Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Great work, man!

    Graysonn posted: »

    That's my video! Thanks for posting It I guess, I was gonna do it myself but I don't know if it breaks the rules so I didn't.

  • edited February 2017

    Yeah I realised this after I posted, my bad. The file name was something deceptive like 'headDamage', and the AJ sick file is indeed used in the flashback in S2E2.

    Davissons posted: »

    Those AJ textures aren't actual death textures. They are the textures that are used in the Wellington flashback when Clem brushes Edith's

  • It says Jane + Jamie because Jane isnt really dead and gives birth to kid named Jamie.

    heard it here first.

  • edited February 2017

    I think the arrow thing is just an error, though.

    But they definitely were trying to fry Mark and Lee.
    Make it easier to take the rest of their group later, right?

    Gameserer posted: »

    I was looking at TV Tropes for TWD and found this in the fridge section. That's a really disturbing detail. Sorry if this has already been pointed out but this thread obviously has a lot of pages.

  • Concept art

    enter image description here

    Slaughterhouse 1

    enter image description here

    Slaughterhouse 2 (Pretty big!)

    enter image description here

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I want that concept art of the slaughterhouse and S1 and S2!

  • edited February 2017

    Yeah I know they aren't death textures but they're still creepy. XD
    Also, I did notice that AJ coughs quite a lot in the Ep2 flashback so you could be right about Clem's reasoning.

    Davissons posted: »

    Those AJ textures aren't actual death textures. They are the textures that are used in the Wellington flashback when Clem brushes Edith's

  • edited February 2017

    And then brought back for three subsequent sequels in the multiplayer and co-op modes.
    I hope you're ready for more Conrad.

    Bit in the neck and then dragged into a deep dark hole by zombie-like creatures that were changed by a cursed statue.

  • Hooded Gabe
    Huh. That's weird. Still should've showed it, ya lazy opinionated basura.

    Still too lazy. It's funny actually, his model doesn't have a hood at all it looks like in episode 1 if you look closely but in episode 2 it magically appears when you try to help Kate with the surgery.

    DabigRG posted: »

    JANE +Jamie Duh hell? Tara Gale Picture Oh yeah--totally the spitting image of Sarah, huh? Puup Suup

  • edited February 2017


    enter image description here

    Also I wonder what this is

    enter image description here

    Graysonn posted: »

    Concept art Slaughterhouse 1 Slaughterhouse 2 (Pretty big!)

  • The Jane + Jamie carving may have been a memorial thing that Clem would've done in the Jane flashback (Jamie not being the sister but instead the unborn child)

    DabigRG posted: »

    JANE +Jamie Duh hell? Tara Gale Picture Oh yeah--totally the spitting image of Sarah, huh? Puup Suup

  • Yeah I think this is the case. It's mentioned being a grave near the hills at Howes in the files so she probably would have made this as a memorial and left Howes behind. Sucks that it wasn't included.

  • edited February 2017

    Oh man, Mariana was going to be shot in the NECK?
    They were probably going to show her gurgle and choke on her own blood and shit.

    At first, I thought getting shot in the head was more violent, but yeah I see why changed it.

    The slaughterhouse and the locked up zombies is creepy as shit, definitely brings back feelings of season 1. We could use some more of that.

    Man, some of those texture files are disturbing as well.

    And those concept paintings from season 1 and 2. I can't get enough.

  • Still too lazy.

    Wait, that was your video? Oh. Well then....

    It's funny actually, his model doesn't have a hood at all it looks like in episode 1 if you look closely but in episode 2 it magically appears when you try to help Kate with the surgery.

    Really now? I might just have to look that up again.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Hooded Gabe Huh. That's weird. Still should've showed it, ya lazy opinionated basura. Still too lazy. It's funny actually, his mo

  • Oh man, Mariana was going to be shot in the NECK?
    They were probably going to show her gurgle and choke on her own blood and shit.
    At first, I thought getting shot in the head was more violent, but yeah I see why changed it.

    Yeah, it'd be Matthew without the bridge to fall over. Kinda glad they didn't go with that, tbh.

    Louche posted: »

    Oh man, Mariana was going to be shot in the NECK? They were probably going to show her gurgle and choke on her own blood and shit. At fi

  • Oh, okay. For a second there, I thought were actually gonna get a Jane-centric flashback or some shit. Also, I kinda wanted to make fun of the name sizes.

  • edited February 2017

    I think it could work if the writers were up to handling stuff that dark.
    Sadly, I don't think they are. Not anymore.
    Hell, I found her regular death pretty tasteless.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh man, Mariana was going to be shot in the NECK? They were probably going to show her gurgle and choke on her own blood and shit. At

  • edited February 2017

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Same alley. Credit: Clem_Is_Awesome

  • I think it could work if the writers were up to handling stuff that dark.
    Sadly, I don't think they are. Not anymore.

