(Leave the cellar with Samael... wait, Allow John to distract... Leave... Allow... fuck IDK!)
Holy shit, what a choice! Leaving the cellar may save John's life, but it may put them all in there at risk in the long run! Plus, hows it gonna look to the others that we left them in the cellar? I don't know on this one, i'm sorry.
I'm erring towards leaving the cellar, but i'll leave it with you guys. I'm staying on the fence on this one.
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!”… more John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, than… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!”… more John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, than… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!”… more John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, than… [view original content]
Oh damn it, this was a thrilling part! I am baffled how the situation just keeps getting more hopeless. At this point, something seriously unexpected has to happen for them to escape, since Samael is the first villain that is actually out to kill them all, aside from Billy, that incompetent fuck. Samael's doing this rather intelligently, but sooner or later, he has to make a mistake, right? My money is either on him underestimating Miyako, who has been his prisoner for the longest and knows him the best, or triggering Dom to the point where he just kills him without any regard for his own survival. There are hints of mistakes, but whenever it seems like now he's finally fucked up, he pulls another twist that makes him look like the vastly more powerful party here. I'm not even sure if killing him is possible, maybe all the group can do is to sneak away from him and to run too far for him to follow. But for that, they have to escape first.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
Alright, this was seriously one of the hardest choices in the entire story. Definitely the hardest in this chapter so far, though I am not exactly sure if it is the hardest in the entire story. And I actually had to spend quite some time on making up my mind here. In the end however, I choose this for two reasons. John might be a skilled survivor, but out of the ones down there, Tony is the best they have, since he generally is one of the best in the group. Maybe by staying down there, he can prevent more deaths among his friends. So, I don't want to leave them. Second, I don't trust Samael, not one bit. This is all part of some sick game and I am pretty sure that he is going to do something seriously horrible to Tony, or to Tom, just so that Tony is forced to watch. He wouldn't just offer such a thing without any bad intentions behind it. I don't like to sacrifice John, but I still see it as better than trusting Samael.
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!”… more John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, than… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 6
March 18th, 2017. 4:35 P.M.
“Where are we? What’s going on?” Mina seemed uneasy, as did I.
“I can’t see a thing!”… more John’s voice was heard.
“Everyone quiet.” I spoke. None of us could see a thing, and I had no idea what my surroundings were. At the very least, I needed to know if I could hear anything besides my friends starting to panic.
When I did listen, there was no secret that I could hear chains moving along with walker groans. Fuck. There were walkers down here. I was hoping that they were chained, but what if they weren’t?
“There’s walkers.” Mina pointed out.
“Where do I go!” Tom whimpered.
“Calm down-” I began to say, until a few lights suddenly turned on and illuminated the cellar.
I can now see that it was pretty much a long hallway. It was about twenty feet wide so it wasn’t that big. It stretched for a good length, though. I could see a good five or six walkers chained to the walls, than… [view original content]
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the reason why I haven't even began writing the next part yet is because right now, the voting is a tie. I've been waiting a few days for someone to comment and break the tie, but I don't wanna go too long without reminding you.
I usually hate making posts like these because I don't want to pressure people who already voted into changing their vote to a choice they don't like just for the sake of continuing the story. So, unless you are 100% sure and comfortable with changing your vote, please don't feel the need to change it. I just wanted to let you all know.
Hm, this is a hard choice we had there and I am still unsure about this. I'd say, if nobody has broken the tie by tomorrow, I shall change my vote, even if I am relatively confident with the one I have chosen. But ultimately, my desire to have a new part far outweighs my desire to stick with my vote. That is, as long as it is not a vote that concers Kat. Currently, it seems like it is more a decision between saving John, although at the cost of endangering Tom and further playing Samael's game, or sacrificing John and proving that Tony is smart enough to see through Samael's attempts at tricking him, which I could also see as the better choice for Tom. But at the same time, I am afraid that Tom could be killed either way if Tony doesn't go up there. ARGH, now I have started to doubt my own choice again! I still want to give it a couple of hours, maybe someone else wishes to break the tie who is more sure that the other choice will lead to the better outcome. I know, I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with either choice here, so it doesn't really matter to me if I change my vote, but as I said, maybe someone else wants to do it?
Actually, what's with @janitor? Janitor, I summon thee, as the only active reader who hasn't voted so far! Use thyne powerth to breaketh the voteth tieth!
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the reason why I haven't even began writing the next part yet is because right now, the voting … moreis a tie. I've been waiting a few days for someone to comment and break the tie, but I don't wanna go too long without reminding you.
I usually hate making posts like these because I don't want to pressure people who already voted into changing their vote to a choice they don't like just for the sake of continuing the story. So, unless you are 100% sure and comfortable with changing your vote, please don't feel the need to change it. I just wanted to let you all know.
Oh! Truth be told I didn't realise it was a tie. I still don't know what to do with this, it's such a hard choice! The tie in the choice reflects that. I'm sorry this is stopping you from writing, i'm just undecided
I'm leaning towards leaving with Samael as I have from the start, but I'm not as sure as to fully commit to the choice. John's life appears to be at stake here and Tom's as well indirectly. Either choice may result in a death which is going to be seen as Tony's fault in either choice. Poor guy ;(
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the reason why I haven't even began writing the next part yet is because right now, the voting … moreis a tie. I've been waiting a few days for someone to comment and break the tie, but I don't wanna go too long without reminding you.
I usually hate making posts like these because I don't want to pressure people who already voted into changing their vote to a choice they don't like just for the sake of continuing the story. So, unless you are 100% sure and comfortable with changing your vote, please don't feel the need to change it. I just wanted to let you all know.
Yes, I do realize that this is a difficult choice. However, don't feel bad for the halt! If you don't want to vote for either options and feel that you are the reason for the consequences after, then don't vote; I do the same thing too sometimes. Someone changed their vote, so as of now, you don't need to worry about voting
Oh! Truth be told I didn't realise it was a tie. I still don't know what to do with this, it's such a hard choice! The tie in the choice ref… morelects that. I'm sorry this is stopping you from writing, i'm just undecided
I'm leaning towards leaving with Samael as I have from the start, but I'm not as sure as to fully commit to the choice. John's life appears to be at stake here and Tom's as well indirectly. Either choice may result in a death which is going to be seen as Tony's fault in either choice. Poor guy ;(
Sorry for not voting so long. I was too busy. I want to vote for [Leave the cellar with Samael] but I dont know if I would make it a tie again. I just want a new part and then I will vote faster XD If my vote makes a new tie then ignore it! Btw, great part! Samael is scary but I also think he is the best villain in the story so far because he is so dangerous.
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the reason why I haven't even began writing the next part yet is because right now, the voting … moreis a tie. I've been waiting a few days for someone to comment and break the tie, but I don't wanna go too long without reminding you.
I usually hate making posts like these because I don't want to pressure people who already voted into changing their vote to a choice they don't like just for the sake of continuing the story. So, unless you are 100% sure and comfortable with changing your vote, please don't feel the need to change it. I just wanted to let you all know.
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me.” I heard Samael’s voice slightly echo into the cellar before the door was shut. He was gone.
“Don’t worry Tony, your friends need you more. I got this.” John called out to me. “You ready?”
“Alright.” He responded. “Go!”
I saw John slip out from the room and make his way to the other side of the hallway in reverse. He didn’t leave his eyes off of the walkers, which all tried to corner him into the end of the hall. Thankfully, they were pretty slow. I used this time to sprint towards the room as fast as I can.
I approached the entrance to the room. “Get in!” Adam made a hand gesture signaling for me to enter.
However, since I was right next to the door, I had to help John out of there. I couldn’t just leave him. “Hold on.”
I took a step away from the entrance to the room, and tried to get the walkers’ attention. “HERE!”
Only one walker shifted their focus to me. Luckily, this walker was all the way to the right. I ran up to two other walkers and quickly whacked them in the back. This got their attention, and I lured them to the right wall, the opposite wall of the room.
The walkers were spread out, so I couldn’t have them follow me in a straight line. They clogged up most of the hallway. I brought them as far back as I could, and scrambled to the room. “John, come on! I got three of them off of ya!”
John was still trapped in the end of the hallway. There was only a slight opening on the right side of the wall. He had to squeeze his way through there, ever so swiftly - or else, he was probably done for.
The other walkers that I had lured away from him were now making their way back to John. He had to get out of there fast.
“Hurry!” I tried reminding him. I had no doubt in my mind that he was fully aware of his situation. The problem was that the opening was barely an opening at all. It was a pretty much life or death decision.
John steadied himself, and prepared to make his move. He took a small step back, and went for it. He got halfway through the opening, and I thought he was going to make it just fine. However, my joy was short lived. The walkers had tripped him, and before he could get up and make his way back to the room, a walker munched on his right ankle. He kicked the walker away with his left foot and scrambled into the room with us.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed. “That’s it. I’m dead.”
“You aren’t dead yet, we can cut the foot off.” Adam told him.
“How?” John replied quite hastily. “We have no equipment to do it.”
“I don’t know, but we have to try.” Adam responded demandingly.
“There’s no use.” John assured him.”I’d have to break my own leg, and we don’t have anything that can cut through the muscle and blood vessels fast enough without me bleeding out.”
“Fuck, John, I’m sorry. It’s -” I started saying but he cut me off.
“Don’t even apologize, Tony. It’s not your fault. I asked for this.” He replied.
“It’s my fault.” Adam muttered. “If I didn’t… stop you from, going out there -”
“Don’t think like that man, you’re too nice.” John said. “Again, I asked for this. The least I can do is die helping you guys. It’s not like I have anyone left alive who’ll be affected by me goin’.”
“I wouldn’t have reunited with all of you if it wasn’t for you.” I told him, which was true. If he hadn’t tracked me down and searched the entire day for me, the whereabouts of my old group would still be a mystery.
“Yeah, and I wouldn’t have brought you guys back to this shit hole.” He responded.
“I’d rather be here with my friends than be out there without them.” I spoke.
John gazed at me and didn’t reply. Instead, he sighed and looked down at his bloodied ankle. He wasn’t showing any signs of pain, nor dying. He seemed almost completely unaffected.
“Well….” Mina said awkwardly to break the silence. “What do we do now?”
This was a good question. I had no idea what to do. There was really nothing to do, and John was now bitten and slowly dying.
“We just wait it out I guess…” I answered. “At this point, I want Samael to come.”
Yoshiro coughed. “Why did this have to happen to us? We all deserve better. You don’t deserve to die, John.”
“You don’t worry about me, now.” John told him. “I did what I had to do. I don’t care how weak I am, I’m getting you guys outta here.”
“I hate to ask this, but……. how long until, you now……….” Mina asked nervously.
“I don’t know.” He replied. “I’ve never seen anyone get bitten besides Joe. He didn’t last too long.”
At this point, all of the walkers were leaning against the wood bars separating us from them. Luckily, they weren’t strong enough to alter the wood at all. Not even the wood that was destroyed from the bottom, since it was still somewhat lodged into a small hole in the ground.
“We’re trapped. We’re actually trapped.” Adam threw his hands in the air. “We have to sit here and do nothing. Nothing but pray.”
John situated himself against the right side wall of the room and folded his arms. He kept his legs straight out, and watched as his ankle slowly oozed blood. “You guys should be paying attention. In case someone else gets bitten, monitor my condition and how long it takes for certain things to happen.”
“How do you feel?” Mina asked.
“I don’t feel any differences just yet. I’ll let you know everything that happens.” He replied.
“I bet you Samael is laughing at us right now. He has hidden cameras everywhere. He’s watching this with a big, goofy ass smile on his face.” I lashed out.
“He might be able to hear us.” Adam warned me. “Don’t say anything stupid, just be safe.”
“I don’t care if he can. Fuck you!” I stuck up the middle finger and waved it around. I knew John was going to die no matter what. Mark is God knows where. Tom is probably dead. Miyako and Emi are probably going through torture. This monster was worse than anyone we’ve come across so far. At least those people were mostly functional in the head. Samael was insane. His mind didn’t function the way a normal human mind should. It was pure evil. Once again, the only way I can describe him.
“I’d do anything to be stuck back at Ashton’s.” Adam said. “That place was heaven compared to this. At least we were provided with food, shelter, and somewhat care. There was a community. Not a good one, but there were other survivors we’d interact with. And, they didn’t kill people for no reason at all. They killed people which was still terrible, but they had a reason for it, even if it for the slightest thing.”
Adam was right. Ashton’s community felt like a vacation compared to this. This was literal enslavement. Not one ounce of freedom. Constantly in danger. This life epitomized what this world is now. And what sickened me is that somewhere in the world, there was probably something that was ten times worse than this. If the apocalypse can turn Samael into this, it can turn anybody into anything.
“I know man.” I shook my head. “I know.”
The room fell silent. Well, not silent. The walkers were pretty loud. We were all leaning back against the wall. Absolutely nothing to do. John was dying beside us. The helplessness was eating me away. I was watching my friend die and I couldn’t do anything about it.
I tried my best to put these thoughts away and relax, somehow. I closed my eyes and exhaled, attempted to clear my mind. As I tried my best to get comfortable and relaxed, I ended up falling asleep.
March 18th, 2017. 5:36 P.M.
“Tony….. Tony, wake up man.” Adam was barely shaking me.
I slowly opened up my eyes to see Yoshiro unconscious against the wall as well. Mina was tending John. “What’s going on?”
“John’s dying. I wanted to wake you up but John insisted we didn’t. But I decided to now because he wants to tell you something.”
I sat up and snapped into reality. I made my way to John. He didn’t look good. He was extremely pale and barely conscious.
“Tony.” He spoke, his voice still surprisingly clearer than it should be. “I’m dying. You gotta kill me or I’m gonna turn. If you can’t kill me, I’m getting my ass out there with the walkers. I’m gonna be one of them and I don’t want to kill you guys.”
“No…. how would we -” I began to ask until he cut me off.
“Mina broke off a small but sharp piece of wood from the beams. You have to dig it into my skull now, or I’m gonna turn. It’s either that or I get outta this room.”
“John, I can’t….” I trailed off.
“I know you don’t. But you have to. We all have to do things we don’t want to do. But it’s a necessity. Please, I’m asking for it. I’m asking for your approval. They already said their goodbyes.”
Mina calmly gave me the sharp wood John was talking about. She sighed in sadness as she handed it to me.
