Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • It probably is Rajeev. I didn't know how to properly spell it and I just spelled it like Raggive. My bad.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah yeah, classic burn from Indian Lady; that's part of what I like about Troy: even Sarah and Sarita get to roll their eyes at him. Reggie will also say that his name was actually Reggive. Pretty sure that's "Rajeev."

  • S'cool.

    It probably is Rajeev. I didn't know how to properly spell it and I just spelled it like Raggive. My bad.

  • Another fun fact about that scene, (when he first introduces himself) if you choose to stay silent or choose a negative response then later on when Mike shouts at you to "save it for the morning!" if you choose to say sorry then Reggie gets annoyed and says something like "So you give me the cold shoulder but you apologize to the guy you've never met?!"

    I don't know if this has been said before or not but I replayed season two again recently and something happened that didn't happen in my fi

  • Okay, that I didn't know! Man, Reggie actually has a number of good lines to him.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Another fun fact about that scene, (when he first introduces himself) if you choose to stay silent or choose a negative response then later

  • Clem using the baseball bat in the trailer is probs some sort of symbolizing on how Clem can now swing a baseball bat (she couldnt in S1)

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Graysonn posted: »

    Another fun fact about that scene, (when he first introduces himself) if you choose to stay silent or choose a negative response then later

  • Holy shit, Reggie! Damn, if this is the guy people thinks has stockholm, then I'd hate to see him during his heyday--with two arms!

    Also, I love how Clementine is making Kenny look polite there.

  • They said they cut the part about Molly's dad being the one to hang Crawford but that character was written out for just Molly talking about her sister

    rabbitrun posted: »

    Dunno if mentioned already but Google search said "no"... * In S1 Ep.4 the Zombie in Crawford hanging from the bell tower, grabbing Ben

  • Eh...I think that was an acceptable cut. Especially since "My sister was sick in this fascist environment" is far more interesting and relatable on it's own than "Our dad was a great revolutionary who fought back against the society that ruined both of his daughters by killing the one responsible for it all."

    Sparkeagle posted: »

    They said they cut the part about Molly's dad being the one to hang Crawford but that character was written out for just Molly talking about her sister

  • edited March 2017

    Only in the trailer for "No Going Back" we get to see a tape of Sandra, Clem's babysitter, filming the raccoon which was in Clem's treehouse.

    In that tape, Clem also speaks on the phone to her mom and dad and her dad tells her to not get his hat dirty since she could only borrow it.

    There was also a graphic mistake made - the first step's missing in the ladder to Clem's treehouse and Clem steps on air when trying to climb up to the raccoon.

    When Lee shows up at Clem's house, the ladder to the treehouse is gone, Clem must've pulled it up, so nobody can follow her. But after helping Lee kill zombified Sandra, the ladder is still gone, meaning that Clem used a rope that a tire was attached to, hanging down from a branch of the tree, to climb down or just jumped down OR she has superpowers like flying. Since Clem, as previously shown, can step on air, it's basically proven, she is able to fly.

    Since it is unlikely, that Clem is actually able to fly, the theory, that the Apocalypse is just a dream of Clem (maybe even while she was sleeping in her treehouse, but that's not necessary) seems to be more of a possibility.

    starting at 3:42

  • Diana, Clem's babysitter

    Sandra. Diana is Clementine's mom.

    rabbitrun posted: »

    Only in the trailer for "No Going Back" we get to see a tape of Sandra, Clem's babysitter, filming the raccoon which was in Clem's treehouse

  • eyup. that sucks.
    well actually, her leaving in the morning made more sense if Sarah just died there instead of earlier

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which doesn't leave a mark, for the record. Seriously, what the point of that choice if you weren't going either give her a physical scar to

  • yup

    DabigRG posted: »

    Even if it was something as dark and potentially funny as that?

  • yup, exactly.
    without it, that plot point is unresolved and kinda pointless.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh yeah, you're right! It'd also be a chance for him to give you a peace of his mind for determinately blackmailing him or indirectly ratting him out to Rebecca. Damnit, the potential!

  • really? I never heard that. Interesting.

    well, there's still the weird title card for amid the ruins

    Graysonn posted: »

    Well, there is actually a reason. She was supposed to lose her hat in episode 1 and Sam the dog would be chewing on at as she woke up on the

  • edited March 2017

    Yeah, that's one of the few cuts I like.
    It makes much more sense that crawford hung himself, and the reveal was one of the coolest parts of the episode.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh...I think that was an acceptable cut. Especially since "My sister was sick in this fascist environment" is far more interesting and relat

  • why would anyone care about that now

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Don't nobody come in here for another 35, 45 minutes." Still though, they don't have separate bathrooms in there?

