E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • well i reckon 3-4 hours max if you take your time and die alot or just enjoy each section when you are free to roam around.

    Four months, 2 hours of gameplay maximum. Cool.

  • It is very likely though

    placeholder date.

  • Two games and projects like GoT, Borderlands and who else knows what...

    two games.. twd and twau. and ttg have must have a skin so thick and hard it must rival adamantium by now, cos imho, it's always the same on the forums we the good the bad and the down right ugly comments..

  • I don't how you can play episode 1 for example of TWAU more than 2.5 hours. It is just impossible. I'm trying to examine every corner of the location when we are allowed to. But even in these circumstances it took me slightly more than 2 hours to complete ep.1 of TWAU. TWD S2 ep.1 took me about 90 minutes. But TWD S1 wasn't so short, except 400 days and ep.5. It took me about 2.5-3 hours to complete each episode.
    Sorry for my English.

    well i reckon 3-4 hours max if you take your time and die alot or just enjoy each section when you are free to roam around.

  • edited January 2014

    In my world, there is simply no excuses for what has happened. Of course - everyone can be delayed, we all know that from our work. But when we realise we are going to be delayed, we contact our boss/customers/whatever, explain the situation, and give them a new estimat. Many of us even keep them up-to-date as the progress continues.

    None of that has happened here. We didn't get any information about a plausible releasedate before this(!), and when people asked about what was going on, they simply were met with silence.

    As a paying customer, I demand things to get better. I know you can't give us a deadline the moment the prior episode gets released - but when you know the game is going to get delayed with weeks?? Come on - that is just pissing on the very same people, who give you butter on the bread (and even the bread itself).

    Really - none of us people are angry about the delays. Shit happens. What we are angry about, are the missing informations, up-to-dates, etc. We don't need any technical details (although it would be nice, admitted), a simple: "Dear TWAU-subscribers. Due to some serious technical problems we will be delayed with episode 2. At the very moment we don't know for how long. But we promise you, that we are doing everything we can to get finished as soon as possible, with an episode as good as possible!

    Yours sincerely,
    Telltale Games."

    See - was that so hard? No spoilers, no technical details, no "law-infringing" information - just pure info to the customers. That was all we wanted - and we didn't get that.

    That! is why many of us are a bit pissed off.

    Still...looking forward to episode 2 - just don't let it happen again damnit?!

    Don't worry, I think I get where you are coming from and you make a valid point. I wasn't deliberately changing the topic and I too had assume

  • edited January 2014

    Finally a sign of life from you guys , look we all know that shit happens but still you wouldn't get so much fire if you simply notified the customers .

    your price is more than fair , I'll be willing to pay 20$ for 6-8 hours of fun anytime , hell in my country going to 1.5 hours movie costs you about 15-20$ .
    The only bad thing about you guys is that you don't communicate , you released episode 1 and disappeared for 3 months with nothing but 2 screen shots and that's very very ! disrespectful to your paying customers .

  • edited January 2014

    ok then, maybe it just feels like 3-4 hours for me lol

    I don't how you can play episode 1 for example of TWAU more than 2.5 hours. It is just impossible. I'm trying to examine every corner of the l

  • edited January 2014

    No, it really isn't. You run out of arguments and resort to sarcasm and light trolling. I do not.

    i should grow up?? The irony is strong with this one....

  • :P

    skullzz posted: »

    @The_Red_Panda Who cares how many people thumb you down. What you have spoken is truth. That's why they're upset. I applaud you, truly.

  • edited January 2014

    You know what? I completely misread the indenting here, and wrote something dumb in this space as a result. I've removed my silliness; sorry about that.

    You just don't stop do you. You go between the steam forum and here berating everyone who has a different opinion than yourself. Learning tole

  • Yeah because you go from aggressive in our face comments because you dislike what we say and then suddenly you agree or post something calm and collected with out any form of mockery/insult.

    kinda hypocritical..

    i figure we agree to disagree and leave it at that..

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    No, it really isn't. You run out of arguments and resort to sarcasm and light trolling. I do not.

  • edited January 2014

    nope, it's about pointing out other views or other sides or just messing around with people so hell bent on being haters, even when they get want...or not...

    it just amazes me what people come out with...

    if anyone has an ego or needs self affirming it's you fiach, you seem to have commented on pretty much everyone who doesn't need an apology and all your 'likers' are just as bad, so if i'm 'pandering' to the developers, your are clearly pandering to the 'mob' of angry members, if any one craves validation is all these people wanting an apology.

    and when you say little effort, maybe you should read original post that started this topic off, if that doesn't say they are making the effort i don't know what does..

    'gets coat' leaves...

  • edited January 2014
    1. If I agree with someone, I agree with them, regardless of previous conversations. To my knowledge I haven't agreed with you on anything. Us, our, we? Who are you speaking for?
    2. Calming down is not the same as running out of points then resorting to trolling.
    3. Yeah it kind of is. But my point isn't that you mock, its that you have one flimsy argument and when defeated you don't know when to quit, so you coast on fumes just to maintain your defense of the company.
    4. No you really didn't think that. You baited.

