Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • "Can't help but being a natural born wiener"

    Fixed it.

    "Can't help but being a natural born winner" I know people is going to hate me, but I love to see these two interacting. Not like, romant

  • o

    You mean him playing... hangman...?

  • edited April 2017

    Sorry if this has been discovered before(which I could not find).

    Determinately, Clementine's left ring finger is almost if not exactly like Altair's left ring finger. (Altair is from the Assassin's Creed).

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Is this maybe a reference to Assassin's Creed?

  • Melton23 posted: »

    Are there any videos out there? I don't want to replay the entire episode, maybe the whole season just to see that scene.

  • It's the Part 2 flashback modified so Clementine is facing the camera rather than Ava.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Was that the one where Ava was standing next to her and she was trying to hold a door shut or something? I remember seeing the picture, but don't remember it happening in-game.

  • Agreed.

    "Can't help but being a natural born winner" I know people is going to hate me, but I love to see these two interacting. Not like, romant

  • They never do say that he's using [important] medicine to get high. And even if he is, letting the doctor do what it takes to cope > wasting it on a baby he's sure won't recover.

    TNF didn't care much that Lingard was wasting their medicine to get high. Meanwhile they kick Clem because she used it thinking it could save AJ.

  • Plan_RPlan_R Banned
    edited April 2017

    He is most likely using Morphine, which is akin to Heroin. He's not coping, he's slowly killing himself, degrading both his motor skills and mental faculties. There is no reason to tolerate anyone using up your painkillers for a high, let alone allowing your doctor to be a worthless junkie.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They never do say that he's using [important] medicine to get high. And even if he is, letting the doctor do what it takes to cope > wasting it on a baby he's sure won't recover.

  • looked like he tried to do a backflip and failed

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah. I can't help but think that was a bitter intern or perhaps a rare Sarah fan on staff that did that and Telltale left it in because it was legitimately hilarious.

  • That's what I thought too!

    Also, you replied to the wrong comment.

    looked like he tried to do a backflip and failed

  • Fuck

    DabigRG posted: »

    That's what I thought too! Also, you replied to the wrong comment.

  • lol true

    Clem has been right about practically everyone in this season so far. Right about not trusting TNF, Right about Eleanor, right about David losing his shit. Let's just hope she's wrong about David's lie saying Aj's alive...

  • fucking amazing

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm sure that part of this forum wishes Gabe was good at getting himself hanged, which also is a quite old fashioned game.

  • Rebecca and Alvin had a list of names they were going to give to AJ before he was born. You can see it for a splitsecond in the house in S2E1 so here it is more clearly:

    enter image description here

  • I'm not sure part of this forum knows how to not talk about him.

    Back on topic, I like how that gives him some hidden/side depth, which also carries some brilliance about his behavior.

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm sure that part of this forum wishes Gabe was good at getting himself hanged, which also is a quite old fashioned game.

  • Dem sum white ass names.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Rebecca and Alvin had a list of names they were going to give to AJ before he was born. You can see it for a splitsecond in the house in S2E1 so here it is more clearly:

  • Julia Lee Carver. Beautiful.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Rebecca and Alvin had a list of names they were going to give to AJ before he was born. You can see it for a splitsecond in the house in S2E1 so here it is more clearly:

  • That's what I've narrowed it down to o_o

    Because she's on her period.

  • I'm crying, this is just beautiful.

    fallandir posted: »

    Julia Lee Carver. Beautiful.

  • I'm glad there's finally interaction between each other. I really just ship them for the memes but seeing them talk to each other, having fun was nice to see. Especially when you're still so used to the overall emotions you see from Clem these days (dating back to S2).

    "Can't help but being a natural born winner" I know people is going to hate me, but I love to see these two interacting. Not like, romant

  • The hooded model she had also helps making this more plausible.

    Assassin's Clem coming in 2020 confirmed!

    ravve posted: »

    Sorry if this has been discovered before(which I could not find). Determinately, Clementine's left ring finger is almost if not exactly l

  • OLD flashbacks

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Wasn't there one with Ava and Clem that happened?

  • I was thinking the same xDDDD
    i cant imagine myself with a white name lmao
    i guess AJ works tho :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Dem sum white ass names.

  • edited May 2017


    Sorry, it had to be done.

    To be fair, I doubt it is a direct reference but it could also be related to Jason Brody from FarCry3 who also had his ring finger removed.

    Here is a terrible quality shot of Jason's finger which is also bandaged up in the same way as Clem's.


    The hooded model she had also helps making this more plausible. Assassin's Clem coming in 2020 confirmed!

