the choice holds the danger of ruining Isabella's happy ending as well. I can safely say that, considering the consequences, changing my vote in favour of Aisha, that venomous snake, has been by far the worst decision I ever made. And I have studied general business management, so that is quite a statement.
Haha, yeah, looks like the consequences from that choice just keep piling up Well, for now Garrison will see how things go - perhaps there won't be a need for Fowler-Blackmont marriage to keep the alliance together, at least for now.
Oh man, it's not only Naemon, Benedict and Gwendis herself I have to feel bad for now. Now I feel bad for Desmor too Before this part, I th… moreough he would be happy about avoiding an unwanted marriage, but now it seems he has made as much peace as possible with the idea of being married to someone he doesn't even know, much more than Gwendis has at least. And now he's feeling not only useless, but I bet he feels like he is responsible for this, that Gwendis left Blackmont specifically because she did not want to marry a lowly thirdborn. That makes me dread the sort of opinion he must have of her and of himself now. Oh man, I do wonder if they ever get a chance to actually meet, so that Gwendis can tell him how it really has been, so that he won't think ill of her and of himself. Although her reason of "I ran away because an evil demon-worshipping fanatic told me I would die in Skyreach" sounds pretty hard to believe, especially when considering… [view original content]
Desmor has pretty mixed feelings on the whole situation. He has always wanted to prove his worth, but by fighthing and being a great knight rather than by marrying someone important. So while he is sort of relieved that he won't have to marry Gwendis, he has also now been ripped from all the chances to do something important for the Kingdom of Stone and Sky - even the marriage. And generally, being rejected rarely feels good, and Desmor already has a bit of an inferiority complex. What comes to Gwendis and Desmor meeting, that would definitely be interesting! Surely it won't be happening any time soon, but it would indeed be deliciously awkward
Man, I feel sorry for him! This can't be easy at all, especially as the rejection really has to hit him deeply. I mean, sure it's not the marriage in general, but being rejected yet again, well, I can really emphasize with him there. I definitely consider it a good thing that Isabella is there to help him through this. Hopefully h'll get a chance to show his worth in time. And my god, I just had to imagine just how Gwendis would try to explain to him that he's not the reason for her leaving Blackmont. I mean, her reason makes sense for us, but inside of the story I bet she's the only one who can make sense out of that reason, since she is the only one who knows about Aisha's power. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if even Aisha did not expect that decision. As a result... yeah, awkward wouldn't even begin describing a talk between them, though that's what makes it sound so funny Good luck fixing that, Gwen!
Haha, yeah, looks like the consequences from that choice just keep piling up Well, for now Garrison will see how things go - perhaps there won't be a need for Fowler-Blackmont marriage to keep the alliance together, at least for now.
Indeed they do, indeed they do And now it concerns Isabella as well and that is not okay. Agh, I wonder what's next. Maybe Jamison gets screwed over by this as well? Arguably, he already got, since this marriage stuff involves him as well. That said, as much as I would have enjoyed that marriage pact, I actually wonder if it is even still needed. After all, the Blackmonts and Fowlers have a commong enemy in Albin now, so maybe they don't have to form an alliance through marriage anymore. Maybe that would make it safe for Gwendis to return? Agh, if only she would know... But anyways, is a marriage pact truly needed now? I bet even Benedict would think twice now before marrying Gwendis off again without her consent and I am not sure if Desmor would even want to now, after probably being absolutely convinced that he is at fault here. That would leave Naemon and Isabella, but Benedict decided against it once and I am relatively sure that he will decide against it again. And I am not sure if Garrison can truly do that to Isabella now. Hm... maybe we didn't screw her over after all. But at least for now, the danger of it is already enough to make me feel guilty for her.
Oh man, it's not only Naemon, Benedict and Gwendis herself I have to feel bad for now. Now I feel bad for Desmor too Before this part, I th… moreough he would be happy about avoiding an unwanted marriage, but now it seems he has made as much peace as possible with the idea of being married to someone he doesn't even know, much more than Gwendis has at least. And now he's feeling not only useless, but I bet he feels like he is responsible for this, that Gwendis left Blackmont specifically because she did not want to marry a lowly thirdborn. That makes me dread the sort of opinion he must have of her and of himself now. Oh man, I do wonder if they ever get a chance to actually meet, so that Gwendis can tell him how it really has been, so that he won't think ill of her and of himself.
Desmor has pretty mixed feelings on the whole situation. He has always wanted to prove his worth, but by fighthing and being a great knight rather than by marry… [view original content]
Not many votes this time, but Isabella will go after Desmor. It does indeed seem like Desmor needs some support now, so probably a good choice.
The next part will continue Gwendis' storyline. With Aisha and Trentan, Gwendis has been travelling on the mountains of the Kingdom of Blackmont, the destination still unknown to her. Last time Gwendis found out about the affair between Aisha and Trentan, and you chose to have a conversation with Trentan instead of Aisha. We'll continue from there. Because of a school project I've had a bit less time for writing, but the part should be ready within a couple days.
[Don't intervene]
This was harder for me than I thought it would be. On one hand, if he ends up dying than Verro can just say he died in battle. However, if he survives, he will most likely get angry at Verro and tell the other Thunder Crew members that he didn't help him. Which could obviously negatively impact his relationship with some, if not all of them. However, I was thinking he can get around this by not actually being at the house when this occurs. He could quickly leave and fight others or bring some who surrendered to Efran while Axel is being attacked. This way, if he survives, he can rightly say that he wasn't in the house and "he didn't know" that he was going to be attacked. His excuse for leaving him could be that he had more important things to do than just watch him rape a girl. If he dies, then he'll just tell the others that he didn't see what happened. They'll just assume that he died in battle.
[Don't intervene]
[Don't intervene]
Voting is closed!
Verro won't intervene, letting the woman attack Axel. I can definitely see why you chose this, Axel is a pos, and this woman deserves to at least try to protect her child. However, this is a fisherman's wife trying to kill an experienced sellsword. Who knows, maybe it'll work, but it's a bit of a risky move from Verro, even if morally right. Oh well, this was a dark part, and sadly that will most likely be a common theme in Verro's storyline.
However, in the next part we are in a much lighter situation - it's a Naemon PoV. In his last parts Naemon took part in the feast held by the Daynes, taking Davos as his new squire, and after that had a brief meeting with King Vorian, Prince Malcolm, Lord Garret and Lord Alester. Naemon asked Vorian's aid in bringing peace and prosperity back to the lands of Blackmonts, and Vorian promised to help. He will send crops for the starving, but before that, Naemon will go to put down the rebellion on his father's lands, aided by Lord Alester and his troops. Prince Malcolm also asked if he could join the mission - Vorian said that he can, if Naemon agrees to it. You voted for Naemon to take Malcolm with him. We will continue from them giving their farewells to the court of Starfall, and so beginning their mission.
The part is probably ready tomorrow, unless something comes up.
