I wish he would do a little research on some of these things though. Watching his top 11 coolest cliches and he's talking about how composers use "nonsensical words" to sound like a dead language, and immediately pops up "Duel of the Fates" as an example when that song's lyrics are sanskrit. Yes, when translated into English, it is gibberish, but still real language here. Also, he finished that one off by saying, "What's next, a Star Trek choir singing Klingon?"
I'm not so sure about the new-style direction the Critic's been taking, to be honest. Sure we've had some great films covered, but I get the feeling he's only doing them because they're big names, not because he really wants to do most of them. On top of that, the little skits really get in the way most of the time and the summation at the end never really seems all that... angry, I guess. It always sounds like the end of a kids play where someone explains everything away with a 'and they lived happily ever after'.
I liked the review but felt he was too focused on the director part that he didn't pay enough attention to the last half of the film even reviewing some parts out of order.
So now that The Critic has a good amount of episodes out what does everyone think?
I've actually been going back and rewatching old Critic. Haven't been paying much attention to his new stuff. And God, I really wanted to slap Doug and Rob in their Sibling Rivalry episodes of Star Trek Into Darkness and Man of Steel. For f***'s sake, there are only THREE DAMN LINES taken from Wrath of Khan for Into Darkness! THREE!!! They're acting like there was no original dialogue at all when it was MOSTLY NEW DIALOGUE! ARGH!!!!!!! And I didn't make it far into their Man of Steel review because I really think they're wrong. Man of Steel was amazing.
Oh, and I have been enjoying his Avatar: The Last Airbender VLOGS. There was one episode that he didn't like that I really did, and I didn't really get why he didn't like it(can't remember which now) and I was surprised by the fact that he mostly liked "The Great Divide" but when I look back on it, that would have been a really solid episode if Aang hadn't made up some BS to make them stop fighting. But all in all, I'm glad he's enjoying the series and I think that the Critic's review of The Last Airbender should be interesting.
They mostly have been good although he as I stated I feel he does tend to stop focusing on the film too much to go into sub-plots and this is the most obvious in The Cat in the Hat review where he reviews parts of the movie out of order and it just feels like he rushes the second half of the movie.
I'm not a big fan of the new format of the series. I still like the reviews, but I don't like it when he stops a review dead in its tracks for 5 minutes so they can do a comedy sketch. It's why I didn't watch the AI review until a couple weeks after it came out.
AI was a really good review of a really bad movie. And I hate saying that considering some of the minds behind it, but AI was just bad.
Just watched the review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. My god am I glad I was out of the Power Rangers phase by the time this came out. What a load of crap, even for Power Rangers. And hooray for a Linkara cameo! Wasn't sure if they'd ever do that again now that they have the cast of Demo Reel integrated.
AI, I think had the best sub-plot of a NC episode. The parts with The Critic at TMZ was so funny and I didn't feel it took away from the review like The Cat in the Hat review.
Also I found this video on Youtube, Its Nostalgia Critic cosplaying as Linkara at a con.
...wait, WHAT? Sailor-WHAT? Has he lost his mind? Seriously? Christ, now he's just pandering. How badly out of ideas must you be to have to review freakin' Sailor Moon?
It might be cos Sailor Moon is returning with a new Anime this year. I love Sailor Moon the Japanese version is waaay better.
There where plot reasons why each villians attacked the same city every single time it vaireid from each season but most of the time they wanted Sailor Moon's crystal.
I gotta disagree with NC even on the crappy dub the girls have fleshed out characters. It wasn't like Al Gore: I remember how Kid 1 used to laugh and play. And how Kid 2 was always there when I needed him.
...wait, WHAT? Sailor-WHAT? Has he lost his mind? Seriously? Christ, now he's just pandering. How badly out of ideas must you be to have to review freakin' Sailor Moon?
1) He probably did it because enough people have either requested it or called him out on Sailor Moon's awkward inclusion on the Top 11 Hottest Animated Women list. Probably took him this long to find good footage for both the review and to sit down and watch. I question him trying to watch a series to review while Doug's also watching another series, which leads to...
2) First Avatar The Last Airbender joke on the NC!
3) LOL, nice self-jab at Demo Reel at the end.
Coolsome, is there really going to be ANOTHER Sailor Moon anime??
Anyway...can't wait to see the NC review of Shamalamadingdong's The Last Airbender.
Its happened. Nostalgia Critic has finally reviewed The Last Airbender.