I didn’t expect to fall asleep before and this whole thing came out of nowhere. I was not expected to do something like this. Everyone in here looks up to me as the leader, so I knew they wouldn’t feel comfortable with whatever decision without my approval. It was so hard, though. John did not deserve this fate. He most definitely didn’t deserve to become a walker, and he didn’t deserve to have his friend jab a piece of wood into his skull either. I didn’t even want to know how he was feeling like right now. Knowing him, he probably didn’t even care or mind. He just wanted what was for the best of us. And for that to happen, I needed to make a gut-wrenching decision.
[Kill John] No doubt, this is the better choice for him. He deserves a quick death, I see no reason to throw him out to the walkers, where he'd die in pain and then join their ranks.
John I mean, I was very sure that this would happen, considering that the possibility has been brought up in the last choice, but it still feels bad, especially since a majority of us chose this. I mean, I don't know the alternative to this, but it will surely be among the things I shall ask at the end of this chapter. At least he went out like a boss. John is the first casualty of Chapter 8, but I doubt he will be the last. I fear he won't be the last and I fear Samael's just getting started. Maybe we managed to save Tom's life, or to give him at least a little longer, by not going with Samael, but I just noticed that he separated both, him and Mark from the main parts of the group. He also took most of the asians, but I have the feeling like they are a different case and that he chose Tom and Mark for a specific reason. I feel something seriously bad coming up there and it makes me terrified for the group in general and these two in particular.
I also got a question which you might be able to answer: How many parts are left in this chapter? If I'm not mistaken, previous chapters have usually ranged between 10 and 12 parts, which would mean that we're already getting closer to this chapter's endgame. So far, there's no sign of the group regaining control of the situation, so unless the other two sub-groups have encountered a way to escape once Tony returns, I fear that their captivity at the hands of Samael will continue into Chapter 9. Perhaps he's even going to capture them until Chapter 10, becoming this season's final antagonist in the process. He surely has the presence for it. But anyways, it would be interesting to roughly know how many parts you've got planned for this chapter.
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as… more well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me… [view original content]
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as… more well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me… [view original content]
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as… more well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me… [view original content]
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as… more well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me… [view original content]
To answer your question, depending on choices, there should be around 5 parts left. There may be a few extra parts. However, I can confirm that this chapter will not be the last you see of Samael. One chapter isn't enough for him
[Kill John] No doubt, this is the better choice for him. He deserves a quick death, I see no reason to throw him out to the walkers, where h… moree'd die in pain and then join their ranks.
John I mean, I was very sure that this would happen, considering that the possibility has been brought up in the last choice, but it still feels bad, especially since a majority of us chose this. I mean, I don't know the alternative to this, but it will surely be among the things I shall ask at the end of this chapter. At least he went out like a boss. John is the first casualty of Chapter 8, but I doubt he will be the last. I fear he won't be the last and I fear Samael's just getting started. Maybe we managed to save Tom's life, or to give him at least a little longer, by not going with Samael, but I just noticed that he separated both, him and Mark from the main parts of the group. He also took most of the asians, but I have the feeling like they are a diff… [view original content]
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, today is the two year anniversary of this story. Well, technically yesterday was since the 10th was the day I created the thread, but the very first part was released on the 11th of February back in 2015. I honestly can't believe it's already been 2 years. 2 years ago, I didn't even know if I would still be writing. I was a sophomore back then, and now I'm about to graduate high school in 4 months. Thank you all for the immense amount of support you've given me the last 2 years, and thank you for reading this story. I've met so many great people on the forum since, and it wouldn't be possible without this. You are all truly awesome. Time flies when you're having fun.
What... no way! Damn it, and I asked you exactly for that reason, because I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, with some super huge post that would explain how much the story means to me and how honoured I am to read your writing. I can't believe I haven't managed to do that in time My apologies and my congratulations at the same time.
Time flies indeed. 2 years is such a long time, but the story has grown into something truly amazing over these 2 years. Hell, it's crazy how much has changed since I begun reading this. I have studied business management back then. Fucking business management! The story has been there when good things happened (like me graduating and stopping to study business management) and when bad things happened (like me studying business management, which I, surprisingly, don't particularly like) and I think it's the same for the others, most of which have been here for a similarly long time. It is wonderful to me to see how stable the readership has been, how many people from the early days are still here.
And I can't even begin to put into words how much I enjoy all of this. Your writing, every new part, it's always something special. The forum has many great stories, but I can without a doubt say that A New Life is among my absolute favourites and it has been at that point for a long while now. The future can only get even better. And I am so freaking pumped for what you have in mind there. Thank you for writing this story. May there be many more anniversaries to celebrate here
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, today is the two year anniversary of this story. Well, technically yesterday was since the 10th was the da… morey I created the thread, but the very first part was released on the 11th of February back in 2015. I honestly can't believe it's already been 2 years. 2 years ago, I didn't even know if I would still be writing. I was a sophomore back then, and now I'm about to graduate high school in 4 months. Thank you all for the immense amount of support you've given me the last 2 years, and thank you for reading this story. I've met so many great people on the forum since, and it wouldn't be possible without this. You are all truly awesome. Time flies when you're having fun.
Argh, I was afraid of this I am so damn afraid for the group now. Not only Kat, or my other favourites Dom and Dylan, but all of them, even Tony, though I see him as safer than the others. Samael has already claimed John's life, I have no doubt Mark's chances are slim and it looks seriously grim for Tom, but with only 5 parts left, I could feel some of their fates being resolved in Chapter 9, or even Chapter 10 if my guess about him being the final antagonist of Season 1 turns out to be true.
To answer your question, depending on choices, there should be around 5 parts left. There may be a few extra parts. However, I can confirm that this chapter will not be the last you see of Samael. One chapter isn't enough for him
What... no way! Damn it, and I asked you exactly for that reason, because I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, with some super huge post that would explain how much the story means to me and how honoured I am to read your writing. I can't believe I haven't managed to do that in time My apologies and my congratulations at the same time.
Don't worry about it! It's not that big of a deal and I wasn't expecting anyone to type a huge post, I just wanted to celebrate. No need to apologize, the fact that you originally planned to is enough for me to be thankful of you making a post at all
Time flies indeed. 2 years is such a long time, but the story has grown into something truly amazing over these 2 years. Hell, it's crazy how much has changed since I begun reading this. I have studied business management back then. Fucking business management! The story has been there when good things happened (like me graduating and stopping to study business management) and when bad things happened (like me studying business management, which I, surprisingly, don't particularly like) and I think it's the same for the others, most of which have been here for a similarly long time. It is wonderful to me to see how stable the readership has been, how many people from the early days are still here.
Yeah, it's really crazy. I'm gonna have to continue writing this story in college after I graduate. It'll be even more crazy since I'll most likely go to a trade school. The fact that you studied business management when we first started it really insane. I also have noticed that most of the readers here have continued to read throughout the entire story, despite the long delays, the hiatus, the ban, etc. That's why I love all of you who read and motivate me to continue the story. You guys are awesome, not only as readers, but friends
And I can't even begin to put into words how much I enjoy all of this. Your writing, every new part, it's always something special. The forum has many great stories, but I can without a doubt say that A New Life is among my absolute favourites and it has been at that point for a long while now. The future can only get even better. And I am so freaking pumped for what you have in mind there. Thank you for writing this story. May there be many more anniversaries to celebrate here
I am honored that you enjoy it that much. I always look forward to writing and posting a new part no matter what the circumstances are. Thank YOU for reading and being an awesome friend along with all of the other readers, and yes, here are for many anniversaries to come
What... no way! Damn it, and I asked you exactly for that reason, because I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, with some super huge… more post that would explain how much the story means to me and how honoured I am to read your writing. I can't believe I haven't managed to do that in time My apologies and my congratulations at the same time.
Time flies indeed. 2 years is such a long time, but the story has grown into something truly amazing over these 2 years. Hell, it's crazy how much has changed since I begun reading this. I have studied business management back then. Fucking business management! The story has been there when good things happened (like me graduating and stopping to study business management) and when bad things happened (like me studying business management, which I, surprisingly, don't particularly like) and I think it's the same for the others, most of which have been here for a similarly long time. It is wonderful… [view original content]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking. I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.
I lifted my hand above his head, my hand shaking more than ever. I couldn’t bring myself to do such a deed. What if I didn’t kill him on the first try?
“Do it now!” He spoke his last words.
“Don’t look guys.” I warned everyone else. I knew I couldn’t waste any more time. I thrusted the splint through his black hair, successfully piercing his scalp. As soon as it entered, his breathing stopped. Blood spurt out of the top of his head, like how lava would flow out of an erupting volcano. It dripped all over his face and leaked onto the floor.
I attempted to pull out the splint, but it was stuck. I stabbed him so hard that it was lodged in there. I couldn’t bring myself to grasp his head and forcefully pull it out, so I reluctantly left it as it was.
I crawled backwards away from John’s lifeless body and put my hands on my forehead. I couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Sorry, but…” Mina spoke. “I don’t know if I can handle him being there… like that…..”
She was right. It was disturbing. It was almost traumatizing. I’m not one to get traumatized easily, but the sight itself, the look on his face, haunted me.
I took my hands off of my forehead and tried my best to shift my attention away from John. “We have to get out of here.” I said. “We have to leave now. As soon as possible. And I’m not just talking about this cellar. This place. I have never had any experience worse than this.”
“There has to be a way. There has to be!” Adam slammed his fist against the floor. “What did we do to deserve this?”
Nothing. We did absolutely nothing. I hoped that Samael would soon get his karma. Never in my life have I met such a sick, morbid human being. He’s probably smiling and laughing right now. Me having to kill John was probably the highlight of his day, possibly even his week. It just blows me away how people can really be this hellish.
“Samael might set you guys free from this cellar at least. I’m stuck here for some time, especially considering my injuries.” Yoshiro grunted.
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing that you’d be down here all alone, not to mention, you know…” I told him whilst implying John’s presence.
“It’s better than you guys being trapped down here with me.” He responded.
I didn’t reply to his statement. He was right, but I didn’t want to sound selfish. “You don’t think you’re gonna… die, right?”
He chuckled, “No, I’m not hurting that much.”
“I’m afraid Samael will do something down here. Something bad.” Adam said with worry.
“Then so be it.” Yoshiro replied. “Just as long as Emi, Miyako, and Kazu are safe. You guys too.”
“We might not be safe.” Mina chimed in. “What if Samael just leaves us down here until we die?”
“The fucker better not.” I growled. I couldn’t handle being down here and having no idea what was going on with the others. I did not want to re-experience my time when I wasn’t with my original group.
The walkers still lingered around the outside of the room. They had no mind nor intelligence. They’ll stay there forever unless we threw John’s body out there for them to feast on. There was no way I was doing that though.
We were all sitting against the wall. There was nothing for us to do. I didn’t even know if I wanted Samael to come down or not. I wanted to get out of here but knowing him, he’d do something crazy.
Just as I finished processing these thoughts, the cellar door slammed open. Samael’s laugh bellowed throughout the entire cellar. Speak of the devil. Literally.
He gunned down all of the walkers with a machine gun, as their blood splattered all over the walls and some even entered the room. I heard Samael’s footsteps progress at a slow pace, and I anticipated his appearance outside the wooden barrier.
It didn’t take long for him to show up. He was holding his gun over his right shoulder as he turned to us. “I’m not an idiot, you know that.”
“I thought you were idiots, though. I was somewhat correct. You managed to get one of your friends killed.” He snickered menacingly. God, I wanted to kill him right there.
“But, I will say that I am slightly impressed. As a team, you guys were able make your way into this safe room and keep away from my minions. As I said though, you did lose a man. I see you fucked him up pretty good there!” He spoke with evil in his voice. He ripped down the wooden barrier that separated us from him, and entered.
“Too bad you already destroyed his brain. No use of taking him in now. I guess he’ll just serve as a tasty snack for the devil instead. I’ll feed him later.”
Everytime he spoke, it was intense. No one ever had much balls to respond to the guy.
“Rice eyes, how ya doing in there?” He asked, in an obvious racial slur. Disgusting.
“Fuck… you…” Yoshiro groaned.
This caused Samael to burst out into laughter. “Pipe down buddy. You ain’t going anywhere, and your words don’t make you sound tough.”
He then faced me. “Tony, my friend. I need you for a moment.” He began to walk towards the exit of the cellar. He gave me no time to take in the matter of the situation and expected me to follow him immediately.
“Guys…” I began to say in a quiet tone towards my friends but they cut me off.
“Go.” Mina assured. “We’ll be fine.” Adam smiled at me for a brief moment and Yoshiro waved as I turned to follow Samael.
I stepped over the dead walkers and attempted to catch up to Samael. We was already climbing out of the cellar as I was halfway down the hall. I saw his feet vanish into the outside world as I finally made my way to the exit point.
I climbed out of the cellar, nearly injuring myself. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. The walls were slippery and I couldn’t get too good of a grip.
After I emerged from that hell, Samael slammed the cellar door shut again. My heart sank a little as he did that. I hoped to God that they were going to be alright.
“You seem like a strong leader, Tony.” He began to speak. “Would you consider yourself strong?”
I didn’t know how to respond. I thought about it, and concluded that it would probably be best to have confidence in myself and not seem like a pansy pushover. “Yes, I do.”
Samael didn’t respond. I didn’t know why. Instead, I followed him all the way to a facility room that wasn’t too far from the yellow roller coaster.
Now, he responded. “Good, very good. Mind if I put you to the test?”
“Wha-what?” I stuttered.
He opened the door to the facility room, which revealed a restraint chair and two chained walkers on the opposite wall.
“What’s this?” I asked.
He didn’t even answer my question. He forcefully shoved me inside and followed behind me and closed the door. “SIT.” He barked in a loud voice.
Feeling helpless, I sat down in the chair. Samael locked my feet and hands in, and I couldn’t move. I was scared shitless. I was completely defenseless. He can do anything to me if he wanted to.
“A big part of this world now are dealing with the undead. Yes, they are my minions and apprentices of the devil. But most non-believers like you fear them rather than accept them. For this, I consider people like you scum. You are a piece of scum, Tony. And so are your friends. Your bitch, your fuck buddy, everyone.” He ranted.