Nope, not the new part yet. However, I have made a couple new portraits recently
First off, Prince Mors:
And then, General Varyn:
Awesome! For some reason, it didn't occur me that sooner or later, there might be a Varyn portrait. Maybe I should rethink my stance on submitting more than three characters XD Well anyways, I greatly enjoy these drawings. Mors looks pretty cool and as always, I love the detail in his drawing, stuff like the Martell sigil on the crown or the facial expression. In the same line, I absolutely love Varyn. Immediately after seeing him, I had to think of whom he reminds me of. Well, took me a bit of thinking, but I found someone. It seems, in his later years, Varyn is going to be promoted to the rank of Grand Moff, to personally overlook the construction of the Death Star and to crush the Rebel scum
No seriously, if you got no idea what I'm talking about, have a look, because the similarities are uncanny:
And you know what, I LOVE it! The funny thing is, and that where things get super weird and super awesome, I had seen A New Hope for the first time in years shortly before submitting Varyn and Tarkin has been kind of in my mind while writing the characters appearance, as I love that guys style. Naturally, it means that Varyn looks 100% the way I imagined him to look. I am not sure if the similarities in the portrait are deliberate, but it is a freaky coincidence, since I am pretty sure that I never mentioned Varyn's visual inspiration. So, that is baffling to me and I love it. Awesome work
Haha, can't say that I would've intentionally taken inspiration, but you are absolutely right - there are a lot of similarities!
The chin, the cheekbones, the nose, the forehead. Even the clothes (even if we only see a glimpse in the portrait) are not that far off! XD But I suppose it's fitting, since the two have some similarities in their personality and behavior as well. Anyway, I'm glad it turned out as you had imagined the character 
Woah, spoilers! You've revealed that Varyn makes it into your sequel, Rogue One, was it?
After almost two weeks stay in Starfall, Naemon was about the leave the beautiful white castle of the Daynes behind, a royal convoy leaving with him towards Blackmont. They stood at the docks of Starfall, ready to board the ferries that would take them to the eastern shore of Torrentine, and the whole court was there to see them off. Naemon’s new squire, Davos Dayne, was saying his goodbyes to his sister Madilyn, their father Garret, and their mother Lady Taenera.
“Remember to conduct yourself with honor.” Garret said to him with a serious tone, and Davos nodded. “Yes, father.” He responded with dutiful tone, and then turned his eyes to his sister.
“I will miss you, sister.” He said warmly, and Madilyn let out a sigh. “Then why don’t you stay here?” She asked with sad tone.
“If I’m to be a real knight, I can’t just stay in Starfall.” Davos answered softly, and a smile was formed on Naemon’s face as he heard this. Watching Davos say goodbye to his sister reminded him of Gwendis, and it filled him with joy that he would soon see her again.
“I always wondered when you’d take a squire, my Prince.” Ser Myle said, standing next to Naemon, who chuckled softly. “Are you jealous?” He asked with a grin, and Myle grinned. “Perhaps a little.” He replied casually. “Davos is a good lad.”
“He is.” Naemon agreed quietly, now turning his eyes to Prince Malcolm, who was with the King. He couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but he could see the subtle hint of concern in Vorian’s expression. Naemon could understand the King’s concern – he was about to send his heir to a potentially dangerous mission. For a moment Naemon felt a sting of jealousy, as he could never see his own father showing such concern towards him.
“You think Malcolm will be helpful?” Myle asked quietly. Naemon turned to look at him with mild confusion. “Why wouldn’t he be?” He asked calmly, and Myle just shrugged lazily. “I don’t know. I just don’t really see the point of him coming.” He responded. Naemon had been unsure about this too, seeing that he would be the one responsible of Malcolm, possibly bringing the Heir to Kingdom of Torrentine in danger.
“He will be a king one day, as will I.” Naemon spoke with calm but serious tone. “I think it’s a good thing that we get to know each other better.” As Naemon spoke these words, Malcolm turned away from his father, and started to approach them.
“It’s been a while since my last adventure.” The Prince of Starfall quipped with a nervous grin on his face, as he made his way to Naemon and Myle. “I’ve been sitting here in Starfall while Jamison has had all the fun.”
“Well, I can’t exactly promise that it’ll be fun.” Naemon remarked, and Malcolm chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Naemon, I can take care of myself.” He replied calmly. Naemon nodded quietly – he thought back to the sparring match he had with Malcolm couple days ago, remembering that he shouldn’t underestimate this man.
Then Lord Alester, along with his soldiers, made his way to Naemon, Myle and Malcolm. The expression on his face was cocky as always. “What good times we have ahead of us, brothers.” He said with a subtle smirk on his face, and Naemon narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t tell if Alester was being sarcastic, but he nodded nonetheless. Before anyone could say anything more, Davos also joined their company.
“Well, it looks like the team is together – five heroic knights, ready to save the day!” Alester spoke with exaggerated enthusiasm, and while Naemon and Myle ignored him, Malcolm gave Alester a small chuckle. “Let us hope we’ll be successful.” He said smoothly, and Alester nodded with respect. Then they all turned towards the King. The whole court stayed quiet, as Vorian started his speech.
“Prince Naemon Blackmont, heir to the Kingdom of Blackmont.” He started with his powerful and charming voice, and Naemon kneeled to him, as did Ser Myle. “You came here, asking aid for your Kingdom, revitalizing the alliance between Blackmont and Starfall. For that you shall always have my respect, as it is of pivotal importance that our kingdoms can live in peace, helping each other in times of need. Lesser men would have been to selfish and stubborn to do what you did – for your house and for your family, but also for all the people from Southpoint to Gravesend. I want to thank you, and your loyal companion Ser Myle, for doing your part in bringing our houses together again.” The King ended, and Naemon and Myle stood up again.
“My son Malcolm, and my nephew Davos.” Vorian continued, and now it was Malcolm’s and Davos’ turn to kneel. “You both have my blood, I have seen both of you grow up here in Starfall, and I couldn’t be more proud of you. I have all the trust that you will bring honor to the Daynes, on this mission, and the future duties to come.” With proud faces Malcolm and Davos stood up. Lastly, King Vorian turned his gaze to Alester.
“Alester Upton, Lord of Sword’s Edge.” He said, and Alester kneeled. “Even in such young age, word of your reputation as a fierce warrior has already reached my ears. There is always need for warriors in this kingdom, and the Uptons have always been loyal to the Daynes. I trust you will follow on the footsteps of your ancestors, and serve your king with honor.” As the King stopped speaking, Alester stood up, a confident smirk on his face.
They all stood tall, side by side, and a wide smile was formed on King Vorian’s face. “I wish good luck for your journey, Knights of Torrentine and Blackmont. Go now, and do your duty.” The whole court applauded for the King’s words, and so Naemon and the company boarded the ferries, making their way to the eastern shore of Torrentine – their mission had now begun.
After their first day of riding, the company had almost reached the lands of the Upton’s. They made their camp on a calm riverbank, where the grass was green and old willows stood strong right next to the river. Naemon was sitting under one of them with Davos, Malcolm and Myle, while Alester and his soldiers had camped further from the river.
They were all tired from the road, not really on the mood for talking. Naemon could even see Myle closing his eyes as he laid on the grass, and Malcolm was yawning.
“Prince Naemon.” Davos suddenly spoke up, and Naemon turned to look at him. It was still a weird feeling, to think that this young boy was his squire – it was not so long ago that Naemon had been a squire himself. “Yes?” He replied softly, and Davos gulped.
“I just… wanted to ask your opinion on something.” The boy spoke nervously, and Naemon raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m all ears, ask away.” He said with a smirk, and Davos nodded.