    Yeah because you go from aggressive in our face comments because you dislike what we say and then suddenly you agree or post something calm an

  • i got nothing..

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    * If I agree with someone, I agree with them, regardless of previous conversations. To my knowledge I haven't agreed with you on anything. Us,

  • Now we agree on something.

    i got nothing..

  • Yep, their reaction to the reddit thread says everything about their priorities (e.g. $$$).

    I don't believe them when they say "We were planning the announcement of the ep2 release date just today" and then they make it sound like they're so awesome by sharing it here first. Seems like a lie to me.

    I appreciate the update, thank you for that. It does strike a little sour note that the fans here have been asking continuously for weeks a

  • edited January 2014

    They better give me a free game or something, because this lack of communication and long delay was B.S. (plus the fact that I bought TWD: Season 2 and TWAU full price for PC), then to add insult to injury, I got to watch both games get deeply discounted while TTG said nothing about TWAU.

    Give those on PC (who were forced to buy the entire games) a future game or DLC for free... and then, and only then, might I consider buying an episodic game from TTG before it's fully released. Otherwise, I'll wait for steam sales and TTG bundles to buy their complete products at a steep discount.

    You squandered a lot of hype and goodwill, TTG. No more paying for all five games just because I'm a PC player for me. No more wanting to support a studio by buying early and buying often. You have damaged your brand irreparably in the eyes of many gamers. I suggest you make it up to us, and saying "sorry" is the first step (but apparently that's beneath you guys).

    GriloBR posted: »

    i dont know if anyone already said it,but i think telltale should give us an discount in episode 2 because of the delay near 4 months

  • edited January 2014

    Alt text

    so done with this..

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    Now we agree on something.

  • YES!!! Finally more TWAU i've been waiting forever even though i know it was a long wait for all of us. But we all know it will be worth it lets just hope they don't do this with episode 3 :D

  • edited January 2014

    welcome to the forums !
    enjoy your stay here and please don't insult anyone no matter how tempting, just be as nice as possible :)

    editted.out the 'sarcasm'

    David12197 posted: »

    YES!!! Finally more TWAU i've been waiting forever even though i know it was a long wait for all of us. But we all know it will be worth it lets just hope they don't do this with episode 3

  • edited January 2014
    1. You're here getting worked up over criticism of a game company.
    2. If anything longer than a tweet, is too much for you to handle, I feel bad for you. Even worse, if you consider such a witty retort. (It's hard to sound sharp, when you get "worked up" over having to deal with a paragraph).
    smithjohn57 posted: »

    one of those thumbs up is mine... nothing i love more than posts that are long enough to be published as novels. ( that may have been me bashing you) KissKiss

  • I have multiple playthroughs. Thus, I get around 8 hours of play for each episode.

    I don't how you can play episode 1 for example of TWAU more than 2.5 hours. It is just impossible. I'm trying to examine every corner of the l

  • edited January 2014

    I sometimes sell things on eBay, or Amazon. When a shipment is delayed, or even goes missing. Guess what? I APOLOGIZE.
    Is it my fault USPS, UPS, etc. messed up? Nope. But that's what good businesses do, to maintain a good rapport with their paying customers, and ensure repeat business.
    I bought an import white PSP when they first came out. When the package arrived, it literally had a giant gaping hole in the side taped over with clear tape. When I called the place I ordered from, they apologized (and sent a new one free of charge)!

    It should be a reaction, a reflex. you don't need to think for breathing to occur, such is the same with an apology for bad business.
    When you are a business and things go pear shaped, it should be instinctive to apologize.

    Why do I say it? Because I mean it. I really am sorry they had issues. When someone's car breaks down, and I say I'm sorry to hear that, its a sign of courtesy or compassion. I didn't break their car. But I say it anyway.

    Hell every time I buy something on Amazon, one of the feedback options is about how well the seller communicated with me.

    Its clear you've never owned a business, or studied how business/customer relations work, and simply go with whatever you feel Telltale would like to hear.

    but we can't go around asking for those two to apologise can we? so why the fuck do people expect telltale to do it ? or sure it's their g

  • edited January 2014

    When someone's car breaks down, and I say I'm sorry to hear that, its a sign of courtesy or compassion. I didn't break their car. But I say it anyway.

    Yes, apologizing isn't admitting guilt, it's just a basic sign of empathy that does a lot to allay customer frustration.

    Case in point:

    I was having serious issues with my internet and had to keep calling my cable company to get it fixed. It took MONTHS for them to sort out what the issues were (many times I was erroneously told it was my modem, network interface card, router, etc.). Ultimately, it wound up being some faulty equipment in their neighborhood node, so it had NOTHING to do with me (but it very well could have been "my fault"). I was pretty angry throughout the ordeal, but EVERY time I interacted with them, their customer service people and technicians apologized to me for the inconvenience and I could tell they understood my frustration. That simple willingness to APOLOGIZE and EMPATHIZE with me is why I'm STILL a customer with them today... If they hadn't apologized for the inconvenience (even if it wasn't their fault), I would have sought internet service elsewhere.