  • While developing S2, Telltale had many concepts that never made it to the finished product. For instance, there was originally going to be something involving a power plant. They also talked about doing something with a Tiger, but the idea was scrapped for being to silly. Kirkman sure showed them, huh? Kenny was originally going to be the antagonist instead of Carver. That would have been interesting, but I'm glad we got the current S2 Kenny instead. The Russians were originally Spanish. Telltale decided against this because a large portion of their players spoke fluent Spanish, and they wanted the player to feel helpless and unable to control the situation.

  • Oh yeah, Kenny thing was revealed by Gavin Hammon at a convention and the Russian being Spanish originally was revealed on the Telltale Stream Playthrough back in November.

    While developing S2, Telltale had many concepts that never made it to the finished product. For instance, there was originally going to be s

  • Yes! This is one of the main reasons that i think the New Frontier are a terrible group and want fuck all to do with ANY of them.

    What kind of stupid do you have to be to put a fucking Junkie in charge of everyone elses health and well being, as well as all the meds your group has? Makes it pretty clear that the other 3 'leaders' are idiots even before shit hits the fan. And then, as you say, kick out a 13yr old and kidnap her child for trying to actually save a life with those meds.

    'Sorry Clem, can't have you stealing from us. We need those meds so our junkie doctor can function, have a nice life! Btw, yeah, we're gonna keep this kid too, cuz thats not really stealing, just appropriating.'

    TNF didn't care much that Lingard was wasting their medicine to get high. Meanwhile they kick Clem because she used it thinking it could save AJ.

  • But AJ does recover. Whether you give him the meds or not.

    So one more point in favor of 'your doctor is a junkie and cannot diagnose anything while under the influence of morphine, or while he suffers through withdrawls.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They never do say that he's using [important] medicine to get high. And even if he is, letting the doctor do what it takes to cope > wasting it on a baby he's sure won't recover.

  • Just wondering, how does one distinguish white and black names?

    Like Jonathan is white and Tyrone is black?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Dem sum white ass names.

  • There are just some names you'd associate with one race before another. I know Alvin is already in that ball park, but friggin Kirsten or Dennis?

    fallandir posted: »

    Just wondering, how does one distinguish white and black names? Like Jonathan is white and Tyrone is black?

  • edited May 2017

    Hence part of why David helped break him out of the habit.

    Plan_R posted: »

    He is most likely using Morphine, which is akin to Heroin. He's not coping, he's slowly killing himself, degrading both his motor skills and

  • They obviously didn't know that at the time--David even admits this. Plus, I was under the impression that Clementine had been with the New Frontier for quite a while, which suggests that AJ had been sick for an extended period of time despite Lingard's constant attempts to cure him.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    But AJ does recover. Whether you give him the meds or not. So one more point in favor of 'your doctor is a junkie and cannot diagnose anything while under the influence of morphine, or while he suffers through withdrawls.

  • BREAKING NEWS: Names have race!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Dem sum white ass names.

  • Soudns like the name of a profesional Assasin.

    fallandir posted: »

    Julia Lee Carver. Beautiful.

  • Becaaaause no one speaks russian. Like, not at all! Pffffh Russia is totally NOT the biggest country in the world, and I right? No TWD player speaks russion at all!

    While developing S2, Telltale had many concepts that never made it to the finished product. For instance, there was originally going to be s

  • Implying they'd import the game and play it with English voiceacting, I presume.

    The fact of the matter is that Spanish/Mexican is probably the most common second language in American, whereas Russian is more obscure, so it makes sense why they changed it.

    Though it definitely would have the parallels between Sarah and Arvo all the more glaring had they stuck to the original plan.

    Becaaaause no one speaks russian. Like, not at all! Pffffh Russia is totally NOT the biggest country in the world, and I right? No TWD player speaks russion at all!

  • See my reply to fallandir.

    It's not like this doesn't happen all the time, but still you'd expect two black people to come up with less white-sounding names(again, friggin Kirsten or Dennis?).

    BREAKING NEWS: Names have race!

  • edited May 2017

    Its only a theory but it's an unique way to look at the first game.


  • edited May 2017

    enter image description hereenter image description here

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if you look at it, it sort of resembles either two butterflies or two birds [with wings and large spread out tail feathers] with one bird/butterfly being bigger than the other.

    You could say it's an artisty depiction of Clementine being the larger bird/butterfly to the smaller bird/butterfly which is AJ, and plays into Clem feeling like a mother for AJ after stepping in to raise him when nobody else was around to do so.

    Also a fun thing to point out, Clem stepping in for AJ's parents is a little similar to Javier stepping in to be a parent for David's kids after the ZA kicked off. Both characters have never been parents prior, and stood up to look out for those that needed them.

  • Adding the fact that both birds/butterflies seem to be separated (because Clem was forced to leave).

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

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