While I agree, I feel that this one should be a little epic. Doug did do a whole series of Vlogs to go through the entire series and Legend of Korra, this seems good to end the Avatar part of it. Many people also believe It is also one of the worst adaptions so it would fit for it to be a little epic. Anyway I loved the joke at the end where
NC gets his acting talent sucked out of him. Its so funny when he does the shit acting.
While I liked the review, I still don't like the actors from Demo Real. They're just not as funny as Doug and their scenes always seem so forced. Also, I'm pretty sure the role of Shyamalan probably would have been better suited for Bhargav (as I looked up the spelling for his name, I just found out he left the site).
I only watched a bit of his Terabithia review (up to the bit where he commented on updating the story), but it seemed much more in the style of his older reviews, just not as angry. It was good - I wish he'd do more like that instead of these big epic dramas.
Doug has 2 new videos this week.
1.A NC review of Bridge to Terabithia:http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/no… morestalgia-critic/40625-nostalgia-critic-bridge-to-terabithia
2.A commentary on his The Cat in the Hat review:http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/40659-nostalgia-critic-commentary-cat-in-the-hat
I liked the review as well. I thought the joke about the kids grown up was funny. Also NC learning how to do everything while thinking its enchanting was funny.
Yeah, it was a pretty good review. The funniest parts were probably The Critic going crazy but is still outsmarted by RacheI and Malcolm. It was a good start to this year's Nostalgia-Ween. I also like the new Nostalgiaween intro.
I kinda enjoyed his videos when he had the clash with the Nerd, but now it's just gotten a bit stale. Like a delightfully fine pizza, which gets amazingly good as cold left-overs, but left too long to go hard and dry. I don't ever go on TGWTG anymore, as all but one reviewer has degraded. Todd In The Shadows is the primary reason why I ever go back, but even he's starting to lose his steam, but that's only because we need another insanely terrible pop song to make the hit-list.
Other youtubers and website like NormalBoots, Game Grumps, Renegade Cut, and GoodBadFlicks have just surpassed TGWTG.
I find that as time goes on and people accumulate more fans, they tend to start doing videos specifically to please those fans rather than because they actually just want to make fun of a movie/game/whatever.
That's why I feel a lot of Doug Walker's stuff is nowhere near as good since he's come back. Don't get me wrong, there's still moments to be enjoyed in his reviews, but it's outweighed by all these elements that don't quite work. The choice of films (mostly recent big names). The skits that break the flow. The "it's crap but I can see how people enjoy it" bits at the end.
I dunno. It just feels like he's doing these reviews for the wrong reasons.
(I can't really speak about the other TGWTG guys since I only really watch a couple of others - Film Brain, Rap Critic and Todd, to be honest)
Interesting as AVGN got stale with the routine he's actively tried to do other stuff that I feel have been great. Some of his best materials were the thoughtful reviews he did without the over the top angry yells.
Remember this? I'm wondering if maybe the Critic is clairvoyant.
The track "The Kronos Wartet" from the Star Trek Into Darkness soundtrack has singing in Klingon.
Still love the Cat in the Hat review though.
I've actually been going back and rewatching old Critic. Haven't been paying much attention to his new stuff. And God, I really wanted to slap Doug and Rob in their Sibling Rivalry episodes of Star Trek Into Darkness and Man of Steel. For f***'s sake, there are only THREE DAMN LINES taken from Wrath of Khan for Into Darkness! THREE!!! They're acting like there was no original dialogue at all when it was MOSTLY NEW DIALOGUE! ARGH!!!!!!! And I didn't make it far into their Man of Steel review because I really think they're wrong. Man of Steel was amazing.
Oh, and I have been enjoying his Avatar: The Last Airbender VLOGS. There was one episode that he didn't like that I really did, and I didn't really get why he didn't like it(can't remember which now) and I was surprised by the fact that he mostly liked "The Great Divide" but when I look back on it, that would have been a really solid episode if Aang hadn't made up some BS to make them stop fighting. But all in all, I'm glad he's enjoying the series and I think that the Critic's review of The Last Airbender should be interesting.
Just watched the review of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. My god am I glad I was out of the Power Rangers phase by the time this came out. What a load of crap, even for Power Rangers. And hooray for a Linkara cameo! Wasn't sure if they'd ever do that again now that they have the cast of Demo Reel integrated.
Also I found this video on Youtube, Its Nostalgia Critic cosplaying as Linkara at a con.
Hehe, Bat-credit card.
Anyway, here's his review of Sailor Moon.
...wait, WHAT? Sailor-WHAT? Has he lost his mind? Seriously? Christ, now he's just pandering. How badly out of ideas must you be to have to review freakin' Sailor Moon?