This filled me up with an unbelievable amount of anger. I knew he was referring to Katrina. I don’t know who he was referring to as my fuck buddy, but him calling Katrina a bitch and calling me and my friends scum was enough to make me nearly scream and use all of my strength to attempt to escape the chair. This failed, of course. I could tell Samael was enjoying it. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me with a malicious grin as I went ballistic in the chair.
“What’s this?” He cackled. “I thought you were tough. And here you are, already letting me control your emotions with just a few words?”
I stopped and relaxed to the best of my abilities. I put my head back and closed my eyes and I exhaled and caught my breath.
“Anyways, getting sidetracked here.” He approached the chained walkers and released them. He was so unfazed as he did it. No fear, no emotion. He grabbed the end of the chains without the walkers and leaned on the closed door. “How do you feel about my minions, Tony?”
The chains were about eight feet long, and as Samael inched closer to me, so did the walkers. The walkers went for me. They tried with all their might as the only thing that stopped them from devouring me were the chains held by Samael. Held by the sadistic freak who would have no problem with ending my life right now.
“How do you feel about this, Tony? It’s lovely, isn’t it?” His voice was as hateful as ever.
I sank into the chair as much as I can even though I knew it wouldn’t help at all. As the walkers got closer, I noticed that they had no jaw. That made my heart drop with the biggest relief I have felt in a while. I knew at this point that he was just fucking with me and trying to get in my head. It wasn’t gonna work this time.
The walkers got into my face. Their groans and moans were louder than ever, and I can even feel the warmth of their breath on my cheeks. Despite knowing that they were harmless without their jaws, I still felt uneasy and nervous with them being so close to me.
Then, Samael pulled the walkers back and chained them back against the wall. “You think that think you’re brave.”
I shook my head in response, not even bothering to speak.
“I saw how scared shitless you were. You noticed they didn’t have their bottom jaws and acted like a tough guy. You ain’t fooling me. Under immediate circumstances, I can tell that you are weak. Not intelligent. When we knocked on your door earlier, you answered it as if it was all fine and dandy. I could have had a rifle aimed right at you and fired as soon as you answered, and murdered your friends and looted your stuff.” He said.
I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I knew that would only make things worse.
“Trust me Tony, this has only made my job easier. The devil will sure be happy.” He approached me and freed me from the chair. “Follow me.”
He walked out of the facility room. I sat up from the chair and eased my way out of that room. He walked a little bit to the left, in which the walk was only a few minutes. He advanced to a small sized funhouse with a large clown head at the top of the building.
“You’ve had to been in one of these before, right?” He asked me.
“Well, yeah…” I answered truthfully.
“Right! Who hasn’t?” He smiled, which made me want to punch him. He put his hand on my shoulder and spoke. “Tony, you need to go in there and fetch me something. The devil is hungry for a snack. Not too much, no. Just a small snack. You’re going to go inside and retrieve it for me. Top floor.”
“What is it…?” I asked, my voice shaking.
“You'll know what it is.” He grinned. “Now go on.” He shoved me once more. “Oh, and you'll need this.” He handed me a large blade which I reluctantly took.
It started off with a mirror maze. However, each mirror had blood stains on them. It made it difficult to distinguish the open paths. I was a bit worried navigating the maze, I was afraid of running into a walker or something. Luckily, I was able to make it to the end rather easily. I was always good at those, and the maze itself wasn't that big.
The end of the mirror maze led me to a room with stairs going up to the next floor. Was it the top floor already? It had to be. It wasn't that tall to begin with.
I took a deep breath, and prepared myself for what I was about to walk into. I took the first step, and took another breath. At this point, I said fuck it. Stalling wasn't going to help.
I rushed up the stairs and it immediately led me to the next room. It was a hall of those funky mirrors that make you look distorted. But the elephant in the room was Mark chained up against the wall, just like the walkers were.
He was awake, and noticed me right away. “Tony!” He exclaimed.
“Mark, what happened?” I asked.
Before he could explain, Samael’s voice could be heard over a loudspeaker inside. “No chit chat. I told you, this is the devil’s snack. Tony, use that blade and give me that fucker’s hand. Not his bad hand. Or his foot, that works too. Only one though. Remember, the devil isn't too hungry right now.”
I look at Mark as if I had just seen a ghost. “Mark…”
“Do it, I don't even want to imagine what he’ll do if you disobey.” He assured me.
I thought about it for a few seconds, before Samael interrupted once more. “Come on, hurry the fuck up now!”
“I'm so sorry Mark… hand or foot?” I asked probably one of the most disturbing questions I've asked in my life.
“I don't care man, if I make it out alive I wanna be able to walk. But I wanna be able to fight too.” He answered.
Okay... I am afraid now I can see a downside of killing John, which I haven't seen before. The weapon Tony used to kill him is no longer usable now, being too deeply embedded in his skull. The part of the group that remained down in the cellar, they could have possibly used that splint to defend themselves from whatever happens to them in the meantime. In general, the group has split up far too much. The majority of the group is sitting in that house, unable to be of any help, the asians are god knows where, Tom has been taken and I am pretty sure Samael has something planned for him to further break Tony, similar to what he did to Mark now and then there's Yoshiro, Adam and Mina down in the cellar. I still think Samal has chosen them for a reason as well and that his plans for these three are far from over. Though I think we'll get an update on Tom first somewhere in the remainder of this chapter, as he has specifically been singled out and since Samael likely wants to punish Dom for attacking him earlier.
[Cut off his foot]
Oh shit... oh shit that damn choice again. This is messed up, but I don't really have much of a hard time picking this for a very specific reason. A foot can be replaced, a hand can't. Even with modern, state-of-the art prosthetics, only the most basic functions of a hand can be roughly replaced, whereas prosthetic feet need to be far less advanced to work just fine. Just remember Hershel in the show, who has been able to walk just fine and even to run with a limp in Season 4, due to his prosthetic leg. A hand meanwhile is irreplacable, especially after the collapse of society makes acquiring a modern prosthesis impossible. So, the best they can hope for is that they manage to keep Mark alive long enough for his wound to heal and for him to receive a prosthetic foot, which should allow him to function mostly normally, even if it'll permanently slow him down. On top of that, I think this injury will keep him more able to defend himself while he is still recovering, since losing his good hand would effectively make him fully incapable of doing most basic tasks until his other hand would heal, if it ever heals completely in the first place.
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
I know Im late but happy second anniversary! I am so happy I joined the story so early and that it is still going strong. This is one of my favorite fan fictions I have read on the internet and I look forward for the next anniversary
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, today is the two year anniversary of this story. Well, technically yesterday was since the 10th was the da… morey I created the thread, but the very first part was released on the 11th of February back in 2015. I honestly can't believe it's already been 2 years. 2 years ago, I didn't even know if I would still be writing. I was a sophomore back then, and now I'm about to graduate high school in 4 months. Thank you all for the immense amount of support you've given me the last 2 years, and thank you for reading this story. I've met so many great people on the forum since, and it wouldn't be possible without this. You are all truly awesome. Time flies when you're having fun.
No arguing here, losing a foot is better than a hand. A foot can be replaced and theres not much it has to do but a hand would be more crippling and he already has one wounded hand.
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
Damn it's already been two years!? Time sure does fly. I'm so glad that this story has continued and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Your story has been amazing and I'm always eager to read the next part. Good luck with future parts and I hope there are many more anniversaries to come!
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, today is the two year anniversary of this story. Well, technically yesterday was since the 10th was the da… morey I created the thread, but the very first part was released on the 11th of February back in 2015. I honestly can't believe it's already been 2 years. 2 years ago, I didn't even know if I would still be writing. I was a sophomore back then, and now I'm about to graduate high school in 4 months. Thank you all for the immense amount of support you've given me the last 2 years, and thank you for reading this story. I've met so many great people on the forum since, and it wouldn't be possible without this. You are all truly awesome. Time flies when you're having fun.
Shit this is a hard decision. After a lot of thinking I have to choose this, while losing a foot is terrible not being able to effectively defend yourself is a death sentence. Hopefully this ends up being the best choice.
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
I know Im late but happy second anniversary! I am so happy I joined the story so early and that it is still going strong. This is one of my favorite fan fictions I have read on the internet and I look forward for the next anniversary
Yep, time flies indeed. Can't believe. Thanks for all of the support and appreciation you have showed in the past, as well as the help for getting past writer's block a while ago. Let's hope for many more anniversaries
Damn it's already been two years!? Time sure does fly. I'm so glad that this story has continued and I can't wait to see where it goes from … morehere. Your story has been amazing and I'm always eager to read the next part. Good luck with future parts and I hope there are many more anniversaries to come!
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking.… more I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.… [view original content]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I raised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot, and closed my eyes as I twisted it as hard as I could. Crack!
“AHHHH! Fuck!!!” Mark let out a painful shriek.
I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the crack. Please let that be over, please. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I felt around his ankle, and his tibia was still in tact. I had broken his fibula, the smaller bone in his leg. Of course, the easier one. As if it wasn’t hard enough.
“Fuck Tony, cut it off already!” Mark begged.
“I can’t man, I can’t!” I quickly rose to my feet, trying to think of an easier way to do this.
“Alright Mark, bend your foot forward. I know it’s gonna hurt but just do it. We have to get this over with!” I informed him.
Mark took in a deep breath beforehand and waited a few seconds. Then, he finally bent his foot forward. He grimaced in pain as he did this.
I knew the only way I’d have the strength to actually snap his tibia in half was to put a natural force on his oppositely bent leg. His foot was rested on the ground, and I was ready to jump directly onto it. Kind of like those common soccer injuries; except this was much, much worse.
“Three… two….” I counted. Mark was ready, his eyes still closed and still grimacing. “One!”
I took a friendly hop directly onto his ankle. It couldn’t have snapped any easier.
“FUUUUUCK!!!!” He let out a bloodcurdling scream. It was terrifying,
“Stay calm please! I’m getting right into it now!” I told him immediately as I did not want to waste time and leave him in any more pain. I kneeled down and began to slice through his tan skin.
His screams remained as the only thing I could really hear. Blood was leaking onto the floor and spreading out everywhere, as if someone had spilled a drink on the table.
Usually, I’d be throwing up at this point. But after having to forcefully drown a man I didn’t know and kill my friend by impaling his skull in a matter of three hours, I somehow managed to concentrate on the main objective to the best of my abilities.
I already carved about halfway through his ankle. The blood got extremely out of hand and I couldn’t bear to look at the horrific sight anymore. I just closed my eyes and thrusted the blade back and forth as hard as I could.
“Hurry Tony! Oh fuck!!!” Mark began to squirm around in intense pain. I had to open my eyes and grasp his lower shin, just above where the bone had been broken; just to stop him from moving around everywhere.
“Almost done! Just… stay still!” I told him, although I knew it was nearly impossible for him to withstand without moving.
About ten extra seconds of slashing felt like an eternity. The blade finally went all the way through, and my hand that was holding his leg uncomfortably separated due to the amount of force I was clasping it with.
I swiftly removed my hand from his leg and it was completely red from Mark’s blood. I remained kneeling in the same position for about ten extra seconds before finally standing up straight.
“I am so sorry… I can’t…..” I trailed off in despair. His foot lay on the ground, which was still oozing blood. An occasional sprinkle spurted out of Mark’s leg, which made me even more uneasy.
Meanwhile, Samael could be heard giggling. “Very well! Excellent job Tony. You can retrieve the meat and bring it on down here.”
I looked at Mark and shook my head. I wanted to say something, but he spoke before me. “Do it… just go…. you did….. what you had…... to do.”
I could tell he was losing consciousness from the blood loss. I was hoping, begging that he would be okay. If someone I now considered a friend were to die by my hand, the amount of guilt that would weigh on my shoulders would be immense.
I sighed in discomfort and sadness as I placed my hand on my forehead and shook my head once again. I reluctantly picked up the bloody foot, still dripping blood, and carried it in my left hand, while the god-forsaken blade in my right.
At the end of the rather short hallway was a purple twirly slide. As I readied myself to go down, I turned around to get one last look at Mark. He was laying in the same position, not moving at all. I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or not, which worried me greatly.
I sighed and finally slid down the slide. I landed on a sturdy, cheap mat that left me adjacent bad to the entrance of the funhouse, where Samael was still standing. He was already facing me when I came into his view.
He signaled for me to come over to him, which I obeyed. I trudged my way towards him and he smiled. He snatched Mark’s foot out of my hand and brought the amputated part up to his nose. He inhaled mightily and released a comfortable-sounding exhale. “Fresh.” He shook his head in pleasure.
This disturbed me. I already knew it, but Samael was a freak who gave off legitimate creepy vibes. Who in the world could find amusement in something like this?
“Off we go now. The Devil is starving, we don’t want him to wait too long.” He spoke in a low tone and he began to walk away from the funhouse.
I stood there, confused on whether I should follow him or not. I stared at him walking away, for some reason unable to move. My confusion was thwarted by Samael after he turned around and gave me a cold glare. “You gonna fucking move or what?”
I snapped out of my trance and instantly began to walk behind him. As usual, this walk contained no words exchanged between the two of us. Samael walked slow and sluggish. I don’t know why, but it was almost as if he purposely dragged this out for as long as he could. Maybe he knew that I just wanted to get this over with. At the very least, I just wanted to go back to my group regardless of whoever it consisted of. I had no idea if my entire group remained intact anymore; Adam and Mina were stuck in a cellar, Mark was in the funhouse, the asians are split up, and who knows if my friends in the shed were all still in there. There was not a single moment that passed by without my heart racing or my stomach dropping due to the enormous amount of concern that I had.
But no. Samael had to be the evil douche that he was. No sympathy. No remorse. No morals. No heart.
As I followed him, my shoes dragged along the concrete ground of the park. I was shot as well. This day has been the most eventful day since the outbreak started, and easily the worst.
An interesting thought passed through my mind. How would Franklin handle this? He was always a humble leader for us and he’d for sure make this hell a lot easier for us - not to mention he was very intelligent. I missed Franklin. All of the hell I’ve been through lately with losing my group, finding them, and then being treated to this shit made me forget completely about the sacrifice he made for us at Fredrik’s.
