Batman EW Episode 5 Waiting Thread - Releasing March 27th, Both Trailers Out Now



  • edited March 2018

    Are we gonna know who killed the Riddler in episode 5 ? I know it's probably John but i'm wondering if they forgot about it or not.

  • I think waller kill the riddler

    iFoRias posted: »

    Are we gonna know who killed the Riddler in episode 5 ? I know it's probably John but i'm wondering if they forgot about it or not.

  • Hopefully, this is not exactly an irrelevant detail. My money is on Waller, which could put Catwoman further on our side.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Are we gonna know who killed the Riddler in episode 5 ? I know it's probably John but i'm wondering if they forgot about it or not.

  • Yeah.... As boring, as it is, I'm closer and closer to the conclusion it was Deadshot after all.
    But if it's the true, Waller is quite an actress... And a player. Her blaming Gordon and Batman for Riddler's death was very natural.

    I think waller kill the riddler

  • It was Frank. You should know it by now, come on.

    Tiefling posted: »

    Yeah.... As boring, as it is, I'm closer and closer to the conclusion it was Deadshot after all. But if it's the true, Waller is quite an actress... And a player. Her blaming Gordon and Batman for Riddler's death was very natural.

  • I'm very sorry, I was lead astray by false conclusions.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    It was Frank. You should know it by now, come on.

  • ...
    I really hope there is an option to tell John something about his hair.
    I mean, it didn't end great even for the first time, when Bruce asked why it's green. It will probably end even worse if I'll tell him, how I think his hair looks now.
    But, seriously, it doesn't even look like Ace Ventura's hair to me, the first thing what cames to my mind when I see his hair is this old guy:

  • The former, although not without difficulty, which is why I think I'd screw it up anyway.

    You're not worried about losing allies because you think it will be in your control during the episode? Or you're not worries about losing allies because you can play the villain route?

  • Man, is there a way for me to be in a coma for a week...

  • I hope that's the case, i would be very disappointed if we lose allies simply by choosing to have John on our side. Not to mention the fact that John has been able to cooperate with both Tiffany and Selina.

    The former, although not without difficulty, which is why I think I'd screw it up anyway.

  • Tiffany, sure, but John didn't trust Selina from the get-go because of how close she was to Riddler.

    I hope that's the case, i would be very disappointed if we lose allies simply by choosing to have John on our side. Not to mention the fact that John has been able to cooperate with both Tiffany and Selina.

  • Well.... Yeeeeeeah.... but.....About Selina and Tiffany.... Nor Selina nor John are enjoying each other company, John doesn't trust her, Selina finds him unnerving.
    And Tiffany... So, she asks Bruce to take her in the field with him as his Batgirl.
    And what Bruce does? Bruce takes as his temporary Batgirl 40 something year old nutjob with a criminal record of ruining Tiffany's father funeral, among other things.
    I wouldn't be happy, if I were Tiffany.

    I hope that's the case, i would be very disappointed if we lose allies simply by choosing to have John on our side. Not to mention the fact that John has been able to cooperate with both Tiffany and Selina.

  • Did you just call John 40 something years old?

    Tiefling posted: »

    Well.... Yeeeeeeah.... but.....About Selina and Tiffany.... Nor Selina nor John are enjoying each other company, John doesn't trust her, Sel

  • It was Frank :p

    iFoRias posted: »

    Are we gonna know who killed the Riddler in episode 5 ? I know it's probably John but i'm wondering if they forgot about it or not.

  • And yet Waller Berated Gordon for being 2 steps behind riddler and blaming him for the shit that went down on the lady of dublin. Interesting, because we all know she wants to hide the truth from everyone including Batman

    Hopefully, this is not exactly an irrelevant detail. My money is on Waller, which could put Catwoman further on our side.

  • edited March 2018

    Both trailers are to drop on Thursday:

    (I don't know if anyone posted this already)

  • I think it's safe to say that the extra spaces in the Batcave's armoury are for Harley and either John or Waller depending on the outcome of both situations.

  • I think it'll be for John. I just can't see Waller being taken down so quickly. She's too much of a powerful character. She'll have failsafes and plan B, C, D, all the way to Z for her own protection and for retaliation against Batman.
    I think we'll simply drive her out of Gotham, or she'll have whatever she needs for her own goals (like, say, her own Suicide Squad) by the end, and escape before Batman can deal with her too.

    I think it's safe to say that the extra spaces in the Batcave's armoury are for Harley and either John or Waller depending on the outcome of both situations.

  • edited March 2018

    I think it will just be about Waller doing things her way clashing with Batman's methods throughout the episode. Like a clash of ideologies Civil War style... Waller isn't a villain so I don't think a memento of her will be in the cave like BatDanMan said. In the trailer the small segment we see of Waller she seems very calm and no way villainous just trying to convince Batman her way is the right way.

    AChicken posted: »

    I think it'll be for John. I just can't see Waller being taken down so quickly. She's too much of a powerful character. She'll have failsafe

  • Yes.

    DanteTimes2 posted: »

    Did you just call John 40 something years old?

  • Ugh just passing the time till episode is so boring. It's taking what seems like forever.

  • Yeah

    Vetominer posted: »

    Ugh just passing the time till episode is so boring. It's taking what seems like forever.

  • I love you.

  • edited March 2018

    Yay ! Screenshoots ! Nice to see Tiffany in her suit.
    Also Bruce probably got beat up by Bane again.

  • edited March 2018

    Damn, attacking Wayne Enterprises. Villain John isn't fooling around. And it seems like he wants to show the board evidence of Bruce time with the Pact.

  • Bottom left photo looks to be if Tiffany goes to work for the Agency, the bottom right if we allowed her to work with us.

  • John did say he could become CEO.

  • Oh we're going to see Regina again..Great.

  • Yes, finally, I missed her so much!..

    iFoRias posted: »

    Oh we're going to see Regina again..Great.

  • So many outcomes and choices.

  • I guess I'm replaying the game and Tiffany will go work for the agency, lol, no way I'm taking her with me on the roofs.

  • Nice callback.

    Dan10 posted: »

    John did say he could become CEO.

  • tfw you didnt appear in episode 4 and there isnt any screenshots of you in episode 5

  • he's just preparing to look his best without his most important facial feature.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw you didnt appear in episode 4 and there isnt any screenshots of you in episode 5

  • What would could Bruce be doing in the church from episode 1 with his batsuit?

  • Agreed. I told Tiffany who I was, but I invisioned her as the next Lucius, not the next Batgirl/Robin character. I hope she's not out on missions with Bruce. I don't think I'd like that.

    Tiefling posted: »

    I guess I'm replaying the game and Tiffany will go work for the agency, lol, no way I'm taking her with me on the roofs.

  • Yay! Gotta say Villain Joker looks really good. (He really doesn't have a left eyebrow, huh.) Seems there will be consequences for Wayne Enterprises and Bruce since it looks like they've been discussing the intrusion and assault on Regina which happened back in Episode 2.

    And it's interesting to see that Agency Tiffany vs Heroine Tiffany will have an impact.

  • Where is Selina screenshots?!

  • HARD!!!

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