“A real knight, one that has honor, could he kill someone who has already surrendered? Let’s say that the man is a criminal, a thief or even a murderer.” Davos looked at Naemon with admiration in his eyes, as if he was some wise man with all the answers. Naemon took a moment before answering, partly because the question had completely surprised him.
“No.” He finally answered. “A real knight would bring the man to face fair trial for his crimes.” Naemon was a bit uncertain with his words, because he knew that many great knights had most certainly broken this rule. Davos nodded. “Uncle Vorian says the same.” He said, turning his eyes down. “Jamison however doesn’t believe in that.” As Davos said this, Malcolm let out a little chuckle.
“Aside from his skills, Jamison isn’t someone to look up to.” He stated nonchalantly, and Naemon felt inclined to agree. Davos didn’t stop there though. “Jamison says, that sometimes following your instincts and heart is more important than following the code of knighthood.” He said, turning his eyes to Naemon again. “Prince Naemon, I hope you don’t mind this question, but… Would you refrain from killing someone who would’ve murdered your sister?”
Naemon’s eyes widened for a moment, as the question truly caught him off guard. He let out a sigh, unsure of what to answer for this young and impressionable boy, whose mind was clearly troubled with all these moral questions of knighthood.
[Say that you'd kill the murderer] [Say that you'd show mercy] [Say that you don't know]
PS. Sorry for taking a bit longer with this one, I had a rather busy weekend, and on top of that I had hard time writing this part for some reason.
[Say that you'd kill the murderer]
Well, I know what I'd do if anyone would kill Gwendis. I'd fucking slaughter them and their entire family and all of their friends and allies. Then I'd try to find a way to resurrect them through necromancy, so that I can slaughter all of them all over again and again. Then I'd pray to every god in existence that when I die, I get sent to the same afterlife as them, so that I can slaughter them for all eternity. So... I think the answer is yes, I'd kill the murderer. So would Naemon, I bet. Ooooh, I hope this is no foreshadowing
Like, it doesn't only have to be foreshadowing for Gwendis' death, but it could also be more sneaky foreshadowing that something is going to happen to Madilyn which would put Davos into the sort of situation where he'd end up remembering Naemon's words. Neither option sounds desirable at this point and I hope it's just one of the character building choices for a guy that's still easily impressed by the words of someone like Naemon. I'm not sure what sounds more likely, foreshadowing, or character building choice, or both if I'm really unlucky. But in either way, to answer the question, I'd want to kill the murderer. If anything would happen to Gwendis, then well, sure, that much was probably clear already. But even if it would be Madilyn, then I'd prefer for Davos to get his revenge. Sure I might be able to see things in a more objective way in such a case, but generally speaking, I'd still highly favour revenge.
This was a very excellent part that has me very excited for Naemon's storyline going forward and no doubt a very interesting start to Naemon having Davos as his squire. Davos is definitely at a stage where he is very impressionable and having two such strong differing opinions around him like King Vorian and Jamison have, it would no doubt be daunting for Davos to know which path to follow in knighthood is the best one. That question by Davos is no doubt a tough one to answer as well and it is something I could see coming out of Jamison's mouth too so it definitely shows at least in my mind how Davos is being pulled in different directions and the hope that Naemon can give him some clarity on the right choice to make.
With that said, I am picking a choice that I don't see winning and a choice I could possibly end up changing later but for now I am going to go with having Naemon [Say that you don't know]. Now obviously I would personally feel Naemon would want to kill the murderer and would do so if that situation were to happen with Gwendis but at the same time at least in my opinion, this does seem like a question to me that Naemon would not have a decisive answer on. Naemon at least from what I can tell, does the best that he can to follow the knightly code and be as close to a true knight as possible as shown when we had him not wound Alester in their duel or in the Naemon H&L when Naemon chose to stay with the woman who had been attacked rather then chasing down and killing her attackers. Obviously though, Gwendis is his sister that he cares for very much and I would not see him not avenging Gwendis but I also am not sure if he would outright tell Davos to kill someone even in this situation at least at this point in Naemon's story arc. I am going to think more on this choice though.
Edit: Well this did not take long
after thinking on this a bit more, I have decided to change my vote to [Say that you'd kill the murderer]. The more I thought about it, while saying that he didn't know does kind of fit with how I see Naemon in this situation, I also believe that there has to be a line drawn somewhere and Naemon should let Davos know that as well especially if this choice turns out to be some kind of foreshadowing for Gwendis or Madilyn which I really hope it is not.
[Say that you don't know]
Honestly, I think this is the best answer he can give him. He can't honestly say what he would do because he has never faced this situation and hopefully never will face it. He wouldn't want to give him advice that goes against his view of knighthood, but he can't honestly say he would show mercy to the murderer. He also wouldn't want to give Davos an answer that might cause him to act rashly or recklessly, in the future. This is probably the best answer he can give him.
[Say that you don't know]
[Say that you don't know]
Voting is closed!
Naemon will say that he doesn't know what would he do in that kind of situation. It's a hard question, and Naemon obviously has never been in such situation, so this is a very realistic and honest answer. It's also the neutral choice here, which might be a good thing - Davos obviously wants a clear answer, but perhaps it's good for him to understand there isn't always a clear answer. As you probably guessed, this was very much a character building choice, of course for Davos, but to some degree for Naemon as well.
Anyway, the next part, which I hope to have ready tomorrow, will be a Missy PoV. Missy had a conversation earlier with Willem Pyke, who promised to help her out of Kingsgrave, if she helps him gain more info on Carsen - sellsword who raped and murdered his sister. Carsen used to be in Kingsgrave, and Willem thinks Larry the Kind knows more about where he is now. Later Larry expressed his concern about Missy not being like she used to be, and invited her to spend the evening with him and few others of the freaks. Missy agreed to it.
Missy stood in front of a door made of dark wood. She gazed at the grains in the polished surface of the wood, part of her screaming to leave, and the other part to knock the door already. She moved her right hand forward, noticing that it was trembling. Missy closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, remembering the words of Willem Pyke. Would you like to be free, Missy?
Missy gulped, clenched her fist, and knocked on the door. She heard loud talking from the room, and soon footsteps approaching the door. Instinctively, Missy pulled her hand inside her sleeve, grabbing the hilt of her hidden dagger. The door was opened by Tom the Animal, who sneered as he saw Missy.
“What are you doing here, Pissy?” Tom asked with rude tone, and Missy gave him a cold glare. “Larry invited me.” She answered calmly, and Tom furrowed his eyebrows. “What the fuck- Larry!” Tom turned his head as he yelled. “Have you invited Lady Pissy?” He asked this with a touch of anger in his words.
“Yes, Tom, I have invited Missy.” The lazy words of Larry could be heard from the room. Tom turned his head back to Missy again, narrowing his eyes. “Get in then, bitch.” He spat with bitter tone, walking away from the door, and back to his seat by a small table, where he was enjoying ale.
Larry sat on a comfortable couch, and next to him was Auster, who was a guardsman on his late thirties. Auster was a crude and ugly man with greasy black hair, messy neckbeard, small brown eyes and yellow teeth. The man had a half-naked young girl sitting on his lap, a timid look on her hazel eyes. Missy had never seen this girl before, so she had to be new to Kingsgrave. The girl’s curly hair was light brown, and she had a tanned skin and lean body, with almost flat chest, and childlike facial features. She can’t be more than fourteen.