It also made me question if leaving Gericke’s completely was truly the better option. Sure, it was dangerous to go back there and the risk was definitely high, but look what happened now. I wouldn’t have met John, the asians, nor Tina and her group. A large amount of surprise guilt hovered over me as I realized that the ones who died might have still been alive if we never stumbled across Trevor and Karen’s lodge. John might have still been alive. Joe might have still been alive. Mark would still have both feet, and who knows if he’s going to make it. Ashley could have still been alive. And lastly, Nick might still be here with us. That one hurt my heart the most. And considering how much I cared for Katrina now, the fact that I now feel the one to blame for Nick’s death made me tear up. I honestly felt like crying behind Samael, right now. But I knew there was no way I could allow that. I had to get these thoughts out of my head, and I had to do it now.
It wasn’t an easy task. Samael was still walking awfully slow, and I was so distraught in the moment that my mind automatically raced to depressing places without me having any control. I gave myself a quiet slap. I doubted it would work, but I was so desperate. Desperate for peace, desperate for freedom, and desperate for happiness. This place was the complete opposite of all of those. The complete opposite.
I finally managed to clear my mind completely, as I focused directly onto the current objective without any additional thought. I knew we still had a good amount of distance to go, so I took a deep breath and concentrated on the only thing I could at the moment: Samael.
March 18th, 2017. 6:48 P.M.
That hellish walk was finally over. I stood beside Samael, on the brink of the lake. I must say that the lake was really nasty. It was murky and dark and there were lily pads and what not floating around in it. Most of the foulness probably came from all of the shit that Samael threw into there.
“You ready?” He spoke. I knew he was talking about throwing Mark’s foot into the lake.
“Yeah…..” I muttered.
Samael nodded and smirked at me, and then handed me the foot. “All yours.”
I didn't know I was going to be the one doing it. I really didn't want to. “Me?”
I knew as soon as that word left my mouth that I probably shouldn't have said it. He narrowed his eyes whilst facing me and growled. “Yes, you! Fucktard.”
He held the foot out over the ground, holding it by the side. I reluctantly took it and aimed towards the lake.
“NOW!” He exclaimed. “Don't you dare upset the Devil.”
I sighed in defeat and tossed the foot into the lake. It made a decent splash before it quickly sank below and was never to be seen again.
“Now…. Shhhhh……: Samael put his finger over his lips.
I didn't even bother to question him. However, I did have no clue why he was signaling to be quiet.
“You hear that?” He grinned. No, I didn't hear anything. But I really didn't want to get on his nerves.
“Uh… yeah’” I lied. I really hoped he couldn't see through it.
Luckily, it doesn't seem as if it did. “That's the sound of the devil devouring it. Crazy ain't it?”
I really wanted to say that he was crazy but that would only make things ten times worse. I was able to keep my cool.
“Yes…..” I responded with the most unenthusiastic answer ever.
Samael nodded with a large grin on his face and finally came to a conclusion. “Now if you excuse me, I have some…. work to do.”
With this, Samael finally left my sight. It was very relieving to not see him. He was the personification of evil.
I stood at the lake, doing nothing. Samael didn't give me any orders, so I wasn't sure if what to do. The shed was right over there, extremely close. Could I talk to my friends again? Was I allowed? I really didn't want any more trouble. Was he coming back? Should I wait here? What if I'm supposed to follow him? Considering the few times I didn't follow him when I was supposed to resulted in him turning around angrily, I thought it was safe enough to eliminate this scenario since he didn't do it this time. Still, there was still a chance at something potentially happening, maybe even really bad. I could find out what he was up to and sneak behind him, but is that super high risk really worth it?
Ooooh boy, this is so damn intense. It has to be mentioned, this is the most intense stuff you've ever written for the story. There have been similar moments before, but not quite as intense as this. The whole situation is keeping me at the edge of my seat and it's making me legitimately uncomfortable, which I think is a good thing, considering the sort of material you're showing here. Damn, Samael is such a goddamn bastard, but unlike previous goddamn bastards the group encountered, he is the kind of guy I love to hate. Surely a huge improvement from the insufferable presence of Billy O'cunt, though that isn't very hard, so let me say that Samael is my favourite antagonist so far, even more than Ashton and Dexter, who have been similarly intense.
Anyways, I start to fear that Mark is fucked either way. It's something I only thought of later, but regardless of what Tony would have cut off, there would have been a lot of bleeding involved and honestly, I can't even see him remaining conscious for much longer and I doubt Samael is going to give him any sort of first aid. That ain't good for him, but I am even more concerned for the rest of the group.
[Follow Samael]
So... I really had to resist the urge to enter she shed. I miss the group and I am highly concerned for them, but at the same time, I feel it is time for Tony to try something new. He can't just always wait for Samael to come back and inflict further torment on him and his friends. Remaining passive will eventually get them all killed. I have hoped for an opportunity to appear, but since it doesn't seem like it'll come, we have to try and find it. Since Samael hasn't given him any order, this can only mean two things: He trusts Tony enough to let him decide for himself, or this is part of one of his games, where he wants to find out how Tony is going to behave if left to his own. I believe waiting at the lake won't lead to anything useful and whole entering the shed and talking to the group would really ease my concern for them and would be a nice thing, since I want to see them again, but I doubt it would give Tony much of an advantage either when it comes to escaping. So, following Samael sounds like the only choice that could give him something to work on, a way to possibly defeat that monster and escape with his loved ones. And there is also the thing that I am concerned for what he just said. I still got the feeling he is planning something with Tom, whom he has at his mercy after all. Maybe following him can prevent worse.
By the way, it's interesting that Tony brought up the Gericke's choice from so long ago... I indeed wonder what would have happened if we would have decided differently back then. Hmmm, that might be something I could ask at the end of the chapter, unless you can answer it already?
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I ra… moreised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot,… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I ra… moreised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot,… [view original content]
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I ra… moreised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot,… [view original content]
Ooooh boy, this is so damn intense. It has to be mentioned, this is the most intense stuff you've ever written for the story. There have been similar moments before, but not quite as intense as this. The whole situation is keeping me at the edge of my seat and it's making me legitimately uncomfortable, which I think is a good thing, considering the sort of material you're showing here.
Thanks! I'm glad you feel this way, as there are very... interesting things in store. I appreciate the compliments as I usually do
By the way, it's interesting that Tony brought up the Gericke's choice from so long ago... I indeed wonder what would have happened if we would have decided differently back then. Hmmm, that might be something I could ask at the end of the chapter, unless you can answer it already?
Yes, since this choice was a very long time ago there would be no harm in revealing it now. To be honest, I can't say much. At the time, it was quite an important choice as the plotine would have been very different. Very different. I only vaguely planned out what would happen if the Gericke's option would have won, but since it didn't, I stopped. The group, without Franklin, would have traveled elsewhere and meet other characters that are not yet introduced. As I said before, I didn't plan too much and I don't want to reveal potential plans for the future, so unfortunately that is all I can say.
Ooooh boy, this is so damn intense. It has to be mentioned, this is the most intense stuff you've ever written for the story. There have bee… moren similar moments before, but not quite as intense as this. The whole situation is keeping me at the edge of my seat and it's making me legitimately uncomfortable, which I think is a good thing, considering the sort of material you're showing here. Damn, Samael is such a goddamn bastard, but unlike previous goddamn bastards the group encountered, he is the kind of guy I love to hate. Surely a huge improvement from the insufferable presence of Billy O'cunt, though that isn't very hard, so let me say that Samael is my favourite antagonist so far, even more than Ashton and Dexter, who have been similarly intense.
Anyways, I start to fear that Mark is fucked either way. It's something I only thought of later, but regardless of what Tony would have cut off, there would have been a lot of bleeding involved a… [view original content]
Ugh, this was so intense! It's hard to make this choice because of how spontaneous Samael can be and what he might do next. I can't wait for the next part!
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I ra… moreised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot,… [view original content]
Such a hard choice! I would have liked to not vote here because I dont want to be responsible for messing up but I have to break the tie. And as much as I miss the group and want to see them again, I want to know what Samael is up to next and maybe Tony finds something that can help him and the others.
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I ra… moreised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot,… [view original content]
Sorry for the long wait, I was meaning to get this out last week but I was extremely busy. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I hope you all had a great Easter!
Chapter 8: Part 11
March 18th, 2017. 6:56 P.M.
[Follow Samael]
I glanced at the shed that contained all of my friends; hopefully, that is. I wanted to go in there so bad and retrieve at least some happiness from this putrid day. But I thought about it, and I knew that Samael can be up to something bad. When is there not a moment when he’s up to something bad? The man was indeed, as his appearance reflected, a grim reaper.
I was unsure if I wanted him knowing that I was following him. I speculated as he was walking farther and farther away, and decided that I would try sneaking behind him. However, I did not want to make it seem like I was. I was going to walk casually in case he did turn around and catch me, because if he caught me in such an obvious act, who knows what he might do.
I began walking how I usually would, but I made sure to put more pressure on my feet as I stepped on the concrete. This was so I could make my footsteps more quiet without requiring me to enter a stealth position.
I tried my best to keep a reasonable distance between him and myself. However, I didn’t get far when he turned his head to see what was behind him as he was still walking. I got a slight feeling of nervousness in my stomach, as I waited for him to say something.
“Ah, good old ambitious Tony.” He spoke in a rather hoarse voice, as if he had to clear his throat. “I expected this. Everything we have done together has convinced me that you are willing to take anything head-on. You aren’t afraid of consequences. Actually, I don’t think you even care about the consequences no matter what the circumstances are.”
To this, I shook my head very quickly. He was wrong. I always took things into consideration; it’s just that Samael has been one huge mindfuck, and so are his ‘tests’ and ‘experiments.’
“Well, no matter what you think, I’m happy you decided to tag along with me once more.” He continued. “You know, I wouldn’t have been mad if you joined your friends in that shed. Besides, who knows if anyone is even still in there.”
This caused me to gulp. I never usually gulped in fear, but this just came out of nowhere. Those words made my stomach drop. I knew Samael’s words were not something to completely believe right off the bat, but there was still a good chance he wasn’t exaggerating anything at all.
“Nonetheless, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what’s coming next. You’re in luck, that I’ve decided to initiate something that you should look forward to. Something that would be better with you as well.”
I had no idea what he was saying, but it made me nervous. He obviously had something terrible in store. A small wave of regret passed through me for following him, but I composed myself by realizing that he might do the absolute worst if I wasn’t by his side.
Samael didn’t speak after that. I followed him as we both silently re-entered the park. Just being in here didn’t feel right. It was almost as if you can sense the amount of death that occurred at this location.
For some reason, Samael turned around to check on me more times than usual. In fact, I don’t think he ever has until now. He really wanted to keep an eye on me. I assumed that he was really eager for me to do whatever he was taking me to, as he stated before. This only made me feel even more uneasy.
“Samael…” I dared to ask the following question. “Wh-where are we going?”
In response, he turned around and gave me a smirk. “You’ll like it.”
No I wouldn’t. This man was full of shit. I mentally prepared myself for something horrid.
We kept walking in more silence. We walked for a while. He led me to the other side of the park, where more roller coasters were.
It was until we eventually reached a room - a somewhat mechanical room. A faculty room. It was situated right next to a large wooden roller coaster. I’ve actually ridden this coaster before - it was called the Raging Bull. It was very intense and one of the favorites in the park, a title that was well deserved.
As Samael placed his hand onto the doorknob, he turned and faced me for what seemed like the one hundredth time. “I hope you’re ready.” He grinned as he spoke. His grin was menacing. Evil.
As usual, I didn’t respond. I just waited for him to open the god forsaken door. He made me wait a good five or six seconds before finally twisting the doorknob and pushing it open.
He went in and turned on the lights. I couldn’t see much since I was still outside of the room. I didn’t want to go in.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” He snapped at me. “Come on in.”
I let out a deep exhale, as I readied myself for the sight that was waiting for me inside the room.
My anxiety overpowered my fear. I quickly stepped into the room. Emi and Miyako were bondaged and tied up on the floor. There were two of his men in the room as well, each holding two walkers by chains. They were wearing similar black robes to the one that Samael was wearing.
“Told you! You’re overreacting Tony. This isn’t that bad, right?” Samael chuckled.
“What did you do to them?!” I almost yelled.
“That you do not need to know.” He replied. He then shifted his attention over to Miyako. “I must say, I didn’t know your friend was such a nice girl. She may be a great addition, don’t you say?”
I could see Miyako’s face tense up in pure fury. I even felt her urge to punch Samael right in the face.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughed maniacally.
“What the fuck do you want me to do?” I asked, once again almost yelling.
He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but then he paused. He closed his mouth for a few seconds, and then spoke. “You know, I think you’ll be better off just leaving here.”
“No.” I immediately retorted. “I’m not leaving and letting you do anything to them.”
“Ahhh, smart response! Incredibly smart!” He clapped with a large smile. This time, I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I was tempted to say something, but I knew it wouldn’t help at all.
He kneeled down beside Miyako and began untying her “You are a very intelligent man Tony, I don’t know if anyone has told you that before.”
As he finished his sentence, he helped Miyako up from the floor. He then went to free Emi from where she was tied down as well.
I was getting really angry now. The fact that Samael can just kick us around and do whatever he wants was extremely infuriating. I would do anything to uppercut him right now.
“You two lovely women.” He started. “How about you-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Miyako slapped him hard across the face. “Shut the fuck up! Where is Yoshi? Where is Kazu?”
“Miyako!” Emi became immediately concerned has she placed both of her hands on Miyako’s arm. However, she ignored her.
“You don’t need to know that either.” Samael responded, pretty much unphased by the hit.
Miyako gave him another hard slap, this time on his left cheek. “Tell me now.”
It then hit me that Miyako had a huge advantage over Samael. He was so obsessed with her that there was no way he would let her die. And she knew that. Emi didn’t. And Emi didn’t know that she now likely has the same advantage that Miyako has. Knowing this logic, was I on that list was well? Samael seems to favor me more than anyone else. He likes to ‘play’ with me the most. It was a bold thought, but it was something I needed to find out eventually. That mindset heavily reduced my fear of the consequences I would receive if I revealed Yoshiro’s location, since I knew where he was. So I went for it.
“Yoshiro is in some sort of cellar. He was beaten up badly but he’s alive. Adam and Mina are down there as well. John was, but…”
Emi reacted more than Miyako, given how she knew John for at least a little bit of time. Miyako seemed more relieved if anything, which was somewhat expected since she didn’t know who John was.
“He’s a pesky little fucker, huh?” Samael spoke to his men, in which they nodded in response.