    An apology for poor service is a standard practice for PROFESSIONAL businesses. TTG not apologizing and acknowledging their poor communication has shown me they are NOT professional and I do not trust them to conduct themselves in a professional fashion hereafter. This is all the reason I need to only buy their content when it is fully complete and steeply discounted, if I even buy it at all...

    If TTG wants to take on these mega-popular IPs, they MUST step it up in regards to their professional conduct. Their lack of communication, and then subsequent lack of apology, is amateurish and sad.

    My advice: HIRE SOME PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT IS WHAT, TTG... STARTING WITH YOUR PR/COMMUNITY-MANAGEMENT TEAMS!!! (you're clearly in over your heads when you're failing to express empathy with customer frustration)

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    I sometimes sell things on eBay, or Amazon. When a shipment is delayed, or even goes missing. Guess what? I APOLOGIZE. Is it my fault USPS,

  • looks like i have stalker...

    I WAS WRONG to defend a company that has yet to fail me as a loyal customer
    i was wrong to call out the bs on how impossible it is for telltale to please everyone.

    i was wrong to have the guts to disagree with the masses of this topic.

    excuse me for taking up some of your precious oxygen..

    holy shit...

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    I sometimes sell things on eBay, or Amazon. When a shipment is delayed, or even goes missing. Guess what? I APOLOGIZE. Is it my fault USPS,

  • In February

    =| lol

  • And replays

    Bralef posted: »

    I have multiple playthroughs. Thus, I get around 8 hours of play for each episode.

  • Why no blog post yet?

  • No, you don't have a stalker.
    You are wrong for defending a company no matter what they do. That does not help them at all, and certainly doesn't help you, or your fellow gamers.
    You are wrong for using a tired cliche and strawman argument, that its "impossible to please everyone", to justify them not making an effort to please anyone. Yes, you can't please everyone. But you can try! They put forth zero effort to keep us informed over the course of four months. Sorry this isn't a "can't please everyone" moment.

    You aren't a brave heroic soul for disagreeing with the masses. That shouldn't have anything to do with your decision process. Sometimes the masses are right.

    If you don't want people to point out your erroneous or fallacious points, don't go to each and every negative post and justify TTG's actions.

    looks like i have stalker... I WAS WRONG to defend a company that has yet to fail me as a loyal customer i was wrong to call out the bs on

  • No, it isn't like that at all. It's not even close to that.

    Thats like saying A murder witness should apologize to the family of the victim........

  • don't want your respect, don't need it if you are truly bothered by my use of the letter D than i humbly apologize would you prefer to suck an A or perhaps a C i personally prefer the D but to each their own

    the_Sean712 posted: »

    yeah, my apologies...'cause, ya know, telling people they can "suck a D" if they don't like the delay that has happened must have totally been

  • trying to figure out what part of what i said is more worked up than any loser who who is seriously angry with telltale for a lack of communication, and isn't just you using my own words against me to justify your point. if getting worked up is laughing till my stomach hurts at all of the disappointed people who aren't getting what they want than call me mr. worked up

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    * You're here getting worked up over criticism of a game company. * If anything longer than a tweet, is too much for you to handle, I feel ba

  • Well said. Very well said.
    It doesn't even take much to do it. Its amazing that they can go so long without trying to keep their customers happy. An apology should have been the first and last things written in this update. It's just common courtesy.

    RedCombLP posted: »

    When someone's car breaks down, and I say I'm sorry to hear that, its a sign of courtesy or compassion. I didn't break their car. But I say it

  • edited January 2014

    You can start with calling them all "losers", then finish up with pretending you're "laughing" to fan the flames and make upset customers, more upset. As if that's what Telltale could possibly want or appreciate.

    I can actually feel the rage wafting off of your posts as you try desperately to make us angrier. I've seen this act too many times to start buying it now.

    smithjohn57 posted: »

    trying to figure out what part of what i said is more worked up than any loser who who is seriously angry with telltale for a lack of communic

  • edited January 2014

    or here is some food for thought, read the graphic novel then you wont have to wait to find out what happens and every can rest a little easier but wait... unless anything longer than a tweet is too much for you to handle

    smithjohn57 posted: »

    trying to figure out what part of what i said is more worked up than any loser who who is seriously angry with telltale for a lack of communic

  • edited January 2014


    FiachSidhe posted: »

    No, it isn't like that at all. It's not even close to that.

  • What?!? Yes they do have some work to do with regaining goodwill and trust.
    But they hardly need to kiss my ass. In fact, what they have to do is actually pretty damn simple and easy.
    1. Apologize.
    2. Explain what happened
    3. Endeavor to improve their customer relations.

    MPtrey posted: »

    Well, Telltale, this is a start but you've got a hell of a lot of more work/ass-kissing to your customers to do before you regain mine and man

  • [removed]

    FiachSidhe posted: »

    No, you don't have a stalker. You are wrong for defending a company no matter what they do. That does not help them at all, and certainly doe

  • No, i won't "STFU" just because you can't handle being called out for statements you make on an open forum. If you don't like what I have to say. Ignore it, and don't respond. But I certainly won't shut up for you.

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