On the corner of the room was one more man, Tregeo the Harpist, one of the King’s freaks. Tregeo was a small man, short and skinny, even Missy towered him, like almost everyone in the court. His dark hair was long and he always kept it loose, his face was gaunt and pale, and his green eyes were emotionless. Tregeo dressed in colorful and flamboyant clothes, almost like a jester, and always carried his harp with him. He was a quiet man, except when he sang his sorrowful ballads – and he liked to do that the most when the other freaks tortured prisoners.
“Welcome, my Lady.” Larry said smoothly, shifting Missy’s attention back to him. “Please, sit down.” Larry gestured for Missy to take the seat opposed to him and Auster, and she did. She glared coldly at these two men, and the hazel-eyed girl, who did her best to avoid eye contact with Missy. Auster on the other hand had a scornful expression as he looked at Missy, but she was more than used to it. Larry, however, looked at Missy with intense gaze, filled with emotion.
“You wanted me here… Why?” Missy asked with emotionless tone, trying not to show any weakness. She had played this game before, countless times, she knew how to act around the freaks. Larry narrowed his eyes, staying silent for couple long seconds.
“I already told you.” He finally said, his lips forming a thin smile. “I wanted to see that you are still the same old Missy. Of course, that itself has its own irony.” Missy furrowed her eyebrows, a questioning look on her eyes, and Larry chuckled coldly. “Yes, you see, I believe there is no ‘old Missy’… Whatever it was, that girl who spent time with us, tortured with us, laughed with us… It was just a character of yours, wasn’t it? Something that you created in your head, a mask to hide the fragile girl you were when the soldiers first dragged you here.” Larry’s gaze pierced deep inside Missy, but she managed to keep her cool, and stay strong.
“A very interesting theory, Larry.” She answered with a subtle smile, and Larry laughed for her words. “A theory, huh? Well tell me then, my Lady, what is the truth?” By the end of this sentence Larry’s tone was dead serious.
“The truth is that this place has changed me, just like it changes everyone.” This much Missy could say with complete honesty, and Larry nodded to her. “And would you mind if I ask, has that change been positive? In your own mind, of course.”
“Yes.” Missy replied strictly, even if she wasn’t quite sure if she believed in what she said. “It has made me stronger.” Auster chuckled coldly for this, and Missy turned her gaze at him. “You don’t believe me?” She hissed.
“You’re just Albin’s little bitch, nothing more.” The guardsman said mockingly. “And when he has had enough of you, you’ll be nothing. Perhaps he’ll even end you himself.”
“Fuck you, you ugly piece of shit.” Missy responded sourly, and it looked like Auster was getting angry, tightening his grip on the arm of the hazel-eyed girl. However, before the situation escalated, Larry stepped into the conversation again. “Take some wine, Missy.” He said calmly, pouring red wine into a silver cup, and handing it to Missy. Missy took the cup, eyeing it with suspicion.
“You really think I’d poison you?” Larry asked as he realized Missy’s suspicions, sounding almost amused. “Why should I trust you?” Missy asked sternly, and Larry shrugged lazily. “Because I’ve never killed you before.” He answered with a chuckle, but Missy wasn’t convinced.
“I killed Ronny, and he was your friend.” Missy said quietly, making Larry roll his eyes. “You’re a friend as well, at least that’s what I’ve thought.” He spoke with sincere tone. “And I never really cared about Ronny that much, it’s Tom who you’ve pissed off with that kill.” Larry nodded towards Tom, who glared at Missy from his table, both anger and fear in his eyes. “And I think we both know you don’t have to fear Tom.”
Missy took in a deep breath, looking Larry to the eye. Then she handed the cup to him. “You first.” She said coldly, and Larry looked genuinely taken aback. “You wound me, dear Missy.” He said quietly as he grabbed the cup, quickly taking a small sip, and handing it back to Missy. Missy watched as Larry swallowed the wine… And nothing happened.
“See?” He said, spreading his arms. Missy nodded, and took a small sip of the wine. It was average, clearly not the best wines you could find from this castle, but that was to be expected. However, there was no trace of poison in the taste. Nervously, Missy placed the cup on the table, and turned to look at Larry again – and he smiled. It wasn’t a malicious smile, though calling it warm would be too much. She tried her best to replicate the smile, though she knew Larry was smart enough to notice that it wasn’t real.
“Why did you want to help Shana Sand?” Larry suddenly asked, his voice genuinely curious. Missy let out a sigh. She wanted to forget Shana, and all that had happened because she tried to help her – especially since it all ended up being useless in the end. Shana had died, and so had the Purple Ocelot.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Missy said, taking another sip of the wine. Larry narrowed his eyes, leaning towards Missy. “And why not? Because I’m a freak?” He smirked and shook his head. “I’m not sure if you’ve forgotten, but you are also a freak, Missy - just as much as I am.”
“I did it because I felt guilty.” She finally answered with stern words, staring Larry straight into the eyes. “I had been in the same situation myself, as you well remember. I couldn’t watch her go through the same.” Larry raised an eyebrow, looking surprised of Missy’s answer.
“It still bothers you, huh?” Larry spoke quietly. “Your first weeks in Kingsgrave… I thought you had forgotten all that, locked it away somewhere in the depths of your mind.” Missy turned her eyes away from Larry, feeling uncomfortable, as the memories flashed through her mind. She remembered everything, no matter how hard she had tried to forget. And then she remembered the most dreadful moment of her life, the man he had loved being pierced by dozens of arrows, with no chance to defend himself. Norano.
“Missy.” Larry said loudly, snapping her from the memories. “That is not my name.” She said quietly, and Larry furrowed his eyebrows, exchanging a confused look with Auster. “What the fuck are you saying?”
“My name is Kortney… Kortney Caron of Nightsong, the only daughter of Lord Trevas Caron.” Her breathing was heavy, and everyone in the room was staring at her. “Father…” Her voice cracked, and she pushed her head against her palms.
“I… I always did wonder who exactly are you… I knew you were noble, but Caron...” Larry chuckled and shook his head subtly. “If they’ll ever find out, Albin is going to have yet another enemy marching against him.” Silence lingered in the room for a moment that felt dreadfully long.
“Nightingale, nightingale, locked away in deepest hell,” Tregeo suddenly started singing with his gloomy voice, breaking the silence, “Flew away from her flock, all wanted to see, but now she rots inside a rock, never will be free.”
“SHUT UP!” Kortney screamed, standing up and throwing the half-full wine cup at the harpist, who only barely managed to dodge it. “Calm down.” Larry said with calm but serious words, and Kortney turned to look at him again. “Sit down, and let’s talk about this.” He said, at least trying to sound calming.
And Kortney tried to calm down, but she just couldn’t. She was shaking, feeling so weak, so fragile.
[Leave the room] [Stay in the room]
[Stay in the room]
Missy was my first guess of being Kortney, so I'm actually not really suprised by this. It was really effective relevation together with what she had been trough. It looks like her sanity is slowly coming back in her last few parts. I hope this situation was "snap" in her mind that will help her get back, and so I think staying and approaching this calmly is the right way to do it.