There where plot reasons why each villians attacked the same city every single time it vaireid from each season but most of the time they wanted Sailor Moon's crystal.
I gotta disagree with NC even on the crappy dub the girls have fleshed out characters. It wasn't like Al Gore: I remember how Kid 1 used to laugh and play. And how Kid 2 was always there when I needed him.
1) He probably did it because enough people have either requested it or called him out on Sailor Moon's awkward inclusion on the Top 11 Hottest Animated Women list. Probably took him this long to find good footage for both the review and to sit down and watch. I question him trying to watch a series to review while Doug's also watching another series, which leads to...
2) First Avatar The Last Airbender joke on the NC!
3) LOL, nice self-jab at Demo Reel at the end.
Coolsome, is there really going to be ANOTHER Sailor Moon anime??
Anyway...can't wait to see the NC review of Shamalamadingdong's The Last Airbender.
Yes it was announced on my birthday.
...reboot? Remake? Sequel?
Reboot it's gonna be more close to the manga then the old anime was.
Its happened. Nostalgia Critic has finally reviewed The Last Airbender.
I enjoyed the review... except for the bits with Shamylan. Why does everything have to be so flipping epic with the Critic these days?
While I agree, I feel that this one should be a little epic. Doug did do a whole series of Vlogs to go through the entire series and Legend of Korra, this seems good to end the Avatar part of it. Many people also believe It is also one of the worst adaptions so it would fit for it to be a little epic. Anyway I loved the joke at the end where
While I liked the review, I still don't like the actors from Demo Real. They're just not as funny as Doug and their scenes always seem so forced. Also, I'm pretty sure the role of Shyamalan probably would have been better suited for Bhargav (as I looked up the spelling for his name, I just found out he left the site).
Doug has 2 new videos this week.
1.A NC review of Bridge to Terabithia:http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/40625-nostalgia-critic-bridge-to-terabithia
2.A commentary on his The Cat in the Hat review:http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/40659-nostalgia-critic-commentary-cat-in-the-hat
I only watched a bit of his Terabithia review (up to the bit where he commented on updating the story), but it seemed much more in the style of his older reviews, just not as angry. It was good - I wish he'd do more like that instead of these big epic dramas.
I liked the review as well. I thought the joke about the kids grown up was funny. Also NC learning how to do everything while thinking its enchanting was funny.
OK, I have to recant on my last post - his review of The Shining miniseries was pretty damn good.
And it was good seeing him ANGRY again. I've missed that.
Yeah, it was a pretty good review. The funniest parts were probably The Critic going crazy but is still outsmarted by RacheI and Malcolm. It was a good start to this year's Nostalgia-Ween. I also like the new Nostalgiaween intro.
Since it's also posted on thatguywiththeglasses.com, I guess I can also ask, what do you guys think about Ross's Game Dungeon?
Hey everybody in the TTG forums! Its January! You know what that means! Another made up month of reviews by Nostalgia Critic! Its Nicolas Cage month!
So what does everyone think of The Critic's review of Face/Off?
I'm glad the internet realized what a hack this guy was.
I kinda enjoyed his videos when he had the clash with the Nerd, but now it's just gotten a bit stale. Like a delightfully fine pizza, which gets amazingly good as cold left-overs, but left too long to go hard and dry. I don't ever go on TGWTG anymore, as all but one reviewer has degraded. Todd In The Shadows is the primary reason why I ever go back, but even he's starting to lose his steam, but that's only because we need another insanely terrible pop song to make the hit-list.
Other youtubers and website like NormalBoots, Game Grumps, Renegade Cut, and GoodBadFlicks have just surpassed TGWTG.
I find that as time goes on and people accumulate more fans, they tend to start doing videos specifically to please those fans rather than because they actually just want to make fun of a movie/game/whatever.
That's why I feel a lot of Doug Walker's stuff is nowhere near as good since he's come back. Don't get me wrong, there's still moments to be enjoyed in his reviews, but it's outweighed by all these elements that don't quite work. The choice of films (mostly recent big names). The skits that break the flow. The "it's crap but I can see how people enjoy it" bits at the end.
I dunno. It just feels like he's doing these reviews for the wrong reasons.
(I can't really speak about the other TGWTG guys since I only really watch a couple of others - Film Brain, Rap Critic and Todd, to be honest)
Interesting as AVGN got stale with the routine he's actively tried to do other stuff that I feel have been great. Some of his best materials were the thoughtful reviews he did without the over the top angry yells.