“Very.” One of them stated bluntly.
“Eh, I guess it’s not that big of a deal. He’s probably dead at this point.” Samael smiled.
Miyako didn’t seem to bothered by his statement, as she probably knew he was full of shit. She instead repeated her question. “Where’s Kazu?”
Samael shook his head. “I told you, that information is classified. Does it really matter?”
This time, she punched Samael in the stomach. “Shut the fuck up.”
Samael noticeably got the wind knocked out of him. He was hunched over and looked up at Miyako with open eyes, as if he had just seen a ghost. He was struggling to get his words out.
“I’m waiting.” She glanced down at him.
“You really want to know?” He told her. “Follow me, beautiful.”
Miyako spit on Samael in disgust, but he didn’t seem to care. He finally returned to his normal stance and recovered from the punch. He exited the room with Miyako and Emi behind him. Just was I was about to leave the room as well, Samael slammed the door on my face. “Oh no. You stay, just like you wanted.” He told me through the door.
“What?” I asked in bewilderment.
“You chose to follow me here. You even said you weren’t leaving because you wanted to stay by your little friends. Well, you got your wish. Only your friends are with me now, and you’re trapped in there.” He spoke in a muffled voice.
Somehow, Samael has managed to twist my words and my decision to turn everything back on me. I knew what he was saying was bullshit, as he clearly has no knowledge of different point of views. “No, let me out you piece of shit!” I banged on the door.
“Why are you so mad Tony? Don’t worry, I left you a fun game to play.” He said. “Boys, show him.”
The two men who were still in the room with me were quick to respond to his order. One of the men handed over his chained walkers to the other, as he grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me to a large lever attached to the right side of the wall. The lever was located in between boilers, pipes, and other large machines.
“Tony.” The man spoke in an intimidating voice. “Samael was kind enough to give you the honors to pull this lever if ya want.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked in a serious tone.
“It’s your choice - you wanna pull the lever or not? Pull it, you can kill somebody. Pull it, you can save somebody. Do nothing, you can kill somebody. Do nothing, you can save somebody.” He explained, seeming very excited.
“What is this, a guessing game?” I broke free of the man’s grip.
“It’s not a game, it’s a choice.” The man dodged my question.
This was so fucked up. It was basically a fifty-fifty chance for something I had no idea was about. My mind was racing through so many possibilities, but there wasn’t much to think about for this one. There was nothing I could think about.
“Decide now, Tony. You better hurry, or you’ll be the devil’s next meal.” The man holding all four walkers began approaching me.
My heart started racing. I had a choice, but it wasn’t really a choice. It was a gamble. It was a gamble I didn’t want to take, but was forced to take.
(Leave the cellar with Samael... wait, Allow John to distract... Leave... Allow... fuck IDK!)
Holy shit, what a choice! Leaving the cellar may save John's life, but it may put them all in there at risk in the long run! Plus, hows it gonna look to the others that we left them in the cellar? I don't know on this one, i'm sorry.
I'm erring towards leaving the cellar, but i'll leave it with you guys. I'm staying on the fence on this one.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
[Leave the cellar with Samael]
Oh damn it, this was a thrilling part! I am baffled how the situation just keeps getting more hopeless. At this point, something seriously unexpected has to happen for them to escape, since Samael is the first villain that is actually out to kill them all, aside from Billy, that incompetent fuck. Samael's doing this rather intelligently, but sooner or later, he has to make a mistake, right? My money is either on him underestimating Miyako, who has been his prisoner for the longest and knows him the best, or triggering Dom to the point where he just kills him without any regard for his own survival. There are hints of mistakes, but whenever it seems like now he's finally fucked up, he pulls another twist that makes him look like the vastly more powerful party here. I'm not even sure if killing him is possible, maybe all the group can do is to sneak away from him and to run too far for him to follow. But for that, they have to escape first.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
Alright, this was seriously one of the hardest choices in the entire story. Definitely the hardest in this chapter so far, though I am not exactly sure if it is the hardest in the entire story. And I actually had to spend quite some time on making up my mind here. In the end however, I choose this for two reasons. John might be a skilled survivor, but out of the ones down there, Tony is the best they have, since he generally is one of the best in the group. Maybe by staying down there, he can prevent more deaths among his friends. So, I don't want to leave them. Second, I don't trust Samael, not one bit. This is all part of some sick game and I am pretty sure that he is going to do something seriously horrible to Tony, or to Tom, just so that Tony is forced to watch. He wouldn't just offer such a thing without any bad intentions behind it. I don't like to sacrifice John, but I still see it as better than trusting Samael.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
This is a really hard choice, ugh! This was such a great part and things are looking even more hopeless for the group.
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the reason why I haven't even began writing the next part yet is because right now, the voting is a tie. I've been waiting a few days for someone to comment and break the tie, but I don't wanna go too long without reminding you.
I usually hate making posts like these because I don't want to pressure people who already voted into changing their vote to a choice they don't like just for the sake of continuing the story. So, unless you are 100% sure and comfortable with changing your vote, please don't feel the need to change it. I just wanted to let you all know.
Hm, this is a hard choice we had there and I am still unsure about this. I'd say, if nobody has broken the tie by tomorrow, I shall change my vote, even if I am relatively confident with the one I have chosen. But ultimately, my desire to have a new part far outweighs my desire to stick with my vote. That is, as long as it is not a vote that concers Kat. Currently, it seems like it is more a decision between saving John, although at the cost of endangering Tom and further playing Samael's game, or sacrificing John and proving that Tony is smart enough to see through Samael's attempts at tricking him, which I could also see as the better choice for Tom. But at the same time, I am afraid that Tom could be killed either way if Tony doesn't go up there. ARGH, now I have started to doubt my own choice again! I still want to give it a couple of hours, maybe someone else wishes to break the tie who is more sure that the other choice will lead to the better outcome. I know, I wouldn't be 100% comfortable with either choice here, so it doesn't really matter to me if I change my vote, but as I said, maybe someone else wants to do it?
Actually, what's with @janitor? Janitor, I summon thee, as the only active reader who hasn't voted so far! Use thyne powerth to breaketh the voteth tieth!
Oh! Truth be told I didn't realise it was a tie. I still don't know what to do with this, it's such a hard choice! The tie in the choice reflects that. I'm sorry this is stopping you from writing, i'm just undecided
I'm leaning towards leaving with Samael as I have from the start, but I'm not as sure as to fully commit to the choice. John's life appears to be at stake here and Tom's as well indirectly. Either choice may result in a death which is going to be seen as Tony's fault in either choice. Poor guy ;(
Yes, I do realize that this is a difficult choice. However, don't feel bad for the halt! If you don't want to vote for either options and feel that you are the reason for the consequences after, then don't vote; I do the same thing too sometimes. Someone changed their vote, so as of now, you don't need to worry about voting
Sorry for not voting so long. I was too busy. I want to vote for [Leave the cellar with Samael] but I dont know if I would make it a tie again. I just want a new part and then I will vote faster XD If my vote makes a new tie then ignore it! Btw, great part! Samael is scary but I also think he is the best villain in the story so far because he is so dangerous.
This part was originally supposed to be out a few days ago, but I ended up getting sick so sorry for the delay. Sorry for the longer wait as well. The past two weeks have been nothing but midterms and exams so I couldn't really get much free time. But those are over, so I hope you enjoy
Chapter 8: Part 7
March 17th, 2017. 4:49 P.M.
[Allow John to distract and join your friends in the room]
I didn’t even bother to respond to Samael’s offer. There was no way I could trust him. I hated the idea of John basically sacrificing himself for me, but I wasn’t gonna take Samael’s hand. Anything but that. If I stood here and remained still, the walkers were gonna kill me.
I snapped my head back down and gazed down the hall. I closed my eyes and shook my head whilst letting out a sigh. “Alright, John… if you say so…”
I opened my eyes and took a step away from the cellar door. “Fine, then. Stay down there. Stupid decision if you ask me.” I heard Samael’s voice slightly echo into the cellar before the door was shut. He was gone.
“Don’t worry Tony, your friends need you more. I got this.” John called out to me. “You ready?”
“Alright.” He responded. “Go!”
I saw John slip out from the room and make his way to the other side of the hallway in reverse. He didn’t leave his eyes off of the walkers, which all tried to corner him into the end of the hall. Thankfully, they were pretty slow. I used this time to sprint towards the room as fast as I can.
I approached the entrance to the room. “Get in!” Adam made a hand gesture signaling for me to enter.
However, since I was right next to the door, I had to help John out of there. I couldn’t just leave him. “Hold on.”
I took a step away from the entrance to the room, and tried to get the walkers’ attention. “HERE!”
Only one walker shifted their focus to me. Luckily, this walker was all the way to the right. I ran up to two other walkers and quickly whacked them in the back. This got their attention, and I lured them to the right wall, the opposite wall of the room.
The walkers were spread out, so I couldn’t have them follow me in a straight line. They clogged up most of the hallway. I brought them as far back as I could, and scrambled to the room. “John, come on! I got three of them off of ya!”
John was still trapped in the end of the hallway. There was only a slight opening on the right side of the wall. He had to squeeze his way through there, ever so swiftly - or else, he was probably done for.
The other walkers that I had lured away from him were now making their way back to John. He had to get out of there fast.
“Hurry!” I tried reminding him. I had no doubt in my mind that he was fully aware of his situation. The problem was that the opening was barely an opening at all. It was a pretty much life or death decision.
John steadied himself, and prepared to make his move. He took a small step back, and went for it. He got halfway through the opening, and I thought he was going to make it just fine. However, my joy was short lived. The walkers had tripped him, and before he could get up and make his way back to the room, a walker munched on his right ankle. He kicked the walker away with his left foot and scrambled into the room with us.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed. “That’s it. I’m dead.”
“You aren’t dead yet, we can cut the foot off.” Adam told him.
“How?” John replied quite hastily. “We have no equipment to do it.”
“I don’t know, but we have to try.” Adam responded demandingly.
“There’s no use.” John assured him.”I’d have to break my own leg, and we don’t have anything that can cut through the muscle and blood vessels fast enough without me bleeding out.”
“Fuck, John, I’m sorry. It’s -” I started saying but he cut me off.
“Don’t even apologize, Tony. It’s not your fault. I asked for this.” He replied.
“It’s my fault.” Adam muttered. “If I didn’t… stop you from, going out there -”
“Don’t think like that man, you’re too nice.” John said. “Again, I asked for this. The least I can do is die helping you guys. It’s not like I have anyone left alive who’ll be affected by me goin’.”
“I wouldn’t have reunited with all of you if it wasn’t for you.” I told him, which was true. If he hadn’t tracked me down and searched the entire day for me, the whereabouts of my old group would still be a mystery.
“Yeah, and I wouldn’t have brought you guys back to this shit hole.” He responded.
“I’d rather be here with my friends than be out there without them.” I spoke.
John gazed at me and didn’t reply. Instead, he sighed and looked down at his bloodied ankle. He wasn’t showing any signs of pain, nor dying. He seemed almost completely unaffected.
“Well….” Mina said awkwardly to break the silence. “What do we do now?”
This was a good question. I had no idea what to do. There was really nothing to do, and John was now bitten and slowly dying.
“We just wait it out I guess…” I answered. “At this point, I want Samael to come.”
Yoshiro coughed. “Why did this have to happen to us? We all deserve better. You don’t deserve to die, John.”
“You don’t worry about me, now.” John told him. “I did what I had to do. I don’t care how weak I am, I’m getting you guys outta here.”
“I hate to ask this, but……. how long until, you now……….” Mina asked nervously.
“I don’t know.” He replied. “I’ve never seen anyone get bitten besides Joe. He didn’t last too long.”
At this point, all of the walkers were leaning against the wood bars separating us from them. Luckily, they weren’t strong enough to alter the wood at all. Not even the wood that was destroyed from the bottom, since it was still somewhat lodged into a small hole in the ground.
“We’re trapped. We’re actually trapped.” Adam threw his hands in the air. “We have to sit here and do nothing. Nothing but pray.”
John situated himself against the right side wall of the room and folded his arms. He kept his legs straight out, and watched as his ankle slowly oozed blood. “You guys should be paying attention. In case someone else gets bitten, monitor my condition and how long it takes for certain things to happen.”
“How do you feel?” Mina asked.
“I don’t feel any differences just yet. I’ll let you know everything that happens.” He replied.
“I bet you Samael is laughing at us right now. He has hidden cameras everywhere. He’s watching this with a big, goofy ass smile on his face.” I lashed out.
“He might be able to hear us.” Adam warned me. “Don’t say anything stupid, just be safe.”
“I don’t care if he can. Fuck you!” I stuck up the middle finger and waved it around. I knew John was going to die no matter what. Mark is God knows where. Tom is probably dead. Miyako and Emi are probably going through torture. This monster was worse than anyone we’ve come across so far. At least those people were mostly functional in the head. Samael was insane. His mind didn’t function the way a normal human mind should. It was pure evil. Once again, the only way I can describe him.
“I’d do anything to be stuck back at Ashton’s.” Adam said. “That place was heaven compared to this. At least we were provided with food, shelter, and somewhat care. There was a community. Not a good one, but there were other survivors we’d interact with. And, they didn’t kill people for no reason at all. They killed people which was still terrible, but they had a reason for it, even if it for the slightest thing.”
Adam was right. Ashton’s community felt like a vacation compared to this. This was literal enslavement. Not one ounce of freedom. Constantly in danger. This life epitomized what this world is now. And what sickened me is that somewhere in the world, there was probably something that was ten times worse than this. If the apocalypse can turn Samael into this, it can turn anybody into anything.
“I know man.” I shook my head. “I know.”
The room fell silent. Well, not silent. The walkers were pretty loud. We were all leaning back against the wall. Absolutely nothing to do. John was dying beside us. The helplessness was eating me away. I was watching my friend die and I couldn’t do anything about it.
I tried my best to put these thoughts away and relax, somehow. I closed my eyes and exhaled, attempted to clear my mind. As I tried my best to get comfortable and relaxed, I ended up falling asleep.
March 18th, 2017. 5:36 P.M.
“Tony….. Tony, wake up man.” Adam was barely shaking me.
I slowly opened up my eyes to see Yoshiro unconscious against the wall as well. Mina was tending John. “What’s going on?”
“John’s dying. I wanted to wake you up but John insisted we didn’t. But I decided to now because he wants to tell you something.”
