I can't wait to play as this guy again:
And for the delay, it happens. All that it matters is the quality in the end. A wise man once said: "People won't remember how long it took, only if it was good."
Ex...excuse me?
I'll give you the fact that I do wish they let us know why the delays were happening, but they don't need to do any ass-kis… moresing. I don't understand this whole scenario. I was bummed that the next episode didn't come a month later, but I didn't put a picture of TTG on fire and poke it with my pitchfork. They never said it would come the next month, we all just expected it to.
Clearly, they can't go into details about what went wrong at the moment, and I'm certain something bad must've happened, but please, please.
Grow up.
coming........................................................................................................................................… more..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................… [view original content]
Was just on the fables wiki and it says that it will come out on february 4th for north america and february 5th for Europe. I am so excited to start playing again. Tuesday can not come soon enough.
Was just on the fables wiki and it says that it will come out on february 4th for north america and february 5th for Europe. I am so excited to start playing again. Tuesday can not come soon enough.
You know the funny thing about a wiki? Anyone can edit it.
Telltale hasn't said anything except 'first week of February.' Whatever the Fables wiki says, whatever exact dates it gives, the first week of February is what the only trustworthy source is saying.
Was just on the fables wiki and it says that it will come out on february 4th for north america and february 5th for Europe. I am so excited to start playing again. Tuesday can not come soon enough.
OMG loveeeeeeee the trailerrrrr!!!!!! I'm actually hoping that we get it sooner than February 4th or 5th. Last time a TWUA trailer came out for episode one, the game came out two days later, or something like that. I would love it if the same thing happened with this episode too!!
right so they say
we have bad news ep 2 is going to be delayed, we don't know how long for or why this happened we are doing ever… moreything we can to sort it out please bare with us we'll have more news as we know it.
forums reaction
RAGE COMPLAINTS, THREATS idemandrefunds, then the surely by now you guys should know what problems can happen if your using the same engine, etc etc..
next update:
ok we have more news guys n gals, seems we found yet another problem so again we are sorry and we will try and get it fixed asap sorry..
need i go on ??
Just curious, did any of The Walking Dead episodes release on a Friday for the PC? I didn't follow the game as closely as I should have. Reason I'm asking is there might be a slim chance it could be available on the PC tomorrow.
Oh and folks, you'll probably hate me for this, but remember that you raged about release dates, complained not buying more, only for things to be much happier now. That way, when I or someone else says that it's always the same with the complaining and things'll be okay at release, we do actually have something to back our statements up with. (Of course, I mean this more jokingly than anything else. I just find it amusing is all. Though the complaints were definitely warranted this time, so I don't begrudge anyone the complaints. But just remember for next time, when there's a usual 1 - 2 month wait! The Walking Dead folks are already starting and it's only been a month. )
Just curious, did any of The Walking Dead episodes release on a Friday for the PC? I didn't follow the game as closely as I should have. Reaso… moren I'm asking is there might be a slim chance it could be available on the PC tomorrow.
Oh and folks, you'll probably hate me for this, but remember that you raged about release dates, complained not buying more, only for things to be much happier now. That way, when I or someone else says that it's always the same with the complaining and things'll be okay at release, we do actually have something to back our statements up with. (Of course, I mean this more jokingly than anything else. I just find it amusing is all. Though the complaints were definitely warranted this time, so I don't begrudge anyone the complaints. But just remember for next time, when there's a usual 1 - 2 month wait! The Walking Dead folks are already starting and it's only been a month. )
Just curious, did any of The Walking Dead episodes release on a Friday for the PC?
The TWD PC episodes usually released on the same day as the first console version (Xbox or PS3).
That means it was either a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
Might be partly my fault. Moderators here have confirmed that TT has had to deal with more restrictive NDAs than they are used to. I'm not sure how to link to specific posts, so I'll just excerpt the part I'm referring to:
Now that they are working with large corporations such as Warner Bros (which owns Vertigo, which is an imprint of DC Comics) for Fables, and with big name licenses like The Walking Dead, and have to deal with distribution deals with large console manufacturers like Sony and Microsoft, there's a lot of non-disclosure agreements and other legal red tape that they have to deal with.
From that, I speculated that console certification may be at fault, because the NDAs tend to prohibit disclosing that sort of thing, and I can't think of any other info that would harm them more by its disclosure than the continuing silence everyone (myself included) was complaining about. Now, I happen to actually believe that console certification is the problem, but I wish to clarify that I have absolutely no basis for this. I'm not objectively claiming it is so, I'm just saying that in my personal opinion, this is by far the most likely explanation.
