E2 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS/Kindle/Android out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU



  • FreddeN93FreddeN93 Banned
    edited January 2014

    Sector Sweep. Miscount Detected; Individual, you are charged with multiple anti-civil violations, and social-endangerment of The Walking Dead, level one. Extinction is inevitable. Deploy. Sterilize. Secure. Unidentified person of interest, play The Walking Dead again, and confirm your civil status with the community immediately.


    Boagrius posted: »

    As much as I love TWD game series, I'm truthfully way more excited for TWAU episode 2 to come out first, I can somewhat predict what happens i

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2014

    Feed him to the walkers :P

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    Sector Sweep. Miscount Detected; Individual, you are charged with multiple anti-civil violations, and social-endangerment of The Walking Dead,

  • Lol i agree with him i love walkind dead but wolf among us us is looking a bit better

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    Sector Sweep. Miscount Detected; Individual, you are charged with multiple anti-civil violations, and social-endangerment of The Walking Dead,

  • [removed]

  • How is it that no one has banned @AHouseDivided yet?

    Flagging this disgusting human's every post.

  • wow divided i seriously hope that dante's inferno is true just for you.

  • It appears no mod is online. The best bet is to tweet or email the TTG staff and let them know

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    How is it that no one has banned @AHouseDivided yet? Flagging this disgusting human's every post.

  • [removed]

  • [removed]

  • Jesus christ. Someone get a moderator in here right now!

  • I love the Smoke & Mirrors Bigby picture he looks so good in it! :3

  • [removed]

  • Is it safe now?

  • Should be.

    Is it safe now?

  • Colin Moriarty is such a c***, that Bethesda actually mocked him with an NPC in Fallout 3.
    After their part in the Mass Effect 3 fiasco and fallout, I haven't a single, kind word to say about IGN. Their forums alone are enough to lose all faith in the gamer portion of humanity.

    Knight5923 posted: »

    I've never put much stock in IGN's opinions. As far as I'm concerned, they're so deep inside publisher's pockets that they're choking on lint.


    LOL Im kidding i played it for the first time last night and it was AWESOME!

  • edited January 2014

    Will we receive the trailer of episode 2 until it will be released ?

  • But we all know that you will play it. ;P

  • Probably the launch trailer like two days or so before release.

    Shogun1 posted: »

    Will we receive the trailer of episode 2 until it will be released ?

  • You're kidding me, right?

    Take a look at your receipt and realize what you paid for. You paid to have all of the episodes downloaded once they're released periodically. No where in you're receipt does it tell you that you will get each of them once every 1 or 2 months.

    I got the season's pass after playing the first episode, and I admit i was disappointed with the delay of episode 2. But I'm not pissed because, you know what? I'm not the one dedicating my life to waiting for a PRODUCT that hasn't been finished yet (which is what you and many others sound like).

    Maybe someone from the development team quit. Maybe they've had complications with rendering issues. Or, hell, maybe someone on the team passed away and it took them forever to find a replacement. If any of these happened, I think I can find in me to not give them shit for delaying the release of a game that in no way makes my life any better. It's just for entertainment. It's damn good entertainment, and I'd prefer if they release the episode the way it was intended to be then have it rushed out and unfinished by the date everyone expects to be released just so they can keep you ungrateful babies happy.

    So calm down and grow a damn spine. It's not the end of the world. YOU'LL LIVE.

    xspartanx3x posted: »

    I would have been ok with if it was just a 3 months wait, but damn it took like 5 BS telltale I regret buying the season pass. I never do but

  • Nice pic.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Probably the launch trailer like two days or so before release.

  • Beautiful. Oh snap, we got Dave Fennoy up in this piece? Suck it, Walking Dead!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    We're working on assets for the rest of the switchout. It's Bigby's turn to shine for a bit. EDIT: Bam. Check it out!

  • I'm really hoping that the length of this game will extend beyond ep1, since we had the unexpected wait.

  • So if you have been following the release date discussions (more specifically the now closed thread) you will find one or two statements from TTG that the episode had been finished back around late November but they couldn't release the PC version because console publishers tell TTG when its games will be released, whether its a console version or not. AUFKM!? Are you serious!?

    This delay wasn't to add additional "polish" or to fix any "bugs". Ep2 has been sitting on the shelf with no meaningful work being done for months while TTG waits for its console masters to "release" their game because "[TTG] have no control over the release". I believe that as far as I can throw it. Not to mention, I DON'T PLAY ON A CONSOLE!