I sat up and snapped into reality. I made my way to John. He didn’t look good. He was extremely pale and barely conscious.
“Tony.” He spoke, his voice still surprisingly clearer than it should be. “I’m dying. You gotta kill me or I’m gonna turn. If you can’t kill me, I’m getting my ass out there with the walkers. I’m gonna be one of them and I don’t want to kill you guys.”
“No…. how would we -” I began to ask until he cut me off.
“Mina broke off a small but sharp piece of wood from the beams. You have to dig it into my skull now, or I’m gonna turn. It’s either that or I get outta this room.”
“John, I can’t….” I trailed off.
“I know you don’t. But you have to. We all have to do things we don’t want to do. But it’s a necessity. Please, I’m asking for it. I’m asking for your approval. They already said their goodbyes.”
Mina calmly gave me the sharp wood John was talking about. She sighed in sadness as she handed it to me.
I didn’t expect to fall asleep before and this whole thing came out of nowhere. I was not expected to do something like this. Everyone in here looks up to me as the leader, so I knew they wouldn’t feel comfortable with whatever decision without my approval. It was so hard, though. John did not deserve this fate. He most definitely didn’t deserve to become a walker, and he didn’t deserve to have his friend jab a piece of wood into his skull either. I didn’t even want to know how he was feeling like right now. Knowing him, he probably didn’t even care or mind. He just wanted what was for the best of us. And for that to happen, I needed to make a gut-wrenching decision.
[Kill John] [Throw John out with the walkers]
[Kill John] No doubt, this is the better choice for him. He deserves a quick death, I see no reason to throw him out to the walkers, where he'd die in pain and then join their ranks.
I mean, I was very sure that this would happen, considering that the possibility has been brought up in the last choice, but it still feels bad, especially since a majority of us chose this. I mean, I don't know the alternative to this, but it will surely be among the things I shall ask at the end of this chapter. At least he went out like a boss. John is the first casualty of Chapter 8, but I doubt he will be the last. I fear he won't be the last and I fear Samael's just getting started. Maybe we managed to save Tom's life, or to give him at least a little longer, by not going with Samael, but I just noticed that he separated both, him and Mark from the main parts of the group. He also took most of the asians, but I have the feeling like they are a different case and that he chose Tom and Mark for a specific reason. I feel something seriously bad coming up there and it makes me terrified for the group in general and these two in particular.
I also got a question which you might be able to answer: How many parts are left in this chapter? If I'm not mistaken, previous chapters have usually ranged between 10 and 12 parts, which would mean that we're already getting closer to this chapter's endgame. So far, there's no sign of the group regaining control of the situation, so unless the other two sub-groups have encountered a way to escape once Tony returns, I fear that their captivity at the hands of Samael will continue into Chapter 9. Perhaps he's even going to capture them until Chapter 10, becoming this season's final antagonist in the process. He surely has the presence for it. But anyways, it would be interesting to roughly know how many parts you've got planned for this chapter.
As hard as it may be the best choice is to [Kill John]. He doesn't deserve to be turned into one of them.
[Kill John]
[Kill John]
To answer your question, depending on choices, there should be around 5 parts left. There may be a few extra parts. However, I can confirm that this chapter will not be the last you see of Samael. One chapter isn't enough for him
Hey guys, if you haven't noticed, today is the two year anniversary of this story. Well, technically yesterday was since the 10th was the day I created the thread, but the very first part was released on the 11th of February back in 2015. I honestly can't believe it's already been 2 years. 2 years ago, I didn't even know if I would still be writing. I was a sophomore back then, and now I'm about to graduate high school in 4 months. Thank you all for the immense amount of support you've given me the last 2 years, and thank you for reading this story. I've met so many great people on the forum since, and it wouldn't be possible without this. You are all truly awesome. Time flies when you're having fun.
What... no way! Damn it, and I asked you exactly for that reason, because I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, with some super huge post that would explain how much the story means to me and how honoured I am to read your writing. I can't believe I haven't managed to do that in time
My apologies and my congratulations at the same time.
Time flies indeed. 2 years is such a long time, but the story has grown into something truly amazing over these 2 years. Hell, it's crazy how much has changed since I begun reading this. I have studied business management back then. Fucking business management! The story has been there when good things happened (like me graduating and stopping to study business management) and when bad things happened (like me studying business management, which I, surprisingly, don't particularly like) and I think it's the same for the others, most of which have been here for a similarly long time. It is wonderful to me to see how stable the readership has been, how many people from the early days are still here.
And I can't even begin to put into words how much I enjoy all of this. Your writing, every new part, it's always something special. The forum has many great stories, but I can without a doubt say that A New Life is among my absolute favourites and it has been at that point for a long while now. The future can only get even better. And I am so freaking pumped for what you have in mind there. Thank you for writing this story. May there be many more anniversaries to celebrate here
Argh, I was afraid of this
I am so damn afraid for the group now. Not only Kat, or my other favourites Dom and Dylan, but all of them, even Tony, though I see him as safer than the others. Samael has already claimed John's life, I have no doubt Mark's chances are slim and it looks seriously grim for Tom, but with only 5 parts left, I could feel some of their fates being resolved in Chapter 9, or even Chapter 10 if my guess about him being the final antagonist of Season 1 turns out to be true.
Don't worry about it! It's not that big of a deal and I wasn't expecting anyone to type a huge post, I just wanted to celebrate. No need to apologize, the fact that you originally planned to is enough for me to be thankful of you making a post at all
Yeah, it's really crazy. I'm gonna have to continue writing this story in college after I graduate. It'll be even more crazy since I'll most likely go to a trade school. The fact that you studied business management when we first started it really insane. I also have noticed that most of the readers here have continued to read throughout the entire story, despite the long delays, the hiatus, the ban, etc. That's why I love all of you who read and motivate me to continue the story. You guys are awesome, not only as readers, but friends
I am honored that you enjoy it that much. I always look forward to writing and posting a new part no matter what the circumstances are. Thank YOU for reading and being an awesome friend along with all of the other readers, and yes, here are for many anniversaries to come
Chapter 8: Part 9
March 18th, 2017. 5:40 P.M.
[Kill John]
“Alright…. Alright. I’ll do it.” I trembled. I could feel myself shaking. I have killed people before, but it was only a simple gunshot to the head. I had to bring myself to forcefully thrust a sharp splint into my friend’s skull. It was awful, disgusting, and heartbreaking.
“Don’t be afraid. You’re gonna have to deal with situations like this in the future. Unfortunately, you can never have it easy in this world now.” John struggled to speak. “I wish you guys the best of luck, and please get out of this shithole.”
“I know, just please... “ I trailed off, and then let out a worried sigh. “We will. We’re gonna get out. You’ll be free from this living hell and will remain in infinite peace.”
“I’m gonna close my eyes, Tony.” He coughed. “Just do it, don’t worry about me. I’m gonna die anyways. I’ll be in peace, like you said. See my family...” He finally closed his eyes.
I lifted my hand above his head, my hand shaking more than ever. I couldn’t bring myself to do such a deed. What if I didn’t kill him on the first try?
“Do it now!” He spoke his last words.
“Don’t look guys.” I warned everyone else. I knew I couldn’t waste any more time. I thrusted the splint through his black hair, successfully piercing his scalp. As soon as it entered, his breathing stopped. Blood spurt out of the top of his head, like how lava would flow out of an erupting volcano. It dripped all over his face and leaked onto the floor.
I attempted to pull out the splint, but it was stuck. I stabbed him so hard that it was lodged in there. I couldn’t bring myself to grasp his head and forcefully pull it out, so I reluctantly left it as it was.
I crawled backwards away from John’s lifeless body and put my hands on my forehead. I couldn’t bear to look at him.
“Sorry, but…” Mina spoke. “I don’t know if I can handle him being there… like that…..”
She was right. It was disturbing. It was almost traumatizing. I’m not one to get traumatized easily, but the sight itself, the look on his face, haunted me.
I took my hands off of my forehead and tried my best to shift my attention away from John. “We have to get out of here.” I said. “We have to leave now. As soon as possible. And I’m not just talking about this cellar. This place. I have never had any experience worse than this.”
“There has to be a way. There has to be!” Adam slammed his fist against the floor. “What did we do to deserve this?”
Nothing. We did absolutely nothing. I hoped that Samael would soon get his karma. Never in my life have I met such a sick, morbid human being. He’s probably smiling and laughing right now. Me having to kill John was probably the highlight of his day, possibly even his week. It just blows me away how people can really be this hellish.
“Samael might set you guys free from this cellar at least. I’m stuck here for some time, especially considering my injuries.” Yoshiro grunted.
“I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing that you’d be down here all alone, not to mention, you know…” I told him whilst implying John’s presence.
“It’s better than you guys being trapped down here with me.” He responded.
I didn’t reply to his statement. He was right, but I didn’t want to sound selfish. “You don’t think you’re gonna… die, right?”
He chuckled, “No, I’m not hurting that much.”
“I’m afraid Samael will do something down here. Something bad.” Adam said with worry.
“Then so be it.” Yoshiro replied. “Just as long as Emi, Miyako, and Kazu are safe. You guys too.”
“We might not be safe.” Mina chimed in. “What if Samael just leaves us down here until we die?”
“The fucker better not.” I growled. I couldn’t handle being down here and having no idea what was going on with the others. I did not want to re-experience my time when I wasn’t with my original group.
The walkers still lingered around the outside of the room. They had no mind nor intelligence. They’ll stay there forever unless we threw John’s body out there for them to feast on. There was no way I was doing that though.
We were all sitting against the wall. There was nothing for us to do. I didn’t even know if I wanted Samael to come down or not. I wanted to get out of here but knowing him, he’d do something crazy.
Just as I finished processing these thoughts, the cellar door slammed open. Samael’s laugh bellowed throughout the entire cellar. Speak of the devil. Literally.
He gunned down all of the walkers with a machine gun, as their blood splattered all over the walls and some even entered the room. I heard Samael’s footsteps progress at a slow pace, and I anticipated his appearance outside the wooden barrier.
It didn’t take long for him to show up. He was holding his gun over his right shoulder as he turned to us. “I’m not an idiot, you know that.”
“I thought you were idiots, though. I was somewhat correct. You managed to get one of your friends killed.” He snickered menacingly. God, I wanted to kill him right there.
“But, I will say that I am slightly impressed. As a team, you guys were able make your way into this safe room and keep away from my minions. As I said though, you did lose a man. I see you fucked him up pretty good there!” He spoke with evil in his voice. He ripped down the wooden barrier that separated us from him, and entered.
“Too bad you already destroyed his brain. No use of taking him in now. I guess he’ll just serve as a tasty snack for the devil instead. I’ll feed him later.”
Everytime he spoke, it was intense. No one ever had much balls to respond to the guy.
“Rice eyes, how ya doing in there?” He asked, in an obvious racial slur. Disgusting.
“Fuck… you…” Yoshiro groaned.
This caused Samael to burst out into laughter. “Pipe down buddy. You ain’t going anywhere, and your words don’t make you sound tough.”
He then faced me. “Tony, my friend. I need you for a moment.” He began to walk towards the exit of the cellar. He gave me no time to take in the matter of the situation and expected me to follow him immediately.
“Guys…” I began to say in a quiet tone towards my friends but they cut me off.
“Go.” Mina assured. “We’ll be fine.” Adam smiled at me for a brief moment and Yoshiro waved as I turned to follow Samael.
I stepped over the dead walkers and attempted to catch up to Samael. We was already climbing out of the cellar as I was halfway down the hall. I saw his feet vanish into the outside world as I finally made my way to the exit point.
I climbed out of the cellar, nearly injuring myself. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. The walls were slippery and I couldn’t get too good of a grip.
After I emerged from that hell, Samael slammed the cellar door shut again. My heart sank a little as he did that. I hoped to God that they were going to be alright.
“You seem like a strong leader, Tony.” He began to speak. “Would you consider yourself strong?”
I didn’t know how to respond. I thought about it, and concluded that it would probably be best to have confidence in myself and not seem like a pansy pushover. “Yes, I do.”
Samael didn’t respond. I didn’t know why. Instead, I followed him all the way to a facility room that wasn’t too far from the yellow roller coaster.
Now, he responded. “Good, very good. Mind if I put you to the test?”
“Wha-what?” I stuttered.
He opened the door to the facility room, which revealed a restraint chair and two chained walkers on the opposite wall.
“What’s this?” I asked.
He didn’t even answer my question. He forcefully shoved me inside and followed behind me and closed the door. “SIT.” He barked in a loud voice.
Feeling helpless, I sat down in the chair. Samael locked my feet and hands in, and I couldn’t move. I was scared shitless. I was completely defenseless. He can do anything to me if he wanted to.
“A big part of this world now are dealing with the undead. Yes, they are my minions and apprentices of the devil. But most non-believers like you fear them rather than accept them. For this, I consider people like you scum. You are a piece of scum, Tony. And so are your friends. Your bitch, your fuck buddy, everyone.” He ranted.
This filled me up with an unbelievable amount of anger. I knew he was referring to Katrina. I don’t know who he was referring to as my fuck buddy, but him calling Katrina a bitch and calling me and my friends scum was enough to make me nearly scream and use all of my strength to attempt to escape the chair. This failed, of course. I could tell Samael was enjoying it. He stopped in his tracks and stared at me with a malicious grin as I went ballistic in the chair.
“What’s this?” He cackled. “I thought you were tough. And here you are, already letting me control your emotions with just a few words?”
I stopped and relaxed to the best of my abilities. I put my head back and closed my eyes and I exhaled and caught my breath.
“Anyways, getting sidetracked here.” He approached the chained walkers and released them. He was so unfazed as he did it. No fear, no emotion. He grabbed the end of the chains without the walkers and leaned on the closed door. “How do you feel about my minions, Tony?”
The chains were about eight feet long, and as Samael inched closer to me, so did the walkers. The walkers went for me. They tried with all their might as the only thing that stopped them from devouring me were the chains held by Samael. Held by the sadistic freak who would have no problem with ending my life right now.
“How do you feel about this, Tony? It’s lovely, isn’t it?” His voice was as hateful as ever.
I sank into the chair as much as I can even though I knew it wouldn’t help at all. As the walkers got closer, I noticed that they had no jaw. That made my heart drop with the biggest relief I have felt in a while. I knew at this point that he was just fucking with me and trying to get in my head. It wasn’t gonna work this time.