    Did you really just say that after everything that's happened? If anyhitng, I'm surprised they DIDN'T just go with that.

    Hell, I found her regular death pretty tasteless.

    Uh..would either be better or worse than this?

    Louche posted: »

    I think it could work if the writers were up to handling stuff that dark. Sadly, I don't think they are. Not anymore. Hell, I found her regular death pretty tasteless.

  • edited February 2017

    Wow. I knew that the St. Johns were the ones who shot him, or at least set it up so that the bandits would shoot, but this detail goes deeper than I ever imagined...

    Gameserer posted: »

    I was looking at TV Tropes for TWD and found this in the fridge section. That's a really disturbing detail. Sorry if this has already been pointed out but this thread obviously has a lot of pages.

  • Let's establish that the building on the official A New Frontier poster—the one with the Capricorn Farm symbol—is in fact this slaughterhouse.

    Oh my God.

    Capricorn Farm might've been scrapped.

    I don't need to hear this shit.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Concept art Slaughterhouse 1 Slaughterhouse 2 (Pretty big!)


    Let's establish that the building on the official A New Frontier poster—the one with the Capricorn Farm symbol—is in fact this slaughterhouse. Oh my God. Capricorn Farm might've been scrapped. I don't need to hear this shit.

  • 2 Unused Content would have made this game better:

    • Flashback with Clem and Sandra
    • The Slaughterhouse

    And of course it didn't happen. Because Telltale is lazy and only cares for the newcomers.

  • Sorry in advance for all the pictures. But, like the old saying goes - "A picture is worth a thousand words."

    Anywho, I don't know if this has been mentioned - knowing my luck it has ; - ; However, you can kinda see Sandra in the key art for A New Frontier - or, at the very least, a walker that looks mighty similar to Clementine's late babysitter.

    Here's a picture of Sandra for reference.

    enter image description here

    And now, to the key art! I took the liberty of circling Sandra in red, to make it easier to pick out.

    enter image description here

    Let's enhance that, shall we?

    enter image description here

    The walker right next to Kate's shoulder. They look super similar, at least to my little eyes.

    It's probably been seen before, but I noticed it and thought it was pretty cool, and I figured it was worth taking a chance ^ _ ^ Thanks for the opportunity to share, and hopefully this was ... semi-interesting. And hopefully something new! (But probably not, you guys are very observant!)

  • Yeah, Kenny is in it as well.

    BHBrowne posted: »

    Sorry in advance for all the pictures. But, like the old saying goes - "A picture is worth a thousand words." Anywho, I don't know if thi

  • edited February 2017

    Kenny is in it as well.

    ... what? Where?

    Yeah, Kenny is in it as well.

  • Prior to episode 1's release people saw a texture to the right and were (crazily) convinced that it was Kenny.

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Kenny is in it as well. ... what? Where?

  • Not on screen, but in your heart- jobs word of wisdom

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Kenny is in it as well. ... what? Where?

  • edited February 2017

    You should also probably know that a majority of the stuff I found relating to the slaughterhouse was found in 301, not 302. There were a couple of texture leftovers like the saw texture for example is in 302 for some reason but doesn't actually get used. As much as I hate to say it, it looks like it won't show up even if I would like it too. It's like the Eddie in Season 2 thing again. Clearly, they had something planned but for whatever reason they decided to drop it. Same thing applies here I think. I guess we'll wait for episode 3 and find out though.

  • It was kenny

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Prior to episode 1's release people saw a texture to the right and were (crazily) convinced that it was Kenny.

  • Looking for Kenny like

    enter image description here

    It was kenny

  • edited February 2017

    People have showed me this time and time again. I didn't see it then and I'm not gonna see it now.

    EDIT: Love that booty photo bomb though.

    It was kenny

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I was gonna do it myself but I don't know if it breaks the rules so I didn't.

    You have enough posts and interact with the community enough so it's fine to share your own videos, it's only people who only sign up to share their videos and never come back who are frowned upon.

    Graysonn posted: »

    That's my video! Thanks for posting It I guess, I was gonna do it myself but I don't know if it breaks the rules so I didn't.

  • Thanks for the clarification :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I was gonna do it myself but I don't know if it breaks the rules so I didn't. You have enough posts and interact with the community

  • edited February 2017

    I thought he was telling Lee to get up. Clementine was already awake and standing. Still an interesting detail, though.

  • The fact that I laughed confirms my theory that I'm a terrible person.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think it could work if the writers were up to handling stuff that dark. Sadly, I don't think they are. Not anymore. Did you rea

  • edited February 2017

    Ben looks scary when he's angry. Or smiling, for that matter.
    enter image description here

  • Sad Ben is just too cute to be scary.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ben looks scary when he's angry. Or smiling, for that matter.

  • I suppose. Still, he has one helluva raepface when he wants to.

    Sad Ben is just too cute to be scary.

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