  • I agree with the other dude, probably Luke was going to pull Clem into the bathroom to talk about mathew. But then they realised they didn't need to model a whole new area for that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Nice reaction there, mate/love. Totally felt chills on that one.

  • Common courtesy?

    Louche posted: »

    why would anyone care about that now

  • Was it even really a reveal? It just sorta happens and I wondered why the fuck a walker was hanging from the bell, personally.

    Louche posted: »

    Yeah, that's one of the few cuts I like. It makes much more sense that crawford hung himself, and the reveal was one of the coolest parts of the episode.

  • well actually, her leaving in the morning made more sense if Sarah just died there instead of earlier

    That was likely the pragmatic point aside from the other ones, but they fucked it up when they shoehorned her into the finale, not to mention not having her actually interact with her and more importantly, giving Sarah some time in the sun so that her death isn't the BLAM it ended up being.

    Louche posted: »

    eyup. that sucks. well actually, her leaving in the morning made more sense if Sarah just died there instead of earlier

  • On the "previously on" that plays in the beginning of Amid the Ruins, you see Clementine walking up behind Rebecca, who's sitting on a chair with a worried look on her face. This scene never happened in In Harm's Way. No idea if it got cut out, or if they just added it just because.

  • I know, my brain just lagged

    DabigRG posted: »

    Diana, Clem's babysitter Sandra. Diana is Clementine's mom.

  • Has anyone compiled a list of of all the alterable dialogue somewhere?

  • You can check up on her when Kenny enlists you to look for ways to break out of the pen. But that takes place at night instead of day.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    On the "previously on" that plays in the beginning of Amid the Ruins, you see Clementine walking up behind Rebecca, who's sitting on a chair

  • edited March 2017

    Really? I recognized his face from the posters on the wall, and put two and two together instantly. And there was the fact that something was ringing the bell in crawford square, as hinted at earlier in the episode.

    I can be quite dense on plot points until I've rewatched things a couple times. So it was a good reveal when I played it the first time and got it.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Was it even really a reveal? It just sorta happens and I wondered why the fuck a walker was hanging from the bell, personally.

  • edited March 2017

    During No Time Left Lee can take enormous amounts of pain and violence from getting his arm cut off, being bitten multiple times by walkers during the march through the herd, being shot by the stranger and lastly having a large object smash onto his head while trying to help Clem. All in all Lee is a tank.

  • Troy is awesome, Troy needs more screentime.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah yeah, classic burn from Indian Lady; that's part of what I like about Troy: even Sarah and Sarita get to roll their eyes at him. Reggie will also say that his name was actually Reggive. Pretty sure that's "Rajeev."

  • a BLAM means it's never brought up again, so you're wrong to use that terminology

    DabigRG posted: »

    well actually, her leaving in the morning made more sense if Sarah just died there instead of earlier That was likely the pragmatic

  • not getting it

    DabigRG posted: »

    Common courtesy?

  • Many thanks to a YouTuber by the name of "Twd_Clementine" for finding this. This is an unused soundtrack version of the current ost "You're just a kid" in TWD ANF. This sounds waaay better imo

  • edited March 2017


  • Not sure if this was already posted but,

    enter image description here

  • enter image description hereenter image description here
    Yeah, the resemblance is uncanny. Still, good for you!

    Louche posted: »

    Really? I recognized his face from the posters on the wall, and put two and two together instantly. And there was the fact that something wa

  • How did all these moment just not kill him immediately? Lee died only when the game called for it.

    During No Time Left Lee can take enormous amounts of pain and violence from getting his arm cut off, being bitten multiple times by walkers

  • Louche posted: »

    Has anyone compiled a list of of all the alterable dialogue somewhere?

  • you changed your avatar again?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, the resemblance is uncanny. Still, good for you!

  • Yeah, I trying to get back on my one week per pic schedule after dragging my ass on the Arvo one. I was originally gonna use the one of Sarah being grossed out, but my Steam profile kept saying it had too many pixels for some reason.

    Louche posted: »

    you changed your avatar again?

  • damn, that's cool.

    DabigRG posted: »

    He has a youtube channel full of stuff like that

  • the hell even is that? carlos death scene?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I trying to get back on my one week per pic schedule after dragging my ass on the Arvo one. I was originally gonna use the one of Sarah being grossed out, but my Steam profile kept saying it had too many pixels for some reason.

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