The walkers got into my face. Their groans and moans were louder than ever, and I can even feel the warmth of their breath on my cheeks. Despite knowing that they were harmless without their jaws, I still felt uneasy and nervous with them being so close to me.
Then, Samael pulled the walkers back and chained them back against the wall. “You think that think you’re brave.”
I shook my head in response, not even bothering to speak.
“I saw how scared shitless you were. You noticed they didn’t have their bottom jaws and acted like a tough guy. You ain’t fooling me. Under immediate circumstances, I can tell that you are weak. Not intelligent. When we knocked on your door earlier, you answered it as if it was all fine and dandy. I could have had a rifle aimed right at you and fired as soon as you answered, and murdered your friends and looted your stuff.” He said.
I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I knew that would only make things worse.
“Trust me Tony, this has only made my job easier. The devil will sure be happy.” He approached me and freed me from the chair. “Follow me.”
He walked out of the facility room. I sat up from the chair and eased my way out of that room. He walked a little bit to the left, in which the walk was only a few minutes. He advanced to a small sized funhouse with a large clown head at the top of the building.
“You’ve had to been in one of these before, right?” He asked me.
“Well, yeah…” I answered truthfully.
“Right! Who hasn’t?” He smiled, which made me want to punch him. He put his hand on my shoulder and spoke. “Tony, you need to go in there and fetch me something. The devil is hungry for a snack. Not too much, no. Just a small snack. You’re going to go inside and retrieve it for me. Top floor.”
“What is it…?” I asked, my voice shaking.
“You'll know what it is.” He grinned. “Now go on.” He shoved me once more. “Oh, and you'll need this.” He handed me a large blade which I reluctantly took.
It started off with a mirror maze. However, each mirror had blood stains on them. It made it difficult to distinguish the open paths. I was a bit worried navigating the maze, I was afraid of running into a walker or something. Luckily, I was able to make it to the end rather easily. I was always good at those, and the maze itself wasn't that big.
The end of the mirror maze led me to a room with stairs going up to the next floor. Was it the top floor already? It had to be. It wasn't that tall to begin with.
I took a deep breath, and prepared myself for what I was about to walk into. I took the first step, and took another breath. At this point, I said fuck it. Stalling wasn't going to help.
I rushed up the stairs and it immediately led me to the next room. It was a hall of those funky mirrors that make you look distorted. But the elephant in the room was Mark chained up against the wall, just like the walkers were.
He was awake, and noticed me right away. “Tony!” He exclaimed.
“Mark, what happened?” I asked.
Before he could explain, Samael’s voice could be heard over a loudspeaker inside. “No chit chat. I told you, this is the devil’s snack. Tony, use that blade and give me that fucker’s hand. Not his bad hand. Or his foot, that works too. Only one though. Remember, the devil isn't too hungry right now.”
I look at Mark as if I had just seen a ghost. “Mark…”
“Do it, I don't even want to imagine what he’ll do if you disobey.” He assured me.
I thought about it for a few seconds, before Samael interrupted once more. “Come on, hurry the fuck up now!”
“I'm so sorry Mark… hand or foot?” I asked probably one of the most disturbing questions I've asked in my life.
“I don't care man, if I make it out alive I wanna be able to walk. But I wanna be able to fight too.” He answered.
“NOW, TONY!” Samael’s voice was louder than ever.
“Fuck, man!” I yelled.
[Cut off his hand] [Cut off his foot]
Okay... I am afraid now I can see a downside of killing John, which I haven't seen before. The weapon Tony used to kill him is no longer usable now, being too deeply embedded in his skull. The part of the group that remained down in the cellar, they could have possibly used that splint to defend themselves from whatever happens to them in the meantime. In general, the group has split up far too much. The majority of the group is sitting in that house, unable to be of any help, the asians are god knows where, Tom has been taken and I am pretty sure Samael has something planned for him to further break Tony, similar to what he did to Mark now and then there's Yoshiro, Adam and Mina down in the cellar. I still think Samal has chosen them for a reason as well and that his plans for these three are far from over. Though I think we'll get an update on Tom first somewhere in the remainder of this chapter, as he has specifically been singled out and since Samael likely wants to punish Dom for attacking him earlier.
[Cut off his foot]
Oh shit... oh shit that damn choice again. This is messed up, but I don't really have much of a hard time picking this for a very specific reason. A foot can be replaced, a hand can't. Even with modern, state-of-the art prosthetics, only the most basic functions of a hand can be roughly replaced, whereas prosthetic feet need to be far less advanced to work just fine. Just remember Hershel in the show, who has been able to walk just fine and even to run with a limp in Season 4, due to his prosthetic leg. A hand meanwhile is irreplacable, especially after the collapse of society makes acquiring a modern prosthesis impossible. So, the best they can hope for is that they manage to keep Mark alive long enough for his wound to heal and for him to receive a prosthetic foot, which should allow him to function mostly normally, even if it'll permanently slow him down. On top of that, I think this injury will keep him more able to defend himself while he is still recovering, since losing his good hand would effectively make him fully incapable of doing most basic tasks until his other hand would heal, if it ever heals completely in the first place.
[Cut off his foot]
I know Im late but happy second anniversary! I am so happy I joined the story so early and that it is still going strong. This is one of my favorite fan fictions I have read on the internet and I look forward for the next anniversary
[Cut off his foot]
No arguing here, losing a foot is better than a hand. A foot can be replaced and theres not much it has to do but a hand would be more crippling and he already has one wounded hand.
[Cut off his hand]
Possibility to run >> possibility to fight.
Damn it's already been two years!? Time sure does fly. I'm so glad that this story has continued and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. Your story has been amazing and I'm always eager to read the next part. Good luck with future parts and I hope there are many more anniversaries to come!
[Cut off his foot]
Shit this is a hard decision. After a lot of thinking I have to choose this, while losing a foot is terrible not being able to effectively defend yourself is a death sentence. Hopefully this ends up being the best choice.
Thanks for the support over the years janitor
it's a pleasure to know that you enjoy it like that!
Yep, time flies indeed. Can't believe. Thanks for all of the support and appreciation you have showed in the past, as well as the help for getting past writer's block a while ago. Let's hope for many more anniversaries
Chapter 8: Part 10
March 18th, 2017. 6:22 P.M.
[Cut off his foot]
“I’m sorry man.” I shook my head as my body was in a frenzy. I raised the blade and kneeled down to his left foot. I rolled up his pants which exposed his ankle.
Just as I was about to cut, I remembered what John told me. I realized that there would be no way this blade could cut through his bone. I had to break his leg.
“Listen man, I gotta snap your leg in half…!” I told him as I was holding back tears. I did not want to do this at all. Who would?
“What? Why?” He asked in a panic.
“It’ll be easier, trust me!” I responded. “It’ll be quicker and less pain than me spending minutes trying to cut through your bone.”
He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes. “Okay… just make it quick, please.”
I grabbed the top of his ankle and I felt him turn his foot horizontally to the right. It was my turn to twist it to the left.
I reluctantly clutched his foot, and closed my eyes as I twisted it as hard as I could. Crack!
“AHHHH! Fuck!!!” Mark let out a painful shriek.
I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the crack. Please let that be over, please. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I felt around his ankle, and his tibia was still in tact. I had broken his fibula, the smaller bone in his leg. Of course, the easier one. As if it wasn’t hard enough.
“Fuck Tony, cut it off already!” Mark begged.
“I can’t man, I can’t!” I quickly rose to my feet, trying to think of an easier way to do this.
“Hurry up, Tony. Time’s running out!” Samael’s voice filled the hall.
“Alright Mark, bend your foot forward. I know it’s gonna hurt but just do it. We have to get this over with!” I informed him.
Mark took in a deep breath beforehand and waited a few seconds. Then, he finally bent his foot forward. He grimaced in pain as he did this.
I knew the only way I’d have the strength to actually snap his tibia in half was to put a natural force on his oppositely bent leg. His foot was rested on the ground, and I was ready to jump directly onto it. Kind of like those common soccer injuries; except this was much, much worse.
“Three… two….” I counted. Mark was ready, his eyes still closed and still grimacing. “One!”
I took a friendly hop directly onto his ankle. It couldn’t have snapped any easier.
“FUUUUUCK!!!!” He let out a bloodcurdling scream. It was terrifying,
“Stay calm please! I’m getting right into it now!” I told him immediately as I did not want to waste time and leave him in any more pain. I kneeled down and began to slice through his tan skin.
His screams remained as the only thing I could really hear. Blood was leaking onto the floor and spreading out everywhere, as if someone had spilled a drink on the table.
Usually, I’d be throwing up at this point. But after having to forcefully drown a man I didn’t know and kill my friend by impaling his skull in a matter of three hours, I somehow managed to concentrate on the main objective to the best of my abilities.
I already carved about halfway through his ankle. The blood got extremely out of hand and I couldn’t bear to look at the horrific sight anymore. I just closed my eyes and thrusted the blade back and forth as hard as I could.
“Hurry Tony! Oh fuck!!!” Mark began to squirm around in intense pain. I had to open my eyes and grasp his lower shin, just above where the bone had been broken; just to stop him from moving around everywhere.
“Almost done! Just… stay still!” I told him, although I knew it was nearly impossible for him to withstand without moving.
About ten extra seconds of slashing felt like an eternity. The blade finally went all the way through, and my hand that was holding his leg uncomfortably separated due to the amount of force I was clasping it with.
I swiftly removed my hand from his leg and it was completely red from Mark’s blood. I remained kneeling in the same position for about ten extra seconds before finally standing up straight.
“I am so sorry… I can’t…..” I trailed off in despair. His foot lay on the ground, which was still oozing blood. An occasional sprinkle spurted out of Mark’s leg, which made me even more uneasy.
Meanwhile, Samael could be heard giggling. “Very well! Excellent job Tony. You can retrieve the meat and bring it on down here.”
I looked at Mark and shook my head. I wanted to say something, but he spoke before me. “Do it… just go…. you did….. what you had…... to do.”
I could tell he was losing consciousness from the blood loss. I was hoping, begging that he would be okay. If someone I now considered a friend were to die by my hand, the amount of guilt that would weigh on my shoulders would be immense.
I sighed in discomfort and sadness as I placed my hand on my forehead and shook my head once again. I reluctantly picked up the bloody foot, still dripping blood, and carried it in my left hand, while the god-forsaken blade in my right.
At the end of the rather short hallway was a purple twirly slide. As I readied myself to go down, I turned around to get one last look at Mark. He was laying in the same position, not moving at all. I couldn’t tell if he was breathing or not, which worried me greatly.
I sighed and finally slid down the slide. I landed on a sturdy, cheap mat that left me adjacent bad to the entrance of the funhouse, where Samael was still standing. He was already facing me when I came into his view.
He signaled for me to come over to him, which I obeyed. I trudged my way towards him and he smiled. He snatched Mark’s foot out of my hand and brought the amputated part up to his nose. He inhaled mightily and released a comfortable-sounding exhale. “Fresh.” He shook his head in pleasure.
This disturbed me. I already knew it, but Samael was a freak who gave off legitimate creepy vibes. Who in the world could find amusement in something like this?
“Off we go now. The Devil is starving, we don’t want him to wait too long.” He spoke in a low tone and he began to walk away from the funhouse.
I stood there, confused on whether I should follow him or not. I stared at him walking away, for some reason unable to move. My confusion was thwarted by Samael after he turned around and gave me a cold glare. “You gonna fucking move or what?”
I snapped out of my trance and instantly began to walk behind him. As usual, this walk contained no words exchanged between the two of us. Samael walked slow and sluggish. I don’t know why, but it was almost as if he purposely dragged this out for as long as he could. Maybe he knew that I just wanted to get this over with. At the very least, I just wanted to go back to my group regardless of whoever it consisted of. I had no idea if my entire group remained intact anymore; Adam and Mina were stuck in a cellar, Mark was in the funhouse, the asians are split up, and who knows if my friends in the shed were all still in there. There was not a single moment that passed by without my heart racing or my stomach dropping due to the enormous amount of concern that I had.
But no. Samael had to be the evil douche that he was. No sympathy. No remorse. No morals. No heart.
As I followed him, my shoes dragged along the concrete ground of the park. I was shot as well. This day has been the most eventful day since the outbreak started, and easily the worst.
An interesting thought passed through my mind. How would Franklin handle this? He was always a humble leader for us and he’d for sure make this hell a lot easier for us - not to mention he was very intelligent. I missed Franklin. All of the hell I’ve been through lately with losing my group, finding them, and then being treated to this shit made me forget completely about the sacrifice he made for us at Fredrik’s.
It also made me question if leaving Gericke’s completely was truly the better option. Sure, it was dangerous to go back there and the risk was definitely high, but look what happened now. I wouldn’t have met John, the asians, nor Tina and her group. A large amount of surprise guilt hovered over me as I realized that the ones who died might have still been alive if we never stumbled across Trevor and Karen’s lodge. John might have still been alive. Joe might have still been alive. Mark would still have both feet, and who knows if he’s going to make it. Ashley could have still been alive. And lastly, Nick might still be here with us. That one hurt my heart the most. And considering how much I cared for Katrina now, the fact that I now feel the one to blame for Nick’s death made me tear up. I honestly felt like crying behind Samael, right now. But I knew there was no way I could allow that. I had to get these thoughts out of my head, and I had to do it now.
It wasn’t an easy task. Samael was still walking awfully slow, and I was so distraught in the moment that my mind automatically raced to depressing places without me having any control. I gave myself a quiet slap. I doubted it would work, but I was so desperate. Desperate for peace, desperate for freedom, and desperate for happiness. This place was the complete opposite of all of those. The complete opposite.
I finally managed to clear my mind completely, as I focused directly onto the current objective without any additional thought. I knew we still had a good amount of distance to go, so I took a deep breath and concentrated on the only thing I could at the moment: Samael.
March 18th, 2017. 6:48 P.M.
That hellish walk was finally over. I stood beside Samael, on the brink of the lake. I must say that the lake was really nasty. It was murky and dark and there were lily pads and what not floating around in it. Most of the foulness probably came from all of the shit that Samael threw into there.
“You ready?” He spoke. I knew he was talking about throwing Mark’s foot into the lake.
“Yeah…..” I muttered.