Aha, guess who knew it first! Well, that would probably be Stigz and you of course... but guess who knew it already! The hints have been there in this case, especially after you drew the portrait of her back in the day, so I guessed this one pretty early in. One thing I am nonetheless surprised of is that Missy apparently snapped back into her old identity here. This is good, this is very, very good and might be a hint that whatever Albin did to her can be undone. As long as she's still Kortney, she's not broken beyond repair, right?
[Stay in the room]
Man, this was such a hard choice
I read it yesterday and was like, fuck it, I need to sleep over this, that's how hard it was. In the end, I am glad that TheAPlegends voted already, because he brought up a good thought I myself already had, so I find myself agreeing with him here. The thing is, I am afraid that what little progress she made here will be undon by the freaks now. However, she needs to remain somewhat close to them, at least for now. My hope is that Larry could be curious about her former self now, which would force her to remember her old life as Kortney Caron. He said he explicitly wishes to talk about it and that is a good thing. I doubt he actually realizs it, but at this point, I believe it will be a good thing for her to remember who Kortney once was. Leaving now would mean that she would be all alone again, free to push the painful memories back into that dark corner of her mind where she doesn't have to deal with them. But staying would mean that she has to deal with them instead of pushing them away and maybe that will be enough for her to snap out of that Missy persona she seems to have built specifically so that she doesn't have to deal with them. I just hope that it won't cause her to snap entirely, which I could certainly see as a danger here. But Willem made it clear earlier that he is only willing to help her if she remains close to the freaks. Leaving the room would mean failing at that task. I believe for her to be free, she has to take some risks.
[Stay in the room]
Wow! Honestly, I did not see that coming. I must have missed some hints thrown in there. Anyways, I agree with the others reasoning.
[Leave the room]
Hey, Wildling did you see the pm I sent you?
Yeah, just noticed it, I'll answer in a minute.
Indeed, you guessed it very early, and IIRC you weren't the only one
Well, you probably were the very first, since you already suspected it after the portrait, but I remeber other readers also noticing some of the hints - especially the "foreign fucker" line from good ol' Ronny 
Yeah, this was (at least for now) the last "Missy" part, and from now on we'll be having Kortney parts
She is very much finding her old identity again, but obviously Kingsgrave has left a lasting mark on her. That said, her mental state now is for sure much more promising than, say, in the beginning of the story.
Larry is indeed very curious about Kortney, and if the staying option wins (as it looks to be) we'll find out why exactly. And Larry being curious about Kortney is certainly an opportunity for her to possibly get the information that Willem wants. However, there is always the risk that, like you said, the freaks could undo all this progress.
The foreign fucker line was the biggest giveaway indeed! Honestly, I only called it after the portrait because ever since submitting the Caron's for Stigz' The Invasion, I became sort of an expert on the house and knew that red hair runs in the family. I believe however that you hadn't brought up her hair colour in her previous parts before that portrait, so that has been a surprise for me when seeing her drawn. There was another line in an early Missy part about her not being a noble lady anymore that gave me this initial theory, so I specifically looked for any evidence that would confirm it.
Aha, I see you also changed her name in the character list. It is good that she's back for now. Missy was a nice PoV, but I think as Kortney she's going to be better. It's time for her to get the hell out of Kingsgrave.
You know what, it's crack theory time. What if Larry is actually not a bad guy? Like, what if he is a potential ally, maybe even a spy for one of the other houses (My money is on Martell or Yronwood) and now that he knows that Missy is a valuable hostage, he could free her, so that the house he serves can make an alliance with House Caron against the Manwoody's? I know, it is super unlikely and definitely won't happen, but if it does, I called it first! Actually, that would sound very much like a Garrison Fowler move, as I am absolutely sure that he has spies at the court of Kingsgrave, to keep him informed of his enemies plans. Larry is probably just the way he seems, one of these sick freaks, but perhaps there's a tiny chance that he's more than he seems to be. Though honestly, Willem might fit such a role a bit better.
Well well well, the big 'secret' has finally been revealed!
[Leave the room]
I really hate to go against the crowd here, and I can see why the other choice is attracting most of the voters here, but I really can't see staying in the room doing Kortney any good. Sure, perhaps in the long term it may grant her the freedom she wishes if she gets the information for Willem, but at what cost? Currently we've found a ground where Missy has found a link with her past self, and is coming to repair who she once was. Right now, the very fact that she's revealed such a hidden and stewed part of herself to these fuckers, is something that worries me. I fear that all progress made will be undone at this rate if we stay with the freaks, and I'm also super skeptical of Willem, who seems a shady fuck at the least. I definitely think there's more there than what meets the eye.
Anyway, knowing Kortney's fragile state, I know this is a vital point of whether she tips one way or the other. Yes, staying in the room would force her to confront these thoughts she's been hiding from herself for a while now, but could potentially tip her off the scales as well. These guys are followers of Albin, which is really Missy's curse. Leaving would give her some time to herself, which could go a few possible ways. One, she could return to being Missy, and hide from herself again. Or two, she could dwell on her thoughts, and slowly start to remember who she is. It would be a painful process, and really (as much as I hate to say it), one she should be conversing in company with Sofina. I also think Kortney would be better off with this option, considering it wasn't with any cues that she brought up her true identity, she brought it up on her own accord, which means it's been picking at her mind for a while now.
Finally, we're left with one of the most confronting issues of the choice, her chance for freedom with Willem Pyke. Leaving the room would perhaps be detrimental for this pursuit, but I also think Larry might understand that this is a very difficult time for her, with the feelings he supposedly has for her. That is of course a very hopeful thought on my part, and one I would not hold too tight, but of course if he has no understanding for her in this situation then I really don't think she should be with them in the first place. When it comes to Willem, yes it potentially means that she fucked up that course of angle, but now that we know Missy is Kortney, we mustn't forget about Myke. Sure, he's possibly still a long way off, but with time to come he will find her. Now I'm not saying she should hold out and wait, but we already passed an opportunity (if I remember correctly) to escape Kingsgrave with Sofina's aid shortly after helping Shana escape. We haven't seen her since, and while Albin is hopefully busy with the war, now might be the time for Kortney to try and revive that possibility.
It is of course a long shot, and I can understand that sticking with the plan already set out earlier is a choice that a lot of people would prefer to follow. Though knowing the fragile state of Kortney, I fear that Missy is not too far around the corner if she keeps associating herself with the freaks. Those are my thoughts.
It seems that Missy=Kortney Caron has now been confirmed
It was a suspicion that I have had for a little while now and seeing it unfold in the story that she has flipped back to being Kortney for the time being is a very good thing to say the least. it shows that she has not blocked her past completely away beyond repair and now it seems she just may be turning the corner. I am certainly not going to get my hopes up since she is obviously still very much in danger still being in Kingsgrave, especially if Albin finds out about "Missy's" reversion back to her old self. I can imagine that would lead to him wanting to break her mentally even further and this time beyond repair. With that said, I am always down for a good comeback story and hopefully Kortney is going to continue going down the right path back to who she truly is 
[Leave the room]
Again this is a really tough choice and one I am pretty uncertain about. Intially I planned on having Kortney stay since it would give her a chance to talk about her past out in the open which is something she has not done for a long time but on the other hand talking to Albin's freaks about something so fragile to her at the moment seems worrying to me as well. I am intrigued to see what Larry has to say to her about this but at the same time I don't her to talk about it with Tom, Auster, and Tregeo around. If Larry is genuinely interested in hearing what Kortney has to say, he can talk to her about it another time. It also seems from the last sentence that Kortney is starting to break down and showing that kind of weakness in front of the freaks is probably not the best idea so I figure it would be best for Kortney to leave and gather herself and hopefully fully regain her senses to where now she can focus on the ultimate goal which is escaping Kingsgrave. This is just the optimist in me but it would be really cool if she can somehow send a raven to her father which will add yet another enemy to House Manwoody which would pretty much seal the demise of Albin Manwoody. That is no doubt a very long shot I know
Yes, no more need to hold your tongue about this one when making choices with Mis-, I mean Kortney
Interesting points you got there, especially the one about Willem. You are right, we know hardly anything about that man, so it's totally reasonable to be skeptical about him. And what comes to the freaks, yeah, there is always the risk that they'll pull Kortney back to that Missy state of mind.