I would like anyone to explain to me in a cogent manner why, as a pc gamer, I should care what console publishers want to do and this could be anything more then TTG shooting themselves in the foot signing this kind of contract. You don't need to port games to consoles to be successful, quite the contrary. JEBUS!
First of all, I agree completely with your sentiment. I've always resented the way some companies treat consoles like royalty, and the PC as an also-ran. I hate 50-60 degree FoVs. I hate sloppy mouse support. I hate the absence of advanced graphics options (actually, in TT-style games, that's less of an issue.) I hate the late releases (looking at you, Rockstar) and the complete absence of releases (goddamn you, Rockstar, I wanted to play Red Dead Redemption but I probably never will.) Brother, I feel your pain.
However, you asked for a cogent explanation, and here it is, in two parts:
1) TT does not want to be "successful." They want to extract as much money as possible from the game without ruining the experience for their customers, no matter which platform any specific customer may prefer. Some may argue that this delay has ruined the experience, but I think TT is more concerned with what the game's like when Ep 5 is done and released. Once that happens, our perfectly legitimate gripes about timelines are moot, and late adopters will have no idea what people were so upset about, because (I presume) the game will be grand and well-received. This isn't so much about success in the abstract, as it is with leaving dumptrucks full of money on the table while the console folks buy someone else's game.
2) Console manufacturers currently have absurd bargaining power. They're much more like feudal lords than corporations. Because they get to make up rules like "release on XBox before, or simultaneously with, all other platforms, or else you'll never be greenlit" developers sometimes have to choose between bending over, and scrapping the whole project due to poor revenue projections. The absurd power of the gatekeepers and the degree to which they exploit it, is the problem here, not one small company's inability to surmount this obstacle.
Some might say, there are plenty of PC exclusives that are wildly profitable. This is true, but most of them are original IP. The enormous value of the existing IP being licensed often compels a maximize-your-revenue-stream type of corporate sleaze, and while I'd much rather TT ditched these licenses for another season of Sam & Max, or a remade Day of the Tentacle, or something like that, they're clearly not going to.
No more episodic TTG games for me until all the content is released. You can get revenue on a per episode basis from your console customers since the console community is the player in your minds, TTG.
Ditto. I'm very unhappy with TT right now, but I believe they painted themselves into a nasty corner, not that they stopped caring about their customers. I'm going to be delaying my purchases if TT's going to agree to delay their games at Microsoft/Sony's arbitrary whim.*
I do not know for a fact that this is what's happening, I just suspect it so strongly that I'm not bothering to qualify my statements.
So if you have been following the release date discussions (more specifically the now closed thread) you will find one or two statements from … moreTTG that the episode had been finished back around late November but they couldn't release the PC version because console publishers tell TTG when its games will be released, whether its a console version or not. AUFKM!? Are you serious!?
This delay wasn't to add additional "polish" or to fix any "bugs". Ep2 has been sitting on the shelf with no meaningful work being done for months while TTG waits for its console masters to "release" their game because "[TTG] have no control over the release". I believe that as far as I can throw it. Not to mention, I DON'T PLAY ON A CONSOLE!
That's the part that really grinds my gears. Apparently everyone seemed to missed this. Why would TTG make itself beholden to console publishers to the detriment of its PC gaming consumers? Last time I checked, despite what… [view original content]
Lol.. My B-day is Feb 2.. Wouldn't that be nice..
Most likely
PC, PSN: Tuesday, Feb 4th
XBOX: Wednesday, Feb 5th
Whats the matter? Next week for sureeeeee!
I have to wait till the PSN release so I hope that is first week of Feb as well
We'll probably be getting it on Tuesday since PSN updates on Tuesdays. It's going to be awesome!
People were not unhappy about the delay. It was more of a matter of the lack of communication on Telltale's part.
I play on Steam, and use a corded Xbox controller.
they can't take 4 months and simply say "We didn't made any promises".
I see what they did there.
So Thursday or Friday of next week?
Please, let it be Monday !!! >_<
Thursday or Wednesday more likely
Does anyone know what the song is called in the new trailer? Sounds a lot like Massive Attack but I'm pretty sure it's something else.
Awesome trailer! Well done TT, stoked! Not much longer now
Took them long enough.
Awesome trailer! SO pumped for Ep 2.
And the infamous Coming Soon strikes once again.
And there it is: The famous "COMING SOON".
It's a very thinly veiled rip-off of "Angel" by Massive Attack. it isn't the actual song.
Was just on the fables wiki and it says that it will come out on february 4th for north america and february 5th for Europe. I am so excited to start playing again. Tuesday can not come soon enough.
if that's true then PC&PSN on Tuesday and Xbox&EU on Wednesday
That's a Cool Story, Bro.