Samael nodded and smirked at me, and then handed me the foot. “All yours.”
I didn't know I was going to be the one doing it. I really didn't want to. “Me?”
I knew as soon as that word left my mouth that I probably shouldn't have said it. He narrowed his eyes whilst facing me and growled. “Yes, you! Fucktard.”
He held the foot out over the ground, holding it by the side. I reluctantly took it and aimed towards the lake.
“NOW!” He exclaimed. “Don't you dare upset the Devil.”
I sighed in defeat and tossed the foot into the lake. It made a decent splash before it quickly sank below and was never to be seen again.
“Now…. Shhhhh……: Samael put his finger over his lips.
I didn't even bother to question him. However, I did have no clue why he was signaling to be quiet.
“You hear that?” He grinned. No, I didn't hear anything. But I really didn't want to get on his nerves.
“Uh… yeah’” I lied. I really hoped he couldn't see through it.
Luckily, it doesn't seem as if it did. “That's the sound of the devil devouring it. Crazy ain't it?”
I really wanted to say that he was crazy but that would only make things ten times worse. I was able to keep my cool.
“Yes…..” I responded with the most unenthusiastic answer ever.
Samael nodded with a large grin on his face and finally came to a conclusion. “Now if you excuse me, I have some…. work to do.”
With this, Samael finally left my sight. It was very relieving to not see him. He was the personification of evil.
I stood at the lake, doing nothing. Samael didn't give me any orders, so I wasn't sure if what to do. The shed was right over there, extremely close. Could I talk to my friends again? Was I allowed? I really didn't want any more trouble. Was he coming back? Should I wait here? What if I'm supposed to follow him? Considering the few times I didn't follow him when I was supposed to resulted in him turning around angrily, I thought it was safe enough to eliminate this scenario since he didn't do it this time. Still, there was still a chance at something potentially happening, maybe even really bad. I could find out what he was up to and sneak behind him, but is that super high risk really worth it?
[Enter the shed] [Follow Samael] [Wait by the lake]
Ooooh boy, this is so damn intense. It has to be mentioned, this is the most intense stuff you've ever written for the story. There have been similar moments before, but not quite as intense as this. The whole situation is keeping me at the edge of my seat and it's making me legitimately uncomfortable, which I think is a good thing, considering the sort of material you're showing here. Damn, Samael is such a goddamn bastard, but unlike previous goddamn bastards the group encountered, he is the kind of guy I love to hate. Surely a huge improvement from the insufferable presence of Billy O'cunt, though that isn't very hard, so let me say that Samael is my favourite antagonist so far, even more than Ashton and Dexter, who have been similarly intense.
Anyways, I start to fear that Mark is fucked either way. It's something I only thought of later, but regardless of what Tony would have cut off, there would have been a lot of bleeding involved and honestly, I can't even see him remaining conscious for much longer and I doubt Samael is going to give him any sort of first aid. That ain't good for him, but I am even more concerned for the rest of the group.
[Follow Samael]
So... I really had to resist the urge to enter she shed. I miss the group and I am highly concerned for them, but at the same time, I feel it is time for Tony to try something new. He can't just always wait for Samael to come back and inflict further torment on him and his friends. Remaining passive will eventually get them all killed. I have hoped for an opportunity to appear, but since it doesn't seem like it'll come, we have to try and find it. Since Samael hasn't given him any order, this can only mean two things: He trusts Tony enough to let him decide for himself, or this is part of one of his games, where he wants to find out how Tony is going to behave if left to his own. I believe waiting at the lake won't lead to anything useful and whole entering the shed and talking to the group would really ease my concern for them and would be a nice thing, since I want to see them again, but I doubt it would give Tony much of an advantage either when it comes to escaping. So, following Samael sounds like the only choice that could give him something to work on, a way to possibly defeat that monster and escape with his loved ones. And there is also the thing that I am concerned for what he just said. I still got the feeling he is planning something with Tom, whom he has at his mercy after all. Maybe following him can prevent worse.
By the way, it's interesting that Tony brought up the Gericke's choice from so long ago... I indeed wonder what would have happened if we would have decided differently back then. Hmmm, that might be something I could ask at the end of the chapter, unless you can answer it already?
[Enter the shed]
[Enter the shed]
Thanks! I'm glad you feel this way, as there are very... interesting things in store. I appreciate the compliments as I usually do
Yes, since this choice was a very long time ago there would be no harm in revealing it now. To be honest, I can't say much. At the time, it was quite an important choice as the plotine would have been very different. Very different. I only vaguely planned out what would happen if the Gericke's option would have won, but since it didn't, I stopped. The group, without Franklin, would have traveled elsewhere and meet other characters that are not yet introduced. As I said before, I didn't plan too much and I don't want to reveal potential plans for the future, so unfortunately that is all I can say.
[Follow Samael
Ugh, this was so intense! It's hard to make this choice because of how spontaneous Samael can be and what he might do next. I can't wait for the next part!
[Follow Samael]
Such a hard choice! I would have liked to not vote here because I dont want to be responsible for messing up but I have to break the tie. And as much as I miss the group and want to see them again, I want to know what Samael is up to next and maybe Tony finds something that can help him and the others.
[FOLLOW Samael]
Sorry for the long wait, I was meaning to get this out last week but I was extremely busy. Anyway, hope you enjoy and I hope you all had a great Easter!
Chapter 8: Part 11
March 18th, 2017. 6:56 P.M.
[Follow Samael]
I glanced at the shed that contained all of my friends; hopefully, that is. I wanted to go in there so bad and retrieve at least some happiness from this putrid day. But I thought about it, and I knew that Samael can be up to something bad. When is there not a moment when he’s up to something bad? The man was indeed, as his appearance reflected, a grim reaper.
I was unsure if I wanted him knowing that I was following him. I speculated as he was walking farther and farther away, and decided that I would try sneaking behind him. However, I did not want to make it seem like I was. I was going to walk casually in case he did turn around and catch me, because if he caught me in such an obvious act, who knows what he might do.
I began walking how I usually would, but I made sure to put more pressure on my feet as I stepped on the concrete. This was so I could make my footsteps more quiet without requiring me to enter a stealth position.
I tried my best to keep a reasonable distance between him and myself. However, I didn’t get far when he turned his head to see what was behind him as he was still walking. I got a slight feeling of nervousness in my stomach, as I waited for him to say something.
“Ah, good old ambitious Tony.” He spoke in a rather hoarse voice, as if he had to clear his throat. “I expected this. Everything we have done together has convinced me that you are willing to take anything head-on. You aren’t afraid of consequences. Actually, I don’t think you even care about the consequences no matter what the circumstances are.”
To this, I shook my head very quickly. He was wrong. I always took things into consideration; it’s just that Samael has been one huge mindfuck, and so are his ‘tests’ and ‘experiments.’
“Well, no matter what you think, I’m happy you decided to tag along with me once more.” He continued. “You know, I wouldn’t have been mad if you joined your friends in that shed. Besides, who knows if anyone is even still in there.”
This caused me to gulp. I never usually gulped in fear, but this just came out of nowhere. Those words made my stomach drop. I knew Samael’s words were not something to completely believe right off the bat, but there was still a good chance he wasn’t exaggerating anything at all.
“Nonetheless, I’m sure you’ll enjoy what’s coming next. You’re in luck, that I’ve decided to initiate something that you should look forward to. Something that would be better with you as well.”
I had no idea what he was saying, but it made me nervous. He obviously had something terrible in store. A small wave of regret passed through me for following him, but I composed myself by realizing that he might do the absolute worst if I wasn’t by his side.
Samael didn’t speak after that. I followed him as we both silently re-entered the park. Just being in here didn’t feel right. It was almost as if you can sense the amount of death that occurred at this location.
For some reason, Samael turned around to check on me more times than usual. In fact, I don’t think he ever has until now. He really wanted to keep an eye on me. I assumed that he was really eager for me to do whatever he was taking me to, as he stated before. This only made me feel even more uneasy.
“Samael…” I dared to ask the following question. “Wh-where are we going?”
In response, he turned around and gave me a smirk. “You’ll like it.”
No I wouldn’t. This man was full of shit. I mentally prepared myself for something horrid.
We kept walking in more silence. We walked for a while. He led me to the other side of the park, where more roller coasters were.
It was until we eventually reached a room - a somewhat mechanical room. A faculty room. It was situated right next to a large wooden roller coaster. I’ve actually ridden this coaster before - it was called the Raging Bull. It was very intense and one of the favorites in the park, a title that was well deserved.
As Samael placed his hand onto the doorknob, he turned and faced me for what seemed like the one hundredth time. “I hope you’re ready.” He grinned as he spoke. His grin was menacing. Evil.
As usual, I didn’t respond. I just waited for him to open the god forsaken door. He made me wait a good five or six seconds before finally twisting the doorknob and pushing it open.
He went in and turned on the lights. I couldn’t see much since I was still outside of the room. I didn’t want to go in.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” He snapped at me. “Come on in.”
I let out a deep exhale, as I readied myself for the sight that was waiting for me inside the room.
My anxiety overpowered my fear. I quickly stepped into the room. Emi and Miyako were bondaged and tied up on the floor. There were two of his men in the room as well, each holding two walkers by chains. They were wearing similar black robes to the one that Samael was wearing.
“Told you! You’re overreacting Tony. This isn’t that bad, right?” Samael chuckled.
“What did you do to them?!” I almost yelled.
“That you do not need to know.” He replied. He then shifted his attention over to Miyako. “I must say, I didn’t know your friend was such a nice girl. She may be a great addition, don’t you say?”
I could see Miyako’s face tense up in pure fury. I even felt her urge to punch Samael right in the face.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughed maniacally.
“What the fuck do you want me to do?” I asked, once again almost yelling.
He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something, but then he paused. He closed his mouth for a few seconds, and then spoke. “You know, I think you’ll be better off just leaving here.”
“No.” I immediately retorted. “I’m not leaving and letting you do anything to them.”
“Ahhh, smart response! Incredibly smart!” He clapped with a large smile. This time, I couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I was tempted to say something, but I knew it wouldn’t help at all.
He kneeled down beside Miyako and began untying her “You are a very intelligent man Tony, I don’t know if anyone has told you that before.”
As he finished his sentence, he helped Miyako up from the floor. He then went to free Emi from where she was tied down as well.
I was getting really angry now. The fact that Samael can just kick us around and do whatever he wants was extremely infuriating. I would do anything to uppercut him right now.
“You two lovely women.” He started. “How about you-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Miyako slapped him hard across the face. “Shut the fuck up! Where is Yoshi? Where is Kazu?”
“Miyako!” Emi became immediately concerned has she placed both of her hands on Miyako’s arm. However, she ignored her.
“You don’t need to know that either.” Samael responded, pretty much unphased by the hit.
Miyako gave him another hard slap, this time on his left cheek. “Tell me now.”
It then hit me that Miyako had a huge advantage over Samael. He was so obsessed with her that there was no way he would let her die. And she knew that. Emi didn’t. And Emi didn’t know that she now likely has the same advantage that Miyako has. Knowing this logic, was I on that list was well? Samael seems to favor me more than anyone else. He likes to ‘play’ with me the most. It was a bold thought, but it was something I needed to find out eventually. That mindset heavily reduced my fear of the consequences I would receive if I revealed Yoshiro’s location, since I knew where he was. So I went for it.
“Yoshiro is in some sort of cellar. He was beaten up badly but he’s alive. Adam and Mina are down there as well. John was, but…”
Emi reacted more than Miyako, given how she knew John for at least a little bit of time. Miyako seemed more relieved if anything, which was somewhat expected since she didn’t know who John was.
“He’s a pesky little fucker, huh?” Samael spoke to his men, in which they nodded in response.
“Very.” One of them stated bluntly.
“Eh, I guess it’s not that big of a deal. He’s probably dead at this point.” Samael smiled.
Miyako didn’t seem to bothered by his statement, as she probably knew he was full of shit. She instead repeated her question. “Where’s Kazu?”
Samael shook his head. “I told you, that information is classified. Does it really matter?”
This time, she punched Samael in the stomach. “Shut the fuck up.”
Samael noticeably got the wind knocked out of him. He was hunched over and looked up at Miyako with open eyes, as if he had just seen a ghost. He was struggling to get his words out.
“I’m waiting.” She glanced down at him.
“You really want to know?” He told her. “Follow me, beautiful.”
Miyako spit on Samael in disgust, but he didn’t seem to care. He finally returned to his normal stance and recovered from the punch. He exited the room with Miyako and Emi behind him. Just was I was about to leave the room as well, Samael slammed the door on my face. “Oh no. You stay, just like you wanted.” He told me through the door.
“What?” I asked in bewilderment.
“You chose to follow me here. You even said you weren’t leaving because you wanted to stay by your little friends. Well, you got your wish. Only your friends are with me now, and you’re trapped in there.” He spoke in a muffled voice.
Somehow, Samael has managed to twist my words and my decision to turn everything back on me. I knew what he was saying was bullshit, as he clearly has no knowledge of different point of views. “No, let me out you piece of shit!” I banged on the door.
“Why are you so mad Tony? Don’t worry, I left you a fun game to play.” He said. “Boys, show him.”
The two men who were still in the room with me were quick to respond to his order. One of the men handed over his chained walkers to the other, as he grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me to a large lever attached to the right side of the wall. The lever was located in between boilers, pipes, and other large machines.
“Tony.” The man spoke in an intimidating voice. “Samael was kind enough to give you the honors to pull this lever if ya want.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked in a serious tone.
“It’s your choice - you wanna pull the lever or not? Pull it, you can kill somebody. Pull it, you can save somebody. Do nothing, you can kill somebody. Do nothing, you can save somebody.” He explained, seeming very excited.
“What is this, a guessing game?” I broke free of the man’s grip.
“It’s not a game, it’s a choice.” The man dodged my question.
This was so fucked up. It was basically a fifty-fifty chance for something I had no idea was about. My mind was racing through so many possibilities, but there wasn’t much to think about for this one. There was nothing I could think about.
“Decide now, Tony. You better hurry, or you’ll be the devil’s next meal.” The man holding all four walkers began approaching me.
My heart started racing. I had a choice, but it wasn’t really a choice. It was a gamble. It was a gamble I didn’t want to take, but was forced to take.
[Pull the lever] [Don’t pull the lever]