I see your point, though I have to say that Kortney may find less time than she'd hope to dwell on these thoughts no matter what she does. She is still in Kingsgrave after all, which means she is in constant stress and danger, even if she would try to avoid the freaks. If nothing else, Albin himself will keep abusing Kortney, and there is really no way to avoid that as long as she is in Kingsgrave. And Sofina... yeah, she really did show some real sympathy towards Kortney, which of course didn't sit well with Albin. However, Sofina will surely still have her part in the story. And oh yes, this "snapping" back to the true identity has been building up for a while - I believe I even gave a hint of these thoughts at the end of Missy's Chapter 1 storyline.
Well, Larry has shown himself to be at least fairly patient person, so it could indeed be that leaving now wouldn't completely foil the chances to gain the information that Willem wants. And Myke is still looking for Kortney, you're right, but as said he is still far off, and Albin has effectively surrounded himself with enemies, which could mean that Kingsgrave will eventually be under siege. What comes to the opportunity that Sofina offered, yes, Missy passed that, but it wasn't a reader choice. And also Shana, who did take that chance to escape, was quickly tracked down and killed by Ser Mordekhai - meaning Missy probably wouldn't have succeeded at escaping either.
You got good points there. Kortney staying would indeed mean sharing her moment of weakness with these people, and obviously that could have bad consequences. It's possible that Larry might have some twisted sympathy towards Kortney, but Auster has zero respect for her (or at least he had zero respect for Missy), and Tom straight up holds a grudge against her for killing Ronny. Tregeo on the other hand is just a weirdo, but also not someone to trust.
That would definitely be a hard task for Missy to do without getting caught on the act. And well, Albin Manwoody is heading towards his demise pretty steadily anyway, it's just a question of how much people will he take down with him.
Oh trust me, it seems this issue is revered with me
I've gotten so used to calling her Missy, I fear I'm going to continue in some cases down the track, forgive me! 
Usually, I wouldn't be so hesitant with having Kortney around these people, she's adapted to them. Even if she doesn't like them. However at the point of which she has made the sudden transition (which really isn't all that sudden, she's seemingly just come to terms) of becoming Kortney, she's also at a very fragile and easy breaking point. It's not Larry that worries me, but these other freaks, and she's in a position that I can see as easily manipulable right now. As I think about it more, leaving would be better off for her own mental state then sticking with the freaks, if she could find a place for her own without any interruptions. A time to grieve for herself...
Well yes, this is indeed an issue which Kingsgrave brings up. There is fucking Albin to deal with, and he won't be dealt with for a matter of time I presume. Kortney is in a very dangerous place, and for her to start coming back to grips with herself is not all the greatest timing, as Albin's gonna be super stressed with the war and placing a lot of his stress and time on her. At least so I expect. I really hate to say it, but I think I was wrong with Sofina, and only now do I see her as a valuable ally for Kortney. Kortney, not Missy. However you may argue that the line of repair for Missy then was on the rise, but I just never trusted her with the safety of Missy. If she would know that Kortney were in fact a Caron, however, that would be a different kettle of fish. Another threat to the kingdom, and potentially to her as well. It might be of benefit with Sofina to make the risk on helping a Caron out of Kingsgrave, rather than a nameless mistress. With this slow and gradual process, I think being the state that Kortney is currently in, we should be extremely vigilant during these times. Kortney will find her strength in time, but right now she needs to muster it, and around the freaks is not the best place. I don't think she'll be easy to brainwash herself back to being Missy, but I think with the aid of them and Albin during her fragile state, anything could happen. Perhaps something worse than Missy could come back, is that a risk we want to take over some information for an ironborn bastard? Perhaps, freedom is valuable, but what good is it for a nutcase with no way back for repair. I'm truly fearing the outcome of staying if the vote wins
I am somewhat counting on this, and Larry has been without a doubt persistent over the duration of Missy's storyline, so with this new information I'm hoping he'll be more interested in her. What I worry about is he will run off to tell Albin, but I'm hopeful that he's not as loyal as he supposedly gives off to be. I think right now, we're setting up what Kortney will be for Myke's arrival, that is of course if Myke ever finds her, and I think with all this progress made it would be a heart breaker to see her deteriorate from here. A potential siege of Kingsgrave would be a dream come true, and led by none else but the Caron's would be perfect in my mind! Answer my dreams?
Though yes, the worry about potential escape is that Albin would be easily able to track her down, and the punishment for that might be worse than Kortney suffering within the castle walls. However, it is worth pointing out that Shana was a simple handmaiden, and Kortney has a few skills up her sleeve. Whether these are any good against someone like Ser Mordekhai, I don't know, but she isn't entirely defenseless as we saw with the spears in the armoury the part before last.
Exactly, my mindset is that none of these freaks are good for Kortney to be around with all of them seeming to be for the most part completely loyal to Albin so anything she tells them would no doubt probably get back to Albin from at least one of the freaks. However, Liquid brought up a very good point and one seems very possible and that is that there is more to Larry than what meets the eye. While he is no doubt quite sadistic, it does seem like there is something different about him at least compared to the other freaks. I can say now that it is definitely not impossible that he could indeed be a spy from one of Albin's enemies particularly the Fowlers since we do know Garrison is more then capable of doing that. Since at this point, leaving is probably going to win if we don't get no other votes so it will be interesting to see if Larry is persistent about trying to find more about Kortney's true identity.
Yea that is pretty much just me being hopeful but Kortney being able to alert her family by raven is probably not something that will happen and if it does it probably won't be for at least a little while. When it comes to Albin Manwoody, he really has put himself in quite the predicament with 2 kingdoms already against him in the Fowlers and Blackmonts, the Daynes giving minor aid to the Blackmonts and eventually the Carons will probably find out and potentially some of the other Dornish Marcher houses may join them as well. That is not even including that the Manwoody's lost their major battle along the Wide Way and took heavy losses. Albin and House Manwoody is no doubt in trouble and now like you said, it will be a question of how many people Albin is able to take down with him which is a worrying thought to say the least since Albin would pretty much be a man with nothing to lose at that point.
Voting is closed!
I guess I'll have to accept that the tie won't be broken
However, we will go with Stigz' choice here, since he is the creator of Missy/Kortney. That means, Kortney will leave the room. She is definitely missing out an opportunity here when it comes to gaining the information from Larry, but you also did bring up many good points in favor of leaving.
