E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • i cannot believe how far you two are going with this,

    it's gone to an epic level of vindictiveness over an opinion and a view and reasons why i think it, some posts may of been a bit harsh but your two have gone way beyond that.

    I've seen you though-out this thread getting angry at people who are raising complains and asking for an apology, and FiachSidhe has every rea

  • 'two games'

    Because they're the one making the game. Fans will rage anyway whether people will like it or not. Besides, Telltale did agree to MS and Sony'

  • edited January 2014

    like wise missus.

    it is just astounding, even mind blowing how much hate i have gotten for this view of mine and the small minority who agree..

    Just cos we understand 'shit happens' doesn't mean we should be constantly persecuted or threatened with violence across a thread, just cos we disagree with the need for an apology..because we don't give a shit if we get one or not..

    it's a game people, it's not delayed if it was never confirmed for a release, and anyone using the 4-6 week time frame better prove a staff member said it and even print up a copy of the terms and conditions.

    Otherwise using 'wiki' as proof just instantly destroys your credibility, why ? because wiki pages are publically open to edits.


    TheMissus posted: »

    And you should watch your tone

  • I may be disagreeing with you but I am not insultive. Learn the difference

    like wise missus. it is just astounding, even mind blowing how much hate i have gotten for this view of mine and the small minority who agr

  • [removed]

    'two games'

  • insultive?


    TheMissus posted: »

    I may be disagreeing with you but I am not insultive. Learn the difference

  • i ain't your buddy, guy..

    'starting to bite off' you say ? if anything that ship sailed long ago..

    flogging a dead horse, that got reanimated....

  • Who talks about hatred against you or the company? Who threatens with violence? Nobody. People are upset that's all. You're okay with their move, I am not. Just deal with it instead of playing TT's lawyer. And I am not stupid, I KNOW wikia is not a 'source'. You are trying a bit too hard proving others they're wrong. I respect other opinions and I feel free to share mine. If you're not capable of bearing other opinions you're probably wrong on a forum.

    like wise missus. it is just astounding, even mind blowing how much hate i have gotten for this view of mine and the small minority who agr

  • Who was the one who said "STFU"? Who's the one really refusing to back down? When you comment on something, it's fair that you yourself will be replied to. We have the right to fight back, plus we're not the ones moaning about people beating us at our own game. You sir, have brought this upon yourself.

    i cannot believe how far you two are going with this, it's gone to an epic level of vindictiveness over an opinion and a view and reasons why i think it, some posts may of been a bit harsh but your two have gone way beyond that.

  • Because you said that I should watch MY tone. I don't call other people names, like retard or getting a life.

    insultive? explain..

  • edited January 2014

    Hiiiiiii Keviiiiinnnnnnn.....

  • edited January 2014

    Wait so it's ok for you to say it someone else but no one can say it to you ?


    i haven't called you any names.

    TheMissus posted: »

    Because you said that I should watch MY tone. I don't call other people names, like retard or getting a life.

  • i can handle others opinions a damsight fucking better than 'some' people can.

    assuming it's done without malice, which is just not happening with fiach and that other person..

    TheMissus posted: »

    Who talks about hatred against you or the company? Who threatens with violence? Nobody. People are upset that's all. You're okay with their mo

  • edited January 2014


    Vainamoinen posted: »

    I wish RPS had been more careful in the wording of their article. It basically says that TTG only responded after Reddit users complained and

  • edited January 2014

    I remember calling a person who implicated something disgusting with Clementine a "sick pig" and he got banned. Other than that I don't call anybody names on forums. So?

    And no, you didn't but you said I like wise should i watch my tone.

    Wait so it's ok for you to say it someone else but no one can say it to you ? Seriously... i haven't called you any names.

  • Actually the mods removed half a page, my comments were among them.

  • edited January 2014

    Yeah, I think they're white-washing any comments that don't make everything look hunky-dory...

    All I said was that it was pretty obvious we got news here because the reddit thread forced them into saying something.

    Somehow that is worthy of removal... I guess I'm not "native English" enough to just leave my posts up.

    TheMissus posted: »

    Actually the mods removed half a page, my comments were among them.

  • When we remove a comment, all the sub comments are removed as well as a result of the threaded discussion. We aren't deliberately going through and removing comments by the masses.

    TheMissus posted: »

    Actually the mods removed half a page, my comments were among them.

  • Alt text

    Who was the one who said "STFU"? Who's the one really refusing to back down? When you comment on something, it's fair that you yourself will b

  • edited January 2014

    flagged as trolling me ?

    holy shit that makes you '3 witches' the trifecta of trolls..


  • It's not fair to reply with David Tennant and Catherine Tate. It's an instant win.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Not English then?

  • [removed]

    i ain't your buddy, guy.. 'starting to bite off' you say ? if anything that ship sailed long ago.. flogging a dead horse, that got reanimated....

  • Clap traps don't wear knickers..

    The cake is a lie..

  • The english the girl speaks is so annoying. The way she speaks makes me want to slap her (even disregarding her attitude)

    I enjoy listening to a lot of accents, irish, scottish, southern USA (music to my ear), but I can't stand the british accent.