You know the funny thing about a wiki? Anyone can edit it.
Telltale hasn't said anything except 'first week of February.' Whatever the Fables wiki says, whatever exact dates it gives, the first week of February is what the only trustworthy source is saying.
Don't have your hopes up guys, it will be released in March...
OMG loveeeeeeee the trailerrrrr!!!!!! I'm actually hoping that we get it sooner than February 4th or 5th. Last time a TWUA trailer came out for episode one, the game came out two days later, or something like that. I would love it if the same thing happened with this episode too!!
Super soon!
If you can be a bit more coherent so I understand what you're talking about, then yes, do go on.
...oh yeah...they already have my money...
haha funny comedian
song called" coming soon" hehe
Just curious, did any of The Walking Dead episodes release on a Friday for the PC? I didn't follow the game as closely as I should have. Reason I'm asking is there might be a slim chance it could be available on the PC tomorrow.
Oh and folks, you'll probably hate me for this, but remember that you raged about release dates, complained not buying more, only for things to be much happier now.
That way, when I or someone else says that it's always the same with the complaining and things'll be okay at release, we do actually have something to back our statements up with.
(Of course, I mean this more jokingly than anything else. I just find it amusing is all. Though the complaints were definitely warranted this time, so I don't begrudge anyone the complaints.
But just remember for next time, when there's a usual 1 - 2 month wait! The Walking Dead folks are already starting and it's only been a month.
The TWD PC episodes usually released on the same day as the first console version (Xbox or PS3).
That means it was either a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
According to Game Informer it's coming next week. So first week of Feb sounds right. Want to elaborate even more Telltale? Game Informer
Cheers. I'd say Tuesday is likely, based on that, personally. Mostly using The Walking Dead as a reference point.
@ jhopwood1222 - Its coming out on the same day in Europe and North America for PC. I dont care about Xbox and PS3 very much. ^^
+1 thankyou indeed for the update kevin
Might be partly my fault. Moderators here have confirmed that TT has had to deal with more restrictive NDAs than they are used to. I'm not sure how to link to specific posts, so I'll just excerpt the part I'm referring to:
From that, I speculated that console certification may be at fault, because the NDAs tend to prohibit disclosing that sort of thing, and I can't think of any other info that would harm them more by its disclosure than the continuing silence everyone (myself included) was complaining about. Now, I happen to actually believe that console certification is the problem, but I wish to clarify that I have absolutely no basis for this. I'm not objectively claiming it is so, I'm just saying that in my personal opinion, this is by far the most likely explanation.
First of all, I agree completely with your sentiment. I've always resented the way some companies treat consoles like royalty, and the PC as an also-ran. I hate 50-60 degree FoVs. I hate sloppy mouse support. I hate the absence of advanced graphics options (actually, in TT-style games, that's less of an issue.) I hate the late releases (looking at you, Rockstar) and the complete absence of releases (goddamn you, Rockstar, I wanted to play Red Dead Redemption but I probably never will.) Brother, I feel your pain.
However, you asked for a cogent explanation, and here it is, in two parts:
1) TT does not want to be "successful." They want to extract as much money as possible from the game without ruining the experience for their customers, no matter which platform any specific customer may prefer. Some may argue that this delay has ruined the experience, but I think TT is more concerned with what the game's like when Ep 5 is done and released. Once that happens, our perfectly legitimate gripes about timelines are moot, and late adopters will have no idea what people were so upset about, because (I presume) the game will be grand and well-received. This isn't so much about success in the abstract, as it is with leaving dumptrucks full of money on the table while the console folks buy someone else's game.
2) Console manufacturers currently have absurd bargaining power. They're much more like feudal lords than corporations. Because they get to make up rules like "release on XBox before, or simultaneously with, all other platforms, or else you'll never be greenlit" developers sometimes have to choose between bending over, and scrapping the whole project due to poor revenue projections. The absurd power of the gatekeepers and the degree to which they exploit it, is the problem here, not one small company's inability to surmount this obstacle.
Some might say, there are plenty of PC exclusives that are wildly profitable. This is true, but most of them are original IP. The enormous value of the existing IP being licensed often compels a maximize-your-revenue-stream type of corporate sleaze, and while I'd much rather TT ditched these licenses for another season of Sam & Max, or a remade Day of the Tentacle, or something like that, they're clearly not going to.
Ditto. I'm very unhappy with TT right now, but I believe they painted themselves into a nasty corner, not that they stopped caring about their customers. I'm going to be delaying my purchases if TT's going to agree to delay their games at Microsoft/Sony's arbitrary whim.*