In the next part Isabella will make her return, after a long break. In her last part she had a conversation with her brother Desmor, who was clearly annoyed that he had to stay in Skyreach while Ferris had marched to war with the Fowler army. The reason for this was of course his betrothal to Gwendis, and its importance to the Fowler-Blackmont alliance. After this Isabella met in the garden with her father, and the wife and son of her oldest brother Ferris - Princess Dana and Prince Matthos. During their chat Garrison brought up Isabella's marriage again. He suggested Daynes and Drinkwaters himself, but asked Isabella's own opinion, and you voted for her to suggest Jamison.
Oh, I totally forgot to mention this, but I actually wanted to change my vote! Stigz and CM3434 brought up some very good arguments and they convinced me. I think it is most important to strengthen Kortney's personality now that she has snapped back into it, to make sure that she won't fall back into her old Missy persona. That has always been my goal with this choice, but the arguments they brought up convinced me that leaving the room might be the better option to achieve this goal. The other freaks, aside from Larry, they really worry me and I had plans to change my vote before realizing that it is already closed. Consider me a very late and very unnecessary tiebreaker
The Princess stood on the battlements of Skyreach, gazing into the distance. The view was beautiful, but it did little to lighten Isabella’s mood. Her heart was heavy, because she knew her brother was somewhere out there, facing the forces of King Albin Manwoody. She was proud of Ferris of course, but the mere thought that she might never see him alive again was devastating. Isabella could only imagine what it was like for Dana, who also had to keep comforting little Matthos, promising him that his father would come home soon.
Isabella let out a sigh, glancing left of her. Ser Soren Ashford stood a couple dozen feet away from her, trying to look as he just happened to be there, but Isabella was no fool. Father has tasked him to guard me.
“I have noticed that you are following me, Ser Soren, no need to pretend.” She stated loudly, and Soren let out an awkward little laugh, scratching his head. He walked closer to Isabella with slow steps, his shiny silver armor reflecting the light of the sun.
“Stealth has never been one of my strengths, my Princess. And I understand it can be a bit… annoying, that I follow you, but, we are at war currently, and your father doesn’t want to take any risks when it comes to your well-being.” The knight explained in polite tone, and Isabella nodded to him calmly. “I understand, Ser Soren. You are only doing your job.” She spoke with nonchalant words, turning to look at the view opening in front of her again. For a moment they were both silent, until Soren cleared his throat, shifting Isabella’s attention back to him.
“My Princess, I was wondering if you had already heard the news that arrived a couple hours ago?” The knight spoke with uncertain words, and Isabella raised an eyebrow. “No, what news?” She asked with confusion, and a small friendly smile was formed on Ser Soren’s face.
“A raven was sent from the Wide Way, the message said that your brother’s forces have beaten back the Manwoody intruders, with the help of the Blackmonts.” He explained, and Isabella nodded impatiently. She was happy to hear this, but she also wanted to know what would happen next. “Ferris has united his troops with the Blackmont army, and they march after the retreating Manwoody forces. Sadly, there were a lot of casualties in the battle, as well as injuries. Apparently, Ser Russal injured his leg, and is on his way back to Skyreach as we speak.”
Isabella took in a deep breath, closing her eyes and nodding. Ferris was alive and well, which was a huge relief of course, but Isabella still felt slightly anxious. Ferris would not be coming home, he’d be marching towards the last place on Dorne anyone would want to go to – Kingsgrave. She let out a sigh, turning her gaze down.
“Worry not, my Princess.” Ser Soren said with confident tone. “This war is practically over… The Mad Albin will fall, there is nothing he can do to avoid that now.”
“And do you think my brother will survive?” Isabella asked with timid tone, avoiding eye contact with the knight. “Your brother is protected by dozens of knights, all of them loyal to him and this kingdom.” Soren answered softly, taking a step closer to Isabella, and placing his hand on her shoulder. Isabella gulped, she didn’t know how to react. Ser Soren was out of line, a Royal Guard should not be touching the Princess like this. At the same time though, Isabella didn’t feel like protesting – she needed this, she needed someone to be close to her and comfort her.
“My Princess.” A male voice called on the right of them, and awkwardly Ser Soren pulled his hand away from Isabella’s shoulder. They both turned to look, and saw another Royal Guard approaching them. He was Ser Dustran Drinkwater, one of the oldest members of the Royal Guard, being on his early forties. Ser Dustran was the younger brother of Lewyn Drinkwater, the Lord of Vulture’s Roost.
“My Princess.” The knight repeated as he arrived to them, quickly bowing for her. “Your father would like to meet you, in his office, now.” Dustran spoke with urgent tone, leaving Isabella slightly baffled. “What is it?” She asked with confusion, and Dustran sighed subtly.
“He has also invited your brother Desmor – I believe it has something to do with the Blackmont alliance.” He explained with serious tone. Isabella exchanged a worried look with Ser Soren, before turning his eyes to Ser Dustran again. “Right, let’s go then.” She said calmly, and so the two knights escorted her to the King’s office.
As they arrived, Ser Dustran knocked the door. It didn’t take long for Desmor to come and open the door. The look on his face was calm and quiet, and he gestured for Isabella to come in. “Stay in guard.” He said to Soren and Dustran, and closed the door quickly after Isabella had walked in.
“Good afternoon, Isabella.” Garrison said softly, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Good afternoon.” Isabella replied quietly, and sat down. Desmor remained standing, glancing at Isabella. “Why did you summon me here?” She asked with polite tone, and Garrison let out a tired little sigh.
“It concerns our alliance with the Blackmonts.” He said, tapping his fingers on the table, and Isabella nodded. “I heard about the battle on the Wide Way.” Isabella said. “I heard that Ferris beat the Manwoodys back, and now they are chasing after them, united with the Blackmont army.”
“Yes, indeed… that was the good news.” Garrison replied, a weary tone on his voice. “Sadly, there are also bad news.” Isabella narrowed her eyes with confusion. “What bad news?” She asked quietly, fearing that perhaps the earlier message had been wrong, and Ferris had actually died on the battlefield.
“It seems that the marriage between Desmor and Gwendis is at risk… Princess Gwendis has escaped Blackmont, and King Benedict’s men are yet to find her.” Garrison explained with a touch of frustration in his words. Isabella turned to look at Desmor, who kept on a calm face, not revealing his feelings on the matter.
“And now… And now you want to propose me to Naemon again, right?” Isabella asked strictly as she turned her eyes to the King again, but Garrison raised his right hand to calm her down. “No, not yet at least.” He answered calmly. “But until this situation gets cleared, I’m afraid I won’t be sending a proposal for the Daynes either. I know I promised to consider it, but in times like these we must make our moves carefully.”
Silence filled the room, and for more than a minute they all stayed silent. Finally, Isabella let out a sigh. “Do you know why Gwendis left?” She asked quietly, but Garrison shook his head. “I’m afraid there was no mention of her reasoning in the scroll.”
“Well, it’s quite obvious, isn’t it?” Desmor spoke up, his tone a bit cynical. “She obviously didn’t want to marry me, and I can’t blame her, I’m a thirdborn after all.” Isabella looked at Desmor again, and now she could see that her brother was actually relieved that this had happened.