    It's the most difficult to understand as a non-native speaker. Why is it that while english comes from Britain, it's the place where people speak it in the less clear way ? They don't pronounce every syllable... "innit", "guvna"... And their english is supposed to be superior to the american english ? Hell no.

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    Not English then?

  • edited January 2014

    The english the girl speaks is so annoying. The way she speaks makes me want to slap her (even disregarding her attitude)

    I'm not British, but I believe the accent she was doing is native to the midlands, and is commonly called a "chav" accent. A lot of Brits find that accent annoying, too. You'll generally find that people in the London area sound a lot more cultured, and the Welsh accent isn't much different from Scottish -- to me, those two are about as different as Georgia accent and a Tennessee accent; you can tell them apart, but you gotta listen close if you're not from around those parts. Great Britain has a lot of regional accents, and some are more annoying than others. Just like an American from Boston won't sound anything like his friends from New Orleans, New York, and Houston.

    North American English speakers also skip syllables sometimes. "Gonna" instead of "going to" is pretty comparable to "innit" for "isn't it." As for so-called superiority, I don't recall any of my British friends suggesting that, although they sometimes like to take credit for "inventing" it. I was once arguing about the meaning of a word with on friend, and the Brit eventually piped up and said "Pardon me, but as the only Englishman here, I feel compelled to remind you that we invented words, and we will tell you what they mean!" It's a great line. Wish I could steal it, but I'm just not an Englishman.

    The english the girl speaks is so annoying. The way she speaks makes me want to slap her (even disregarding her attitude) I enjoy listening

  • I'm still pissed. Sure, we got a release date, but... WHERE ARE THE SCREENSHOTS?
    Please post them very soon. Thanks.

  • whatever systems it came out early on ep 1, will come last this time. it's in order.

    well i reckon it'll be 4th for pc /steam/origin and psn NA the 5th for xbox

  • edited January 2014

    not necessarily, cos i'm basing that on the update days with is tuesday / friday for steam, so steam could be 7th which would suck for me and other steam users.

    xbox is wednesday so if not the 5th then the 12th and that would mean the second week, imagine the rage !

    psn i'm not sure on i think it's thursday

    Ellias posted: »

    whatever systems it came out early on ep 1, will come last this time. it's in order.

  • Psn will be getting it first this time, but couple days later after official release - it'll come to xbox and pc. Just like all, telltale games..

    Also, twd s2 ep2 will be releasing in xbox first, and pc&ps3 days later

    not necessarily, cos i'm basing that on the update days with is tuesday / friday for steam, so steam could be 7th which would suck for me and

  • i guess we'll see ;)

    Ellias posted: »

    Psn will be getting it first this time, but couple days later after official release - it'll come to xbox and pc. Just like all, telltale games.. Also, twd s2 ep2 will be releasing in xbox first, and pc&ps3 days later

  • Seeing as how the game will actually continue, it's worth it to ask this question:

    Is this a prequel to the comics or an alternate storyline with the same characters and setting?

  • They said it is a cannon prequel to the comics.

    radioshaam posted: »

    Seeing as how the game will actually continue, it's worth it to ask this question: Is this a prequel to the comics or an alternate storyline with the same characters and setting?

  • edited January 2014
  • There's two in the blog if you missed that.

    interzoid posted: »

    I'm still pissed. Sure, we got a release date, but... WHERE ARE THE SCREENSHOTS? Please post them very soon. Thanks.

  • You know, in the past I've noticed the time it took Telltale to make an episode, the better it was. This episode BETTER blow me away with amazingness. Although I do get the feeling it's going to be very... plot buildy and not very amazing otherwise.

  • Agreed - and for the record, English of any kind is not my first language, but the easiest English I know would be some of the American dialects (and I'm not only talking about the language from actors, I have worked with Americans and heard them talk everyday style English).

    But British English? Very hard to understand, but give me Scotih dialect any day of the week. :) Wonderful to hear, which is one of the reasons I released Ken in Mass Effect 3.

    The english the girl speaks is so annoying. The way she speaks makes me want to slap her (even disregarding her attitude) I enjoy listening

  • I just hope it's not as short as s2 ep1 of the walking dead.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2014

    I'm British and i also hate the way she speaks, Like Silent Dan said it is classed as a "Chav" accent and the way she speaks can be heard across most of the UK but may sound different depending the local accent, Chavs tend to hang around in large groups and can cause problems and antisocial behavior so that particular character really annoys me and never found her that funny.

    Also In TWAU Toad is supposed to have a London "Cockney" accent, Just out of interest did you understand what he was saying?

    If you like the Scottish accent you might find this video funny as Scots sometimes have this problem.

    The english the girl speaks is so annoying. The way she speaks makes me want to slap her (even disregarding her attitude) I enjoy listening

  • Oh God I have derailed this thread so much I don't even

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I'm British and i also hate the way she speaks, Like Silent Dan said it is classed as a "Chav" accent and the way she speaks can be heard acro

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