    That's the part that really grinds my gears. Apparently everyone seemed to missed this. Why would TTG make itself beholden to console publishers to the detriment of its PC gaming consumers? Last time I checked, despite what some might want you to believe, the total number of pc gamers eclipses console gamers by an order of magnitude and many publishers completely forgo console development/titles, are quite successful, and maintain control of their creations to boot, instead of prostituting the entirety of their creation to "console publishers".

    Think about it. If they readily produced this explanation think about all the grief they would get over and above what they have gotten just for keeping their mouth shut. Rather then emphasize this truth, which is the reason for the delay, they say nothing. But a lie of omission is still a lie. And every time you lie, it makes it that much more difficult for people to believe you.

    I would like anyone to explain to me in a cogent manner why, as a pc gamer, I should care what console publishers want to do and this could be anything more then TTG shooting themselves in the foot signing this kind of contract. You don't need to port games to consoles to be successful, quite the contrary. JEBUS!

    No more episodic TTG games for me until all the content is released. You can get revenue on a per episode basis from your console customers since the console community is the player in your minds, TTG.

    Very disappointed in TTG.

  • Could you provide a link to the statements from TTG you're referring to?

    fatboy76 posted: »

    So if you have been following the release date discussions (more specifically the now closed thread) you will find one or two statements from

  • Because, developers shoulden't have to keep their releasedates because you like what they do? That's like keeping an abusive partner because they are "really nice" otherwise. Games are good, administration and hype is shitty. Telltale in a nutshell.

    But ofcourse, I am as hyped as anyone else.

    KCohere posted: »

    Oh come on. This is good news. Be happy. Two more weeks or so to go.

  • edited January 2014

    So....Where's the episode 2 trailer?!

  • Hell yeah, I'd LOVE to see those "one or two statements".

    OdanUrr posted: »

    Could you provide a link to the statements from TTG you're referring to?

  • Wouldn't the preview at the end of episode 1 count?

    Pashok57 posted: »

    So....Where's the episode 2 trailer?!

  • Shouldn't there be a exclusive clip from Smoke & Mirrors today?

    Pashok57 posted: »

    So....Where's the episode 2 trailer?!

  • edited January 2014

    Agreed! At least they had the decency to keep us posted! And I mean Get over it people! A lot of you are starting to sound like a bunch of entitled brats! am /I Disappointed that the wait has been so long? YES but There is a timeframe set from a RELIABLE SOURCE! I for one am one happy MoFo. I'll have the COD Ghosts DLC to keepme company til then! :)

    KCohere posted: »

    Oh come on. This is good news. Be happy. Two more weeks or so to go.

  • It should be today!!! :/

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    Shouldn't there be a exclusive clip from Smoke & Mirrors today?

  • Heh..... Nope :D

    zeke10 posted: »

    Wouldn't the preview at the end of episode 1 count?

  • This board got this info because he saw a post on reddit, and then thought "well dayumn I should probably go tell the community forums of me own company first" which gave us a nice 5 seconds advance on the reddit thread he was about to answer because somehow, reddit got to him much faster than 80 pages of rant on his company's forums.

    raindoc posted: »

    What's your problem? This board got the info first, despite reddit reaching out to so much more people/customers than this puny forum.

  • Exactly.

    d_cover posted: »

    Yeah they should have been a lot more professional. Specially when you are in the spotlight for iconic games. When you are selling very popula

  • Bah, at that point, TWD ep.2 should have a no news given 4 month delayed release for the TWAU fans not to be angry. I hope for the TWD fans they don't do that. Might use that as an excuse though, ha, now that would be funny.

    Jasko posted: »

    Loool if it does happen TWAU fans will rage hhhhhh. nah but i think it will come two weeks after TWAU.

  • TellTale Games now working with 3D Realms to create next Duke Nukem "Infinity"

    d_cover posted: »

    TellTale Games now integrated with Valve Time.

  • You can also celebrate the sun rose this morning. You can't sell season passes and not make the rest of the game. Party everyday, cause it's gonna happen, whoohoo !!

    You're looking to deep into my statement. I'm celebrating the fact that we have more coming, not that we got more this moment.

  • 4 months wait. I don't think there's luck anywhere, but you know, okay.

    FreddeN93 posted: »

    Seems like you guys will get your first exclusive clip of Smoke & Mirrors on Monday at IGN. Lucky bastards. 'Bigby Wolf' (@Harringt

  • After all this time he's gonna have trouble with the sunlight.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    We're working on assets for the rest of the switchout. It's Bigby's turn to shine for a bit. EDIT: Bam. Check it out!

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