“We don’t know if that was her motive.” Garrison stated firmly, but Desmor just let out a cold chuckle. “Yes, we do.” He replied. “This betrothal should’ve never happened… then I could be doing something that’s actually useful for this kingdom.” With these frustrated words Desmor stormed out of the room, and Isabella looked at him slam the doors shut, wondering if she should go after him. Then she turned to look at her father, noticing that he looked exhausted and stressed. Isabella wanted to be with her family, empower them, and help them get through these hard times – but she couldn’t be in two places at the same time.
[Stay with Garrison] [Go after Desmor]
[Stay with Garrison]
Oh man, it's not only Naemon, Benedict and Gwendis herself I have to feel bad for now. Now I feel bad for Desmor too
Before this part, I though he would be happy about avoiding an unwanted marriage, but now it seems he has made as much peace as possible with the idea of being married to someone he doesn't even know, much more than Gwendis has at least. And now he's feeling not only useless, but I bet he feels like he is responsible for this, that Gwendis left Blackmont specifically because she did not want to marry a lowly thirdborn. That makes me dread the sort of opinion he must have of her and of himself now. Oh man, I do wonder if they ever get a chance to actually meet, so that Gwendis can tell him how it really has been, so that he won't think ill of her and of himself. Although her reason of "I ran away because an evil demon-worshipping fanatic told me I would die in Skyreach" sounds pretty hard to believe, especially when considering that said fanatic continued to drag her into even greater danger. However, as someone who truly adores awkward scenes like that, I do hope she will get a chance to explain the true reason for her actions. I bet that would be hilarious.
As for the choice, I naturally choose to [Go after Desmor]. I genuinely feel bad for him, even more so since I feel kind of responsible for this. He's obviously crushed, not specifically because he doesn't get to marry a girl he doesn't even know, but because he loses the chance to be useful to his kingdom for once. And even if Gwendis gets a chance to clarify things there, to make him realize that this has absolutely not been his fault, it'll be years, if ever, and in the meantime he probably feels horrible and useless. In my opinion, it is important that Isabella at least makes him feel slightly better now. He needs her support now, way more than Garrison. After all, he's the one that feels rejected, not Garrison. Having his sister support him can help him coming to terms with this, so that he realizes that he is not at all useless.
Oh god, I also noticed that Isabella's possible marriage to Jamison is in danger now as well
My god, what have I done? It was bad when I just had to think about having ruined the lives of Gwendis, Naemon and Benedict, but now the choice holds the danger of ruining Isabella's happy ending as well. I can safely say that, considering the consequences, changing my vote in favour of Aisha, that venomous snake, has been by far the worst decision I ever made. And I have studied general business management, so that is quite a statement.
Ah I figured this was coming
With Gwendis gone, I figure that would potentially put the Isabella-Naemon betrothal back on the table and it is definitely a possibility especially since now it is the only way to officially establish the Blackmont-Fowler alliance. At this point however it is probably too early to tell what will happen with Isabella's future especially since I figured the Isabella-Naemon betrothal was pretty much set in stone the first time around and it ended up not happening. Like last time, the big factor in determining if the Isabella-Naemon betrothal goes through is Benedict. He did not want to do it last time but since Gwendis is no longer there, I suppose he doesn't have a choice if he wants this marriage alliance with the Fowlers. However, Garrison also did not flat out reject the Jamison betrothal idea either so Isabella and Jamison could still get what they want.
Safe to say, it will be pretty exciting to see what happens going forward!
[Go after Desmor]
Now for the choice while Isabella always wants to be there for her father however she can, I also believe Desmor needs her more at this point. In every part we have seen Desmor in, it really seems he has been having some internal struggle where he feels very much out of the loop in his own kingdom which to an extent he has been. Garrison has kept important secrets from him and I am sure Gwendis leaving Blackmont affects him as well. Like Liquid I believe it is more of a symbolic thing where Desmor is more disappointed about not getting to help his kingdom how he believes he can the best which is in the war and with it seemingly looking like Gwendis rejected the idea of marrying him, I am sure that was hard on him to say the least. I do admit that I would like to see Isabella talk with Garrison again with the Jamison betrothal idea potentially being brought up but I also see her as someone who tries to be there for all of her family and since Isabella and Desmor are pretty close, I don't see Isabella being able to just leave him be here.
[Go after Desmor]
Desmor seems to always be stressed in some form, in these parts. Although, he does seem to be relieved that he does not have to marry Gwendis. However, he might need his sister to reassure him that he is not useless.
Desmor has pretty mixed feelings on the whole situation. He has always wanted to prove his worth, but by fighthing and being a great knight rather than by marrying someone important. So while he is sort of relieved that he won't have to marry Gwendis, he has also now been ripped from all the chances to do something important for the Kingdom of Stone and Sky - even the marriage. And generally, being rejected rarely feels good, and Desmor already has a bit of an inferiority complex. What comes to Gwendis and Desmor meeting, that would definitely be interesting! Surely it won't be happening any time soon, but it would indeed be deliciously awkward
Haha, yeah, looks like the consequences from that choice just keep piling up
Well, for now Garrison will see how things go - perhaps there won't be a need for Fowler-Blackmont marriage to keep the alliance together, at least for now.
Man, I feel sorry for him! This can't be easy at all, especially as the rejection really has to hit him deeply. I mean, sure it's not the marriage in general, but being rejected yet again, well, I can really emphasize with him there. I definitely consider it a good thing that Isabella is there to help him through this. Hopefully h'll get a chance to show his worth in time. And my god, I just had to imagine just how Gwendis would try to explain to him that he's not the reason for her leaving Blackmont. I mean, her reason makes sense for us, but inside of the story I bet she's the only one who can make sense out of that reason, since she is the only one who knows about Aisha's power. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if even Aisha did not expect that decision. As a result... yeah, awkward wouldn't even begin describing a talk between them, though that's what makes it sound so funny
Good luck fixing that, Gwen!
Indeed they do, indeed they do
And now it concerns Isabella as well and that is not okay. Agh, I wonder what's next. Maybe Jamison gets screwed over by this as well? Arguably, he already got, since this marriage stuff involves him as well. That said, as much as I would have enjoyed that marriage pact, I actually wonder if it is even still needed. After all, the Blackmonts and Fowlers have a commong enemy in Albin now, so maybe they don't have to form an alliance through marriage anymore. Maybe that would make it safe for Gwendis to return? Agh, if only she would know... But anyways, is a marriage pact truly needed now? I bet even Benedict would think twice now before marrying Gwendis off again without her consent and I am not sure if Desmor would even want to now, after probably being absolutely convinced that he is at fault here. That would leave Naemon and Isabella, but Benedict decided against it once and I am relatively sure that he will decide against it again. And I am not sure if Garrison can truly do that to Isabella now. Hm... maybe we didn't screw her over after all. But at least for now, the danger of it is already enough to make me feel guilty for her.
Voting is closed!
Not many votes this time, but Isabella will go after Desmor. It does indeed seem like Desmor needs some support now, so probably a good choice.
The next part will continue Gwendis' storyline. With Aisha and Trentan, Gwendis has been travelling on the mountains of the Kingdom of Blackmont, the destination still unknown to her. Last time Gwendis found out about the affair between Aisha and Trentan, and you chose to have a conversation with Trentan instead of Aisha. We'll continue from there. Because of a school project I've had a bit less time for writing, but the part should be ready within a couple days.